Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

The expression seventh son of a seventh son, while not original to them, was popularised and brought to wider attention by the hugely successful and well known hard rock/metal band, Iron Maiden. It was both a song and title of an acclaimed seventh album and considered by many fans as one of their best loved albums alongside classics, The Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind and Powerslave. One wonders why the song is listed as track number five out of eight and wasn’t placed at number seven?

The inspiration for this article came from a question asked of me: “Who are some famous seventh sons, specifically the seventh son of the seventh son?” As this is a topic I have thought about during my research on the Israelite tribes, I was curious to discover more. 

Online comment: “Yes, there have been documented instances of men being the seventh son of a seventh son. In some cultures and folklore, being the seventh son of a seventh son is believed to bestow special powers or abilities. This belief is particularly strong in Irish and Scottish folklore, where the seventh son of a seventh son is thought to have healing powers or be a natural-born healer. While there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs, the idea has been a recurring theme in literature and folklore.”

We shall return to the subject introduced in the third sentence, as there is a fascinating and non-coincidental correlation between a seventh son and the paternal ancestors of both the Irish and Scottish. 

Dom Lawson for Metal Hammer magazine, describes how Iron Maiden came to write their ‘epic [1988] concept album… [which] took them to heavy metal immortality.’ Lawson: ‘… famous British ‘psychic’ Doris Stokes… death in May 1987 proved to be the unlikely starting point for Maiden’s seventh and most impactful album yet. “I just had a thought: ‘I wonder if she could foresee her own death?’” stated Steve Harris… “Who knows? So I started off with that sort of idea. 

I wrote The Clairvoyant and then went to Bruce with it and basically he said, ‘Yeah, it’s a great idea!’ I started then having an idea for a song, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, because supposedly if you were born the seventh son of a seventh son you had the powers of a clairvoyant. So I had those two ideas and Bruce went, ‘You know what? We should do a concept album about this…’” 

The Lyrics minus the chorus, for Seventh Son of a Seventh Son:

Here they stand, brothers them all

All the sons, divided they’d fall

Here await the birth of the son

The seventh, the heavenly, the chosen one

Here, the birth from an unbroken line

Born the healer, the seventh, his time

Unknowingly blessed and as his life unfolds

Slowly unveiling the power he holds


Then they watch the progress he makes

The Good and the Evil, which path will he take?

Both of them trying to manipulate

The use of his powers before it’s too late


Today is born the seventh one

Born of woman, the seventh son

And he in turn of a seventh son

He has the power to heal

He has the gift of the second sight

He is the chosen one

So it shall be written

So it shall be done

Two points raised are that a seventh son of a seventh son possesses healing powers as well as clairvoyant ability. A clairvoyant is defined as ‘having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision.’ Which is subtly different from having second sight as mentioned in the the song. For second sight is ‘the supposed ability to perceive future or distant events.’

Barry Rountree provides invaluable information from a nineteenth century source, Notes and Queries

‘F. C. Birkbeck Terry posted the following question in the September 12 1885 issue: Seventh Son Superstition – Belief in the power of a seventh son to heal diseases is no doubt of considerable antiquity, but I do not remember to have seen it referred to in our dramatic literature, though probably there are several references besides the one here quoted: 

“Whether my cure be perfect yet or no, It lies not in my doctor-ship to know. Your approbation may more raise the man, Then all the Colledge of physitians can; And more health from your faire hands may be wonne, Then by the stroekings of the seaventh sonne.” B. Brome, The Antipodes, the Epilogue, 1640. 

‘This passage evidently has reference to the cure of the king’s evil. This belief seems still to prevail in Stornoway [Isle of Lewis, Scotland]… Folk-lore Journal, volume i. pages 59, 60… 397. At page 31 of volume ii is the following passage: “The power of the seventh son of a seventh son is very interesting to us, as being quoted by Cornelius a Lapide as existing in Flanders in his day, some two hundred years ago.” … Folk-Medicine, by Mr. W. G. Black (Folk-lore Society).’ 

‘The several replies to this query were published in the December 19 1885 issue. One of the more fascinating responses quotes a text from 1660 as follows: 

“It is manifest, by experience, that the seventh male child, by just order (never a girle or wench being born between) doth heal only with touching (through a natural gift) the king’s evil.” 

‘The King’s evil is… Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis, otherwise known as scrofula.’ 

Scrofula ‘refers to a lymphadenitis of the cervical lymph nodes associated with tuberculosis as well as nontuberculous mycobacteria. The second part of the quote above, ends as “… which is a special gift of God, given to kings and queens, as daily experience doth witnesse.” It was written by Thomas Lupton, in the second edition of his book, A Thousand Notable Things in 1660.

John Huculiak adds: ‘The Seventh child of the Seventh child are called a “Luck Child”. They are an auspicious sign for the frontier family, and the lore stems from the sixteenth century, where there were written records of curing the “King’s Evil”. If you simply look at it from a practical standpoint, this feat shows abundance, “healthy” stock, and many hands for working, thus bringing in [and] turning out more. When so many children could survive and thrive in one family; other families believed that it was supernaturally-influenced, and maybe it was… 

The seventh daughter to the seventh daughter is gifted with “second sight” as known as the gift of prophesy. A seventh son is gifted with healing ability and/or a green thumb for Life. Now, not every culture saw the seventh child of the seventh child as a blessed; some attributed that they would suck the Life from the mother, even turn into a vampire (Romanian lore). There really is not much else recorded about the Seventh child of the Seventh child until the 1960’s where the New Age took the idea and ran amok with the concept.’ 

According to Huculiak, a seventh child of a seventh child is a lucky child. Though it is not clear whether for good or bad luck. Also, he makes an important distinction between a male having the gift of healing; whereas a female possessing the prophetic gift of second sight. This belief in a daughter’s gift of prophetic vision is held in Scotland.

It is worth noting that ‘in many cases seventh sons (who are not born to a seventh son) are also said to have supernatural or healing abilities.’ Online Encyclopaedia: ‘To qualify as “the seventh son of a seventh son” one must be the seventh male child born in an unbroken line with no female siblings born between, and to a father who himself is the seventh male child born in an unbroken line with no female siblings born between. The number seven has a long history of mystical and biblical significance…’ of which we will investigate. 

Regional variations of the folklore surrounding special powers of a seventh son include the following. 

Encyclopaedia: ‘In Italian legend, “Ciarallo” was a seventh son of a seventh son who had the power to enchant and recall snakes, and who was immune to snake venom. Ciarallo was not only a seventh son, but underwent a special initiation rite called “inciaramazione“. Customarily, one would ask Ciarallo’s intercession when a snake was discovered in the house. Ciarallo would answer these requests by attracting the snake with a whistle. He would also perform the inciaramazione rite on other people to ensure protection from snakes by spreading a special oil on their arm. Children were led to Ciarallo by their mothers to get protection. 

In some Latin American countries [specifically Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil], the seventh son of a seventh son is believed to be cursed to be a werewolf, lobizón, Luison (in Paraguay) or lobisomem (the Portuguese word for “werewolf”). To prevent this, the newborn should be baptized in seven different churches. Alternately, he may be baptized under the name Benito, with his eldest brother (the eldest son of their father) as his godfather. The local myth of the lobizón is not connected to the custom*… by which every seventh son (or seventh daughter) born in Argentina to “legitimately married parents of good conduct and moral character” is eligible to become godchild to the president.’

The Legendary Powers of a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Wu Mingren, 2019: 

‘In 1907, [a]… custom* about the seventh son was created. According to this custom, which originated in Germany, the reigning prince would be the sponsor to a seventh son of any of his subjects. When Enrique Brost and Apolonia Holmann, who were Volga Germans from south eastern Russia, immigrated to Argentina in the early 1900s, they brought the custom along. They requested the then Argentinian president, Jose Figueroa Alcorta, be their seventh son’s godfather. The president agreed to their request and this tradition has been kept till today. In 2014, Yair Tawil, a seventh son, became the godson of Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.’

Yair Tawil, the seventh son, front left, becomes the godson of Argentinian president Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, front right

In a similar vein to the Argentinian custom, albeit a rather complicated political issue, is the 2010 article in The German Way & More, which refers to an article entitled, Unlucky number seven causes headache for German President, where it states: ‘Thanks to a law made in 1949, German families may request that the German President act as godfather to their seventh child, in the event that one is born. President Christian Wulff was called upon to fulfill this role to a family in the northeastern federal state of… Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. What may seem at first glance as a run of the mill duty of a figure head became a loaded decision. Apparently, the family in question has close links to Germany’s far-right National Democratic Party… [with] neo-Nazi leanings… as German President, it is more of an honorary vs. hands-on role to be godfather… Wulff’s decision has been highly criticized by local politicians… They voiced that he ought to have condemned the family’s political standpoint and activities and instead have given them a leg up in their political aspirations by association… Wulff… states that this decision is about the child and not about its parents. In fact, to deny the child’s legal right to have the German President as his godfather… would in fact be taking a fascist stance.’ 

Wu Mingren: ‘The myth of the luison originates with the Guarani, an indigenous group of people from Paraguay. In Guarani mythology, the luison was the seventh and youngest offspring of Tau, an evil spirit, and Kerana, a mortal woman. In the original story, the luison is said to be the God of Death and had a horrendous figure. His face was long and pale, and much of his body was covered with long dirty hair. He also had frightening eyes and the stench of death and decay around him. It was perhaps interaction with European colonists that transformed this myth overtime, as the luizon changed from a God of Death into a werewolf.’

‘It is believed that on the night of a full moon, especially if it fell on a Friday, the seventh son in a family of all boys, after he reached the age of 13, would transform into the luison. Like the European werewolf, the luison would terrorize the night by hunting and killing, and spread its curse through its bite.’

Encyclopaedia: ‘Raymond T. McNally and Radu Florescu describe the Transylvanian folk belief that “the seventh son of a seventh son is doomed to become a vampire.” 

According to Edward Augustus Kendall in Travels through the Northern Parts of the United States, in the year 1807-1808, while he visited the Newgate copper mine and prison, he met an innkeeper who told him that “there was to be found in the surrounding hills, a black stone, of a certain species, through which a seventh son of a seventh son, born in the month of February, with a caul on his head, can discern everything that lies in the depths and interior of the globe.” The author speculated that the importance of mining to the community gave rise to the localized belief.’ 

The tradition that a seventh son had the power to cure the king’s evil was also believed in France. ‘He was called a “Marcou” and branded with a fleur-de-lis. The Marcou breathed on the part affected, or else the patient touched the Marcou’s fleur-de-lis.’

Encyclopaedia: ‘In Lancashire and particularly in Blackburn there was, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a tradition of calling seventh sons of seventh sons (and seventh sons) ‘Doctor’ (forename) because of their supposed abilities as healers.’ 

The Diary of Walter Yonge 1604-1628, published by the Camden Society in 1847 and edited by G Roberts, says regarding a false claim: “In January, 1606-7, it is reported from London by credible letters, that a child being the seventh son of his mother, and no woman child born between, healeth deaf, blind, and lame; but the parents of the child are popish, as so many say as are healed by it. The Bishop of London, Doctor Vaughan, caused divers [people] to be brought to the child as aforesaid, who said a short prayer as [he] imposed his hands upon, as ’tis said he did unto others; but no miracle followeth any, so that it appeareth to be a plain lie invented to win grace to the popish faction.” 

Another contributor to Notes & Queries in the June 12, 1852 issue observed: “In Saltash Street, Plymouth [England], my friend copied, on the 10th December, 1851, the following inscription on a board, indicating the profession and claims of the inhabitant: ‘A. Shepherd, the third seventh daughter, Doctress.’” 

This is an amazing advertisement of a woman born as a seventh daughter of not just the second but the third generation. Here we have an example of a a female who had healing powers and not just an exclusivity of a male. This isn’t a surprise as ‘there was a general belief in Britain that the seventh son of a seventh son was destined to be a physician and would have an intuitive knowledge of the art of healing, often curing a patient simply by touching an afflicted part. This belief also extended to the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter’ according to one source.

Domestic Annals of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution, Robert Chambers, 1858, states that in February 1682, Hugh McGie “… gave in a bill to the Privy Council, representing that, by the practice of other nations, any tradesman having seven sons together, without the intervention of a daughter, is declared free of all public burdens and taxes, and has other encouragements bestowed on him, to enable him to bring up the said children for the use and benefit of the commonwealth; and claiming a similar privilege on the strength of his having that qualification. The Council recommended the magistrates [of Edinburgh] to take Hugh’s seven sons into consideration when they laid their ‘stents’ (trade taxes) upon him.” 

It is in Ireland, where the seventh son of a seventh son was believed to be gifted as a healer and was attached to a general phenomenon known as ‘the “cure” (sometimes also called the “charm”). Belief in the efficacy of seventh son healers and other folklore related to healing persisted to the 20th century in parts of Ireland.’ Even the saliva of a seventh son was said to have healing properties. 

A tradition in Donegal, Ireland claims that the healing powers of a seventh son ‘required a special ceremony at the moment of the infant’s birth. The woman who received the child in her arms [would] place in its hand whatever substance she decided that he should use to heal in later life. This substance could be metal (e.g., a silver coin) or a common substance like salt, or even hair’ so that ‘when the child was old enough, it would rub the substance and the patient would apply it to an afflicted part for healing purposes. There was also an Irish tradition similar to the Scottish belief that a seventh son of a seventh son possessed prophetic as well as healing powers.’ 

Astonishingly, the belief in these abilities is acknowledged in recent times. Two examples of healing of this kind, include Irishmen Danny Gallagher and Finbarr Nolan. They are called touch healers. Both men ‘recommend a sequence of two or three visits for maximum healing’ and are ‘credited with remarkable cures.’ Gallagher also “blesses” soil that is then mixed with water, before being applied to the afflicted area of a patient. Meanwhile Gallagher is ‘reported to have restored the sight of a woman blind for twenty-two years, and Nolan claim[ed] to have successfully healed injured race horses as well as human beings.’ We shall return to these two men and investigate their gifts more fully. 

Occult World, based on The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1989, 1999, 2008:

‘Seven is the most mystical and magical of numbers. Since the middle Ages, the seventh son of a seventh son is supposed to have formidable magical and healing powers: He is clairvoyant and can see Demons and witches that no one else can see. He is capable of casting powerful spells, and he possesses the ability to heal by a laying on of hands. The Pennsylvania Dutch hold in high regard the seventh son of a seventh son who is born into a family of witches, for his spells are considered more powerful than those of other witches and more difficult to break. The seventh daughter of a seventh daughter or a seventh son is supposed to be born with the powers of a witch, but with no connection to the devil. She can foretell the future and can heal the sick.’

This raises a a number of salient points. We will study the number seven shortly. Magical powers are a step up from clairvoyance and healing capabilities. Perceiving demons and casting spells embrace the domain of evil and are not sourced from a Divine inspiration. 

While laying of hands on the sick and anointing with oil is a ritual of a true believer, it can also be mimicked by a wicked spirit acting through a human instrument – Acts 28:8, James 5:14, Acts 8:9-11, 18-23. One could readily believe a seventh child of a seventh child born into a family with a legacy of witchcraft, would have special magical powers beyond an ordinary witch. Just as the Paraguayan luison was the seventh and youngest offspring born of an evil spirit and a human woman and formerly described as a God of Death, yet latterly as a werewolf. 

A concerning anonymous online comment regarding the dark side of being simply a seventh child, written January 6, 2017: 

“I am the seventh son of my [ten] siblings. When I was born, just months later my mother got pregnant right then but the child died after [he was six] months old. According to the doctor, the child who was the 8th of my siblings was actually my twin but… destiny put a space for me to [be] born uncontested as the 7th son. I am… kind of different… it seems like I am not really human… when someone hurt[s] me… nature will revenge and hurt [them] back… I have a rare vision, my dreams often tell me what [will] happen tomorrow… When I… pray to God and talk to them I [can] feel I am so [close] to him. I could ask [for any] material thing and he [would] grant everything… 

I am still [continuously] discovering myself because it seems like I am owned by someone. If I fall in love [with] anyone, they would be driven away from me. I am good looking, and charming but it seems like I am not lovable… very few [become] my girlfriend… seems like… destiny does not want me to be owned by anyone because I am… already owned by [the] unknown. I feel like a super cudgel or a stick of an immortal… being used… owned by a supernatural nature. Anyone who loved me would be blessed and anyone who hurt me would [suffer]… seems I could not see the answer of the questions [of] who really I am… not in the library and not in Scientific theories… now… what I know I am the seventh son.” 

Alison Laurie: ‘… 7 years old [is] regarded as [t]he age of reason, when an infant [becomes] a child, and [can] work, or later, the school age (still is in Scandinavia). Fourteen was the church confirmation age, and still is, it was also the school leaving age in some places. And 21 was/is the coming of age, with parties and celebrations, it was the age you could vote (now lowered to 18), and drink alcohol (also now lowered). But interesting – 7, 14, 21. All significant. And lifespan, in the bible, is 3 score and 10 = 70.’

Mingren: ‘Seven seems to be a magical number in many cultures, and is often imbued with mystical and religious attributes. In the Abrahamic faiths, for instance, it is believed that God created the world in seven days [rather, epochs], while in Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters who were the companions of the goddess Artemis [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega, Articles: taurus ac solis cultus and Lilith].’ 

In the Greek myth of the Pleiades, a group of seven sisters were transformed into a cluster of stars

‘Other groups of seven include the Seven Wonders of the World, the Seven Sages of Greece, and the Shichi Fukujin (Seven Gods of Fortune) of Japanese mythology. In folklore, seven also has a special role in the order of birth.’ 

The number seven in numerology is equated with the intellect; inner wisdom; the metaphysical and occult mysteries; and a person led by this number is often a loner, eccentric, intuitive, private, skeptical and reserved. 

The Tarot card equivalent is interestingly, The Hermit [refer article: Thoth]. Sarah Regan: ‘While the archetype of the hermit can symbolize many things, spiritually it… [is] someone who withdraws a bit from society or cloisters themselves in order to study the spiritual mysteries.’

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Numerology, Kay Lagerquist & Lisa Lenard, 2004: 

‘The energy of the number 7 is… focussing inward… leaving the material world to turn to the world of spiritual understanding. The 7’s energy is spent on inner seeing… The 7 operates on a different wavelength than others… The 7 is often associated with magical powers… The number 7 is indivisible, and it represents the perfection of the God energy.

… the Mayans believed in a seven layered sky and that the number 7 was the number for orientation in space. In early Egypt it was believed that there were seven paths to heaven… seven heavenly cows, and Osiris, Egyptian god and judge of the dead, [led] his father through the seven halls of the netherworld [that is, hell].’

Jaliessa Sipress: ‘In numerology, the number 7 is a wild card, associated with unpredictable spiritual energy. Connected with the angelic realm and divine intervention, number 7 encourages you to try your luck and let the chips fall where they may.’ 

Kay Lagerquist: ‘Master Numbers indicate spiritual gifts that make them highly sensitive to intuition, extrasensory perception, and the world of higher guidance, including celestial beings, other life realities, and universal spiritual law.’ Number 77 is the master of spiritual energies. 

Tanya C Richardson: “Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence – divine guidance from angels and the universe.” Vanessa Hall: ‘The angel number 777 represents… spiritual awakening, divine intervention and in some cases, luck!’ Brett Larkin: ‘The number 7 is a highly mystic and spiritual number, so having it tripled makes 777 very powerful indeed… this number is… also connected to the magic of manifestation.’

In the Bible, the number seven signifies something finished, completed and perfected. Particularly in association with the Divine. The number seven in its singular form is mentioned 463 times in the King James Version of the Bible, with fascinatingly the most occurrences recorded 54 times each both in scripture’s first book Genesis and its last book, Revelation. If other variations of the word for seven, such as sevens, seventh and sevenfold are included, it brings the total to 591 times. 

The number seven is heavily rooted in the creation, where it is used seven times in describing the Eternal’s creative work; with seven days in each Moon cycle; a seven day weekly cycle; and the Sabbath on the Seventh day [Articles: The Calendar Conspiracy and The Sabbath Secrecy]. There are seven colours in the spectrum, seven notes on the musical scale and seven energy centres or chakras in the body.

There are numerous groups of sevens in the Bible. A few pertinent or interesting examples include the following according to Bible Study: 

  • The Bible, when it was originally canonized, was divided into seven major divisions. The total number of originally inspired books was forty-nine, or 7 x 7, demonstrating the absolute perfection of the Word of God. 
  • There are at least seven men in the Old Testament who are labeled “a man of God.” They are Moses (Joshua 14:6), David (2 Chronicles 8:14), Samuel (1 Samuel 9:6, 14), Shemaiah (1 Kings 12:22), Elijah (1 Kings 17:18), Elisha (2 Kings 5:8) and Igdaliah (Jeremiah 35:4). 
  • In the book of Revelation there are 7 churches as well as the same number of angels overseeing them. The book also contains seven seals, [seven] trumpet plagues, [and seven] thunders.
  • Jesus performed 7 miracles on God’s holy Sabbath Day… 1) Jesus healed the withered hand of a man attending synagogue services (Matthew 12:9). 2) At a Capernaum synagogue [Jesus cast] out an unclean spirit that possessed a man (Mark 1:21). 3) Right after the above miracle Jesus heals Peter’s wife’s mother of a fever (Mark 1:29). 4) A woman attending synagogue, who was made sick by a demon for eighteen years, is released from her bondage (Luke 13:11). 5) At a Pharisee’s house eating a meal with the host and several lawyers, Jesus heals a man with dropsy (Luke 14:2). 6) A man who is disabled and unable to walk is healed at the pool of Bethesda (John 5:8 – 9). 7) Jesus heals a man born blind at the pool of Siloam (John 9:14). 
  • There are seven annual Holy Days (holy periods) in the Bible… They are Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread (7 days), Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpet[s], the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles (7 days) and the Last Great Day. This cycle begins in the first month of the Hebrew calendar’s sacred year and completes in its seventh month. 
  • Jerusalem, historically, was a city believed to be built on 7 hills. These hills are Mount Scopus, Olivet, Corruption, Ophel, the original Mount Zion, the new Mount Zion, and the hill on which the Antonia Fortress was built. 

In the Book of Genesis we read about the family of Cain. After Cain had murdered his brother Abel and the Eternal banished him, Cain was ironically and cowardly concerned for his own life. The Eternal replies in Genesis 4:15, ESV: ‘… “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” The Hebrew word for sevenfold is H7659, shib’athayim and means: ‘seven times.’ It derives from H7651, sheba, which is the Hebrew word for the number seven. It is not given why God chose this number over other spiritually perfect numbers in the Bible, such as three times or ten times for instance. The number three signifying a decision or finality and the number ten, judgement. 

In the same chapter an important descendant of Cain, the evil Lamech is discussed [refer article: Na’amah]. Interestingly, Lamech was the seventh generation after Adam, just as righteous Enoch was, who descended from Seth. Genesis 4:23-24, ESV: ‘Lamech said to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. If Cain’s revenge is sevenfold, then Lamech’s is seventy-sevenfold.”’ 

Lamech met with the most unfortunate occurrence imaginable, in that it was he who inadvertently murdered Cain while out hunting. This happened in part because Lamech had poor eyesight and he had mistook Cain for an animal. In the aftermath and the ensuing melee, Lamech accidentally killed his own son, Tubal-Cain. The similarity of his name with Cain, an interesting coincidence. 

The Hebrew word for seventy is H7657, shib’iym, meaning: seventy. It derives from the word for seven, sheba. What is of note here, is that the Hebrew word used for sevenfold is not H7659, shib’athayim, but rather, H7651, sheba, which means seven. Yet this word can also mean: ‘sevens, seventh, seventeen, seventeenth’ and ‘seven times’ or ‘sevenfold.’

Why Lamech refers to seventy-seven times for his avenged life is not clear. The same way we do not know why the Eternal chose seven. That is, until we consider the root word for sheba, which is H7650, shaba. This word is key, for it means: ‘to swear, adjure, take an oath, to curse.’ It can also refer to the Eternal swearing by Himself. Thus in the context of Cain, the curse – not put upon Cain, but – on anyone who killed him, was to be sevenfold in severity. One could say Lamech paid an immediate price, in losing his third and perhaps youngest son and then later when his life was undeniably cut short in the global flood cataclysm. 

The curiosity surrounding the number seven doesn’t stop in chapter four and continues in the following chapter. In chapter five of the Book of Genesis, the descendants of Seth are listed. Here there is another Lamech, who happens to be the father of Noah. This Lamech was the ninth generation after Adam and his life too, was cut short by the flood. 

Genesis 5:30-31, ESV: ‘Lamech… after he fathered Noah… had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days of Lamech were 777 years, and he died.’ 

An angel number such as 777 is extremely rare in the scriptures. The only other one which I am aware, is 666 – Revelation 13:18 [Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod, XXII Alpha & Omega and article: Monoliths of the Nephilim].

A selection of people either claiming to be seventh sons of seventh sons or regarded as such, include the following individuals: 

Glen Travis Campbell: An American Country and Western singer was ‘born on April 22, 1936, in Billstown, a tiny community near Delight in Pike County, Arkansas, to John Wesley Campbell (a sharecropper) and Carrie Dell (née Stone) Campbell. Campbell was of Scottish descent and was the seventh son of 12 children. As a child he almost died from drowning. His family went to the Church of Christ, and Campbell’s brother Lindell became a Church of Christ minister. In 2011, Campbell said his mother was Irish; although his mother was born in the United States, her family had emigrated from County Tipperary’ in the Republic of Ireland. Campbell died August 8, 2017. 

Perry Como (1912-2001): Cheryl E Preston: ‘Singer Como [who was the seventh child of thirteen] discussed being a seventh son of a seventh son in interviews. He had two older sisters and only one older brother to survive until they were adults. He had three siblings who died in infancy and I assume they were boys. If the girls in Como’s family were the oldest and Perry the youngest, this would indeed qualify him for the honor with six brothers who preceded him. Some say his birth order is why he was so successful as an entertainer.’

Without further information, there is some doubt regarding Perry Como’s credentials and more so with Glen Campbell’s. They share a similar gift and career in the music industry. Como was of Italian descent, while Campbell had both Scottish and Irish ancestry. Campbell’s heritage is of particular interest and this aspect will be studied in more detail.

Ivor Verdun Powell: MBE (July 5, 1916 – November 6, 2012). Welsh football player and manager. He won eight caps for Wales. Powell was a seventh son of a seventh son, who said that “people used to keep pointing it out, but it didn’t mean a lot to me.” 

Leonard Ray Dawson (June 20, 1935 – August 24, 2022): American football quarterback who played in the NFL and the AFL for 19 seasons – primarily with the Kansas City Chiefs. Dawson quarterbacked the Kansa City Chiefs to a win in Super Bowl IV and is a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Dawson was the seventh son of a seventh son and ninth of eleven children overall. As Dawson was the ninth child, it indicates there were two females born before him. If the two females were born first, and then seven sons, he would qualify as a seventh son; provided his father also qualified by the same rule. Dawson had two children of his own.

Both Powell and Dawson – like Como and Campbell – share similar careers. In this case, in the world of sport and related team sports at that. These four men are not on record in exhibiting or speaking about any gifts of healing or clairvoyant abilities.

Archille Noé Baillargeon (February 13, 1889 – January 29, 1940): from Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada was the seventh son of a seventh son, being the eighth child of fourteen  siblings – with a sister and six brothers preceding him – and was credited with possessing extraordinary healing powers. Baillargeon had two children of his own. 

Baillargeon is described having a gift of healing, yet there is scant information about him, or regarding any additional abilities. It is the next two deceased men, in which we have considerably more information documenting preternatural behaviour. Both make fascinating reading and without a doubt, bear the expected hallmarks typified by a seventh son of a seventh son.

Abram George (1914/16 – ?): Mohawk faith healer from Akwesasne, New York. Darren Bonaparte – capitals his: ‘This young fellow garnered a lot of press in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s because of his abilities as a healer. The Massena Observer ran an article on February 17, 1927 under the headline INDIAN BOY IS CAUSE OF WORRY. The story dealt with the question of whether or not Indians lose their rights when buying a home off the reservation. The house in question was purchased for Abram George by his father, Mitchell. 

“In Batavia, there lives an 11-year-old St. Regis Indian boy named Abram George. The boy has built up a reputation as a healer and, incidentally, a small fortune. His father, Mitchell George, has purchased expensive automobiles for the lad and puts him up at the best hotels when traveling. Now, he wants to buy a home for the boy and he doesn’t want it on an Indian reservation. Through an attorney, he asked the assemblyman to ascertain whether an Indian would lose his tribal rights, ceded to him by state and federal governments, if he bought a home outside the reservation… 

Abram is credited not only with the ability to find bodies of drowned persons but with magical powers of healing and curing lameness. A St. Regis Indian, he formerly resided with his parents, nine brothers and two sisters between Hogansburg and St. Regis. He has been doing “private practice,” besides visiting the fairs in the fall.” 

‘… March 10, 1927, the Massena Observer… “There is nothing boyish about the little red doctor… Years of traveling around the country and being held up as a supernatural being have given him a reticent manner and a countenance as solemn as that of Jiddu Krishnamurti, the much heralded ‘New Messiah,’ who recently came to this country from the Far East. He is a husky little chap of 12 years with the true bronze skin of his race and tousled shock of straight, black hair. He has unusually large jet black eyes that have a lustrous quality and intensity that command immediate attention [Article: Are you an Old Soul. with a Young Heart]… He never questions his father’s orders and goes about his business with the matter of fact air of a practitioner…” The article goes on to suggest that his healing power stems more from the faith of those being healed than in the boy himself, who understands English but doesn’t speak it.’

“…While the powers claimed for the boy are explained by his father only in the statement that he is the seventh son of a seventh son, it is believed that this belief must be one of the Iroquois tribe or perhaps some clan of which the Georges are [members].  Seneca Indians on the Tonawanda reservation say they have never heard of such an Indian legend until the coming of the George family to Batavia. There is the belief that the seventh son of a seventh son is favored by luck, but as far as can be learned it is the first time that anyone has come forth with a statement that Indians thus endowed have a magic healing power…” 

The article goes on to describe one Laverne Ellis, a Batavia boy who suffered from an attack of infantile paralysis that shrank his arms and legs and left him in a wheelchair. Abram George healed him of his afflictions, prompting his mother to declare the young healer “worth his weight in gold.” 

“… Abraham never speaks from the time he enters the home of a patient until he leaves – a nod or shake of his head or a smile being his only response to questions asked of him as he massages the atrophied limbs and twisted body parts of his patient.” 

‘The Massena Observer ran another article about Abram George on March 20, 1930 under the headline, INDIAN HEALER RETURNS HOME… Like a medicine man, whose descendant he is said to be, the youth is revered… among the members of the St. Regis tribe for it was among them that the curative powers of the touch of his hands were first brought to light. Just at what time this seeming power was discovered is not known. In recent years he startled thousands with his apparent miracles. 

Two years ago, when he was 14 years of age, accounts of a demonstration given by the boy at Rochester, swept through pages of newspapers and magazines. At that time, before a gathering of thousands of people, the boy is said to have given the healing touch to 75 people and was eagerly pressed for assistance by others who sought the touch of his hand. Again, while he was at Batavia near Tonawanda reservation, hundreds of letters came to him asking him to come to other cities and demonstrate his healing power, but it was decided that he must wait until he was 16 years of age before going out into the world on his curative missions… 

Abram returns to Hogansburg after several weeks spent in Miami, Florida, where he mystified hundreds with demonstrations of his apparent power to heal by touch. At the Alcazar hotel in that city early in January of this year he gave a remarkable revelation of his miraculous healing before approximately 250 people. The crowd was amazed as afflicted persons announced that they had been helped by the touch of the boy’s hands… Some have attributed the boy’s miraculous powers to his descendancy. He is the seventh son of a seventh son and from this circumstance is believed to have been endowed with a sort of sixth sense. He is also a direct descendant of a great Indian healer and medicine man who lived in the days of the French and Indian wars when the powerful Iroquois tribes were supreme in the north… 

Members of the St. Regis tribe and other followers of the youth, although unable to account for the work which he has done, stoutly declare that the healing touch of his hands has brought health to scores of afflicted. Abram George’s career as a healer eventually came to an end when he grew up, according to a member of the George family. He lived out the rest of his days in Akwesasne.’ 

Did Abram’s gift depart from him, or did he simply tire of the burden of his mission in helping and healing so many people. It is interesting that his gift was apparent from a very early age. We will find this is a common trait amongst seventh sons of seventh sons. It is worth noting his ancestry included a renowned healer and medicine man – ‘a person believed to have magical powers of healing; a shaman.’ Perhaps he too had been a seventh son. It is also notable that Abram’s father enjoyed and shared in the material trappings earned from his son’s healing powers. 

James Murrell: was the seventh son of a seventh son, according to investigations by Arthur George Morrison – English writer and journalist. Online Encyclopaedia: Murrell ‘(c. 1785 – 16 December 1860)’ – baptised on October 9, 1785 – ‘also known as Cunning Murrell, was an English cunning man, or professional folk magician, who spent most of his life in the town of Hadleigh in the eastern English county of Essex. In this capacity, he reportedly employed magical means to aid in healing both humans and animals, exorcising malevolent spirits, countering witches, and restoring lost or stolen property to its owner… he was married in [August] 1812. He had seventeen children with his wife [though many did not survive infancy], and the family… [settled] in Hadleigh, where Murrell gained work as a shoemaker.’ 

Did Murrell also have a seventh son?

‘On a number of occasions his magical activities gained the attention of the local press. Although many residents valued his services and viewed him as a good and benevolent individual, his activities proved controversial and divisive. Many educated figures criticised what they saw as his role in encouraging superstition among the local population; his death certificate recorded his profession as that of a “quack doctor”… local folklore… surrounding him in the Hadleigh area, [included] the allegation that he had the ability to fly and to instantaneously transport himself vast distances.’ Remember this claimed feat of flying. 

‘No images of Murrell survive. Accounts describe him as a short man who walked with his hands behind his back and hummed as he went. He was also noted for wearing a hard hat, bobbed tail coat, and iron goggles, while carrying a whalebone umbrella and a basket into which he placed the herbs that he collected. His appearance reportedly scared local children, of whom he was nevertheless fond. He cultivated an air of mystery about himself by keeping himself largely apart from wider community life, speaking seldom, and traveling largely at night.’

‘His house was locally known as a “place to avoid” and those visiting him reportedly often waited for some time outside, plucking up the courage to enter. Within the cottage, Murrell had drying herbs hanging from his ceiling, and his devices were reported to include a crystal, a mirror, and a bowl of water. Other items that Murrell used in his magical practices were a copper charm with which he would allegedly distinguish whether an individual was lying or not, and a “trick” telescope that supposedly enabled him “to see through brick walls”.  

Murrell possessed a library of books, including works on astrology and astronomy, conjuration, and medical texts.He also wrote a number of personal notebooks containing information on such topics… He was reputed to cure sick animals by passing his hands over their affected area, muttering a prayer, and then hanging an amulet about their neck… the folklorist Eric Maple encountered claims that Murrell was able to summon anyone he wished using [witch bottles], including individuals who had gone overseas. Murrell experimented with the use of a witch bottle constructed out of iron; he had two such devices created by a local smith, Stephen Choppen, and had the plug at the mouth soldered up before the bottle was placed in a fire as part of an anti-bewitchment spell.’

‘The idea behind this was that the bottle itself would not explode under the heat, and that thus it could be reused on other occasions.According to folklore collected by Maple, the smith’s attempts, which were initially unsuccessful, succeeded only after Murrell had recited a charm. 

According to Maple’s research… [Murrell] was able to predict the death of a man to the “very day and hour” while another was that he also predicted the time of his own death to the very minute. It was claimed that on one occasion he was asked to provide the horoscope of a newborn child, but that he refused, stating that “Make the most of the child, you will not have it for long”, after which the child soon died, while when an old lady asked him to predict the future for her, he refused to do so for more than nine years ahead, with her dying in the eighth. Morrison found that the locals whom he spoke to – many of whom remembered Murrell from several decades before – found the cunning man to be “a white and lawful wizard [‘a man who has magical powers’], who warred against the powers of darkness with all his might”; they added that it was “no sin to employ the arts of a man like him.”

Maple found one woman, Mrs Petchey, who described him as “a smuggler and a bad man. He did things that wouldn’t be allowed today – them witchcrafts, I mean. Nowadays, people would say he’d sold his soul to the Devil, wouldn’t they? They’d put him away for his witchcrafts” [2 Kings 21:6]. Conversely, Maple noted that Mrs Murrell, who was a descendant of James, described the cunning man as “a good man and a regular churchgoer”. According to the folklore obtained by Maple, Murrell would often have debates about Christian theology with a local parson, the Reverend Thomas Espin – who had been Professor of Pastoral Theology at Queens College, Birmingham – and that Espin expressed the view that Murrell “knows his Bible better than I doHe is either a very good man or a very bad one, and I can’t make up my mind which.” 

[A] story reports that Murrell took to his death bed aware of his oncoming demise, informing his daughter to turn away the curate “For I be the devil’s master as be well knowed. Clergymen den’t bother me in the oad time, they shan’t now.” Conversely, Maple recorded a story that in his final hours, Murrell was visited by the local curate; Murrell was frustrated by the latter’s attempts to administer religious consolation and eventually scared him off by shouting out “I am the Devil’s master”

Murrell left no will. His son Edward later claimed that Murrell’s landlord soon buried a wooden chest with the old man’s papers in the garden of the cottage, deeming their associations with magic to be dangerous. Edward claimed that he subsequently dug the chest up again.’

‘Murrell’s personal effects were treated as souvenirs, and several were treated as though they retained magical and supernatural associations for many years after his death. Murrell’s correspondences and papers – then contained in the wooden chest owned by his son – were examined by Morrison during the course of his research. Morrison discovered that Murrell was in possession of the manuscript [the] Key of Solomon grimoire* on which he based his magical practise.’

Reproductions of pages from Murrell’s books of magic; the page above depicts sigils and pentacles, the page below depicts a horoscope.

‘These texts survived until 1956, at which point they were burned by someone who did not believe them to be of any importance. Many of Murrell’s handwritten books were also lost, although his scrapbook of astrological data had survived until at least the late 1950s…’  

The concluding paragraphs leave little doubt that Murrell was not a servant of the Eternal. Not because of his denunciation of the clergy, for this is rightly so, as they represent and teach a false christianity [Articles: The Sabbath Secrecy and Arius, Alexander & Athanasius]. Rather, the references to his being a wizard; possessing magical powers; practising black* magick; selling his soul to the devil; and claiming to be the devil’s master, in the vein of King Solomon – of whom we will have more to say later [Article: Na’amah]. 

As Reverend Espin was ‘double minded’ regarding Murrell’s character, he perhaps should have ‘rightly divided the word of truth’ to discern the answer – 2 Timothy 2:15, James 1:8. For it is no mean thing if someone is wily in debating the Bible – for even Satan can quote scripture – and presents themselves as wholly righteous when in reality they represent good and evil – Matthew 4:6, 2 Corinthians 11:14, Genesis 3:5. 

Following, are examples from the hotbed capital of seventh sons of seventh sons: Ireland. The significance of which, will be investigated in-depth. The first two men are deceased, while the remaining four are presently alive.

Valentine Greatrakes (February 14, 1628 – November 28, 1682): known as Greatorex or The Stroker, was an Irish faith healer from County Waterford; who toured England in 1666, claiming to cure people by the laying on of hands. It is not clear if he was a ‘seventh son of a seventh son.’ He certainly exhibited the signs of one in the main, but with mixed results. Both his parents were English Protestant settlers. Online Encyclopaedia: ‘He seemed to have been very religious; his outlook was grave but simple. He said himself, that ever since that year 1662 he had felt a strange impulse or persuasion that he had the gift of curing the King’s evil… and this suggestion became so strong, that he stroked several persons, and cured them. 

Three years after that, an epidemical fever was raging in the country, he was again persuaded that he could also cure that. He made the experiment, and he affirmed to his satisfaction that he cured all who came to him. At length, in April 1665, another kind of inspiration suggested to him, that he had the gift of healing wounds and ulcers; and experience, he also said, proved that he was not deceived. He even found that he cured convulsions, the dropsy, and many other distempers.’

‘Robert Phayre… who had served in his regiment… [was] cured… in a few minutes of an acute ague’ in 1665. Greatrakes had served as a lieutenant in Lord Broghill’s regiment in the English Parliamentary army in Ireland in 1649, campaigning in Munster against the Irish Royalists. ‘John Flamsteed the famous Astronomer, (then aged 19) went over to Ireland… to be touched by Greatrakes for a natural weakness of constitution, but received no benefit.’ 

Even so, ‘crowds flocked to him from all parts, and he was reported to have performed such extraordinary cures, that he was summoned into the Bishop’s court at Lismore, and, not having a licence for practising, was forbidden to lay hands on anyone else in Ireland… Greatrakes was invited to England by his old commander, Lord Broghill… to cure Anne Viscountess Conway of an inveterate headache. He arrived in England in early 1666 but failed to cure the Viscountess. Undaunted, he travelled through the country, treating the sick. 

King Charles II, being informed of it, summoned Greatrakes to Whitehall. While unpersuaded that Greatrakes had miraculous power,the king did not forbid him to continue his ministrations. Greatrakes went every day to a place in London where many sick persons, of all ranks in society, assembled. Pains, gout, rheumatism, convulsions and so forth were allegedly driven by his touch from one body part to another. Upon reaching the extremities, reportedly, all symptoms of these ailments ceased. As the treatment consisted entirely of stroking, Greatrakes was called The Stroker. Greatrakes ascribed certain disorders to the work of evil spirits. When persons possessed by such spirits saw Greatrakes or heard his voice, the afflicted fell to the ground or into violent agitation. He then proceeded to cure them by the same method of stroking.’

‘Greatrakes returned to Ireland in 1667,and resumed farming in 1668… Although he lived for many years, he no longer kept up the reputation of performing those strange cures which made him a name. However, his case is very singular, that on the strictest enquiry no sort of blemish was ever thrown upon his character, nor did any of those curious and learned persons, who espoused his cause, draw any imputation upon themselves.’ 

It would seem like Abram George, Greatrakes went into retirement. Was it to escape the responsibility his – sometimes happenstance – gift of healing weighed upon him? It is testament to Greatrakes that his character was described as blameless. We will confirm with subsequent healers that like Greatrakes, not all patients were healed. This is notable for a number of reasons, which we will discuss. Greatrakes, unlike George and Murrell, was a Christian and so ‘faith healer’ is an applicable term. Though not all healers are comfortable with the religious connotation and distance themselves from this label.

Finbarr Thomas Nolan (October 2, 1952 – June 20, 2020): Encyclopedia: An ‘Irish healer who [was] the seventh son of a seventh son, and was thus, according to folk tradition, destined to begin healing by touch. He was born… at Loch Gowna, county Cavan, Republic of Ireland. His mother stated “I knew…God would give him the power to heal.” There were requests for healing when Nolan was only three months old, but his mother insisted that healing wait until the boy was at least two years old. At that time, a man brought his five-year-old child, who was suffering from ringworm. Nolan’s mother circled the spots with holy water, making the sign of the cross in the middle, then placed the two-year-old Nolan’s hand on each spot in turn, while she prayed for healing and asked her son to repeat the prayers after her. She claims that the ringworm was cured after two visits.’

‘However, Nolan did not immediately undertake regular healing, although at the age of nine he touched the paralyzed hand of a local hotel proprietor and the hand became normal in three days’ time. The father of this man was confined to a wheelchair with severe arthritis, but the day after Nolan touched him he was able to use his hands, and a month later he had recovered sufficiently to resume his job as a butcher. 

At the age of sixteen, while still attending school, Nolan was asked to go to Donegal to cure an aunt. She notified the local newspaper, with the result that the young Nolan arrived to find a crowd of three hundred people and a television film crew. For several weeks afterward, some five thousand people a day came to his home for healing, and he touched them in groups of 14 or 15 at a time in the kitchen of the house. After that Nolan decided to leave school and devote himself full time to healing. 

His reputation as a healer spread rapidly, and visitors came from around the world for treatment. Since county Cavan is located near the border of Northern Ireland, the political unrest and disorders began to discourage visitors, so Nolan moved with his parents and brothers to a house in the suburbs of Dublin. Here the large number of visitors seeking healing soon made it difficult for the family to live a normal life in an average-sized house, so Nolan hired halls and hotel rooms for regular clinics.’ 

‘In the early period, Nolan had been influenced by his mother’s religious outlook and used holy water, making the sign of the cross when touching each patient, but eventually he discarded such specifically Catholic tradition. As he said: “It deterred a lot of Protestants and I have nearly as many Protestant patients at my clinic as I do Catholic.” Moreover he came to believe that his healing power had nothing to do with religion, and rejected the term faith healer.” He stated: “People should understand my healing has nothing to do with faith; I believe my power is a gift… I’ve proved that faith is not needed by curing animals and babies.” Indeed, he became well known for treating injured race horses, and one horse he treated won nine races afterward. 

His healing power appears to be in his right hand, and he therefore places it on each part of a patient’s body that is afflicted. He lays his hand on the patient for several seconds and does not himself feel anything unusual happening, although patients often state that they feel a sensation of heat. His healing technique was monitored at a Belfast hospital, and it was found that during healing sessions there were changes in his respiration, pulse rate, and the electrical potential of his skin.

‘Like other seventh son healers, he has found that three visits are usually necessary. Patients sometimes feel worse after the first healing session, usually a sign that some changes have commenced. Healing is usually consolidated at the second and third visits. Most patients pay a small voluntary contribution for healing, but some wealthier individuals have been very generous. An elderly lady in NewYork suffering from rheumatoid arthritis paid for Nolan’s 6,000-mile journey and gave him an additional check for several thousand dollars. Nolan has also flown to Washington to treat a young Vietnamese war soldier. Nolan has held clinics in London as well as the United States and is credited with some remarkable cures. 

Nolan is an amiable and, apart from his healing activity, eminently normal individual, with none of the mystique of many professionals in the paranormal. He does not think about anything in particular during the laying on of hands and exudes a friendly matter-of-fact atmosphere.’

Gail Walker, 2004: ‘In the 1970s he made a point of not charging a fee for his services but, understandably, grateful clientele were very generous [consultations later cost £25]. Finbarr… began living a life of considerable luxury. He had a beautiful detached home. He drove fast cars. But some thought it was all a bit incongruous, given the day job.’

Liam Collins: ‘With his playboy good looks, long hair and black beard, Finbarr Nolan brought show business glamour to the old-fashioned practice of faith healing, and for a time was as rich and famous as a show business celebrity. In his heyday, the softly spoken… ‘seventh son of a seventh son’ was said to be taking home “sacks of cash” for “laying” hands on the sick…’

Walker: ‘In any case, the taxman called and bankruptcy followed. Speaking at his home in Dublin, Finbarr, now 51, balding and a father-of-two [sons], is philosophical about his career – and, indeed, about life in general. He doesn’t so much blame speculation over his earnings for the wane in interest, as an older superstition being superceded by the sophistication of modern life. “More people are more educated now, and they look for a doctor with as many letters after his name as possible,” he says. “What I do, based on me being the seventh son of a seventh son, isn’t their thing at all. They’d never think that I can cure them.”’

‘In fact, Finbarr doesn’t promise that he can cure anyone. Asked to rate his chances, he puts it as “at best, 50/50.” He says: “I’ve always been upfront about it. It might work, it might not. “But I’ll certainly have a go at anything. I have had some measure of success with every condition but also some measure of failure with every condition.” 

Among his most publicised cases in Northern Ireland was that of Anthony Milligan, from Co Down. In 1978 he had cancer of the pancreas and doctors had given him just six weeks to live. But he’s still alive today. “Of course Anthony’s story is unbelievable,” says Finbarr. “If I hadn’t been there myself, I wouldn’t believe it. But it happened. “I was staying at a hotel in Northern Ireland and more or less as a favour to the owner I agreed to go out and see Anthony. He was too ill to come to me. “After I saw him I even remember saying to someone that I wouldn’t be back to see that man again because he was so ill. “But two years later I was taking a clinic in Lisburn and Anthony walked through the door. I couldn’t believe it. I thought he would have been dead and buried. He’s still knocking about today.” 

Finbarr’s own health has been poor since he was was almost killed in an accident 10 years ago. He was hit by a lorry while out cycling on a bike his wife Caroline had bought for him to tackle his middle-age spread. He was left with chronic back pain – and, no, the healer cannot heal himself. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there were once plans to turn his life story into a Hollywood movie. But they collapsed at the last moment.’ 

It is of consequence that Nolan came to view his ability to heal as a gift and not one of faith, in contrast with his religious mother. The use of holy water and making the sign of the cross, while indicative of catholicism are not traditions associated with the Bible, Christ, the apostles or the early church. The fact Nolan rates his success as 50% also underlines that his healing is certainly not based on his faith, though it does not necessarily negate faith exhibited on the part of the patients involved. 

The question of faith is an important one, for when Christ returns, he asks whether he will even ‘find faith on the earth’ – Luke 18:8. Nolan realises his gift does not stem from faith, but rather his status as a ‘seventh son of a seventh son.’ Thus, the question arises: where did Nolan’s gift come from? For a gift of healing has a spiritual source. Matthew 10:1, ESV: ‘And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.’ Yet how can one know what type of spirit is involved? Whether the Holy Spirit, or an infernal one? 

1 John 4:1-6

The Voice 

‘… I warn you: do not trust every spirit. Instead, examine them carefully to determine if they come from God, because the corrupt world is filled with the voices of many false prophets. Here is how you know God’s Spirit: if a spirit affirms the truth that Jesus the Anointed, our Liberating King, has come in human flesh, then that spirit is from God. If a spirit does not affirm the true nature of Jesus the Anointed, then that spirit does not come from God and is, in fact, thespirit of the antiChrist. You have heard about its coming; in fact it is already active in the world… Whoever is not from God will not listen… This is the way we discern the difference between the spirit of truth and the spirit of deception.’ 

It is staggering beyond comprehension then, that most of Christianity promulgates and believes a lie, perpetrated by the doctrine of the Trinity, which denies Christ was fully human and teaches he was God instead – the very ‘spirit of the antichrist’ [refer article: Arius, Alexander & Athanasius]. How does one recognise a true believer? Isaiah 66:2, ESV: ‘… But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.’ A true servant of God and therefore a true healer, believes and lives by, the word of God – Matthew 4:4. 

In what manner does a true healer perform a divine healing? James 5:14-16, NTFE: ‘Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church, and they should pray over the sick person, anointing them with [olive] oil in the name of the Lord. Faithful prayer will rescue the sick person, and the Lord will raise them up. If they have committed any sin, it will be forgiven them. So confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. When a righteous person prays, that prayer carries great power.’ 

It is not my intention to denigrate Nolan’s healings which were genuine wonderworking, but to call attention to his and other healers who either heal without acknowledging Christ, as well as those – who may falsely, no matter how well intentioned, but are still nevertheless – mislead by a deceiving spirit… and not healing by the power or authority of the Holy Spirit. 

The electricity registered on Nolan’s skin when laying his hands, confirms that he was a vessel for a force greater than himself. It behooves all healers to question what exactly they are channeling and to what or to whom they are serving as a medium, acting as a conduit for energy transmission [Article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?]. Thus, it is truly incredible that healers and particularly seventh sons of seventh sons, may devote their whole lives to a practice they are quite unable to explain. In essence having faith in its reality and in its results; yet without ever comprehending it. 

Finally, two vital points which distinguish true healings from, let’s say counterfeit ones, though this does not mean they are necessarily less genuine, just less miraculous. The first is the question of renumeration. Nolan originally accepted donations – some generous – and then later, began charging a modest consultation fee of £25. 

This would seem reasonable no doubt, as expenses requiring travel and hiring of halls or hotels require payment. But herein lays the issue, for healers discovering their gift then think they must use it indiscriminately, widely and often. Yet the New Testament example, is one of discrimination and is predicated on healing the few who either exhibit faith, who are deserving, or who by being healed, the example furthers the good news of the gospel message – giving glory to God and Christ.

Nolan endeavouring to heal 5,000 people a day, is in no way supported by the scriptures, no matter how well intentioned he was. By performing healing in this manner, it focuses attention on the healer, rather than on the healed, and more importantly, the supernatural author of the healing. Having ‘sacks of cash’, luxury items and a lavish lifestyle are not what a true servant of God is called to possess or strive for – Titus 1:11, 1 Timothy 3:8, 1 Peter 5:2. 

When Jesus commissioned the apostles, he stated plainly in Matthew 10:8-14, The Voice: ‘Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who have leprosy. Drive out demons from the possessed. You received these gifts freely, so you should give them to others freely. Do not take money with you: don’t take gold, silver, or even small, worthless change. Do not pack a bag with clothes. Do not take sandals or a walking stick. Be fed and sheltered by those who show you hospitality. When you enter a town or village, look for someone who is trustworthy and stay at his house as long as you are visiting that town. When you enter this home, greet the household kindly. And if the home is indeed trustworthy, let your blessing of peace rest upon it; if not, keep your blessing to yourself. If someone is inhospitable to you or refuses to listen to your testimony, leave that house or town and shake the dust from your feet.’ 

It is tragic, yet ironic that Nolan should lose his wealth, develop poor health and pass from this world early. One hopes he learned valuable lessons before he died and that his extraordinary gift and life lived were not in vain. 

The second vital point to be aware, is the fact that Nolan’s healings were not 100% effective and in the main did not occur instantaneously. Often requiring three visits before a full healing occurred. A somewhat suspicious number [refer articles: 33 and The Establishment: Who are they… What do they want?]. 

The converse of this in the biblical account and how one would recognise a bonafide healer today for instance, is that healings performed by Christ and the apostles were instantaneous miracles on the spot. The other aspect of an individual used in the capacity of a true healer, is the gift of raising the dead. 

Acts 14:8-15

English Standard Version 

‘Now at Lystra there was a man sitting who could not use his feet. He was crippled from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul speaking. And Paul, looking intently at him and seeing that he had faith to be made well, said in a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.” And he sprang up and began walking. And when the crowds saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying… “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men! “… We also are men, of like nature with you, and we bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them.’ 

Acts 20:9-12 

English Standard Version 

‘And a young man named Eutychus, sitting at the window, sank into a deep sleep as Paul talked still longer. And being overcome by sleep, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead. But Paul went down and bent over him, and taking him in his arms, said, “Do not be alarmed, for his life is in him.” And when Paul had gone up and had broken bread and eaten, he conversed with them a long while, until daybreak, and so departed. And they took the youth away alive…’ 

Notice in both instances, the healing was immediate and performed with humility. Paul did not accept adulation and in the case of the dead young man, he maintained he was just unconscious and alive, rather than say: “I resurrected him”, thus causing too much discussion surrounding the feat and thereby distracting from his visit with the brethren and the importance of being able to share more truths with them – of far more consequence even than the miraculous raising of the dead – lasting the rest of the night as it eventuated. 

In our modern world, it would be difficult with word of mouth, not to have the knowledge of a healing gift in a true servant of the Eternal spread – 1 Corinthians 12:9, 30. Though it would be safe to say, that should such an individual exist, they would not endeavour to publicise their power, but rather to maintain privacy at the utmost cost. In so doing, healings would be limited to those they were inspired to conduct [Job 5:18] – like the example set by Christ and the apostles [Matthew 13:58] – and therefore, travelling hundreds or thousands of miles to heal hundreds or thousands of people would not be conducted. The result being, that recouping costs and charging money would not be necessary. Regardless of the fact that Jesus said not to take payment or strive for money – Matthew 6:24, 33, 1 Timothy 6:10. 

Thus, one would know a true healer today in that they a. would not willingly broadcast their gift; b. would certainly not charge money in receipt of healing; c. healing would be from a divine source and thus instantaneous, permanent, with a 100% success rate; d, the healer would be acting not only according to their own faith, but in many instances the faith of the patient [Matthew 8:8; 15:28, Mark 5:23]; e. laying on of hands, with anointing oil would be used, though there could be exceptions; and f. divine healing would not be offered or given without an affirmation from the patient that being made well and having sin forgiven was performed and given by and through the authority of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, with an agreement to walk a better and new life – serving the Eternal and his Son – John 9:35, 38, Acts 3:16, Mark 10:52.

The following Irish seventh sons of seventh sons are currently living.

Bart Gibbons: Irish Central: ‘An article by The New York Times, published in December 2021, investigated the phenomenon and met with seventh sons from around Ireland and even got the chance to witness their healing powers in action.’ Megan Specia, 2021: ‘Bart Gibbons, 57, who owns a grocery store in the village of Drumshanbo in County Leitrim [Republic of Ireland], has a cure for warts that was passed down from his father and his father’s father before him. It involves taking a bundle of rushes and saying a combination of prayers as they are held over the affected area. Then, he buries the reed-like plants. The belief is that when they decay, the warts are gone. Mr. Gibbons didn’t plan to carry on with the treatment after his father’s death, but then a woman showed up at his door asking for the cure to clear her warts before her wedding day. He said he would try. It worked, he said, and people have been coming ever since, some from hundreds of miles away.’

‘He said it would be wrong to receive payment for a cure, and the idea that payment is taboo is something experts say is ingrained in the tradition. Mr. Gibbons described being a “vessel” of his cure.’ 

2 Timothy 2:20-21, ESV: ‘Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.’

I’m not holy,” he said. “And I don’t pretend to be.”  

1 Peter 1:15, CEB: ‘… you must be holy in every aspect of your lives, just as the one who called you is holy.’

‘In Mr. Gibbons’s view, the cure is about belief rather than religion. “If people believe strongly enough that this has happened, I think your body makes it happen,” he said.’

Andrew Keane: Megan Specia, 2021: ‘As Irish families have gotten smaller, seventh sons have become much rarer. But Andrew Keane, 37, who lives in County Mayo, [Republic of Ireland] is one. When he was a baby, his parents were told by another seventh son that theirs had the cure for ringworm, and he showed the boy the ritual. His mother still has vivid memories of Andrew as a young boy reaching out tiny hands and saying the curing prayers.’

Portrait of Andrew Keane, bottom-right, and his siblings

‘In their farming community, where ringworm is common in cattle and easily passes to people, it was a popular cure. Now, with two children of his own, doing the cure is just part of his everyday routine, and he has never really second-guessed it. “I’d feel bad if I stopped,” said Mr. Keane, who treats people in the evenings after work as a builder. “I feel like I was given this gift. And why would I not use it?” 

Mr. Keane also treats animals. On this particular night, he went to visit neighbors, Áine McLoughlin, 54, and her husband, Chris McLoughlin, 55, whose two dogs had ringworm. “I thought it was worth a shot because the dogs weren’t improving,” Mr. McLoughlin said, adding they had already visited the vet. Mr. Keane stroked the floor three times, made the sign of the cross [refer Appendix VIII: When the Creator came to dwell with His Creation] and placed his hands on the Highland Westies’ backs, while saying the Hail Mary [refer Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. As she watched him perform, Mrs. McLoughlin said she had grown up with beliefs in cures. But she worries the rituals may be lost in the next generation.’

Keane performing the cure for ringworm 

Joe Gallagher: Megan Specia, 2021: ‘Pullough, [Republic of] Ireland – For two hours on Sunday mornings, they come to the pub with all that ails them. A small boy with a rash. A farmer with ringworm. A man with a throat infection. They are here to see Joe Gallagher, who owns this canary yellow pub, nestled alongside a canal in the tiny Irish village of Pullough in County Offaly.’ 

‘They believe that as the seventh son of his family, he holds a cure. :I’m at this all my life,” said Mr. Gallagher, 75, as he took a deep drag on his cigarette. As he explained how he does the cure – by laying his hands on the affected area, doing the sign of the cross and reciting some prayers – he breathed out ribbons of smoke that swirled around his face. Mr. Gallagher is just one of hundreds of men and women across Ireland who are healers, or have “the cure,” an approach to health care that interweaves home remedies with mysticism, superstition, religion and a sprinkle of magic.’ 

‘It’s part of a belief in folk medicine, curing charms and faith healers that is still a way of life for many in Ireland, if a fading one. Some who are believed to have the cure are seventh sons, like Mr. Gallagher, a birth order long thought to bestow special powers. Others are keepers of family customs that range from rituals, prayers and charms to herbal tinctures, offered up as treatments for everything from burns and sprains to rashes and coughs. Since his childhood, people have sought out Mr. Gallagher. 

“I think you must have the belief,” he said, acknowledging that the process doesn’t always work.I wouldn’t say that I can do miracles.” For Mr. Gallagher, a former monk who said his religious order had been accepting of the cure, the practice is a deeply religious one. “You have to put your heart and soul into it, and you’re asking God to help you with this thing,” he said. For others, the cures depend less on a deep Christian faith and more on secrets handed down through centuries of oral tradition.’ 

Traditional faith healer Joe Gallagher performs a faith healing ritual inside his living room attached to The Pull Inn

Kayley Hardiman: ‘Joe explained: “It’s something I’ve been doing since I was a baby. My parents used to take my hand and do it when I didn’t know I was doing it.” At around six or seven years of age, Joe knew how to make the sign of the cross and to say a prayer on the affected area of the person’s body but said he didn’t like curing people then as he didn’t understand it. “I would be called in when I would be out playing. That time ringworm was the big thing. As I got older I realised what it was all about.” “You don’t know what people are going to turn up with. I just do what I do and see how it goes.” The Leitrim native doesn’t charge clients for his services as he explained: “If I got a gift from God I didn’t pay for it so I don’t think it’d be right to charge for it so I hope my reward will be in the next world [Article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?].” 

Joe also has very strong faith and was a Franciscan monk in his youth up until the age of 25, [as he was unable to work as a missionary abroad] based at monasteries in Clara and Galway from 1960 to 1971 when he left the Brothers and opened the pub in Pullough. He said that he “enjoyed every day” with the Brothers and that they were “lovely people.” Joe also performed cures for people while in the monastery. “Being a monk helped me with my faith,” he said. “I have a strong belief in God and in prayer, there’s nothing better than prayer.”

Joe highlighted that faith healers are a “dying breed” as people with his gift cannot pass it on. “When I pass away that’s it, it dies with me,” explained Joe. “There’s not seven in a family never mind seven sons (nowadays.) There’s nobody can afford to have seven children, and then it’s just by luck if you have seven sons. There’s only two or three in most families now but in my time they were all big families where I came from in north Leitrim.” Joe has eight children…’ 

Times of Malta: ‘A blurry black and white photo shows a row of six brothers with a smiling Gallagher the youngest – and last surviving – in the line. Another brother, Oliver, died in infancy. “When I was born, the parish priest called to see my mother and said to her, ‘This lad must have the cure, sure, isn’t he the seventh son?’” he said. To prove whether the infant Joe had “the cure”, a worm was placed in his hand, and promptly died. “From then on I’ve been doing the cures, long before I ever knew what I was doing, but as I grew up, I realised I had this gift, and had to do it,” he said. Gallagher doesn’t charge for his services but visitors can donate to a children’s hospital if they wish. Told never to refuse anybody, he was once asked to “do an exorcism” for a Polish man. “That was frightening, it’s not something I’d be happy to do too often,” he said. Inside the small living room where he receives visitors, religious items, crucifixes and vials of holy water look down from shelves. 

After enquiring about the complaint, Gallagher places his hand on the affected area, rubs ointment and calls for divine help. “Heal this little baby,” he said, stroking the sole of an infant’s foot as the father held the child. “It’s only a little touch of rash,” he added soothingly. Gallagher asks visitors to pray themselves and return three Sundays in succession, which makes for a hectic schedule. “Sometimes people might have to come back more if it’s not cleared up, but there’s always an improvement,” he said, adding that he has no intention to retire. “I get a great feeling if somebody comes back to me and says, ‘That worked, Joe’, so why should I stop?”’

Danny Gallagher: Power in the palm of his hands, Una Brankin, February 12, 2014: ‘In his youth, Danny Gallagher [another Gallagher like his preceding namesake, Joe] looked like a cross between the Sixties folk singer Donovan and musical icon David Essex. His face is fleshier and ruddier these days but he has managed to keep the dark curls, although they’re not as thick on top now. For a down-to-earth no-frills Maghera [County Down, Northern Ireland] man, he’s amusingly reluctant to give away his age (I’d put him in his early 60s).’ 

‘At the height of his international fame in the Eighties, the seventh son of a seventh son had the chance to make a pop star’s fortune when major promoters came knocking on his door. They’d heard the reports of his miraculous cures all over the world and saw the pound signs. 

“The trouble was, they wanted to put me in these great big halls which would have meant the people would have been charged far too much to see me,” he recalls over coffee in Armagh’s City Hotel. “So I turned them all down. This is not something I do to make money. It’s to help people. I only make enough to cover my expenses. I usually only break even, but it’s important to use hotels because they are neutral; actual religion doesn’t come into my work, so using a parish hall or whatever wouldn’t be right.” He charges £25 per healing session, which usually take place in hotels. Taking in the cost of the hotel, advertising, insurance and transport, he reckons each gathering costs £5,000 to put on. He is incredibly busy working as a healer full-time and has no other source of income. 

Much loved by those he has helped – many of whom have come to regard him as part of the family – his activities have, however, drawn the disapproval of the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (ASAI), specifically for, they say, the claim that he could treat “serious or prolonged ailments or conditions requiring the attention of a registered medical or other qualified practitioner”. According to the ASAI, a complainant said that: “Danny Gallagher had no medical qualifications and while no form of medical treatment was on offer, the advertiser nevertheless appeared to be making healing claims for serious illnesses.” 

