Nuclear Nefariousness

The main powers of the world – by deciding who enters and who doesn’t join the ‘nuclear club’ – have been able to maintain their control of the masses that bit more effectively by keeping the world firmly under the mushroom-like umbrella of an ominous nuclear threat.

There are two main reactions at the atomic or molecular level. One is called fusion and it is the exact same process that is found in nature whereby the star in our Solar System, the Sun turns hydrogen into helium by nuclear fusion and joins two atomic nuclei to make one larger one. Fission on the other hand is the process of splitting an atom’s nucleus. This is the process used at nuclear power stations, where a neutron collides with a uranium atom and splits it, releasing energy in the form of heat and dangerously, poisonous radiation [Chernobyl, Ukraine 1986 and Fukushima, Japan 2011].

These two nuclear processes use the binding energy of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms to release an enormous amount of energy. Fission splits unstable nucleuses into two smaller lighter nuclei; whereas fusion reactions through the same colliding method, combine two lighter nuclei into a heavier, stable nucleus – as in replication of the Sun. The energy released by fission in nuclear power plants heats water into steam. The steam is then used to spin turbines to then produce carbon-free, yet radiation emitting electricity. 

A comparison could be drawn with the two flows of electricity, alternating and direct current, the former has a wider application, is more convenient and is cheaper, though superficially perceived as dangerous because at lower levels, the voltage peaks of alternating current can injure or kill more readily compared to the same level of direct current. The reality though is that past a certain point both AC and DC will be lethal.

Anders Bjorkman – emphasis & bold his:

Fission occurs, when the core of an atom A (e.g. Uranium 235) absorbs a free neutron n under controlled conditions, so A splits into two smaller atoms B and C that fly apart and releases two free neutrons n, energy/heat E and radiation R (light at different wave lengthes/frequencies) per formula: 

A + n = B + C + 2n + E + R … (1) 

The strong forces keeping the protons and neutrons of atom A together disappear producing heat E and radiation R, while the two new, free neutrons n have problems finding other atoms A to continue fission. If a free neutron n is not absorbed by another atom A, it dies after ten minutes or becomes a proton and an electron and a meson [of no danger]. The free neutrons n may produce more fission, but only due to moderation (slowing down!) inside a peaceful nuclear power plant/reactor (or a laboratory). The heat warms the water and the radiation R is damped by the water and the enclosure of the power plant. Easy to show at any nuclear power plant.

This fission has since been studied in laboratories for years and is described in peer reviewed papers. It takes place in nano-scale – the atoms A cores are very, very small and the neutrons n are even smaller and are very very fast – fission takes a nano-second – and can be done by moderation in nuclear power plants and laboratories.’

An atomic bomb [A-bomb] is described as a fission device, while a hydrogen [thermonuclear] bomb is described as using the fission process to power a fusion reaction. Thus, an atomic bomb is used as a trigger for a far more theoretically explosive hydrogen bomb.

Thought Co:

‘The word “atomic” isn’t strictly accurate since it’s just the nucleus of the atom that is involved in fission (its protons and neutrons), rather than the entire atom or its electrons. A material capable of fission (fissile material) is given supercritical mass, while is the point at which fission occurs. This can be achieved by either compressing sub-critical material using explosives or by shooting one part of a sub-critical mass into another one. The fissile material is enriched uranium or plutonium. The energy output of the reaction can range to the equivalent of about a ton of the explosive TNT up to 500 kilotons of TNT [one Kiloton equalling 1000 tons of TNT] . The bomb also releases radioactive fission fragments, which result from the heavy nuclei breaking into smaller ones. Nuclear fallout mainly consists of fission fragments.

A hydrogen bomb or H-bomb is a type of nuclear weapon that explodes from the… fusion of isotopes of hydrogen-deuterium and tritium. A neutron bomb, like a hydrogen bomb, is a thermonuclear weapon. The explosion from a neutron bomb is relatively small, but a large number of neutrons are released. While living organisms are killed by this type of device, less fallout is produced and physical structures are more likely to remain intact.’

A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system drives through Red Square in Moscow, on May 7, 2015 during Victory Day parade rehearsals

Nuclear fission was discovered in Hitler’s Germany in 1938. It is incongruous that Germany in 7 years could not do what the American’s accomplished in 3 years during the Manhattan Project from 1942 to 1945. Yet it is well documented, that both jet engine technology and rocket development in Germany were ahead of the allies.