Danny is untroubled by the claim, though. “The complainant I think was some private doctor who I believe is jealous of my healing and tried to make it out it was not true,” he shrugs. “My healing is true; it’s backed up by testimonies. I don’t worry about that – it came to nothing at all. I asked the ASAI to come and meet the people who were healed and they would speak for themselves. They refused. It’s some stupid code that no-one understands.” 

These testimonies are in their hundreds and they all cite a great heat coming from Danny’s hands when he touches them. Recent ones include 78-year-old Antrim woman, Martha Rea, who was blind from incurable degenerative eye disease until she started seeing Danny for healing, and Tipperary student, Laura Halloran, who suffered from Peripheral Neuropathy in her feet, nerve damage which left her in such agony she could hardly bear to walk to the toilet. “I was on 23 tablets a day, which did nothing for the pain,” Laura (26) told a…  newspaper. 

“I had to get injections for pain relief but when they wore off, I’d be in complete agony again. It was as if my feet were stuck in the fire. But the minute I met Danny, in Kildare, I knew immediately this man could help me. I met him three times in Athy and continued to have the pain until one night I slept – I couldn’t sleep properly before because the weight of a duvet or blankets on my feet was unbearable. The pain just disappeared and I was able to go to college, something that was impossible for me before meeting Danny.” 

The day we meet, Danny has driven from his home in Maghera to the City Hotel in Armagh, where he often works. He arrives right on time and walks in brisk little strides to my table in the foyer. I’ve a habit of speaking quickly at times and he tells me not to be nervous, that he’s “an ordinary person”, just like me. He sits beside me on the sofa, insists on paying for the coffees, and leans in to chat – very openly and with good humour. I like him immediately. 

So did Chris Tarrant when he met Danny while filming in Ireland in 2002, describing how he’d seen the “unassuming Irish man’s God-given talent” for himself at a healing event. Tarrant reported on the astonishing case of Fintona woman, Mary Mullan, who had been paralysed after suffering a seizure. At her second healing session with Danny, she was able to get out of her wheelchair and walk towards him. 

According to ancient Celtic wisdom, the seventh son of a seventh son possesses the power to heal people by simply touching them. The origin of the legend is unclear, but it was common during the 17th century in England and according to the Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine, this idea of the seventh of the seventh being a healer is widespread among many cultures. Danny’s father, Michael Gallagher from Draperstown, survived the Battle of the Somme in WWI and won several medals for bravery in the conflict. A private man and hardworking labourer all his life, Michael never spoke about the war. Danny also values his privacy and prefers to keep his wife Nora and family out of the limelight. And like his father, he never spoke during his childhood of the experience that would change his life forever. 

He was only eight when he had an extraordinarily vivid dream about curing a young girl, in which he was given a prayer to say for the sick. He told no-one and made no attempt to heal anyone for many years after his vision, until he finished school and bought himself an ice-cream van. One of his regulars was a tiny crippled girl for whom he always saved a free ice-cream. He laid his hands on the girl in the manner revealed to him as a child, said the prayer (which he keeps private) and the girl began to regain the power of her legs. The story of the cure was reported by the local newspaper and Danny’s life was changed for good. He obtained an immediate following locally, where the tradition of – if not necessarily the belief in – the powers of the seventh son is deep-rooted through generations.’

Steven Moore, 2023: ‘… Danny reveals: “I was very ill as a young boy… I was sick all the time from the age of about five to the age of 13. I was never out of hospital, particularly the Mid-Ulster in Magherafelt. It was my second home but I also ended up in the Royal (Victoria Hospital) too. One particular illness which was bad was pneumonia and then pleurisy which was very serious. I ended up having more operations than I care to remember. I had to get skin grafts from my leg to cover my wounds from operations. I still have the scars today from the grafts taken from my two legs. Doctors told my mother I would not survive. My mother brought me home because she wanted me to pass away at home and not in hospital”… he remembers coming close to death. 

“I remember the priest by my bedside [reading the last rites] and my mother telling me not to worry, that the angels would come through the ceiling and take me with them.”

Brankin: ‘As people began to claim more cures, the national media began to take notice, at first concentrating efforts on exposing him as a fraud, later supporting him with exclusive accounts. Hundreds of letters and telephone calls were now coming daily from England. He eventually decided to take the boat across to England [as Valentine Greatrakes before him], but what he initially intended as a national tour came to an abrupt halt in the industrial heartland around Birmingham, because of the great demand there for his services. One cure in the Midlands did more to enhance Danny’s reputation than anything before. Jean Prichett, then a 40-year-old housewife, had been blind for 22 years from what was diagnosed as Retinitis Pigmentosa. She had visited specialists all over Britain without finding help. Her cure caused an immediate sensation in the popular press, attaining front page headlines in the News Of The World on October 31, 1976. 

The medical profession was immediately critical. One specialist expressed the opinion that Mrs Pritchett suffered from a case of hysterical blindness which was probably brought on by the psychological technique of autosuggestion. But the Pritchett ‘miracle’ was followed a month later by Gallagher’s equally remarkable cure of Kathleen Bailey from the village of Dawley, near Shrewsbury, in England. Mrs Bailey, a 29-year-old mother-of-three, had been confined to a wheelchair after a spinal injury at work 11 years before. The condition did not respond to medical treatment and grew progressively worse. “I was virtually a cripple,” Mrs Bailey told the Shropshire Star on December 9, 1976. “I could not do anything.” Friends and relatives persuaded her to visit Gallagher at his clinic in Erdington, Birmingham. After treatment by the healer she was able to leave her wheelchair. A remarkable photograph of her in an article in the Shropshire Star, shows her bending to touch her toes, and a consultant at the Shropshire Orthopedic Hospital at Gobowen, a small town near the Welsh border, described her recovery as “incredibly dramatic.” Danny stresses, however, that he does not cure everyone, and strongly advises those he sees not to stop taking any form of medication or treatment. 

“Not even Jesus cured everyone who came to him,” he says [though not because he couldn’t but rather, it just wasn’t feasible when many thousands of people flocked to listen to him]. “I don’t feel any different to anybody else. “I never asked to be a healer, it just happened. I can’t explain it.” Does a person have to believe in God and divine healing in order to be cured? “No,” replies Danny. “I’ve been able to help non-believers, the blind English girl never had been in a church in her life. And then there’s babies. They don’t believe in anything and still some of them are cured. The blind girl came over to see me a while after and she loved driving through the countryside. I asked her what was the nicest thing she saw and she said, ‘A leaf falling off a tree’. “It’s the simple things that have the power in them. I’ve clergy on both sides and nuns coming to see me all the time with all sorts of problems. Even the doctors now are more supportive. I’m very lucky with the world’s media too. Once they caught on I was genuine, they were very positive in their reports.” 

Back in 2002, when Deportivo La Coruna defender, Aldo Duscher, broke David Beckham’s foot, Mr Gallagher offered to help heal the former Manchester United winger. Beckham reportedly asked Danny to be put on standby to treat the injury, as it was feared that the damage to his foot would not be receptive enough to medical treatment in time for the World Cup in South Korea and Japan. Danny proudly shows me the letter of thanks on Manchester United headed paper, and another from the late Queen Mother’s private secretary, thanking him for his offer to help her when she was unwell, and assuring him she was feeling much better. He also shows me newspaper coverage of his cures in Kenya, Holland, Australia, Washington, New York, Singapore, India, Pakistan and Turkey, as well as emails from three doctors, from London, Letterkenny and the famously expensive private Blackrock Clinic in Dublin, asking for his help with personal medical issues they couldn’t treat with conventional medicine. There are also dozens of letters from delighted people citing cures from depression, paralysis, eczema, anorexia and psoriasis. 

Such is his reputation for healing, a RTE radio team recently followed Danny around for a week for a documentary on his work, while he will also feature in a major upcoming History Channel series, Miracles Decoded, which airs this June. A typical working day for him begins with replying to emails, which can take an hour or two, depending on the requests. Some enquire if he is returning to hold clinics abroad so that they can visit him in their own country. Others ask him to visit hospitals, some of whom are seeking absent healing. Then it’s off to his healing centres across the country, from his clinics in Maghera and Cavan to hotels such as the Clanree in Letterkenny, where he sets up signs to direct people to the room he’s in. He sees people individually from 2-8.30pm, “sometimes with no breaks in between”. 

“I am so exhausted when I get back to my room sometimes I could sleep on a chair watching the news on television. I’ll get up around 7am and go down for breakfast at a quiet table, hoping no-one will come over to my table and start telling me their problems before I have time to butter my toast! If I am lucky, no-one bothers me, although I couldn’t ignore anyone who might appear. Then I head to the next city and do the same thing all over again. “Sometimes the healing works and sometimes not. It can be very stressful – travelling, taking phone calls and listening to everyone’s problems, some very disturbing, such as boys and girls who have been abused by a family member or close relative from a very young age. The suffering they came through can be very disturbing.” 

One of the most disturbing encounters he’s had recently was in Washington, with young American soldiers badly injured in Iraq. “They were only babies those fellas. Babies in their teens. One was in a deep coma with half the head blown off him. I took his hand and he squeezed my hand. All I could do was touch his head and pray for him; I don’t know if he survived. 

“It’s not all bad though. I met a 90-year-old the other day who could hardly walk and when I touched her she said it was years since anyone had felt her leg! You get a good laugh sometimes.” 

Next stop for this warm, humble man is a trip to Russia, where he has been invited for healing. As he walks me to the car outside the hotel, he remarks for the second time, with a look of concern on his face, that I look tired, and says he will say a prayer. Then he scurries to his car boot and gives me seven small candles he uses in his healing, to light for each day of the week, and a card with [h]is healing prayer on it. I go home and forget all about the candles, but I’ve kept the prayer card in my purse, just in case…’

Irish Central, October 5, 2022: ‘It was reported by the Sunday World that Gallagher recently came out of retirement to help a baby girl from Belfast who was brought to him with heart issues.’ Moore: ‘It was the story of little Co Antrim baby Maia Mhandu who was born with four holes in her heart. Her desperate parents, one of who is a leading surgical doctor at the Royal Victoria Hospital, approached Danny as a last resort. Doctors treating Maia told her parents when she was born she could suffer heart failure and die at any moment and she’d at the very best need several invasive operations and strong medication to save her life. When Maia’s parents became so afraid to sleep in case Maia didn’t wake up, they took drastic action and sought the help of Danny. And after a few visits the holes in her heart – including a massive one in her small chamber – closed over and scans at her six-month review proved it.’

Irish Central: “We visited him and he did the blessing always after sunset but even after the first visit we saw big improvements,” her mother explained “She started feeding better, putting on weight and getting stronger, she just had more energy and she just kept improving.” Moore: ‘Her mum Emma… : “We remain forever grateful to Danny. He was very honest with us from the start. He told us there was no guarantee and he was insistent that we keep up all our hospital appointments. “He wasn’t promising anything and definitely wasn’t saying we should ignore the advice of the hospital, quite the opposite. “It was fantastic being able to celebrate her first birthday in September. There were moments when we feared she would ever get to celebrate that.” Irish central: “The only thing I can call it is a miracle. I have no idea how it happened or why it happened but it happened.”

‘… Danny reveals how he was a reluctant healer and how he still has no idea how it works. “As a small boy my mother kept telling me I would be a healer one day,” he says.’ 

The persistent and prevalent folklore surrounding a seventh child in Scotland and especially Ireland, has its roots in the Bible. The identity of the Scots and Irish has been fully documented for those non-constant readers wishing to delve deeper into the secular, biblical and genetic evidence [refer Chapter XXX Judah & Benjamin – the Regal Tribes and Chapter XXXI Reuben, Simeon, Levi & Gad – the Celtic Tribes].  

Map of Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland and a hypothetical union in the future of the descendants of Benjamin, Gad and Reuben.

The Patriarch Jacob had twelve sons. Only two of them had seven sons or more. They were Jacob’s youngest and twelfth son, Benjamin – born to Jacob’s second wife Rachel – who had ten sons of his own; and his first son born to Leah’s maidservant, Zilpah. His name was Gad and he was Jacob’s seventh son. Gad in turn, had seven sons of his own. 

It is then an uncanny coincidence that it is these two sons of Jacob, each with seven sons or more, who are the progenitors of the people in Scotland and Ireland respectively.

The original allotment of land for the twelve sons of Jacob. Note the geographic proximity between the tribes of Benjamin and Gad – then as well as today.

Famous and well known people from the tribe of Benjamin in the scriptures include, a. Ehud, second Judge of Israel; b. Saul, first king of Israel ; c. Mordecai; d. Esther; and e. the Apostle Paul

Benjamin’s name in Hebrew means: Son of the Right Hand. ‘From (1) the noun (ben), son, and (2) the noun (yamin), right hand.’ This was not Benjamin’s original name. 

Genesis 35:16-19

English Standard Version 

‘Then they journeyed from Bethel. When they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel went into labor, and she had hard labor. And when her labor was at its hardest, the midwife said to her, “Do not fear, for you have another son.” And as her soul was departing (for she was dying), she called his name Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin. So Rachel died, and she was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem)…’ 

Book of Jubilees 32:33-34 

‘And Rachel bare a son in the night, and called his name ‘Son of my sorrow’; for she suffered in giving him birth: but his father called his name Benjamin, on the eleventh of the eighth month [October/November, circa 1699 BCE]… And Rachel died there and she was buried in the land of Ephrath, the same is Bethlehem, and Jacob built a pillar on the grave of Rachel, on the road above her grave.’ 

There are three men named Benjamin in the Bible, with Jacob’s son being the most famous. The other two men named are, 1. a descendant of the original Benjamin, namely a son of Bilhan, son of Jediael – 1 Chronicles 7:10; and 2. a son of Harim, ‘who had married and probably divorced a foreign woman during the purge of Ezra – Ezra 10:32.’ 

A number of chief families are listed amongst the exiles returning from Babylon, from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi. Included are families listed as Israel. Whether this means a remnant from all the tribes, or just not from Judah and Levi, meaning from Benjamin is not clear. If it was Benjamin, then Harim in verse 32 – not the same as Harim of the priesthood in verse 21 – may have been from the tribe of Benjamin and hence his son called Benjamin too. The same as the other two Benjamins recorded in the Bible. Of these families, four had seven or more sons. Including Harim, who had eight sons, with Benjamin being number six and Malluch, the seventh son. 

Ezra 10:25-35

English Standard Version 

‘And… of the sons of Parosh: Ramiah, Izziah, Malchijah, Mijamin, Eleazar, Hashabiah, and Benaiah [built up of the Lord]… 

Of the sons of Pahath-moab: Adna, Chelal, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattaniah, Bezalel, Binnui [built], and Manasseh. 

Of the sons of Harim: Eliezer, Isshijah, Malchijah, Shemaiah, Shimeon, Benjamin, Malluch, and Shemariah. 

Of the sons of Hashum: Mattenai, Mattattah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai, Manasseh, and Shimei* [renown, famous].’

The thread of commonality between the meanings of the names of these seventh sons is interesting as is the meaning of Malluch in particular, which means reigning and stems from the verb malak, ‘to be or become king.’ 

The sons and early descendants of Benjamin are listed in three places. 

Genesis 46:21

English Standard Version 

And the sons of Benjamin: Bela [1], Becher [family name of Ephraim], Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh [7], Muppim, Huppim, and Ard [10]. 

Numbers 26:38-41

English Standard Version 

The sons of Benjamin according to their clans: of Bela, the clan of the Belaites; of Ashbel, the clan of the Ashbelites; of Ahiram, the clan of the Ahiramites; of Shephupham, the clan of the Shuphamites; of Hupham, the clan of the Huphamites And the sons of Bela were Ard and Naaman: of Ard, the clan of the Ardites; of Naaman, the clan of the Naamites. These are the sons of Benjamin according to their clans, and those listed were 45,600. 

1 Chronicles 7:6-12 

English Standard Version 

The sons of Benjamin: Bela, Becher, and Jediael, three.

The sons of Bela: Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth, and Iri, five, heads of fathers’ houses, mighty warriors. And their enrollment by genealogies was 22,034. 

The sons of Becher: Zemirah [1], Joash, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Jeremoth, Abijah [7], Anathoth, and Alemeth. All these were the sons of Becher. And their enrollment by genealogies, according to their generations, as heads of their fathers’ houses, mighty warriors, was 20,200. 

The son of Jediael: Bilhan. And the sons of Bilhan: Jeush[family name of Esau], Benjamin, Ehud, Chenaanah, Zethan, Tarshish[family name of Javan], and Ahishahar [7]. All these were the sons of Jediael according to the heads of their fathers’ houses, mighty warriors, 17,200, able to go to war. And Shuppim and Huppim were the sons of Ir, Hushim the son of Aher. 

Abijah means: ‘Yah Is (My) Father’ and Ahishahar, ominously means: brother of darkness or dark brother

In 1 Chronicles chapter eight, the genealogy of Israel’s first king is recorded.

1 Chronicles 8:1-34

English Standard Version

Benjamin fathered Bela his firstborn, Ashbel the second, Aharah the third, Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fifth. And Bela had sons: Addar, Gera [?], Abihud, Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, Gera [7], Shephuphan [7a?], and Huram.

And Shaharaim fathered sons in the country of Moab after he had sent away Hushim and Baara his wives. He fathered sons by Hodesh his wife: Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz, Sachia, and Mirmah [7]. 

These were his sons, heads of fathers’ houses. He also fathered sons by Hushim: Abitub and Elpaal. The sons of Elpaal: Eber, Misham, and Shemed… and Beriah and Shema… and Ahio, Shashak [7], and Jeremoth. Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, Ishmerai, Izliah, and Jobab [7] were the sons of Elpaal. 

Jakim, Zichri, Zabdi, Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel, Adaiah [7], Beraiah, and Shimrath were the sons of Shimei.*’

Ishpan, Eber, Eliel, Abdon, Zichri, Hanan, Hananiah [7], Elam, Anthothijah, Iphdeiah, and Penuel were the sons of Shashak. These were the heads of fathers’ houses, according to their generations, chief men. These lived in Jerusalem. 

Jeiel the father of Gibeon lived in Gibeon, and the name of his wife was Maacah. His firstborn son: Abdon, then Zur, Kish, Baal, Nadab, Gedor, Ahio [7], Zecher, and Mikloth (he fathered Shimeah). Now these also lived opposite their kinsmen in Jerusalem, with their kinsmen. 

Ner was the father of Kish, Kish of Saul, Saul of Jonathan, Malchi-shua, Abinadab and Eshbaal; and the son of Jonathan was Merib-baal; and Merib-baal was the father of Micah. 

Gera or Gerar means: ‘dragging’ or ‘sojourning.’ The first Gera may have died and hence the second Gera may have been the sixth son. Placing Shephuphan as the seventh son instead. His name menacingly means: burrowing snake or serpent; Mirmah means: deceit or treachery; Jobab means: ‘to call’ or ‘cry shrilly’; and Ahio means: ‘brotherly’ or ‘brother of Yah’. Adaiah’s name has unique meanings: ‘Ornament of the Lord’, ‘Yahweh has adorned’ and ‘Yah has decked himself.’ 

In the main, the definitions are positive, though some stand out as dark and may indicate seventh sons who were evil. All in all, there are a number of families with seven sons, as larger families were the norm. 

The first confirmed seventh son of a seventh son, is Hananiah. Which means: ‘Yah has been gracious’, who was the seventh son of Shashak. His name meaning: babel or six [666]; the son of Elpaal- meaning: ‘God has wrought.’ 

Genesis lists ten sons; Numbers lists five sons; I Chronicles seven lists three sons and chapter eight which includes Saul’s genealogy, unhelpfully lists five sons. Even if one assumes the change from five to three was due to the Israelite civil war against Benjamin – it doesn’t explain the drop from ten to five in the first place – and if the six hundred men remaining were from Bela, Becher and Jediel, apart from Bela the one consistent son, the firstborn in all four references, Becher is missing from the second and fourth references and Jediel is only mentioned once, unless he is Ashbel. Even Muppim seems to have turned into Shuppim. 

Added to this are the two lists of sons of seven from Elpaal. Either he had two wives, or there were two Elpaals in the family tree of Saul. The answer overall may lay with Benjamin having more than one wife. A connection between seventh son Roshand the clan name Ros-s is possible, as is Ard-encaple with Benjamin’s tenth son, Ard. Rosh means ‘head, chief’ or ‘top’ [refer Chapter X China: Magog, Tubal & Meshech]. Interestingly, the name Ross, means: ‘up-land peninsula’, ‘promontory head-land’, ‘cape’, ‘elder’ and may also be derived from the Gaelic word for ‘red.’ 

Before we study Gad, we learn the following about his half brother, Simeon’s descendants – the Welsh. 1 Chronicles 4:24-25, ESV: ‘The sons of Simeon: Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, Shaul; Shallum was his son, Mibsam his son, Mishma his son. The sons of Mishma: Hammuel his son, Zaccur his son, Shimei his son.’ 

Another son named Shimei as in the tribe of Benjamin. The name was a popular family name, for there was also a Shimei in Reuben’s family tree, in Levi’s and also a descendant of David of Judah  – 1 Chronicles 5:4; 6:17. Shimei of Judah was the brother of Zerubbabel – 1 Chronicles 3:19. The Shimei from Simeon ‘… had sixteen sons and six daughters; but his brothers did not have many children, nor did all their clan multiply like the men of Judah’ – verse 27. It is possible that this Shimei from Simeon with sixteen sons, may have had an unbroken consecutive line of seven sons. 

Continuing, Chronicle’s lists: ‘Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah [7], Ziza the son of Shiphi, son of Allon, son of Jedaiah, son of Shimri, son of Shemaiah – these mentioned by name were princes in their clans, and their fathers’ houses increased greatly – verses 36-38. Seventh son Benaiah has the same name as the Benjamite seventh son of the returning exile from Babylon to Judea, Parosh. Included in King David’s descendants – tellingly as we shall discover – through his son Solomon’s line, was a man called Elioenai; meaning, ‘towards the Lord are my eyes’, who had seven sons. His seventh son was named Anani, meaning: ‘my obscurity, my cloud’ and ‘cloud of the Lord’ – 1 Chronicles 3:24.

Apart from Benjamin and possibly Simeon, evidence of seventh sons of seventh sons is scant amongst the sons of Jacob in the Bible. Which leaves the tribe of Gad, where one does not need to hunt for an example, as it is leaps out from the pages of the Bible.

It is worth noting that Jacob’s uncle, Ishmael had twelve sons. His seventh son was called Massa, meaning ‘to lift up’ or an ‘oracle’ – Genesis 25:13-16. Another relation, the elder brother of Abraham, Nahor also had twelve sons. He had eight sons with his wife Milcah who was Abraham’s niece – Genesis 11:29. The seventh son was called Jidlaph, meaning ‘he drips’ and ‘he weeps‘ – Genesis 22:20-24. Another example is the patriarch Job, a distant relative of Jacob and a contemporary of Moses. Job had seven sons and three daughters – Job 1:2. We are not told the names of his sons, or what order his ten children were born [Article: The Magnificent Man].

Abarim Publications: 

‘There are two or three Gads mentioned in the Bible:

  • The famous Gad [born in 1744 BCE] is the seventh son of Jacob and the first son of Zilpah, Leah’s maid (Genesis 30:11).
  • The lesser known human Gad is a prophet in the time of  David (1 Samuel 22:5).
  • In Isaiah 65:11 the prophet seems to refer to an idol named Gad (also see the name Baal-gad) apparently in conjunction with the god Meni.’

Gad’s name derives from the verb gadad, ‘to cut, invade’ and ‘expose.’ 

Abarim: ‘The name Gad indicates a fortune for which a troublesome, invasive effort is made. There are plenty of words to indicate treasure or felicity, but Leah who named the son of her maid, chose this painful word גד, Gad. Perhaps the reason for this is that she gave Zilpah to Jacob only because she could not conceive anymore. In those days, that was pretty awful, even though she had already given her husband four sons. The name Gad tells of a wife’s deep anguish, shame and loneliness. 

For the meaning of Gad, the NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Good Fortune. Jones’ Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names has the same, but adds Good Luck. A more accurate translation would be Harrowing Fortune.’ Everyone has heard of “the luck of the Irish.” 

Genesis 46:16

English Standard version

‘The sons of Gad: Ziphion [hidden], Haggi [festive], Shuni [silence], Ezbon [understand], Eri [focused], Arodi [fugitive], and Areli [7].’ 

Gad himself a seventh son, had seven sons. His seventh son was named Areli. His name stands out from his brothers, who all have relatively straight forward meanings. Whereas Areli means: ‘gathered by God, Lion of my God, valiant’ and ‘heroic.’ 

Perhaps Areli was a significant presence as a seventh son of a seventh son. Gad’s fifth son Eri, has an etymological link with the names Eri-n and Ire-land, as well as the islands of Aran. Erin is the 41st most common girls name in Ireland out of 101 names – as of February 2024.

The Book of Numbers includes the main clans of Gad at the time of the census after the trek through the wilderness [Appendix VII: Moses, the Exodus & the Dead Sea Crossing – Fabrication or Fact?

Numbers 26:15-18 

English Standard Version

‘The sons of Gad according to their clans: of Zephon, the clan of the Zephonites; of Haggi, the clan of the Haggites; of Shuni, the clan of the Shunites; of Ozni, the clan of the Oznites; of Eri, the clan of the Erites; of Arod, the clan of the Arodites; of Areli, the clan of the Arelites. These are the clans of the sons of Gad as they were listed, 40,500.’ 

We learn that Areli had children and perhaps a seventh son of his own? In 1 Chronicles, further information regarding Gad’s descendants is provided. 

1 Chronicles 5:11-13

English Standard Version 

‘The sons of Gad lived over… in the land of Bashan as far as Salecah: Joel the chief, Shapham the second, Janai, and Shaphat in Bashan. And their kinsmen according to their fathers’ houses: 

Michael, Meshullam, Sheba, Jorai, Jacan, Zia and Eber [7], seven. 

These were the sons of Abihail the son of Huri, son of Jaroah, son of Gilead, son of Michael, son of Jeshishai, son of Jahdo, son of Buz.’ Michael is the 15th most common boys name in Ireland out of 102 names – as of February 2024.

‘Ahi the son of Abdiel, son of Guni, was chief in their fathers’ houses, and they lived in Gilead, in Bashan and in its towns, and in all the pasturelands of Sharon to their limits. All of these were recorded in genealogies in the days of Jotham king of Judah [who reigned from 749 to 733 BCE], and in the days of Jeroboam [II, who reigned from 793 to 753 BCE] king of Israel.’ The final seventh son of a seventh son is identified as Eber, the son of Abihail. 

Eber means: ‘the region beyond, one from beyond, from the other side’ and ‘he who passed over.’ While these definitions are understood to be from a physical perspective for the original Eber – Genesis 10:24 – for this Eber, there may have been a spiritual application as a seventh son of a seventh son. 

Eber was a common family name and for example, recall the same name of the son of Elpaal of Benjamin, as well as the son of Shashak. From the Hebrew word Eber, has derived the following names: Hebrew, Iberia and Hibernia. 

The mystique of Ireland and their ancient Patriarchal ancestor Gad is reflected in the non-canonical work, The Book of Gad the Seer, mentioned in the Bible – 1 Chronicles 29:29. As is the preoccupation with seven sons in the 1954 motion picture, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Aside note of interest for the constant reader: all seven brothers had red hair [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla and Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe].

There is one final example of perhaps the most famous seventh son of a seventh son of all and he also is to be found in the scriptures. 

We begin with the young man in the Bible called David. Readers interested in added detail about David and his life are encouraged to read Chapter XXX Judah & Benjamin – the Regal Tribes. Picking up with David in the year 1022 BCE when he was seventeen years of age. The Eternal has directed the prophet and priest Samuel, to anoint a new king, for King Saul had fallen out of favour. Samuel arranges a meeting with a man from the tribe of Judah called Jesse and his sons. 

1 Samuel 16:6-13

English Standard Version 

‘When they came, he looked on Eliab [1] and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” [Jeremiah 17:9, Isaiah 66:2] Then Jesse called Abinadab [2] and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, “Neither has the Lord chosen this one.” Then Jesse made Shammah [3] pass by. And he said, “Neither has the Lord chosen this one.” And Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen these.” Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we will not sit down till he comes here.” And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him, for this is he.” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward…’

Samuel understandably, was struck by the impressive height and looks – with regard to stature and muscles – of David’s brothers. All seven passed by Samuel, though the Eternal did not choose any of them. David had not been deemed worthy enough by his father Jesse, to bring to such an important and historic event perhaps. Thus everyone had to wait until David was found herding the families sheep, freshened up and brought before Samuel. David was different and not especially close with his family – Psalm 38:11. Or it merely may have been that Jesse, who was very old at the time, felt a seventeen year old could not surely be in the running to be the next king. 

This passage alludes to David being the eighth son of Jesse. And while David was a very handsome man, with a fair complexion and red hair, he was not as tall or imposing as his impressive brothers. Between this event and David’s confrontation with the Philistine giant Goliath, David worked for King Saul part time, while still herding sheep for his father. David’s three eldest brothers mentioned in the previous passage were all in Saul’s army. 

1 Samuel 17:12-18 

English Standard Version 

‘Now David was the son of an Ephrathite of Bethlehem in Judah, named Jesse, who had eight sons. In the days of Saul the man was already old and advanced in years. The three oldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to the battle. And the names of his three sons who went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn, and next to him Abinadab, and the third Shammah [3]. David was the youngest. The three eldest followed Saul, but David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father’s sheep at Bethlehem. For forty days the Philistine [Goliath] came forward and took his stand, morning and evening. And Jesse said to David his son, “Take for your brothers an ephah of this parched grain, and these ten loaves, and carry them quickly to the camp to your brothers. Also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See if your brothers are well, and bring some token from them.”’ 

Again, the account records that Jesse had eight sons, with David being the eighth and youngest son. Yet in the later Book of Chronicles there is a perplexing omission in the genealogy of David. 

1 Chronicles 2:3-16

English Standard Version 

‘The sons of Judah: Er, Onan and Shelah; these three Bath-shua the Canaanite bore to him… His daughter-in-law Tamar also bore him Perez and Zerah. Judah had five sons in all. The sons of Perez: Hezron and Hamul. The sons of Zerah: Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Calcol, and Dara, five in all… 

The sons of Hezron that were born to him: Jerahmeel, Ram, and Chelubai. Ram fathered Amminadab, and Amminadab fathered Nahshon, prince of the sons of Judah. Nahshon fathered Salmon, Salmon fathered Boaz, Boaz fathered Obed, Obed fathered Jesse. 

Jesse fathered Eliab his firstborn, Abinadab the second, Shimea the third, Nethanel the fourth, Raddai the fifth, Ozem the sixth, David the seventh. 

And their sisters were Zeruiah and Abigail…’ 

Here we learn that David is now the seventh son. The account clearly lists seven brothers with Eliab the firstborn and David now the seventh born son and importantly seventh born sibling, implying his sisters were younger. As this is obviously not a slip of the scribal pen, it means an older brother of David has been omitted. The question then, is why? 

We read twice that the third child of Jesse was a male named Shammah, meaning at its worst: ‘waste, appalling desolation’ and at its best, ‘astonishment.’ This name has terrible significance and as Abarim note, Shammah ‘is an example of a name that probably didn’t have the function of reflecting qualities of the bearer but rather to commemorate a certain event that had nothing to do with the bearer, and at best coincided with his birth.’ I would add, maybe it had something to do with his death. Perhaps Shammah suffered a brutal demise while a soldier in Saul’s army. 

Some equate Shimea and Shammah as the same person. Though their names have entirely different meanings, ruling this theory out. Shimea means: ‘He (God) has heard, hearing’ and ‘rumour.’ Either way, David began as the eighth son and sibling out of ten, to then legitimately become the seventh son and seventh sibling out of a resulting nine in total. There is reason to believe that the name David was in fact a title, meaning: a ‘beloved chieftain.’ Whereas David’s true name, was Elhanan, meaning ‘God has been gracious.’ It was a man called Elhanan, who had defeated Goliath. 

David had a colourful love life and an eye for the ladies. He was charismatic, good looking and popular. In the Book of Chronicles, many of David’s numerous children from a number of wives are enumerated. 

1 Chronicles 3:1-9

English Standard Version 

‘These are the sons of David who were born to him in Hebron: the firstborn, Amnon, by Ahinoam the Jezreelite [in the territory of Issachar]; the second, Daniel [Kileab], by Abigail the Carmelite, the third, Absalom, whose mother was Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [an Aramaean kingdom]; the fourth, Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith; the fifth, Shephatiah, by Abital; the sixth, Ithream, by his wife Eglah; six were born to him in Hebron, where he reigned for seven years and six months.’ 

This period was between Saul’s death when David ruled from the city of Hebron and winning a war against Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth; which made David Israel’s undisputed king.

‘And he reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem. These were born to him in Jerusalem: 

Shimea, Shobab, Nathan and Solomon, four by Bath-shua, the daughter of Ammiel; 

then Ibhar, Elishama, Eliphelet, Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet, nine. 

All these were David’s sons, besides the sons of the concubines, and Tamar was their sister.’ 

King David had six sons from six wives when living and ruling in Hebron. There, it abruptly and tantalisingly stops on a cliffhanger. Where we wonder who is number seven? David then proceeds to have at least thirteen more sons and a daughter, with at least eight wives. David possibly ‘inherited’ more wives of Saul – as was the custom – where the sons are listed without mothers named. This does not include the additional sons from concubines who are not listed in the kingly succession. 

A son of David named Jerimoth is mentioned in 2 Chronicles 11:18; though it’s not clear whether he is one of the sons mentioned above, using another name, or if he was one of David’s sons by a concubine. Regarding three of David’s first six sons, Antonakis Maritis lists the key points: 

Amnon: David’s firstborn by his wife Ahinoam was a man of low character and driven by lust. He became obsessed with his half-sister Tamar (daughter of Maakah) and lured her to his room on false pretenses so he could rape her. He was later murdered in revenge by Tamar’s full brother, Absalom (2 Samuel 13). 

Absalom: Third in line, Absalom is one of David’s most notorious sons. A son of David’s wife Maakah, Absalom was hot-tempered and power-hungry. He planned out the murder of his half-brother Amnon to avenge the rape of his sister, and then he plotted to steal his father’s throne. He drew a following in Jerusalem, and David was forced to flee the city. To help complete his coup, Absalom had sex with David’s concubines in view of everyone. He died in battle when Joab, commander of David’s army, killed him. (2 Samuel 13-19 [1 Chronicles 3:1-2]).

Adonijah: David’s fourth son, by his wife Haggith, was handsome and undisciplined (1 Kings 1:6). He is known for a failed attempt to become king of Israel after his father died (1 Kings 1:9). Adonijah was eventually executed by his half-brother Solomon, the rightful king, for continued insurrection and attempts to steal the throne (1 Kings 2:23-25). 

Amnon and Absalom died while David was alive and Adonijah after his death. David had one other son die while he was alive and that was his first son with Bathsheba. The one preceding the birth of Solomon. This son died seven days after his birth – 2 Samuel 12:14-23. It appears that he is not included with the four sons of Bathsheba and David. It is noteworthy that this son died after seven days and was not to be a seventh son of a seventh son. 

Maritis: ‘Shimea: (Shammua). A son of Bathsheba… was born in Jerusalem, but nothing else is known about him.’ Note the name Shimea was the name of one of David’s elder brothers. 

Shobab: Another son of Bathsheba; nothing else is known about him. 

Nathan: … nothing else is known of him. Nathan was named after the prophet Nathan, who had a long-term association with David. 

Solomon: David’s most famous son was also by Bathsheba. God chose Solomon to become the next king of Israel’ as well as to build the Temple. ‘God offered to grant Solomon anything he asked, Solomon asked for wisdom to rule the people well. God was so pleased with Solomon’s request that He granted the wisdom and also gave him unmatched wealth… Solomon was the author of most of the Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, and the book of Ecclesiastes.’ Also attributed to Solomon is the deuterocanonical book – which means this work is part of Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canon but tends to be viewed as apocryphal by Protestants – the Wisdom of Solomon, also known as the Book of Wisdom and the Odes of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon and the Testament of Solomon all part of the pseudepigrapha. 

What is unusual is that Bathsheba’s sons are not listed in chronological order. Why? We do not know. Is it to hide the true identity of David’s seventh son? The answer is found in the Book of Samuel. When David and Bathsheba lost their son after seven days, they had another child.

2 Samuel 12:24-25

English Standard Version 

‘Then David comforted his wife, Bathsheba, and went in to her and lay with her, and she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And the Lord loved* him and sent a message by Nathan the prophet. So he called his name Jedidiah, because of the Lord.’ 

David named his son Solomon, meaning: ‘recompense, completeness, peace’ and ‘peaceable.’ While the prophet Nathan, was moved by the Eternal to give him a birth name of Jedidiah, meaning: ‘beloved of the Lord’ and ‘friend of God.’ This name was fitting as the Lord loved Solomon. Solomon, like his father had two names and was also favoured by the Eternal.

The same way it was orchestrated that David the eighth son of Jesse became the seventh son; Solomon, the would be eighth son of David, became instead his seventh son. Thus Solomon was a seventh son of a seventh son. He is undoubtedly, the most famous seventh son of a seventh son in the biblical record and perhaps in history. 

If we count the son who died as a baby after having been conceived through David’s adulterous relationship with Bathsheba, David had at least twenty sons by his wives, plus an unknown number from his concubines and this is not even including daughters. Thus it is well conceivable that David had thirty or more children. 

As an aside, there are two genealogies in the Gospels for Christ. One includes David’s son Nathan – Luke 3:23-38 –  which is considered the lineage of Christ’s mother, Mary. The other includes David’s son Solomon – Matthew 1:1-16 – which is considered the lineage of Christ’s adoptive father, Joseph. The truth is that the reverse is true as it is Matthew who has recorded Christ’s biological bloodline from King Solomon. Though it says Joseph was the husband of Mary, this Joseph was actually the father of Mary; as attested by early Hebrew manuscripts of the New Testament, before they were re-written in Greek. Evidence that Christ was descended from the biological line of Solomon and not Nathan is found in the Book of Samuel. 

2 Samuel 7:12-17

English Standard Version 

‘When your [that is, David’s] days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his [Solomon’s] kingdom. He shall build a house for my name [Solomon built the Temple, not Nathan], and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever [refer article: The Ark of God]. I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. When he commits iniquity, I will discipline him with the rod of men, with the stripes of the sons of men, but my steadfast love* will not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before you. And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.” [Chapter XXX Judah & Benjamin – the Regal Tribes]. 

The chart above by Conforming to Jesus, correctly aligns the family tree of David and his descendant Jesus Christ

Verse seventeen states: ‘So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.’ This is interesting in light of the significance of the number seven, as this is two times seven, three times. 

While both the Eternal and David favoured his seventh son, Bathsheba with the prophet Nathan, was instrumental in ensuring Solomon was anointed and coronated the next king. David assisted in the process by creating history’s first recorded ‘hit list’ which he gave to Solomon as one of his final acts as King of Israel. One Bible scholar calling it “a last will and testament worthy of a dying Mafia capo.” Solomon wasted no time in having Adonijah and Joab executed, while banishing Abiathar the priest from his office – 1 Kings 2:26-35. In both cases, the executioner was Benaiah, the captain of David’s bodyguard. King David died soon after Solomon’s coronation in 970 BCE who was thirty years of age, after saying: “I have appointed [Solomon] to be ruler over Israel and Judah” – 1 Kings 1:35. 

As a seventh son of a seventh son, did Solomon possess a gift of healing? Did Solomon have second sight? Was he a seer of visions? The Bible does not reveal an answer. Though it would appear that Solomon did have a proclivity towards the occult and the supernatural, as we will learn. Solomon began his reign well enough, being a recipient of the Eternal’s love and pleasing Him by asking for wisdom in selflessly ruling the Kingdom of Israel, instead of seeking riches for himself. Even so, he was offering sacrifices to idols. 

1 Kings 3:3-15

English Standard Version 

‘Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of David his father, only he sacrificed and made offerings at the high places. And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. Solomon used to offer a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. 

At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, “Ask what I shall give you”… Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” 

It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this. And God said to him, “Because you have asked this, and have not asked for yourself long life or riches or the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, behold, I now do according to your word. Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you. 

I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that no other king shall compare with you, all your days. And if you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen^ your days.”’ So the Eternal would give Solomon what he did not ask for: riches and honour. Yet Solomon did not live to see seventy, dying^ in 930 BCE – for he didn’t walk in the way of his father David. 

The downfall of Solomon began with a. sacrificing to idols; then b. marrying hundreds of foreign wives; c. following after their gods; which led to d. worshipping demons; and e. sacrificing his own children [refer article: Na’amah]. Solomon desired to discern between good and evil, yet this was what the Serpent Samael offered Eve from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. It didn’t end well. Solomon lacked the wisdom to realise asking for God’s Holy Spirit as represented by the Tree of Life, was the most important request one could ever make – 2 Kings 2:9. It was what separated and distanced him from his father, David – 2 Samuel 23:2, Mark 12:36. 

Recall the angel numbers discussed earlier, contained within the scriptures: 666 and 777. There is a curious scripture where there is a third angel number listed. 

1 Kings 10:14 

English Standard Version 

‘Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold…’ 

Aside from the similarity with the number of the Beast, this is an incredible amount of gold, just in one year. A talent is seventy-five pounds, which equates to 50,000 pounds or twenty-five tons. In today’s value this is worth a staggering, USD $1,728,890,625. Of interest perhaps is that Solomon’s name in numerology – albeit in English – looks like this: 

1, [6], 3, [6], 4, [6], 5. 

The Untold Truth of King Solomon, Benito Cerino, 2020: ‘The Jewish Encyclopedia reports legend had it Solomon… could determine a person’s guilt simply by looking at them without need for a trial… Arguably, Solomon’s greatest achievement as king was the completion of the First Temple in Jerusalem… the Bible credits Solomon with planning, funding, and executing the construction of the Temple in order to create a permanent location for the Ark of the Covenant… the literal physical presence of God [refer article: The Ark of God].’

Online Encylopaedia: ‘Solomon’s Temple is a central symbol of Freemasonry which holds that the first three Grand Masters were King Solomon, King Hiram I of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff – the craftsman/architect who built the temple. Masonic initiation rites include the reenactment of a scene set on the Temple Mount while it was under construction.’

‘Every Masonic lodge, therefore, is symbolically the Temple for the duration of the degree and possesses ritual objects representing the architecture of the Temple. These may either be built into the hall or be portable. Among the most prominent are replicas of the pillars Boaz and Jachin through which every initiate has to pass’ [refer articles: 33; The Establishment: Who are they… What do they want? and Chapter XXIII Aram & Tyre: Spain, Portugal & Brazil]. 

Occult World: Solomon knew ‘the lore of plants, animals, and everything in the natural world… [ruling] over the realm of nature… In legend, his wisdom expands to include formidable magical knowledge… [becoming] the greatest of magicians and his name is used to control both good and bad spirits… able to summon angels and command demons’ – 1 Kings 4:33. 

‘Josephus’ Antiquities credits Solomon with writing 1,500 books of odes and songs and 3,000 books of parables and similitudes and knowing how to exorcize Demons’ – 1 Kings 4:32. ‘The Sefer Raziel, a magical text, says that Solomon was heir to the famed book (also called the Book of Mysteries), which enabled him to become the source of all wisdom.’

Historical Blindness: ‘… in the Wisdom of Solomon, and also in Jewish Antiquities, [Solomon] is depicted as a master of occult knowledge, and specifically two areas of knowledge: astronomy, which would further link him to the magical art of astrology, and demonic exorcism, which would contribute to the tales of his power to bend all spirits to his will.’ 

Occult World: ‘Numerous magical handbooks, or Grimoires, attributed to the authorship of Solomon were popular in the early centuries of Christianity. By the 12th century, at least 49 texts were in existence. The most famous was the Greater Key of Solomon, quoted often in the magical books of the 17th-19th centuries’ as well as the Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis or Lesser Key of Solomon. Recall James Murrell the Cunning man, was in possession of The Key of Solomon.Other works attributed to Solomon include the Secrets of Solomon and The Book of Solomon. 

Historical Blindness: ‘The various versions of the Keys of Solomon provide instructions for the practitioner of magic, directing them in purification rituals and how to prepare the tools they will require. They collect incantations like recipes, demonstrating how to cast spells that invoke rain, conjure gold coins, make oneself invisible, instill love, and curse enemies. And perhaps most offensive to the Church, they name and describe many demons and teach the magician how to summon them and how to compel them to do their bidding.’ 

A magic circle used in the summoning of demons, according to the Lesser Key of Solomon

The question this begs is not why the [Catholic] church would ban such literature, but how the figure of Solomon, presented in the Bible as a wise and holy king favored by the Judeo-Christian God above all other men, came to be associated with black magic.

According to the lore of magic, King Solomon was not only a master magician, he was the originator of some magics. Just as Zoroaster is viewed as the first magus and inventor of astrology, and Hermes Trismegistus the first alchemist [refer article: Thoth], King Solomon is thought of as the originator of more than one form of magic, such as Ars notoria, the magical art of supernaturally achieving knowledge, and perhaps most importantly, Ars goetia, the ritual magic used to summon and bind [72] demons and thus obtain favors from them. 

… according to the magical myth of Solomon… God granted him supernatural wisdom like a superpower, including even the ability to talk with animals and to command spirits. From angels he received four magical stones, one that gave him power over the animal kingdom, one that empowered him to move heaven and earth, one that granted him dominion over all angels, and one that enabled him to bind even demons to his service… he united these stones into a ring that made him the most powerful human of all time. He possessed also the philosopher’s stone, it was believed by others, and thus was able to create gold and riches. 

Zosimos… in one work refers to some supposedly ancient and conveniently lost book purportedly written by Solomon that is said to have detailed the many uses of quicksilver [or mercury – refer article: Thoth].

And with this great wealth and power, he built many wonders, forcing demons to complete the labor on his behalf. Not only did he build the Temple of Jerusalem in this manner, but also mythical constructions like the walled city of copper, a vast and secret city built to contain all his treasures and books of arcane wisdom. 

In total, he was an ancient superhero, and his legend would provide the background for quite the adventure story. But where does this all come from? As mentioned, those who only know Solomon from the Bible know him only as the wise king, a writer of songs, lauded for his clever judgments, the builder of the First Temple, arrayed in riches and luxuries, and known for his sexual escapades. Unsurprisingly, there is no biblical basis for these fanciful legends, but perhaps more surprisingly, there is little scriptural support for any claims of Solomonic magic.’ Or, is there?

1 Kings 4:29-30, ESV: ‘And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding beyond measure, and breadth of mind like the sand on the seashore, so that Solomon’s wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the people of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt.’ 

Historic Blindness: ‘As Midrashic commentaries have emphasized, the wisdom of the East and Egypt was astrological in nature, so it would only make sense then that Solomon’s surpassing wisdom also partook of this kind of divination [‘the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means’] and augury [the practice of divination]. 

The Hygromanteia is a Greek work, but portions of it appear to have Italian influence and to have been added later, in the early Middle Ages. In these sections, Solomon is not only a practitioner of astrology, but also of other forms of magic, such as hydromancy, the summoning of demons in a water basin to create a kind of crystal ball that would show him things he desired to see.

In the Arab and Muslim world… [Solomon] was called Nabi Sulayman and was said to be master of their version of demons, the djinn. Indeed, the entire notion of Solomon keeping demons in a bottle and forcing them to do his bidding may explain much about the development of stories featuring wish-granting genies kept in bottles.’

Allegedly, Solomon was in possession of magical items, including a flying carpet and was carried ‘aloft either by the demons at his command or by the winds that he could tame, depending on what source you read.’ Remember the rumours of James Murrell being able to move quickly from place to place as if he was transported by flying.

Cerino: ‘Of all of Solomon’s magic items that he used during his reign, probably the most famous is his ring that let him control demons. In many popular folktales of Solomon, this ring was known as the Seal of Solomon and featured a six-pointed [hexagram] Star of David on it, but in the early demonological text the Testament of Solomon, the ring is described as bearing a pentalpha, that is, a pentagram.’ The seal is the predecessor to the misleading name, the Star of David – a Jewish symbol – and in modern vexillology, it features on the flag of the state of Israel [refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe].

‘In that text, Solomon receives the ring from the archangel Michael… Once Solomon realizes his new power, he summons the demons one by one, learns their powers and dominions and to which constellations they are bound, as well as which angel has power over them. Once he has gained this wisdom, Solomon puts the demons to work on building the Temple.’ 

Occult World: ‘The Testament of Solomon… probably written between the first and third centuries C.E., is a legendary tale about how Solomon built the Temple of Jerusalem by commanding Demons. The text is rich in Demonology, angelology, and lore about medicine, astrology, and Magic. The author is unknown and may have been a Greek-speaking Christian who was familiar with the Babylonian Talmud. The magical lore related to Demons, which dominates the text, shows Babylonian influences. 

The Demons are described as Fallen Angels or the offspring of fallen angels and human women, and they live in stars and constellations. They can shape shift into beasts and forces of nature. They lurk in deserts and haunt tombs, and they dedicate themselves to leading people astray. They are ruled by Beelzeboul (Beelzebub), the Prince of Demons.’ 

‘The stellar bodies themselves are Demonic, wielding destructive power over the affairs of humanity. The 36 decans, or 10-degree portions of the… 12 zodiacal signs, are called heavenly bodies and likewise are ruled by Demons, who cause mental and physical illnesses. There are seven “world rulers,” who are equated with the vices of deception, strife, fate, distress, error, power, and “the worst,” each of whom is thwarted by a particular angel (with the exception of “the worst”). Solomon summons them to appear before him for interrogation to learn what they do and the names of the angels who thwart them. They appear with heads of formless dogs and as humans, bulls, dragons with bird faces, beasts, and sphinxes.

The testament considers angels as God’s messengers but does not describe their origin or hierarchy. The main purpose of angels is to thwart Demons and render them powerless. Each angel is responsible for thwarting specific Demons. Humans must call upon the right angel by name in order to defeat a Demon; otherwise, Demons are worshipped as gods. Among the angels named are the archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. 

When the Demon ORNIAS vampirizes Solomon’s favourite boy by sucking out his soul through his thumb, Solomon begs God for power over the Demon. While he prays, Michael appears and gives Solomon a ring with a seal engraved upon a precious stone. Michael tells Solomon that this magical ring will give him power over all Demons, male and female, and that they will help him build the temple. The Demons are subdued when the ring is thrown at their chests with the command “Solomon summons you!” Solomon interviews the Demons and demands from them the names of their thwarting angels. When they are subdued, they are made to construct his temple. One of [the] Demons interrogated by Solomon gives no name but describes himself as “a lecherous spirit of a giant man who died in a massacre in the age of giants.” He lives in “inaccessible places” [Articles: Nephilim & Elioud Giants I & II].’ 

Historical Blindness: ‘Josephus included in his Jewish Antiquities an account of an exorcism performed by a man named Eleazar who cast out demons in the name of Solomon, speaking incantations the text says were written by Solomon, and pressing a ring said to bear the seal of Solomon to the possessed man’s nose. 

Clearly by this point, the exorcism rituals attributed to Solomon had become a kind of folk healing remedy, and his name and seal an apotropaic [‘intended to ward off evil’] protection against evil spirits. Interestingly, we see here a ring, though not the magical ring gifted by angels to endow Solomon with power over all things. Rather it seems perhaps many such rings may have been made and used in such rituals, their power thought to derive from the “seal” engraved on it. 

Over the following centuries, many apotropaic amulets would be inscribed with the names of demons, following the Solomonic exorcism ritual, and would even claim to bear the seal given to Solomon to ward off demons. Sometime after the first century CE, likely in the period of Late Antiquity between the 3rd and 6th centuries, we find this legend fully formed in the fragments later collected in the Middle Ages as the pseudepigraphal work called the Testament of Solomon, which not only has him wielding his magic ring but also compiles an entire demonology, with the names of each offending spirit, the nature of their activities, and specific prescriptions for exorcising them.’ 

Most if not all of the works ascribed to Solomon outside of the Bible, are likely not written by him, but rather an example of authors who have attributed their work to a more famous, well-known person to give their text legitimacy and credibility. Even so, “where there is smoke there is fire.” Solomon’s descent along the left hand path is undeniable and therefore his interaction with evil spirits a given. He followed many of the beliefs of his seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, which ultimately led to his sickeningly sacrificing hundreds of his own children [refer Chapter XIII India & Pakistan: Cush & Phut and article: Na’amah]. 

Whatever predisposition towards spirituality Solomon may have inherited as a seventh son of a very potent seventh son in his own right, King David, it was not used for others benefit; whether it included any gifts of healing and divination or not, but for selfish satisfaction. 

1 Kings 11:6-10

English Standard Version 

‘… Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and did not wholly follow the Lord, as David his father had done… Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem [Articles: Na’amah and Belphegor]. And so he did for all his foreign wives, who made offerings and sacrificed to their gods. And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice and had commanded him… that he should not go after other gods. But he did not keep what the Lord commanded.’

The most famous seventh son of a seventh son of all – hidden in plain sight within the inspired pages of the Bible – tragically failed to live up to his incredible potential and instead became entangled in demonolatry; plummeting into the dark depths where the daemons reside. 

Jesus said to them, “… I have given you power to crush… snakes and scorpions under your feet. Nothing will hurt you. Yes, even the spirits obey you. And you can be happy, not because you have this power, but because your names are written in heaven.” 

Luke 10:18-20 Easy-to-Read Version

Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came and drew water and filled the troughs to water their father’s flock.

Exodus 2:16 English Standard Version

“I’m not quite sure what the odds are of a seventh son of a seventh son, however it must have happened by now because I am the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter. As I understand it, the odds are astronomical, but here I am, so I’m certain that such a man exists!” 

Win Strack

© Orion Gold 2024 – All rights reserved. Permission to copy, use or distribute, if acknowledgement of the original authorship is attributed to


There is a supernatural being recorded in the Bible, who while not the same spirit entity as the Old Testament Baal otherwise known by his secondary title in the New Testament, as Beelzebub; it is perhaps the next most important personage in the Baal pantheon. In the scriptures, he is introduced as Baal of Peor. The Hebrew word Ba’al – H1168 – means: ‘lord, ruler, owner, master, husband, adversary’ as well as ‘master of dreams.’ The plural form is Baalim. The Hebrew word Peor is H1187 – P’owr; meaning in its simplest, ‘gap.’ Baal-of-Peor pronounced bah’-al peh-ore’ was the Lord of the Gap – the Moabite deity worshipped with licentious rites.

Baal Peor was also known as Ba’al Phegor, or more commonly today as the latinised, Belphegor – pronounced as bell-fih-gore. Other spellings include Belphegore and Belphagor – both master number names in numerology. His name, or more accurately his descriptive title literally means: ‘Master of the Opening’. The Hebrew word peor derives from the root word pa’ar, meaning: to ‘open wide’. It includes the extended definitions of: hole, orifice, crack, cleft, crevice, cavity, hollow, tunnel and shaft. All having a sexual connotation; while from a spiritual perspective, an opening to the other side as in a gate way or portal

Abarim Publications: ‘The Verb pa’ar is ‘used to apply to the mouth but suggests to allude to other bodily cavities. This verb yields no nouns, which suggests that it describes doings out of a kind of hunger or desire rather than merely the mechanics of opening. [In] that sense it means to desire, to yearn and obviously also to lust.’

Images for Belphegor fall into one of two categories, either comical or monstrous. This one is perhaps leaning towards some semblance of accuracy in that, he is horned and black. 

The constant reader will be aware that we have encountered Ba’al of Peor twice before. Once in Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia.

Numbers 25:1-18

English Standard Version

1 While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab. 2 These invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. 3 So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. 4 And the Lord said to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of the people and hang them in the sun before the Lord, that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.” 5 And Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Each of you kill those of his men who have yoked themselves to Baal of Peor.”

6 And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. 7 When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand 8 and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. Thus the plague on the people of Israel was stopped. 

Nevertheless, those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand – Deuteronomy 4:3. 10 And the Lord said to Moses, 11 “Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the people of Israel, in that he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy. 12 Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace, 13 and it shall be to him and to his descendants after him the covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel.’” 

14 The name of the slain man of Israel, who was killed with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, chief of a father’s house belonging to the Simeonites [Chapter XXXI Reuben, Simeon, Levi & Gad – the Celtic tribes]. 15 And the name of the Midianite woman who was killed was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, who was the tribal head of a father’s house in Midian. 16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 17 “Harass the Midianites and strike them down, 18 for they have harassed you with their wiles, with which they beguiled you in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of the chief of Midian, their sister, who was killed on the day of the plague on account of Peor” – Numbers 31:16.

The Phillip Medhurst Picture – Idolatry with Baal-Peor

It would appear that – even after coming out of Egypt and the infamous golden calf incident – the sons of Jacob were easily influenced by the religions and false gods of their neighbouring nations; who were in reality, extended family. As they followed the gods of Moab and Ammon, they also worshipped the same gods as Midian. A case in point, is the false god just outlined in Numbers chapter twenty-five, prominent amongst the Moabites and Midianites, Baal of Peor. Peor was a mountain located in the Abarim Range in the territory of Moab. The name Abarim comes from the verb abar, meaning ‘to pass over’ or ‘through’. It can connote ‘regions beyond, crossings’ and ‘passages.’ All of which have a dual spiritual application in passing over to the other side. The precise location of Mount Pe’or itself is uncertain. Some researchers have identified it with Mt. Nebo. 

Abarim: ‘This mountain is so very special because Moses was given a birds-eye view of the promised land of Israel (Numbers 27:12, Deuteronomy 32:48-52). After he had seen it he was ‘gathered to his people’ and he was never to enter what he had seen and towards which he had led the people for forty years of suffering and wars. Moses, the friend of God… was kept in God’s ultimate esteem. When he died God himself buried him in the valley in the land of Moab (Deuteronomy 34:6), close to Mount Abarim. Moses’ body was even such a prize that none less than Michael the arch-angel and the Devil entered into a dispute over it’ – Jude 9. 

Dragon of the Two Flames, Demonic Magic and Gods of Canaan, Michael W Ford, 2019: “… Moses… called upon the ‘angel’ Haron/Horon, who is called in the ‘Legends of the Jews’ by Louis Ginzberg as ‘Baal-Peor’. Horon, being a manifestation of Baal of Peor is ‘drawn once more into the depths of the earth’. Baal-of-Peor… was bound in the chthonic depths by… Yahweh, who buried Moses opposite of where the old god was bound. Baal-of-Peor as Horon would ascend from the underworld to cause plague and destroy Israel if they did not follow the rules and structure Moses defined.” 

Not only is the link between Moses and Baal of Peor of interest, so is the personal name given for the Baal… of Peor: Horon. For the meaning of Horon is parallel with that of Peor in that Horon means ‘hollow; from the noun hor. Abarim include the definition of ‘freeman’ for Horon. ‘There are two towns named Beth-horon in the Bible: Upper [located in Ephraim] and Lower Beth-horon [in Benjamin], which were built by Ephraim’s daughter Sheerah (1 Chronicles 7:24). Much later king Solomon would fortify both Beth-horons (2 Chronicles 8:5).’ 

This is an interesting coincidence in light of Solomon’s relationship with Naamah of Ammon; her relationship with Molech; Molech’s relationship with Chemosh; and Chemosh’s relationship with Belphegor [refer article: Na’amah]. For Chemosh is none other than Baal of Peor the Moabite deity – 2 Kings 23;13, Jeremiah 48:46. 

Ford notes that ‘Astarte is mentioned as the equivalent of Ishtar [aka Lilith] and holds power of not only magic (in spells regarding snakes* often with Horon) yet also of love and of course war.’

Abarim: ‘Because the area of Beth-horon had at least one major cave, scholars assume that the horon-part comes from the word (hor), meaning hollow or hole, or else (hur), meaning cavern. The extension is a common device to personify or localize the word it’s attached to. In this case horon would thus mean: of the hor [or the hollow].’ 

Belphegor by Louis Le Breton made in 1863 for the Dictionnaire infernal written by Collin de Plancy – which unfortunately for Belphegor stuck

Michael W Ford: “In Ugaritic literature there are two demon-gods who are associated with the netherworld yet also have a balanced role in the world of the living… ‘Horon’, called ‘The One of the Pit’… [or] ‘The One of the Netherworld’ is mentioned in the legend of Keret and other texts as [not just] a striking, deadly Deific Mask but also one who is a powerful magickian [and] who can keep other underworld powers from attacking humans… Horon… a very powerful underworld god… [is] invoked in curses against not only enemies but also snakebites* and other demons… indicat[ing] his powers are much greater than most rebel spirits… Horon… relate[s] to the Arabic ‘haur’ which translates [as] ‘bottom of a well’… [as in] ‘under’ the earth or ‘hole’ in the earth… [and] represents the ‘underworld’. Associated with Horon is the meaning ‘deep one, the one inhabiting the underworld’. Horon’s name is connected to hor signifying a ‘pit’. The Pit is more than the underworld… – [it is] the ‘place for necromancy, offering libations… sacrifices to the dead… [and] an entrance into Hell.

Horon is known by the epithet ‘Horanu Habiruma’… which translates “Horanu, the Spellcaster”… a powerful god of death and dark magick. His powers are invoked in the direst circumstances and Horon was rightly feared due to the degree of harm in which he could inflict upon his enemies.

The abode of Horon is a rather mysterious name, ‘msd’ (Ugarit epithet of ‘hrn msd’)… [meaning]: ‘fortress’, ‘stronghold’ or ‘melting oven’ (Akkadian ‘Masadu’ which [means] ‘Hiding Place’, i.e. [the] ‘Underworld’).’ This word is almost the same as the fortress Masada in Israel [Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe]… ‘Horon is a balanced god who is both chthonic darkness, the predatory instinct of hunting and survival with the discipline of restraint and assisting those worthy of the god[’s favour].

Horon is a greatly [revered] Deific mask in the Ugarit texts, yet he is also a beneficial power… an expert in sorcery and magick; his spells and instruction of magick can hold back his demonic creatures which often threaten humanity… [these] ‘Creatures of Horon’… are called ‘flying demons’ and can avert any other demonic being; his specialty is the serpent… Horon holds power over hordes of phantoms and… demons known as ‘creatures of agitation’, ‘creatures of insanity’, ‘sons of disease and terror’, ‘legions’, ‘flies’ and ‘those of the flood’.”

“Despite being a neglectful father… especially based on what I’ve heard from other warlocks and cambions about their own sire. He acknowledged me, that’s first, and his authority alone protects me from all demonic forces. All demons know better than to harm a child of the Lord of Opening, whose hatred of many of his brethren rivals none. All of Hell knows that he hates many of the demonic nobility, to their cores and is waiting for an opportunity to rain hell upon them” – Matt Wright

The previous image has greatly influenced how Belphegor is perceived, as shown by the replica statue above 

Ford: “In Egyptian texts, Horon is the son of Astarte which is akin to the assimilation of Horus and Isis. Horus being the child of Isis…” This is revealing, for it would mean that Horon as Belphegor is the son of Lilith and perhaps the son of Samael. “In Upper Egypt, Horon is identified with Shed and amulets from Deir el-Medina present both Horon and Shed as [a] double-name[…], Heron-Shed. This is the manifestation of Horon as the Horus-Hawk, the Lord of the Desert. 

In Tanis a large statue of Horon in the form of the hawk-god is protecting the Pharaoh Ramesses II… This bird of prey for the Egyptian pantheon represented mastery of the sky… In Canaan, Ugarit and the Levant the… hawk had underworld associations… Horon is shown… as a hawk holding a snake in his talons; his power and essence indicates his dominion over serpents.

The spelling of… [Horon] is varied depending on the ancient source and translation. Hauron, Hawran, Choron, Chauron… are a few versions of the name… The Enochian grimoires of John Dee, the Elizabethan court astrologer and John Kelly present ‘Coronzon’ (Aleister Crowley’s spelling is ‘Choronzon’) as the ‘mighty devil’… As a powerful ‘devil’, Coronzon is an assimilated mask of the Adversary known as Samael, who is… an enemy of the Hebrew religion and a powerful fallen angel.”

Belphegor seems destined to remain on a commode, yet this interpretation is less unflattering – for at least Belphegor has wings and a decent set of horns

Michael W Ford: “Chemosh is equated with the god ‘Baal-Peor’, becoming in Christin antiquity the demon “Belphegor”. As a Chthonic god, Baal-Peor is… [associated with] the deified dead known as the Raphaim… Baal-of-Peor is a god of the underworld… the subconscious desire and [the] lust of both women and men. Among the temple-cults one of the most esteemed Deific Masks [was] the god Kamish… Third Millennium B.C.E. [city-state] Ebla had the [prominent] Temple of Kamis… [and] the twelfth month (August/September, ITU NIDBA ka-mi-is) was named after the god, called [the] ’Month of the Sacrifice (Feast) of the god Kamish (Chemosh)… Kamish had a cult centre at Ebla… [while] later on Kamish appears with a temple in Ugarit and manifests various aspects of Deific Energy: Athar (Ashtar-Chemosh), Kemosh the Dust/Darkness (in Ugarit)… an underworld god and later [is] elevated as a major Deific Mask of the Moabite tribes.” In the grimoire Key of Solomon, Belphegor is listed near the end of the book as an Assyrian idol, who was destroyed.

“In a Middle-Assyrian god list, the divine name Ka-am-mus and Ka-mu-us is a name of  [the Babylonian] Nergal. The spelling… in Sumerian cuneiform is ‘GUD’ and the other [word] ‘Etemmu’ [is a] sign for ‘ghost’ [or ‘Spirit of a dead one’]. Kamasu has etymological origin in Assyrian as meaning ‘to kneel down in submission’ as well as ‘to prepare for burial’. Kamasu is a conquering god, and thus his enemies are meant to kneel into the grave. GUD is also translated ‘Bull… [refer article: taurus ac solis cultus]. From Middle Babylonian (1595-1157 BC)… a record… lists a group of gods who are named… GUB which is…[also] ‘Bull’; nearly all these gods are associated with death and the netherworld.

Chemosh is found in several Ugaritic texts in which his name, ‘kmt’ was compounded with ‘clay, ‘darkness’, ‘mud and ‘bird of prey’ indicating his nature… of the underworld. In the Babylonian tradition the demons… may be clothed in the feathers of ravens, owls and hawk[s]… [all having] the wings of predatory birds. Kemosh has the wings of a Black Raven or Owl; his feet terminate into the talons of a bird of prey with razor-sharp claws, black as night. His body is covered in dust and black feathers and the fur of a bull. The arms are long, and his hands have extended black predatory claws. Kemosh has… blazing, illuminated eyes… yet his face is emaciated, with a hairless skull… His mouth reveals rows of fangs, jagged and uneven… his tongue is that of a serpent and his crown is a… conical golden one with two Bull horns protruding in front.

There is a connection between the Lemegethon-Goetia grimoire and the 66th Spirit, Kimaris… symbols associated with Chemosh include a phallus (as Baal-Peor), a tree branch [and a] pillar” [the same as Ba’al Peor].

Abarim Publications define Chemosh from ke, ‘as if’ and the verbs yasha, ‘to save’ and mush, ‘to be ambulant’ or ‘feel.’ Thus meaning either, as if he feels; as if he moves; and as if he saves. One source also offers for Chemosh: destroyer and subduer.

An intimidating depiction of Chemosh aka Ba’al of Peor

Prior to the events recorded in Numbers chapter twenty-five involving the Israelite apostasy with Ba’al Peor, there is a potent background story. Previously quoted in Chapter XXVI The French & Swiss: Moab, Ammon & Haran. An excerpt – Chapter XI, The Moabites and the Ammonites, Emanuel Swedenborg – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘Both became great and powerful clans or nations, but the Ammonites always preferred the roving life of… marauders, while Moab… develop[ed] into a settled, well organized and prosperous nation, the chief characteristics of which were wealth and moral corruption. The prosperity and riches of Moab are vividly portrayed in the Word. In the cities of this land there was “a great multitude of people,” living on the “glory” and “fat of the land,” possessing “great treasure,” and crowding the temples of Chemosh and Baal Peor, where infants were sacrificed, and virgins prostituted in the name of religion. Outside of the towns were the “plentiful fields,” the vineyards [how French] and gardens of “summer fruit,” the meadows where hundreds of thousands of sheep and cattle were browsing. Peace and prosperity reign everywhere;the people are fat and self-satisfied, but of the worship of the true God there is not a trace.

Small wonder that such a nation should view with alarm the approach of a great horde of desert wanderers, asking permission to pass through the land on their way to Canaan. They came as Hebrew kinsmen, worshipping an ancient but generally forsaken deity named Jehovah. Balak, the king of the Moabites, now bethought himself of a Syrian wizard, Balaam, who was know[n]: to prophecy in the name of Jehovah and who was wont to dispense his blessings or cursings for filthy lucre. 

If a prophet of Jehovah were to curse the children of Israel, the latter would surely be put to confusion. He, therefore, sent for the complaisant prophet, but great was his disgust when the magician was forced by his God to turn the intended curse into a blessing, the power and beauty of which are almost without equal in Hebrew literature. Dismayed, Balak now allied himself with the Midianites in an effort to destroy Israel by the seductions of harlots in the lascivious rites of Baal Peor, but again his scheme was frustrated, and he was glad to escape the frightful punishment meted out to the Midianites, who had been the most active in the plot’ – Numbers 22:1-41; 23:1-30; 24:1-25.

Recall Baalim is the plural for Baal – note the spelling similarity with Balaam. According to Abarim Publications, the name Balaam includes the following definitions: ‘destroyer of people, destruction of the people, confuser of the people’ and ‘swallowing up the people.’ Balaam was from Pethor to the north in Upper Mesopotamia and the son of Beor; both names showing similarity with Peor, also known as Beth-peor – Deuteronomy 3:29. In fact, when the cursing of the Israelites failed – Numbers 23:27-28, ESV: ‘… Balak said to Balaam, “Come now, I will take you to another place. Perhaps it will please God that you may curse them for me from there.” So Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor, which overlooks the desert.’ 

Hell’s most wanted possesses a sense of humour 

The collective sins of the Israelites committed at Peor remained a dirty stain, long in the memory of the Eternal and the righteous. 

Psalm 106:28-29

English Standard Version 

Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices offered to the dead [spirits of the Nephilim]; they provoked the Lord to anger with their deeds, and a plague broke out among them.

Joshua 22:17

English Standard Version 

Have we not had enough of the sin at Peor from which even yet we have not cleansed ourselves, and for which there came a plague upon the congregation of the Lord… 

Hosea 9:10 

English Standard Version 

‘Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree in its first season, I saw your fathers. But they came to Baal-peor and consecrated themselves to the thing of shame, and became detestable like the thing they loved.’ 

Even the Apostle Paul mentions the incident at Peor to the Corinthian brethren, who lived in a city infamous for similar rituals. 

1 Corinthians 10:5-12 

English Standard Version 

‘Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness [worshipping the golden calf]. Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did. Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.” We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day.We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did… Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction… Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.’

Ultimately, Balaam paid with his life, as do those souls who follow his way – Joshua 13:22, Jude 11, 2 Peter 2:15. 

Revelation 2:14 

English Standard Version 

‘But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality.’ 

The Moabites themselves likewise paid the price for their disobedience in worshipping Ba’al Peor and were also taken into captivity.

Jeremiah 48:7, 46

English Standard Version 

‘For, because you trusted in your works and your treasures, you also shall be taken; and Chemosh shall go into exile with his priests and his officials. Woe to you, O Moab The people of Chemosh are undone, for your sons have been taken captive, and your daughters into captivity.’ 

This did not stop the wisest man who ever lived from worshipping Chemosh the false god of the Moabites and Molech the false god of the Ammonites [refer article: Na’amah]. 

1 Kings 11:7 

English Standard Version 

Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem. 

2 Kings 23:13 

English Standard Version 

‘And the king defiled the high places that were east of Jerusalem, to the south of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth [Ishtar] the abomination of the Sidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.’

Yves Tourigny: ‘The Moabite Stone, a stele bearing an inscription commemorating the activites of King Mesha [“son of Chemosh-Melech king of Moab”] (c. 840* BCE), was discovered in 1870. It is the only known extensive text in Moabite. It makes frequent mention of Chemosh… : 

“I assaulted the wall and captured it, and killed all the warriors of the city for the well-pleasing of Chemosh and Moab, and I removed from it all the spoil, and offered it before Chemosh in Kirjath; and I placed therein the men of Siran, and the men of Mochrath. And Chemosh said to me, Go take Nebo against Israel, and I went in the night and I fought against it from the break of day till noon, and I took it: and I killed in all seven thousand men, but I did not kill the women and maidens, for I devoted them to Ashtar-Chemosh; and I took from it the vessels of Jehovah, and offered them before Chemosh.” – From an 1878 translation by James King

Left: Mesha Stele, Reconstructed parts are black, original parts are grey – Right: 1898 Mesha Stele drawing.

The taking of Nebo may be a clue that it was one and the same with Mount Peor, as some scholars assert. The book of 2 Kings chapter three appears to contradict the events of the battle depicted in the Mesha Stele, until we read right through to the very end of the chapter. 

2 Kings 3: 1-5, 21-27

English Standard Version

‘In the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Ahab became king over Israel in Samaria, and he reigned twelve years. 2 He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, though not like his father and mother, for he put away the pillar of Baal that his father had made. 3 Nevertheless, he clung to the sin of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin; he did not depart from it. 4 Now Mesha king of Moab was a sheep breeder, and he had to deliver to the king of Israel 100,000 lambs and the wool of 100,000 rams. 5 But when Ahab died, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel.’ 

The sin of Jeroboam I – the first king of the Kingdom of Israel from 930 to 910 BCE, after it split from Judah following Solomon’s death – was to erect two golden calfs in Bethel and Dan. This Horned Bull worship was tantamount to serving Ba’al Hadad the storm god and – according to Michael W Ford – in supreme irony would the reader believe, for ‘the Bull has a relation to… the Deific Masks of Chemosh [and] Molech…’ A Deific Mask being a “representation of a type of ‘power’, [and] ‘energy’ which has a connection to the mind-body-spirit of the human being…” In other words, what one would ‘identify’ as a ‘God’ or ‘Demon’. 

Evil king Jehoram enlists the help of righteous Jehoshaphat the King of Judah, as well as an un-named king of Edom against King Mesha of Moab. Jehoshaphat reigned for twenty-five years, circa 869 to 844 BCE. His eighteenth year would have been 852/851* BCE, coinciding with Jehoram’s first year of rule. 

21 ‘When all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to fight against them, all who were able to put on armor, from the youngest to the oldest, were called out and were drawn up at the border. 22 And when they rose early in the morning and the sun shone on the water, the Moabites saw the water opposite them as red as blood. 23 And they said, “This is blood; the kings have surely fought together and struck one another down. Now then, Moab, to the spoil!” 

24 But when they came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose and struck the Moabites, till they fled before them. And they went forward, striking the Moabites as they went. 25 And they overthrew the cities, and on every good piece of land every man threw a stone until it was covered. They stopped every spring of water and felled all the good trees, till only its stones were left in Kir-hareseth, and the slingers surrounded and attacked it. 26 When the king of Moab saw that the battle was going against him, he took with him 700 swordsmen to break through, opposite the king of Edom, but they could not. 

27 Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place and offered him for a burnt offering on the wall. 

And there came great wrath against Israel. And they withdrew from him and returned to their own land.’

It is here that we learn of an incredible about shift in the battle, where Mesha received supernatural intervention from Chemosh in recompense for his grisly sacrifice – corroborating the Mesha Stele’s claims of a famous Moabite victory.

Belphegor is associated with gluttony, misanthropy, the colour green, the month of April – when his power is strongest – the Zodiac sign, Cancer, the North, the element Earth, the metal Iron, Sandalwood incense, Lemon Balm, Devil’s Claw, Absinthe [refer Wormwood – Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega] and a prime number with 666 in the centre. 

Beth Elias: ‘Belphegor’s Prime is not only a prime number, but also a palindrome. It begins and ends with 1, and 666 is in the middle: 1000000000000066600000000000001. The symbol for this demonic number is an upside-down Pi. It’s not so much that the prime number itself is mysterious, but its symbol definitely is. It was first seen in the Voynich Manuscript, which is a large book written entirely in a code that appears to be one of a kind and has kept historians and scientists stumped… It includes astrology, plants, [and] naked women… The 600-year-old tome is understood by absolutely no one – even the most elite Voynich scholars don’t even know what language it was written in before it was put into a cipher – and… attempts to crack the code using artificial intelligence haven’t worked.’

Christian demonology labels Belphegor as the Arch-devil. Belphegor allegedly presides over twenty-six legions of demons – approximately 130,000 – and is referred to as the Lord of Sloth, one of the seven cardinal sins. Thomas Aquinas, expressed that sloth was in fact the root of other sins as well; such as ignorance, which is a result of laziness.

An image bordering between the comical and monstrous

Belphegor is invoked by persons today who wish to find fame, fortune or power through ingenious inventions and novel discoveries; often with as little effort as possible. Most demonic invocations fail. Likewise with Belphegor, whose ‘true mission is to draw the lazy into the sin of Sloth. Through the failure of whatever Belphegor provided to the invoker, he draws them into procrastination and idle dreaming rather than producing, thus damning them.’ 

Occult World: ‘He can bestow wealth and inspiration and can allegedly guide you toward the creation of new inventions (if you can trust him not to destroy you in the process). Legends suggest that he enjoys sowing discord, causing dissension, and luring people to ruin via their own greed.’ Demopedia: ‘His role… [is] to sow discord among men and seduce them to evil through the apportionment of wealth.’ 

Gods and Demons: ‘Belphegor is known for giving people wild ideas that ultimately result in their destruction. He seduces people by inspiring them with ideas for ingenious inventions that will make them rich and famous, but in the process he will corrupt them, causing them to grow selfish and paranoid of someone stealing their invention and success.’

The Demonic Paradise: ‘Inventions created by followers of Belphegor will invariably promote the further decadence of the human species. Sometimes possessing alien geometries and illogical structures, these machines on occasion will be capable of incredible technological feats; but despite their functionality, any who succeed in creating these devices will progressively grow slothful and immoral through the usage of these inventions. As the mental and physical state of the inventor deteriorates, so too will the invention, until both are destroyed.’

“I am the greatest scientific mind in all of this realm, not Astaroth, not Beelzebub… There is no one in Hell who can surpass the scientific mind of Belphegor” – Belphegor 

Mirta000: ‘In “Legends, Monsters, Or Serial Murderers? The Real Story Behind an Ancient Crime” by Dirk Cameron Gibson (2012) there is an entry stating that in 1589 Peter Binsfeld correlated seven demons to their devilish domain and Belphegor was given the domain of “sloth”. 

“Exhaustion: A History” by Anna Katharina Schaffner (2016) has a mention of a monk and theologian Evagrius Ponticus (year 346-299) that has catalogued eight fundamental demonic temptations. The last on the list is acedia (mental and spiritual exhaustion that manifests in listlessness, apathy, boredom, restlessness, dejection, irritability, and hatred of the anachoretic [living in isolation] lifestyle) and this temptation is attributed to a noonday demon which Schaffner believes to be Belphegor.

Andrés Serrano, a Jesuit who worked during the sixteenth century as a priest in Mexico and the Philippines wrote a system of categorizing angels and demons… Serrano… put Belphegor in charge of the deadly sin of gluttony, that can be countered by the virtue of temperance, the angel that is the opposite of Belphegor and can temper him is Sealtiel and both this angel and Belphegor are under the influence of planet Jupiter. The 1409 Lollard manuscript titled Lanterne of Light also associates Belphegor with the deadly sin of… gluttony.’

Chaos Magician and Mystic: “According to some esoteric traditions, this entity can lure people towards immorality and laziness, tempting them with idle pleasure. It’s believed that Belphegor has great power and knowledge, and can predict the future and reveal hidden things. In some texts, Belphegor is also linked with the planet Mars, and often appears as a goat-headed figure riding a chariot.”

An online Encyclopaedia: ‘The novella Belfagor arcidiavolo [Belfagor the archdaemon] by Italian diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli [written between 1518 and 1527] was first published in 1549’… and ‘gives the name to a devil sent into the world by Pluto to discover if it is true, as many of those arriving in hell assert, that they have been sent there by their wives…’ While on Earth for ten years, under the name Rodrigo de Castilla, he seeks a mate to judge marriage for himself. After his misadventure on Earth, Belphegor’s name has come to be applied to bring a “misanthrope or a licentious person. Belphegor is known to hate many of his brethren.” ‘Belphegor also figures in Paradise Lost by John Milton…’

Hrothsige Frithowulf: ‘Machiavelli’s work, which also appeared in an abbreviated form under the name Giovanni Brevio in 1545, and in Giovanni Francesco Straparola’s Le piacevoli notti, was imitated throughout Europe: by Hans Sachs in Der Dewffel nam ain alt Weib zw der Ee, die in vertrieb (1557) and by John Wilson in the drama: Belphegor, or The Marriage of the Devil (1691). In Milton’s poem, Paradise Lost, Belphegor is identical to Nisroc (Hebrew form of an Assyrian god) and, before his fall, “the first of the Princes.” He then becomes one of Satan’s closest confidants.’ 

Yves Tourigny: ‘There are brief mentions of Chemosh, Peor, Moab, and Moloch in John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667)…’

“Next CHEMOS, th’ obscene dread of MOABS Sons, From AROER to NEBO, and the wild Of Southmost ABARIM; in HESEBON And HERONAIM, SEONS Realm, beyond The flowry Dale of SIBMA clad with Vines, And ELEALE to th’ ASPHALTICK Pool. 

PEOR his other Name, when he entic’d ISRAEL in SITTIM on their march from NILE To do him wanton rites, which cost them woe. Yet thence his lustful Orgies he enlarg’d Even to that Hill of scandal [the Mount of Olives], by the Grove Of MOLOCH homicide, lust hard by hate; Till good JOSIAH drove them thence to Hell.”

Occult World: ‘In 1955, Australian artist Rosaleen Norton (1917–1979) was charged with obscenity for an exhibition of several paintings including one entitled Belphegor.’

Personified as a male, Belphegor represents the Sun god; as a female, the Moon goddess – typically associated with Ishtar – as Ba’al Peor, he was simply androgynous; and as Chemosh: the Moabite War god who fought relentlessly against the Israelites. 

According to Professor Geller on Mythology

‘[Belphegor] is a shape shifter, delighting in using this ability to deceive mortals. His most common forms are polarized in their appearances. He will take the form of a beautiful woman, naked in all her glory, to seduce those who would fall for his wiles. He also appears as a terrible demon, with leathery flesh, huge horns, long sharp teeth [a beard] and fingernails… a gaping mouth [wings and a tapered tail]. He was a phallic deity, associated with sex, orgies, and all forms of debauchery… Belphegor is one of the many demons [and one of the seven princes* of hell] with the attribute “Baal,”… [though] As one of the fallen angels, Belphegor was originally a member of the order of principalities, and after his fall he became a demonic counterpart to… [the patron angel of beauty of the sixth Sephiroth, one of the ten who]… oversee the Tree of Life.’ Occult World add: ‘He is one of the Togarini, “the wranglers”’ or “disputer” and of the 2nd* hierarchy of demons.’

Beth Elias: ‘Though demonology isn’t a hard and fast science, most people consider [the German Bishop], Peter Binsfield’s 1589 guide to demons as the one to trust. In it, he lists the Seven Princes of Hell as Lucifer (pride) [symbol: Fire], Mammon (greed) [Gold], Asmodeus (lust) [Serpent], Satan (wrath) [Goat/Pentagram], Beelzebub/Baal (gluttony) [Fly], Leviathan (envy) [Dragon], and Belphegor (vanity and sloth) [Phallus]. 

Two future articles are planned which will investigate further the two most powerful diabolic entities who oppose the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man – previously discussed in Chapter XXII Alpha & OmegaAsherah and Samael. The list of seven Princes of Hell is interesting for that fact that four names of the seven are doubled up identities, so that three singular ones remain: Mammon, Asmodeus and Belphegor. 

Asmodeus is the only bonafide personal name for even the name Belphegor is a latinised version of a description, for the Ba’al of Peor. It is dubious that Mammon is a personal name and appears to be rather a description or a title. Few realise that Lucifer and Baal are one and the same entity, with Lucifer a Latinised description deriving from the Hebrew Heylel, meaning light bringer. While the label Baal is a title meaning Lord. Neither are personal names. Last but definitely not least is Satan and Leviathan, who are the same creature. The word Satan being a title, which means the Adversary, while a Leviathan is a description meaning a sea monster and specifically a dragon

Regarding Mammon, an article entitled: Demon Mammon: Stepping into the Realm of Wealth & Abundance reveals a relationship with Belphegor. ‘Mammon shares a unique relationship with another demon from the Seven Princes of Hell: Belphegor. While Mammon represents the desire for wealth and the pursuit of prosperity, Belphegor embodies the contrasting principle of sloth and the desire for a life of ease without effort. Belphegor tempts individuals with ideas of invention and innovation that would make them rich without needing to work hard, while Mammon encourages the active pursuit of wealth. This creates a paradoxical symbiosis between the two. They both pertain to wealth and abundance but approach it from different perspectives – one from the prospect of ease and the other from the necessity of effort. This complex relationship between Mammon and Belphegor provides a fascinating study into the human psyche’s contradictions. It explores the opposing desires for easy riches and the recognition of wealth as a result of hard work and determination. These opposing forces within the human psyche are represented well in the symbiotic relationship between Mammon and Belphegor.’ 

V K Jehannum: ‘Belphagore is a solar fertility god whom the Israelites worshiped through the statue of a giant phallus in orgiastic sacraments, venerated by the Black Lodge as a granter of wealth and resurrector of the blessed dead. His are the will to power, the attainment of wealth, licentiousness, the flash of creative inspiration, the rush of combat, the necromantic arts, and sexual power. 

Belphagore is the lord of the dead and a master of all manner of weaponry, and he is a harbinger of economic advancement and personal transformation. Spells to help the witch with occupational or monetary concerns and letting go of the past are specialties of Belphagore’s. 

Liber HVHI refers to Belphagore as the “encircler of shades,” and the manuscripts of the Temple of the Black Light call him “the deifier of the inner dark flame and the Rising Beast of the Final Apocalypse.” His name means “Lord of the Opening,” which esoterically harkens to liminality, black holes, star gates, and other nexions. He can empower the witch’s psychic senses and powers and enchant herbs and plants. 

A good relationship with Belphagore is a good relationship with the Devil – Satan and Belphagore are very close’ indicating his underlying power as he possesses all the wisdom of the arts, for he ‘enjoys wisdom and art, and he strongly enjoys offerings of blood. Eliphas Levi postulates that the medieval witch sabbats were resurrections of the ritual veneration of Belphegor. Among Belphegor’s devotees were the Kadeshoth, being religious (ceremonial) prostitutes. He was often venerated in the form of a phallus, or as a semi-bestial man with a phallus-shaped tongue. He was primarily venerated on Mount Peor, and his devotees are said to have eaten the sacrifices of the dead. 

Belphagore is a deity of alchemical transmutation and he’s said to be a deeply cunning spirit. According to Liber Azerate, “Belphegor manifests before men as a beautiful, naked, demonic princess and before women as an elegant, naked, demonic prince, revealing his face which has the aspect of a wild and peculiar beast. If you survive beholding his countenance, he will manifest before you as Sorath, who is described in the bible as the Antichrist or the Beast 666.” 

Traditional demonography generally depicts Belphegor as a bearded man with claws, and occasionally with horns as well. According to the Joy of Satan Ministries, “Belphagor has blonde Hair, and a muscular build. He usually leaves one with a warm glow after meeting him. He has white wings and very piercing eyes.”  

Ketab-e Siyah presents an “infernal alphabet” wherein one demon is attributed to one of a list of letters… letters are the same which occur in the English alphabet, albeit out of order. Belphegor is attributed to I, which is counted the 17th letter of the “infernal alphabet.” The infernal alphabet is a construct which no one understands and no one uses… 17 is the number of Aeonic progression, and is a sensible attribution for Belphegor, in that he rules the Qlipha of the Black Sun… [where the] Black Sun is the engine of Aeonic progression’ Belphegor is the 17th demon listed in the Dictionnaire Infernal. ‘[Seventeen] is also the number of squares inside the swastika. The letter I… refers to the Higher Self, [the] Higher Self the magickian traditionally encounters after initiation through the Black-Solar Qlipha of Belphegor.’

Online Encylopaedia: ‘Tiferet (Hebrew: ‘beauty, glory, adornment’) is the sixth sefira in the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It has the common association of “Spirituality”, “Balance”, “Integration”, “Beauty”, “Miracles”, and “Compassion”. In the Bahir it states: “Sixth is the adorned, glorious, delightful throne of glory, the house of the world to come. Its place is engraved in wisdom as it says ‘God said: Let there be light, and there was light.’” 

Tiferet – Emanation of Beauty

Tiferet is the force that integrates the Sefira of Chesed (“Kindness”) and Gevurah (“Strength, also called Din, “Judgement”). These two forces are, respectively, expansive (giving) and restrictive (receiving). Either of them without the other could not manifest the flow of Divine energy; they must be balanced in perfect proportion by balancing compassion with discipline.’

‘The Name of God associated with Tiferet is Adonay Eloah. The Archangel of this sphere is Raphael. Malakhim (messengers) are the Angelic order associated with Tiferet, and the planetary/astrological correspondence of Tiferet is the sun. The Qliphah of Tiferet is represented by the demonic order Thagirion [aka the Black Sun], ruled by the Archdemon Belphegor. The symbol associated with this sphere is a majestic King.’ 

modernite420: ‘The “black sun” refers to that of which is antecedent to denotative magnetism, centrifugal, or metaphysically speaking: “that-of-which-is-without”. You will never begin to understand Reality from any facet, until you comprehend that physics and metaphysics are ultimately one and the same. The word “magic” came from the word: magnet. The “black sun” is literally the “hidden sun” that makes the “Sun”, and everything else, manifest in the first place. It is the closest and most accurate depiction of the “unmoved mover”, because thanks to the human brain, we get to comprehend that what we are seeing is the “half face” of the “unmoved mover”’

‘Tiferet also occupies a place on the middle pillar, and can be seen as a lower reflection of Kether, as well as a higher reflection of Yesod and Malkuth. Tiferet relates to the Sun, and as such, it takes a central place in the lower face of the Tree of Life, much in the same manner that the Sun is at the center of the Solar System. It is not the center of the universe, as one could perhaps argue Kether to be, but rather it is the center of our local astronomical system. Nonetheless, it is the Sun that gives light and life, even though it did not create itself. Tiferet can be seen as a metaphor for these same attributes. Tiferet is unique amongst the Sephirot as it is connected to all the other Sephirot (except Malkuth) via the subjective paths, be they conscious or less conscious.’

While Horon, the Lord of Peor has his origin as an angelic being, there remains debate for some on his exact origin. The question posed on Quora, whether Belphegor was a demon or fallen angel, invoked the following reponses: 1. “Neither, he is a wicked spirit of a king made into a demon” 2. “Belphegor or Baal-Peor is a demon. In [the] Kabbalah Belphegor is a demon…” 3. “Belphegor was once an angel before falling and becoming a demon” 4. “Supposedly he was originally a fallen angel and I think it’s probable…” 

Other aliases for Belphegor include: Beelphegor, Phegor, Belfegor, Belfagor, Belfagel, Velfegor, Belphegus, Belphareth, Praipus and Belfegoth. Titles for Belphegor include: The Demon of Discovery, Prince of Demons, Prince of Sloth, Lord of the Gap, Lord of the Opening, Lord of the Underworld and the Lord of Paris. Belphegor is said to personify: sloth, apathy, indolence, selfishness, greed, invention and wealth. One source states his father and mother as the Ancient of Days and Asherah. While this cannot be ruled out, a parentage of Samael and Lilith is more likely. 

His consort is said to have been Eisheth Zenunim, one of the four Angels of Prostitution and each rumoured to have been originally partners of Samael. They are described as demonic sisters, succubi and demon goddesses [refer article: Na’amah]. While Lilith is a fallen Angel and Naamah was a Nephilim turned demoness; it is not clear what status Agrat bat Mahlet or Eisheth Zenumim are, who is described as a Princess of the Qliphoth.

While the following is heavily laden with conjecture, there are salient points of interest – Gods and Demons

‘Belphegor was once part of the choir of Principalities. During his time in Heaven, Belphegor was a friend of Asmodel, a… cherub and… fellow principality, an angel of the forests… though [Belphegor] did not exactly enjoy his angelic duties and prefer[ed] to laze around in the luxury of heaven, foreshadowing his slothful tendencies. Moreover, Belphegor enjoyed crafting strange and intricate objects from all manner of material he could find which, according to him, was his outside hobby. However, his slothful attributes were finally starting to overtake the angel when during a conflict against Hell, the demon lord Merihem had struck and slain his principality friend which… even [to] this day, Belphegor has not forgiven him. After her death, Belphegor experienced the five stages of grief… and started to fall into the sin of Sloth. 

Unlike the majority of rebel angels, Belphegor did not join Lucifer’s side after he declared war against Heaven, nor was he fighting against the rebellion at God’s side either. Despite not being part of Lucifer’s rebellion, the fact that he refused to join God’s side and instead stood idly earned him his Father’s punishment by being cast down to Hell alongside all the other rebel-angels, no longer as an angel of God but instead transforming into the Archdemon of Sloth. 

Belphegor, along with Asmodeus and Mammon, were soon awakened by the sound of Lucifer’s voice calling out to them from his cage in a large crater in the depths of Hell as [a] result of their impact from the fall. Belphegor would then… [search] for the cage in which Lucifer became imprisoned in. After that, they… [took] over Hell and made every demon kneel to them, including Merihem [with] which Belphegor… [took satisfaction]’

The Demonic Paradise: “Despite not being part of the original rebellion to overtake heaven, Belphegor quickly rose through the demonic hierarchy due to his great contributions to the construction of Pandemonium, the newly founded capital of Hell. Given his talent and interest in machinery, he participated in the crafting of the many evil mechanical inner workings of the capital, whilst Mulciber and Mammon worked on both the exterior and interior.”

‘He was then present at Pandemonium during Lucifer’s Rally, officially declaring himself as an enemy of God forever… During the rally, Belphegor became anointed as one of the… Princes of Hell along with… Mammon, Asmodeus… [Satan-Leviathan] and [Lucifer-Beelzebub]. This rise in rank for Belphegor resulted in much confusion and disruption amongst the crowd of demons, who largely viewed Belphegor as the laziest and least threatening among them. However, Lucifer recognized the tremendous potential for evil within Belphegor, and defended his nomination, silencing all those who questioned his placement. 

[Later], the pagan god Baal Peor who ruled over the Moabites as their patron was killed by the True Archangel Merkabah [the divine chariot of the Eternal]. Afterwards, his essence and soul… joined with Belphegor to be united as one.’ 

“Belphegor was known to not migrate from one place to another as often as other demonic monarchs, preferring to remain in the same location within Hell. He [would] only put in the effort to turn away from his work if something actually [caught] his interest.” ‘Despite his desire to remain in Hell and avoid hard work, Belphegor had several exploits during his time on Earth, with the most notable [for] him posing as the now absorbed pagan deity and leading the Moabites astray from the path of God as their patron deity.’ 

“[Another] such occurrence was when he had been dispatched to Earth on a mission by Satan. While on Earth, the demon king [had] found a particular affinity for Paris, France, where he now resides hidden deep within the catacombs of the city… he… serves as Hell’s ambassador to France.” 

‘During 2010, an unknown demon gathered most archdemons, Belphegor included, to convince them to team up and work together to accomplish their ultimate goal.’ 

“My name is Belphegor… the seeker of harmony on Earth, and Duke of Hell presiding over indolence… The harmony that I want is unity through surveillance. Keep an eye on the population while I simply push buttons and flip levers” – Belphegor

All Baal worship was synonymous with licentious sin, though Baal Peor ‘especially called for sensual indulgence.’ According to Rabbinical literature, ‘the worship of this idol consisted in exposing that part of the body which [people] usually take the utmost care to conceal’ with its symbol being a giant phallus. Michael W Ford: “The phallus is… key to the role of Baal… Peor… having a role as a god of fertility; [with] sexual rites… conducted… in honour of the nature god, from which new life is brought from death.” Similarly recognised symbols for Ba’al Peor included a tree branch, a cone or a pillar. 

A supposedly acceptable offering to Belphegor and somewhat puzzling, were passing wind and excrement. Yet, as Belphegor is the lord of openings or holes, the Talmudic traditions assert Belphegor’s association with exposure, defecation and faeces. Thus, Belphegor is linked to the god Pet and wind or gas; Crepitus, a Roman god of flatulence; as well as Priapus, a fertility god with an oversized and permanent erection. 

Recall in Numbers twenty-five, verse one it states Israel camped in Shittim. Shittim was a large area in the plains of Moab directly across from Jericho and north of the Dead Sea. Shittim is significant in Israel’s history, as it was the site of the last encampment concluding the nation’s wilderness wanderings, just before crossing the River Jordan into the Promised Land. Israel had remained at Shittim for a lengthy period before traversing deeper into Canaan. The exact location of the Valley of Shittim is unknown, though a prophecy in Joel 3:18, confirms Shittim’s location seemingly west of the River Jordan. While the Hebrew word means ‘acacia wood’, the similarity of Shit-tim with the slang word for faeces is undeniable. 

It was at Peor, where worship included eating ‘beets, drinking strong drink’ and exposing oneself in front of the idol. Eleventh century French Rabbi Shlomo Itzhaki, otherwise known as Rashi, comments that the people would bare their anus and relieve themselves; incorporating the act into deviant sexual practices. In Sifrei Balak 1 his commentary on the Talmud, Rashi states further on the manner of worship: ‘… and [they] prostrated themselves to their gods: When his urge overcame him, and he said to her, “Submit to me,” she took out an image of Peor from her bosom and said to him, “Bow down before this.”’

As the Lord of the Wide Open Holes, worship of Baal Peor allowed for sexual immorality within ‘rites of religious worship’ which were inclusive of oral, anal and homosexual acts,  spilling over into child sacrifice. One source states: ‘Selden is cited by Bainier as reporting that human victims are to be offered to him, and that his priests partake of the flesh. Wierus wrote that he always has an open mouth, attributing it to the name Phegor, which according to Leloyer means “crevice” or “split,” and refers to when he was worshipped in caves and people threw him offerings through an air hole.’

The Worship of Baal Peor: 

‘While all sexual immorality gives homage to Baal, worship of Baal-Peor was considered to be… the most obscene. In his honour, those in the cult of Baal-Peor would expose themselves, bow down to the ground with bottoms up, and eat from a place associated with body waste. The “cleft” or “opening” to which Peor referred was the woman’s vagina [invluding her womb and anus]. The Temples had dedicated prostitutes and worshippers could eat from their “cleft” in order to commune with Baal-Peor. 

While female and male prostitutes participated in this worship, the act itself only glorified the feminine principle. Whether a man did the act or had it done to him, he had to sacrifice his manhood to join the act. In either case, he effeminizes himself. This brought glory to Baal-Peor because the worshipper had to debase himself [in an act of submission] both physically and spiritually before the cleft. 

The worship of Baal-Peor is not about some mutual pleasure with the man, it is about domination by, and exaltation of, the female principle [the Dark Goddess* of the divine feminine]… whether the man is the initiator or the recipient, he MUST sacrifice his [masculinity] to take part in the act… [as] the rites of Baal-Peor only exalt the feminine principle.

When a stripper uses a pole, she is re-enacting the sexual rites of Baal worship. You have the female form (Asherah) [refer Asherah* – Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega] and the male pole form (Baal). As she is lifted up on a stage so that others may worship at the altar of Baal-Peor, the stripper represents a temple prostitute. Why are female entertainers exposing and flashing themselves? They are identifying themselves as temple prostitutes dedicated to Baal-Peor.’ 

What is especially interesting and a little unnerving, is the fact that Belphegor was a deity of the ancient Moabites, whose descendants now comprise much of the French nation [refer Chapter XXVI The French & Swiss: Moab, Ammon & Haran]. To which country is Belphegor an ‘ambassador’ of Hell? According to the 1818 Dictionnaire Infernal [revised in 1863] by Jacques August Simon Collin de Plancy, repeated by Victor Hugo in Toilers of the Sea [1866] and also Waite’s Grand Grimoire [1898]; it is France no less and especially its capital – Paris. As a deity of debauchery, Belphegor apparently became ‘enamoured with the seedier side of the nation… and the [capital] in particular.’ 

Occult World: ‘Belphegor is [the] guardian of France, especially Paris, where he allegedly lives. He preserves and protects erotic, risqué aspects of French culture (French postcards; Paris cabarets).’ As a result, Belphegor is considered an adversary of Mary Magdalene, the patron saint of France [refer Appendix VIII When the Creator came to dwell with His Creation]. 

It is a strange coincidence indeed when the personal name for the god Chemosh – and its idol at Ba’al of Peor worshipped by the Moabites – is Horon or Haron. For the original patriarch and grandfather of Moab’s descendants was a man none other than Haran, the eldest brother of Abraham – Genesis 11:27-32.

Michael W Ford: “Sex Magick is considered an excellent means [of] entering ‘gnosos’ [knowledge] or a type of trance with the focus towards the ritual. Masturbation and self-stimulation while invoking… is [a] powerful process in magic. At climax the Black Adept forgets the purpose of the rite, which fuels the subconscious and the Daemon towards achieving… True Will [in tandem]. 

… an offering feast to the Raphaim and Shades of the Dead with invocations to Baal-of-Peor [during] sexual copulation will open the Underworld and initiate the Kessapim (male and female) to the ancient rituals practiced by the Moabites and so loathed by the Hebrews.” 

A Phallic Sigil of Belphegor

The Marzeah of Baal-of-Peor [Abbr. ]


It is my will to eat among the shades of the dead, in honour of the shades and Ba’al-of-Peor.

It is my will to open the mouth of Sheol, the Underworld.

Open wide the gates of Hell.

Ba’al Peor!


Incantation of Baal-of-Peor [Abbr.]

Ba’al – Peor (x7)


Ascend through me. You are the illuminator of the dead.

Be welcome here; I pour thee libation. Let me be welcomed in the company of the Rephaim!

I shall be the centre of light – like the sun! By Baal-Peor, the illustrious, Lord of Shades!

I seek you, Divine Powers of the Underworld!



The Rephaim Ritual Feast [Abbr.]

I summon you, Rephaim! I conjure thee Shades of the dead!

To this Shrine, Rephaim! Hasten to my shrine, O Spirits!

I seek by dream-omen or vision your knowledge!

So mote it be!

Incantations for Belphegor, allow an Adept “to mentally and spiritually awaken… in dreams, astral contact, and psychic awareness. Physically go beyond your limits, to enter the cult of shades, to gain powers hidden in the underworld. Baal-of-Peor is an alternate name of the god Chemosh within the gnosis of sexual union, fertility and the underworld. Baal-Peor was worshipped as an underworld power; he was visualised as both the Sun and the Moon when it reaches the netherworld. The Deified Dead taste of the pleasures of living women through the Black Adept’s invocation of Baal-of Peor. 

The cultic act of Sex Magick is a balanced unity of masculine and feminine opposites to create a fertile environment of the inner desires; such offerings as fluids blending into an altar cloth or idol consecrated to Baal-of-Peor is an activating ‘carnal foundation’ of energy towards success. 

The underworld is also a place of emerging fertility of the land, thus as the Raphaim as shades may offer continued blessings to the Black adept who offer[s] libations and summons them. The Rephaim or ‘Gods of the earth’ are ‘buried’ and dwelling as spirits in a cave, these honored shades are elevated to gods of fertility and called often ‘saviours’ of the land – UT 62:16-18. The phrase for this burial place is called ‘hrt elm ‘ars’, ‘The Hole of the Earth Gods’. Incense, libations and food offerings were made to these kings and warriors of old. The Shades of the dead of the cult of the Rephaim come forth as shadows among the living around the time of the autumn gatherings…” – Halloween.

It is of note that Ford should mention the Rephaim in connection with Belphegor, for they are an ancient branch of the Nephilim. The Rephiam are otherwise known as: ‘The Deified Dead, Warriors of Old and Royal Shades’. The Rephaim are linked with the Moabites and Ammonites, just as we learned of the link between another Nephilim line, the Amalekites who were descended from Naamah’s father, evil Lamech [refer article: Na’amah]. In fact, the Amalekites and Rephaim were part of the five king alliance who rebelled against paying tribute to the Elamite ruler Chedorlaomer in 1894 BCE [refer Chapter XIX Chedorlaomer & the War of Nine Kings]. The Rephaim – Elioud giants – are first mentioned in scripture here and again when the Israelites invaded Canaan in 1407 BCE.

Genesis 14:5-7 

English Standard Version 

In the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him came and defeated the Rephaim in Ashteroth-karnaim, the Zuzim** in Ham, the Emim* in Shaveh-kiriathaim, and the Horites in their hill country of Seir as far as El-paran on the border of the wilderness. Then they turned back and came to En-mishpat (that is, Kadesh) and defeated all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who were dwelling in Hazazon-tamar. 

Deuteronomy 2:9-11, 19-21 

English Standard Version 

And the Lord said… ‘Do not harass Moab or contend with them in battle, for I will not give you any of their land for a possession, because I have given Ar to the people of Lot for a possession.’ (The Emim* formerly lived there, a people great and many, and tall as the Anakim. Like the Anakim they are also counted as Rephaim, but the Moabites call them Emim. And when you approach the territory of the people of Ammon, do not harass them or contend with them, for I will not give you any of the land of the people of Ammon as a possession… (It is also counted as a land of Rephaim. Rephaim formerly lived there – but the Ammonites call them Zamzummim** – a people great and many, and tall as the Anakim; but the Lord destroyed them before the Ammonites, and they dispossessed them and settled in their place…’

Horon, the spirit otherwise known as Chemosh and the Ba’al behind the Idol at Mount Peor overseeing its worship

A famous member of the Rephaim and reputed to be a descendant of the former archangel Samael, was King Og. According to Ford, “the Semitic word ‘Og’ means ‘corpse’ and ‘death’.” Deuteronomy 3.11, ESV: ‘For only Og the king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bed was a bed of iron. Is it not in Rabbah of the Ammonites? Nine cubits was its length [thirteen and a half feet long], and four cubits its breadth [six feet wide], according to the common cubit’ – a cubit is eighteen inches. Note that after his death, his bed was kept in the capital of the Ammonites. 

Recall the link between Astarte-Ishtar and Horon-Chemosh – Lilith and Belphegor – Ford notes: “An ancient… powerful goddess, her very name was the capital city of… King Og of the Ammonites… his people, other Rephaim dwelled in power in the city of Astaroth” – being the plural of Astarte. “Astarte held the epithet ‘Ashteroth-Qarnaim’ which is ‘Astarte of the Two Horns’ in which she is depicted with two horns in various statues and figures found in Palestine. Astarte set the ‘head of a bull’ upon her own head as a ‘mark of power, royalty and authority.”

Abarim Publications: ‘The name Rephaim: From the verb (rapa), to sink. There is… mention of a Valley Of Rephaim (Joshua 15:8, 1 Chronicles 14:9, Isaiah 17:5). At this valley the Philistines gathered to fight against the newly anointed king David (2 Samuel 5:18). According to Isaiah, this valley was the counterpart of Mount Perazim, at which YHWH had proverbially risen up (Isaiah 28:21), which draws the attention to the verb (rapa), to sink. The name Rephaim is curious to say the least. It most likely has something to do with the verb (rapa), sink down, let drop or be slack. Scholars insist that the name should be regarded as another word than (repaim), meaning ghosts or shades, but we may wonder if the original audience of the Hebrew Bible was aware of that, or even cared about it. 

The name Nephilim, which seems to be either a synonym or else something close to one, comes from a verb that means to fall. The difficult noun (repai’m) refers to the “sunken ones,” i.e. ghosts or shadows of people that are no longer alive. The Rephaim are the Faded Ones. The name Zamzummim appears to mean something similar: The Dealt With.’ 

It is important to remember as discussed regarding Na’amah, that an Adept is unlikely to make contact with Belphegor directly and it is probably one of his many minions who responds to an incantation or invocation. Thus the Adept who is not an accomplished sorcerer, beware.

Aside from the month of April and particularly its Full Moon, significant dates for Rites to Belphegor include: March 11th, 31st; April 9th and May 13th. Black Serpent, 2006: ‘Traditionally these rites were celebrated to welcome the coming of new earth (Spring). It is common practice to have large feasts during these rites. It is said that if the Demonolator allows a few drops of his/her blood to fall upon the ground around these dates, Belphegore… will look kindly upon the practitioner for an entire year. Magick for new jobs, letting go of the past, stability, and help with mundane issues (i.e. finding a new place to live, house blessings etc…) can be done during the Rites to Belphegore.’

Enn: Lyan Ramec Catya Ganen Belphegore


Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Belphegor 

[Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Belphegor]

Veni – Venire Balphegor Rex Thagirion Et Zomiel

[Come – Come Balphegor, King of the Sphere of the Black Sun and the Divinities of Revolt]

“More than that! I am probably one of the true believers who is raising their hands in supplication to His Infernal Splendour. Let us bask in Belphefor’s radiant darkness” – A demonic cultist

Andrei Hofer: “My experience with Belphegor was that it is a very subtle agent and shows many similarities with Choronzon… in other words: a really powerful fellow.”

Morino Ravenberg: “I invoked Belphegor in the beginning of… [January-March 2017] and it was very interesting, despite the fact that it didn’t work out with him. But that was not his fault. When he appeared, it was the same shape that he took as I remember him when I astral projected to his qliphotic sphere… He is friendly… and is more than willing to help someone… Belphegor is a Lunar spirit (Cancer, 13°) and very potent… He excels at clairvoyance and also has a good deal of financial ability. One would do [well] if he were to be worked with in the long term and needed help in these fields. I have had someone I know tell me that He was her patron and she had good results in working with Him, financially. I have never, when engaging with Belphegor, noticed anything about Him in the sense or way of Sloth and excrement… Roughly stated, [opponents] turned Him unjustly into a demon of [stool and] laziness.”

Mirta000: [Belphegor] “came as warm somewhat oily miasma. The spirit felt very heavy and Earthy. Had a long conversation on why they’re connected to excrement and was told that because all wealth is shit. It is all temporary and decays and here we are chasing self esteem based on a number. It is all shit. The rant that I have received may be very personal as I live a peculiar life where I earn less than the minimum for the country that I am in, but through sheer luck and otherworldly help I always have what I need when I need it, so I do not need to go hungry or worry about the roof over my head, yet at the same time every luxurious expense is something that I torment myself over.

The grey area of having what I need and being able to give myself such luxuries as this while still stressing over what if this house of cards will collapse tomorrow is an unpleasant way of living, yet the wealth demon tells me that I am provided for, to trust in the journey and spend less time fretting over a number because it is all the equivalent of shit. In case your path can see more material goods than mine, Belphegor will work with anyone, but the price of what he asks may be too steep for some. He did not elaborate further on that. No deal is made upon contact, so you can always safely reach this spirit and converse with him until you find out what your personal price may be.”

“So Death will open up its throat, and open wide its mouth… dignitaries and masses will descend into it, including those who revel and celebrate… Men will be humiliated, they will be brought low; the proud will be brought low.”

Isaiah 5:14-15 

New English Translation 

“I would rather sit here and invent, finding solitude and peace in my work, than to meddle in affairs which clearly are not suited for my abilities. Why bathe in the blood of your enemies when you could create a machine that could bathe in your enemies’ blood for you?”

Belphegor to Mephistopheles 

“I never understood why laziness is considered a sin. Laziness is normal to have. Do you know something that in my opinion should be considered a sin? Stupidity. Stupidity should be a sin, because stupid people not even Satan can stand for them.”


© Orion Gold 2024 – All rights reserved. Permission to copy, use or distribute, if acknowledgement of the original authorship is attributed to

The Younger Dryas Stadial: Ending of the Earth… Beginning of the World 

My interest in the Younger Dryas event is relatively recent in my thirty years of research and thanks in the main to the investigative journalism of Graham Hancock. Consider this article a continuation of two previous articles: Monoliths of the Nephilim and Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. Two chapters of The Noachian Legacy which dovetail with the subject matter and may be of interest to new readers seeking further background are: Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla and Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega. Of course, mention either Atlantis or the Nephilim and one’s credibility in mainstream academia and the orthodox scientific community drops to zero. 

How ironic then, that a true understanding and accurate interpretation of mankind’s arcane past is only possible when incorporating the all persistent fairy tales of an advanced civilisation represented by Atlantis and its fall; coupled with and influenced by a pantheon of gods and a race of giant demigods – the titans of mythology [Articles: Nephilim & Elioud Giants I & II]. This pantheon of gods is deserving of a future article, though they have been introduced previously [refer article: Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are and Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. 

I would not normally endorse another researcher or advocate to support them, but a question on the internet platform Quora, compelled me to defend his work. The reason being, that I find little fault in his theories and conclusions. The question and my answer are reproduced in their entirety for it serves as an appropriate introduction. 

Question: “Graham Hancock claims there is a mountain of undeniable evidence for a civilization that existed before ours. Is there any truth to this?” 

Answer: ‘Graham Hancock is correct and he is a brave soul for going up against the inflexible establishment of orthodox academia and scientists who either have an agenda to continue swimming in error and promulgate falsehood to the masses in keeping them in the dark; or who are genuinely blinded by their own intellectual vanity and self-importance. 

He is the visible focus point for all iconoclasts and contrarians of ancient history of both the Earth and its early civilisations. Worldwide ancient legends, archaeology, the geological record and even an accurate interpretation of the Bible, all support Hancock and the growing number of people with similar understanding. 

It is just a matter of time for all the pieces of the jig-saw puzzle on this subject to be discovered and put together. As with all debates and matters of disagreement, there are two sides. Only one is ever right. Yet invariably, it is the one which is incorrect who disdainfully looks down on the other as ignorant, simple minded and obtuse. But, when the truth is finally revealed, one side will be much more surprised than the other.’ 

A passionate response perhaps, yet hardly surprising considering the immense wall of obstruction put up against Hancock, his theories and his conclusions by a threatened and intimidated Establishment who is not ready to acknowledge the ramifications and validity of the growing evidence, or to re-write humanities early history as a result. Admitting they have been in error regarding humankind’s evolution as not a gradual upward curve at all but an undulating one instead, is abhorrent and unthinkable. In response, the insults directed at Hancock whether based professionally or personally have plummeted to new lows in their degradation towards the investigator. But, history shows all new ideas and theories which are correct, eventually win out, no matter how many decades of denial persist. 

Graham Bruce Hancock was born August 2, 1950 in Edinburgh and is a British writer who opponents claim promotes pseudoscientific theories – because they challenge mainstream science – involving ancient civilisations and hypothetical lost lands. Hancock’s premise is that an advanced ice age civilisation was destroyed in a global cataclysm and its survivors passed their knowledge about agriculture, monumental architecture and astronomy to hunter-gatherers around the world; which in turn gave rise to the early civilisations and cultures in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica. 

Online Encyclopaedia: ‘Reviews of Hancock’s interpretations of archaeological evidence and historic documents have identified them as a form of pseudoarchaeology or pseudohistory containing confirmation bias supporting preconceived conclusions by ignoring context, cherry picking, or misinterpreting evidence, and withholding critical countervailing data. His writings have neither undergone scholarly peer review nor been published in academic journals.’ 

This is merely the opinion of his detractors in the scientific community who maintain closed ranks over a conspiracy like agenda to misinform the populace and not of the millions of civilians who think for themselves and recognise the fundamental flaws in the established evolutionary view of humankind’s supposed technical progression. Plus, scientists hold high value in the dates they propose, yet these are open to serious question, for carbon dating is often seriously skewed beyond four thousand years ago, while other dating is influenced by the desire to uphold evolution lasting millions of years, when in reality it is only tens of thousands of years in length [Appendix IV An Unconventional Chronology]. 

Hancock has brought the concept of mankind’s widespread amnesia about a global catastrophe almost wiping out humanity during the Younger Dryas to a wider audience through the 2022 documentary released by Netflix, Ancient Apocalypse. Of the eight episodes, the fifth one, Legacy of the Sages about Gobekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe was of special interest. Of which I have included in a previous article: Monoliths of the Nephilim. The other episode of specific interest was the last one and we will discuss its contents in due course as well as Hancock’s thoughts and conclusions on the Younger Dryas. 

Opponents are quick to point out the coincidence of Hancock’s son Sean, being ‘senior manager of unscripted originals’, which has no bearing on the content of the program. The series concentrates on megalithic sites around the world and how they are evidence of his central premise. At the same time claiming that ‘archaeologists are ignoring or covering-up this alleged evidence. It incorporates ideas from the Comet Research Group (CRG), including the controversial Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, which… attributes climate change at the end of the Pleistocene to a massive meteor bombardment. Archaeologists and other experts have described the theories presented in the series as lacking in evidence and easily disproven. It has been criticised for failing to present alternative hypotheses or contradicting evidence, and for unfounded accusations that “mainstream archaeology” conspires against Hancock’s ideas.’ 

The ultimate low blow – as can be directed at research which claims to identity the origins of people or which supports any kind of platform supporting racial theories for instance – is that ‘Archaeologists have linked Hancock’s claims to “racist” and “white supremacist” ideologies from the 19th century, which they say are insulting to the ancestors of indigenous peoples who built the monuments.’ Constant readers will realise that it is a matter of perspective regarding who built megalithic monuments and who is actually being forgotten or insulted [refer articles: Monoliths of the Nephilim and Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis].

‘The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) objected to the classification of the series as a documentary and requested that Netflix reclassify it as science fiction.’ This laughable finger pointing by the very ones who have been spinning a yarn for decades. ‘The SAA also stated that the series: “Repeatedly and vigorously dismisses archaeologists and the practice of archaeology with aggressive rhetoric, willfully seeking to cause harm to our membership and our profession in the public eye… the theory it presents has a long-standing association with racist, white supremacist ideologies; does injustice to Indigenous peoples; and emboldens extremists.’ 

One irony being that nearly all the megalithic monuments in question were not built by either Native Indigenous people, or by ancestors of White Europeans. Rather, a race of formidable Elioud giants descended from the Nephilim are responsible and so would that not be racist and insulting against them? [refer articles: Nephilim & Elioud Giants I & II, Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega and Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]

It was during independent research, that I became convinced that the Last Glacial Maximum – end of the Ice Age from 27,000 to 20,000 years ago – preceded the global cataclysm which destroyed all human life, all animal, all insect and all bird life, save on the Ark, as described in the Bible during the Flood – Genesis 6:7. 

I discovered that dating for the pre-flood patriarchs incorrectly based on a decimal system instead of a sexagesimal count; as well as inadvertently adhering to an inaccurate post-flood chronology, altered through editing was an error. Using an unconventional chronology to re-align the biblical account with scientific data, produced a date of 10,837 BCE for the great deluge. Imagine my surprise and satisfaction to learn that the beginning of the Younger Dryas Stadial is dated to precisely the same time frame.

What is the Younger Dryas event exactly? The Younger Dryas was the last cool interval occurring  approximately between 12,900 and 11,600 years ago – remarkably, 10,876 to 9576 BCE – which disrupted the prevailing warming trend occurring at the end of the Pleistocene and preceded the beginning of the current, warmer Holocene epoch. Various researchers believe that this is what caused the worldwide Mega Fauna Extinction Event that occurred at the same time.

dryas octopetala

The event is named after the Dryas, an alpine-tundra wildflower that grows around the Artic Circle and whose leaves thrive in the cold, It is abundant in certain sedimentary deposits dated to this epoch, when it became common. In determining how much pollen is found in annual layers of lake sediment called varves, researchers have estimated where the boundary of the Arctic Circle was during a given time. The further south, the greater the glaciation. The further north, the greater the warming. 

It is the contention of this writer that the Younger Dryas was an epochal transformation event which decimated the Adamic Age, ending it dramatically and in turn, ushering in the legacy of the Noachian world we live in today. Thus, the Younger Dryas Stadial was at once a sudden yet protracted process that brought about a major and abrupt change of the world climate over the course of about 1,300 years. The temperature drop was massive, with the globe entering into a near-glacial period where it was extremely cold and windy. This occurred almost immediately after there was an increase of temperatures following the previous glacial period about, 14,500 years ago and lead to a sudden warming which put an end to the Ice Age period which had lasted thousands of years. 

Online Encyclopaedia: ‘The Younger Dryas was the most severe and longest lasting of several interruptions to the warming of the Earth’s climate, and it was preceded by the Late Glacial Interstadial (also called the Bølling-Allerød interstadial), an interval of relative warmth that lasted from 14,670 to 12,900 BP.’ According to World Atlas: ‘[This] warming led to the melting of massive ice deposits in North America and Europe…’ The conditions changed again soon after entering the Younger Dryas period and ended over a thousand years later when the climate warmed again with Greenland recording a 10°C temperature increase in a decade. The Younger Dryas is a stand out event in history and the manner in which it ended abruptly confounds scientists. The question as to what caused the Younger Dryas is hotly debated and has led to numerous explanations being put forward to explain the event, with no unified agreement being reached. 

The Younger Dryas event was unlike any normal climate change and was bound to have unique repercussions on the world. Temperature fluctuations not only occurred before and after but also during the phenomenon. The change was relatively sudden, took place over decades and resulted in advances of glaciers and drier conditions over much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. In England, glaciers began to form, caused by extremely low temperatures. While in the Netherlands, the temperatures fell below -20°C during the winter season. Of all the regions affected by the Younger Dryas, it was in Greenland that the effects were the worst, with the ice cores recording a temperature drop of 15°C. Trees were affected the most in Europe, with alpines and tundra becoming dominant after the original trees had retreated. 

Scientists have long been aware of the presence of a distinct cold period at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. ‘Paleobotanical and lithostratigraphic studies of Swedish and danish bog and lake sites, as in the Allerod clay pit in Denmark, first recognized and described the Younger Dryas. The Younger Dryas is the youngest and longest of three stadials, which resulted from typically abrupt climatic changes… the prefix “Younger” refers to the recognition that this original “Dryas” period was preceded by a warmer stage, the Allerod oscillation, which, in turn, was preceded by the Older Dryas, around 14,000 calibrated years BP… [and] generally accepted to have lasted around 200 years. 

In northern Scotland, the glaciers were thicker and more extensive than during the Younger Dryas.The Older Dryas, in turn, was preceded by another warmer stage, the Bolling oscillation, that separated it from a third and even older stadial, often known as the Oldest Dryas. The Oldest Dryas occurred about 1,770 calibrated years before the Younger Dryas and lasted about 400 years. According to the GISP2 ice core from Greenland, the Oldest Dryas occurred between about 15,070 and 14,670 calibrated years BP.’

‘In Ireland, the Younger Dryas has also been known as the Nahanagan Stadial, and in Great Britain it has been called the Loch Lomond Stadial.In the Greenland Summit ice core chronology, the Younger Dryas corresponds to Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1). The preceding Allerød warm period (interstadial) is subdivided into three events: Greenland Interstadial-1c to 1a (GI-1c to GI-1a). 

Analyses of stable isotopes from Greenland ice cores provide estimates for the start and end of the Younger Dryas. The analysis of Greenland Summit ice cores, as part of the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 and Greenland Icecore Project, estimated that the Younger Dryas started about 12,800 ice (calibrated) years BP. More recent work with stalagmites strongly suggests a start date of 12,870 ± 30 years BP,consistent with the more recent North Greenland Ice core Project (NGRIP) ice core data.’ 

This is of immense importance and interest, as an unconventional chronology supports a global cataclysm occurring in the year 10,837 BCE. When I began this research, little did I realise that stalagmites would corroborate these findings and offer a date of 10,846 BCE +/- 30 years. Thus, a mere nine years separates the two dates, which is within the mean of 30 years and so the date can actually synchronise. Perhaps Noah’s flood, recorded in a book of fanciful fables, may have been a reality which transpired after all. 

‘Depending on the specific ice core analysis consulted, the Younger Dryas is estimated to have lasted 1,150-1,300 years. Measurements of oxygen isotopes from the GISP2 ice core suggest the ending of the Younger Dryas took place over a period of about 50 years.Other proxy data, such as dust concentration and snow accumulation, suggest an even more rapid transition, lasting for 30 years or less,potentially as rapid as less than 20 years. Greenland experienced about 7 °C (13 °F) of warming in just half a century. Total warming in Greenland was 10 ± 4 °C (18 ± 7 °F). The end of the Younger Dryas has been dated to around 11,550 years ago, occurring at 10,000 BP… The International Commission on Stratigraphy put the start of the Greenlandian stage, and implicitly the end of the Younger Dryas, at 11,700 years before 2000 [or 9700 BCE].’

There are three main theories on the cause of the cataclysm during the Younger Dryas, yet the answer may lay in all three being contributing factors. The incredible worldwide devastation caused during this monumental earth-changing event is discussed in a previous chapter [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. 

The hypothesis historically most supported and accepted by scientists was the premise that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation [AMOC], which transports warm water from the Equator towards the North Pole, was interrupted by an influx of fresh, cold water from North America into the Atlantic. This intrusion of water is said to have originated from Lake Agassiz which broke its bank and released freshwater into the Labrador Sea, in turn floating on the salty water. This then blocked the AMOC current which transports heat to the north using its warm waters – in essence a shutdown of the North Atlantic conveyor. This blockade led to Northern Europe freezing. This is also known as the Thermohaline Circulation [THC] disruption where the North Atlantic froze while the South Atlantic warmed. For research shows that if the THC was disrupted, less heat would reach the north from the south. 

However, some discredit this explanation as research also shows a similar water release happened after the end of the Younger Dryas. This raises questions as to why the climate was not affected in the same way. There are in fact several issues relating to the hypothesis, one of which is the ‘lack of a clear geomorphological route for the meltwater. In fact, the originator of the meltwater hypothesis, Wallace Broecker, stated in 2010 that “The long-held scenario that the Younger Dryas was a one-time outlier triggered by a flood of water stored in proglacial Lake Agassiz has fallen from favor due to lack of a clear geomorphic signature at the correct time and place on the landscape”.’ 

Online Encyclopaedia: ‘The lack of geological evidence for such an event…’ or a ‘consensus… on the precise source of the freshwater… [means] the freshwater pulse hypothesis has… been called into question… originally the freshwater pathway was believed to be the Saint Lawrence Seaway, [but] the lack of evidence for this route has led researchers to suggest alternative sources for the freshwater’ including: a pathway along the Mackenzie River: de-glacial water coming off of Scandinavia; the melting of sea ice; increased rainfall; or increased snowfall across the North Atlantic. 

It is my view that any disruptions to the AMOC and THC are results of the cataclysm and not necessarily its cause. Another plausible theory is that the reason why the water stream changed its course and went northward was caused as a consequence of deglaciation – melting ice sheet – in North America. This, in turn, led to an increased amount of rain in the North Atlantic which sufficed to disrupt the THC. A further related explanation is that the El Nino-Southern Oscillation was affected in response to changes which occurred in Earth orbital patterns. This explanation is discredited because it cannot explain how such an event affects regions far from the tropics. Yet it raises an important question in what could cause a change in Earth’s orbital pattern? A passing cosmic body, such as a comet, meteors or even another planet perhaps? 

‘The global climate would then have become locked into the new state until freezing removed the fresh water “lid” from the North Atlantic.’ Simulations indicate that a ‘one-time-flood’ is unlikely to have caused the ‘new state to be locked for 1,000 years. Once the flood ceased, the AMOC would recover and the Younger Dryas would stop in less than 100 years. Therefore, continuous freshwater input would be necessary to maintain a weak AMOC for more than 1,000 years. A 2018 study proposed that the snowfall could be a source of continuous freshwater resulting in a prolonged weakened state of the AMOC.The lack of consensus regarding the origin of the freshwater, combined with the lack of evidence for sea level rise during the Younger Dryas,are problematic for any hypothesis where the Younger Dryas was triggered by floodwater.’ 

Theses two points are not issues unless one make them so. First, the cataclysm which afflicted the Earth, caused global flooding from a combination of sources, including eruptions of springs from under the oceans and the falling of the canopy in the atmosphere above – not just from lakes and rivers [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. Second, whether the sea level rose or not – and it would have – is secondary to the violence of the earthquakes and tidal waves which ripped across the world’s oceans and landmasses in their path. 

The second – and increasingly well-supported – alternative to the meltwater trigger, is that the Younger Dryas calamity was the result of volcanic activity. The ‘presence of anomalously high levels of volcanism immediately preceding the onset of the Younger Dryas has been confirmed in both ice coresand cave deposits.’ In fact ‘numerous papers now confidently link volcanism to a variety of cold events… and in particular several note the ability of volcanic eruptions to trigger climate change lasting for centuries to millennia.’ 

Online Encyclopaedia: It has been ‘proposed that a high latitude volcanic eruption could have shifted atmospheric circulation sufficiently to increase North Atlantic sea ice growth and slow down AMOC, subsequently leading to a positive cooling feedback and initiating the Younger Dryas.  

Particularly strong support comes from sulphur data from Greenland ice cores showing that the radiative forcing associated with the cluster of eruptions immediately preceding the Younger Dryas initiation “exceeds the most volcanically active periods during the Common Era, which experienced notable multidecadal scale cooling commonly attributed to volcanic effects”. Notably, the sulphur data strongly suggest that a very large and high latitude northern hemisphere eruption occurred 12,870 [10,846 BCE] years ago,a date indistinguishable from the stalagmite-derived onset of the Younger Dryas event. 

It is unclear which eruption was responsible for this sulphur spike, but the characteristics are consistent with the Laacher See eruption [located in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany], as the source. The eruption was dated to 12,880 ± 40 years BP [10,856 BCE (+/- 40 years), offers a mere nineteen years separating this date with the unconventional chronology date of 10,837 BCE for the flood], by varve counting sediment in a German lakeand to 12,900 ± 560 years by 40Ar/39Ar dating,both of which are within dating uncertainties of the sulphur spike at 12,870 years BP, and make the Laacher See eruption a possible trigger for the Younger Dryas.’ 

A ‘new radiocarbon date challenge[d] the previous dating for the Laacher See eruption, moving it back to 13,006 years BP,but this date itself has been challenged as potentially having been affected by radiocarbon ‘dead’ magmatic carbon dioxide, which was not accounted for and made the date appear older than it was.Regardless of the ambiguity surrounding the date for the Laacher See eruption, it almostcertainly caused substantial cooling either immediately before the Younger Dryas eventor as one of the several eruptionswhich clustered in the ~100 years preceding the event [during the Older Dryas]. A volcanic trigger for the Younger Dryas event also explains why there was little sea level change at the beginning of the event.Furthermore, it is also consistent with previous work that links volcanism with [Dansgaard-Oeschger] eventsand with the perspective that the Younger Dryas is simply the most recent D-O event.’ 

Another theory is that a solar flare might have been responsible for the megafaunal extinction which occurred during the Younger Dryas, but this alone cannot account for the apparent variability in the timing of the extinction across all the continents. 