Investigative research is advised as to whether nuclear fission is actually possible past the nuclear reactor stage and process, or if it really can be translated to the making of, let alone the use of a device such as a nuclear warhead. The process of nuclear fission just at the reactor level is dangerous. Has no one questioned how this can be done at a more concentrated level? An honest appraisal from a nuclear physicist though hugely beneficial, may never be made publicly, if ever at all.

A few points to ponder: 

The aerial photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki show certain buildings still standing here and there; particularly those of historic value or importance invariably constructed of concrete and steel. Only the wooden and paper houses have ‘vaporised.’ The residue of these cities is indicative of napalm carpet bombing and not the evidence of an apparent atomic bomb explosion that would literally raze everything and we mean, everything to the ground. 

It is reported that the ‘Little Boy’ bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and the ‘Fat Man’ bomb used on Nagasaki three days later, killed at the time of explosions and over ensuing months some 210,000 people. 

‘Little Boy’ replica 1/12 model, sold online for $79.99

Yet the greater explosive power of the Nagasaki bomb [21 kt] killed far less people, some 70,000 people out of approximately 200,000 inhabitants; compared to the explosion over Hiroshima [16 kt] with approximately 140,000 fatalities from a population of about 300,000 people.

The figures don’t add up if atomic weapons were used, nor if the second device was more potent.

It is puzzling – even though supposedly smaller bombs than by todays standards were used – why statistics are hard to come by for those Japanese from these cities who were affected belatedly with radiation and cancer. Also, at the time of the event, why were there not many more initially affected? Would it not have been the vast majority of those impacted? Why do photo’s in the aftermath of the cities bombing, show people walking through the dangerous radioactive debris? Why too, were these two cities not cordoned off for decades or permanently, due to radiation levels? 

All 47,000 inhabitants of Pripyat were evacuated 36 hours after the accident, with an exclusion zone of 6.2 miles – that is still maintained 36 years later. ‘According to a 2001 study in Biological Conservation, Chernobyl-caused genetic mutations in plants and animals increased by a factor of 20.’

Whereas Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not evacuated – not even before the event, when the USA warned Japan they were going to drop bombs. Nagasaki was rebuilt beginning as early as 1946 and Hiroshima in 1949. Though the disasters of these cities purportedly produced less radiation than Chernobyl’s two explosions, due to being detonated some 600 meters in the air as opposed into the ground; should the explosions be fact and not falsified, the deadly residue remains, as the half-life of U-235 [Uranium] used in the Hiroshima atomic bomb is a staggering 700 million years and the half-life for the Pu-239 [Plutonium] used in the Nagasaki bomb is 24,000 years. 

They do not seem overly concerned by a radiation emitting explosion

Yet according to Colors New York and an article entitled: When did Nagasaki get rebuilt? 2020, it states:

‘The radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today is on a par with the extremely low levels of background radiation (natural radioactivity) present anywhere on Earth. It has no effect on human bodies.’ This may conveniently be the case presently and it could be wagered, that it was probably the exact same levels 75 years ago…

By comparison, the Chernobyl area is uninhabitable for 20,000 years.

They look very relaxed to be so near to a deadly radioactive area

It is interesting to note that the ‘plutonium core (implosion) bomb design was only tested… [just the] one time [the Trinity Test at Alamogordo, New Mexico 5.30 am July 16, 1945] before being used on Nagasaki. The uranium core (gun) bomb design was entirely untested when used on Hiroshima’ [as its] ‘design was considered to be [conveniently] so simple that the chance of malfunction was minimal and did not require testing [and] they [alarmingly] only had enough U235 for the one bomb…’

Anders Bjorkman – emphasis & bold his:

‘A fission bomb, otherwise known as a nuclear bomb or A-Bomb, is a fission reactor designed to liberate as much energy E and radiation R as rapidly as possible to kill civilian people (!) in a nano-second, before the released energy causes the reactor and content to melt and the chain reaction to stop

The fission bomb kills innocent civilians, we are told, because the two (or three), free neutrons n immediately, in no time, are absorbed by two or three other atoms A as per (1) producing four or six more atom splits, + more free neutrons n, etc, etc, producing billions of atom splits and new atoms B and C flying around during a nano-second releasing plenty [of] energy/heat E and radiation R = an atomic bomb explosion, FLASHradiation, shock, heat wave, mushroom cloud [and] killing civilians. 