The third cause for the Younger Dryas event is the impact hypothesis [or Clovis comet hypothesis], which attributes the cooling that occurred to the cosmic ‘impact of a disintegrating comet or asteroid.’ An impact of this type would have left a ‘lot of debris that cooled the climate fast and in turn eliminate[d] certain species’ due to the extreme conditions. Interestingly, this ‘idea is rejected by most expertsthough it is promoted by pseudoscientific archaeology television.’ A dig here – no pun intended – at all those who advocate this theory such as Graham Hancock. One can’t help but wonder if scientists deliberately support volcanism as the trigger for the Younger Dryas period, in their effort to distance themselves from a Great Flood as described in myriad myths world-wide. And what would cause a global flood perchance? A cosmic impact certainly would. 

An increase in volcanic eruptions preceding a comet strike for instance, could have been  symptomatic of the beginning of lethal activity preceding the foretold disaster. The molten layers of lava beneath the Earth’s crust could well have been heating to dangerous levels, becoming less viscous and allowing the movement of the Earth’s crust to become volatile, which would then facilitate the destructive power of earthquakes and seismic shifts in the continual landmasses when a comet, asteroid or meteors struck in 10,837 BCE. 

Online Encyclopaedia: ‘It is worth noting that of the proposed Younger Dryas triggers, the volcanic trigger is the only one with evidence that is almost universally accepted as reflecting the actual occurrence of the trigger. No consensus exists that a meltwater pulse happened, or that a bolide impact occurred prior to the Younger Dryas, whereas the evidence of anomalously strong volcanism prior to the Younger Dryas event is now very strong.’ Even so ‘Outstanding questions include whether a short-lived volcanic forcing can trigger 1,300 years of cooling, and how background climate conditions affect the climate response to volcanism.’ 

The end of the Younger Dryas was caused by an increase in carbon dioxide levels and a shift in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. There are other examples of climate fluctuations similar to the Younger Dryas over the past 50,000 years like the Heinrich event; the Dansgaard-Oeschger phenomenon; and the Akkadian Collapse. 

A Heinrich event is a natural phenomenon, where a prodigious volume of icebergs break off from the Laurentide Ice Sheet, traversing the Hudson Strait into the North Atlantic. It was first described by marine geologist Hartmut Heinrich. Dansgaard-Oeschger events [D-O] – named after palaeoclimatologists, Willi Dansgaard and Hans Oeschger – are rapid climate fluctuations that have occurred 25 times during the last glacial period. It is often noted that the Younger Dryas is merely the last of these major climate D-O events over the past 120,000 years. ‘These episodes are characterized by abrupt beginnings and endings (with changes taking place on timescales of decades or centuries).The Younger Dryas is the best known and best understood because it is the most recent… [of the] cold phases…’ yet fundamentally different, due to the violence  which destroyed nearly all life on Earth. 

Abrupt Climate Change During the Last Ice Age, Matthew W Schmidt & Jennifer E Hertzberg (Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University), 2011: ‘Unlike the relatively stable climate Earth has experienced over the last 10,000 years, Earth’s climate system underwent a series of abrupt oscillations and reorganizations during the last ice age between 18,000 and 80,000 years ago (Dansgaard 1984, Bond et al. 1997, 1999). These climate fluctuations were first discovered when scientists reconstructed past temperature variability over Greenland by analyzing tiny changes in the relative abundance of the oxygen-16 isotope versus the oxygen-18 isotope (noted as δ18O and reported in parts per thousand) in ice cores recovered from Greenland glaciers. 

Each successively deeper ice layer represents a snapshot of Earth’s climate history from the past, and together, the oxygen isotope record told a story of abrupt, millennial-scale climate shifts in air temperatures over Greenland between extremely cold stadial conditions and relatively mild interstadial periods during the last ice age (Alley 2000, Alley et al. 2003). There are twenty-five of these distinct warming-cooling oscillations (Dansgaard 1984) which are now commonly referred to as Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles, or D-O cycles. One of the most surprising findings was that the shifts from cold stadials to the warm interstadial intervals occurred in a matter of decades, with air temperatures over Greenland rapidly warming 8 to 15°C (Huber et al. 2006). Furthermore, the cooling occurred much more gradually, giving these events a saw-tooth shape in climate records from most of the Northern Hemisphere.’ 

The current conviction is that volcano activity initiated the Younger Dryas – while being a precursor or result of an extraterrestrial mechanism is not considered. In the process displacing the theory of massive meteor impacts. Ivan Petricevic, August 2, 2020, says ‘… unprecedented volcanic activity was previously confused with extraterrestrial impacts…’ and that ‘…the geochemical signature [presumably from volcanic activity] associated with the cooling event is not unique but occurred at least four times between 9,000 and 15,000 years ago’ [13,000 to 7000 BCE]. Alan Brandon, professor of geosciences at the University of Houston, revealed in a statement that… Previous geochemical evidence of a large meteorite exploding in the atmosphere reflects a period of major volcanic eruptions… the cooling episode, scientifically known as the “Younger Dryas” was caused by numerous coincident Earth-based processes, not by an extraterrestrial impact.’ 

Thus geochemical evidence of meteorites has switched to now reflecting volcanic eruptions. Convenient, as it deflects from the unpalatable truth of a flood caused by a cosmic impact. The period after the flood saw an unstable world, where it took centuries to dry out, to become farmable, and millennia to settle into rhythmic patterns of weather and a stable settlement of the Earth’s crust. Therefore, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe regional flooding such as in the Black Sea region circa 6700 BCE is not a surprise. 

We were introduced to Martin B Sweatman, a Reader (Associate Professor) at the University of Edinburgh in the article, Monoliths of the Nephilim. ‘His research, involving the statistical analysis of the motion of atoms and molecules (statistical mechanics and molecular thermodynamics) has helped him solve one of the world’s greatest puzzles – the meaning of ancient animal symbols found in Palaeolithic caves, and [Pillar 43] at Gobekli Tepe… This breakthrough enables the dating of prehistoric artworks using an entirely new method – zodiacal dating. 

His article, Volcanic or cosmic impact origin of the YD mini ice-age? New evidence from Hall’s Cave, Texas, August 6, 2020, is in response to the switch in thinking about the cause of the Younger Dryas. Sweatman: ‘Until now, over 60 primary peer-reviewed journal papers together with dozens of supporting responses all agree the Younger Dryas event was caused by Earth’s collision with debris from a disintegrating comet. Only one paper has previously suggested it was caused by the Laacher See volcanic explosion – and that paper was thoroughly refuted only a year later.

… the sediment of Hall’s Cave, Texas… has accumulated over tens of thousands of years, providing a convenient record of environmental conditions near the cave over this time. An easily visible transition in the colour of the sediment at a depth around 1.51 m signifies a dramatic change in climate, and has been suggested to indicate the onset of the Younger Dryas climate anomaly when the Northern Hemisphere experienced a sudden return to near ice-age conditions for over 1000 years.’ 

‘This view is supported by the discovery in this boundary layer of the same kinds of microscopic impact debris found at many other Younger Dryas boundary sites across four continents. So, it appears that Hall’s Cave is yet another record of this most dramatic and important cosmic impact event, thought to have reset human Cultures and extinguished many species of large animal across the globe. An event that is probably remembered by numerous extant religions, and might even have helped trigger the rise of our own civilisation.’

Younger Dryas Boundary Field – Graphic from Kinzie, Firestone, Kennett et al. “Nanodiamond-Rich Layer across Three Continents Consistent with Major Cosmic Impact at 12,800 Cal BP”, The Journal of Geology, 2014, volume 122, pages 475 – 506

‘… the dinosaur-killing Chicxulub impactor was particularly rich in iridium, and coated Earth in an iridium-rich layer of dust and debris. However, we know from analysis of the GISP2 ice core in Greenland, that the Younger Dryas impactor was instead rich in platinum. Since that discovery peaks in platinum concentration within sediments have been used to locate the Younger Dryas boundary accurately at many other sites… asteroids – that originate from the asteroid belt in the inner solar system – tend to be rich in osmium, and osmium enhancement is therefore a good indicator of an asteroid strike, the same is not known to be generally true for comets. Yet the prevailing model of the Younger Dryas impact involves a highly fragmented comet, not an asteroid.

… volcanic eruptions can also produce abundances of platinum group metals, since these metals are more highly concentrated in Earth’s interior than its crust… osmium by itself cannot be used to distinguish between a volcanic eruption and a cosmic impact, especially if caused by a comet… there are far better indicators and proxies for these very different events that can easily discriminate between them. Sulphates are known to be excellent in this respect, with a strong sulphate abundance clearly indicating a volcanic eruption. We know from high-resolution analysis of the GISP2 ice core that there is no significant sulphate signal at the onset of the Younger Dryas cooling. Moreover, a strong sulphate spike in the GISP2 ice-core, thought to signify the Laacher See eruption, precedes the Younger Dryas climate transition by around 100 years and is not associated with any significant cooling.’ 

Thus supporting, with the Laacher See eruption at least during the Older Dryas, that it was a precursor to the Younger Dryas and not the ignition of it.  ‘As the GISP2 ice core is sampled at roughly 3-year intervals, it is a much better record than Hall’s Cave, which is effectively sampled at 50 to 100 year intervals… abundances of magnetic microspherules, containing over 85% iron, have been found at the Younger Dryas boundary layer in various locations, strongly indicating a cosmic impact and contra-indicating a volcanic eruption. Quite simply, it is impossible for a volcanic eruption to produce these iron-rich particles. The Laacher See eruption is therefore unequivocally ruled out as the cause of the Younger Dryas boundary layer. Clearly, then, the focus on osmium by Sun et al., by itself a poor discriminator of a comet impact versus a volcanic eruption, is not useful in this debate.’ 

Sweatman’s analysis and critique of Sun et al. paper in Science Advances, July 31, 2020 can be found at the following link:

A further point of interest aside from Martin Sweatman’s article, were comments supporting my research on the time frame of the Younger Dryas and specifically the flood cataclysm. One comment confirmed that a ‘cosmic impact of the proposed magnitude would induce volcanic activity, among other seismic events. They’re clearly not mutually exclusive events.’ 

An anonymous comment claimed the following:

‘For the record, I was the first to discover and publicly claim on the Cosmic Tusk site (in the comments) that the Laacher See eruption was caused by an impact… on a volcanic field which resulted in subsequent eruption. In Laacher See tephra, all 14 rare earth elements have enhanced abundances by the factor of 20-30, and there are other anomalies which make this eruption quite unique. It is the only known impact caused eruption. The event happened on June 29, 10,961 BC, Gregorian calendar, and it is the year marked on the Göbekli Tepe’s Pillar 43. Sweatman’s claim of 10,950 BC +/- 250 for this I reduced to 10,961 BC +/- 0 years…’ 

This date, 10,961 BC, is 124 years before the flood in 10,837 BCE and fits with the volcanic activity beginning approximately one hundred years before the Younger Dryas cataclysm. The significance of this time frame has biblical support. Though I do not concur with the dating of Pillar 43 being 10,961 BC.

Ronald Sechler adds: 

‘The earth is growing and expanding, because it has a fission core [equivalent of a nuclear reactor]. The growing and expanding causes the earth to go out of balance over time. Asteroid or comet impacts send shock waves through the crust and mantle of the earth, causing the crust to crack and break allowing mantle material to flow out over the crust. As balance is quickly lost the earth experiences an extreme wobble. All… major mass extinction events are cause[d] by the growing and expanding earth.’

Ad Roest states: 

‘When will researchers accept the fact that the earth is suffering from a regular recurring “space impact”. A real impact does not return regularly so the cause of this is not a comet. Ancient books tell us that this must be caused by a heavenly body that causes a cycle of seven natural disasters. The only cause of such a cycle is a ninth planet  [aka Planet X and Nibiru] in our solar system [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. That exists says NASA but they don’t see it. Ancient sources know about an invisible ‘star’. I reconstructed our history using many ancient sources including the bible. The most recent worst “space impact” occurred in the year 10,844 BC. 

I found this comment of particular interest. A collision with a planetary body has happened to the Earth before about 35,000 years ago. This same body may well have hit and gouged Mars 13,000 years ago and at the same time either scraped our globe or passed close enough for its accompanying trailing comet(s) and its meteor fragments, to rain down upon the Earth. The date given of 10,844 BC is exceptionally accurate in my estimation and within seven years of my own calculation: 10,837 BCE. It relays confidence in the accuracy of the two dates after weighing together available data and information.  

While I personally subscribe to a ninth planet theory – with volcanism and flooding byproducts or side affects – lets go with a comet impact hypothesis for the sake of simplicity. Graham Hancock endorses a book which solidly combats the opponents of a comet strike as the cause of the Younger Dryas, where he states: 

‘Did impacts and airbursts from multiple fragments of a disintegrating comet cause the onset of the Younger Dryas global cataclysm 12,800 years ago? After more than a decade of acrimonious scientific controversy around the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis (YDIH), an important new book by eminent geologist Dr James L. Powell answers this question in great depth and sets the record straight with a resounding YES. Titled “Deadly Voyager: The Ancient Comet Strike That Changed Earth and Human History”, this thoroughly researched… study systematically demolishes all the criticisms of the YDIH that have been made… by scientific opponents. 

What makes Powell’s book so significant, however… is its thorough documentation of how solidly-based on compelling geological evidence the YDIH really is, and the rational and balanced way in which it reveals the flaws of the scientific process – the personal grudges, the vested interests in the orthodox paradigm, and the axes to grind – that for so long were allowed to mislead the public about the truth of the matter. It is sadly the case, as Powell does not hesitate to remind us, that some scientists are willing to use “sleight-of-hand… to ward off a theory that they have long denied. But evidence always wins out, and all such scientists accomplish is first, to delay scientific progress and second, to besmirch their reputation in history.”’ 

The notion that a comet struck North America at the end of the last ice age was initially proposed as a ‘speculative premise’ by the American congressman and alternative historian, Ignatius Donnelly in 1883. He suggested it formed the Great Lakes, causing a sudden extreme cold period, which devastated animal and human populations. After a long hiatus, it has since gained widespread attention, when this hypothesis entered widespread scientific discussions at the May, 2007 meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Acapulco, Mexico. Even though the YDIH was formally debuted in 2007, a version of the hypothesis first appeared from Firestone and Topping in 2001, followed by substantial elaboration in the Firestone, West, and Warwick-Smith book of 2006. 

The Cosmic Tusk, quote from a lesser known essay by Graham Hancock on the YDIH. It is rather lengthy – even though I have not reproduced it in its entirety – as I felt the salient points were important to include.

‘The epoch which geologists call the Younger Dryas has… been recognized as mysterious and tumultuous. When it began 12,800 years ago the earth had been emerging from the Ice Age for roughly 10,000 years, global temperatures were rising steadily and the ice caps were melting. Then there was a sudden dramatic return to colder conditions – nearly as cold as at the peak of the Ice Age 21,000 years ago [in 19,000 BCE]. This short, sharp deep freeze lasted for 1,200 years until 11,600 years ago [or 9600 BCE] when the warming trend resumed with incredible rapidity, global temperatures shot up again and the remaining ice caps quite quickly melted away, dumping all the water they contained into the oceans and raising sea level significantly all around the world. 

The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis is… the work of highly-qualified scientists from universities in countries, collaborating as the Comet Research Group. Members include nuclear analytical chemist Richard Firestone – a nuclear analytical chemist – of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, world-renowned oceanographer Jim Kennett of the University of California, Wendy Wollbach Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Geochemistry at DePaul University, Albert Goodyear, Professor of Archaeology at the University of South Carolina, Geophysicist Allen West, Astrophysicist Malcolm Le Compte, Geologists James Teller and Ted Bunch – and more than 50 other leading researchers from a wide range of disciplines. 

“Probed as to why no crater had yet been identified with this hypothetical impact 12,900 years ago… Arizona-based geophysicist Allen West, suggested that smaller, low-density parts of the comet would have exploded in the atmosphere, while larger fragments might have crashed into the mile deep ice cap that covered North America at that time. ‘Such craters,’ West observed, ‘would have been ice-walled and basically melted away at the end of the last ice age’, leaving few traces.

… the sediment samples the team’s evidence focussed on contained several different types of debris that could only have come from an extraterrestrial source, such as a comet or an asteroid. The debris included nanodiamonds, created by the shock and heat of impacts, tiny carbon spherules that form when molten droplets cool rapidly in air, and carbon molecules containing the rare isotope helium-3, far more abundant in the cosmos than on Earth. “You might find some other explanation for these individually,” says Firestone, “but taken together, it’s pretty clear that there was an impact.” The team says the agent of destruction was probably a comet, since the key sediment layer lacks both the high nickel and iridium levels characteristic of asteroid impacts.” 

Last but not least, the New Scientist article confirmed, all the evidence pointed to North America as the epicentre of the disaster: “Levels of the apparent extraterrestrial debris, for example, are highest at the Gainey archaeological site in Michigan, just beyond the southern reach of North America’s primary ice sheet 12,900 years ago. Moreover, levels decrease the further you go from Gainey, suggesting that the comet blew up largely over Canada…” In other words, largely over the ice cap that covered the northern half of North America during the Ice Age – the source of all the meltwater that scarred and hacked the scablands of Washington State… 

…the Comet Research Group published a detailed paper on their findings. It appeared in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on 9 October 2007.’ 


‘A carbon-rich layer’… “dating to around 12,900 years ago, has been previously identified at Clovis-age sites across North America and appears contemporaneous with the abrupt onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling. The in situ bones of extinct Pleistocene megafauna, along with Clovis tool assemblages, occur below this black layer but not within or above it. In this paper, we provide evidence for an extraterrestrial (ET) impact event close to 12,900 years ago, which we hypothesize caused abrupt environmental changes that contributed to YD cooling, major ecological reorganization, broad-scale extinctions, and rapid human behavioural shifts at the end of the Clovis Period. 

Clovis-age sites in North America are overlain by a thin, discrete layer with varying peak abundances of (i) magnetic grains with iridium, (ii) magnetic microspherules, (iii) charcoal, (iv) soot, (v) carbon spherules, (vi) glass-like carbon containing nanodiamonds, and (vii) fullerenes with ET helium, all of which are evidence for an ET impact and associated biomass burning circa 12,900 years ago. 

…We propose that one or more large, low-density ET objects exploded over northern North America, partially destabilizing the Laurentide Ice Sheet and triggering YD cooling.”

“The shock wave, thermal pulse, and event-related environmental effects (e.g., extensive biomass burning and food limitations) contributed to megafaunal extinctions…” ‘Nor were the mammoths, mastodons, ground sloths, horses, camels, giant beaver and other megafauna alone. In total, it is particularly striking that no less than thirty-five genera of mammals (with each genus consisting of several species) became extinct in North America between 12,900 and 11,600 years ago, i.e. precisely during the mysterious Younger Dryas cold event. 

… Firestone, Kennett and West’s proposal for their comet was that it was a conglomeration of impactors including one that might have been as much as 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) in diameter. Furthermore, that four-kilometer object would itself have been just one amongst multiple fragments resulting from the earlier disintegration – while still in orbit – of a giant comet up to 100 kilometers or more in diameter. Many of the fragments of the parent comet remained in orbit. Those that hit the earth at the onset of the Younger Dryas underwent further explosive fragmentation (accompanied by powerful airbursts that would themselves have had cataclysmic effects), as they entered the atmosphere over Canada. 

Nonetheless, the authors thought it likely that a number of large impactors, up to two kilometers in diameter, would have remained intact to collide with the ice-cap. There, as West had earlier told New Scientist, any craters would have been transient, leaving few permanent traces on the ground after the ice had melted. “Lasting evidence,” the PNAS paper added, “may have been limited to enigmatic depressions or disturbances in the Canadian Shield, e.g. under the Great Lakes, or Hudson Bay.” 

Summarising the damage, the authors envisaged: “a devastating, high-temperature shock wave with extreme overpressure, followed by underpressure, resulting in intense winds travelling across North America at hundreds of kilometers an hour, accompanied by powerful, impact-generated vortices. In addition, whether single or multiple objects collided with the earth, a hot fireball would have immersed the region near the impacts… At greater distances the re-entry of high-speed, superheated ejecta would have induced extreme wildfires which would have decimated forests and grasslands, destroying the food supplies of herbivores and producing charcoal, soot, toxic fumes and ash.” 

‘… how might all this have caused the dramatic cooling of the Younger Dryas? The authors offered many mechanisms operating together, amongst the most prominent of these being the huge plume of water vapour from the melted ice cap that would have been cast into the upper atmosphere, combined with immense quantities of dust and debris “composed of the impactor, ice-sheet detritus, and the underlying crust” as well as the smoke and soot from continent-wide wildfires. Taken in sum, it’s quite easy to understand how so much lofted debris could, as the authors propose, “have led to cooling by blockage of sunlight”; meanwhile the water vapour, smoke, soot and ice would have promoted the growth of “persistent cloudiness and noctilucent clouds, leading to reduced sunlight and surface cooling… (thus reducing) the solar insolation at high latitudes, increasing snow accumulation and causing further cooling in the feedback loop.” 

‘Severe and devastating enough in themselves, these factors nonetheless pale into insignificance when compared with the consequences of the hypothesized impacts on the ice cap: 

“The largest potential effect would have been impact-related partial destabilization and/or melting of the ice-sheet. In the short term this would have suddenly released meltwater and rafts of ice into the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, lowering ocean salinity with consequent surface cooling. The longer-term cooling effects would have resulted largely from the consequent weakening of thermohaline circulation in the northern Atlantic, sustaining YD cooling for (more than) 1,000 years until the feedback mechanisms restored ocean circulation.” 

‘What was envisaged here, clearly, was a cataclysm – a debacle! – on a truly massive scale. But what struck me most forcefully in the paragraph quoted above was that the authors had only considered the consequences of the huge quantities of icebergs and meltwater dumped into the oceans north, west and east of the North American epicenter of their proposed comet impacts. They did not consider the effects of that gigantic icy flood on the lands lying immediately south of the ice cap – which most certainly would not have been spared.

… if their calculations are correct the explosive power of the Younger Dryas comet would have been of the order of ten million megatons. That makes it two million times greater in its effects than the former USSR’s Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever tested, and a thousand times greater than the estimated explosive power (10,000 megatons) of all nuclear devices stockpiled in the world today. 

A global disaster of such magnitude at exactly the time I suggested in my 1995 book Fingerprints of the Gods does not prove the existence of a lost civilization of the Ice Age but does at least provide us with a mechanism large enough – if such a civilization did exist – to have obliterated it almost entirely from human memory. 

The results, published in PNAS on 4 June 2013, took advantage of recent advances in radiocarbon technology to refine the date of the Younger Dryas impact from 12,900 to 12,800 years ago and enabled a much more detailed map of the YDB field to be drawn up, covering close to 50 million square kilometres of North, Central and South America, a large segment of the Atlantic Ocean, and most of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. 

Calculations indicate that the impact deposited around ten million tonnes of spherules across this vast strewnfield. Nor, was there any doubt in the researchers’ minds that an impact had been at the heart of the matter: “The analyses of 771 YDB objects presented in this paper strongly support a major cosmic impact at 12,800 years ago… Spherules… are (i) widespread at 18 sites on four continents; (ii) display large abundance peaks only at the YD onset at around 12,800 years ago; (iii) are rarely found above or below the YDB, indicating a rare event; and (iv) amount to an estimated 10 million tonnes of materials distributed across around 50 million square kilometres of several continents, thus precluding a small, local event.” 

‘In Killer Comet, a book published in 2016, Zamora elaborates on the extent and true horror of the Younger Dryas cataclysm. He considers how the effects of the primary impact over Michigan would have been massively compounded by the secondary impacts of glacier ice boulders across the Carolinas. It’s instructive to spend a few moments with the disturbing scenario that follows: 

“All living things within 100 kilometers of the (Michigan) impact died instantly. They were either burned by the heat blast or killed by the shock wave. (In the Carolinas), 1000 kilometers from the impact zone, the blinding flash on the horizon was followed by a sky that darkened ominously as it filled with the giant ice boulders ejected by the impact. Three minutes after the flash, the dark sky advanced relentlessly, and the ground shook as the first seismic waves from the extraterrestrial impact site arrived travelling at 5 km/sec.”

“By this time, all animals and humans were aware that something terrible was happening. The sky continued to darken, and then filled with bright streaks as the ice boulders in suborbital flights re-entered the atmosphere at speeds of 3 to 4 km/sec… (As) the giant ice boulders started falling… the thumping of the impacts sent shock waves through the ground that travelled at 5 to 8 km/sec… The shaking ground started to liquefy, trapping everyone. The ground had turned to quicksand, making it impossible to walk or run… At the peak of intensity, a hail of glacier ice chunks, many as big as a baseball stadium, left steam trails in the sky as they re-entered the atmosphere at supersonic speeds and crashed into the liquefied ground accompanied by the thunder of sonic booms. The impacts created oblique, muddy, conical craters… with diameters of one to two kilometers…that swallowed whole villages and buried all the vegetation. The vibration of the ground quickly reduced the depth of the conical craters and turned them into (the) shallow depressions (that we know today as the Carolina Bays)…” 

“The comet itself had not killed the megafauna. The saturation bombardment by the ice boulders that were ejected when the comet struck the Laurentide ice sheet caused the extinction event… The landscape of the Eastern Seaboard had been transformed into a barren wasteland full of huge, shallow mud holes… The Carolina Bays have remained as evidence of the glacier ice impacts on the soft, sandy soil of the East Coast. No such evidence remains of the ice chunks that must have fallen on harder ground, but the ice impacts in the central and Midwestern states were equally merciless. When the colossal chunks of glacier ice hit the hard terrain, they shattered and sent out ice fragments at high speed. Any creature or vegetation in the path of the fast-moving ice shards was destroyed. 

When the ice finally came to rest, the ejecta blanket had covered one-half of the contiguous United States with a thick layer of crushed ice… that increased the albedo of the Earth and reflected a significant portion of the dimmer light from the Sun back into space. The combined effect of the increased ice cover and the orbiting ice crystals would make the land cold and inhospitable for many years… The buried vegetation would freeze or remain dormant under the ice. Grazing animals that had survived the glacier ice bombardment had no access to their normal food sources and would soon starve. Predators that were still alive would also soon die without their herbivorous prey… Eventually, North America would be repopulated by new land animals and new humans, but the megafauna, and the ingenious Clovis people… were gone forever.” 

‘To this apocalyptic picture, which traces the origin of the Carolina Bays to a large fragment of the disintegrated Younger Dryas comet hitting the North American icecap over what is now Saginaw Bay and throwing out a devastating barrage of ice boulders, must be added the implications of primary impacts by other fragments of the same comet at other points across the icecap. Zamora’s research does not consider these. 

The reader will recall… that the scientists of the Comet Research Group calculate there may have been as many as four such impacts… it is highly plausible that at least one of these other impacts was responsible for the radical destabilization of the “Cordilleran” segment of the ice sheet above Spokane unleashing the single, cataclysmic flood that… created the channeled scablands. The single largest flood the earth has ever seen… An icy bombardment… Darkened skies… Plunging global temperatures… Mass extinctions… 

Extraterrestrial platinum [is found] at the Younger Dryas Boundary not only in the Greenland ice cores but also… across North America… the Younger Dryas cataclysm was not a single event but an epoch with two pronounced nodes of disaster – the first, 12,800 years ago, accompanied by a humungous flood and abrupt, extreme global cooling, the second, 11,600 years ago, again accompanied by another humungous flood and this time by abrupt, extreme global warming.’ 

This is noteworthy as the scriptures describe the flood from its beginning when Noah entered the Ark, to when he disembarked on dry land, lasting for just over a year – Genesis 7:11; 8:14-16 [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. Squaring up a second flood, when the Bible says the ‘waters had subsided from the earth’ is an anomaly – Genesis 8:11]. Unless, the secondary* flooding were a residue of water which spilled or erupted primarily in the north or northwestern hemisphere.

Hancock addresses the synchronicities of the timing for the Younger Dryas. ‘There are several distinct and compelling curiosities about the terminal Younger Dryas event and the global warming and flooding that accompanied it. First, just as was the case 12,800 years ago, and as noted above, the date of 11,600 years ago coincides with an immense episode of global flooding – nominated by geologists as Meltwater Pulse 1B – as the remnant ice caps in North America and northern Europe collapsed simultaneously amidst worldwide global warming. The late Cesare Emiliani, Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Miami, carried out isotopic analysis of deep-sea sediments that produced hard evidence of cataclysmic global flooding “between 12,000 and 11,000 years ago”. 

‘Secondly, and rather strikingly, The Greek lawmaker Solon visited Egypt around the year 600 BC and there he was told a very remarkable story by the priests at the Temple of Sais in the Nile Delta – a story that was eventually handed down to his more famous descendant Plato, who in due course shared it with the world in his Dialogues of Timaeus and Critias. It is, of course, the story of the great lost civilization of Atlantis swallowed up by flood and earthquake in a single terrible day and night nine thousand years before Solon’s visit to Egypt – in other words in 9,600 BC, or 11,600 years before the present [refer article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis]. 

Since that date (give or take a margin of error of a few decades) coincides with Meltwater Pulse 1B and is accepted by geologists as the “official” end of the last Ice Age – the end of the “Pleistocene” epoch and the beginning of our current epoch, the “Holocene” – it is intriguing, to say the least, that it coincides so precisely with the date that Plato gives us for the destruction, and submergence beneath the sea, of the lost civilization of Atlantis. Also striking is the fact that 9600 BC is the date established by the German Archaeological Institute for the foundation of the truly extraordinary megalithic site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. For the full significance of Gobekli Tepe see Graham Hancock’s book Magicians of the Gods. 

While the impact of comet fragments on the North American ice cap 12,800 years ago is now strongly supported by the mass of evidence reviewed in this article as the cause of the beginning of the Younger Dryas, there is much less clarity over what caused the end of the cold interval and the renewed flooding and warming of 11,600 years ago… very radical climate changes occurred at both the onset and the termination of the Younger Dryas. In both cases these changes were global and were accomplished within the span of a human generation… the comet hypothesis helps to make sense of this. 

The estimated combined explosive force of the impacts would have lofted sufficient ejecta into the atmosphere 12,800 years ago to plunge the earth into a long, sustained twilight, akin to a nuclear winter – the “time of darkness” that so many ancient myths speak of – capable of reducing solar radiation for more than 1,000 years. The dramatic warming that began 11,600 years ago would then be explained by the final dissipation of the ejecta cloud coupled with an end to the system-wide inertia that had beset thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic. 

Another possibility, not necessarily mutually contradictory with any of the above mechanisms, is that 11,600 years ago the earth interacted for a second* time with the debris stream of the same fragmenting comet that had caused the beginning of the Younger Dryas 12,800 years ago. This is by no means implausible since the earth still passes through that debris stream twice a year. It is the well-known Taurid meteor stream, now 30 million kilometers wide. Travelling at around 2.5 million kilometers a day on its orbital path, our planet passes through the Taurid stream for around 12 days at the end of June and again for 12 days in late October and early November. At both transits, meteorites – “shooting stars” – in huge numbers enter and are usually small enough to burn up in our atmosphere (in October/November they are often referred to as the “Halloween Fireworks”). 

That sounds harmless enough but, as long ago as 1990, before any of the physical, geological evidence for the Younger Dryas comet impacts had been discovered, astrophysicist Victor Clube and astronomer Bill Napier warned of the view: “that treats the cosmos as a harmless backdrop to human affairs, a view which Academe now often regards as its business to uphold and to which Church and State are only too glad to subscribe.” 

Such a view, in Clube and Napier’s prescient 1990 opinion, is dangerous in that its effect is to “place the human species a little higher than the ostrich, awaiting the fate of the dinosaur.” 

As can be seen from the reactions of some members of “Academe” to the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, this view, and what Clube and Napier call the “great illusion of cosmic security” that it engenders, are still powerful forces in the world today. Much more than the truth about our own past is at stake, however, for there is a chilling convergence between Clube and Napier’s findings on the one hand, and the findings of Kennett, West and Firestone on the other, as to what the Younger Dryas comet really means for humanity. 

To understand the implications of this convergence properly it will be necessary to review some of the discoveries made by Clube, Napier and others in the 1980’s and 1990’s – discoveries… that are completely independent of the later work of the Kennett/West/Firestone team on the Younger Dryas impacts… the burden of these discoveries is that it is possible – indeed highly probable – that we are not yet done with the comet that changed the face of the earth 12,800 years ago. Clube and Napier’s work, with important contributions also from the late Sir Fred Hoyle, and from mathematician Emilio Spedicato and astronomer Professor Chandra Wickramsinghe, obliges us to consider the chilling possibility that the Younger Dryas comet was itself only a fragment of a much larger, giant comet – once perhaps as much as 100 kilometers in diameter – which entered the inner solar system about 30,000 years ago and was captured by the sun and flung into an earth-crossing orbit.’ 

Or as is even just as probable, comet fragments trailing a ninth planet. A planet which traverses a 3,600 year elliptical orbit around the Earth [refer Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. The role of the mysterious Nibiru as enumerated in Sumerian texts and latterly labelled Planet X by astronomers, will hopefully be the subject of a future article. 

‘It remained relatively intact for the next 10,000 years. Then around 20,000 years ago it underwent a massive “fragmentation event” somewhere along its orbit that transformed it from a single deadly and potentially world-killing object into multiple objects grading down from 5 kilometers to 1 kilometer or less in diameter, each and every one of which would still, in its own right, be capable of causing a global cataclysm. The astronomers believe it was several fragments on this scale that hit the earth 12,800 years ago, causing the Younger Dryas, and that we can expect further encounters with the remaining fragments in the future. “This unique complex of debris,” write Clube and Napier, “is undoubtedly the greatest collision hazard facing the Earth at the present time.” 

‘The Taurid meteor stream, so called because its showers of “shooting stars” look to observers on the ground as though they originate in the constellation of Taurus, is the most familiar and best-known product of the ongoing fragmentation of the original giant comet [refer article: taurus ac solis cultus].’

‘As Clube, Napier, Hoyle and Wickramsinghe have demonstrated, however, the Taurid stream also contains other much more massive material, sometimes visible, sometimes shrouded in clouds of dust, and all of it flying through space at tremendous velocities and intersecting the Earth’s orbit twice a year, regular as clockwork, year in year out. Amongst these massive, deadly members of the Taurid family are Comet Encke, which is estimated to have a diameter of around five kilometers. But Comet Encke is not alone.’

‘According to Clube and Napier there are also: “between one and two hundred asteroids of more than a kilometer diameter orbiting within the Taurid meteor stream. It seems clear that we are looking at the debris from the breakup of an extremely large object. The disintegration, or sequence of disintegrations, must have taken place within the last twenty or thirty thousand years, as otherwise the asteroids would have spread around the inner planetary system and be no longer recognizsable as a stream.”

‘In addition to Comet Encke, there are at least two other comets in the stream – Rudnicki, also thought to be about five kilometers in diameter, and a mysterious object named Oljiato, which has a diameter of about 1.5 kilometers. Initially believed to be an asteroid, this extremely dark, Earth-crossing projectile sometimes shows signs, visible in the telescope, of volatility and outgassing and most astronomers now regard it as an inert comet that is in the process of waking up. Comet Encke itself is known to have been inert for a long period, until it suddenly flared into life and was first seen by astronomers in 1876. It is now understood to alternate regularly, in extended cycles, between its inert and volatile states.

Clube and Napier’s research had convinced them that an as yet undetected companion to Comet Encke is orbiting amidst clouds of harmless dust at the very heart of the Taurid meteor stream. They believe that this object is of exceptional size, that it is a comet, and that like Encke and Oljiato it sometimes – for very long periods – shuts itself down. This happens when pitch-like tars that seethes up continuously from its interior during episodes of outgassing become so copious that they coat the entire outer surface of the nucleus in a thick, hardening shell and seal it off completely – perhaps for millennia. On the outside all falls silent after the incandescent “coma” and tail have faded away and the seemingly inert object tears silently through space at a speed of tens of kilometers per second. But, at the center of the nucleus, activity continues, gradually building up pressure. Like an overheated boiler with no release valve, the comet eventually explodes from within, breaking up into fragments that can become individual comets every one of which threatens the Earth.

Calculations indicate that this presently invisible object at the heart of the Taurid stream might be as much as 30 kilometers in diameter. Moreover, it is thought likely that other large fragments accompany it. According to Professor Emilio Spedicato of the University of Bergamo: “Tentative orbital parameters which could lead to its observation are estimated. It is predicted that in the near future (around the year 2030) the Earth will cross again that part of (the Taurid meteor stream) that contains the fragments, an encounter that in the past has dramatically affected mankind.”

‘With this warning that an ancient enemy poses a real and present danger to the near and immediate future of civilization, let us return to the Younger Dryas and the possibility, after the first encounter 12,800 years ago, that the earth interacted for a second time with some large and dangerous comet fragments orbiting in the Taurid stream. On this hypothetical second occasion, however, the scenario proposed by the astronomers suggests that the primary impacts were not on land, or onto ice, but into the world’s oceans throwing up vast plumes of water vapour and creating a “greenhouse effect” that caused global warming rather than global cooling.’ 

This is a plausible explanation for the secondary flooding. The invisible object of exceptional size within the Taurid meteor stream may well turn out to be Planet X and its trailing comets and meteors the initial cause of the Younger Dryas epoch. The threat ascribed to the Taurid stream is real and may well have a role in a future impact event [articles: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis and Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. 

With that in mind, Martin Sweatman quoted earlier, refers to Pillar 43 at Gobekli Tepe and its association with the Taurid meteor stream – Decoding GÖBEKLI TEPE with Archaeoastronomy : What does the Fox say? [pages 233-250], Martin B Sweatman and D Tsikritsis. ‘We have interpreted much of the symbolism of Göbekli Tepe in terms of astronomical events. By matching low-relief carvings on some of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe to star asterisms we find compelling evidence that the famous ‘Vulture Stone’ is a date stamp for 10950 BC ± 250 yrs, which corresponds closely to the proposed Younger Dryas event, estimated at 10890 BC. We also find evidence that a key function of Göbekli Tepe was to observe meteor showers and record cometary encounters. Indeed, the people of Göbekli Tepe appear to have had a special interest in the Taurid meteor stream, the same meteor stream that is proposed as responsible for the Younger-Dryas event. Is Göbekli Tepe the ‘smoking gun’ for the Younger-Dryas cometary encounter, and hence for coherent catastrophism?’ [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephililm]

Allied with a comet strike in North America, is an alternative explanation of one in adjacent Greenland. A massive crater hides beneath Greenland’s ice, Carolyn Gramling, November 14, 2018: ‘Whether the impact is related to a period of cooling called the Younger Dryas is unknown. There’s something big lurking beneath Greenland’s ice. Using airborne ice-penetrating radar, scientists have discovered a 31-kilometer-wide crater – larger than the city of Paris – buried under as much as 930 meters of ice in northwest Greenland. The meteorite that slammed into Earth and formed the pit would have been about 1.5 kilometers across… That’s large enough to have caused significant environmental damage across the Northern Hemisphere, a team led by glaciologist Kurt Kjær of the University of Copenhagen reports November 14 in Science Advances

Although the crater has not been dated, data from glacial debris as well as ice-flow simulations suggest that the impact may have happened during the Pleistocene Epoch, between 2.6 million and 11,700 years ago. The discovery could breathe new life into a controversial hypothesis that suggests that an impact about 13,000 years ago triggered a mysterious 1,000-year cold snap known as the Younger Dryas. Members of the research team first spotted a curiously rounded shape at the edge of Hiawatha Glacier in northwest Greenland in 2015, during a scan of the region by NASA’s Operation IceBridge… it is not only the first crater found in Greenland, but also one of the 25 or so largest craters yet spotted on Earth. And it has held its shape… from its elevated rim to its bowl-shaped depression. “It’s so conspicuous in the satellite imagery now,” says John Paden, an electrical engineer at the University of Kansas in Lawrence and a member of the team. “There’s not another good explanation.” 

The image above shows the topography under the site at Hiawatha glacier, mapped with airborne radar data. Black triangles and purple circles are elevated peaks around the rim and centre. Dotted red lines and black circles show locations of additional sampling.

‘On the ground, the team hunted for geochemical and geologic signatures of an asteroid impact within nearby sediments. Sampling from within the crater itself was impossible, as it remains covered by ice. But just beyond the edge of the ice, meltwater from the base of the glacier had, over the years, deposited sediment. The scientists collected a sediment sample from within that glacial outwash and several from just outside of it. The outwash sample contained several telltale signs of an impact: “shocked” quartz grains with deformed crystal lattices and glassy grains that may represent flash-melted rock. The sample also contained elevated concentrations of certain elements, including nickel, cobalt, platinum and gold, relative to what’s normally found in Earth’s crust. That elemental profile points not only to an asteroid impact, the researchers say, but also suggests that the impactor was a relatively rare iron meteorite

The ice-penetrating radar data revealed that the crater bowl itself contains several distinct layers of ice. The topmost layer shows a clear, continuous sequence of smaller layers of ice, representing the gradual deposits of snow and ice through the most recent 11,700 years of Earth’s history, known as the Holocene. At the base of that “well-behaved” layer is a distinct, debris-rich layer that has been seen elsewhere in Greenland ice cores, and is thought to represent the Younger Dryas cold period, which spanned from about 12,800 to 11,700 years ago. Beneath that Younger Dryas layer is another large layer – but unlike the Holocene layer, this one is jumbled and rough, with undulating rather than smooth, nearly flat smaller layers.’ 

“You see folding and strong disturbances,” says study coauthor Joseph MacGregor, a glaciologist with Operation IceBridge. “And below that, we see yet deeper, complex basal ice.” Radar images of that bottommost ice layer within the crater show several curious peaks, which MacGregor says could represent material from the ground that got incorporated into the ice. “Putting that all together, what you have is a snapshot of an ice sheet that looked fairly normal during the Holocene, but was quite disturbed before that.” 

‘Those data clearly suggest that the impact is at least 11,700 years old… And the rim of the crater appears to cut through a preexisting ancient river channel that must have flowed across the land before Greenland became covered with ice… That time span – essentially, the entire Pleistocene Epoch – is a large range. The team is working on further narrowing the possible date range, with more sediment samples, simulations of the rate of ice flow and possibly cores collected from within the crater. The date range does include the possibility that the impact occurred near the onset of the Younger Dryas. “It’s the woolly mammoth in the room,” MacGregor says.’ 

In a followup article entitled: Greenland may have another massive crater hiding under its ice, February 12, 2019, Carolyn Gramling says: ‘Greenland’s ice may be hiding more than one crater left by long-ago meteorite impacts. An analysis of satellite and airborne images of the topography beneath the ice sheet has revealed a large, craterlike structure buried beneath two kilometers of ice. It’s just 183 kilometers southeast of Hiawatha… The newfound bowl-shaped object is about 36.5 kilometers across, slightly larger than the 31-kilometer-wide Hiawatha depression, researchers report online February 11 in Geophysical Research Letters

Like Hiawatha, the new feature consists of a ring-shaped rim surrounding a depression with a peak at its center – consistent with a crater carved out by the impact of a large meteorite, says coauthor Joseph MacGregor, a glaciologist with NASA’s Operation IceBridge. Without more direct geologic data, scientists can’t… determine whether the two might be related to the same event. “It’s simply not that unusual,” says coauthor William Bottke, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Scientists already know of two such pairs – one in Ukraine and another in Canada – but, statistically, a third pair is plausible too, Bottke says.’ 

As Above So Below: Do the Giza Monuments encode the date of the Younger Dryas comet impact? Graham Hancock, December 10, 2014: ‘…it is possible that some fragments may have hit Egypt and this raises an intriguing speculation concerning the ancient Egyptian cult of the Benben stone. As long ago as 1989 my friend and colleague Robert Bauval proposed in the academic journal “Discussions in Egyptology” that the original Benben stone might have been an oriented iron meteorite… it is worth re-opening this discussion… whether the mysterious object worshipped in the Mansion of the Phoenix in Heliopolis might in fact have been a fragment of the Younger Dryas comet that caused the global cataclysm of 12,800 years ago [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. Like the Phoenix, comets are objects that return again and again to our skies and it is conceivable that some fragments of the Younger Dryas comet remain in orbit and might even threaten us today.’

Such speculations add new light to the strange correlation of sky and ground that memorialises the sky of 12,800 years ago in the giant monuments of Egypt’s Giza plateau where the priesthood of Heliopolis practised their star religion. I propose that this religion – the title of the High Priest of Heliopolis was “Chief of the Astronomers” – had its origins in a lost civilisation destroyed during the Younger Dryas cataclysm, and that survivors of that civilisation settled in Egypt and created a message to the future written in the language of astronomy and monumental architecture that was designed to draw attention to the exact epoch of the comet impact. 

The ancient Egyptians called the Milky Way the “Winding Waterway”. The constellation of Orion was seen as the celestial image of the god Osiris, said to have brought the gifts of civilisation to Egypt in the remote past in the epoch called Zep Tepi, “the First Time”.’

‘The graphic [above] indicates the sky over Giza as it would looked early in the precessional “Age of Leo” (the period of roughly 2,160 years – between approximately 12,970 years ago and 10,810 years ago) when the constellation of Leo “housed” the sun on the Spring Equinox. Because of the phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, each of the 12 zodiacal constellations takes it’s turn to house the sun during the course of “Great Year” which lasts a total of 12 X 2,160 years, i.e. 25,920 years. The alignment indicated in the graphic therefore only recurs every 25,920 years.’ 

The likelihood of a rogue planet within our Solar System and a trailing retinue of perhaps more than one comet and accompanying meteors being responsible for igniting the Younger Dryas, is in my view a persuasive argument. What may be quite astonishing is to learn the possible identity of the mysterious comet in question. Immanuel Velikovsky discusses an unintentional solution in his book Worlds in Collision, first published in 1950. 

His premise, that the second planet from the Sun Venus, began its life as a Moon of Jupiter. It was later deviated away from the gravitational pull of the biggest planet in our Solar System by another large, though not as big, planetary body as it hurtled past in close range. Venus became an unwitting comet and after a dangerous encounter with planet Earth – which he believed to be at the time of the Exodus from Egypt- finally rested in its current orbit between Mercury and Earth. This then would explain – what still alludes scientists – the reason for why Venus spins on its axis from east to west [that is, backwards or clockwise] and not from west to east like every other planet, excepting Uranus [refer Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. 

Velikovsky says when Venus positioned itself in our Solar System it possessed a tail and moved on a not yet circular orbit, acting more like a comet than a planet. It was called a “smoking star” by the ancient Mexicans. He states: ‘The tails of comets are composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen gases. Lacking oxygen, they do not burn in flight, but the inflammable gases, passing through an atmosphere containing oxygen, will be set on fire. If carbon and hydrogen gases, or vapor of a composition of these two elements, enter the atmosphere in huge masses, a part of them will burn, binding all the oxygen available at the moment…’ Velikovsky provides considerable information regarding Venus, which ties in with information we have covered previously [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim and Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. It is relevant towards its role as a comet possibly around 13,000 years ago. 

‘When Venus had a coma, the horns of its crescent must have been extended by the illuminated portions of the coma. It thus had two long appendages and looked like a bull’s head. Sanchoniathon says that Astarte (Venus) had a bull’s head. The planet was even called Ashteroth-Karnaim, or Astarte of the Horns, a name given to a city in Canaan in honor of this deity. The golden calf worshiped by Aaron and the people at the foot of Sinai was the image of the star [article: taurus ac solis cultus and Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux and Scandinavia]. 

Rabbinical authorities say that “the devotion of Israel to this worship of the bull is in part explained by the circumstance that, while passing through the Red Sea, they beheld the celestial Throne, and most distinctly of the four creatures [Cherubim] about the Throne, they saw the ox.” The likeness of a calf was placed by Jeroboam in Dan, the great temple of the Northern Kingdom [article: Monoliths of the Nephilim and Chapter XXXIV Dan: The Invisible Tribe]. Tistrya of the Zend-Avesta, the star that attacks the planets, “the bright and glorious Tistrya mingles his shape with light moving in the shape of a golden-horned bull.” The Egyptians similarly pictured the planet and worshiped it in the effigy of a bull. The cult of a bull sprang up also in Mycenaean Greece. A golden cow head with a star on its brow was found in Mycenae, on the Greek mainland.’ 

It is worth mentioning in the book of Ezekiel, Cherubim are described, including their faces. Ezekiel 10:14, ESV: “And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was a human face, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.” The Hebrew word for Cherub is H3742 – kruwb, meaning an ‘angelic being’ [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. While most translations use the word cherub, angel or guardian, some use the word Ox or Bull. 

Velikovsky: ’The long horns of Venus could have been seen without the aid of a telescopic lens. The horns were the illuminated portions of the coma of Venus, which stretched toward the earth. These horns could also have extended toward the sun as Venus approached the solar orb, since comets were repeatedly observed with projections in the direction of the sun, while the tails of the comets are regularly directed away from the sun. When Venus approached close to one of the planets, its horns grew longer: this is the phenomenon the astrologers of Babylon observed and described when Venus neared Mars. “It is well known that not a few passages in the cuneiform texts on astrology speak of the right or the left horn of Venus. It was deduced that the phases of Venus were observed already by the Babylonians and that Galileo, in the sixteenth century, was not the first to see them.” Schaumberger, “Die Homer der Venus” in Kugler…’

‘In every country of the ancient world we can trace cosmo-logical myths of the birth of the planet Venus. If we look for the god or goddess who represents the planet Venus, we must inquire which among the gods or goddesses did not exist from the beginning, but was born into the family. The mythologies of all peoples concern themselves with the birth only of Venus, not with that of Jupiter, Mars, or Saturn. Jupiter is described as heir to Saturn, but his birth is not a mythological subject. Horus of the Egyptians and Vishnu, born of Shiva, of the Hindus, were such newborn deities. Horus battled in the sky with the monster-serpent Seth; so did Vishnu. In Greece the goddess who suddenly appeared in the sky was Pallas Athene. She sprang from the head of Zeus-Jupiter. In another legend she was the daughter of a monster, Pallas-Typhon, who attacked her and whom she battled and killed. 

The slaying of the monster by a planet-god is the way in which the peoples perceived the convulsion of the pillar of smoke when the earth and the comet Venus disturbed each other in their orbits, and the head of the comet and its tail leaped against each other in violent electrical discharges. 

The Greek authors described the birth of Athene (planet Venus), saying she sprang from the head of Jupiter. “And mighty Olympus trembled fearfully… and the earth around shrieked fearfully, and the sea was stirred, troubled with its purple waves.” One or two authors thought that Athene was born of Cronus [Saturn]. But the consensus of ancient authors makes Athene-Venus the offspring of Jupiter: she sprang from his head, and this birth was accompanied by great disturbances in the celestial and terrestrial spheres. 

The comet rushed toward the earth, and it could not be very well distinguished whether the planet Jupiter or its offspring was approaching. I may divulge here something that belongs to the second book of this work; namely, that at an earlier time, Jupiter had already caused havoc in the planetary family, the earth included, and it was therefore only natural to see in the approaching body the planet Jupiter. 

… modern theory… ascribes the birth of the terrestrial planets to the process of expulsion by larger ones. This appears to be true in the case of Venus. The other modern theory, which ascribes the origin of comets of short period to expulsion by large planets, is also correct: Venus was expelled as a comet and then changed to a planet after contact with a number of members of the solar system. Venus, being an offspring of Jupiter, bore all the characteristics known to men from early cataclysmic encounters. When a ball of fire tore the pillar of cloud and pelted the pillar with thunderbolts, the imagination of the people saw in this the planet-god Jupiter-Marduk rushing to save the earth by killing the serpent-monster Typhon-Tiamat.  

It is not strange, therefore, that, in places as remote from Greece as the islands of Polynesia, it is related that “the planet Jupiter suppressed the tail of the great storm.” But we are told that in the same places, notably on the Harvey Islands, “Jupiter was often mistaken for the Morning Star.” On other islands of Polynesia, “the planets Venus and Jupiter seem to have been confused with each other.” Explorers found “that the name Fauma or Paupiti was given to Venus… and that the same names were given to Jupiter.” 

‘Early astronomy shared Ptolemy’s opinion that “Venus has the same powers” and also the nature of Jupiter, an opinion reflected also in the astrological belief that “Venus, when she becomes sole ruler of the event, in general brings about results similar to those of Jupiter.” In one local cult in Egypt the name of Isis… originally belonged to Jupiter, Osiris being Saturn. In another local cult Amon was the name for Jupiter. Horus originally was also Jupiter. But when a new planet was born of Jupiter and became supreme in the sky, the onlookers could not readily recognize the exact nature of this change. They gave the name of Isis to the planet Venus, and sometimes the name of Horus. This must have caused confusion. “One is confused by the various relations which exist between mother and son (Isis and Horus). Now he is her consort, now her brother; now a youth… now an infant fed at her breast.” 

“A noteworthy representation shows her in association with Horus as the Morning Star, and thus in a strange relation… which we cannot yet explain from the texts.” Also Ishtar of Assyria-Babylonia was in early times the name of the planet Jupiter; later it was transferred to Venus, Jupiter retaining the name of Mardulc. Baal, still another name for Jupiter, was an earlier name for Saturn, and later on became the name of Venus, sometimes the feminine form Baalath or Belith [of Sidon] being used. Ishtar, also, was at first a male planet, subsequently becoming a female planet’ [Articles: Lilith and Monolith of the Nephilim].

“Ishtar, the fearful dragon,” wrote Assur-banipal. The Morning Star of the Toltecs, Quetzal-cohuatl (Quetzal-coatl), also is represented as a great dragon or serpent: “cohuatl” in Nahuatl is “serpent,” and the name means “a feathered serpent.” The Morning Star of the Indians of the Chichimec tribe in Mexico is called “Serpent cloud”, a remarkable name because of its relation to the pillar of cloud and the clouds that covered the globe after the contact of the earth with Venus. When Quetzal-cohuatl, the lawgiver of the Toltecs, disappeared on the approach of a great catastrophe and the Morning Star that bore the same name rose for the first time in the sky, the Toltecs “regulated the reckoning of the days, the nights, and the hours according to the difference in the time.” 

The Morning-Evening Star Ishtar was called also “the star of lamentation.” The Persian Mithra, the same as Tistrya, descended from the heavens and “let a stream of fire flow toward the earth,” “signifying that a blazing star, becoming in some way present here below, filled our world with its devouring heat.” In Aphaca in Syria fire fell from the sky, and it was asserted that it fell from Venus: “by which one would think of fire that had fallen from the planet Venus.” The place became holy and was visited each year by pilgrims. The festivals of the planet Venus were held in the spring. “Our ancestors dedicated the month of April to Venus,” wrote Macrobius.’

‘Baal of the Canaanites and of the Northern Kingdom of Israel was worshiped in Dan, the city of the cult of the calf, and throngs visited there during the week of Passover. The cult of Venus spread to Judea also. According to II Kings (23:5), King Josiah in the seventh century “put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.” Baal, the sun, the moon, and the planets, is the division used also by Democritus: Venus, the sun, the moon, and the planets. In Babylonia the planet Venus was distinguished from other planets and worshiped as a member of a trinity: Venus, Moon, and Sun [Articles: Arius, Alexander & Athanasius and Mono;iths of the Nephilim]. This triad became the Babylonian holy trinity in the fourteenth century before the present era.

In the Vedas the planet Venus is compared to a bull: “As a bull thou hurlest thy fire upon earth and heaven” … Izebel, wife of Ahab, made her the chief deity of the Northern Kingdom. The women of Jerusalem made cakes for the queen of heaven [actually Asherah and not Ishtar] and worshiped her from the roofs of their houses. 

On Cyprus it was neither Jupiter nor any other god but “Kypris Queen whom they with holy gifts were wont to appease… pouring libations out upon the ground of yellow honey.” Such libation, as already mentioned, was made in Athens in commemoration of the Flood of Deucalion.’ 

The story of Deucalion and Pyrrha is the Greek version of the biblical flood and Noah’s Ark, as told in the Roman poet Ovid’s, The Metamorphoses. Zeus the king of the gods, resolved to destroy all of humanity and so Deucalion constructed an ark in which he and his wife rode out the flood and landed on Mount Parnassus. 

Velikovsky” ‘The planet Venus was Lux Divina, the Divine Light, in the worship of the Roman imperial colonies – Isaiah 14;12 [H1966 Heylel: ‘shining one, light-bearer, morning star, lucifer’]. In Babylonia, Venus was pictured as a six-pointed star – which is also the shape of David’s shield – or as a pentagram – a five-pointed star (seal of Solomon) – and sometimes as a cross; as a cross it was pictured in Mexico, too. 

The attributes and deeds of the Morning Star were not invented by the peoples of the world: this star shattered mountains, shook the globe with such a violence that it looked as if the heavens were shaking, was a storm, a cloud, a fire, a heavenly dragon, a torch, and a blazing star, and it rained naphtha’ – a colorless, volatile petroleum distillate, usually an intermediate product between gasoline and benzine, used as a solvent or fuel – ‘on the earth. Assurbanipal speaks of Ishtar-Venus, “who is clothed with fire and bears aloft a crown of awful splendor, (and who) rained fire over Arabia.”

‘In the attributes and in the deeds ascribed to the planet Venus  – Isis, Ishtar, Athene [Lilith]  – we recognize the attributes and deeds of the comet… Venus, of which it is said that “horns grew out of her head,” or… Venus cornuta, looked like the head of a horned animal; and since it moved the earth out of its place, like a bull with its horns, the planet Venus was pictured as a bull. The worship of a bullock was introduced by Aaron at the foot of Mount Sinai. The cult of Apis originated in Egypt in the days of the Hyksos, after the end of the Middle Kingdom, shortly after the Exodus. Apis, or the sacred bull, was very much venerated in Egypt; when a sacred bull died, its body was mummified and placed in a sarcophagus with royal honors, and memorial services were held.’ 

“All the coffins and everything excellent and profitable for this august god (the bull Apis)” were prepared by the Pharaoh, when “this god was conducted in peace to the necropolis, to let him assume his place in his temple.” The worship of a cow or bull was widespread in Minoan Crete and in Mycenaean Greece, for golden images of this animal with large horns were found in excavations [refer article: taurus ac solis cultis]. Isis, the planet Venus, was represented as a human figure with two horns, like Astarte (Ishtar) of the horns; and sometimes it was fashioned in the likeness of a cow. In time, Ishtar changed from male to female, and in many places worship of the bull changed to worship of the cow. 

The main reason for this seems to have been the fall of manna which turned the rivers into streams of honey and milk. A horned planet that produced milk most closely resembled a cow. 

In the Hymns of the Aiharva-Veda, in which the ambrosia that falls from the sky is glorified, the god is exalted as the “great cow” which “drips with streams of milk”… A passage of the Ramayana about the “celestial cow” says: “Honey she gave, and roasted grain… and curled milk, and soup in lakes with sugared milk,” which is the Hindu version of “rivers of milk and honey.” The “celestial cow” or “the heavenly Surabhi” (“the fragrant”) was the daughter of the Creator: she “sprung from his mouth”; at the same time nectar and “excellent perfume” were spread, according to the Indian epic. This description of the birth of the daughter from the mouth of the Creator is a Hindu parallel of Athene springing from the head of Zeus [refer Asherah – Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. 

Down to the present day, the Brahmans worship the cow. Cows are regarded as daughters of the “heavenly cow.” In India, as in other places, the worship of cows began in some period of recorded history. “We find in early Hindu literature sufficient information to establish the thesis that cows were once victimised at sacrifices and used at times as articles of food.” Then came the change. Cows became sacred animals, and ever since the religious law has forbidden the use of their meat for food. The Atharva-Veda repeatedly deprecates cow-killing as “the most heinous of crimes.” “All that kill, eat or permit the slaughter of cows rot in hell for as many years as there are hairs on the body of the cow slain.” Capital punishment was prescribed for those who either stole, hurt, or killed a cow. “Whoever hurts or causes another to hurt, or steals or causes another to steal, a cow, should be slain.” Even cows’ urine and dung are sacred to the Brahmans. “All its excreta are hallowed. Not a particle ought to be thrown away as impure. On the contrary, the water it ejects ought to be preserved as the best of holy waters… Any spot which a cow has condescended to honour with the sacred deposit of her excrement is forever afterwards consecrated ground.” Sprinkled on a sinner, it “converts him into a saint.” 

‘The bull is sacred to Shiva, “the god of destruction in the Hindu Trinity” [otherwise known as the Storm god and Baal]. “The consecration of the bulls and letting them loose as privileged beings to roam at their will and draw respect from all people is to be noted with particular interest… The freedom and privileges of the Brahman bull are inviolate.” Even when it is destructive, the bull must not be restrained. These quotations show the Apis cult preserved until our times. The “celestial cow” that gored the earth with its horns and turned rivers and lakes into honey and milk is still revered in the common cow and bull by hundreds of millions of the people of India. 

The beautiful Morning Star was related to Ahriman, Seth, [and] Lucifer… It was also Baal of the Canaanites and of the Northern Kingdom of the Ten Tribes, the god hated by the biblical prophets, also Beelzebub or Baal Zevuv, or Baal of the fly.’ 

These three titles – Lucifer, Baal and Beelzebub – are descriptions of a being who is not Satan, the Adversary and will be the subject of a planned article [refer Samael – Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega].

‘In the Pahlavi text of the Iranian book, the Bundahis, describing the catastrophes caused by celestial bodies, it is written that at the close of one of the world ages “the evil spirit (Ahriman) went toward the luminaries.” “He stood upon one-third [Revelation 12:4] of the inside of the sky, and he sprang, like a snake, out of the sky down to the earth.” It was the day of the vernal equinox [March 20/21]. “He rushed in at noon,” and “the sky was shattered and frightened.” “Like a fly, he rushed out upon the whole creation, and he injured the world and made it dark at midday as though it were in dark night.’ Revelation 8:12, JBP: “… a third-part of the sun, a third-part of the moon and a third of the stars were struck. A third-part of the light of each of them was darkened, so that light by day and light by night were both diminished by a third-part.”

‘And noxious creatures were diffused by him over the earth, biting and venomous, such as the snake, scorpion, frog, and lizard, so that not so much as the point of a needle remained free from noxious creatures” – Revelation 9:3, 10, 19; 16:13-14. ‘Then the Bundahis proceeds: “The planets, with many demons (comets), dashed against the celestial sphere, and they mixed the constellations; and the whole creation was as disfigured as though fire disfigured every place and smoke arose over it…” 

‘It is significant that all around the world peoples have associated the planet Venus with flies. In Ekron, in the land of the Philistines, there was erected a magnificent temple to Baal Zevuv, the god of the fly.’ A more accurate translation for Beelzebub is ‘Lord of the Fliers’ or ‘Lord of those who fly’ – Matthew 12:24, Mark 3:22, Luke 11:15. Thus Baal is the lord of dark angels and demonic spirits. Likewise, Venus is really associated with these same entities and not only literal flies. 

‘In the ninth century King Ahaziah of Jezreel, after he was injured in an accident, sent his emissaries to ask advice of this god at Ekron and not of the oracle at Jerusalem [2 Kings 1:2]. This Baal Zevuv is Beelzebub of the Gospels [Luke 11:18-19, Matthew 10:25]. Ahriman, the god of darkness who battled with Ormuzd, the god of light, is compared in the Bundahis to a fly. Of the flies that filled the earth buried in gloom it is said: “His multitudes of flies [demons] scatter themselves over the world that is poisoned through and through.”

‘Ares (Mars) in the Iliad calls Athene “dog-fly.” “The gods clashed with a mighty din, and the wide earth rang, and round about great heaven pealed as with a trumpet.” And Ares spoke to Athene: “Wherefore now again, thou dog-fly, art making gods to clash with gods in strife?” The people of Bororo in central Brazil call the planet Venus “the sand fly,” an appellation similar to that which Homer used for Athene. The Bantu tribes of central Africa relate that the “sand fly brought fire from the sky,” which appears to be a reference to the Promethean role of Beelzebub, the planet Venus.’ 

While Beelzebub, Baal and Lucifer can be symbolised singularly by the planet Venus, when in reference to a trinity of gods; Baal is specifically Jupiter and its is in fact Ishtar, otherwise known as Lilith, who is more accurately represented by Venus. The third member of this specific trinity is Apollo [refer Azazel – Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod, Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega and article Monoliths of the Nephilim].

‘(Darmesteter), refers to worm-stars that “fly between the earth and heaven,” and that supposedly signify the meteorites. Possibly it is a reference to their infesting property’ and corroborated in Revelation 8:10-11, ESV: “The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood [G894 – apsinthos: ‘bitterness, calamity’]. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter” [Chapter XXII Alph & Omega].

‘This idea of contaminating comets is found in a belief of the Mexicans described by Sahagun: “The Mexicans called the comet citlalin popoca which means a smoking star… These natives called the tail of such a star citlalin tlamina, exhalation of the comet; or, literally, ‘the star shoots a dart.’ They believed that when such a dart fell on a living organism, a hare, a rabbit, or any other animal, worms suddenly formed in the wound and made the animal unfit to serve as food. It was for this reason that they took great care to cover themselves during the night so as to protect themselves from this inflaming emanation.”

‘The Mexicans thus thought that larvae from the emanation of the comet fell on all living things. Sahagun says also that at the rising of the Morning Star, the Mexicans used to shut the chimneys and other apertures in order to prevent mishap from penetrating into the house together with the light of the star. The persistence with which the planet Venus is associated with a fly in the traditions of the peoples of both hemispheres, also the emblems carried by the Egyptian priests and the temple services conducted in honor of the planet-god “of the fly,” create the impression that the flies in the tail of Venus were not merely the earthly brood, swarming in heat like other vermin, but guests from another planet. 

There exists an extensive exegetic literature on… Mazzaroth, from which it can be concluded only that “the meaning of Mazzaroth is uncertain.” But the Vulgate (Latin) translation of the Bible has Lucifer for Mazzaroth. The (Greek) translation of the Seventy (Septuagint) reads: “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season and guide the Evening Star by his long hair?” These words of the Septuagint seem very strange… the Greek word komet means “the long-haired one,” or a star with hair, a comet. In Latin, coma is “hair.” Mazzaroth means a comet… and… Mazzaroth means Venus and a hairy star [refer article: Lilith]. Venus ceased to appear in its seasons. What… happened? Venus [became the] Morning Star… [and] has followed an orbit between Mercury and earth, which it has maintained ever since. It became the Morning and Evening Star. 

Seen from the earth, it is never removed more than 48 degrees (when at its eastern and western elongation) or three hours and a few minutes east or west of the sun. The dreaded comet became a tame planet. It has the most nearly circular orbit among the planets.’

Venus in the night sky to the left of Betelgeuse, ‘a variable red supergiant star of the first magnitude ‘and second brightest in the Orion constellation. Its ‘designation is α Orionis (Latinised to Alpha Orionis), given by Johann Bayer in 1603. The traditional name Betelgeuse was derived from the Arabic Yad al-Jawzā’ or ‘the hand of al-Jawzā’, that is, Orion. The name Betelgeuse – pronounced ‘beetlejuice’ – is not far removed from Beelzebub [aka, Ba’al Zebub, Belzebuth and Beelzebul].

‘The end of the terror… was the inspiration for Isaiah when he said: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” What does it mean, that the Morning Star was assailing the heavens and rising high, and that it was cut down low to the horizon, and would weaken no more the nations? More than a hundred generations of commentators have occupied themselves with this passage, but have met with failure.

Why… should the beautiful Morning Star, called Lucifer, the Light Bearer, live in the imagination of peoples as an evil power, a fallen star? What is in this lovely planet that makes her name an equivalent of… the dark power? After a great struggle, Venus achieved a circular orbit and a permanent place in the family of planets. During the perturbations which brought about this metamorphosis, Venus also lost its cometary tail. In the valley of the Euphrates, “Venus then gives up her position as a great stellar divinity, equal with sun and moon, and joins the ranks of the other planets.” A comet became a planet.’ 

The role of the goddess Venus – as Lilith and Ishtar – has been discussed previously, as has the planet Venus, which has the fascinating history of once being a moon of Jupiter; a comet of Nibiru; and now a permeant resident of our Solar System. 

What hasn’t been considered until now, is Venus’s role as the initiator of the Younger Dryas Stadial, terminator of the antediluvian age and herald of the post-flood epoch in which we currently live. 

A striking coincidence is the Bull symbolism of the planet Venus and the origin of the Taurid Meteor stream in the Taurus constellation. Or is it? 

A fascinating occurrence in early 2020, when Venus was transposed with the Taurus constellation  

Bulls are mentioned a number of times in the scriptures. “Reprimand the beasts in the tall grass, the herds of bulls that are with the people’s calves…” – Psalm 68:30 The Voice. “Wild oxen shall fall with them, and young steers with the mighty bulls…”- Isaiah 34:7 ESV.

It is ironic that the hot debate on the Younger Dryas, is what caused it and in so doing, deflects from the most important element of the Younger Dryas – whether an ancient advanced civilisation with technology superior to our twenty-first century world, was destroyed.

Ancient Code reported on a massive study which included twenty-four researchers and was published in two scientific papers. ‘The study titled Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact ~12,800 Years Ago, analyzed geochemical and isotopic markers and found that massive fires would have been responsible, in part, for the disappearance of large mammals.’ The paper is divided into Part I: Ice Cores and Glaciers and Part II, Lake, Marine and Terrestrial Sediments. ‘“The study includes measurements made at more than 170 different sites around the world,” said Adrian Melott, Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas and one of the authors of the research. 

“The hypothesis is that a massive comet fragmented and the pieces hit Earth, generating this disaster,” said Melott. This impact would have caused fires so large that the resulting dust clogged the sky and prevented sunlight from entering. “A number of different chemical signatures – carbon dioxide, nitrate, ammonia, and others – seem to indicate that an astounding 10% of the earth’s surface, or about 10 million square kilometers, was consumed by fires.”’ 

This may be an important component in the Earth’s demise, prior to the global inundation of flood waters. Imagine powerful earthquakes, multiple volcanic eruptions and widespread fires afflicting the people around the world – all before the massive hundred foot tidal waves swept the globe. 

An intriguing discovery revealing an ancient past which directly contradicts mainstream history for mankind are the Ica Stones of Peru – much like the Inga Stone in Brazil [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. The Ica Stones consist of a collection of thousands of stones discovered in modern-day Peru. The Ica Stones ‘depict humans coexisting with Dinosaurs, as well as numerous advanced technologies that should not have existed before written history… numerous laboratories have confirmed their existence… [as] extremely old.’ The stones were found in 1961 by farmers, beneath the sands of the vast desert of Ocucaje on the coast of the Department of Ica in Peru. The stones vary in size with different colours ‘ranging from gray, black, yellow and red.’ They are composed out of oxidised andesite. Carbon 14 studies conducted by the University of Madrid in 2003, determined that they are between 60,000 and 100,000 years old. I would propose that an adjusted and more accurate date instead, would be consistent with 6,000 to 10,000 years old. 

Ancient Code state: ‘The discovery of the Ica Stones is considered by many as one of the greatest controversies in the archaeological community… the enigmatic stones are the ultimate evidence which proves mankind coexisted with dinosaurs in antiquity…’ [that is, at least in the antediluvian age and perhaps older, dating circa 11,000 to 36,000 BCE according to an Unconventional Chronology]. 

‘This controversial timeline proposed by many researchers directly contradicts mainstream views on history yet seems to follow a pattern set by similar discoveries which oppose [current] views of history and human origins. 

The engravings on the Ica stones… [depict]… the reproductive cycle of a primitive fish without jaws… the process of blood transfusions performed on a pregnant woman… organ transplants (kidney, heart)… the application of anesthetic gas in a Caesarean section… the transplant of cerebral hemispheres, the use of electromagnetic energy, pyramids, space travel, men looking at the stars with binoculars, the study of ancient petroglyphs…’ 

‘Interestingly, the Ica Stones also depict 13 constellations: the traditional ones studied and observed by ancient cultures around the globe and the constellation of the Pleiades [found in the constellation of Taurus]. According to reports, the 13 constellations correspond to the Babylonian Zodiac, which observed the sky recording the passage of our planet through the universe… the Ica stones are yet another discovery that proves history as we know it is completely wrong. And as author, producer, and anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, and paleobiology (archaeogenetics) Robert Sepehr… [said], mankind is a species with Amnesia.’ 

Even with an abundance of legends, myths and tales of a worldwide flood and a demise of an advanced arcane civilisation, there are those who smugly disdain those who try to encourage people to think for themselves and seek the truth on humanity’s past. 

One example is the article: No, There Wasn’t an Advanced Civilization 12,000 Years Ago – Did an advanced civilization disappear more than 12,000 years ago? byMichael Shermer, June 1, 2017. In it he states: ‘Graham Hancock is an audacious autodidact who believes that long before ancient Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Egypt there existed an even more glorious civilization.’ 

An autodidact is “a person who has learned a subject without the benefit of a teacher or formal education; a self-taught person.” Yes, perish the thought that one drifts from relying on mainstream academia to lead the way for therm and shine the light on what is factual, correct, accurate, right or true? I mean, they have proved time and time again that they can be relied upon to always provide an agenda free and honest discussion, right? 

The word audacious means, “extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless, extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive.” Both these words are compliments when measured against the lies and deceit perpetrated by historians and scientists, but let’s continue with what Shermer has to say after the personal insult. 

‘One so thoroughly wiped out by a comet strike around 12,000 years ago that nearly all evidence of its existence vanished, leaving only the faintest of traces, including, Hancock thinks, a cryptic warning that such a celestial catastrophe could happen to us. All this is woven into a narrative entitled Magicians of the Gods (Thomas Dunne Books, 2015). I listened to the audio edition read by the author, whose British accent and breathless, revelatory storytelling style are confessedly compelling. But is it true? I’m skeptical.’

Well yes, one would be wouldn’t they? If they did not give any credence to a flood story recounted by hundreds of cultures around the world. And certainly, any prophetic warning as provided in the scriptures is laughable and to be ignored and ridiculed. Strange though, that the warning signs are available to science should they wish to remove the blinkers over their eyes, regarding the cyclical nature in devastating disasters. 

First, no matter how devastating an extraterrestrial impact might be, are we to believe that after centuries of flourishing every last tool, potsherd, article of clothing, and, presumably from an advanced civilization, writing, metallurgy and other technologies – not to mention trash – was erased? Inconceivable.’ 

Not inconceivable, if the all-consuming destructive power of moving flood water a hundred feet high and the complete annihilation of animal life, insect life, bird life and human life is truly comprehended. Sherman is like the ostrich which hides its head in the sand. Doing so, doesn’t negate the reality occurring out of sight.

Second, Hancock’s impact hypothesis comes from scientists who first proposed it in 2007 as an explanation for the North American megafaunal extinction around that time and has been the subject of vigorous scientific debate. It has not fared well. 

In addition to the lack of any impact craters determined to have occurred around that time anywhere in the world, the radiocarbon dates of the layer of carbon, soot, charcoal, nanodiamonds, microspherules and iridium, asserted to have been the result of this catastrophic event, vary widely before and after the megafaunal extinction, anywhere from 14,000 to 10,000 years ago. Further, although 37 mammal genera went extinct in North America (while most other species survived and flourished), at the same time 52 mammal genera went extinct in South America, presumably not caused by the impact. These extinctions, in fact, were timed with human arrival, thereby supporting the more widely accepted overhunting hypothesis.’ 

Sherman is choosing to ignore the data supporting impacts in the northern hemisphere as well as splitting hairs on the time frame for the beginning of the Younger Dryas; which is a non-argument in regard to the existence of an advanced civilisation or not. The aspect of which animal species survived and didn’t is a feeble attempt to discredit, when it also does not have any bearing on whether an advanced civilisation collapsed or not [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. 

Third, Hancock grounds his case primarily in the argument from ignorance (because scientists cannot explain X, then Y is a legitimate theory) or the argument from personal incredulity (because I cannot explain X, then my Y theory is valid). This is the type of “God of the gaps” reasoning that creationists employ, only in Hancock’s case the gods are the “magicians” who brought us civilization. The problem here is twofold: (1) scientists do have good explanations for Hancock’s X’s (for example, the pyramids, the Great Sphinx), even if they are not in total agreement, and (2) ultimately one’s theory must rest on positive evidence in favor of it, not just negative evidence against accepted theories.’ 

Sherman has successfully defined the formula practiced by investigators, whether a journalist or a police officer. Applying Occam’s razor leads to the either the simplest; the most logical; or the only explainable solution in an enquiry. Science dares not to tread down this path, if a lack of hard evidence is shadowed by circumstantial evidence. Whereas, this does not deter or inhibit a journalist and a detective. 

Scientists have incorrect explanations for the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx. They are incorrect on who built them and when they did. Thus a theory of an advanced civilisation does not have a ‘problem’, it is science that does. Likewise, the second problem is for science too, in that a theory has to be rock solid and provable ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’. It is not being ‘negative’ to show otherwise. Science’s answer for the evolution of humankind as a gradual upward curve has been shown to be full of holes and would not convince a judge and jury of its infallibility. 

Hancock’s biggest X is Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, with its megalithic, T-shaped seven-to 10-ton stone pillars cut and hauled from limestone quarries and dated to around 11,000 years ago, when humans lived as hunter-gatherers without, presumably, the know-how, skills and labor to produce them. Ergo, Hancock concludes, “at the very least it would mean that some as yet unknown and unidentified people somewhere in the world, had already mastered all the arts and attributes of a high civilization more than twelve thousand years ago in the depths of the last Ice Age and had sent out emissaries around the world to spread the benefits of their knowledge.” 

This sounds romantic, but it is the bigotry of low expectations. Who is to say what hunter-gatherers are or are not capable of doing? Plus, Göbekli Tepe was a ceremonial religious site, not a city – there is no evidence that anyone lived there. Moreover, there are no domesticated animal bones, no metal tools, no inscriptions or writing, and not even pottery-all products that much later “high civilizations” produced.’ 

Sherman reveals himself to be a bigot. Bigotry: “stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.” Often the case when a person reduces themselves to name calling. The one point Michael Sherman is correct on, is the unlikelihood of ‘hunter-gatherers’ being the architects of Gobekjli Tepe [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. These are dots Graham Hancock has not quite joined together. While Hancock is brave enough to include the anathema word ‘Atlantis’ in his research, the next steps are ‘giants’ and the ‘Nephilim’. While Gobekli Tepe may not have been a ‘city’ as one would normally label. It was certainly a settlement which incorporated ceremonial features. Sherman with a little more research would know that evidence has been unearthed proving people did live permanently and not just in a temporary capacity [Monoliths of the Nephilim]. 

Fourth, Hancock has spent decades in his vision quest to find the sages who brought us civilization. Yet decades of searching have failed to produce enough evidence to convince archaeologists that the standard timeline of human history needs major revision. Hancock’s plaint is that mainstream science is stuck in a uniformitarian model of slow, gradual change and so cannot accept a catastrophic explanation. Not true.’ 

But, from an evolutionary view for humankind this is true. Mainstream science is guilty as charged. 

‘From the origin of the universe (big bang), to the origin of the moon (big collision), to the origin of lunar craters (meteor strikes), to the demise of the dinosaurs (asteroid impact), to the numerous sudden downfalls of civilizations documented by Jared Diamond in his 2005 book Collapse, catastrophism is alive and well in mainstream science. The real magicians are the scientists who have worked this all out.’ 

The Big Bang as currently explained was not a collision per se, but an explosion of energy. Perhaps at the molecular level it can be argued to be a collision, but it is not a good example. 

The dinosaurs became extinct far more recently than science realises, with their demise actually supporting Hancock’s conclusions. ‘Catastrophism’ may be ‘alive and well in mainstream science’ but the ‘real magicians’ [are those] who propose its dramatic affect on mankind and the danger it poses for humanity’s future. ‘Scientists have [not] worked this all out’ at all.  

The Moon on the other hand is an interesting proposition and a separate article is planned. It appears that an ancient collusion if you will through a literal collision, occurred between the Moon and the Earth. The Moon is a body seemingly not even originating in this Solar System and any collisions or scarring on its surface have no bearing in this discussion, or so I thought [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. A comment on Graham Hancock’s website caught my eye.

Kalopin, May 1, 2017, said:

‘Please… study further into this… The YDB ejecta blanket strewn field covered over four continents and reached extreme [temperatures] over 2200*C. Any form of life beneath this was instantly incinerated (vaporized)… The only source to exert this much energy, that contains enough mass, weight, volume, density, velocity, in orbit and enough electromagnetic repulsion, would be the Moon… 

During the Pleistocene there was less gravity, less electromagnetism, less ground-level radiation. Plants and animals grew much larger and lived much longer… megafauna, megaflora, including the dinosaurs and many highly intelligent civilizations thrived during this period…

The Moon was in a much closer and unstable orbit, as the weight of Pangaea… caused an imbalance, finally allowing the Moon to impact where the Mediterranean is, after releasing massive amounts of plasma at the Black sea, lofting many tonnes of rock from beneath the Tethys [Ocean], breaking apart the super-continent… 

At this same moment, exhuming massive amounts of deeper, colder limestone to form the Ozarks, pinching in the entire thickness of a tectonic plate inward forming the Mississippi embayment, and pushing the burnt surface material and rocks to form the Appalachias and this self-made springboard, along with a pole reversal (Gothenburg geomagnetic excursion) sent the Moon back out to a safer orbit, but not before curling the entire western edge of the plates upward, engulfing a couple of broken slabs, the Farallon and Nazca plates, forming the Rockies and Andes then releasing another massive amount of plasma to form the Grand canyon… All the mountainous anomalies throughout the southwest were formed by this impact, such as Devil’s tower and Kasha-Katuwe…

Chicxulub crater was once downtown Atlantis and stretches from Xibalba to out [past] the Bimini road… The Sahara desert is the finer material (Libyan glass) from this impact. It [swivelled] the African plate at the southwestern edge of the Arabian plate and forced the Indian plate into Eurasia to form the Himalayas. Released Australia to the east, Antarctica to the south and released Madagascar on its way back, from tectonic rebound… 

When the Moon impacted it slowed the outer plates and mantle, in relation to the faster spinning, crystallized inner core, increasing electromagnetism, length of the day and gravity, along with producing more radiation, making it impossible for dinosaurs to exist and greatly reducing the size and lifespan of every living creatureThe Moon is iron, much harder than Earth’s oceans and outer plates. It is the remnants, the crystallized iron inner core, from a once habitable planet, in a now defunct solar system that was traveling ahead of this one and whose star had went supernova, as this action is commonplace, as these inner cores have strong attractions to stars and inner solar systems… 

All this occurred in an instant, when the Moon impacted the Mediterranean sea 12,980 years ago. They have recently found a layer of platinum along with the iridium at the YDB… after the continents drifted to about where they are currently, a comet struck the Hudson bay, emptying out lake Agassiz, causing further sea-level rise, ending the Clovis period, destroying even more technology, science and history… which had accumulated up to the end of the Pleistocene… We are recovering from an extreme period of devolution… (until;-)’

Where to begin? Kalopin raises a number of interesting points. I have pondered the great length of human age in the antediluvian epoch. Yet not discovered a reasonable answer. A link between this anomaly of age, with gravity, electromagnetism, radiation and the Moon is intriguing. A Moon closer to Earth’s super continent fits with Pangea breaking up at the time of Noah and the flood [Chapter XXII Alpha & Omega]. The geological and geographical changes are plausible and the repositioning of Antartica further south; though I do not concur with Kalopin’s location for Atlantis [Article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis]. 

Nor am I convinced the Moon collided with the Earth at this time. Its change to an orbit further away would still have impacted life on Earth as Kalopin describes, but may have been actuated by the fly by of Planet X and the near miss of the comet Venus in tow –  flinging the Moon away from Earth’s gravitational pull. Of interest, is the explanation of the Moon being the remnant of an inner iron core of a planet. As the Moon is hollow, this lends credence to the Earth – and other planets – having at their very centre, a hollow core. The secondary cosmic hit whether a comet or not, would tally with the Comet Encke and Taurid Meteor stream hypothesis and the later flooding at the end of the Younger Dryas. 

An article by Mark Boslough of Skeptic, highlights inconsistencies of the Comet Research Group and the YDIH. ‘Plagued by self contradictions, logical fallacies, basic misunderstandings, misidentified impact evidence, abandoned claims, irreproducible results, questionable protocols, lack of disclosure, secretiveness, failed predictions, contaminated samples, pseudoscientific arguments, physically impossible mechanisms, and misrepresentations, the YDIH has never been accepted by experts in any related field. The skepticism has increased following instances of questionable conduct by the Comet Research Group leaders…’ 

My response to this, is that while the CRG may have acted to bring discredit on the YDIH, it does not negate the central tenant of their thesis. Detractors are quite happy in using these issues to deflect from the idea of the destruction of an advanced civilisation. 

‘… Hancock’s facts about sea level rise during the late Pleistocene are… wrong. There is no evidence that the world’s oceans rose dramatically in a series of deluges during the Younger Dryas. Hancock’s claim contradicts the sea level data collected around the world. For example, corals in Barbados recorded rates decreasing from 20 mm/year at 13,900 years BP (before 1950) to 4 mm/year 11,550 years BP.’

A ‘series of deluges’ is not accurate in my opinion. As discussed, the initial flood in 10,837 BCE and a secondary lesser one at the termination of the Younger Dryas some 1,300 years later are viable. Thus a settling of water during this lengthy period is not unexpected and small decreases in millimetres not unusual or worthy to be used as examples to discredit an overall rise in sea level of one hundred metres as the graph so clearly shows. 

‘In round numbers, the current rate of sea level rise is 4 mm/year (and rising), about the same as at the end of the Younger Dryas, a rate that many global warming deniers dismiss as too low to be concerned about or even to measure [Article: Climate Change & Global Warming – Climate Crisis or a New Equilibrium?]. Unfortunately for Hancock the rate of sea level rise during the Younger Dryas was lower than it was just before the Younger Dryas.’ 

This can be explained as previously discussed by the unusual weather patterns for approximately one hundred and twenty years before and including the onset of the deluge at the beginning of the Younger Dryas – Genesis 6:3. This included an increase in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the global warming of temperatures. 

Boslough concludes: ‘… Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse has many of the attributes of pseudoscience: rejection of the scientific method, extraordinary claims without extraordinary (or even ordinary) evidence, dismissal of contrary evidence, contempt for recognized subject matter experts, unfalsifiable claims, confirmation bias, and lack of peer review.’ 

Of course what Boslough and every critic neatly fail to mention, is that Hancock is not a scientist, geologist, archaeologist, engineer or historian and does not claim to be any of these. Graham Hancock is an investigator highlighting holes in the current teaching about Mankind’s ancient past. Hancock claims ancient myths are memories of real events and that humanity is suffering from amnesia about its past without realising. It is true, one does not know they are living in deception until they become aware that they are deceived. Hancock is merely blowing the whistle the loudest on the subject. Scientists don’t like it, because if true they have a massive revision of history to tackle and humble pie to eat. They are not going to permit a ‘pseudoscientist’ to embarrass them in this way. 

‘Nevertheless, some skeptics might conclude that the one scientifically viable element of Ancient Apocalypse is the hypothesis that a swarm of comet fragments triggered a global catastrophe at just the right time by colliding with the Earth.’ 

Well, that is surely a vital piece of the Younger Dryas puzzle? And Mark Boslough admits Hancock may have a point. 

‘As well, and given the fact that peer review is fallible, it is my professional opinion that the YDIH should also be viewed by skeptics with suspicion. Virtually all experts, working independently in the relevant fields, who have stated their opinions about the YDIH, have expressed skepticism. The negative scientific consensus that emerged very quickly after the first peer-reviewed publication introduced the YDIH 15 years ago has not changed.’ 

So why the continued obstinance in accepting a collision or collisions as the ignition for the cataclysm at the beginning of the Younger Dryas? 

Considering Venus as a possible suspect in the Younger Dryas cataclysm, the following comments regarding comets on Hancock’s website are of interest. 

Ioannis Demetriades, May 3, 2017: ‘I have to apologise Mr Hancock. It is not your fault that you repeat this non-sense. There is no evidence that a comet or a piece of comet ever hit the Earth in the past and so we cannot make comparisons with proxy evidence (nano-diamonds). It is a physical impossibility for a comet to hit the Earth. First it is the region they inhabit and the trajectories of comets and second their composition. They are made of loose material (surprisingly little ice)… The Tunguska incident was not proved to be a comet that exploded before hitting the earth (no evidence). The comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 that plunged into Jupiter first broke into pieces (due to tidal forces) and then exploded before reaching the surface. Most comets are caught by larger planets before they reach the inner small planets. The only extra terrestrial objects that hit the earth in the past and today are mainly meteorites (because they are composed mainly of iron) and asteroids made of rock and if they are small say less than 100 Metres in diameter they explode before they reach the surface (maybe Tunguska?). Please do not misunderstand me I do not suggest for a minute that the Younger Dryas incident was not by an extra-terrestrial object hitting the Earth all I am saying it could not be a comet. 

Graham Hancock: ‘You need to educate yourself on the science before making abrupt and insulting remarks about my work. It’s simply a matter of looking at the evidence, much of which is set out in my article which you do not appear to have read. Follow up the references to all the papers published since 2007. Of course there is opposition to the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis but the evidence is mounting fast… and in my humble opinion the detractors, including yourself, are going to end up looking rather silly… I never said a comet of 200 kms diameter HIT the earth. The evidence is that a giant comet approaching that size entered the solar system 20,000 or 30,000 years ago and began, as most comets do (eg Shoemaker Levy 9) to break up into multiple fragments. Around 12,800 years ago some of these fragments (maximum size 1 to 2 kms diameter) hit the earth with the epicenter on the North American ice cap. There may have been further impacts 11,600 years ago. And more impacts during the Bronze Age. The Tunguska event in 1908 was likely another fragment out of the debris trail of the same comet. That debris trail, including several massive objects such as Comets Encke, Oljiato and Rudnicki is still on an earth-crossing orbit and we pass through it twice a year. It’s called the Taurid meteor stream. Its likely that most of the mass of the original giant comet is still aloft in the stream.’

Ioannis Demetriades, May 9, 2017: ‘I apologise if I caused any offense. It was not my intention. I like your work. I admit I used some harsh words. There are still arguments about the chemical composition of Comets. There is not enough data. Comet ISON showed that it is composed of loose rock material. There was not much ice observed on ISON but after the impact and surprisingly explosion; analysis showed Methanol, Formaldehide, H-Cyanide, Acetyline etc. 

i.e. Organic materials that produce water (after the interaction with ionising Solar wind) that is observed in the tail of most comets not a trace of Platinum (joke). There is no analysis available for the rocky material. It is a conjecture that asteroids in Taurid shower are cometary fragments; they may or may not be (such conclusions will be irresponsible and not scientific). We do not really know the composition of the comets and any theories regarding them is mainly a conjecture. If you look closely at the referred publication the detected Platinum is not conclusively from a comet. It says “Cometary or meteoric influx” – Platinum points to a meteorite (not even an asteroid) but it “proves” (I must see all the data regarding Platinum) that a large extraterrestrial object hit the Earth at that time (younger Dryas) although the samples shown on the map… seem very few to be conclusive, that is if they refer to the same event. By studying proxy materials on earth will not tell us anything about their origin since we do not know the composition of the comets… you mention of supposedly the original comet was a gigantic 200 km that broke up. That is pure conjecture by the scientists involved. They should be taken to task by an authorised astronomical committee. Publicising in journals is not good enough. Today’s peer review leaves a lot to be desired.’ 

If the cosmic debris pelting the Earth in the past was not a comet per se, then fragments from previous collisions involving Planet X and its trail of meteors are an option. The larger body is unlikely to be Planet X within the Taurid meteor stream which passes Earth bi-annually as opposed to Nibiru’s 3,600 year circuit around Earth. 

The Ancient Apocalypse eighth and final episode, Cataclysm and Rebirth, was particularly interesting and discussed evidence for a great deluge at the beginning of the Younger Dryas. The sites discussed included the Channelled Scablands and the Missoula Floods. 

Online Encyclopaedia: The Missoula floods, known as the Spokane floods, the Bretz floods or Bretz’s floods are described as ‘cataclysmic glacial lake outburst floods that swept [supposedly] periodically across eastern Washington [rather than once] and down the Columba River Gorge at the end of the last ice age.’ The Channeled Scablands are a barren soil-free region of ‘interconnected relict and dry flood channels, coulees and cataracts eroded into Palouse loess and the typically flat-lying basalt flows that remain after cataclysmic floods within the southeastern part of Washington state. The Channeled Scablands were scoured by [supposedly] more than [80] cataclysmic floods [rather than one] during the Last Glacial Maximum.’ 

Graham Hancock discusses these sites at length on his website. We will hit the high points. For those readers interested in the whole article, the link is: 

Hancock: ‘In March 2017 the National Geographic Society and the Smithsonian Institution, those bastions of scientific orthodoxy, highlighted the remarkable achievements of two scientific rebels, one retired and the other deceased, confessing that multiple injustices had been done to both and that the “toxic” way in which they had been treated by their professional colleagues had “poisoned” scientific progress… for National Geographic the rebel of choice in 2017 was US geologist J. Harlen Bretz, condemned to pariah status in the 1920’s for daring to propose that a gigantic flood had scoured the “scabland” of America’s Pacific Northwest near the end of the last Ice Age. It was an idea that contradicted the consensus view of scientists at the time that geological transitions were always slow and gradual – a view in which there was no place for sudden and cataclysmic earth changes. Bretz died in 1981… [and was] ultimately proved right.’ 

‘Here is Bretz, writing in 1928 after one of his field trips across Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the US: 

“No one with an eye for landforms can cross eastern Washington in daylight without encountering and being impressed by the “scabland.” Like great scars marring the otherwise fair face of the plateau are these elongated tracts of bare, or nearly bare, black rock carved into mazes of buttes and canyons. Everybody on the plateau knows scabland. It interrupts the wheat lands, parcelling them out into hill tracts less than 40 acres to more than 40 square miles in extent. One can neither reach them nor depart from them without crossing some part of the ramifying scabland. Aside from affording a scanty pasturage, scabland is almost without value. The popular name is an expressive metaphor. The scablands are wounds only partially healed – great wounds in the epidermis of soil with which Nature protects the underlying rock.” 

“With eyes only a few feet above the ground the observer today must travel back and forth repeatedly and must record his observations mentally, photographically, by sketch and by map before he can form anything approaching a complete picture. 

Yet long before the paper bearing these words has yellowed, the average observer, looking down from the air as he crosses the region, will see almost at a glance the picture here drawn by piecing together the ground-level observations of months of work. The region is unique: let the observer take the wings of the morning to the uttermost parts of the earth: he will nowhere find its likeness.”

Graham Hancock with catastrophist Randall Carlson at Dry Falls – a fossilised waterfall of enormous size cut by the waters of Bretz’s flood and left as seen now when the flood had run its course 

‘… when he saw huge numbers of erratics – giant boulders that didn’t belong naturally in the area but had clearly been brought in from elsewhere – he was inclined to assume that they might have travelled here in icebergs carried on some great glacial flood. This impression was strengthened when he explored Grand Coulee and Moses Coulee – gigantic channels gouged deeply in the earth – and visited the Quincy Basin at the southern end of Grand Coulee where he found the whole 600-square-mile depression filled up to a depth of 400 feet with small particles of basalt debris. He couldn’t help but wonder, “where had all the debris come from, and when?” Again the answer that presented itself to him was a flood.’ 

A colossal glacial erratic perched high up on the valley side above the town of Wenatchee, Washington state, was laid to rest here in an iceberg the size of an oil tanker and carried on a raging flood hundreds of feet deep

‘Bretz was… in the Scablands in 1923 for three months of exploration and it seems to have been during this field trip that his later views – namely that “some spectacular hydrological event… had begun in this region, then abruptly stopped”,’ really began to take shape. Bretz was an eminently rational man, and certainly no religious dogmatist, yet, as his biographer John Soennichsen notes, “while hiking through the hot, dry, ragged world of the Scablands, everything he had seen pointed not to a slow, uniform change over time but to a catastrophe, a sudden release of colossal quantities of water that had quickly washed away the loessial topsoil and then carved deeply into the basalt rock beneath.” 

Bretz noted in his 1923 paper: “The writer confesses that during ten weeks of study of the region, each newly examined scabland tract reawakened a feeling of amazement that such huge streams could take origin from such small marginal tracts of an ice sheet, or that such an enormous amount of erosion, despite high gradients, could have resulted in the very brief times these streams existed. Not River Warren, nor the Chicago outlet, not the Mowhawk channel, nor even Niagara Falls and Gorge itself approach the proportions of some of these scabland tracts and their canyons. From one of these canyons alone (Upper Grand Coulee) 10 cubic miles of basalt was eroded by its glacial stream.”

‘Concluding the paper, and moving towards the profoundly heretical and anti-uniformitarian idea that would soon get him into a great deal of trouble, namely that a single cataclysmic flood sustained only for a very short period had been responsible for all the devastation he had witnessed, Bretz wrote: “Fully 3,000 square miles of the Columbia plateau were swept by the glacial flood, and the loess and silt cover removed. More than 2,000 square miles of this area were left as bare, eroded, rock-cut channel floors, now the scablands, and nearly 1,000 square miles carry gravel deposits derived from the eroded basalt. It was a debacle which swept the Columbia Plateau.” In other words, as Bretz’s biographer summarizes, the geologist now believed that the features he had documented “could only have been created by a flood of unimaginable proportions, possibly the largest flood in the history of the world” [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla].’

‘The reaction of the geological establishment was one of stunned, embarrassed silence. To have strayed so far from the doctrine of uniformitarianism could only mean that Bretz must have gone mad. David Alt, Professor Emeritus of Geology at the University of Montana, describes one of the lectures that Bretz gave in which he expounded on the ideas in his 1923 paper: “The geologists… were aghast in the same way that a roomful of physicists would be upon hearing a colleague explain how he had made a perpetual motion machine out of old popsicle sticks. Physicists had all learned very early of the futility of perpetual motion machines, and no properly educated geologist was supposed to traffic in catastrophes of any sort.” 

‘To this day, most geologists consider it nothing less than heresy to invoke a catastrophic explanation for a geologic event. So Bretz stepped off the edge of a very long limb when he suggested that a great flood had eroded the Scablands… (It made) him a pariah among geologists, an outcast from the politer precincts of society. 

James Gilluly, well known as an apostle of geologic gradualism, dismissed the notion of a single cataclysmic flood with words like “preposterous”, “incompetent”, and “wholly inadequate”. He found nothing in Bretz’s evidence to exclude his own preferred solution, namely that multiple smaller floods had been involved… Likewise G.R. Mansfield doubted that “so much work could be done on basalt in so short a time… The Scablands seem to me better explained as the effects of persistent ponding and overflow of marginal glacial waters, which changed their position or their places of outlet from time to time through a somewhat protracted period.” O.E. Meinzer was obliged to confess that “the erosion features of the region are large and bizarre” but he, too, preferred a gradualist explanation: “Before a theory that requires a seemingly impossible quantity of water is fully accepted, every effort should be made to account for the existing features without employing so violent an assumption…” 

‘In summary, not a single voice was raised in support of Bretz and there was much patronizing dismissal of his “outrageous hypothesis” of a single large flood. In particular, the massed geologists homed in on what they clearly believed was the fatal flaw in the case for a sudden and overwhelming cataclysm – namely that Bretz had failed to identify a convincing source for his floodwaters. Bretz replied that he saw no logic in this, since lack of a documented source for the flood did not prove that there had been no flood. “I believe that my interpretation of channeled scabland should stand or fail on the scabland phenomena themselves,” he argued.

He was, he said, as sensitive as anyone else to adverse criticism, and had “no desire to invite attention simply by advocating extremely novel views.” Moreover, he himself had repeatedly been driven to doubt “the verity of the Spokane Flood”, only to be forced “by reconsideration of the field evidence, to use again the conception of enormous volume… These remarkable records of running water on the Columbia Plateau, and in the valleys of the Snake and Columbia Rivers, cannot be interpreted in terms of ordinary river action and ordinary valley development… 

Enormous volume, existing for a very short time, alone will account for their existence.” In the final analysis, however, they could not disprove his science, only disapprove of it, which is a very different thing.’ 

Therefore today, contrary to all the evidence, Gradualism and Uniformitarianism have won out as the theories ascribed to the violent topography of the Scablands and the outpouring of water from Lake Missoula. The literal interpretation of Catastrophism for the Scablands condition has been neatly compartmentalised into a series of mini catastrophes, not really a catastrophe at all really. Phew, that releases scientists of ever having to concede that a global flood afflicted the Earth as recorded in the scriptures. What else might one find in the Bible that is problematic and uncomfortable for mainstream academia to acknowledge, one wonders? 

Hancock: ‘While the impact of comet fragments on the North American ice cap 12,800 years ago is now strongly supported by the mass of evidence reviewed in this article as the cause of the beginning of the Younger Dryas, there is much less clarity over what caused the end of the cold interval and the renewed flooding and warming of 11,600 years ago. [Robert] Schoch makes an interesting contribution to the debate… and he might ultimately be vindicated in his proposal that it was “solar outbursts and accompanying catastrophic cataclysms” that caused the abrupt ending of the Younger Dryas around 11,600 or 11,700 years ago. On the other hand it is also perfectly possible that [Fred] Hoyle will be vindicated and that comet impacts are implicated not only at the beginning but also at the end of the cold episode.’

‘More research certainly needs to be done to establish the exact mechanisms, in all their complexity, that brought about the sudden termination of the Younger Dryas, but the effects on global climate are already well understood. Just as much as the events of 12,800 years ago, the events of 11,600 years ago were, as J Harlen Bretz might have put it, “a debacle”. Could it be that those events, with North America standing squarely at their epicenter, were indeed the final straw that destroyed a great advanced civilization of prehistoric antiquity?’ 

‘As we’ve seen, all the old archaeological certainties regarding the peopling of the Americas have now been thrown out with the recognition that Clovis was very far from being “first”. Perhaps the lost civilization that I have spent the last quarter of a century trying to track down had its most significant outpost, possibly even its heartland, in North America in the period BEFORE the Younger Dryas cataclysms of 12,800 to 11,600 years ago?’ 

Yes, that is an interesting surmising. Did Noah and his family live on the North American continent? Or perhaps even on Atlantis, as geological evidence shows Antartica was once joined with North America [Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis]. 

Mark Boslough whom we quoted earlier, expresses his opinion regarding Hancock’s and Carlson’s theories on the Scablands: ‘As a subject matter expert in impact physics and planetary defense, it is my professional opinion that Graham Hancock misrepresents science in claiming that there is a strong “what’s called ‘uniformitarian trend’” in geology. Ironically, he makes that assertion while discussing the Channeled Scablands, for which the widely accepted geological explanation is a series of catastrophic floods from ice dam collapses that released water from the enormous prehistoric Lake Missoula. Regarding this event, at least, geologists are catastrophists.’ 

Well, this was only achieved through foul play, by besmirching Bretz’s findings. Calling geologists catastrophists in regard to the Scablands, is a long stretch. 

‘Nevertheless, Hancock goes on to say that “modern geologists” don’t like cataclysms very much. Not so. It was a modern geoscientist named Gene Shoemaker who proved that Meteor Crater in Arizona and Ries Crater in Bavaria were created by asteroid impacts. And another named Walter Alvarez was one of the leaders of the team that discovered the impact event that wiped out the dinosaurs. Modern geologists embrace cataclysms fully… when there is evidence for them.’ 

If only it were that simple. They like catastrophes, if they can place extraordinarily long dates in the past for them. And only if it stays clear of any relation to a cataclysmic event which too closely parallels the biblical flood it would seem. Nor are they very open to a more recent cyclical nature of passing asteroids, meteors, comets and planets which pose a real threat of collision in the future. 

‘Unfortunately, in his Netflix series, Hancock doesn’t interview any scientists or subject matter experts about impact physics or geology.’ 

How many of them agree? Or, how many of them would want to be interviewed publicly?

‘Instead, he asks amateur geologist and author Randall Carlson to weigh in on his unorthodox speculations that the professionals don’t know what they are talking about, haven’t properly identified the source of floodwaters, and that the water actually came from the Arctic ice cap.’ 

It doesn’t seem the professionals do know what they are talking about. Recent generations of scientists and geologists have become indoctrinated in believing in a series of floods over a long period as the answer to the Scablands formation, so that they now don’t see what is clearly before them. Have any of these professionals actually studied and visited the Scablands?  

‘Carlson also thinks that the floods are not as old as geological dating demonstrates, and are really a single event that happened at the onset of the Younger Dryas.’ 

In this instance, I would agree with the free thinker, whether he is an amateur or not. The Scablands is perhaps one of the best examples of the agenda ridden academic community in advancing an evolutionary explanation, for an occurrence which clearly supports an ancient non-evolutionary event. 

An interesting phenomena is the evidence provided by what are called Black Mats. They are strata of organic-rich soil that have been identified at about fifty archaeological  sites across North America. They are significant in that they support a bolide impact. Bolide means:  ‘a large, brilliant meteor, especially one that explodes; a fireball.’

Online Encyclopaedia: ‘Using statistical analysis and modeling, James P. Kennett and others concluded that widely separated organic-rich layers, including black mats, were deposited synchronously across multiple continents as an identifiable Younger Dryas boundary layer.In 2019, Jorgeson and others tested this conclusion with the simulation of radiocarbon ages.They accounted for measurement error, calibration uncertainty, “old wood” effects, and laboratory measurement biases, and compared against the dataset of radiocarbon ages for the Laacher See eruption. They found the Laacher See 14C dataset to be consistent with expectations of [synchronicity]. They found the Younger Dryas boundary layer 14C dataset to be inconsistent with the expectations for its [synchronicity], and the synchronous global deposition of the hypothesized Younger Dryas boundary layer to be extremely unlikely.’ 

I bet they did. As Carbon 14 dating is unreliable past four thousand years ago, I remain sceptical about the new results. Either way, whether dating matches the flooding of the Younger Dryas or the volcanic activity approximately one hundred years earlier, it still creates a flashing neon arrow sign marker of a cataclysmic event like no other in the historical record of Homo sapiens

At Arizona’s Murray Springs, an organic clay layer, or black mat, dating to around 12,800 years ago, sits on top of deposits containing Clovis artifacts and skeletons of large game; with some researchers saying the layer holds markers of an extraterrestrial impact.

In a previous article, the likelihood of another ice age occurring was discussed and the fact that the earth is not experiencing global warming at all, but rather under going global cooling [refer article: Climate Change & Global Warming – Climate Crisis or a New Equilibrium?]. An article in the Sun Newspaper, entitled: CHILLING PREDICTION Planet Earth could be heading for an ICE AGE as face of The Sun ‘goes blank’, by Jasper Hamill, October 3, 2016, states: 

‘Climate experts issue terrifying warning which will literally send shivers down every human’s spine. The Sun has “gone blank” and it could herald the arrival of an Ice Age… This chilling prediction is based on analysis of the solar surface, which is currently exhibiting a distinct lack of action. Normally, the face of our parent star is pocked by sunspots. 

But it’s looking as smooth as a billiard ball… and sunspots are appearing at thelowest rate for 10,000 years as solar activity slows down… Space Weather… said there were more blank suns to come. “There will be lots of spotless suns. At first, the blank stretches will be measured in days; later in weeks and months. The current blank spell is the 4th such interval of 2016, so far.” 

It is feared the lack of sunspot activity could prompt the arrival of a cold snap similar to the Maunder Minimum, which started in 1645 and continued to about 1715. This period is known as the Little Ice Age and became famous for the winter frost fairs held on the frozen surface of the Thames [River]. Last year, Professor Valentina Zharkova suggested a similar episode could hit Earth in the 2030s. She said the Sun’s activity would drop by up to 60% during the next mini Ice Age, potentially causing crop failures and other minor disasters down here on Earth. 

“I am absolutely confident in our research. It has good mathematical background and reliable data… In fact, our results can be repeated by… researchers… in… solar observatories, so they can derive their own evidence… in solar magnetic field and activity.”

A single bloom of the alpine wildflower Dryas octopetala in a high valley in the 

Orjen Mountains of Montenegro

And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings,peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake… and the cities of the nations fell… 

Revelation 16:18-19 English Standard Version

… a great earthquake shook the earth and the sun grew dark and became black (like mourning sackcloth) and the full moon became red like blood. The stars of heaven fell to earth as a fig tree drops its fruit during a winter storm. 

Revelation 6:12-13 The Voice

© Orion Gold 2024 – All rights reserved. Permission to copy, use or distribute, if acknowledgement of the original authorship is attributed to

Alpha & Omega

Chapter XXII

Let me state at the outset, that this section contains summations, piecemeal guesswork, together with a wide variety of both reliable and subjective sources and so, it is not categoric in the main. Putting it all together creates a landscape, which I consider is reasonable. I have endeavoured to remain impartial and record with integrity. It is an important part of the equation, to investigate antediluvian life in better understanding the postdiluvian world, the ethnic races of peoples inhabiting it and their modern identities.

It is highly recommended to read Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla, prior to reading the current chapter.

Noah and the Deluge Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence, Gérard Gertoux – emphasis & bold mine:

‘For honest and scientific historians, “truth” is based on two main pillars: 1) an accurate chronology anchored on absolute dates (Herodotus principle) and 2) reliable documents coming from critical editions (Thucydides’ principle), consequently the theory of evolution is ahistorical, because it is impossible to know in which year the first couple of human beings appeared and it is impossible to find even one witness of this pivotal event among the oldest writings… In contrast, if we compare the oldest writings from Egypt and Sumer, including the Bible which appeared later… it is possible to know when and where the first human beings appeared on Earth.’ 

Much has been suggested regarding pre-human beings and what they may or may not have been like. As we are dealing with a past we know little and even though DNA can help to learn more, it does not answer everything for the time being. The data as with all fields, can be manipulated to produce the desired result. For instance, some scientists state some Neanderthals – named after the location in Neander Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany where they were first discovered – possessed light skin with red hair, albeit only one percent and others say it was impossible for them to have had red hair and light skin. Some researchers postulate that Neanderthal man could speak like a modern human; others say they did not have the necessary internal physical formation in their throat and larynx to allow them to articulate as we do.

Scientists admit to speculating and the word probable is used abundantly with most material regarding both pre-human and early human beings. DNA is variable in that if we used it to judge East Asians for example, they should be as dark skinned as sub-Saharan Africans; but they are not. 

A key pigment gene in Europeans produces blue eyes, whereas for East Asians it gives them a light skin. It does not affect their eye colour; even though it is the exact same gene, it has a different expression. Europeans and East Asians have a very different genetic architecture concerning skin colour, which scientists do not yet fully understand, though we will seek to answer.

While studying Noah, we observed a study declaring light skin and blue eyes being a relatively recent adaptation in the human genome [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. A further study was conducted, though their dating is more what one would expect than the 8,000 years ago proposed by the former study. Sandra Beleza at the University of Porto in Portugal and her colleagues studied three genes associated with lighter skin pigmentation. They are found everywhere, though more commonly in Europe than say Africa. Fifty people from Europe and seventy from sub-Saharan Africa were analysed to help her team gauge when paler skin first appeared in European peoples. The results suggested ‘only 11,000 to 19,000 years ago.’ This time frame is highly plausible, as according to an unconventional chronology it matches approximately when Noah and his three sons were born: Noah in 16,837 BCE and his sons in 11,837 BCE.

This leads to a thorny issue, one of dating and chronology. This writer’s viewpoint will inevitably infuriate scientists and exasperate theologians in equal measure. The contention presented here is that with scientific dating, once we go past a certain point, there are far too many noughts. Suspiciously, the scientific agenda in upholding Charles Darwin’s 1859, Origin of the Species and their paranoia in seeking to eliminate God, are to blame. In one hundred and sixty-five years, the arguments for its validity remain unsatisfactory. An anonymous quote stated: “atheism takes none of the time and effort of a real religion.” I would offer that the zeal with which atheists and agnostics defend their position or more accurately, attack the creation model is not only more time consuming than a ‘real religion’ but by virtue of the passion expressed is a pseudo-religion itself. 

In fact, the faith advanced by adherents of evolution is greater than the faith exhibited by Christians. For they believe in something that is untenable. At least the evidence of a superior power is all around in the form of our natural word [refer article: Designated Design or Chance Chaos?]. There is evidence for micro-evolution occurring within species. I do not believe there is any evidence for macro-evolution. Nor do I subscribe to the Christian case in the [re]creation of all physical matter pertaining to our Earth and near solar system, happening in six literal twenty-four hour days. Here conversely, a few zeros should be added.

The asininity of the scientific establishment and the puerility of the church community is equally perplexing and frustrating. A well versed child could ascertain one theory is nonsensically long and the other explanation is impossibly short. I do not mean to overly condemn; it is born from incredulity that people so easily accept rather than challenge, the orthodox answers espoused by two interpretations that just don’t add up or ring true.

2 Peter 3:5

English Standard Version

‘For they [the wise of this world, scientists and academia] deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens [spirit realm] existed long ago, and the earth was formed [G4921 – sunistao: ‘to put together, composition’] out of water [water is a physical type of the Holy Spirit, John 7:37-39 and 1 Corinthians 12:13] and through water by the word of God…

My mistrust in both systems, mirrors my thinking in how or who is responsible for our perception of reality. For the answer is much like the extraordinary disembodied head in the mystical 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy’s dog Toto pulls back the veil to reveal a secret: behind the curtain is nothing but a snake oil salesman who admits to being ordinary and would you believe, is actually from the very same state of Kansas, as Dorothy. 

I do not support the evolutionary theory as it postulates an inherent intelligence within nature just happened with no thought, design and purpose preceding it origination. Which in itself is a contradiction, for intelligence must have had a beginning or source. The connectivity of nature and even within Chaos theory, of its myriad patterns leads to the logical conclusion that there is imagination and creativity behind it all. Saying that, thorough investigation has convinced me that the supreme Source of all things and the Eternal Creator does not create everything by some instant, miraculous fiat; thus, I do not support a rigid creationist position. 

The answer lies between the two – as does ironically, an accurate chronology – in that the Ancient of Days created majestic creatures who have gone forth and created, primarily on the supreme Being’s behalf and in other instances according to their own desire, with mixed results. These powerful entities have been the thought and intent of the same Source and an expression or manifestation of both His Wisdom and His Word.

The fundamental law of the spiritual and physical creation is that all beings have the freedom to make choices, whether in pursuing serving self or in serving others. Each is a path with repercussions and outcomes. Judgement follows both paths and the decisions chosen. The Garden of Eden and the two Trees, or Ways typified this essential experience. The Bible reveals that humankind followed these two different paths after the Garden of Eden expulsion, right through to the Flood [Article: The Younger Dryas Stadial: Ending of the earth… beginning of the World]. Albeit, there was only one family which were keeping to the path of righteousness. The whole world had turned aside to a path of evil and thus the Creator’s decision to start anew, by cleansing the earth though flooding: a form of baptismal purification.  

Deuteronomy 30:19

English Standard Version

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live…

2 Corinthians 5:10, Acts 17:31 & John 5:22 

English Standard Version

‘For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil – “because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead” – For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son…’

Part of that process, is allowing every world or civilisation to develop unhindered and uninfluenced. What has gone wrong, maybe in other worlds though most definitely in ours, is that humanity has not been allowed to develop naturally and organically. The rebellious Angels have taken their war with the Ancient of Days to Earth and humans are collateral in the exchanges. Human civilisation evolved unnaturally and has been manipulated by these unseen rulers and so our world was re-created and maintained through continuous intervention [Article: Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are].

Ephesians 6:11-12

New Century Version

Put on the full armor of God so that you can fight against the devil’s evil tricks [G3180 – methodeia: cunning arts, deceit, craft, wiles, lie in wait]. Our fight is not against people on earth [the physical realm comprising three dimensions of space and one of time] but against the [original or very first] rulers [Asherah, Samael, Azazel and Lilith] and authorities [fallen dark Angels] and the powers [demons] of this world’s darkness [blinded, secret], against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world [spiritual dimensions beyond the ones humanity perceive].

ESV, verse 12: ‘For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness…’

From the standpoint of Y-DNA Haplogroups, the scientific method mainly appears accurate and so does the dating of the ending of the Last Glacial Maxim or Ice Age coinciding with the Great Deluge. As science aims to date older events it becomes skewed, with a trigger-happy addition of noughts as if a finger were stuck on the zero key. Even if the spiritual realm is very ancient and this were true, the physical universe is not necessarily as old. The fifteen billion years ascribed to its origin and the five billion years to the beginning of the earth are far-fetched numbers supporting evolution. 

Ignoring evolution while allowing for intervention by superior angelic or alien if one prefers intelligences, means time frames are dramatically concertinaed. 

A Universe of one hundred thousand years of age and an earth aged fifty thousand years; with the Solar System somewhere in between, are plausible in allowing time for both the original creation and its subsequent controlled manipulation which has steered the momentous changes involved for planetary bodies to take shape, form and set; as well as the evolving experimentation tasked for all the flora and fauna here on the earth and who knows, possibly else where.

Likewise with the biblical Genesis account and ascribing a mere six thousand years for all history on earth and just six days for all life to come into existence, has set creationists up to look sophomoric at best and half-witted at worst to the scientific world. Respect has been lost on both sides as each have denied a manifest plan of design guided by an obvious process of interference. This solution, if both sides could take a breath and be rationally honest; ultimately includes a supreme Creator, incorporating engineered evolution, with the macro level in the hands of interventionists. Christians have taken the Genesis account literally, with not enough zeros. They have adhered to the following verses in regard to human history, yet bafflingly ignored them for the actual creation. The apostle Peter even says: “don’t let it escape your attention.” 

Psalm 90:4

New Century Version

To [the Ancient of Days], a thousand years is like the passing of a day, or like a few hours in the night.

2 Peter 3:8

New English Translation

‘Now, dear friends, do not let this one thing escape your notice, that a single day is like a thousand years with the Lord and a thousand years are like a single day.’

Creationists on both scores are wide off the mark. Humankind’s history is considerably longer than a mere six thousand years and the re-creation of physical life on the earth took longer than one hundred and forty-four hours. If we let the Bible interpret itself, then there is good cause in accepting six thousand years for the re-formation of plant life, sea creatures, birds, animals and the introduction of man. What we will find is that the account in Genesis is actually a second creation after the angelic rebellion.

Gerard Gertoux states, “… chronology is the backbone of history, as Herodotus understood long ago. An accurate chronology is the only way to access historical truth.” In his paper, Absolute Egyptian chronology based on synchronisms dated by astronomy versus carbon-14 dating, Gertoux show the lack of dependability of C-14 dating once we go back in time past circa 2000 BCE. It’s inaccuracy increases exponentially and cannot be trusted in any form of serious scholarship or research regarding ancient prehistory and science. Emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Egyptian royal lists give a chronology of all kings dating back to Menes/Narmer… The main disagreement between Egyptologists concerns the dating of the first dynasties. There are two main trends: those who favour radiocarbon dating… and those who favour historical and astronomical data… This difference of about 200 years between two methods supposed to give an absolute dating is scientifically incomprehensible.’ 

Presumably unknown to Gertoux, is that most of the Egyptian dynasties overlap and do not run consecutively for some thirty-one plus ruling epochs. Rather, certain dynasties relate to Upper Egypt and others to Lower Egypt and so are invariably running concurrently. Narmer or Pharaoh Menes was the first Pharaoh of a united Egypt; beginning his reign in 1988 BCE and ruling until 1970 BCE, when his son Hor-Aha ascended the throne, according to an unconventional chronology. This time frame is approximately a thousand years later than proposed by orthodox Egyptologists.

Gertoux: ‘Consequently, today (2019), the majority of Egyptologists consider radiocarbon measurements for setting absolute dates, but the confrontation with conventional Egyptian chronology, some of whose dates are fixed by astronomy, reverses this scientific belief. The evaluation of Egyptian chronologies is impossible because no Egyptologist indicates which dating method he used neither its margin of error. Most of them rely on radiocarbon measurements (Manning: 2006, 327-355)… 

The comparison between the two dating methods, by astronomy (conventional historical dates) or radiocarbon (in fact carbon-14 calibrated by dendrochronology), shows that dates obtained by radiocarbon match those from astronomy until 2000 BCE (errors of measurement are not significant) but before 2000 BCE the dates obtained by radiocarbon deviate exponentially from the dates obtained by astronomy (Haas, et al: 1987, 585-606). Radiocarbon dating therefore does not give absolute dates.’ 

Gods of the New Millennium, Alan Alford, 1997 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Today, the sciences of anthropology and genetics tell us that the ancestry of Homo sapiens is a lot more ancient than this time scale [of 1,656 years] suggests, but when the Bible was compiled this knowledge was not known. The Biblical editors would thus have had no qualms at all about drastically reducing the Biblical time scales, which ran through the ages of the patriarchs, to match their own preconceptions. In so doing, they would assume that the higher dates recorded by their ancestors were somehow in error.

Zecharia Sitchin suspected that the ages of the early patriarchs may have been reduced by a factor of 60. I adjusted for this, but the figures still did not reconcile. Another commentator suggested that the Biblical figures were months rather than years, but by his own admission this continued to give “contradictory results” Treating these numbers as “days” has also been considered, but without success. They would not have divided the figures by a random number, but by a convenient factor which was a credible explanation of the perceived discrepancy. A factor of 100, for instance, springs readily to mind. If we multiply 1,656 years by 100 we arrive at a date 165,600 years before the Flood’

Alan Alford was comfortable with this figure as he was aiming to reconcile the ages of the patriarchs with our ancestor mitochondrial Eve, dated by scientists to have lived between two hundred and fifty thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand years ago. Subsequently giving Adam an age of ninety-three thousand years. It is plausible as Alford suggests that the later Bible editors took one look at the Genesis account and presumed the length of the patriarchs ages too incredulous and thus eliminated a zero or two, resulting in a still unbelievable figure of nine hundred and thirty years for Adam’s life. 

An alternative proposal is half-way between the two, prior to editing. It is a balance between the brevity of the creationist and the elongated timescale of the scientist. Thus Adam’s age was perhaps nearer to nine thousand, three hundred years of age. A day for a thousand years, appearing to live forever without immediate recompense for his sin; yet ultimately dying as the Creator promised. 

Genesis 5:5

English Standard Version

‘Thus all the days [H3117 – yowm: day (24 hour period)] that Adam lived [H2425 – chayay: to have life] were 930 years [H8141 – shaneh: as indication of age (of years of life)], and he died.’

There are three Hebrew words for the number 930; one for nine [H8672 – tesha], one for hundred [H3967 – me’ah] and one for thirty [H7970 – shlowshiym]. Tesha means ‘nine, ninth’ or ‘nineteenth.’ Shlowshiym means ‘thirty, thirtieth.’ It derives from H7969 which can be translated as not only ‘thirteen, thirteenth, third, thrice, threescore’ and interestingly as ‘three’ but also amazingly as three hundred. The other word of interest is the middle word for hundred, me’ah. The KJV translates it variously as: hundred [571 times], eleven hundred (1,100*) [3], hundredth [3], hundredfold [2], hundred times [1] and sixscore [1]. It can be a ‘simple number’ or ‘part of a larger* number.’

What is worth noting is that not only can it be a fraction and reduced to one-hundredth it can also be multiplicative. Also of note is the word, sixscore as this means literally six scores, with a score equaling twenty, hence one hundred and twenty. This appears somewhat random. Half or threescore, is sixty and this factor is what Alford has considered. Though it does not apply prior to the flood, this figure may have bearing after the flood. 

There is a separate Hebrew word for a thousand [H505 – eleph*], which means literally ‘a thousand.’ With that in mind, there is a further Hebrew word, [H7233 – rababah], which can be translated as ten thousand [13], million [1] and many [1]. It means ‘multitude, myriad’ and ‘ten thousand.’ It has the connotation of ‘abundance’ and to ‘multiply’, though specifically, a myriad figure whether ‘definite or indefinite’ in quantity.

So it can be an open ended number. There is a sizeable difference between a million or more and say ten thousand. In Genesis 24:60 the word is translated as millions, yet the context demands the use of ten thousand to be realistically accurate.

The interlinear in the original Hebrew ostensibly says: ‘days Adam lived nine [9] hundred [100] years thirty [30] years.’ This is a somewhat odd expression: ‘nine hundred years [and then another] thirty years.’ Why not just say nine hundred [and] thirty years. Therefore, what if hidden within the verse, it is really stating: ‘… Adam lived nine thousand three hundred years…’

Alford: ‘In 1987, Allan Wilson, Mark Stoneking and Rebecca Cann, from the University of California at Berkeley, declared that all women alive today must have had a common genetic ancestor who lived between 250-150,000 years ago. How did they arrive at this conclusion? This genetic dating has been made possible by the discovery of mitochondria the tiny bodies within a cell that are responsible for production of energy through breakdown of sugars. 

Unlike our other DNA, which is scrambled by sexual recombination, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited virtually unchanged through the female line and is thus a perfect marker to trace ancestral relations. Moreover, it mutates at a predictable rate. The number of differences between the mtDNA in a worldwide sample of 135 different women allowed Wilson, Stoneking and Cann to compare how far back the ancestors of these women had diverged. In order to calibrate the divergences, the researchers used a comparison of mtDNA between man and chimpanzees, based on a separation 5 million years ago. And that led to the conclusion that a common ancestor named “Mitochondrial Eve” must have lived 250-150,000 years ago. This genetic evidence has been challenged, due to its calibration with the chimpanzees, whose separation date from man is not known with certainty.

Consequently, in 1992, the geneticists returned with an improved methodology. Working with other associates, Mark Stoneking this time used an intraspecific calibration, based on different human populations. In order to validate the results, the team utilized two different approaches, which gave remarkably similar results. As Richard Dawkins has pointed out, this does not mean that Eve was the only woman on Earth at that time, just that she is the only one who has an unbroken line of female descendants. The chances are that many earlier Eves have descendants alive today, but their ancestry has passed, at some point, through the male line only. Despite the new mtDNA dates, most studies still tend to support and cite the 200,000 BP common ancestor. It is, after all, a date remarkably similar to the fossil evidence for the emergence of Home sapiens.’

Alford understandably plumbs for one hundred and thirty thousand years ago as a date for mitochondrial Eve in his research, rather than the more commonly accepted one hundred and eighty thousand plus years ago as the former supported his chronological hypothesis. I remain unconvinced on this dating for our genetic origin. 

Comparing humans to chimpanzees is unstable and inconclusive to begin with and basing on an estimated date of five million years is flawed in my view; suspiciously upholding the evolutionary agenda, by neatly removing any hint of design or intelligent intervention and the subsequent phased manipulation of mankind’s genome. Deducting a zero from the 250,000 years ago for Eve would venture close to when Eve could have been created according to an unconventional chronology, in approximately 27,397 BCE. The dating of the biblical post-flood era is more complicated.

Alford: ‘…it was necessary to reduce [the post-flood Patriarch’s ages up to Abraham’s father] by a common factor, which I suggest was 50. Why was it decided to divide the Sumerian numbers by 50? [Their ages] can only be divided sensibly by 25, 50 or 100. No other divisor would produce whole numbers. It can be seen that a divisor of 50 results in Nahor becoming father to Terah when he was 29 years old. If a factor of 100 had been used, Nahor would have fathered Terah at the age of 14! If, on the other hand, 25 had been used as the divisor, Terah would have fathered Abram at the age of 140! Fifty was thus the best compromise by far. 

Now, in order to calculate the real elapsed time from the Flood to Abraham, all we have to do is to convert the Sumerian numbers from base 60 to base 10. The result… is a duration of 8,860 years [from the flood to the birth of Abraham]. The Sumerian numerical system was sexagesimal in character and so they made use of the factor of 10 as well as 6. Thus the sequence included 1, [2, 3, 4, 5,] 10, [20, 30, 40, 50], 60, 360, 600, 3600…’

One can not claim to have an exact chronology, as it is based on accounts which may or may not have been accurately recorded or preserved. Additionally, Bible ages appear often to be rounded to whole numbers. As Oscar Wilde commented: “history is the lie commonly agreed upon.” What I aim to offer, is a unique chronology of its kind, that is closest to attempting to reconcile recorded history, scientific data and the Biblical account.

The time-line and chronology of the Earth is easier to assimilate, if broken down into five epochs consisting of a. the time from the beginning of the physical universe through to the solar system, until the Angels arrive to rule on earth, b. the angelic rule, their rebellion and the re-creation of the earth as per the Genesis account, c. Adam and Eve until the flood, d. the time between the flood and Abraham and e. the life of Abraham to our present era. The cornerstone of the dating used, is the agreement by the majority of secular and biblical scholars that the building of Solomon’s Temple began in the 4th year of his reign in 966 BCE. 1 Kings 6:1 states a period of 480 years elapsed between the Exodus and the beginning of the Temple’s construction. Many biblical scholars now recognise an Exodus date of 1446 BCE for the Israelites departure from Egypt. 

If such is the case, then it is a matter of simple arithmetic in computing the ages, births, deaths and so forth in the Bible as one just has to work backwards. Key events and secular kings and rulers can also be thus aligned in parallel and consequently substantiated. Though one would be surprised at the amount of conflicting interpretations of simply adding or subtracting the patriarchs ages. This simple act of arithmetic produces an assortment of results it would appear. I am confident, as I am sure everyone else is with their own findings, that I have an accurate dating line from the birth of Abraham in 1977 BCE to the end of the reign of Solomon in 930 BCE. Though I remain receptive to any conclusive research to the contrary. 

The dating for the five main epochs proposed are – a: circa 101,690 to 47,690 BCE. b: circa 47,690 to 27,397 BCE. c: circa 27,397 to 10,837 BCE. d: 10,837 to 1977 BCE. e: 1977 BCE to the present. The fourth epoch witnessed a considerable reduction in mankind’s longevity. Author Chan Thomas provides dates and physical evidence for major cataclysms and periods of upheaval in Earth’s history. His dates are for five demarcations of time in his Book, The Adam and Eve Story, The History of Cataclysms, 1993. I read his work after my research and was staggered at the dateline similarity. Needless to say, the periods he proposes were of great interest. 

His eras include, 7,000 years ago which Thomas equates to Noah’s flood; 10,500 to 11,500 years ago which he calls ‘Adam and Eves’ flood’ [that is, their creation]; 18,500 years ago, where Thomas quotes Genesis 2:4, ESV: ‘These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.’ His understanding of when the earth and Solar System were created; 29,000 years ago which Chan says was the end of the ‘Wisconsin era’ and 43,800 years ago, which ‘was derived by Jess hale, a super mathematician.’ 

I would concur with Thomas’s canny dating and subtly shift the events along one, so that his first epoch, would coincide with the Tower of Babel and the division of the Earth during the time of Peleg, circa 6755 BCE; the second, with the flood in 10,837 BCE; the third, with either the birth of Noah in 16,837 BCE or notably the irruption of the fallen Angels and their Nephilim progeny circa 22,000 BCE; the fourth, with the creation of Adam and Eve, circa 27,397 BCE and the fifth, with either the angelic rebellion circa 35,397 BCE or more likely, the angelic arrival on Earth to terraform it for the first time, circa 47,690 BCE.