This – killing people – [by] military [use of] nuclear physics is however [a lie]… There is no evidence that it works and exists. It cannot be and has never been tested in a laboratory of course. A mass of atoms that fissions melts at once [equals] no explosion. There are no peer reviewed scientific papers about it anywhere.’

A different sources corroborates with: “There is no evidence that mechanical compression of two pieces of pure Uranium or plutonium metal assisted by a mysterious ‘initiator’ will suddenly start a fission chain reaction that cannot be controlled.”

‘It is simple! Nuclear weapons cannot explode and Japan and [the] USA [have kept] it secret by law since 1945! No military commander or political dictator can push a button, drop a nuclear bomb or launch a nuclear missile to wipe out an enemy.

Fission can only be used in nuclear power plants/reactors and similar under controlled non-explosive conditions, e.g. by cooling it down using water. Explosive, military FLASH fission on the other hand is just propaganda since August 1945.’

There is something not right about this photo

There are numerous old and recent descriptions of the falsifications surrounding the 1945 Atomic bombs. Dr. Michael Palmer, MD, in his book entitled:

We breathed the Gases when the Atom Bomb fell – The evidence that the nuclear bombings were faked with naplam and mustard gas,

reveals how United States authorities faked the medical records in Japan to support the 1945 manipulations. Japanese civilians, died of napalm fire bombings and mustard gas injuries. Nobody died of radiation. United States forces spread nuclear waste on Hiroshima and Nagasaki later so that radiation levels could be detected and recorded. Nuclear radiation is actually harmless. It is very easy to detect by Geiger meters and cannot harm anything. What is dangerous, are the uranium and plutonium metal dust particles in the atmosphere or water which are highly toxic and poisonous.

The mushroom cloud is a phenomena, associated with any large detonation and not unique to a supposed nuclear blast.

A well known online Encyclopeadia – emphasis & bold mine:

‘A mushroom cloud is a distinctive mushroom-shaped flammagenitus cloud of debris, smoke and usually condensed water vapor resulting from a large explosion. The effect is most commonly associated with a nuclear explosion,but any sufficiently energetic detonation or deflagration will produce the same effect. They can be caused by powerful conventional weapons, like thermobaric weapons including the ATBIP and GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Blast. Some volcanic eruptions and impact events can produce natural mushroom clouds.’

There is definitely something wrong with this photo

The original Fat Man bomb – the handwriting on the tail fin was signed by the crew that put it together. Messages included: “A second kiss for Hirohito!” and “Here’s to you!” On its nose it had stencilled, the acronym JANCFU, purportedly meaning, the cryptic and suspicious: Joint Army-Navy-Civilian F*** Up.

The Big Lie technique has certainly been used to enormous effect. The expression was coined by none other than Adolf Hitler in his 1925 book Mien Kampf. It was Joseph Goebbels who is credited with the following quote and though often quoted, no primary source is ever given; with Randall Bytwerk casting serious doubt that Goebbels ever said it.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

The irony is that it is claimed this quote was in response to the English and their characteristic penchant to ‘lie big’.

In 1941 Joseph Goebbels said: “The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”

‘Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a licensed clinical psychologist and professor of psychology who is an expert on narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic abuse says that: “Repetition is important, because the Big Lie works through indoctrination. The Big Lie then becomes its own evidence base – if it is repeated enough, people believe it, and the very repetition almost tautologically [needlessly repetitive without adding information or clarity] becomes the support for the Lie… Hear something enough it becomes truth. People assume there is an evidence base when the lie is big (it’s like a blind spot)… 

(People also fail to realize) that there are people in our midst that lack empathy, have no care for the common good, are grandiose, arrogant, and willing to exploit and manipulate people for solely their own egocentric needs. … (Instead) a sort of halo effect imbues leaders [politicians, scientists] with presumed expertise and power – when that is not at all the case…”‘

One wonders what the Arab nations that surround the state of Israel will think, when they realise that Israel does not have any nuclear missiles and rather like the unmasking of the Wizard of Oz, loses its cloak of invincibility. It is with a certain level of confidence that this writer does not expect to see any current or future war waged with nuclear warheads. All future conflagrations will be fought with conventional weapons. Which means a Third World War is more likely than most people realise.

What is alarming and aside from biological-chemical weapons are the new generation of weapons such as directed free energy laser and microwave technology and the artificial intelligence and robotic weaponry that will produce hardware such as planes and tanks that are pilot and driverless, assassin capable micro-robots and elite AI soldiers that are tantamount to relentless and unstoppable killing machines in the vein of the terminator.

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