Everything is not always as it seems or rather, what we see and know now, may not have always been the case. Before we look at chapters one and two of the Genesis account of the creation of Adam and Eve, there is one matter that has perplexed and worth checking first. 

Genesis 1:1-5, 14-19

English Standard Version

‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without [shape] form  [H8414 – tohuw: to lie waste] and void [H922 – bohuw: to be empty], and darkness [H2822 – choshek: obscurity] was over the face of the [watery] deep [H8415 – thowm: deep place]. And the Spirit [breath, soul, wind] of God was hovering over the face [surface] of the waters.’

The Hebrew word tohuw means: ‘confusion, unreality, emptiness, place of chaos, a desolation (of surface), in vain’ and ‘vanity.’ The word bohuw means: ‘to be empty, a vacuity’ and ‘an undistinguishable ruin.’ The Hebrew word for darkness in this context means: ‘misery, destruction, death, sorrow’ and ‘wickedness.’ The word for deep means: ‘sea, abyss’ or ‘grave.’ 

We have a dramatic picture revealed of an Earth already in existence, which had been decimated. The Creator would not, did not, create the earth in such a state. The Bible reveals that God is not the ‘author of confusion’ and ‘destruction’ – 1 Corinthians 14:33. There are tell tale signs that a galactic war occurred in our solar system. Not only the Earth but all the planets sustained devastation when a third of the angels rebelled with the Adversary – Revelation 12:3-4. 

This is why the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars all have poisonous atmospheres and varying levels of annihilation writ all over them, coupled with the partial remains of one planet exhibited in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter; as well as another in the Kuiper Belt of icy objects [comets] that is many times more massive outside of Neptune’s orbit, including the largest of its bodies, the dwarf planet Pluto [refer article: Thoth]. Beyond Pluto is the Oort Cloud which extends almost a third of the way to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri; housing many more icy objects, where scientists claim ‘to be the origin of most of the long-period comets that have been observed.’ 

The Historicity of the Bible, Chronology, Archaeology, Archaeoastronomy, Iurii Mosenkis – emphasis & bold mine:

Tohu is akin to names [for] sea and sea monster. Not only Tohu but also cognate Akkadian Tiamat ‘primeval water monster’ and Leviathan ‘water monster’ (mentioned in other Biblical books, Job 41) might be compared to the Egyptian constellation of Crocodile (modern Draco). Bohu as a cognate of Hebrew behemot ‘earth monster’ might be compared to the Egyptian constellation of Hippopotamus (Ursa Minor) [or the Bear of Ursa Major]. The Spirit of God (ruah, a cognate of the Arabic legendary bird Ruhh name) can be related to the image of Cygnus constellation (‘swan’ or simply ‘bird’ in ancient Greek astronomy) [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim].  

Thus, three primordial beings in the Creation story (Tohu, Bohu, and Ruah) might be linked to the circumpolar (unsetting, ‘immortal’) constellations of Draco, Ursa Minor, and Cygnus. Aforementioned Behemoth, Leviathan, and the monstrous bird Ziz of medieval legends might be other images of the same constellations. On the other hand, three primordial beings of Chaos may symbolize three Babylonian zones of the heaven: tohu may be referred to the zone of Enki-Ea the water god (the southern constellations), boho may be linked to the zone of Anu the sky god (the constellations near the ecliptic), ruah refers to the zone of Enlil the air god (the northern constellations).   

Behemoth’s sword (Job 40:19) and ‘the flame of a whirling sword’ which guarded the Paradise (Genesis 3:24) may be regarded as sword-shaped Cygnus or more likely as Bootes which also resembles the sword [Article: The Ark of God]. The fall of the primordial serpent in the book of Revelation may be related to such astronomical event as the exit of the North Celestial Pole from the constellation of Draco (after 2000 BCE) and the moving of the constellation toward the horizon. The throne of God (merkabah) is a cognate of the name of chariot (markab), whereas the unsetting circumpolar constellation of Ursa Major is regarded as a chariot in ancient astronomy. Ursa Major might also appear in the image of menorah (the first description: Exodus 25:31-40) as ‘a lamp to burn continually’ (Exodus 27:20; Leviticus 24:2-4) [refer article: taurus ac solis cultus].’

Genesis one recounts the re-creation of the Earth, though the other planets of the solar system remain untouched physically, in a state of degradation. There is enough data to support the proposition that Earth’s Moon was not an original body connected with the Earth. Just two points from an innumerable number, are that because the Moon is oversized in comparison with the Earth, doubt is created regarding its credentials as a naturally formed moon. Secondly, the Moon is completely hollow, not displaying the internal composition commonly shared by planets and other moons. Then the fact the moon also shows signs of a serious aerial bombardment lends itself to it being an astral body which may have been somewhere else in the solar system and brought to Earth’s orbit. If so, this raises the serious question of whether it actually is an artificial construct? 

Genesis: 3 ‘And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day…14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” 

And it was so. 16 And God made [H6213 – asah: fashioned] the two great lights – the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night – and the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.’

We learn further that the Sun and the Moon were two new lights to rule the day and night. What then, was the source of light before this new age, which on the fourth Day saw the introduction of the Sun and Moon in circa 31,397 BCE. The age before the Angelic rebellion required a Sun for the plant life, dinosaurs, early hominin and other creatures. Yet Genesis says in the re-creation there is a new Sun and Moon. As the Moon has a considerable number of anomalies, which reveal it was a new addition in the solar system, it is not unreasonable to question what happened to the old Sun?

Was Saturn the Sun? Multiple Authors, 2015 – emphasis theirs, bold mine:

Was Saturn the Sun in ancient times? Or seen in history and mythology skies as a Sun like object? The Saturn Theory through comparative mythology (Roman Saturnalia festival) suggest that Saturn may have been our first Sun or was at least associated as our star. This is explored through David Talbott’s Saturn Myth and perhaps starting to be explained through the Saturnian cosmology’s of the Thunderbolts Electric Universe theory, Alfred de Grazia and… Immanuel Velikovsky inspired catastrophism models and revised chronology.

Thompson in his introduction to his collection of astrological reports [Sun and Saturn] has noticed that the planet Saturn was also designated as Samas, i.e. “sun” by the Babylonian-Assyrian astrologers and he quotes the statement of Hyginus to the effect that Saturn was called the star of the sun. During the Saturnalia festival period (around our Christmas time) the roles of Roman households was reversed, with slaves becoming the master, in remembrance of when Saturn recently ruled the skies and it was a Golden Age. The Romans nostalgized that legendary state as the Golden Age of Latium. Many of the rites of the Saturnalia were intended to restore that long lost utopia – if only for a short time each year. Was Saturn a brown dwarf star where planet Earth resided during the Golden Age?’  

‘During the past century several authorities noticed that Greek and Latin astronomical texts show a mysterious confusion of the “Sun” – Greek Helios, Latin Sol – with the outermost planet, Saturn. Though the designation seems bizarre, the expression star of Helios or star of Sol was applied to Saturn! Of the Babylonian star-worshippers the chronicler Diodorus writes: “To the one we call Saturn they give a special name. ‘Sun-Star.’”

As strange as it may seem, early astronomical traditions identify the primeval sun as the planet Saturn, the distant planet which the alchemists called the best sun and which the Babylonians, the founders of astronomy, identified as the exemplary light of heaven, the “sun”-god Shamash. (Shamash is the planet Saturn, the astronomical texts say.) Saturn did not move on its present remote orbit, but ruled as the central sun around which the other heavenly bodies visually revolved [including the Earth].

… the words used by ancient civilizations that are interpreted today as “the Sun” – like the Egyptian Ra, the Greek Helios, and the Roman Solall originally referred to the gas giant Saturn! Was that planet our primordial parent? Was Saturn until recently a much larger brown dwarf? (The apparent size and color of an electric star is an electrical phenomenon. If Jupiter’s magnetosphere were lit up it would appear the size of the full Moon). Was ancient man around to see it as a sun? If not, why would anyone call a faint yellowish speck in the night sky – the Sun?

Chronos [meaning ‘time’] was [mythologically] confused with, or perhaps consciously identified with, due to the similarity in name, the Titan Cronus already in antiquity, the identification becoming more widespread during the Renaissance, giving rise to the allegory of Father Time wielding the harvesting scythe [the Grim Reaper, as represented by Azrael, refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?]. He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the Zodiac Wheel. Chronos [or Khronos in Greek], however, might also be contrasted with the deity Aion [or Aeon] as Eternal Time [emerging from the primordial chaos]. Chronos [Latin version] is usually portrayed through an old, wise [serpent] man with a long, grey beard, such as “Father Time”… [the ‘personification of time’].

Now, even though Velikovsky points out that Saturn was once a much more massive body than it is today, it is hard to imagine that it could have been massive enough to be a star in the context of the thermonuclear theory of stellar energy. If, however, it was an electrically fuelled star, its initial stellar state and its sudden demise seem readily explainable.’

This would explain both the level of importance and mystery that the hidden ‘planet’ generates in ancient astronomical history and also the Genesis account requiring a new sun, after the angelic rebellion and the havoc and chaos of a solar system wide, war of destruction. In Genesis chapters one and two we read of the re-introduction of life on a newly re-formed earth; complete with a different Sun and a new Moon. With a cursory reading, the two chapters appear to run together, with the second chapter amplifying the first. 

Upon a closer examination, the two chapters appear contradictory in explaining apparently the same events; but, an in-depth comparison reveals two related though different stories in sequential and chronological order. 

The writing styles of the two stories recorded in both chapters are distinct, with differing intent implied by the two versions. Adding to theologians belief that they were written by two different people at two different times for two different reasons and combined later, by Moses the compiler of the first five books of the Bible and not necessarily the author of all the material within the Books of the Law. Researchers, theologians, Bible teachers and preachers, have gone to great lengths in making the two chapters mesh as the same event. More radical opinion led to labelling Adam a hermaphrodite, due to the implications of cobbling the two incompatible chapters together. 

In so doing, the first version of creation implies the Creator formed Adam and Eve at the same time, ‘male and female he created them.’ Some early Christian theologians decided this meant they had serene undifferentiation, or basically, were both sexes. The two apparent versions of creation, also gave rise to the idea of Lilith, an extraordinarily mis-understood personage who occupies even less space in the Bible than Azazel; though with comparable impact on humankind’s history and future as her twin brother [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and article: Lilith]. Jewish mythology misleadingly teaches she was Adam’s first wife. Lilith is purportedly the woman mentioned in the first creation story, while Eve is Adam’s second wife. Most sources incorrectly label her a demonic spirit when in fact she is a fallen dark Angel.

A thorough expose by John D Keyser explains the two creation chapters in Genesis. The Two Creation Accounts of Genesis – capitalisation his, emphasis & bold mine, except in the Table:

‘Writes Manfred Barthel: “The unsuspecting reader is… confronted with a puzzling problem in the first two chapters of Genesis: two consecutive and mutually contradictory accounts of the Creation. In the first account God creates the heavens, the oceans, and the earth, and man [plural – mankind] is the final event on the program; in the second we are simply told that ‘the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden,’ and a man [singular] is the first creature to be brought into being. This seems to be a fairly glaring inconsistency, to say the least” (What the Bible Really Says).

Notice… how The Original Bible Project translates these verses –

“And ELOHIM [the gods] said, ‘Let US (The verb is PLURAL, for other examples of the same see Genesis 3:5, 22; 11:7) make MAN (‘adam) (Hebrew ‘adam is used generically, OF THE HUMAN SPECIES AS A WHOLE, BOTH MALE AND FEMALE (note that both the male and female are addressed in the following verses) in OUR image, according to OUR likeness… 

and let THEM rule over the fish of the sea, and over the flying thing of the heavens, and over the animals, and over ALL… the earth, and over every moving thing that moves upon the earth.’ And ELOHIM CREATED THE MAN (Or [the] MANKIND) in [their] image: in the image of ELOHIM [the gods…] created him; male and female [they] CREATED THEM” (Genesis 1:26-27).

Now chapter 2:7, 15-16:

“…then YHVH ELOHIM [the Lord God] FORMED (Hebrew yatzar is used for the formation of the human being in the womb [Psalm 139:16]). THE MAN of the dust from the ground and He blew into his nostrils breath of life… and THE MAN [Adam] became a living being (Hebrew nephesh chayyah)… And YHVH ELOHIM took THE MAN [Adam] and settled him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (“Selections from the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings,” James D. Tabor Chief Editor. 1997)’

‘The Holy Bible in Modern English (commonly known as the Ferrar Fenton Bible) was one of the earliest translations of the Bible into “modern English” – i.e., English as spoken and written in the 19th and 20th centuries. Work on this translation was initiated by a London businessman named Ferrar Fenton who had acquired a great learning and understanding of ancient Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew and Latin through being a distinguished member of the Royal Asiatic Society. As a tradesman he also had access to numerous ancient Septuagint and Masoretic manuscripts to aid in his translation, and he also used Brian Walton’s Polygot Bible (1657) for minimal referencing. The complete Bible was first published in 1903, though parts were published as separate volumes during the preceding eleven years. Fenton spent approximately fifty years working on his translation, with his sole goal “to study the Bible absolutely in its original languages, to ascertain what its writers actually said and thought.” The result has introduced some interesting renditions that differ from what is commonly found in other translations.

His translation of Genesis 1:26-27, and Genesis 2:7, 15-16, is as follows:

“God then said,Let Us make MEN under Our Shadow, as Our Representatives, and subject to THEM the fish of the waters, and the birds of the sky, and the quadupeds, as well as the whole of the earth, and every reptile that creeps upon it.’ So God created MEN under his own Shadow, creating THEM in the Shadow of God, and constituting them male and female” (Genesis 1:26-27).

Now Genesis 2:7, 15-16:

“The EVER-LIVING GOD afterwards formed Man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils PERCEPTION OF LIFE, BUT MAN BECAME A LIFE-CONTAINING SOUL… The EVER-LIVING GOD then took the MAN and placed him in the Garden of Eden for the purpose of cultivating and taking care of it. 

And the LORD GOD instructed the MAN, saying, ‘For food you may eat of the whole of the trees of the Garden…”

As we can see, there are some appreciable differences between the two creation accounts in chapters one and two…separated by the seventh day of… rest…’ 

It is vital to note that the gods who were involved in the creation of man are different from the Eternal Creator who undertook the creation of Adam and Eve, afterwards.

‘… the Hebrew word [adam, aadam or aw-dawm] is translated into our English language in various ways.

(a) ADAM is a species (MANKIND in general, all races of mankind upon the earth)

(b) ADAM is also a tribe/race (“Adamites” – those of the tribe of Adam, his descendants),

(c) ADAM is also the proper name of the first earthly ancestor of the Messiah (Adam from the Garden of Eden).

Early translators, including those of the King James Version of the Bible, indicate that the word for man (‘adam) is PLURAL in Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 5 (verse 2), but SINGULAR in chapter 2. The Hebrew word for man in chapters 1 and 5 is without the Article. Without the definite Article “the” it is the collective noun with the meaning “mankind,” as it would be in English. This is borne out by the use of the plural personal pronoun “them” referring to man in verses 26, 27 and 28… God created male and female at the SAME TIME in chapter one of Genesis.

Following is a chart with two columns – the column on the left pertains to ALL OF MANKIND other than Adam (known as “the sixth day [of] CREATION”); and the column on the right pertains SOLELY TO ADAM and his offspring, his”tribe”(referred to as “the eighth day FORMING”).’

Genesis Chapter OneGenesis Chapter Two
They all (plural) were CREATED. Created is Hebrew word #1254 bara’ “…male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27).Adam alone (singular) is FORMED. Formed is Hebrew word #3335 yatsar “… in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed” (Genesis 2:8).
They are created male and female at the same time. No ‘Adam’s Rib here!Adam is formed some time before Eve. She later being made from him.
They were simply created, human and mortal. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27).Adam given the breath of life, became a living soul. (Adam would have lived forever had he not fallen – see Genesis 6:3 “for that he also is flesh”), Ask yourself, “also,” as in whom else?
They are told to multiply. “…Be fruitful and multiply…” (Genesis 1:28).No such command given to Adam and Eve (Adam’s family was told to multiply after the flood; i.e., Noah’s family was told in Genesis 9:1).
Mankind given dominion over animals and fish.Adam was a farmer.
The animals were wild animals and the plants were wild plants. No names given.They were domestic animals and crop plants.
Adam named these.
There was not yet rain.“… went up a mist from the earth…” (Gen. 2:6)
The creation was completed. All the various races, men and women alike, were created. But after that, in Genesis 2:5, YEHOVAH saw that He “did not have a man to till the ground” (farmer). So YEHOVAH then FORMED Adam.

‘Then the most striking evidence that Genesis One and Two are NOT recording the same event is to be found in the following observations: (1) In Genesis One, the plants and animals were created BEFORE man(kind) was created. (2) In Genesis Two, the plants and animals were formed AFTER the man Adam was formed.

We have a man and a woman (“them”) being created (bara’) in Genesis 1 before the ‘Adam (singular) who was formed (yatsar) in Genesis 2. “Created” and “formed” have different meanings. We cannot remain honest if we try to say that “created” = bara’ is the same as “formed” = yatsar. (The same goes for the equivalent plasso and ktizo in the New Testament Greek).

“CREATED: Hebrew word #1254; bara’ – to shape, to fashion, to create (always with God as subject) used of individual man, used of new conditions and circumstances, to be created, used of birth, used of something new. “FORMED: Hebrew word #3335; yatsar – to form, to fashion, to frame, used of human activity, used of divine activity, used of Israel as a people, to frame, to pre-ordain, to plan (figurative of divine) to purpose of a situation, to be predetermined, to be pre-ordained, to be formed.”

‘Let’s now look at Genesis 2:18:

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” “That the man” refers to a particular man – Adam (‘eth ha-‘adam). This sets Adam apart from the other races created on the sixth “day” creation. The term “help meet” in the Hebrew text, should be translated “as his counterpart.”

‘Going to the next verse in Genesis 2 we read –

“And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof” (Genesis 2:19). These creatures that YEHOVAH God created and brought to Adam are what we would call domestic animals – or farm animals. The nature and reason for Adam’s (Ha-‘adam’s) existence was to till the soil (farming), so we see that the need for these animals existed.

‘… let’s review the order of the creation of physical life on earth to this point:

(1) First came the trees, grass and plant life after dry land had appeared – on the third day or period.

(2) Second in the order… God created the beasts of the field – or the wild animals on the sixth day or period.

(3) Third in the order of creation came male and female… man except for Adam (‘eth Ha-‘Adam). This was also done on the sixth “day.” This is what is referred to as the Sixth Day Creation. We noted that both male and female were created at the SAME TIME on this day or period after all the animals are created. We also noted that Adam and Eve are NOT YET on the scene – they will not be mentioned by name until chapter two.

(4) Fourth… After the mass creation of peoples on the sixth day or period YEHOVAH God rested on the seventh.

(5) Fifth in the order of YEHOVAH’s creation – on the eighth “day” (or a time beyond) – YEHOVAH God formed Adam (‘eth Ha-‘Adam) to till the soil. 

(6) The last order of the creation to this point is the creation of all domestic animals for the use by Adam – and his naming of them.

‘… God has only given the domestic animals – and NO wife – to Adam… to be aware of here: The phrase “there was NOT FOUND a helper (counterpart, companion) comparable to him (Adam – Genesis 2:20)” suggests that… God went looking for a counterpart for Adam but could not find one. This begs the question: If Adam was the first created human being where in the world did God go looking? The only way this phrase makes any sense is if human beings had previously been created – both male and female – on the sixth day of creation…

Let’s take a look at the verses that document that Eve was taken from Adam, and that it was a special event not common to the creation of women in Genesis One: “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He (YEHOVAH God) took one of his (Adam’s) ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made He A WOMAN, and He brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:21-23, KJV)

In the above verses from Genesis Two “A WOMAN” in verse 22 has an Article. In the Hebrew this woman (Eve) is la’ishaah – but a woman in general (especially from the sixth-day creation) is simply ishaah. In other words, this particular woman Eve was made by… God OUT OF Adam – not that all women were made this way. This further strengthens the argument that the sixth-day creation and the eighth-day forming were totally different events – for in the sixth day we see that “… male and female CREATED He them” (Genesis 1:27) but here in the eighth day we see that “… the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, MADE He a woman…” (Genesis 2:22).

Eve was from Adam, but ALL other women were created at the SAME TIME alongside the other men in the sixth “day” of YEHOVAH’s Creation. There is no way that this Genesis chapter two event regarding Eve can be construed as simply a further explanation of all the women being created in Genesis chapter one. This is an entirely different event with its own peculiarities. Eve is MADE (Hebrew word #1129) from Adam in Genesis 2:22. 

Adam’s Rib, Genesis and Genetics, 2011 – emphasis & bold mine:

“… [concerning] an article of a man who was in a serious automobile accident; he lived, but required many reconstruction surgeries on his face and cranium. He noticed that the doctor was using rib material for the reconstruction, and it appeared that the doctor kept using the same rib. Before one surgery the man asked the doctor when would he have to start using a different rib. The surgeon told him that it wouldn’t be necessary since human ribs regenerate.

It is true, PubMedID: 7332200 documents 12 patients that were subject to cranioplasty surgery using their human ribs to rebuild cranium bone damage. Forty-two pieces of rib, average length 13 cm were removed to rebuild the cranium. All 12 patients “had solid protection of the brain” and “complete regeneration of the donor rib.”

The rib is the only human bone that regenerates. The fact that the rib regenerates supports another scripture:

Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (KJV)

If Adam would have had a missing rib, the creation wouldn’t be “very good,” it would be blemished. However, we now know that Adam was totally restored to the “very good” condition; science confirms what has been in Genesis all along.

Here is another significant scientific fact concerning the creation of Eve. Adam, being human male, had one X and one Y chromosome; Eve had two X’s. This may be a small point, but it shows that all the genetic information required to create Eve was in Adam. So, Eve could be taken from Adam, but Adam could not be taken from Eve.”

The most important difference between the mankind of Genesis 1:26 and Adam in Genesis 2:7 is that Adam received the Breath of… God in his nostrils. Later, when the procreative power of Abram and Sara was regenerated, the spirit of… God was embedded in their genes – memorialized by the addition of the fifth letter [h] of the Hebrew alphabet to their names. Adam was the first SPIRITUAL man – but NOT the first biological man. “And man BECAME a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). The word “became” is consistently used in a manner showing that the subject became something that it had not been before.’ 

John Keyser raises a profound point in his last paragraph, which is absolutely pivotal in understanding the difference between the peoples of Day Six and Adam and Eve of Day Eight. 

It also explains the reason why Adam and Eve after being tempted by the Serpent to take the wrong path, or tree, they a. required ‘clothes’ and b. were ejected from the ‘Garden’ of Eden. Both of them had been a spiritual creation, with spirit bodies. They were not physical. After taking the ‘fruit’ from the forbidden tree, which gave them new knowledge of an alternative physical reality, they were then subjected to the penalty or punishment of death as the Lord God had promised – Genesis 2:16-17, Ezekiel 18:4. This necessitated their transformation from spirit to flesh; now Adam and Eve were neither spirit or immortal but rather physical and mortal [Article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?].

Recall in Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla, we discussed the redness of Adam’s blood. Some incorrectly teach that Adam was white skinned and could blush and this is the meaning of his ‘redness.’ Iurii Mosenkis adds an interesting view, particularly in light of the suspicion that Adam’s origin was not from Earth originally and planted here later.

‘Let us remember that humans, especially men, were depicted in red dyes in [the] Ancient Near East (such [as] Egyptian pictures [which] are the most famous). Adam’s name means ‘red’ in Hebrew: the name reflects a belief that the man was created from red clay (adama in Hebrew). It is very likely to assume that nomads, attentive to the night sky, associated the brightest red star of Arcturus with Adam, created from the red clay [in the Bootes Constellation]. The neighboring brightest star of [white] Spica these nomads might have connected with Eve [in the Virgo Constellation]. Moreover, the constellation of Serpens (which Latin name means ‘snake’) arose over the eastern horizon near Arcturus and Spica at that time. Naturally, the snake of Eden might be associated with the image of Serpens constellation [Draco].    

[The creation of Adam is] marked… [by] the appearance of the red star of Arcturus on the eastern horizon before the sunrise in the autumn. Arcturus became the brightest autumnal star when the sickle-shaped constellation of Scorpio became invisible before the sunrise. The ancient Greeks interpreted the celestial event as the replacing of Cronus (sickle’s owner) by the Zeus, whereas the Old Testament draws our attention to the red colour of Arcturus, correlating it with the image of Adam whose name means ‘red’… and this climatic event… marked by the autumnal appearance of red Arcturus, [is] interpreted as [Adam’s expulsion] from… paradise.    

The dog with the red mouth might be related to Canis Major and the star of Sirius in the mouth of the figure of this constellation. Sirius is described as the red star in many ancient records. Perhaps, this description might be influenced by the relation between the first morning rise of Sirius and the red water of the Nile in ancient Egypt’ [Article: taurus ac solis cultus].  

The above quote is of interest because as we progress, a theme develops where certain concepts like a mathematical formula keep arising and appear to either equal each other or are parts of the same equation. They include in no particular order: Adam, Red, Mars, Sirius, Dog, Jackal, Sphinx, Pyramid, Serpent, Dragon and Queen or Goddess of Heaven. 

Aside from Genesis chapters one and two there are other passages in the Bible which exhibit different writing styles. An explanation is provided by David A Snyder in Abraham of Ur, 2014:

‘As the Historical-Critical Method of study increased, Biblical scholars as far back as the 17th century began to look for ways to reconcile the inconsistencies in scripture. They identified up to four different sources of input into the first five books of the Bible – the Torah. Since that time, there has been a persuasive argument known by Biblical scholars as the Documentary Hypothesis or Four Source theory. 

This theory tries to explain the “doublets” and “triplets” of stories within the Hebrew Scripture, such as the different creation and flood stories that are placed right after each other and are sometimes contradictory. Many of these stories are clearly written in different styles, grammar and from differing religious and political perspectives. Based on this theory, it is possible to conclude that each author wrote the same stories from the perspective of his own time and place. A German Biblical scholar, Julius Wellhausen, was one of the first to identify and classify these four sources as follows: 

  1. The “J” or Yahwistic source (Jahweh in German) written about 950 BC [930 BCE onwards] in the southern kingdom of Judah. It refers to God throughout as Yahweh and the kingdom of Judah is paramount. 
  2. The “E” Elohist source written about 850 BC in the northern kingdom of Israel probably by a Levite priest. It refers to God as El or Elohim throughout and de-emphasizes the kingdom of Judah.
  3. The “D” Deuteronomist source written about 600 BC in Jerusalem during the period of religious reform. It emphasizes the history of Israel from a perspective of king Josiah of Judah.
  4. The “P” Priestly source written about 500 BC by Jewish priests in exile in Babylon. It emphasizes temple worship in one location in Jerusalem as proclaimed by King Hezekiah.

Finally someone, called a redactor, put all four of these sources into one work, the Hebrew Scripture that we have today. 

It would be the same as if someone took all four of the New Testament Gospels and put them into one book – but keeping the original words of each author. If this hypothesis is true, the final redactor must have been a literary genius to be able to capture all of the versions and make it look like one work – a work that is the most read book in the history of man. 

Richard Friedman in his book Who wrote the Bible, and his follow-up book, The Bible with sources Revealed, gives a detailed analysis as to why each separate author was inclined to write as he did. When one looks at the conflicting styles and perspectives side by side as Friedman does in his works, it is quite clear that this hypothesis has great credibility. 

The Four Source Theory is so well understood in today’s Biblical studies that many authors will simply refer to the “P” or “E” source without explaining the theory itself. Friedman’s timeline is somewhat different from Wellhausen’s by positing that the Hebrew Scripture that has come down to us was written in the court of King Hezekiah between 722 and 609 BC, possibly by the author of the book of Jeremiah’ – Hezekiah reigned 720 to 691 BCE and Jeremiah wrote between 628 to 588 BCE. 

‘This theory complicates the accepted Hebrew tradition that Moses was the author of the first five books of the Bible. This is an anathema to Orthodox Jews and many Evangelical Christians, who interpret the Bible literally. In my opinion, even if the Documentary Hypothesis is correct, one can easily accept that Moses was the original author of these oral traditions revealed by Yahweh. The four sources clearly wrote their individual story from one core source.’

Neanderthal man attracts considerable interest from scientists and the public alike. We have touched upon this subject in Chapter X China: Magog, Tubal & Meshech, as well as the articles Homo neanderthalensis I, II and III. The word Neanderthal is based on the area of first discovery, the Neander Valley, Germany in 1856. Tal is the German word for Valley. A time frame is required for Neanderthal man and it is the Sixth Day that presents itself. 

The next human on record, though entirely different, was Homo sapiensman who thinks or wise man – that is, Cro-Magnon man, named after the first location of discovery: Dordogne, France in 1868 and equating to the Eighth Day creation of Adam and Eve. 

If we consider the re-creation periods as one thousand years and not twenty-four hours, there is geological and interventionist evolutionary time to prepare for each phase from plant life to animal life to eventually mankind. Then a sabbatical or millennial rest, before the next, more advanced phase introducing Adam and Eve in a separate garden region within Eden; itself west of where mankind created on Day Six dwelt. The Elohim of plural gods involved in the creation on Day six are in contrast with the singular Elohim God of Days Seven and Eight. This Elohim had overseen Days One to Six, hence the rest, though now took a hands on approach towards the creation on Day Eight. 

The garden in Eden had been prepared for Adam and Eve, separate from the rest of the creation. When Cain journeyed eastwards with his wife to the land of Nod, it was there, where Cain found people, the Neanderthal of day Six and settled. The academic and scientific propagandised agenda, is to subject the hulking, slow-witted Homo neanderthalensis to the same condemnation as the dumb brute Homo erectus, similarly before him. Both are incorrectly portrayed as ape-like, yet both are our ancestors in part, supported by genetic evidence. The reality is that they were early humans, part of the Homo genus as distinct species, who looked like us and thought like us. In fact, due to the closeness of similarities, some paleo-anthropologists originally though incorrectly classified them as subspecies members of Homo sapiens. Both appeared abruptly… different from previous forms and without evolutionary precursors.

The creation of the Neanderthal on Day six or a precursor to them, occurred approximately 29,397 BCE, some two thousand years before the arrival of Adam and Eve. The age of Homo erectus was considerably earlier, during the age of the gods, the original Egyptian Zep Tepi or ‘first time’ when they arrived on earth approximately 47,690 BCE until their rebellion circa 35,397 BCE. During this extraordinary 12,293 year period, the Angels established a technologically advanced world wide civilisation on planet Earth. Experimentation defined the era, with dinosaurs, hominids and hominins, including the most advanced, the Homo erectusupright man – living during this epoch. Fossils showing footprints of dinosaur and human together are confirmation of this real yet incredible scenario from our distant past.

Neanderthal man was bigger boned, stockier, with larger brows, jutting jaws and sharper teeth, even so, their brain capacity appears to have been no different than later forms. The Neanderthal brain is thought to have grown at a slower rate than humans, yet became larger. Antonio Rosas, chairman of the paleoanthropology group at Spain’s National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid stated: “We thought our slow way of growing was very specific, very particular, very unique to our species. What we realize now is that this pattern of slow growth that allows us to have this big brain and mature slowly, with all the advantages involved with that, was also shared by different human species.” ‘Intellectually, Neanderthals have been found associated with signs of art and culture.’ Homo erectus were capable of watercraft construction [building boats] and seafaring navigation [travelling across the sea] – ‘an activity which would have required high intelligence.’

Homo sapiens sapiens skull compared to Neanderthal above

Skeleton of Homo erectus below

Lloyd Pye discusses Homo Neanderthalenis in, Everything you know is still wrong, pages: 159-161, 173, 545-546, 552-553, 558-559 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The neanderthals were roughly the size of modern humans in terms of height… females around 5.0 feet and males as much as 6.0 feet. Where they diverge is in their bulk. Compared to us they are physically huge. Their bones are twice as thick as ours, meaning their muscles and their strength would be awesome to behold. In all species bones and muscles have a closely interdependent relationship… [size to power ratio].

Neanderthals… are no longer considered the predecessors of Cro-Magnon [Homo sapiens]. In 2009 the first draft of the Neanderthal genome was completed. To everyone’s surprise, Neanderthals were found to be too different from humans to have been our direct ancestors. Instead they are considered very close “cousins”, who potentially interbred with the actual human ancestors, but according to the DNA, we could not have evolved from them in the Darwinian sense. This leaves an awkward gap in the family tree… 

It is worth mentioning that there is a second Neanderthal-like species of [prehuman] that was initially identified from a single fragment of a finger bone. That fragment was originally thought to be Neanderthal due to physical similarities, and it was not until a chance DNA test in 2010 that the genetic differences were discovered and the new species – “denisova” – was officially recognised.

Denisova is the Southeast Asian equivalent of Neanderthal… Traces of Denisovan DNA have been found in modern humans in Australia, the Philippines, and other populations in Southeastern Asia and Oceania. Modern natives of Melanesia have been found to carry as much as 6% Denisovan DNA. Results from analysis of Denisova’s DNA announced in the Journal Nature in 2016 found that it likely had dark skin…

With the decoding of the Neanderthal genome in 2010 modern humans were reported to have 1-5% Neanderthal DNA, except in Africa. Humans of native African descent have 0% Neanderthal DNA humans share 99.7% of our DNA with Neanderthals. [This] 99.7% similar figure is based on the total number of matching protein encoding genes, and it is the same parameters that were used to determine that chimps are [99.8%] similar to humans and gorillas 98% similar. The 0-5% figure is based on the amount of DNA that is exactly the same in modern humans. For example, Jane Doe’s DNA might say she is 10% Viking, 60% British & Irish, 2% Neanderthal, and 28% Non-specific Northwestern European. She is still 100% human but also [including] 2% Neanderthal…’ 

Humans are not from Earth, Ellis Silver, 2017, page 345 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘There’s no question that H. erectus… and the Neanderthals and Denisovans were closely related. The timeline fits, the DNA fits (what little we’ve found), and their skulls show a steady progression with no awkward jumps or gaps. It’s uncertain whether the Denisovans were an offshoot of the Neanderthals or perhaps vice versa… The latest findings indicate that Denisovans were already living in Spain before the Neanderthals evolved… But the link between H. erectus… and modern humans doesn’t work at all… the most damning evidence is the shape, size, and structure of their skulls. They don’t resemble ours at all.’

Homo erectus, Denisovans and the Neanderthal are all related; whereas Homo sapiens are not, in that they did not evolve or descend from the other three forms, though they do carry a small percentage of their DNA. Well, ostensibly only neanderthal and Denisovan… The data confirms that Adam and Eve were genetically different, as humans are in comparison with chimpanzees, even though sharing 99.8% genetic data. We are likewise genetically close to Neanderthal man with 99.7% similarity. Scientists claim Neanderthal man became extinct; even so, humans today carry from zero to 5% of their DNA. This data confirms that Homo neanderthalenis existed prior to the flood in the antediluvian world with Homo sapiens; though not during the First Time before the re-creation, with Homo erectus. Thus, inter-breeding between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man must have occurred, as scientists now admit.

Scientists discovered that the male Neanderthal Y sex chromosome probably kept the two lineages from successfully interbreeding, in that the chromosome could have created conditions which frequently led to miscarriages when a Neanderthal male and Homo sapiens female procreated. This is remarkably similar with the conditions associated with the Rhesus negative factor and pregnant mothers [refer Chapter XXVI The French & Swiss: Moab, Ammon & Haran]. The April 7th 2016, issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics contains a study* by Stanford University. Fernando Mendez, a population geneticist and his colleagues ‘discovered three mutations on the Y chromosome of a Neanderthal male that would have produced molecules which can trigger immune responses from women during pregnancy.’ The immune responses were linked to miscarriages. 

If the Adamic line grew to outnumber the Neanderthal line, then it is easy to see that their numbers would dwindle even faster when hampered with a breeding incompatibility. Regardless, successful mating did occur, for the presence of Neanderthal DNA in small measure in Europeans; the peoples of the Middle East; South Asia; and then considerable levels in East Asian peoples, reveals that this DNA was carried by Shem, Ham and particularly, by Japheth’s wife, ‘Adataneses. For Neanderthal Y-DNA is deemed extinct and not present in humans today; with just variations from the female mtDNA Haplogroups being detectable. 

The Divergence of Neandertal and Modern Human Y Chromosomes*

‘Although the Neandertal Y chromosome (and mtDNA) might have simply drifted out of the modern human gene pool, it is also possible that genetic incompatibilities contributed to their loss. In comparing the Neandertal lineage to those of modern humans, we identified four coding differences with predicted functional impacts, three missense and one nonsense. Three mutations – within PCDH11Y, USP9Y, and TMSB4Y – are unique to the Neandertal lineage, and one, within KMD5D, is fixed in modern human sequences. The first gene, PCDH11Y, resides in the X-transposed region of the Y chromosome. Together with its X-chromosome homolog… it might play a role in brain lateralization and language development. 

Interestingly, all three genes with potentially functional missense differences between the Neandertal and modern humans sequences are H-Y genes… [and] have led to genetic incompatibilities between modern humans and Neandertals and to the consequent loss of Neandertal Y chromosomes in modern human populations. Indeed, reduced fertility or viability of hybrid offspring with Neandertal Y chromosomes is fully consistent with Haldane’s rule, which states that “when in the (first generation) offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the (heterogametic) sex.”’

Seventy percent of East Asians have inherited the Neanderthal POU2F3 gene, which is involved in Keratin production and is thought to be responsible for straightening hair. DNA tests demonstrate that Neanderthals possessed fair skin, like the majority of oriental people. Most Mongoloids and Australoids who interbred with them, carry both Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA.

The Combined Landscape of Denisovan and Neanderthal Ancestry in Present-Day Humans, multiple authors, 2016 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Some present-day humans derive up to ∼5% of their ancestry from archaic Denisovans, an even larger proportion than the ∼2% from Neanderthals. 

We developed methods that can disambiguate the locations of segments of Denisovan and Neanderthal ancestry in present-day humans and applied them to 257 high-coverage genomes from 120 diverse populations, among which were 20 individual Oceanians with high Denisovan ancestry. In Oceanians, the average size of Denisovan fragments is larger than Neanderthal fragments, implying a more recent average date of Denisovan admixture in the history of these populations. We document more Denisovan ancestry in South Asia than is expected based on existing models of history, reflecting a previously undocumented mixture related to archaic humans. Denisovan ancestry, just like Neanderthal ancestry, has been deleterious on a modern human genetic background, as reflected by its depletion near genes. Finally, the reduction of both archaic ancestries is especially pronounced on chromosome X and near genes more highly expressed in testes than other tissues… This suggests that reduced male fertility may be a general feature of mixtures of human populations…’

Fine-Scale Maps of Denisovan and Neanderthal Introgression

(A) Non-overlapping 100 kb windows that have non-zero inferred archaic ancestry in each of six populations (blue, Denisova; red, Neanderthal). In the innermost rings, we plot deserts (windows >10 Mb). 

(B) Correlation of confidently inferred archaic ancestry (Neanderthal ancestry in six non-African populations and Denisovan ancestry in Oceanians) across populations in non-overlapping windows of size 100 kb, 1 Mb, and 10 Mb.

(C) We plot the median of the proportion of Denisovan and Neanderthal ancestry within quintiles of a B statistic measuring intensity of linked selection (low B indicates the regions most affected by linked selection). 

‘It has been suggested that the empirically observed reduction in Neanderthal ancestry in Europeans and East Asians near functionally important regions could be explained by a greater load of weakly deleterious alleles in Neanderthals due to the smaller population size of Neanderthals since separation, followed by purging of deleterious Neanderthal alleles in the mixed population. Since we have shown that similar patterns are associated with the Denisovan introgression event, it seems plausible that similar evolutionary forces operated to remove Denisovan ancestry segments. However, the model of a greater load of deleterious mutations in archaic humans cannot explain the observed reduction of both Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry near genes that are disproportionately expressed in testes, suggesting that male hybrid sterility may have been associated with both introgressions. An important direction for future research is to understand the relative importance of purging of slightly deleterious alleles, as well as reduced fertility in hybrid males, in changing the content of genomes in the aftermath of the interbreeding that occurred between modern and archaic humans.’

The only way to unravel this perplexing mystery and understand the sudden demise of the Neanderthals is to recognise that a. they were an adam and the ‘mankind’ created in the Sixth age, b. they died in the flood, regardless of how many were left because they may have been hunted by the lines of Cain or Seth and c. they did intermarry with Cain and or Seth’s line – from the Adam of the Eighth age – hence their DNA in modern Homo sapiens sapiens which must have been carried by all three of Noah’s daughter’s-in-law at least. The studies concluding points.

  • Denisovan admixture into modern humans occurred after Neanderthal admixture
  • There is more Denisovan ancestry in South Asians than expected from current models
  • Denisovan ancestry has been subject to positive and negative selection after admixture
  • Male infertility most likely occurred after modern human interbreeding with Denisovans

Alan Alford adds – capitalisation his, emphasis & bold mine: 

‘As uncomfortable as it may seem, all of the Mesopotamian texts indicate that man was originally created as a slave race to relieve the “toil” of the Gods. These claims are indeed repeated in our encyclopaedias, under the heading of religious myth, but it is a fact that the Hebrew word for worship, avod, literally means “Work”! The Sumerian texts consistently called these earliest beings LU.LU, which also had the connotation of worker or servant. According to the ancient texts, the first Adam was a test-tube baby, created by the Gods from already living matter. Adam’s DNA (not his rib) was used to create the first woman. Humans were then cloned to ease the “toil” of the Gods. As for the first “Adam”, the evidence suggests that he was a hybrid mixture of God and Homo erectus.’

Sumerian texts confirm that during the age of the gods on Earth, they created a prototype human after many unsuccessful attempts. This being was to be a worker for them, mining precious elements, particularly gold [refer article: The Ark of God]. These workers for the Annunaki gods or Angels, were called Lulu, the ‘black headed ones.’ Alford mentions the Lulu worker and Homo erectus in the same breath and by coincidence, they are one and the same. His confusing the Lulu with Adam and Eve is incorrect. Even though Adam was created to ‘work the garden of Eden’ he was a spirit being fashioned to serve the Creator, not the Angels as the Lulu had been designed. His transformation with Eve to become ‘human’ meant a deconstruction of his spiritual composition and ‘godlike’ anatomy and the addition of ‘humanlike’ Homo erectus genes. In this regard, Alford hits the nail on the head.

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 110-111 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Black Heads were created at… Nippur, known in legend as the place where heaven bonds with the earth. The first Black Heads were two interesting individuals named Ulligarra and Zalgarra, from which all Black Heads derived. Black Heads were created… male and female at the same time, with a mandate to multiply^ in great numbers. Their posterity’s purpose was to till the soil, to erect buildings, and to serve the Annunaki. Black Heads also thought of themselves as the “tenants of the garden of the gods.” They proliferated^ beyond all expectations [like the descendants of Japheth – Genesis 9:27] and later were drafted by the gods to toil as a massive workforce in exchange for consistent rations of food. At some point much later in time, Adapa and Titi [Adam and Eve] were procreated through a selected female from among the Blackheads [Homo erectus]… and the god Enki.’

Adam and Eve were the original Homo sapiens, thus either Noah or his three sons, Japheth, Ham and Shem, were the first Homo sapiens sapiens. 

An Analysis of modern African DNA reveals that ancestral Eurasian Haplogroups – mitochondrial Haplogroups M and N and Y-chromosomal Haplogroup CF – appear to represent mutations of mtDNA HgL3 and Y-chromosomal HgCT; Haplogroups associated with African ancestors. The complication with using this recent DNA data to place the ancestors of all living humans in Africa is that it assumes the first people carrying the identified mutations were themselves on that continent. To confirm the proposed assumption requires DNA from humans who definitively lived in Africa circa 70,000 years ago.

The huge problem, is that the oldest sample of African DNA ever recovered is a mere 8,100 years old. The lack of sufficiently old African genetic material means scientists cannot currently use DNA alone to geographically place the earliest ancestors of modern Africans. If we accept for a moment, the belief that the ancestors of today’s Africans lived in Africa 70,000 years ago, we still have no evidence that the Haplogroups at the base of the Eurasian population, were associated with these populations earlier than 70,000 years ago. Moving the ‘out of Africa’ migration dates back even further ‘takes an already weak model into the realms of outright scientific fraud’ according to one article.

A selection of insightful scientists are beginning to question whether the basal Haplogroups might relate to migrations into Africa rather than originating there. Researchers at the University of La Laguna have suggested that Haplogroup L3 entered Africa from Asia. This would support the Ark coming to rest in the Himalayas and the first major post-diluvian civilisation springing up in the Indus Valley region [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. The paper’s title is self-explanatory: Carriers of mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup L3 basic lineages migrated back to Africa from Asia around 70,000 years ago. The authors of the paper posit an earlier African origin for these Asian migrants, whilst highlighting a further glaring anomaly within their data:

‘The southern route hypothesis proposes that the Eurasian branches (M and N) of the macrohaplogroup L3 differentiated in or near the African continent and rapidly spread across the Asian peninsulas to reach Australia and Melanesia. Under this assumption, it is expected that, in general, coalescence ages of haplogroups should decrease from Africa to Australia. However, we have demonstrated that this is not the case. Just on the contrary, the… relative ages of M and N haplogroups run, against to expectation, westwards with younger haplogroup ages going to Africa.’

Humans are not from Earth, Ellis Silver, 2017, pages 148-150 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Scientists working on the Human Genome Project and other DNA projects have discovered an extra 223 genes (out of a total of about 20,000) in us that don’t appear in any other species. Some of these orphan genes… may have arisen from non-coding sequences of DNA… de novo origination… Or… from natural or artificial horizontal transfer from another organism… viral, bacterial or extraterrestrial… we can immediately rule out the viral option… We’ve already mapped the parts of our genome that came from viruses, and none of the 223 orphan genes were among them. But we did find the complete genome of a functioning virus hidden in there.’

Appropriate, as humankind acts unlike any animal on earth, even considering the reptilian and mammalian aspects of our mind and brain function. Human beings are akin to a virus. We as the virus, are living off the host the Earth, rampaging and pillaging the resources and environment of our gracious host. Exhibiting the same ruthless disrespect for the earth, as a virus does in its single-driven desire to feed and grow exponentially.

Romans 8:20-22

English Standard Version

20 ‘For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.’

Silver: ‘Some (non-mainstream) geneticists believe that aliens may have spliced 223 orphan genes into the genome of one of the Earth’s native hominids, such as Homo erectus… ** some researchers claim there’s evidence of twenty extraterrestrial species in our DNAthis hybridisation process created an instant leap from the native hominin to modern humans [Homo sapiens]. 

There’s plenty of evidence of external interference in our genome… there are hundreds of scars where sections of genes have been duplicated from other genes, had their heads or tails stripped off (which normally disables them), had sections added or removed, or been joined onto parts of other genes. These cuts and splices have been present in our genome for… thousands of years. Our own scientists can perform these same processes in their labs today, but they’ve only had the technology to do it for the last few years. If we accept that the hybridisation theory is correct, that means… that the… process didn’t turn out quite the way it should have done. Since alien abductions are still happening, it may be the case that we’re a work in progress and not yet the finished article.’ 

DNA Study Reveals We Have a Mystery Human Ancestor, Ed Whelan, 2020 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘A new method for analyzing modern and archaic human DNA has thrown up some fascinating results. It appears that modern humans (Homo Sapiens) mated earlier and more frequently with an archaic human ancestor, a species of extinct hominins [early humans]. Moreover, they have found evidence the DNA of this mysterious archaic human ancestor** is still part of our modern human genetic inheritance.

An American team of scientists, from leading American universities, embarked upon an ambitious plan to map the flow of genes between different species of hominids [primates and humans]. Gene flow is an indication of interbreeding between ancient human species. A new algorithm, known as ARGweaver-D, was developed by Melissa J. Hubisz to achieve the goals of the project. This algorithm allowed researchers to develop a model of the lineages of early humans.

During the study, researchers compared the genomes of two Neanderthals, a Denisovan and two modern African individuals. The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) were an extinct species of humans that… once inhabited vast areas of Eurasia. Denisovans are a mysterious species, only known through their DNA, who probably ranged across an area that covered Siberia and East Asia. The samples from modern Africans were selected because they are known not to have Neanderthal nor Denisovan genes.

Based on the ground-breaking algorithm the researchers were able to develop an ancestral recombination graph, which “includes a tree that captures the relationships among all individuals at every position along the genome, and the recombination events that cause those trees to change from one position to the next,” Siepel told Live Science. The team were able to build up a picture of the extensive interbreeding between different species of hominids and gain insights even into their migration patterns.

And research has already shown that modern humans, Denisovans, Neanderthals interbred in the ancient past. However, using the new algorithm, researchers were able to show that this interbreeding occurred much earlier than once believed. The results from a sample of Denisovan DNA were remarkable. [Inverse] states that the ‘genome contained genetic material that came from an unexpected source an archaic human ancestor that was neither human [homo sapiens], nor Neanderthal, nor Denisovan.’ This was a mystery. Researchers have theorized that the genes may have come from Homo erectus…

However, the “story” of Homo Erectus is unproven because we do not have any DNA from this long-extinct human species. Siepel told Live Science that “the genome of that extinct species of human has never been sequenced.” As a result, there is much we still don’t know about human evolution, including if H. Erectus (upright man) is our ancestor. It is also possible that the mysterious DNA found nested in the genome sequences comes from a new and unknown archaic human ancestor species.’

In the advent of no other likely candidate, Homo erectus is not only the favourite front runner, but the only one. Bear in mind that Adam was a spirit entity turned into a physical being. The physical genes and blueprint had to have originated from an existing source, as our DNA reveals a pre-existing component in Homo sapiens even though Homo sapiens itself was a new hybrid species. Scientific investigation has proved humans did not descend from Neanderthals and Denisovans but rather interbred with them; yet have also discovered an ‘unknown archaic human ancestor.’ There just aren’t any other options that we are aware, apart from Homo erectus.

Whelan: ‘The new research indicates that the human tree is much more complex than first thought… Siepel told Live Science that “A picture is emerging of a series of distinct but related populations moving around the globe and frequently interacting with one another, with occasional interbreeding events that produced hybrid offspring.” It is not known if these hybrids were fit enough to survive and have offspring. It seems likely that at least some survived and this accounts for the distinctive genetic inheritance of many groups. 

For example, Tibetans and Pacific Islanders show traces of Denisovan DNA. These interbreeding events were very important in the evolution of modern humans. Science Daily reports that “15% of these ‘super-archaic’ regions may have been passed down to modern humans.’’ This means that genes which flowed between different archaic human species are still part of modern people’s genetic make-up, including those from an [original] unknown archaic human ancestor.’

The line of Seth, which includes righteous Enoch – as opposed to evil Enoch from the line of Cain [refer article: Thoth] – on through to Noah is the Homo sapiens line of humans. Beginning with the Y-DNA Adam and mtDNA Eve, for scientists and the fallen and transformed Adam and Eve, for the benefit of christians. Later, transferring to Noah’s three sons as Homo sapiens sapiens and modern man. Homo neanderthalenis were the male and female humans created two Days prior and had been living on the earth for some two thousand years or more. Their line did not survive the flood, because the Creator chose to save the line of Seth instead. The people of Day Six may have been corrupted beyond return by their mixing with Cain’s descendants. The Denisovans are as labelled, mysterious and while they are genetically linked to the Neanderthal, it is for now until more data is forthcoming, that we can only include them with the Neanderthals from Day Six. 

Regarding the ‘unknown archaic human ancestor’, if modern humans are a combination of varying genetic sources, whether from God, Angels or Aliens and say the human component is from Homo erectus as seems entirely plausible; surely it would be integral within our composition and not necessarily an anomaly that could readily stand out. It would differ from the genetic material which was introduced via inter-breeding like Neanderthal DNA in humans. Alternatively, should it turn out to be the unknown genetic material is not a core element but rather an admixture through intermixing, the unknown ancestor and addition of extra genetic DNA would result from mixing with another species entirely. 

Could that species be the dark Angels, who were the Watchers and descended to Earth during the time of Jared the father of righteous Enoch. Jared was born circa 22,797 BCE and the arrival of the Watchers would have been circa 22,000 BCE. The pairing of angels with human women may have occurred with both the Neanderthal and Seth lines of humans. It most definitely took place with the line of  Cain.  

Two points to ponder from the above is firstly, the unique fact that sub-Saharan Africans either do not have any Neanderthal or Denisova DNA at all or virtually none. The other question, is the 15% of archaic genetic material residing within modern humans. We will address the Rhesus negative component in modern humans [Chapter XXVI The French & Swiss: Moab, Ammon & Haran and article: Rhesus Negative Blood factor]. For it is rare in the Black and Asian communities, though within White Europeans it averages… fifteen percent.

The angelic Sons of God, arrived on earth during an ancient era circa 47,690 BCE, from Orion, the Pleiades and possibly Sirius, Taurus and Draco. They were commissioned to seed the earth and oversee the terra-forming of it. The experimentation with flora and fauna, hominids, dinosaurs and so forth, occurred during this epoch. At a certain point, rebellion broke out in the Angel’s new home world. A massive war of the galaxies ensued and the Adversary with its forces was driven out and down to our solar system. The bombardment of the planets and ensuing destruction caused the extinction of life on Earth. One version of events at this time interpreted from the Sumerian texts, says the Earth, previously known as Tiamat or the watery planet, located between Mars and Jupiter was struck by a renegade ninth ‘planet’ – not counting dwarf planet Pluto, otherwise known as Planet X [ten] or Nibiru – and torn asunder. The remains in part, included the asteroid belt and the remaining critically wounded, smaller mass was flung past Mars to its present orbit, outside of Venus. 

Time passed and the residue of Tiamat was as described in Genesis 1:2: ‘… the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.’ The word was in Hebrew means ‘became’ and could be translated became without form. In Hebrew the words ‘without form’ are tohu va bohu, indicating the world became void, or was destroyed. Between its creation in Genesis 1:1, a cataclysmic war caused the resulting condition described in Genesis 1:2. In Genesis 1:3 the re-creation of Tiamat now Earth, began about 34,397 BCE. It is proposed the next seven thousand years until the end of 27,397 BCE were the seven Days of restoring life, in separating the moisture canopy from the oceans [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla], re-introducing plant life, sea creatures, land animals and Neanderthal man, culminating in a millennial thousand year period of rest. 

Some will ask, how did plantation and vegetation survive without the carbon dioxide provided by animal life. The unique firmament consisting of water vapour, affected the carbon and oxygen levels so that plant life could sustain itself differently. There was no rain in the antediluvian era, for the Earth was watered by mists which rose from the Earth and became dew upon the ground. 

The firmament canopy, called the Raqiya in Hebrew encircling the earth, resulted in warm, humid conditions, with stable temperatures throughout the world. It would have also acted as a radiation filter, blocking harmful effects of ultraviolet and cosmic radiation. Vegetation found beneath the Polar Icecaps adds support to this likely scenario.

Flying Serpents and Dragons, Rene Andrew Boulay, 1997, 1999, Pages 93-95, 100, 102 – emphasis & bold mine:

The Earth’s primordial [atmosphere]… was composed mostly of water vapor, some carbon dioxide, and virtually no hydrocarbons [the opposite to Venus’s atmosphere]… the proportions of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere and the capture of long wave radiation… resulted in the “greenhouse effect.” … temperatures would… be uniform between night and day… summer and winter… Although the surface of the Earth was shielded from the direct rays of the Sun, plant life was abundant and luxurious due to the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphereas much as a thousand times more… than… today. There was no rain or storms… People obtained much of their water from underground sources [Genesis 2:5-6]. It was not until the cloud cover collapsed with the… Deluge that man saw sunlight and the blue sky… 

… in Genesis… the Lord introduced the rainbow… the result of the prismatic effect of the bending of the rays of the sun through water droplets… only [occuring] after rain… [requiring] the direct action of sunlight. Both religious and secular sources indicate that early man were vegetarian and not meat eaters… [refer article: Red or Green?] man did not eat flesh until after the Deluge [Genesis 9:3; 10:8-9]. This was not true of the Nefilim or Anunna who turned to eating flesh of animals and eventually that of humans.

It has been estimated that if the atmosphere was composed of pure moisture and suddenly condensed, it would amount to no more than 30 feet of water, certainly not enough in itself to inundate the Earth… the oceans of the earth hold more than 200 million cubic miles of water. The sudden [tidal] movement of this water would be enough to drown about three-quarters of the present surface of the planetin addition to the condensation of the cloud cover, [it] would … provide enough water to [submerge] even the largest continent. In addition to the inundation of falling rain and the sloshing of the oceans, water may have been added from outside sources. According to… Velikovsky… the Deluge was caused by the planet Saturn about a hundred times more massive than the Earth, had flared as a nova at that time. The planet expelled debris, some of which was absorbed by Jupiter, and some of which eventually encountered the Earth and other planets… the Deluge was the result of this debris, consisting mainly of moisture which collapsed the Earth’s vapor canopy, adding enormous amounts of water to the surface of the Earth [raising] the sea surface to its present level.’

Apart from Saturn’s nova which may have taken place earlier, though can’t be ruled out; we will look further into the possible cause of the flood and which planetary body was involved [Articles: Thoth and The Younger Dryas Stadial: End of the Earth… Beginning of the World].

Boulay: ‘The “light of seven days”… refers to… just before the Deluge when the Earth was engulfed in Brilliant light… [verified]… in the Epic of Gilgamesh… This bright light… may have been caused by the planet Saturn. Isaiah 30:25-26 [ESV: “… And on every lofty mountain and every high hill there will be brooks running with water, in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. Moreover, the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord binds up the brokenness of his people, and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow.”] In the Talmud, seven days before the Deluge, God changed the primeval order and the sun rose in the west and set in the east.

In Psalm 23:4 [ESV] we read: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow* of death, I will fear no evil…” And in Amos 5:7-9 [CJB]: 7 “You who turn justice to bitter wormwood and throw righteousness to the ground! 8 He who made the Pleiades and Orion, who brings deathlike shadows* [the shadow of death] over the morning, who darkens the day into night, who calls for the water in the sea and with it floods the earth – Adonai is his name – 9 he flashes destruction on the strong, so that destruction overcomes the fortress.” It’s clear here that the Pleiades and Orion are associated with catastrophic events that brought on darkness on earth in the morning and turned day into night, at the same time causing the land to be flooded.’

Humans are not from Earth – A Scientific Evaluation of the Evidence, Ellis Silver, 2017, pages 50,58 and 103 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Our original home planet must be… constantly and comfortably warm, with day and night temperatures both about the same. That might be because the thick cloud cover prevents heat loss at night; because the ground absorbs heat during the day and radiates it at night; because… the planetary crust is thin and heat from the core radiates through it… we must have evolved on a planet with consistent levels of light… akin to early or late summer in the temperate regions on Earth… no dangerous UV radiation. If the whole planet was shrouded in cloud, and there were no seasons, there would be little distinction between the tropical and temperate regions. Both would be highly habitable…

Our body’s natural (circadian) rhythm doesn’t match the earth’s 24 hour clock. This is simple enough to prove: just deprive people of external stimuli, such as daylight and clocks, and let them wake and sleep and turn the lights on and off whenever they like. After about two weeks they’ll settle into their body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, completely out of step with the outside world, where each day lasts around 25 hours.’

Silver has raised a telling point and has subtly suggested humankind existing on a different planet before being placed on Earth, as mankind isn’t well suited to all of the conditions on this planet. 

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, pages 37-38:

‘… if you put a Caucasian person in a deprivation tank with no external influences, that person will exhibit a [25] hour biorhythm… this matches the length of a day on Mars. So, basically Caucasians are… Martians.’

If we did originate elsewhere, then Mars would be worth investigating. Rather, it seems clear that the conditions Silver is describing, perfectly fit with the antediluvian earth before the flood. Earth and Mars once had a twin planet complex; thus Earth days may have been longer and mirrored Mars in the pre-flood epoch. An important part of the puzzle in Earth’s history is the supercontinent Pangea, which once covered a third of the planet and the accompanying theory of continual drift and plate tectonics. The name Pangea derives from the Greek pan, meaning ‘all, entire, whole’ and Gaia, meaning ‘Mother Earth’ and ‘land’. The concept that all the continents were once joined was first proposed by German Alfred Wegener in 1912. Wegener’s theory was fine-tuned by Arthur Holmes who proposed mantle convection, which was confirmed by the mapping of the ocean floor after World War II and the acceptance of plate tectonics as the mechanism for continent separation. 

The close alignment of the coast lines of North and South America with Europe and Africa had been noted as early as 1596 by Abraham Ortelius. There are many evidences that the theory is correct: in geology, the fossil record, Paleomagnetic studies of embedded rock, coal placement and the continuity of mountain chains. For instance, the eastern coast of Brazil and the western edge of Africa share fossils of the same type of reptile, indicating that these two land masses were once one continent and creatures lived in an area which split in two.

What is highly interesting is that scientists believe supercontinents forming and breaking up is cyclical and that Pangea is merely the most recent. 

The constant reader will know that I would not subscribe to the dates of Pangea’s creation ‘335 million years ago’ or its breakup ‘175 million years ago.’ Yet I hope they are correct regarding the continents current movement from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge towards the centre of the Pacific Ocean and colliding, taking 80 million years to do so.

Coal typically forms in warm and wet climates. There is coal beneath Antartica’s ice caps, signalling that the icy continent once had a very different climate and or, it was in another location on the Earth in the past [refer article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis].

National Geographic, Texas and Antartica Were Attached, Rocks Hint, Richard A Lovett, 2011 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘About 1.1 billion years ago, what are now El Paso, Texas, and Antarctica appear to have existed side by side, scientists say. The find is part of a decades-long effort to piece together fragments of an ancient supercontinent that existed before Pangaea. 

The supercontinent’s pieces can be reassembled by tracing ancient mountain belts and other geologic patterns – such as the Appalachian Mountains, which are geologically related to mountains of England and Scandinavia

But “we see older mountain belts suggesting that all the continents came together in the past to make other supercontinents,” Loewy said. Some of these features appear to be traces of Pangaea’s predecessor, Rodinia, a supercontinent that contained most of the word’s landmasses…

For their study, Loewy and colleagues collected rocks from a region known as the North American Mid-continental Rift System. The system is an ancient volcanic zone running from Canada to Texas, where what is now North America… The southern end of this rift includes the Franklin Mountains near El Paso. The team then compared the North American rocks to samples from mountains in Coats Land in East Antarctica, on the coast of the Weddell Sea. The Coats Land mountains are mostly buried in ice, except for “two tiny tips of mountain peaks,” Loewy said. Rocks collected from both sites match in age and in lead isotope ratios, Loewy said, showing that both sets of volcanic rocks erupted from the same rift zone. The results indicate that, even though the regions today are widely separated, the two landmasses were once connected. “It’s such a neat thing,” she said, referring to the past ties between the West Texas desert and Antarctica’s glaciers. “It’s a quite spectacular contrast.”’

I have laboured in endeavouring to understand when Pangea existed and broke up. I have considered the cataclysm epochs as outlined by Chan Thomas and therefore entertained the Angelic rebellion on Earth and subsequent re-creation in Genesis chapter one; Noah’s flood; and also the time of Peleg when ‘the earth was divided.’ As this scenario may have happened more than once, the Angelic rebellion is ruled out as being the most recent occurrence. This leaves Noah’s flood in 10,837 BCE and the tower of Babel circa 6755 BCE – Genesis 10:25. The answer may lay in a combination of both events.

It is important to understand that before the flood there was an ice age and the drastic alteration in climate after the flood appears to be linked with the breakup of Pangaea, which was accompanied by the outgassing of large quantities of Carbon Dioxide from continental rifts [refer articles: The Younger Dryas Stadial: End of the Earth… Beginning of the World and Climate Change & Global Warming – Climate Crisis or a New Equilibrium?]. This produced a ‘Mesozoic CO2 High’ contributing to the very warm climate after the deluge. The opening of the Tethys Ocean – a body of salt water which separated the ancient continents of Gondwana and Laurasia, two halves of Pangea as it split, with the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas, the modern vestiges – also contributed to global warming. The very active mid-ocean ridges associated with the breakup of the Pangean Continent raised sea levels to their highest in the geological record, flooding much of the continents. The expansion of the temperate climate zones that accompanied the breakup of Pangaea may have contributed to the diversification of the angiosperms [the majority of plant life].

Genesis 1:9

English Standard Version

‘And God said, Let the waters [Panthalassa] under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear [Pangaea].” And it was so.’

In the re-creation of the Earth, it appears that the waters plural, exist with the dry land, singular.

The Controversy, Donald Chittick, 1984, page 195:

‘If the waters, or the seas were in one place, then it seems logical to conclude the land was also in one piece elsewhere. If that were not the case, water would have then been in several places, as today, with multiple continents. If the waters were in one place, then it is a hint that perhaps there was one giant continent and the multiple continents we observe today came some time after creation.’

A perplexing question is the fact that there is a massive gap in ancient history. From the Great Flood to the recognised beginnings of ancient Sumer, there is an unaccounted 6,000 years or so. Nearly three thousand years elapse from the tower of Babel until the Sumerians and pre-dynastic Egypt. The division after the tower of Babel was obviously monumental for such a long period to pass before people regathered in large enough numbers in Sumer and Egypt. Or was the division more than just the confounding of the one tongue into multiple languages? [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod] Commentators have rightly quoted Genesis 9:13-16, the Rainbow Covenant and the Creator’s promise, where He would not flood the earth again [Article: The Sabbath Secrecy]. Recall this oath was ignored by Nimrod when building the Tower. In the time of Peleg, there was not another global flood; though localised flooding may have occurred [Chapter XXV Italy: Nahor & the Chaldeans].

What Happened in the “Days of Peleg”? John D Morris Phd, 1993 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘One of the most interesting passages in [the Bible] is that found in Genesis 10:25, where it mentions an individual named Peleg, and says, “in his days was the earth divided.” The word translated “divided” is used only a few times in the Old Testament, including a parallel passage in I Chronicles 1:19. Interestingly, the name Peleg is quite similar to the Hebrew word “divided” (Palag). There have been many treatments of the verse. One suggests that “divided” implies “surveyed” as in divided into grids. Could the early post-Flood inhabitants have explored and mapped the new earth, so radically different from the pre-Flood earth? There are ancient maps and traditions of far-away continents.

Another deals with the possibility of continental separation. Geologists have marshaled much evidence that the continents were once together… But any scheme of rapid separation would itself cause havoc on the earth… For this reason, I am convinced that Genesis 10:25 should not be understood to imply that “In the days of Peleg the Atlantic Ocean opened up.” This would have caused devastation comparable to Noah’s Flood, and the Bible has no mention of it. If the continents separated, they did so during Noah’s Flood. The traditional interpretation relates Peleg’s day to the division of language/family groups at the Tower of Babel. 

Comparing the lineage of Shem, which includes Peleg, to the lineage of Ham, [and] which includes Nimrod, leader of the rebellion at Babel, we find it likely that Peleg was born soon after the dispersion (assuming the genealogies are complete). Thus it would have been reasonable for his father Eber to name a son in commemoration [anticipation] of this miraculous event.

One “separator” did occur sometime after the dispersion. The Ice Age, which followed the Flood, would have caused sea level to be an estimated 600 feet lower than today, since such a great volume of water was trapped as ice on the continents. Such a lowering of today’s seas would reconnect the continents once again. The connected continents would have aided in both animal and human migration following both the Flood and the dispersion, as commanded by God (Genesis 8:17; 11:4,8,9). Then the ending of the Ice Age and the melting of the ice sheets would cause sea level to rise, covering the land bridges and “dividing” the continents after migration had occurred. Perhaps this is what happened “in the days of Peleg.”’

I would concur with Morris’s proposal. There is logic and simplicity in Pangea originating in the Genesis chapter one re-creation as the original land mass of the Earth in the antediluvian age. It would explain how the animals were able to travel to Noah to board the Ark or to at least present themselves if they were to become a DNA sample – Genesis 7:9 [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. 

During the flood, the continent had separated with land bridges plausibly existing until the water fully receded to current levels. Animals which had been motivated to travel to Noah now headed in reverse to those regions they are located in today. Hence, no worldwide cataclysmic flood or geological upheaval in Peleg’s time as per the Rainbow Covenant and yet the earth was fully divided during Peleg’s lifetime as land bridges must have fully receded and been covered over with sea water.

Not just ancient Antartica presents a mysterious history, but the opposite pole the Artic in the past, appears to not only have had a civilisation but also a different geographic configuration. There is considerable interest – aside from archaic ‘mythical’ societies such as Atlantis and Lemuria – in ancient Hyperborea. The name can be translated as ‘beyond the North Wind, extremely north’ or ‘to carry over’. The north wind was personified by the Greek god, Boreas. The father of history, Herodotus wrote about Hyperboreans even though he was sceptical, for both Hesiod and Homer speak of them as fact.  

Book IV, Pliny the Elder – emphasis & bold mine:

“At this spot are supposed to be the hinges upon which the world revolves, and the extreme limits of the revolutions of the stars. Here we find light for six months together, given by the Sun in one continuous day… there is but one rising of the sun for the year, and that at the summer solstice [June 21], and but one setting, at the winter solstice [December 22]. This region, warmed by the rays of the sun, is of a most delightful temperature, and exempt from every noxious blast… The abodes of the natives are the woods and groves; the gods receive their worship singly and in groups, while all discord and every kind of sickness are things utterly unknown. Death comes upon them only when satiated with life; [“a race that lives to an extreme old age”] after a career of feasting, in an old age sated with every luxury, they leap from a certain rock there into the sea [a lake* to transform into a swan]; and this they deem the most desirable mode of ending existence.”

The ancient Greeks knew about North America as they were aware of the region around the Arctic Circle of Hyperborea, a ‘broken bridge’ twhich connected northern Europe with North America. The poet Pindar [522-443 BCE] wrote: “neither by ship nor on foot would you find the marvelous road to the assembly of the Hyperboreans.” Hyperborea was located in the far north in the Artic Circle and was not easy to find or to traverse the terrain in getting there. Ancient maps show that Green Land may have been on its southern edge. The land became synonymous with remoteness and exoticism.

Map by Abraham Ortelius, Amsterdam 1572: at the top left Oceanvs Hyperborevs separates Iceland from Greenland


‘Never the Muse is absent from their ways: lyres clash and flutes cry and everywhere maiden choruses whirling. Neither disease nor bitter old age is mixed in their sacred blood; far from labor and battle they live.’

The Hyperboreans obviously liked to celebrate and party. They are suspiciously reminiscent of the Nephilim and the Elioud, with no disease, no old age, a description as immortal ‘giants’ and possessing ‘sacred blood.’ They are linked to the cult of Apollo, for it was he alone of the twelve Olympians who was venerated by them; as he visited in his ‘flying vehicle’ to spend ‘his winter amongst them’ every ‘nineteen years to rejuvenate’ – bringing Light while Greece endured Darkness [Article: Thoth]. As we have uncovered Apollo’s identity as Azazel the most prominent of the two hundred [million] Watchers [refer article: Na’amah]; the time frame for this civilisation parallels Atlantis and existing in the antediluvian age of history [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis]. 

Arctic continent on the Gerardus Mercator map of 1595

Starseed Journey – RH Negative Blood, 2009 – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘Dr. Valery Dyemen, a Russian researcher of the Arctic, is convinced that Hyperborea existed. He said: “I believe we should be looking for the traces of that civilization in Eurasia and American arctic regions, in the islands and archipelagos of the Arctic Oceans, at the bottom of some seas, lakes and rivers. It’s worthy of notice that Russia has the largest number of locations and artifacts that could bear relevance to Hyperborea.” One of the charts by Gerhardus Mercator, the 16th century Flemish cartographer and geographer, shows a huge continent lying in the vicinity of the North Pole. The land is an archipelago composed of several islands divided by deep rivers. A mountain sits in the center of the land (according to legends, the ancestors of Indo-Europeans lived near Mount Meru). The question is: How did that land appear on the chart? There was no information whatsoever regarding the Arctic regions during the Middle Ages. We have some reasons to believe that Mercator had used an ancient chart, the one that is mentioned in his letter dated 1580. That chart showed a continent located in the center of the Arctic Ocean, which was pictured ice-free on the chart.’

Greek legend states that the Boreades, descendants of Boreas and a snow-nymph Chione or Khione, founded the first theocratic monarchy on Hyperborea. Aelian: ‘This god [Apollo] has as priests the sons of Boreas (North Wind) and Chione (Snow), three in number, brothers by birth, and six cubits in height [10 feet or 3 metres tall].’ According to the Roman author Aelian, the Hyperboreans were allegedly once on the verge of a great war against another  formidable ‘race of soldiers’ possibly from Atlantis. The war didn’t happen as these ‘soldiers’ realised in time that the inhabitants of Hyperborea were ‘far too strong.’ 

Diodorus Siculus adds: ‘And the kings of this (Hyperborean) city and the supervisors of the sacred precinct are called Boreadae, since they are descendants of Boreas, and the succession to these positions is always kept in their family.’ This would make sense as they were recorded as gods who had descended from heaven. The Boreans were renowned for their technology and prosperity. Medusa was apparently banished to Hyperborea. 

Ancient Code – emphasis & bold mine: ‘Certain esoteric systems and spiritual traditions speak of Hyperborea as the terrestrial and celestial principle of civilization. In other words, the home of the ancient people. The original human. Some authors have even proposed several theories suggesting that Hyperborea was the original Garden of Eden, the exact place where the earthly planes and celestial planes meet. The land was described in a number of legends as being the perfect place on Earth, hence its connection to the Garden of Eden.’

30 Things You Should Know About Hyperborea – Homeplace of Gods, Land of Giants, Ivan Petricevic – emphasis & bold mine:

Hecateaus of Abdera… described how the Hyperboreans constructed on their land “a magnificent sacred precinct of Apollo and a notable temple adorned with many votive offerings and is spherical in shape.” Curiously, some scholars have identified this temple with Stonehenge [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. Greek lyric poet Alcaeus (600 BC) sang of the actual or mystical journey of Apollo to the land of the Hyperboreans: “… O King Apollo, son of great Zeus, whom thy father did furnish forth at thy birth with the golden headband and lyre of a shell, and giving thee moreover a swan-drawn chariot to drive, would have thee go to Delphi…”’

When we read of the far north of Europe and the Artic Circle, we think of an extremely cold land with snow and ice, that is marked by long winters. Hyperborea was the opposite and the Greeks knew of it as having eternal spring and sunshine. So much so, that the goddess of the Night and Darkness, Nyx could not even bring darkness to the land. Nor could Boreas blow his brutal cold wind into the lands beyond even his reach. 

Mike Greenburg PhD – emphasis & bold mine:

‘With endless spring and eternal light, Hyperborea was capable of producing two harvests of grain each year with less… work required… Most of the land was left wild… with dense forests and green meadows covering the nation. The Eridanos flowe[d] lazily across the landscape, attracting white swans. Hyperborea was a land of plenty. Hyperborea… had no fear of invading armies because it was protected by natural defenses. Without the constant threat of war, the people lived a peaceful existence…

The god of light [Apollo] was an obvious deity to be worshipped in a land that knew neither the darkness of night nor that of winter. According to Pindar, the Greek hero Perseus was one of the few southerners to ever see that land and was invited to a banquet in the god’s honor.’

“Yet was it with these (the Hyperboreans) that Perseus the warrior chief once feasted, entering their homes, and chanced upon their sacrifices unto the god… for in their banquets and rich praise Apollon greatly delights, and laughs to see the rampant lewdness of those brutish beasts. Nor is the Mousa (Muse) a stranger to their life, but on all sides the feet of maidens dancing, the full tones of the lyre and pealing flutes are all astir; with leaves of gleaming laurel bound upon their hair, they throng with happy hearts to join the revel. Illness and wasting old age visit not this hallowed race, but far from toil and battle they dwell secure from fate’s remorseless vengeance.” – Pindar, Pindar Pythian Ode 10. 27 ff (translation Conway)

‘A lake* was formed by the son of Phaethon, the son of Helios who flew the chariot of the sun too close to earth. The swans that lived there were in honor of his friend Cygnus, while the graceful poplar trees on its banks were his sisters. The swans associated with Cygnus were one of the animals associated with the legendary country, but another was even more magnificent. Heracles was another of the rare Greeks to visit the land of Hyperborea while on his quest to capture the Cerynitian Hind. The golden-horned deer that was sacred to Artemis [twin sister of Apollo] fled north during the chase, leading Heracles far from Greece. The deer was eventually captured in Hyperborea, its homeland. But the description of the deer is seen by some historians as an important clue about the location of the myth.

The hind was described as female, but also marked by its golden horns. There are no species of deer native to the regions of Greece in which the females have horns. To find horned female deer, one must travel much further north than the lands usually identified with Hyperborea. The only species in Europe that matches the description are reindeer. Reindeer are not native to the regions of Gaul or the island of Britain. They live much further north. While most commonly associated with Scandinavia, reindeer can also be found in the tundra regions of northern Asia as far as Siberia.’

The eighth Day era, including the Garden of Eden, saw the creation of Adam and Eve circa 27,397 BCE. Legend says Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden seven years later. Cain [in 27,390 BCE] and Abel [in 27,385 BCE] were born about this time and it was circa 26,129 BCE when Cain killed Abel. Seth was born relatively shortly thereafter in 26,097 BCE and his son Enosh, was born in 25,047 BCE. The Bible does not give an age for Cain’s first son Enoch, though circa 26,119 BCE fits an unconventional chronology time frame.

Regarding the inflated length of scientific eras, contrasted with more plausible time frames for the origin of mankind, Len Kasten writes in Alien World Order, 2017, pages 7, 10 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… and sixty-five million years ago… the dinosaurs became extinct. That period, known as the Jurassic, is based on carbon dating, which is notoriously unreliable. There is contrary evidence that the age of the dinosaurs may have been [far more recent]. The DNA of [numerous] races was donated to create the new human race [Homo erectus] about forty thousand years ago [and Cro Magnon man about 29,000 ya]human DNA has been “tweaked” and has evolved consequently due to twenty-two modifications…’

Some of the gods, the fallen dark Angels known as the Watchers returned to Earth. This secondary rebellion by Satan’s cohorts, occurred about 22,000 BCE when Cain’s descendant evil Lamech not Noah’s father, was born [Article: Na’amah]. Righteous Enoch from Seth’s and Noah’s line, was born in 21,175 BCE. This was interestingly, during the fourth age of Aquarius, between 23,930 and 21,770 BCE.  Our current age is the fifth age of Aquarius and began in 1990. The third age of Aquarius occurred between 49,850 and 47,690 BCE and it was at this time perhaps, that our solar system including earth, were created.

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1997, 1999, Pages 53, 57-59, 61-63, 67, 132-133 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… Mespotamia was the fertile ground from whence sprang all the legends and stories associated with dragons. It is here that we will find the first allusion to flying serpent-gods [Seraphim in the Bible] as dragons. After the Deluge, there was a terrible period of struggle when the serpent-gods fought among themselves in the sky, and when mankind retreated underground for shelter and survival. It was also the beginning of all the legends which associate dragons with precious stones. In a fragment from one of the earliest known Sumerian tablets… there is a description of the coming of the gods to this planetwhen the earth was engulfed in a dense cloud cover. The reptilian nature of the gods is explicit… [with] no attempt to mask the nature of the gods with a metaphor. The most significant Sumerian term used to describe the flying serpent with flaming breath was U-SHUM-GAL…  Modern translators render the composite word as “dragon,” without further comment. However… SHUM means “flying serpent”… Because of the troubling indication that SHUM may represent a sky vehicle with flaming exhausts, traditional translators prefer to leave [as dragon]…’ – refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod.

‘The functions of their early cities [during the First Time] would suggest that [the Anunna or Anunnaki] came [to earth] to obtain gold, silver, and other rare metals…[Article: The Ark of God] When the Kingship had come down from heaven, AN[U] founded the five [first] cities… Eridu [1], he gave to the leader… [Enki]. Eridu was the first city built on the planet which probably gave our world its name – Earth…The origin of the word Earth is unknown and its origin lost in antiquity, but logically and linguistically it can be traced back to Eridu. For example, in Old High German, Earth is Erda; it is Erthe in Middle English, Era in Greek, Ereds in Aramaic, and Eretz in Hebrew… It was from Eridu that Enki [chief ‘Engineer and Geneticist’ god] directed all operations on Earth… the raising of the cities… agriculture, animal husbandry… mines… in Africa… transportation of ores and the processing of the ores* at Badtibira [2]. 

Larak [3] was… the space control centre for the complex. Sippar [4] was the platform for the space shuttles, especially those hauling metal cargo… the space activities were… [later] at Baalbeck in Lebanon [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]… Shuruppak [5]… was dedicated to… the goddess Ninhursag [the ‘Science and Medical Director’ god]. She was deeply involved with Enki in producing a primitive man to do the labor of the gods. Uruk was the… home of the great god An [Anu the Patriarch] when he was on Earth [during the First Time]… after the Deluge… the [re-built] city was taken over by Inanna, his [great grand daughter]… 

Nippur was the city of Enlil… he exercised supreme authority over all the Anunna on Earth… From the heights of the Ekur [house on the mountain], it was said that Enlil’s “eyes scans the land,” and “his lifted beam searches the heart of all the lands.” This is strongly indicative of a communications or control center. The city of Nippur was rebuilt after the Deluge but at a different location. Nippur is where… the Lord kept his shekinah or spacecraft… until the days of Enosh [Article: The Mercurial Man]. Then he abruptly left for his heavenly abode, never to return except on special occasions. It was… at Nippur, at the river Chebar, that Ezekiel saw the “fiery chariot” described so vividly… [Ezekiel 1:4-28]. 

Every Sumerian city [after the flood] was dedicated to a major god, who served as its protector and benefactor. There was a special secure area with a great court wherein were the palace and temples. In the center was a ziggurat which overlooked the city. The ziggurat was a stepped artificial mountain or pyramid rising from the treeless plain. On its lower levels there were quarters for the priesthood. They controlled the whole wealth of the state; its ranks included archivists, teachers, scribes, scholars, mathematicians and other functionaries. Atop the ziggurat there was a sacred temple. In its center was an antechamber or cella, the “holy of holies,” and was reserved for the gods to rest when they were on earth [refer article: The Ark of God]. 

It was here that they mated with selected humans in order to produce a race of demi-gods [Nephilim & Elioud] to serve as the kings, generals, and other intermediaries. These acted as a buffer with mankind. All the great heroes of Mesopotamia claimed to be the issue of a god and a mortal. These beings were called “changelings.” The hero Gilgamesh often boasted that his mother was the goddess Ninsun. Another great hero, Sargon the Great of the Akkad Dynasty, also claimed to be a changeling and the child of a mortal and a goddess.

Enosh means “mortal” or “human being”… during his era the ‘faces of man became ape-like [Cain’s line losing their reptilian DNA dominance]. “Enosh… begot Kenon or Cainan. Meaning “metalsmith” or “craftsman”… the second city built was called Badtibira or “city* for metal processing”… Kenon… begot Mahala’el… “praiser of the Lord”… Jared [4th generation after Seth] was the first Patriarch not to marry his sister… Jared… [may] mean “he of Eridu.” Righteous Enoch’s ascent to heaven… [led to him becoming] “divine” and [he] was made chief of the heavens, second to the deity himself.’

There are a number of salient points mentioned by Boulay. If the serpent gods and dragons made their presence known again after the flood in a bid to restart what had been cut short by the deluge, then the reality of new Nephilim offspring, arises. These would be in addition to any Nephilim who had survived the flood. This scenario has to be considered as a. there was a lot of massive monolithic building all around the globe that date to the post-flood era, b. the heinous behaviour of Sodom and the other three cities of the plain which were destroyed would have been even more serious if a second irruption of Nephilim had occurred and c. it may explain the numbers of Nephilim and Elioud in the land of Canaan when the sons of Jacob arrived in 1406 BCE and the Creator’s instructions to ‘kill them all.’

If Gilgamesh, a legendary hero and Sargon I the Great, a historical king both had angelic mothers, it cannot be dismissed out of hand that Nimrod also had a dark Angel for a Mother. It at once offers an explanation while indelibly underscoring the repulsive nature of the act, why Nimrod would have been drawn to make his own mother his wife [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]. Boulay curiously quotes that men during the time of Enosh – circa 25,000 to 15,000 BCE – the son of Seth and contemporary with Cain’s evil son Enoch, became more ape-like and less reptilian. Now this is quite an admission and as we will discover, does not pertain to the line of Seth but to the progeny of Cain.

Some of the gods we will encounter, include the following with their primary symbols. Ishtar, the daughter of Sin; represented by the eight pointed star and a lion. Enki or Oannes was represented as the water god by a fish-goat and also as a ram. Nergal, god of the underworld had a symbol of a winged lion with panther heads. The winged lion was also a symbol used by the Chaldeans, and is still used by them today [Chapter XXV Italy: Nahor & the Chaldeans]. Marduk’s symbol was a dragon. Adad had a symbol of a bull with forked lightening. Sin, eldest son of Enlil was the Moon god, represented by the crescent moon. Anu, Enki and Enlil were the three horned gods of a trinity [Article: Arius, Alexander & Athanasius].

Genesis 6:1-4

New King James Version

‘Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the LORD said, ‘My spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.’ There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Genesis 6 Giants: Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations, Stephen Quayle, 2009:

‘Obviously, the ‘daughters of men’ were simply human women. But who were the ‘sons of God’? And who – or what – were the giants and ‘mighty men’ who were the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men?… One explanation fits this scripture passage perfectly. Not surprisingly, it was also accepted as truth by ancient Jewish scholars. It becomes apparent with careful study of the scriptures as well. “This view maintains that the ‘sons of God’ are angels. As creatures of God, these creatures (like mankind) bear a family relationship in that they were created by God and, therefore, can be viewed in a sense as being His sons. Not only that, this interpretation explains why all the human beings involved are female while all the male figures are called the ‘sons of God.’’

In the Book of Job, angels are described as sons of God – Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7. Elsewhere in the Bible they are similarly described: Psalms 29:1, 89:6, 104:4; Daniel 3:25 and Hebrews 1:7, 14.

Quayle: ‘”The Nephilim that were produced by the angel/mankind marriage were much different from either of their parents. This, too, went against God’s plan for the Earth in which each animal and human being was to reproduce ‘after its own kind.’ This is perhaps the best demonstration that the parents of these creatures were not simply descendants of Cain and Seth. Had they been, they would have produced human offspring, rather than the Nephilim… “A careful study of the first introduction of this word in Genesis also shows that the Nephilim have appeared more than one time in history. The verses don’t say that the first account was the only time this occurred. Notice that there were giants ‘in those days’ and ‘also after that’ time as well… the giants could only be coming from the sons of God interbreeding with the daughters of men…’

The Theory of Three Human Species, Epoch Times, Leonardo Vintini – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Old Testament tells a story in which a diminutive David defeats the giant Goliath. Using just a sling to slay his enormous foe, this unlikely victor became the second Hebrew monarch. While many consider the tale to be merely a colorful allegory, a recent finding exhibiting the oldest known Philistine inscriptions suggests that Goliath may have actually existed. This artifact – a small clay shard – was found in Israel in 2005 by Tell es-Safi University archeologists. It is inscribed with the words “Alwt and Wlt” which, according to Professor Aaron Demsky, coincide with the name Goliath. Alwt and Wlt are non-Semitic names which are etymologically similar to the name Goliath. Studies confirm that the carving was made around 950 BC, which would put it within 70 years of when biblical scholars believe this historic fight occurred [in circa 1022 BCE – refer Chapter XXX Judah & Benjamin – the Regal Tribes].

While the find may lend some new credibility to an ancient tale, it may also serve as a piece to another puzzle that’s even more intriguing. One might assume that, even if the epic battle really did take place, Goliath’s size was surely exaggerated for dramatic effect. However, evidence collected from around the globe over the last century suggests that the existence of a real giant may not have been that strange after all. 

In fact, these finds have led some to believe that the mankind of antiquity may have come in three distinct sizes: giants, humans, and hobbits.

In the fall of 2004, a group of investigators working in Indonesia found remains of a race of “hobbit” men measuring just over three feet. Researchers determined that these smaller humans had existed alongside man until about 13,000 years ago [the time of the Flood]. The research team – including Indonesian paleoanthropologist Professor T. Jacob – dubbed the small race Homo floresiensis, named after the Indonesian island of Flores where the skeletons were uncovered. Some say these hobbits still roam the jungle, prompting many visitors to the island in recent years in search of a myth incarnate.

The wealth of evidence for a race of giants is even greater. Remains of giant humans have been found in practically every part of the globe: Tunisia; Pennsylvania; Glen Rose, Texas; Gargayan in the Philippines; Syria; Morocco; Australia; and throughout the Urbasa mountain range in Spain. Perhaps the most popular and scientifically recognized example is the “Giant of Java,” found just south of China [refer articles: Monoliths of the Nephilim and Nephilim & Elioud Giants II].

Similar human remains that were found in nearby southern China reveal large humans who possessed six digits on each extremity. This polydactyl characteristic seems to have been a regular pattern in this race of men, as other examples have shown. In Soviet Georgia, skeletons were found of men between 9 and 10 feet tall that also possessed six digits on the hands and feet. Among several biblical passages that mention the existence of giants, Samuel 21:20 also observes this extra-digit phenomenon: “In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot – twenty-four in all.”

Despite the vast amount of skeletal evidence – as well as the unearthed tools and teeth that would otherwise prove comically large by normal human standards – it seems that there are still not a great number of scientists dedicated to studying this phenomenon. The modern world often regards mention of these different-sized human races in ancient texts and folklore as the product of a vivid imagination – though many different cultures record very similar accounts… in light of the various remains uncovered throughout the world… these “mythical” stories may have actually been accurate depictions of life at that time. If these races of various size did exist, why three sizes, and where did the other two go?’

Perhaps the premise for the Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien is not quite so far-fetched? 

Humans are not from Earth, Ellis Silver, 2017, pages 223-224 – emphasis & bold mine:

Archaeologists and anthropologists have found numerous remains of what appear to be human-alien hybrids… it’s difficult to determine their true origin as the DNA evidence… is undoubtedly being suppressed, ignored or confiscated by mainstream organizations and authorities. 

Of particular interest are the significant number of elongated skulls that have been found, mainly in Central and South America… we can easily tell the difference between humans that have had their heads bound and the elongated skulls that appear to have developed naturally… the ones found in Paracas [in Peru] were 60 percent heavier than human skulls, were structurally different, and had craniums that were 25 percent larger than ours. Researchers were able to extract mitochondrial DNA from them and found mutations which indicated an unknown human-like species that didn’t fit the evolutionary tree.’

A Peruvian skull purported to be Nephilim in origin, with elongated cranium and red hair

Possible or very likely probable physical evidence of Elioud, the second generation angel-human hybrids. God proclaimed that the means by which Satan, His adversarial Nemesis would ultimately be punished and destroyed would be through the seed of the woman Eve and eventually her distant descendant. The Devil is an original and ancient, vastly powerful entity. Thus, this prophecy was a serious pronouncement against the Serpent of old. A human woman, Mary from the line of Seth, Noah, Shem and Arphaxad would give birth to a male child the Son of Man, who would one day destroy the Adversary. 

Genesis 3:15

English Standard Version

“I will put [H7896 – shiyth: appoint] enmity [H342 – ‘eybah: hatred] between you [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between your offspring [H2233 – zera: (demonic) seed] and her offspring [humanity]; he [the Messiah] shall bruise [H7779 – shuwph: crush] your head [defeat spiritually, eternally] and you shall bruise his heel [physical, temporal death].”

This was the first prophecy of the coming Messiah. The Serpent of Old was put on notice and from that point on, Satan set out to corrupt or destroy any suspected God-fearing child who could potentially be the prophesied Redeemer. The first godly child born Abel, was killed by his wicked brother Cain. Cain was banished and Adam and Eve bore another son Seth. At his birth Eve declared: “For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew” – Genesis 4:25, KJV.

As other obedient sons to the Creator began to populate the Earth, Samael instituted his Nephilim sabotage program. By corrupting the seed of the woman, Samael – the Serpent of the Garden, not of Old – could prevent the birth of the human Messiah, who could not be part Satan’s seed. Samael sought to make the Word of God fail. The Nephilim were his attempt to thwart the Creator’s plan of salvation and place his mark on all of the world. The Nephilim giants, through their evil angelic parentage, sought to undermine or undo the Creator’s plan of reconciliation to Himself. In their overpowering of the world, they reproduced so rapidly that nearly all flesh on the Earth became corrupted; while the Nephilim dominated the Earth through terror, war and bloodshed. 

The Nephilim spread violence and evil to the degree that: ‘God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.’ Humanity was on the verge of being wiped out with no hope of redemption, if every person born became part fallen angel with the ante-mark of the Beast. It necessitated the Eternal’s intervention with swift and decisive divine judgement, by flooding the earth to a. counter the Nephilim-human hybridisation, b. endeavour to destroy the Nephilim and Elioud, c. punish the fallen Angels for their illicit relations with women and d. preserve humankind.

A generic depiction of Satan, yet is it an accurate one? Could it be of someone else?

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1997, 1999, Pages 65, 135-136 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Sumerian gods regarded man as a convenience and nothing more. He supplied their wants, kept their cities, and provided cannon fodder for their various military ventures. The gods were cruel and unsympathetic masters. They considered humans as merely unruly children, no more important than pets, to be governed ruthlessly and without sentiment [refer article: Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are]. At one time, man was regarded as a source of food and no different from the cattle and sheep that he raised… the Sumerian word LU[LU] was used for sheep as well as man, and it seems that this term was used gastronomically as well… [the fallen Angels] offspring [were] more mammal than reptile [six generations in]… plans… went awry and they produced creatures quite unlike their reptilian forebears. 

Thedivine race was becoming diluted and the mammalian [human] genes appeared to dominate the reptilian [serpent] strain which became recessive. This factor may have been the main reason which led to the experiments in genetic engineering, one of the major crimes levelled against the [Watchers]. In order to redress the unforeseen and unwarranted dilution of the saurian strain, the [dark Angels] began experiments in changing the genetic codes, hoping in this way to reestablish their strain as the dominant one. These experiments… got out of control… “changing a man into a horse or mule or vice versa [minotaurs, centaurs, satyrs], or transferring an embryo from one womb to another… they began to sin against [birds, animals, reptiles and fish].”’

Ghost population of ancient humans may have mated with ancestors of modern humans, USA TODAY, Ryan W Miller, 2020 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Ancestors of people living in what is today West Africa may have reproduced with a species of ancient humans unknown to scientists, new research suggests. Scientists know Europeans mated with Neanderthals and people in Oceania with Denisovans, but a new study published Wednesday in the peer-reviewed journal Science Advances found that genetic variation within West African populations is best explained by the presence of a new ancient human species altogether.’

The interbreeding with the people of Day Six is verified in the human immune system and the HLA [human leucocyte antigen] family of genes. The origins of the HLA class 1 genes are evidence that our ancient relatives interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans. The introduced genes led to 4%+ change in the modern human genome. When researchers studied a variant of HLA called HLA-B73 found in modern humans; it was discovered that it had originated from cross-breeding with Denisovans. Scientists have estimated that Europeans owe more than half their variants of one class of gene to interbreeding with Neanderthals.

Miller: ‘With difficulties in obtaining a full fossil record and ancient DNA, scientists’ understanding of the genetic diversity within West African populations has been poor. To get a fuller picture, researchers at University of California, Los Angeles compared 405 genomes of West Africans with Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes. Sriram Sankararaman, one of the study’s authors, told NPR that the researchers used statistical modeling to figure out which parts of the DNA they were analyzing did not come from modern humans, then compare those to the two ancient hominin species. What they found is the presence of DNA from “an archaic ghost population” in modern West African populations’ genetic ancestry. “We don’t have a clear identity for this archaic group,” Sankararaman told NPR. “That’s why we use the term ‘ghost.’ It doesn’t seem to be particularly closely related to the groups from which we have genome sequences from.”’

This ghost population have left ‘snippets of foreign’ DNA in modern Africans. These genetic ‘leftovers’ do not resemble DNA from any modern humans; nor does the foreign DNA resemble Neanderthal DNA, which shows up in the DNA of modern humans, but categorically not in sub-Saharan Africans. The University of Washington announced: ‘[The ghost population] had to be similar enough in appearance to anatomically modern humans that reproduction would happen.’ This DNA evidence is either the exact same or something similar but distinct from that mentioned in Ed Whelan’s article; that led one to believe that foreign DNA could be evidence of Homo erectus in our ancestral line. 

Miller: ‘The “ghost population” likely split from humans and Neanderthals into a new species… The study also says the breeding may have occurred over an extended period of time, rather than all at once. “It’s very likely that the true picture is much more complicated,” Sankararaman told the Guardian. John Hawks, an anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told the newspaper that studies like this one, “Open a window showing us that there is much more than we thought to learn about our ancestors.”’

A different picture would be what if there were a quantifiable DNA residue, an actual footprint for the existence of the Nephilim, the hybrid species of human after sexual interaction with dark Angels? The Watchers, after choosing to enter the physical plane, would have possessed their own unique genetic data, that would contribute a fifty percent component of a newly conceived and born Nephil.

The Biblical Book of Jude is an abridged companion to the in-depth Book of Enoch, regarding the antediluvian age. Jude, a half-brother of Christ, says the following regarding the Watchers.


English Standard Version

1 ‘Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James [full blood brother]… I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 6 And the angels who did not stay [1] within their own position of authority [G746 – arche: beginning, origin, principality], but left [2] [G620 – apoleipo: to desert or forsake] their proper dwelling [G3613 – oiketerion: ‘of the body as a dwelling place for (their) spirit’], he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness [G2217 – zophos: blackness (of the netherworld)] until the judgment [G2920 – krisis: condemnation, separation, a trial] of the great day  7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality [G1608 – ekporneuo: ‘to go a whoring, give one’s self over to fornication] and [3] pursued [for evil] unnatural desire [strange (or different) flesh], serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

These Angels, as per the original Greek, decided to [1] leave their spiritual home in the spirit realm, to [2] take on a form of physicality, transforming their ethereal bodies so as to dwell in our physical dimensions on Earth and [3] have carnal sexual relationships with human women. Those religious teachers which proclaim otherwise are ignoring the clear message of the scriptures. The Greek word used for dwelling is also used in 2 Corinthians 5:2, regarding the future resurrected spiritual body of a believer. Two hundred [million] Watchers ventured into our dimensions prior to the flood; when two million disobedient angels followed a dark Lord called, Samyaza

The Book of Enoch 6:1-7; 7:1-6

‘In those days, when the children of man had multiplied, it happened that there were born unto them handsome and beautiful daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them and desired them; and they said to one another, “Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from among the daughters of man and beget us children.” And Semyaz[a], being their leader, said unto them, “I fear that perhaps you will not consent that this deed should be done, and I alone will become responsible for this great sin.” But they all responded to him, “Let us all swear an oath and bind everyone among us by a curse not to abandon this suggestion but to do the deed.” Then they all swore together and bound one another by the curse. And they were altogether two [million]; and they descended into ‘Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon. And they called the mount Armon, for they swore and bound one another by a curse.’

There is immense significance in this sworn pact. Note Dan on the map. We will discuss the Tribe of Dan in Chapter XXXIV Dan: The Invisible Tribe, and his link with Mount Hermon and the Nephilim.

Enoch: ‘And they took wives unto themselves, and everyone respectively chose one woman for himself, and they began to go unto them. And they taught them magical medicine, incantations, the cutting of roots, and taught them about plants. And the women became pregnant and gave birth to great giants whose heights were three hundred cubits [300 seems a stretch – no pun intended – even 30 cubits would be 45 feet tall]. These giants consumed the produce of all the people until the people detested feeding them. So the giants turned against the people in order to eat them. And they began to sin against birds, wild beasts, reptiles, and fish. And their flesh was devoured the one by the other, and they drank blood. And then the earth brought an accusation against the oppressors.’

This invasion of renegade angels following Samyaza swore an oath, to materialise into our realm with the purpose of performing the sabotaging act of cohabiting with the daughters of human men. These Watchers had closely observed, lusting after and becoming captivatingly entranced with the daughters born to the children of men; whether from the line of Seth [Homo sapiens], the people of Day Six [Homo neanderthalenis], the line of Cain [to be explained] and possibly hybrid lines involving the mixing between all three. To say it was a bit of a genetic mess is an understatement and now it was set to become a whole lot more heterogenous. 

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 88-90 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Enoch identified those high-ranking, overseeing [Seraphim] as “Watchers”… from a specific order, Grigori… who revolted in heaven… [and] who later sinned with [the] daughters of [Cain]… The Hebrew word for watcher defined itself as “those who watch, or those who are awake”… the holy rulers and governors of the earth… The watchers… were referred alternatively to as “archons.” Archons werehostile heavenly forces a governor of an Aeon great celestial princes, each reigning over a particular region of the earth, just as Deuteronomy describes [we will reference this fully later]. Their authority was that of a watcher/archon/ruler of a specific region, aeon, or nation in the physical universe.’ 

The Grigori were originally a superior order of angels who dwelt in the ‘highest heaven’ with the Eternal and after their transformation in appearance, resembled human beings. Watcher means: ‘one who watches, those who watch, those who are awake’ and ‘those who do not sleep.’ Esoteric traditions states they were a special elite class of angel created to be earthly shepherds of the primitive humans.

Michael Howard states: ‘It was their task to observe and watch over the emerging human species and report back on their progress. However they were confined by the divine prime directive not to interfere in human evolution. Unfortunately they decided to ignore God’s command and defy his orders and become teachers to the human race, with unfortunate repercussions for both themselves and humanity. The fallen angels taught their wives and children a variety of new technological skills, magical knowledge and occult wisdom. This suggests that psychic abilities and magical powers were originally an ancient inheritance from the angelic realm given to early humans. In the Luciferian tradition this is known in spiritual and metaphorical terms as the ‘witch blood’, ‘elven blood’ or ‘faery blood’ that is possessed by witches and wizards… the Watchers… were cultural exemplars and the bringers of civilisation to the early human race.’ 

The Watchers said one to another: “Come, we must take to ourselves concubines from the descendants of men.” Theses Angels would have surely known that this was now a one-way trip and that they would be barred from returning to their spiritual home, in the heavens. This plan surely must have been a directive set by the Devil. The seriousness of their actions, inspired Samyaza to say: “I fear that you may not fulfill this venture, and I alone shall suffer for so terrible a crime.” The rebellious Angels answered: “We all pledge and bind ourselves by fears that we will not change our mind and hearts, but we will fulfil this venture.” Hence the oath, for the two million to bind themselves to the planned objective.

The Watchers then descended upon Mount Hermon in the days of Jared, righteous Enoch’s father. The dark Angels materialised into this realm, they took human women, cohabiting with them and in the process taught all of them to be wicked through the secret occult disciplines of sorcery, witchcraft and black magic. 

The Angels no doubt eventually took multiple wives and concubines, so that by the time of the flood some 11,000 years later, practically all three human lines were irreversibly corrupted.

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 18-19, 124 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘According to the Zohar, angels do not have a sexual gender, even though they can adopt one; this changeling ability… is held up to be the explanation of how angels were capable of copulating with the daughters of men. Ginsburg backs up this shape-shifting doctrine… angels lost their transcendental qualities while on the earth; they took on sublunary bodies so that they, indeed, could mate with human females, and likely each other, to create lower forms of gods on earth [Elemental spirits and demons, including the Grey aliens]… 

The book of Megadriel, War in Heaven: “… And behold, the Watchers descended to earth in the place called Ardos, which is in the summit of Mount Hermon (‘Sacred Mountain’). And they transformed their Angelic essence into the forms of men. And the Watchers who descended unto Ardos numbered 200. And they were known henceforth as Grigori. And immediately upon their descent to earth they took women unto themselves as wives, and sinned with them… And Watcher’s wives conceived and gave birth to abominable creatures called Nefillim.’

The Testament of Reuben: “… for it was thus that… (women) charmed the watchers… before the Flood. As they continued looking at the women, they were filled with desire for them and perpetrated the act in their minds. Then they were transformed into human males, and while the women were living with their husbands they appeared to them. Since the women’s minds were filled with lust for these apparitions, they gave birth to giants.” 

the Kebra Negast: “… daughters of Cain… conceived, but they were unable to bring forth children and they died. Of the children who were in [their] wombs, some died and some did come forth by splitting open the bellies of their mothers. They came forth by their navels, and when they were grown up they became giants.”

The Book of Jubilees: “Then came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness. And they begat sons, the nephilim, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the Giants slew one man another.”

It was not a surprise to the residents of Sodom, that angels were visiting Lot. They demanded sexual relations with the Angels, as this was obviously a common occurrence in the city [Chapter XXVI The French & Swiss: Moab, Ammon & Haran]. 

Genesis 6:4, ESV: ‘… in those days, and also afterward…’ These people were addicted to this particular act of perversion with fallen angels offering themselves in human form, and they were not going to let this new opportunity pass. It explains the biblical phrases unnatural desire and strange flesh. We can comprehend the necessity of destroying Sodom and the three other surrounding cities, to halt the process of sabotaging the human race being repeated as before the flood. 

These additional rebellious angels after the flood, must have been dwelling in these cities. There is no mention of their being placed in restraint with the former Watchers, rather they underwent a punishment of eternal fire or eternal* death. Their comrades are chained in hell, underneath and inside the Earth in darkness. The word for hell is Tartarus and signifies a deep abyss: the mythological underworld and abode for the dead [Article: Thoth]. Message Bible: ‘And you know the story of the angels who didn’t stick to their post, abandoning it for other, darker missions. But they are now chained and jailed in a black hole until the great Judgment Day.’

The Apostle Peter elaborates similarly to Jude’s explanation.

2 Peter 2:4-6

English Standard Version

4 ‘For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; 5 if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; 6 if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes [G5077 – tephroo: to incinerate, consume] he condemned them to extinction* [G2692 – katastrophe: destruction, demolition, ‘the extinction of a spirit’], making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly…


English Standard Version

8 ‘Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones. 9 But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.” 10 But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively. 11 Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error and perished in Korah’s rebellion [Article: Belphegor].

The Devil may have wanted Moses to remain dead and Michael was tasked with resurrecting Moses, as he was bodily visible in the transfiguration account along with Elijah – Matthew 17:1-4. Was the Devil objecting to Moses being raised from the dead early?

12 ‘These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds [without the Holy Spirit], swept along by winds; fruitless trees [spiritually dead] in late autumn, twice dead [no hope of resurrection], uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars [homeless angels], for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever [eternal darkness of death].

14 It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of his holy ones, 15 to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness that they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” [Enoch 1:9] 16 These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage… “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” 19 It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.

The Days of Noah were the Days of the Nephilim: Genesis Sixth Chapter, C K Quarterman – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘The Nephilim and Fallen Angels… appear in the myths of many diverse cultures, and folklore, sometimes passing themselves off as beings that came from the stars, even calling themselves star gods. The emperors of Japan, the Kings of the Aztec’s, and Mayans, are said to be descendants of the star gods… the Titans [Titan the Sun-god, ancestor of the Titans and elder brother of Kronos, god of Saturn the original sun]… were a race of powerful deities in Greek mythology… the elder gods are overthrown by the younger Olympians. In this myth, the Dark Lords are the descendants of Uranus (ruler of the cosmos), that ruled during the legendary “Golden Age”. In this golden age of Greek mythology, Cronus (Ancient Greek – Kronos), overthrew Uranus during a ten-year series of battles, known as the “Battle of the Titans” [refer article: Thoth].

The Nephilim… became the heroes of Greek and Roman mythology. The children of the Nephilim gave birth to the Elouid. The Nephilim and the Elouid were the builders of the large objects found around the world, such as the [Egyptian] Pyramids, the smaller pyramids in Central America, Cambodia, and ancient temples… the many early megaliths, and structures [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]… The name [Elioud also transliterated Eljo] is the word used for the antediluvian children of the Nephilim; being a quarter angelic. The Fallen Angels fathered Nephilim and the Nephilim fathered the Elouid. For instance, [the giant King David fought], Goliath of Gath was a son of a giant; not a Nephilim himself, but rather he was an Elouid.

The Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and all ancient cultures, recorded a race of beings displaying great powers of intellect, huge size and great strength. These nearly universal records give testimony of very large beings, generally from 8 to 12 feet tall, but some as tall as thirty-six feet. Some weighed over a thousand pounds. The Sumerians had Gilgamesh, the Babylonian King which is pictured on stone tablets recovered from Mesopotamia. He is depicted holding two lions by the leg, one in each hand. It is said he was able to take out a lion single handed, because of his size and incredible strength.

According to tradition, the Nephilim had enormous psychic abilities. They performed levitation, mind control, and remote viewing. They had the power of pronouncing and removing curses and diseases, and had ways of knowing and predicting the future. They were extremely intelligent. They knew all about science, architecture, and engineering. According to 1 Enoch they created human sacrifice. They drank blood, were cannibals and taught abortion. They certainly tampered with both human and animal gene pools [Book of Jasher] to try and hinder redemption through a human bloodline. The book of Enoch states, “And the fifth [Satan (of five), serving the Satan] was named Kasdeja: this is he who showed… the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away…” (Enoch 69:12a).’

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 20-21, 23:

‘All primeval cultures teem with fabulous stories of famous heroes, people of great size and… strength… superheroes… from a sexual union between immortal gods and humans… Hercules, the most famous of the Greek Titans, was the hero son of Zeus and Alcmena… [and] with the gods [fallen Angels]… [fended] off the ten-year Titan [Nephilim-giants] rebellion against the gods. Hercules slew the leader of the rebellious giants, Alcyoneus. Hercules is also famous for slaying a dragon [Seraph] in his quest for the Golden Apples (Tree of Life) that granted immortality, which was located in the Garden of Hesperides (Eden). Jason… quested after the Golden Fleece, the Golden Pelt of Aries the Ram, guarded by a dragon. Jason’s ship, Argos… and his crew was known as the Argonauts. Hercules was a member of Jason’s crew. Cadmus was… the brother of the female Titan Europa… Hesiod noted the refugee Titan remnant fled to the blessed Isles on the edge of the world; likely England and Ireland.’

The [Elioud] Race, C K Quarterman – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Giants or Nephilim had the spirits of their fathers, but mortal bodies like their mothers… [so] they could also reproduce with human women… and their children are called the Elouid… [or] Eljo. What most authors have not taken into account is that Nephilim and their children the Eloiud could reproduce. This explains some of the strangeness of ancient mythology… The amount of genetic variation throughout all modern human populations is surprisingly small and implies a recent origin for the common ancestor of us all. Accordingly, this agrees with Noah’s flood where in Genesis the Nephilim and their children are destroyed. Although, there were other incursions of fallen angels they never again corrupted humanity to the degree they had previously to the flood. Nephilim [possibly] and Elouid [probably] had six fingers and six toes. 

And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot: and he also was the son of the giant. But when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea David’s brother slew him. These were born until the giant in Gath; and they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants. (1 Chronicles 20:6-8).’

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 26-31 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘[A Nephil was] bulked by muscle, gifted with strength. Og’s height to breadth ratio… was an astonishing two to one, establishing Og as being incredibly broad, for the average human maintains a three to one ratio… One needs to only reason that such large beings must have been designed and bioengineered differently in order to support such size and weight. Josephus indicated that the countenances of the giants were entirely unique from normal human anatomy. Nephilim descendants were terrible and surprising to the sight, just as they were fearsome to the hearing… terrible to look upon… [possessing] the face of a viper, a snake. Josephus went on to state that the bones of those creatures were kept on public display for all to wonder at… as late as 70 CE… let us look to define Anak: ‘long necked, i.e. a giant,” that the sun touched their necks because they were so long, like those of snakes… a frightening (snake-like) appearance… emim translates as “inspiring fear,” and rephaim translates as “causing one’s heart to grow weak at a glance.” 

Nephilim mirrored their fathers, fallen angels serpents identified as seraphim Serpent-like angels… recorded in the Gnostic gospel Origin of the World, possessing faces that were long and narrow, prominent cheekbones, elongated jawbones, thin lips, and slanted eyes… Nephilim and watchers were both referred to by the antediluvians as serpents… Nephilim eyes were said to have been glowing and solid gold or honey coloured, while their skin was white [fair] and rough [scaly?]… Egyptian monuments recorded both Anakim and Rephaim as unusually tall and fair-skinned… Canaanite art… clearly portrays beings with long, serpentine necks, heads like cobras, small mouths and coffee bean eyes.

We will return many times to the Canaanites… with particular reference to Nephilim and their cult of the bull… [refer article: taurus ac solis cultus] the shadowy… Anunnaki, were referred to in the Kur-Sag Epic as princes and splendid serpents… Eve’s name somehow derived from or is related to the word snake, and Eve was an original serpent goddess of fertility and life… As for the Central Americans, the practice of flattening the skull was likely an attempt to approximate the image of an early civilised and dominant people, perhaps the Nephilim… [their] culture and religions were oozing with serpentine imagery.’

The land of Canaan named because Canaan’s descendants had originally settled there, became a popular piece of real estate [refer Chapter XII Canaan & Africa]. Subsequent descendants of Shem also settled in the land and as discussed, these later arrivals were called by some of the names attributed to Canaan’s original sons [refer Chapter XXIII Aram** & Tyre: Spain, Portugal & Brazil, Chapter XV The Philsitines: Latino-Hispano America and Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia]. There were yet another set of arrivals between the two, though they may have actually been the first. These, are the Nephilim. 

Recall the angels who sinned before the flood were chained or bound… until the time of Judgment – 2 Peter 2:4.

The second incursion after the flood would have been a new set of fallen angels as indicated by the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and or, Nephilim flood survivors. When the Israelites reconnoiter the land of Canaan before entering in 1406 BCE, by sending spies, they record:

Numbers 13:32-33

New English Translation

32 ‘Then they presented the Israelites with a discouraging report of the land they had investigated, saying, “The land that we passed through to investigate is a land that devours [cannibals] its inhabitants. All the people we saw there are of great stature [Elioud giants]. 33 We even saw the Nephilim [H5303 – nphiyl: giants] there (the descendants of Anak came from the Nephilim), and we seemed like grasshoppers [one would against giants up to possibly thirty-six feet tall] both to ourselves and to them.”

We are introduced to the Anakim, a dominant race of giants and descendants of Anak a first generation Elioud, the son of Arba a Nephil. In the Old Testament there are many families or clans of giants recorded. It is not a hard and fast rule, though in the main if a family with ite(s) on the end has a name originally given to a son of Canaan, then these people would either be human or possibly a human and Elioud mix – for example, Jebus and the Jebusites. If they have a name that is not derived from one of Canaan’s sons, then they are most likely either completely or predominantly of Elioud descent. For instance the Anakim or Anakites.

The situation we find in Canaan when the Israelites are instructed to take the land and kill everyone, is that humans and giants are living amongst each other as they had done in the days of Sodom, Gomorrah and the surrounding cities nearly five hundred years previously. For instance Amalek, who we encountered in the Battle of the Valley of Siddim in 1894 BCE [refer Chapter XIX Chedorlaomer & the War of Nine Kings]. They existed as Nephilim descended giants in Abraham’s day; by the time the sons of Jacob arrived, they also included an amalgamation with the descendants of Esau’s grandson Amalek [refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe].

Genesis 15:18-21

English Standard Version

18 ‘On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, 19 the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, 20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, 21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites and the Jebusites.”’

The Creator promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and one specific line of his descendants, the family of Jacob. The tribes listed here are a mixture of human and Nephilim. The Kenites are later associated with Esau and the Horites, also a Nephilim related peoples which Esau’s line intermarried. 

The Kenizzites, Kadmonities and Perizzites are names not listed with Canaan’s children. The Kenites are considered by some to be descendants of Cain. We will study the Kenites further and seek to answer whether they were astonishing survivors of the flood or began anew after the deluge [Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia]. The Rephaim were post-flood Nephilim and from them descended the clans of Elioud giants stated in the Old Testament, such as the Anakim. Rephaim means, faded ones or ones who have sunk. It is similar to the term Nephilim, meaning the fallen.

All the other names listed would have been the true descendants of Canaan circa 1977 to 1877 BCE during the time of Abraham. By 1406 BCE though, theses names were indicative in part, of descendants of Shem and with some irony, children of Abraham from his second wife Keturah and also from Sarah’s handmaiden, Hagar. 

A H Sayce, page 115: 

‘It is possible that a reference to the blond Amorite race is to be found in the Old Teastament. The word khori in Hebrew means ‘white bread’ from a root which signifies ‘to be white,’ and the most natural way of explaining the name of the Horim or Horites, the predecessors of the Edomites in the mountains of Seir, is that it signifies ‘the Blonds.’ It is difficult otherwise to understand its recurrence in districts with which the Horites had nothing to do.’  

The Nephilim were whiter than white [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. The blondness may be in reference to them solely, or inclusive of the white population living amongst them.

Deuteronomy 20:17

New Century Version

‘Completely destroy these people: the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded.’

Judges 3:5

English Standard Version

‘So the people of Israel lived among the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.’

The sons of Jacob did not completely destroy the human population of the land, nor had they wiped out the Nephilim and Elioud threat. It wasn’t until King David’s reign that remnants of the giants living in Canaan suffered extinction.

Numbers 24:21

English Standard Version

‘And he looked on the Kenite, and took up his discourse and said, “Enduring is your dwelling place, and your nest is set in the rock.”*

Like the Horites, the Kenites lived in caves and carved out rock faces. The Kenite name associated with Esau’s descendants, later became linked with Abraham’s grandchildren from his son Midian. Perhaps the original Kenites were descendants of Cain and Cainites. What is interesting about this, is that both Cain and the Kenites were renowned in history as metal smiths.

A H Sayce, pages 118 – 119:

‘Separate from the Edomites or Amalekites were the Kenites or wandering ‘smiths’. They formed an important Guild in an age when the art of metallurgy was confined to a few. In the time of Saul we hear of them as camping among the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:6), while the prophecy of Balaam seems to imply that they had established themselves at Petra* (Numbers 22: 20, 21). The art of working iron was one which required peculiar skill and strength, and the secrets it involved were jealously preserved among certain… families.’

Numbers 13:29

English Standard Version

“The Amalekites dwell in the land of the Negeb. The Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in the hill country. And the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and along the Jordan.”

Joshua 11:3

English Standard Version

‘… to the Canaanites in the east and the west, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, and the Jebusites in the hill country, and the Hivites under [Mount] Hermon in the land of Mizpah.’

Not only did the Nephilim live in caves and rock faces, they also preferred to live up high in elevated altitudes. There is a school of thought that there is a correlation between people with rhesus negative blood and bearing Nephilim ancestors. We will return to the rhesus negative blood type in Chapter XXVI The French & Swiss: Moab, Ammon & Haran. Interesting to note is that rhesus negative holders possess a greater oxygen capacity and are in turn more adaptable to higher altitudes and mountain side habitation. Mount Hermon in the land of Bashan was renowned for where the Watchers first descended to the physical planes of Earth. After the flood, it was venerated by the Nephilim. Notice the Hivites lived at the base of Mt Hermon, or even in catacombs underneath. The later Hivites are a people descended from Abraham and became known by this Canaanite label. 

The Hivites and Kenites developed a close relationship with two of Jacob’s sons as well as Canaan’s children who dwelt in Sidon – all living at high altitude [refer Chapters XII Canaan & Africa, XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia and Chapter XXXII Issachar, Zebulun, Asher & Naphtali – the Antipodean Tribes].

Amos 2:9

English Standard Version

“Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars and who was as strong as the oaks; I destroyed his fruit above and his roots beneath.”

The blond ‘Amorites’ were a prominent people and not to be compared with the original son of Canaan, Amor. Nor to be confused with these Amorites, where their name means, ‘the high ones’ for they were tall giants, are the Amorites who were associated with northern Mesopotamia, Akkad and Babylon as early ruling dynasties, descended from Shem’s son Aram.** Sihon, King of the Amorites and Og, King of Bashan were infamous giants who dwelt east of the Jordan River in Gilead. This territory was later associated with Jacob’s sons Dan and Reuben. Og and Sihon’s inherited power can be attributed to their reputed ancestor; none other than leader of the fallen Watchers, Samyaza. 

Deuteronomy 3:11

English Standard Version

For only Og the king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim [not an original Nephil, but an Elioud giant]. Behold, his bed was a bed of iron. Is it not in Rabbah of the Ammonites? Nine cubits was its length [or 13.5 feet], and four cubits its breadth [or 6 feet], according to the common cubit [of 18 inches].’

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 177-178 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Og was king of Gilead… and… Bashan… a gigantic man, known for his great strength and power… [his] beauty… complimented by the extraordinary adeptness and skill of his hands… Og was a surviving antediluvian ancestor of the Nephilim… [the] Talmud… [cites] Og as progeny of Hiyya, son of Shemyaza… Other Jewish legends, recorded Og and Sihon were sons of Aniah, who also connected his ancestry back to Shemazai… believed to be the last of the original antediluvian giants that somehow survived the deluge. In Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis… Og escaped the flood by clinging to a rope ladder attached to Noah’s Ark… Noah … took pity… and fed Og daily… Og swore an oath… that he… would serve Noah and his descendants in perpetuity… and his kin that were with him. Og repented of his evil… But at some point after the floodwaters had receded, Og returned to his wicked antediluvian ways.’

Book of Enoch Chapter Six

4. ‘And they all answered [Samyaza] and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’ 5. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations [curses, malediction] upon it. 6. And they were in all two [million]; who descended in the days of Jared [Enoch’s father, circa 22,000 BCE] on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

The meaning of Hermon, includes interpretations of high and sacred and is then placed with mountain, thus sacred mountain. It can mean a firm fort or ‘mountain of snow.’ The verb haram means literally: ‘to designate’ or ‘consign to the afterlife.’

Mount Hermon is 43 miles from Ashtaroth, the ancient capital of King Og of Bashan

The Anasazi and Anakim: Nephilim Ruins and Evidence of Ritual Murder, Mark Andrew Carpenter – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Who were the Anasazi? The term Anasazi is a xenonym used primarily by the Navajo people, which has been variously translated as “ancient ones” or “ancient enemies” or “ancient ancestral enemies.” This refers to a genetic and culturally unique group who were hostile towards the ancestors of modern tribes, and who dominated the American Southwest in ancient times before other tribes displaced them. Different Native American tribes like the Paiute and Hopi make references to this same group in their traditions. The daughter of Paiute Chief Winnemucca, Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins wrote about who her people called the Si-Te-Cah in her book Life Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and Claims. The Paiute oral tradition holds that the Si-Te-Cah, were a race of red-haired, cannibalistic giants who the Paiutes exterminated long ago.’

Anasazi cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde National Park, USA

‘Who were the Anakim? According to scholars, when the Hebrews completed their forty years of wandering through the Sinai desert they finally arrived in the promised land of Canaan, which was already occupied by a race of fearsome giants, whom we now call the Anakim… the wealth of context clues makes it quite clear that this was a race of giant warriors who preceded the arrival of the Hebrews into Canaan, very similar to the Native American Anasazi tribal stories. 

In the early Greek interpretations the word Nephilim was translated as “giants.” Other, later translations include “fallen ones,” and “appointed ones or overseers,” and “bound ones, or prisoners.”

Apocryphal texts such as the Book of Enoch provide additional clues about the Nephilim/Anakim people, but these texts are generally regarded by academics as lacking validity because they were omitted from the official biblical cannon. However, the term apocrypha comes from the Greek roots apo (away) and krytein (to hide or conceal). This would suggest that these books were not omitted due to a lack of validity, but, rather, were deliberately hidden for some other reason, perhaps political or theological.

The academic position on these Nephilim/Anakim accounts is that the fundamental, literal interpretation of them is deeply flawed, and rightfully so. Mythology cannot be automatically accepted at face value. However, therein lies a contradiction because the mainstream academics automatically reject any historical value in these accounts, which is equally flawed reasoning, nothing more than fundamental figurative interpretation. This gives rise to a discerning question: is there archaeological/anthropological evidence to support these myths about the Nephilim/Anakim?

Early American archaeology is filled with reports of human remains that exhibited unique physical traits and theories of a vanished ethnic group. However, this narrative was rejected by the academic authorities of the time, including the Smithsonian and the National Geographical Society, even though it was their own experts advancing such theories.

Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah are littered with strange ruins and petroglyphs that are vaguely attributed to tribes that preceded modern Native Americans. 

In a National Geographic article from 2016, Aaron Sidder explored the odd reality that the ruling elite of Chaco Culture had six fingers and toes, hence the title of the article “Extra Fingers and Toes Were Revered in Ancient Culture.” The article states that anthropologist Patricia Crown from the University of New Mexico was originally fascinated by the “divine powers attributed to polydactyls among the Maya.” Polydactyls are humans with extra fingers or toes. Crown goes on to summarize her team’s findings at Chaco Canyon, “We found that people with six toes especially, were common and seemed to be associated with important ritual structures and high-status objects like turquoise.”

Six fingered hand and six toed footprints impressed upon the plaster walls of ancient structures have also been discovered [Article: Nephilim & Elioud Giants II]. It is known that there were dwellings and ritual structures, but why exactly these subterranean ritual spaces (known as kivas) were dug into the ground and why so many were fashioned in a honeycomb design is unknown. It’s clear that there were certain geographic, geometric, and astronomical alignments taken into account by the ancient builders of these structures [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. But these areas are generally poor locations for accessing natural resources… regarding Mesa Verde, which is another Anasazi site in southwestern Colorado… [there was the ] discovery of cannibalism at the site. “Cut marks and percussion scars implicate humans in the disarticulation and reduction of these bodies. Evidence of heat exposure on some bone fragments and laboratory analyses of human coprolite recovered from one of the pit houses support the interpretation that people prepared and consumed human body parts.”’

The Anasazi White House Ruins in Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona

‘Another Anasazi site within Arizona’s Canyon de Chelly… [included].. the discoveries [of] no bones of animals [having] been found, no skins, no clothing, no bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for water vessels. One room, about 40 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall, for cooking utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south in the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer. Undoubtedly, a good many thousands of years before the Christian era, a people lived here which reached a high stage of civilization. 

The remains of 14 infants were found in a slab-lined [cyst] used earlier as a storage bin. Below the infants were the bodies of four other children packed in an enormous basket…

In Utah’s Dry Fork Canyon, petroglyphs adorn primordial stone walls, and these glyphs tell ancient stories of violence. At the Fermont petroglyphs for instance, a figure interestingly known as “big foot man” (due to his disproportionate foot size) is depicted with a cone-shaped head, six fingers, who seems to be proudly displaying decapitated victims. Another glyph at McConkie Ranch shows a horned figure brandishing a bloody weapon illustrated through the use of a red pigment.

In 1911, at Lovelock Cave in Nevada, guano miners discovered a trove of ancient bones and artifacts. Then from 1912 to 1965 a series of… excavations occurred at the site during which tens-of-thousands of objects, including… strange human remains, were recovered… looking at the fragments of information available some disturbing conclusions can be drawn. For instance, in the photographs it is evident that some of the skulls had teeth that were apparently filed to a sharp point, which is a customary practice also found amongst certain Polynesian tribes who practiced cannibalism. Also, within the fine print of these reports are measurements of at least one skeleton. 

It was 6.5 feet (2 meters) tall and the mandibles, bone density, and ocular cavities suggest that these were very large, very muscular people with abnormal eyes.

Before delving into the texts, artifacts, and remains regarding the people who preceded the ancient Canaanites (the Anakim), it’s important to touch on the fact that cultures like the Philistines, Canaanites, and Phoenicians are not well understood. The boundaries of their civilization, their genetics, and cultural assimilation patterns are an extremely complex web that is still mostly a mystery. But there is strong evidence for the notion that the Carthaginians, Philistines, and Phoenicians were all offshoot branches of the same original civilization: the Canaanites. It is not disputed that the Phoenician homeland was in the Levant. The ancient Egyptian accounts suggest the people from Carthage referred to themselves as Kenaani or Kinaani which equates to Canaanite.’

The Philistines are descended partially from the line of Ham and his son Mizra, the ancestor of Casluh, Pathros and Caphtor [Chapter XV The Philistines: Latino-Hispano America]. The original Canaan was the youngest son of Ham [Chapter XII Canaan & Africa]. Once we have studied the Phoenicians, including their related kin, the Carthaginians and covered the other two sets of ‘Canaanites’ we will be able to unravel the web of mystery for this region [Chapter XXIII Aram & Tyre: Spain, Portugal & Brazil and Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia]. The second set of Canaanites, being the giant Nephilim and their Elioud offspring.

Carpenter: ‘In 2005… Dr. Aren Maeir, professor at BarIlan University in Israel and director of an excavation at the ancient city of Gath, discovered pottery shards with the name Goliath inscribed on them. The biblical combatant Goliath was said to be the greatest warrior of the Philistines. He… had six fingers on each hand, six toes on each foot, and he was known as the Goliath of Gath. The shard is dated to around 950 BC, which is within seventy years [of the fight with David circa 1022 BCE and] of the alleged biblical existence of Goliath.’ 

The Gath archaeological site in Israel where the Goliath fragment was found. This fragment is strongly connected with the Anakim giants. 

‘King Og of Bashan is perhaps the most interesting… because his great size and strength are mentioned in correlation with a structure and an area in the region. In… Deuteronomy, it is stated that Og is the last of the Rephaim and that his enormous bedstead, or sarcophagus, was still a site of wonder for many people.’

An old drawing of King Og of Bashan, an Anakim giant – note the other giants in the upper right of the picture

‘The entire Levant, from Turkey to Egypt, is dotted with field after field of ancient dolmens. In this particular Canaan region, there is a site known as Rujm el-Hiri, which is connected with the Anakim people. This site has many names, but one modern Hebrew name for the site is Gilgal Refaim or “the wheel of the giant.” The central section of this site matches the dimensions stated in Deuteronomy but also shares uncanny similarities to the mysterious structures at Chaco Canyon. Structural resemblance in and of itself would not be noteworthy. But an enigmatic megalith of concentric stone circles* that allegedly contains the remains of a very large polydactyl is beyond noteworthy‘ [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim*].

These concentric circles* are strangely, intriguingly, consistently and uniquely, replicated in the layout of Stonehenge; Plato’s account of the geographic configuration of Atlantis; crop circles; the rings of both Saturn; and the recently discovered, Super Saturn.

Silbury, Wiltshire, England, 2005

C K Quarterman – emphasis and bold mine:

‘Over the past several decades, there have been a steadily increasing number of archaeological discoveries, which, because of their mysterious and highly controversial nature, have been classified as ‘out-of-place’ artifacts… [called] Ooparts. 

[They are] objects and artifacts which are found in the wrong place and the wrong time [that] may give evidence of a Pre-Adamite earth. There appearances in… layers of geological strata (which are very ancient) give non-traditional science evidence of a preceding period of technical sophistication extending far beyond the inventive capabilities of the ancient peoples among whose remains they were discovered… ancient artifacts arise which baffle orthodox [disciplines]… [providing] clues in these anomalies or Ooparts… [which indicate] that ancient civilizations had a highly advanced technology. 

The pyramids of Egypt are among the most enduring and perhaps the most obvious signs of advanced ancient technology. The pyramids show a highly advanced system of science and engineering.’

‘The Indian Mahabharata… describes wars where terrible weapons are used. “Gurkha, flying in his swift and powerful Vimana, hurled against the three cities of the Vrishnas and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas. The corpses were so burnt they were no longer recognizable. Hair and finger nails fell out, Pottery broke without cause. Foodstuffs were poisoned. To escape, the warriors threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment”.

In the possession of the Creation Evidences Museum at Glen Rose, Texas is another ancient artifact. This artifact consists of a metal hammer, imbedded in Ordovician rock, with a portion of the handle still in place. This was discovered in June of 1936 near London. At the time of the discovery the Ordovician rock encased the entire metal hammer. Battelle Laboratories analyzed the artifact and found that the metal hammer head was 96.6% iron, 0.74% sulfur, and 2.6% chlorine. 

I am told no metallurgist today can alloy metallic iron with chlorine. Fabrication of this implement required technology which cannot be duplicated today.

[A] disk* is in the possession of Professor Gutierrez of Bogota, [Columbia; this] disk shows men and women, depicted sexually. In addition, around the edges is the progression of a fetus to a child. This disk from South America is one of the most interesting finds in Ooparts Archaeology. This disk is made of black stone and measures about 22 cm in diameter, and weighs 2-kilo grams. It is made of a stone called Luddite.

‘A prehistoric dating has been suggested for the stone, but this disk cannot be classified in any known South American system of cultures. The symbols on the disk are carvings separated with single vertical stripes. One side shows biological details like male sperm, female egg cells, and genitals, the fertilized egg, and a growing embryo. The male sperm and female egg can only be seen with a microscope! How did the ancients know this? The other side of the Genetic Disk shows scenes of cell division. Researchers are plainly able to recognize the different phases of human gestation on the disk. Very significant are the distant eyes and the broad nose of the zygote. This is a characteristic of the embryonic structure of the [human] head.’

The Anasazi and Anakim:

There is a wealth of ancient textual evidence to suggest that the Canaanites (and therefore the Anakim) practiced human sacrifice/infanticide to an extent that exceeds what has beenfoundin the Bible or chapters removed from the original Bible. Greek and Roman authors all recorded accounts that reinforced the idea that sacrifice/infanticide was common with the Anakim. 

Authors like Plutarch and Herodotus, for example, attest to this in their writings… in 2014, Dr. Josephine Quinn of Oxford University uncovered definitive evidence of infant sacrifice at a variety of Phoenician/Carthaginian/Canaanite colonies across the Mediterranean declaring “What we are saying now is that the archaeological, literary, and documentary evidence for child sacrifice is overwhelming and that instead of dismissing it out of hand, we should try and understand it.”

While legends cannot be blindly accepted at face value, empirical evidence indicates the presence in the ancient past of genetically unique humans who practiced ritualistic murder, mutilation, and cannibalism. They were large, red-haired polydactyls, master masons, astronomers, and seafarers. They were renowned for their bloodlust and combat capability. It cannot be stated as fact that the Anasazi originated in Canaan, home of the Anakim, but it can be stated that such stark cultural and genetic parallels cannot be mere coincidence.’

The sons of Anak, the Anakim, were the leading Elioud family of the Nephilim line known as Rephaim after the flood and in the land of Canaan. Other leading tribes of giants counted as Rephaim include: the Emites or Emim meaning ‘terrors’ or ‘terrible ones’, the Zamzummites, or Zuzites, the Horites and Avvites – Genesis 14:5-6 and Deuteronomy 2:10-12, 23. Apart from these five main clans, numerous other giants are  described in the scriptures either in battle or contention with the sons of Jacob, including: the demagogue Nimrod; Goliath of Gath; Agag, king of the Amalekites; and Og, king of Bashan. 

Two unnamed giants include: a warrior in 1 Chronicles 20:6; and an Egyptian in 1 Chronicles 11:23. Cities or locations where they lived included: Hebron; Seir; Gaza; Gath; Ashdod; Bashan; Ham; Moab; and the Valley of the Rephaim. There are also giant slayers, such as Chedorlaomer, King David and Saul’s son, Jonathan. Peoples affiliated with giants in the Bible already discussed, include: the Amorites; Perizzites; the Philistines; Amalekites; Kenites; and the Jebusites, whose name means ‘those who trample.’

In Isaiah 13:3 we read of the the holy mighty ones making a future appearance and are in fact the instruments of the Creator’s wrath:

Orthodox Jewish Bible

I have commanded My Mekuddash [H6942 – qadash: sanctified, sacred, holy, consecrate, majestic, hallow(ed)], I have also summoned My Gibbor [H1368 – gibbowr: mighty, champion, giant] for Mine anger, even them that rejoice in My highness.

New English Translation

I have given orders to my chosen soldiers; I have summoned the warriors through whom I will vent my anger…

Young’s Literal Translation

3 I have given charge to My sanctified ones, Also I have called My mighty ones for Mine anger, Those rejoicing at Mine excellency. 5 They are coming in from a land afar off, From the end of the heavens, Jehovah and the instruments of His indignation, To destroy all the land.

Joel 2:7

King James Version

‘They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks…’

As the Day of the Lord draws near, we will experience a civilisation similar to Noah’s world before the flood. As we approach full corruption and ultimate extinction, the Son of Man will return just in time to stop humanity sliding into oblivion; just as eight people were saved right before all life on the earth was destroyed in the great flood. The Son of Man warned in Matthew 24:37 that the days preceding His return would resemble the days of Noah, or a time like Noah’s and then like now, people gave no heed to the Creator’s warnings through Noah or his Word today – still going about their lives as if everything will just carry on, regardless. 

Ecclesiastes 1:9

New English Translation

‘What exists now is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing truly new on earth [or under the sun].’

Hence, since the Nephilim were a major part of the antediluvian age leading into the flood, do not be surprised if the same scenario is acted out at the end of the age. Gibbor means mighty one and is the same word used for Nimrod. The False Prophet who serves the Beast, may not only be a Nephil, but the leader of an uprising of them in furthering the Beast’s mark on the world [Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]. The mighty ones of the Eternal will ultimately clash and defeat the mighty ones of the Dragon.

In addition to the Book of Enoch found at Qumran with the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is the Book of Giants that similarly expands the narrative of Genesis 6:4 in the Bible.

Reconstructed Text Fragment, Book of Giants, C K Quarterman – emphasis & bold mine:

‘(Gilamesh speaks) “I am a giant, and by my mighty strength in my arm, I can vanquish anyone mortal. I have made war with them (mortals) in the past but I am not now able to stand against my opponents who reside in heaven, and dwell in holy places. And not only this, but they are in fact stronger than I am. The day of the ravening wild beasts has come and that of the wild man [as I am known]. 

“I saw a tree uprooted except for three of its roots. While I was… watching, [some beings…] moved all the roots into this garden [but not the three]. “This dream vision concerns the death of our souls,” said Ohya, “and those of Gilgamesh and all his companions. However, Gilgamesh said to me that [all the forebodings] concerned [only the rulers of earth, the temporal, powerful ones, whom the leader of the good angels has cursed].

After this, two of them had visions; they were unable to sleep and they came to their comrades and told their “dreams”, to the assembly, their comrades. The monsters. They reported that in their dream they seemed to be observing a garden [Eden?] where “gardeners “(angels?) were watering two hundred trees [the ‘200’ rebellious Angels, led by Samyaza?] and large shoots came out of their roots. [Suddenly the garden became ablaze] so that the garden was destroyed and all the water evaporated. Then they went to the giants to tell them of their dreams. (The suggestion was made to seek out the scribe and prophet Enoch to interpret the dreams.) Let us seek out [righteous] Enoch, the noted scribe, and he will interpret for us the dream. 

Thereupon Ohya declared to the giants “I too this night had another dream and behold the Ruler of Heaven came down to earth [and made an end of us]. Such is the ending of my dream”. Upon hearing this, all the monster[s] and giants grew afraid and called Mahway, (the Titan) He came to meet the giants who pleaded with him and sent him to Enoch, the scribe. They (the giants) said to him “Go to Enoch so that he may speak to you and then return saying] you have heard his voice”. 

Ohya spoke to Mahway, and said to him, “He (Enoch) will listen and interpret the dreams and tell us how long we giants have to live and rule on earth. “(After a journey through the heavens Mahway sees Enoch and speaks to him of his request) Mahway mounted up in the air as if upon strong winds, using his hands like eagle’s wings. He left behind the inhabited world and passed over the great desert of Desolation, Enoch saw him and hailed him [Mahway told Enoch of his mission and said to him that he would speak with him.] Flying here and there Enoch came a second time to Mahway (after he, Enoch, had warned Mahway about flying too near the sun) Mahway spoke to Enoch and said that the giants and all the monsters of the earth await his words. 

[If the Fall of the wicked angels has been carried out (by divine Providence)] from their days of heavenly glory, can you at least assure us that the number of our days spent doing harm will be added to our lives. We wish to know the meaning of the two hundred trees [trees symbolic of Angels, as in the two Trees of the Garden of Eden] that came down from heaven. (Enoch, having received Mahway’s request, tried to intercede with God but unavailingly. Accordingly, he presented Mahway with a tablet which was full of foreboding about the coming judgement…) The scribe, Enoch, gave Mahway a copy of another tablet (not the one doused in water) that bore his (Enoch’s) own handwriting. 

The writing on the tablet said: in the name of the great and holy God, this message is sent to, Shemihaza [Samyaza], and all his companions. Let it be known to you (the giants and monsters) that you will not escape judgement for all the things that you have done, and that your wives, their sons [Nephilim], and the wives of their sons [will not escape],and that by your licentiousness on the earth, there has been visited upon you a heavenly judgement. The land is crying out and complaining about you and the deeds of your children and about the harm you have done to it. Until the heavenly angel Raphael, arrives, behold, destruction is coming by a great flood which will destroy all living things, whatever is in the deserts and the seas. The meaning of the [dreams/matter is by way of a judgement] for all your evil. But if you now loosen the bonds binding you to evil and pray (for forgiveness). (You may be saved). 

Raphael: an angel sent by God to fight against evil and especially Azazel (Enoch [says] the following); A great fear seized me and I fell on my face. I heard his voice. (whose, the Angel’s?): He (Enoch) dwelt among human beings but he did not learn from or rely on them. It seems possible Enoch is talking about the occasion when an angel came down to earth to summon him to heaven.’

It is commonly held that fallen Angels and demonic spirits are one and the same. The majority of fallen Angels are either dwelling outside our dimension or as the two hundred myriads [two million] who descended to earth, are in restraint within the dungeon that is the deep abyss of tartarus. They are extremely powerful entities and would in the main, have no reason or use in inhabiting a human body – though there may be exceptions. Whereas, the deceased Nephilim were different, in that they being half spirit, were dispossessed of their earthly, physical bodies upon death and continued to live as discorporate spirits. 

Book of Enoch 15:1-12

But HE raised me up and said to me with HIS voice, “Enoch,” I then heard, “Do not fear, Enoch, righteous man, scribe of righteousness; come near to ME and hear MY voice.” “And tell the Watchers of heaven on whose behalf you have been sent to intercede: ‘It is meet for you that you intercede on behalf of man, and not man on your behalf.” “For what reason have you abandoned the high… and eternal heaven; and slept with women and defiled yourselves with the daughters of the people, taking wives, acting like the children of the earth, and begetting giant sons?”

Surely you used to be spiritual, the living ones, (possessing) eternal life; but now you have defiled yourselves with women, and with the blood of the flesh begotten children, you have lusted with the blood of the people, like them producing blood and flesh, which die and perish.” “On that account, I have given you wives in order that seeds might be sown upon them and children born by them, so that the deeds that are done upon the earth will not be withheld from you.” “Indeed you, formerly you were spiritual, having eternal life; and immortal in all the generations of the world.” “That is why formerly I did not make wives for you, for the dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven.” 

But now the giants who are born from the union of the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth.” “Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were created from the ones [that] became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits.” “The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth.” “The spirits of the giants oppress each other; they will corrupt, fall, be excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, nor become thirsty, nor find obstacles.” “And these spirits shall rise up against the children of the people and against the women, because they have proceeded forth from them.”

As demonic spirits are trapped in our physical realm, some seek out bodies to enter and inhabit.

Matthew 12:43

New Century Version

“When an evil [G169 – akathartos: unclean, foul, impure, daemonic] spirit comes out of a person, it travels [passes] through dry places [arid or waterless], looking [craving] for a place to rest [or with water], but it doesn’t find it.”

Disembodied Nephilim, now evil spirits were accustomed to a corporal body and so seek to find rest for their spirit in the familiar environment of a person’s physical body. They are called familiars by mediums because they are psychically intimate with those who channel them. These spirits lie about who they are, pretending to be spirits of the dead. No passed away human is communicating with loved ones. It is a lying spirit, who possesses privileged knowledge and is able to fool the innocent or gullible. Apparitions and ghosts are really demonic entities. Reincarnation is attributable to demons with inside personal knowledge gained from inhabiting earlier human beings. For a person who has a strong feeling or knowing about a past life and events, these are genuinely real memories; just not the person’s in question, but rather the demon’s own. 

Evil spirits seek attachment to a receptive body and to drain its spiritual energy. To slake some of their own spiritual thirst, by feeding on the host’s soul, as a parasite would. The spirit in man empowers a human being’s mind, as the electrical current conducted by the ionised water within the body powers the brain and the nervous system. It is interesting to note that a human being is typically composed of anywhere between 45 to 75% water. Water in turn being a symbol for spirit – Ezekiel 36:25-27, John 7:37-39. 

These entities gain power from the emitted energy generated by a person’s emotions, particularly those which are negative and dark, such as sadness, depression, suicidal thoughts, fear, anger and especially wrath and hatred. 

Wickedness derived from their worship or submission through, necromancy, witch craft, black magic and the occult allows the inhabiting spirit or spirits to control the host more fully, while draining their energy more deeply, possibly leading to full possession. Sexual excitement and lust, especially those stemming from an inordinate amount of masturbation or perverse acts also gives a spirit greater licence to manipulate and dominate their host. The release of sexual energy at orgasm is the most powerful emittance of energy and is siphoned off, dissipated for the demon’s gratification. 

Returning to the Book of Jude, we can see how it is enlightening regarding the characteristics of the deceased Nephilim, now demonic spirits and not just of dark angels.

Jude 12-13

English Standard Version

12 These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds [spirits], swept along by winds; fruitless trees [trees analogous of spirit entities] in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; 13 wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.

Twice dead, in that the Nephilim have died once and will die again at the time of Judgement. Twice dead, in that they will become spiritually dead in addition to having undergone a physical death. The fallen Angels blasphemed the Holy Spirit in producing unholy offspring and thus the Nephilim are ultimately condemned to destruction. Though they endeavour to obtain limited and temporary respite now, stealing from individual’s energy auras; they will never obtain eternal spiritual rest.

Romans 6:23

English Standard Version

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life…

Hebrews 9:27

New English Translation

‘… just as people are appointed to die once, and then to face judgment…’

A second death, equates to eternal death. The first death for humankind is a physical death, which then leads after a resurrection to an opportunity to live forever.

Ezekiel 18:20

New English Translation

The person who sins is the one who will die. A son will not suffer for his father’s iniquity, and a father will not suffer for his son’s iniquity; the righteous person will be judged according to his righteousness, and the wicked person according to his wickedness.

This is additional evidence that only Canaan was cursed, because of his own actions. His father Ham and his other three sons, were not included in the specific punishment of slavery, inflicted because of Canaan’s iniquity [refer chapter XI Ham Aequator].

Job 26:5

New Century Version

The spirits of the dead tremble, those who are beneath and in the waters.’

Many Nephilim and their Elioud offspring drowned and physically died, losing their bodies in the flood waters. The ESV in the following verse mentions the leader of the bottomless pit and the future Beast, Abaddon in Hebrew or Apollyon in Greek. Otherwise known as Azazel, with his transgressions exposed and known by the Creator [Chapter XXI The incredible Identity, Origin and Destiny of Nimrod]. 

Job 26:5-6

English Standard Version

5  The dead tremble under the waters and their inhabitants. 6  Sheol [the darkness and dust of the earth] is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.

1 Timothy 4:1

New King James Version

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith [the faith Jude said to earnestly contend for], giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons…’

False dogma, doctrines and teachings in Christianity are authored by demons. They can be persuasive and require less belief and less effort on behalf of believers.

Deuteronomy 32:17

New English Translation

They [the Israelites] sacrificed to demons, not God, to gods they had not known; to new gods who had recently come along, gods your ancestors had not known about.

Psalm 106:36-38

New English Translation

They worshiped their idols [false gods], which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood – the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols [demons] of Canaan [Article: Belphegor]. The land was polluted by bloodshed.

Recall King Solomon, who himself was deceived by the doctrines of demons; sacrificing children… submitting to false gods – worshiping demons and surrendering control over himself to them – in exchange for greater power and influence over other people [Article: Na’amah]. The word demon or daimon is linked to the Greek verb daiesthai, which means ‘to divide, distribute.’ The Nephilim were certainly divided, or cut in two upon their death.

Beginning and End, Nephilim Giants – Enemies of God in the Bible – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Among the most sacred texts is the Ahiman Rezon, one of the original Masonic constitutions written in 1751 by Laurence Dermott… “The title Ahiman Rezon has been often said to be of the Hebrew language and variously mean “to help a brother”, “will of selected brethren”, “The secrets of prepared brethren”, “Royal Builders” and “Brother Secretary”. The reason why Laurence Dermott used it, and what it meant to him, remains a mystery.”’

‘Rather than meaning “will of selected brethren”, it is a reference to the aforementioned Ahiman – the Nephilim son of Anak, who caused so much terror in the nation of Israel and was an ardent enemy of God’s people. Rezon was an enemy of the twelve tribes who attempted to overthrow King Solomon. God permitted the attempted insurrection as a punishment of Solomon for his rampant polygamy and spiritual rebellion:

“And God stirred him up another adversary, Rezon the son of Eliadah, which fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah: And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus. And he was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon, beside the mischief that Hadad did: and he abhorred Israel, and reigned over Syria.”1 Kings 1:23-25.  

‘… there were several prominent members of Freemasonry and the occult societies who were well aware of Genesis 6, the angels who sinned with human woman and the Nephilim. The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry states:

The legend of the Craft in the Old Constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders of Masonry. Thus in the York Manuscript we read: “At [the] making of [the Tower of Babel] there was Masonry first much esteemed of, and the King of Babylon was called Nimrod was, a mason himselfe and loved well Masons.” 

‘The masons wrote about the events of Genesis 6 and more in their own books. Thus, it is no coincidence that the Ahiman Rezon is named after one of the postdiluvian Nephilim and an adversary of Israel.’

Beginning and End, Wars of the Nephilim Kings – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘This map details the dispersion of Nephilim giants in the land of Canaan at the time of Moses battle with Og and Sihon. Og and Sihon, two Amorite kings, stood between the nation of Israel and entry into the Promised Land. The Israelites initially requested peaceful passage through Sihon’s territory but found themselves immediately on the cusp of battle:

“Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle… But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the Lord thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand…  Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz.” – Deuteronomy 2:24-32. “And the Lord our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain: Only the cattle we took for a prey unto ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we took.” – Deuteronomy 3:31-35.  

God personally directed and intervened in the battle to weaken Sihon’s forces and allow the inferior Israelite army to overtake and destroy them. And just as was the case for all of the giant-populated nations in and around the Promised Land, the order was for destruction of all inhabitants. This was to ensure that the genes of the Nephilim were eradicated. Basic evidence of this very targeted warfare is demonstrated in the verses that immediately follow the 12 tribes’ victory over Sihon… [in] Deuteronomy 2:37. Rather than going on a whole scale rampage to destroy anyone in sight, Israel entered the Promised Land and fought in surgical fashion, only fighting nations specifically identified by The Lord – and these were all descendants of [Nephilim]. 

Often overlooked in the description of Og was the vast size of his ancient kingdom. The Bible details that Og’s empire consisted of sixty cities – an astounding number for a nation existing in [circa 1400 BCE]. The cities were “… great and walled up to Heaven.” Despite having this megalopolis with the natural defensive fortification of high hills in addition to massive walls, The Lord again led the Israelites to a decisive military victory:

“When we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. And the Lord said unto me, Fear him not: for I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, into thy hand; and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. So the Lord our God delivered into our hands Og also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to him remaining. And we took all his cities at that time, there was not a city which we took not from them, threescore cities, all… the kingdom of Og in Bashan. All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many. And we utterly destroyed them… utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, we took for a prey to ourselves. And we took at that time out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorites the land that was on this side Jordan, from the river of Arnon unto mount Hermon…” – Deuteronomy 3:1-9. 

‘Even today, evidence of advanced architecture in the area once known as Bashan still stands. Scattered among the foothills of the Golan Heights are dozens of dolmens – ancient megaliths that archaeologists believe were used as burial chambers. The dolmens were an arrangement of basalt stones with a capstone normally weighing several tons, carefully balancing on the rest [refer Stonehenge – article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. Most of Og’s kingdom is located in present-day Syria and Lebanon and thus excavation teams are not permitted to enter to search for the remnants and relics of his 60-city empire. However, in the 19th century, explorer Josia[s] Porter found the former kingdom of Og and recorded his findings in the book The Giant Cities of Bashan. 

“Now the houses of Kerioth and other towns in Bashan appear to be just such dwellings as a race of giants would build. The walls, the roofs, but especially the ponderous gates, doors, and bars, are in every way characteristic of a period when architecture was in its infancy, when giants were masons, and when strength and security were the grand requisites. I measured a door in Kerioth it was nine feet high, four and a half feet wide, and ten inches thick, – one solid slab of stone. I saw the folding gates of another town in the mountains still larger and heavier. Time produces little effect on such buildings as these. The heavy stone slabs of the roofs resting on the massive walls make the structure as firm as if built of solid masonry; and the black basalt used is almost as hard as iron. There can scarcely be a doubt therefore that these are the very cities erected and inhabited by the Rephaim, the aboriginal occupants of Bashan… – The Giant Cities of Bashan, J. L. Porter, page 83-84.’

Professor Gonen Sharon stands in front of one of the enormous dolmens in Galilee

‘Notice that Porter in his account knew the cities of Og were made with basalt stone – the same stone used to make the many dolmens west of the kingdom. All these discoveries provide stunning evidence of the Bible’s accuracy and proof that an advanced civilization did indeed live in the exact region Scripture details. 

(It also begs the question of how many other ancient structures were giants involved in building?) Given the massive defensive advantage provided by his city walls, Og’s decision to leave his cities and enter into open combat with Israel seems questionable. Why take the risk when his armies could remain behind their walls for the Israelites to try and siege? The book of Joshua provides some insight:

“And you went over Jordan, and came unto Jericho: and the men of Jericho fought against you, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; and I delivered them into your hand. And I sent the hornet before you, which drave them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; but not with thy sword, nor with thy bow.” – Joshua 24:11-12.’

Porter’s book with a rare photo of the ancient kingdom of Og of Bashan

‘…renowned theologian Matthew Henry wrote: “Hosts of hornets made way for the hosts of Israel; such mean creatures can God make use of for the chastising of his people’s enemies, as in the plagues of Egypt. When God pleases, hornets can drive out Canaanites, as well as lions could.” Recall that in the book of Exodus, God used frogs and flies to unleash plagues that eventually brought the Egyptian empire to ruin. So, the hornets in this instance were a weapon to flush Og’s forces from behind his walls and into open space where The Lord could reduce his forces to a number suitable for the Israelites to utterly vanquish them.

Flavius Josephus… remarked on the greatness of King Og: “Now Og had very few equals, either in the largeness of his body, or handsomeness of his appearance. He was also a man of great activity in the use of his hands, so that his actions were not unequal to the vast largeness and handsome appearance of his body. And men could easily guess at his strength and magnitude when they took his bed at Rabbath, the royal city of the Ammonites…” – Antiquities of the Jews, 5.3, Flavius Josephus.’

Ancient ruins of King Og’s stronghold at Edrei

Beginning and End, The Nephilim and the Great Secret of the Occult – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘What do the symbols of Freemasonry, alchemy and many other mystic groups mean? What is the mystery they have been concealing for centuries? Among the foremost leaders of the mystery schools and New Age movement, there was an acknowledgment this special knowledge was contained in the pages of the Holy Bible. Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason philosopher, Confederate War General and Luciferian wrote: 

“Therein is the secret fire, living and philosophical, of which all the Hermetic philosophers speak with the most mysterious reserve: the Universal Seed, the secret whereof they kept, and which they represented only under the figure of the Caduceus of Hermes [Article: Thoth]. This is the grand Hermetic arcanum… So that the Great Work is more than a chemical operation; it is a real creation of the human word initiated into the power of the Word of God.” – Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, page 501-502. 

‘Other esoteric sources also credit the Bible for having this knowledge: “The reason…is that there exist powerful secrets hidden in the pages of this ancient book [the Bible]… a vast collection of untapped wisdom waiting to be unveiled.” – The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown, page 489. “The great Masonic truths, concealed among the learned of former ages under allegories and fables, are therefore lost – long long lost! But what is lost is not consequently destroyed – what is lost may be found, and all that is required is some clue or key. Fortunately there are applicable keys… The first and best evidence of the truthfulness of the keys is their being used to interpret the Bible – that heavenly book of truth.” – The Ignorant Learned, page 15-16. What is this hidden knowledge?

The secret is The Fusion of Opposites What the occult societies and new age mystics have concealed is that the path to attaining godhood and immortality is found in Genesis 6 – the account of the fallen angelic Sons of God marrying the daughters of men and giving birth to the Nephilim giants – hybrid supermen who dominated the antediluvian world. The great expectation of the occult is a future age where the angels interact with humanity that can revive that era and turn men to gods [refer articles: The Establishment: Who are they… What do they want? and Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are].’

Can you see the fusion of opposites?

‘The Biblical source for this is found in Daniel chapter 2. In this chapter, the power of the God of the Bible comes in direct conflict with the occult. King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of ancient Babylon and the most powerful man on Earth at that time, woke from a nightmare so terrifying he called all his court astrologers, wizards and mystics to give him the interpretation. Adding to the challenge was that that the king could not remember the content of the dream – requiring clear supernatural insight to answer his request. The occult advisors to the king were powerless to respond… Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was of a giant statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, stomach and thighs of brass and calves and feet of iron [Chapter XXV Italy: Nahor & the Chaldeans].’ 

‘The dream of Nebuchadnezzar predicted the coming Gentile kingdoms and the final world kingdom of Antichrist before the Second Coming of Jesus. A great deal of the prophecy in the book of Daniel is devoted to detailing the end times kingdom of the Antichrist – and repeatedly, iron is symbolically connected… The beast of Daniel 7 is not just the Antichrist – it represents his supernatural kingdom of fallen angels and human subjects. 

This is explained in Revelation 17… the beast with iron teeth in Daniel’s vision was not the Roman empire but the fallen angelic kingdom in its return to earth. Even King Nebuchadnezzar, who in his early rebellious life was a fore shadow of the Antichrist, was punished in a dream that contained iron symbolism.

Daniel 2:43 is one of the most interesting prophecies in Scripture, as it predicts the iron kingdom will “mingle themselves with the seed of men…” The seed of men is a reference to genetics of human beings. “The seed of the woman” was the lineage that would lead to The Lord Jesus Christ. And the seed of the serpent, would be the offspring of Satan’s schemes in the war to stop or destroy the Messiah. It is widely accepted among pastors and theologians that “seed” is a childbirth/genetic reference.

Thus thesecret refers to the birth of the supernatural, god-man or demigod. This is what the ancient mystics sought after… King David, writing of his conception and God’s creative process in the womb… describes the function of human DNA: “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” – “My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being [imperfect]; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” – Psalm 139:13-16.’

Satan attempted to corrupt human DNA in Genesis and does so again in Revelation

‘This is how DNA functions as the blueprint of a person’s body. It is our DNA that makes us uniquely human. And this is what Satan sought to corrupt after God proclaimed a human child would one day conquer him. Revelation [9]… also confirms that fallen angels will return* to Earth in the end times… and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.” Note that these hybrid, bizarre hordes from the abyss* wear breastplates of iron.

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and [its] angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: [they were] cast out into the earth, and [its] angels were cast out with [them].” – Revelation 12…’

In John’s vision, the archangel Michael defeats Satan and banishes him and his angels to Earth

Very few sermons or commentaries address this passage that explicitly states in the end times the Devil and [its] millions of fallen angelic followers will be on Earth – never to return to the Heavenly realm again. The end times will be an era where angels will indeed be openly interacting with humans (as it was in the days of Noah). In the occult and New Age movement these angels – who they refer to [as] “ascended Masters”, the “hierarchy”, spirit guides, etc., will guide humanity into a New Age of Enlightenment and evolution. This is the very era that those in the occult look forward to and seek to bring into being. Most “magic” rituals are just means of attempting to communicate with the heavenly/spirit realm. But it is the Genesis 6 incursion – where angels were intimate with human women – that is referenced time and time again in mystic symbolism.’ 

“The book to which this is the introduction is dedicated to the proposition that concealed within the emblematic figures, allegories, and rituals of the ancients is a secret doctrine concerning the inner mysteries of life, which doctrine has been preserved in toto among a small band of initiated minds since the beginning of the world. Departing, these illumined philosophers left their formulae that others, too, might attain to understanding. But, lest these secret processes fall into uncultured hands and be perverted, the Great Arcanum was always concealed in symbol or allegory; and those who can today discover its lost keys may open with them a treasure house of philosophic, scientific, and religious truths.” The Secret Teachings of All Ages page 12-13.

‘As the above quote indicates, symbols were used to conceal secrets across cultures and generations. And what these symbols constantly reference is the Fusion of Opposites (Sons of God and Daughters of men/Fusion of Heavenly and Earthly realms). Freemasonry acknowledges this: “The Compass, as the Symbol of the Heavens, represents the spiritual portion of this double nature of Humanity… and the Square, as the Symbol of the Earth, its material, sensual, and baser portion [Article: 33].” – Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma. The compass (“sons of god”) fuses with the square (“daughters of men”) to create the demi-god or god-man… the ritual heiros gamos, which is a reenactment of the forbidden union between the Sons of God and daughters of men…. [is the] ritual… depicted in the movie Eyes Wide Shut – a film about secret societies. Leonardo Da Vinci was… a member of esoteric societies and did conceal messages in his work. One of his lesser-known sketches is called “Angel in the Flesh.” In it he depicts an angel having both male and female reproductive organs (fusing two opposites).

Note that the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz (names taken from the Bible after the pillars Solomon erected in the temple – the place where God would manifest himself – thus an intersection of the Heavenly and Earthly realms) have a sun and a moon over them (opposites). The floor is a black and white checkerboard pattern (opposites). The ladder is an esoteric reference to “Jacob’s ladder”… Genesis 28:10-14.’

Looking at a masonic board we see the symbols come to light

‘… Jacob saw a ladder which angels used to leave and return to Heaven. It was an intersection between the heavenly and earthly realms. And God stood at the top of the ladder confirming to Jacob that he would carry on the Messianic lineage leading to the Saviour. In the occult, the symbol has been co-opted as a code for accessing the divine realm. The drawing of the double helix shape of DNA was published in 1952 by Nobel prize winner Francis Crick. However, in the mystery schools the shape of DNA has existed for centuries. Dr. Jeremy Narby, came to this very conclusion in his book The Cosmic Serpent – DNA and the Origins of Knowledge.’

‘Darby spent several years living in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, studying indigenous cultures and their religious practices. He was stunned to learn that the shamans, who went into trances fueled by ayahuasca, (a plant-based hallucinogen that has become extremely popular of late) not only saw serpents in their vision, but drew figures of intertwined serpents [looking] identical to the shape of DNA. One example from ancient Sumeria ca 2200 BC is below:

‘These drawings go back thousands of years in some instances. Narby himself, intoxicated from the drug, also saw a vision of a serpent. From the Biblical perspective, it is clear that the serpent is Satan…

The caduceus is an ancient symbol of Hermeticism and revered in the occult mysteries. Note that it too is shaped like intertwined serpents. Of this connection Narby wrote: “When I arrived home, I went for a walk in the woods to clarify my thoughts. I started recapitulating from the beginning: I was trying to keep one eye on DNA and the other on shamanism to discover the common ground between the two. I reviewed the correspondences that I had found so far. Then I walked in silence, because I was struck.’

A rendering of Raphael and the Caduceus

‘That morning, at the library, I had looked up DNA in several encyclopedias and had noted in passing that the shape of the double helix was most often described as a ladder, or a twisted rope ladder, or a spiral staircase. It was during the following split second, asking myself whether there were any ladders in shamanism, that the revelation occurred: “THE LADDERS!”

I rushed back to my office and plunged into Mircea Eliade’s book Shamanism: Archaic techniques of ecstasy and discovered that there were “countless examples” of shamanic ladders on all five continents, here a “spiral ladder,” there a “stairway” or “braided ropes.” In Australia, Tibet, Ancient Egypt, Africa, North and South America, “the symbolism of the rope, like that of the ladder, necessarily implies communication between sky and earth. It is by means of a rope or a ladder (as, too, by a vine, a bridge, a chain of arrows, etc.) that the gods descended to earth and men go up to the sky.” Eliade even cites an example from the Old Testament, where Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching up to heaven, “with the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” (pp. 62 – 63).

The consistent theme whether its shamanism or 19th century occultists is that the path to godhood must come through some transformation of humanity right down to our DNA. What spirit inspires shamans in drug induced trances to see such images? A spirit of God? Or rather the spirit of fallen angels and demons.’

The black and white checkerboard reinforces this notion of sons of god fusing with their opposites

‘The Baphomet is one of the most famous symbols of the occult is a clear representation of the Fusion of Opposites. It is part-man, part-beast. One of its arms points up while the other points down. It has female and male body parts (like Da Vinci’s sketch) with a caduceus for its phallus. On its arms are written the terms “solve” and “coagula” a motto of alchemy. Alchemy is most known for its quest to turn lead into gold but many state that is merely a metaphor for turning men into immortals [Articles: The Ark of God and Thoth].’

Numerous occult mystery symbols represent this fusion of opposites

‘Eliphas Levi made another, not as well-known drawing called The Star of David (there is no “Star of David” in the Bible): Note once again that this drawing is the fusion of opposites [refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe]. The reflection on water of the lower image is inverse in its colors from the top one.’

‘This concept can be seen in some of the architecture of Washington D.C., for example the Washington monument:

‘Note that in Levi’s Star of David [above] there is a snake with its tail in its mouth. This is the Ouroboros:It is found in Gnosticism and alchemy representing cyclical natural life and the fusion of opposites.” On the TV series The X-files, Scully, the skeptic FBI agent, was persuaded by a mysterious lover to get a tattoo. She chose to get an ouroboros on her back. The overarching theme of this series was the creation of alien-human hybrids. And Scully herself would one day be mysteriously impregnated with a baby she feared was part-alien.

The original “fusion of opposites” was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good And Evil in the Garden of Eden. It bore the one fruit that God warned Adam and Eve would lead to their deaths. [The Serpent] tricked Eve into thinking there was a path to immortality through disobedience to God and seeking one’s own way.’

The image is a clear reference to Adam and Eve with the DNA/serpent coiled around them

‘Like all the promises of the Devil, the “immortality” offered by the Antichrist will be a deception. It is salvation that turns a person from a condemned sinner to a son of the Holy God. No occult ritual can do it. No secret incantation can achieve it. Satan does not want people to know or consider this, lest they repent and believe. And thus [it] has devised all manner of false religious systems and mysteries to deceive and confuse the masses into thinking they can perform their way to being immortal or achieving Heaven on Earth. If you are not a Christian, you should now realize that even those in the occult who oppose Christianity acknowledge the supernatural nature of the Bible. They still look to it, twisting its meaning for their own aims. Do not be deceived. The promotion of the Nephilim as heroic or benevolent figures is all part of this deception.’ 

Beginning and End, The Nephilim and the Alien Gospel Deception – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘Do aliens exist? Did aliens create the human race? Will aliens return to Earth? Is it possible that God and angels are extra-terrestrial aliens? These are some of the questions that many in society from students to PhD scientists alike have tried to determine.’

Could an alien invasion be a part of the great delusion of the end times?

‘The Bible predicts that there will be a future time of supernatural events appearing in the sight of all people on Earth. Angelic beings [dark fallen Angels] and demons [Nephilim] will manifest in view for all to see. So, in the face of this how could people still not believe in the supernatural as described in the Bible? What would cause them to doubt? The answer could be the Alien Gospel Deceptionthe false idea that alien beings from another planet created the human race millions of years ago and will one day return to save us from our own destruction.

It is [our] absolute belief… that any alien, extra-terrestrial being or “UFO” are actually manifestations of a spiritual realm being… in the first few chapters of the Bible it is well-established that heavenly realm, supernatural beings interacted with humanity. However, this has not stopped Hollywood or the secular community from promoting the notion that beings from another planet are real and that even the Biblical account can be explained by replacing God with an alien race.

The Ancient Aliens television series has been one of the most influential shows in promoting the notion that aliens were responsible for the creation of humanity, technology and the many ancient megaliths that still stand all over the Earth. And on many occasions, they even go to Bible passages to preach their false message of aliens being the true creators… With high quality production and subtle suggestions, they quickly try to cast doubt on the Biblical account and raise the possibility of alien beings actually being the reason for the ancient books of Scripture.

Prometheus directed by Ridley Scott, was one of the biggest films of recent years to push this concept to the masses. The movie was about a team of scientists and astronauts who head into space to locate an alien race… from the onset the message is clear – alien beings created humanity. Ridley Scott made no secret that explaining away religion was a big part of the message of the film.

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…” – Romans 1:18-22.  

‘This passage reveals that all people know, intuitively, that God exists. The revelation can come just from observing nature and the cosmos. But because of our sinful nature, we reject God, and some deny His very existence… Scott was so determined to challenge the Bible in his film, he admitted that in an early version of the script of Prometheus, [he] originally planned on depicting Jesus as a space alien “emissary” who really came to Earth to aid humanity’s “evolution”…’

“ “You throw religion and spirituality into the equation for Prometheus, though, and it almost acts as a hand grenade. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives, and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?”

RS: “We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control… And you can say, Lets’ send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it. Guess what? They crucified him.”

‘The ABC series “V” left no doubt that it was promoting the mingling of human DNA with the “gods.” … “V” in which an alien race appears on Earth offering supernatural healing of diseases, advanced technology and world peace the aliens quickly take the place of any religion and even the priest on the show argues that they can [be] received as saviors.” The aliens are worshiped and treated as gods. The arrival of the spaceships above New York City cause seismic tremors so strong that an enormous crucifix is shaken from the wall of a church and shown smashing to the ground – a barely subtle symbol of the superiority of “alien gods” over Jesus Christ.’

‘In one episode the alien leader visits the Vatican, where Catholic leaders make a pact to work with the aliens. They even acknowledge the superiority of angels to their faith. The real Vatican has already acknowledged the possibility of alien life on other planets. And Pope Francis, who has endorsed many heretical doctrines and one world religion, has said that not only could aliens exist but that they should be baptized for salvation if they desire it.

All the while the aliens plot to manipulate human DNA for control of humanity. And the key to the conquest by the alien race is conceiving an alien-human hybrid. The aliens regularly seduce humans to achieve this goal. In the series finale, it is the human-alien hybrid child who can guide the thoughts of the entire global population, reducing humanity to mind-controlled zombies who surrender to their alien gods. Such a corruption of humanity is precisely what the Devil sought to accomplish in Genesis 6 when the rebel Sons of God took human women as wives. It was a plot to destroy the human genetic code and thwart any chance of redemption by the Promised Seed of the Woman.

The SyFy min-series “Childhood’s End”, one of the most disturbing alien [productions] of late, centered on an alien arrival where the invaders also proposed that they wanted to help mankind and solve all of our problems: For the first few years of the alien arrival, they do not reveal themselves to society – instead appointing a human to serve as their “messenger” delivering their message to the world. After earning the trust, admiration and worship of humanity, the alien leader reveals himself as a common depiction of Satan:

‘Despite looking like common conception of The Devil, the alien leader in SyFy’s Childhoods End was well-received by the public. The entire agenda of the aliens is to take all of the children of the Earth and give them godlike powers allowing them to form a collective consciousness. Thus all of the adults on Earth become obsolete and are killed.

The Bible is clear that in the final years before the Second Coming of Christ, God will permit the overwhelming majority of the world to fall victim to the greatest deception of all time belief that the Antichrist is the actual Messiah and God. The Book of Revelation describes in detail that the Antichrist will rule over a global government in which he is installed as global dictator and deity to be worshiped. And the world will be awed and enamoured with their supposed “saviour.” 

The False Prophet, the religious cohort of the Antichrist, will be able to call down fire from Heaven and perform miracles when in the Antichrist’s presence (Revelation 13:13-14). He will be able to “give life” to the image of the beast – a figure of the Antichrist that will be worshiped all over the world under penalty of death. And during this time, there will also be fallen angels released onto Earth. 

The Lord Jesus Christ said that during the end times we would witness: “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26). The “powers” of Heaven are a reference to angelic beings, who will be removed from their current stations and cast to Earth. Could these beings present themselves as aliens from another planet? Rather than pointing to God, could these end times deceivers instead deceive humanity into thinking they are superior life forms from another world who “seeded” Earth and gave birth to humanity and that the Antichrist is their chosen leader, emboldening the global populace to embrace the spawn of the Devil as their hero? 

One of the most revered UFO researchers of all time would seem to agree. John Keel was a legendary ‘UFOlogist’ (although he grew to dislike this term and preferred to be called a “Fortean”). Keel, a Korean War Veteran, foreign radio correspondent, Army Staffer and very successful Hollywood writer, coined the term “Men in Black” and is the author of the book, The Mothman Prophecies, which was about a small town in West Virginia that repeatedly reported sightings of a winged “alien” with red eyes. Keel, who died in 2009, spent years interviewing hundreds of people who claimed encounters with aliens or UFOs all over the country. He studied tens of thousands of reports on UFO sightings. Not only is he considered one of the foremost UFO/alien researchers in history, several films have been made about his work. His research into aliens and UFOs was the basis for much of the plot of the TV show “The X-Files” and many science fictions writers speculate that the main character Fox Mulder was based on John Keel.

What is significant about Keel (and possibly why his name is not more renowned today) is that as he continued his research into the alien/UFO phenomenon, he changed his perspective entirely. As he stated in his acclaimed book ‘Operation Trojan Horse’: “Throughout most of history, the manifestations of demonology and demonopathy have been viewed from a religious perspective and explained as the work of the Devil. The bizarre manipulation and ill effects described in the demonological literature are usually regarded as the results of a great unseen conflict between God and the Devil. 

In UFO lore, the same conflict has been observed and the believers have explained it as a space war between the Guardians (good guys from outer space), who are protecting our planet, and some evil extraterrestrial race. The manifestations are the same, only the reference is different. The literature indicates that the phenomenon carefully cultivated the religious frame of reference in early times, just as the modern manifestations have carefully supported the extraterrestrial frame of reference. Operation Trojan Horse is merely the same old game in a new, updated guise. The Devil’s emissaries of yesteryear have been replaced by mysterious “men in black.” The quasi-angels of Biblical times have become magnificent spacemen. The demons, devils, and false angels were recognized as liars and plunderers by early man. The same imposters now appear as long-haired Venusians.” (page 215-216).

Keel’s conclusions line up with the Bible. Any appearance of sighting of analien” or “UFO is nothing more than a manifestation of a fallen being from the spiritual realm whether demon or angel. Keel, who was not even a Christian, was able to understand the reality of spirit beings which Scripture teaches exist and can lure us into sinful rebellion. Even the Antichrist and False Prophet will dispatch demons to entice the leaders of the world to come wage war against The Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This should underscore the persuasive power of these beings and how they could accomplish a global delusion.’

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, page 27 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The typical Grey alien has the appearance of a 3 to 4 month old human [foetus] grown to higher proportions. They have reptilian genetics activated and an artificially implanted soul-personality, similar to an android or robot. They are not a natural species; they are an artificially developed race based on human [foetuses]… they have no hormonal development, requiring soaking in human hormones and blood for nourishment. They have no digestive system… just as human foetuses do not… still connected to the mother.

When I was in the Montauk Project… I was told… “The Universe is hostile, it’s not peaceful. There is no love, light, and peace in the Universe; everyone is fighting everyone else for control. The Reptilians, or Draco [Seraphim], want to assimilate all beings into their empire.”’

The sinister agenda of the powers that be, intended for humankind – in final fulfilment of the mark of the Beast – is the re-creation of Homo nephilus.

Sharon Gilbert – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘The genetic manipulation that began in Mesopotamia’s earliest days not only precipitated the Flood of Noah’s time, but it continued afterward… remember, Genesis tells us that the mingling of angelic DNA and human DNA began before the flood, but it continued “after.” Noah’s perfect DNA grew corrupt in most lines, but God preserved a “perfect,” kingly line that ended with Mary and her miraculous Son, Jesus Christ.

… some unlucky humans have seen what may be one modern version of the ancient “dragon.” To these contactees, the skies sometimes reveal terrifying, shining crafts bearing unearthly occupants whose singular purpose is to breed with mankind. Yes, it might be debated whether these abductions involve aliens from beyond our stars, aliens from beneath our oceans, demons pretending to be one or both, or even the lies of our own government, but this matters not. Whether alien, demons, or government shadows, people are being contacted and convinced that their DNA is extracted and used in breeding experimentation… whatever the source of these encounters, they are part of an overarching spiritual war. Demonic entities and fallen angels are still attempting to tweak mankind’s DNA

Once their bodies died, the Nephilims’ spirits did not go to sheol… it appears. Instead, they attached themselves to the earth, waiting for flesh to inhabit. When we read that angelic hybridization returned after the flood, then it could be that angels continued to fall (for those pre-Flood fallen angels had been chained for their sins),and/or that the spirits of the Nephilim (demons) now plagued mankind, not only by inhabiting him (possession) but also by re-creating him through genetic manipulation!’

Chris Putnam & Tom Horn – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘Unnatural forms of life first sprang up in ancient days and, according to the Bible, this is a repeatable phenomenon… Therefore, we shall show unequivocally that the question is not whether humans were, can be, or are being hybridized, but whether alien/demon agencies are involved in the process. If so, does this imply something very uncomfortable, which most of us do not want to think about that a form of humanexists that quite possibly cannot be redeemed?

Indeed, almost immediately following the Great Flood, Scripture confirms the return of hybrid humans, including Og, the King of Bashan… Anak and his Anakim; and other beings among the tribes of Emim, Horim, and Zamsumim… Does this suggest that the Nephilim offspring were intentionally being bred down in size with each generation, thus allowing for eventual seamless, secret integration among human societies of pseudo-humans with corrupted genetic code?’

Gary Stearman – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘When did this happen the first time, and who did it? The clear answer is given in Genesis, Chapter Six, in the record of the fallen angels who mingled their seed with the seed of mankind, resulting in a societal monstrosity that God was forced to destroy in the Flood of Noah. There is growing historical evidence that the entire creation – human and animal – was tainted.

Daniel’s prophecy [Daniel 2:42-43] tells us that just before the giant statue’s iron legs [feet] crumble (in the days of the Great Tribulation), fallen angels will descend openly to Earth once again. Then, they will repeat their evil work…. to infiltrate the genome of mankind. They know that if human seed can be corrupted, it will render God’s plan of redemption null and void.

[T]hose with eyes to see can understand that an alien force is now infiltrating the human race, with the express purpose of creating human-alien hybrids, some of which are indistinguishable from pure human beings. We have arrived at the heart of this unmentionable topic: human/alien hybridization.’

Humans are not from Earth, Ellis Silver, 2017, pages 332-334 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… geneticists have recently begun editing our DNA. There will undoubtedly be a huge number of edits to come. Eventually, we should see the eradication of conditions like spina bifida that we can’t get rid of any other way… Once we fully understand what we’re doing, it should be possible to modify absolutely anything… we could take the genes for regenerating limbs from lizards and splice them into ourselves [embryos]. We already have those genes, but ours aren’t active, so it might simply be a case of replacing like for like. In a few generations time, losing a limb might no longer be a life-changing-issue… [as well as being] able to prevent or reverse ageing by extending the length [of] our telomeres – geneticists have already had some success with this.

Many people will object to these changes. In the future, this could lead to two separate human species: those who welcome and embrace all the changes and thus become superhuman [Homo novus superior]; and those who resist them and insist on remaining pure. I can foresee the superhuman out-competing the pure ones, whose numbers will dwindle as a result until they become extinct [more likely, exterminated]. But alongside the rise of the superhuman, we’ll also have the rise of intelligent machines. 

So we can expect to see brain-machine interfaces, cyborgs (people who are part machine) [Homo machina], and robots running human brain software as their operating system. That will make things like deep space exploration a lot less complicated. Intelligent robots might also replace us on Earth, becoming soldiers, miners, doctors, surgeons, maintenance staff at nuclear power stations, and more. They’ll be better at it than us, and they’ll be able to go into situations that would harm us. Will they eventually be treated as a species in their own right? What happens when their brains become superior to ours? That’s only a matter of time.’

A confronting and challenging future awaits the myriad peoples inhabiting the globe. A destiny which seeks to strip away the very humanity that makes humankind human. A closer look at who is behind all this is tantamount. Coupled with why there has been an aeons long cosmic galactic struggle, in which we collectively and inextricably find ourselves. 

There are two opposing forces in the Universe. One comprising goodness, light, love, peace and selflessness. The other is composed of the absence of these attributes; so that evil, darkness, hate, violence and selfishness are its hallmarks. The principle players of the righteous path, include the Ancient of Days, the Son of Man and Michael. And introducing the two Witnesses, who make a dramatic late entrance. Unless of course they are faithful servants who have been a. specially prepared; b. had unconventional lives; and c. mysterious passings from this world: righteous Enoch, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist and Melchizedek.

Their adversarial nemeses formed from the rebellious path, are Satan the Devil, Samael, Azazel and Lilith. And like the two Witnesses perhaps, making a guest re-appearance: Nimrod.

We will discover that apart from Michael – and the two Witnesses? – all have multiple names and titles, which at first, may appear confusing when differentiating them. Each will be addressed in turn and keep in mind that these are the main ten principle entities in this dramatic story we are about to unfold. 

Even though one being is mentioned in the scriptures as an Archangel, which is Michael, Talmudic lore numbers a handful of Archangels including a supreme light-bearing Samael. Samael is synonymous with the seducer, the destroyer, the accuser of particularly the sons of Jacob, whom Michael defends and has been regarded as both good and evil in various texts. It would be easy to then confuse Samael with being Satan the Devil, though this is not the case. We will spend time investigating the Adversary, as well as Samael; as we have in part previously, with Azazel and Lilith with whom we shall return [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and article: Lilith].

Satan as the Serpent of Old, represents the path of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden story and yet it was not this Serpent who thrust the Way of this Tree deceivingly on Eve, Adam and ensuing humanity. 

Surprisingly, we have already introduced Samael when we discussed Samyaza – Samyaza, the leader of the two hundred myriad [two million] Watchers [refer article: Na’amah]. Samyaza means ‘covering’ or ‘that which covers’ [refer article: The Ark of God]. Interestingly, it can also mean, ‘the beast that is covered.’ His name can be rendered as Shemyazaz which means, ‘the shining one who covers himself with light.’ Remember these definitions, for we will study a famous biblical personage who both covers and brings forth light.

Conclusions on Samyaza’s identity have led other researchers to claim Samyaza is Satan, Lucifer or even Azazel. Yet Samyaza and Azazel are mentioned in the same passage in chapter seven of the Book of Enoch as two separate beings. Azazel as a captain and prefect of other Watchers, as well as the deputy to Samyaza, the undisputed leader of the Watchers. 

We will successfully rule out Satan as being Samyaza, though the suggestion of Lucifer, a descriptive title rather than a personal name is with merit and worth pursuing later. What has not been readily considered is that Samyaza and Samael are one and the same. Samael is of immense importance in Satan’s hierarchy and is the highest ranking cohort after Satan. His role as head of the Watchers and responsibility in implementing the plan to sabotage the genetic integrity of humankind is not to be relegated in its magnitude. Samael’s role was the head and commander-in-chief of the entire army of the lesser satans, or ‘adversaries’ as well as the principal Angel of Death. As the ‘Venom of God’, Samael was the vengeful hand of the Creator and yet still, His formidable enemy. With Satan, Samael is an ancient adversary and arch-nemesis of the Eternal.

While Samael is the loyal servant of the Adversary, it remains the role of Satan the Devil, who is the prime member of the heavenly host involved with all activities grim and destructive. A Serpent had a devastating role in the Garden of Eden, engineering the transformation of Adam and Eve from fully spiritual creatures into becoming spirits trapped within physical bodies [Article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?]. For Satan was at once opposed to their creation and to serving them. Tradition says the Devil would not acknowledge Adam’s potential as an heir to the Creator and a future son of God. Nor would Satan agree, to what it perceived would be honouring in deference a lesser entity beneath itself.

Though it is well established that Satan is allegedly the Serpent who tempted Eve, some commentators correctly, do not agree. It is proposed that the snake was not a form of Satan, but rather another serpent, a different separate beast from the field. The contention by most in disagreement, is that the serpent was Lilith – a dark fallen angel and sister to her twin, Azazel. Lilith is reputed to be the first wife of Adam. She was not happy with her role in being subservient to Adam and fled. She apparently returned to the Garden of Eden to find Adam married to Eve and therefore vowed revenge by tempting Eve, taking the form of a serpent. That is, with a snakes tail from the waist down, similar to a Gorgon or Medusa. Lillith has subsequently been known as a succubus – a seducing night spirit – as well as the Mother of Demons. Alan Alford says regarding the Serpent:

‘… the literal meaning of the Hebrew word for the Biblical Serpent [is] – nahash. This term comes from the root NHSH which means “to find things out, to solve secrets”’

We will investigate this aspect of the Serpent further and who the identity of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden really is. Satan heralded the onset of a dark, war-ravaged epoch. Though the instigator of the rebellion against the Most High; significantly, others may have not turned aside all at the same time with the Devil. There was a time far beyond this, consisting of pure light and genuine peace. During this blissful period, two events occurred which contributed to the seeds of our present difficulties – the forming of the physical Universe, our solar system and with it, the beginning of Satan’s heart turning to deceit. One version of events is as follows.

Everything you know is still wrong, Lloyd Pye, 2009 & 2017, pages 379-381, 383-391, 403-404 – emphasis &  bold mine:

‘The Sumerian “Epic of Creation” is… called Enuma Elish… [and] means “When in the heights.” [The Genesis account of creation is considered to be based on these six tablets and the origin of the] glitch in Genesis that caused “creation” to be reported as occurring in six literal days rather than in six varied periods lasting an indeterminate number of eons. [The Enuma Elish is] an allegorical account of our solar system’s formation… [and this is] my… interpretation… 

‘”In the beginning” the Sun, Mercury, and a large planet called “Tiamat” [the watery planet] were formed. Next formed were Venus and Mars, taking places between Mercury and Tiamat.’

There is reason to consider that Venus was not original to the early Solar system but a later arrival as a detached and lost moon of Jupiter [refer article: The Younger Dryas Stadial: Ending of the Earth… Beginning of the World]. Mercury also contains anomalies which give pause to consider its origin in greater detail. In that, either it too is a displaced moon or due to its over sized core, a once larger planet [refer article: Thoth].

‘Then came Jupiter and Saturn, with Pluto originally formed as a moon of Saturn. Uranus and Neptune were the last to be formed. Once the solar system was established but still primordial… another planet… approached from deep space. Nibiru was unattached and isolated, possibly sent hurtling through the galaxy by its protosun exploding during formation… Nibiru was as large as Tiamat (which was smaller than Saturn but larger than Uranus or Neptune), and it came in on or near the ecliptic from a clockwise direction, as opposed to the other planet’s counterclockwise motion.’

‘In the January edition of The Astronomical Journal, scientists at Caltech explained… of their… mathematical proof that there must be another planet in our solar systemestimated to have an incredible 10,000 year orbit, be somewhere between the size of earth and Neptune, and unlike all of the other planets, it is on an elliptical orbit. 

The new planet does not yet have an official name, though many call it “planet 9” [Nibiru and formerly Planet X], and it has not yet been found by one of the telescopes powerful enough to view it[?]. In July 2017 the results of a new study by astronomers at Complutense University of Madrid were announced. They used an entirely different method of calculation, and – surprise, surprise – got exactly the same result as Caltech.’

Search for the Tenth Planet, Astronomy Magazine, December 1981: 

“Astronomers are readying telescopes to probe the outer reaches of our solar system for an elusive planet much larger than Earth. Its existence would explain a 160-year-old mystery. The pull exerted by its gravity would account for a wobble in Uranus’ orbit that was first detected in 1821 by a French astronomer, Alexis Bouvard… Astronomers at the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) are using a powerful computer… and a telescopic search… Van Flandern thinks the tenth planet may… lie 50 to 100 astronomical units from the Sun. (An astronomical unit is the mean distance between Earth and the Sun.)”

New York Times, June 19th, 1982:

“…[scientists at] the National Aeronautics and Space Administration… agency’s Ames Research Center said the… spacecraft, Pioneer 10 and 11… are already farther into space than any other man-made object… If the mystery object is a new planet, it may lie five billion miles beyond the outer orbital ring of known planets, the space agency said. If it is a dark star type of object, it may be 50 billion miles beyond the known planets; if it is a black hole, 100 billion miles. A black hole is a hypothetical body in space, believed to be a collapsed star so condensed that neither light nor matter can escape from its gravitational field.”

Does the Sun have a Dark Companion? Newsweek, June 28, 1982 – emphasis mine:

“… to explain quirks in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune… John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California… suggests that the sun has an unseen companion, a dark star gravitationally bound to it… Other scientists suggest that the most likely cause of the orbital snags is a tenth planet…”

Uranus’s orbit was once further out than Neptune; in reverse of their present day positions.

New York Times, January 30, 1983 – emphasis mine:

“Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X. The last time a serious search of the skies was made it led to the discovery… of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.

As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers predictions, which ended in… [1846] with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French, and German astronomers. But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet.

In the last 19th century, two American astronomers, Willian H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunian body, which Lowell called Planet X. Years later [in 1930], Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction. Subsequent observation proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only 1/5 that of Earth’s moon. Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by “a single undiscovered planet”. He and a colleague, Dr. Richard Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit…”

Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered, Washington Post, December 31, 1983 – emphasis & bold mine:

A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.

The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet, as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto [and still within the gravitational influence of the Sun]. 

“If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system,” said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University’s Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. “If it is that close, I don’t know how the world’s planetary scientists would even begin to classify it.”

The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time. “This suggests it’s not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we’ve observed and a comet would probably have moved,” Houck said. “A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50 billion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months time.

Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its temperature is no more than 40 degrees above “absolute” zero, which is 459 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. The telescope aboard IRAS is cooled so low and is so sensitive it can “see” objects in the heavens that are only 20 degrees above absolute zero. When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body and calculated that it could be as close as 50 billion miles, there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth.”

Pye: ‘As Nibiru [Planet 9] neared the solar system, it was drawn from its headlong path by the electromagnetic/gravitational pulls of Neptune and Uranus. All three bodies were still… plasmic (unsolidified), so their increasing nearness created electromagnetic disturbances that culminated in a bulge forming at one side of Nibiru. By the time it reached Uranus, enough material had been drawn from its body to create four moons orbiting it. When it reached the far more powerful gravitational fields of Jupiter and Saturn, it was drawn even more toward an orbit around the Sun. [With] three more moons pulled from its body… orbiting around it.

Small Venus and smaller Mars had little effect on it, but soon it faced an object its own size – Tiamat. That confrontation created more electromagnetic disturbances, which caused Tiamat to produce eleven new moons, the chief among them called “Kingu” [purportedly our present Moon]. Now Nibiru was fully in the grip of the Sun’s powerful gravitational forces and its fate was sealed: it had been captured as a new member of the solar system; new, but unlike any of its other natural siblings. It would have an orbit and sidereal period completely unrelated to any of theirs, making it unique in all the heavens. However it was not safe and secure in its new orbit.

While being captured by the Sun and sent on its first orbit around, Nibiru barely missed colliding with Tiamat. 

But several of its seven new moons… did smash into Tiamat… Those monumental collisions shattered the still-cooling protoplanet to its core, but left it physically intact. However, all but the largest of its eleven moons – Kingu – were swept away in Nibiru’s strong wake. On its next orbit through the solar system, Nibiru itself collided with previously cracked Tiamat, an event of such cataclysmic proportions it can barely be imagined. 

Chief among the results was a “mingling of the waters” of both planets*… Even more dramatic was that unlucky Tiamat was broken completely apartcleaved in half! After the cleaving, three major events occurred. First, the remaining half of Tiamat was struck by one of Nibiru’s moons, which – combined with the ricochet effect of the collision with Nibiru – propelled it and its surviving moon, Kingu, into a new orbit between Mars and Venus. Then the plasmic body of the remaining half began slowly folding in on itself (as all fluid bodies do in space), becoming a new planet substantially smaller than the old Tiamat. (Whether Nibiru’s moon ricocheted away or melded with the new planet to become part of it is not made clear… though melding is most likely [as] the text does say in the earlier collisions Tiamat “devoured” the moons that struck it.) The new planet was Earth, and Kingu became its Moon.

The second major event was that the half of Tiamat struck by Nibiru’s “windshield,” so to speak, splattered into millions of smaller plasmic globs (some many miles wide but most mountain – to boulder – sized) while streaming into a long arc behind the speeding survivor of the collision. As those millions of globs quick-froze into rocks in the sub-zero vacuum of space (all with irregular shapes because none had enough mass to resist hardening long enough to form into a sphere), they established an equilibrium suspended between the Sun’s pull and the nearly equal (and much closer) pulls of Jupiter and Saturn. In other words, they became the Asteroid Belt in our solar system.

The collision’s third major effect was to ricochet Nibiru into a new orbit that carried it around the solar system in a giant “loop” (the precise word in Enuma Elish) that required 3,600 years to complete. It was also knocked off the ecliptic, which left it entering and exiting the solar system at an oblique angle that all but eliminated the chance of a collision with another planet. Its path around the Sun and through the solar system was established between Mars and the Asteroid Belt.’

Zecharia Sitchin, 2009 – emphasis & bold mine:

“So, You See, As Nibiru Orbits… No, that is not (yet) a quote from a report in the scientific journal Nature, but that is what the conclusion is of a study by six astronomers (including one from a NASA institute) published in the Journal’s July 16, 2009 issue. The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is presumed to be the remnant of ‘something’ that was there and broke up. So how come it includes bits and pieces of matter found only in the outer reaches of the Solar System? The enigma is compounded by the fact that these strange bits and pieces contain organic-rich matter

The group’s findings: These are bits and pieces of “primordial trans-Neptunian objects” left in the Asteroid Belt as orbiting ‘comets’ or ‘cometlike objects’ pass through it and collide with its asteroids, leaving behind a ‘footprint’. Substitute ‘Nibiru’ with its “organic-rich matter” for “comets or cometlike objects” as it passes periodically through the Asteroid Belt, and you get the true answer – another instance of modern science catching up with ancient knowledge.”

Pye: ‘Nibiru’s last act before settling into its new life as a permanent member of this solar system was to pass near Saturn on its way out and capture a large moon (“Gaga” in the text, now known as Pluto). It too was pulled off the ecliptic by an unspecified amount, but eventually found a home at 17 degrees above the ecliptic. Today we know Pluto has a tiny moon, Cahron unmentioned in the Enuma Elish… Pluto has assumed a wildly erratic orbit that sees it careen between deep space and inside the orbit of Neptune. Astronomers accept that its small size and strange orbit strongly indicate it began life as a satellite of one of the large outer planets, but they do not know which one, nor how it could have been removed to its current location. With Pluto’s capture from Saturn and removal to the far edge of the solar system, Nibiru had done its work of reshaping the Sun’s entire family.” All the members – now numbering 12 with the addition of Nibiru, Pluto, Earth (formerly Tiamat), and its Moon – settled into establishing the orbits needed to stabilize the entire celestial dynamic. And so they continue to this day.

Potential proof that at least some comets are the product of the Nibiru/Tiamat collision comes from analysis of a comet called “Hartley 2” that is on a short elliptical orbit that loops from almost as close to the sun as Earth, to just slightly farther away from the sun than Jupiter. In 2011, astronomers using the powerful Herschel Space observatory (a telescope) and infrared light were able to measure the composition of the water that was being released from the comet. The measurement was not based on salinity or mineral composition, but rather on Earth’s unique ratio of “heavy” and “light” water. Light water is normal water, H2O. Heavy water contains Deuterium (Hydrogen-2) instead of Hydrogen, and has the chemical symbol D2O.

… a subsequent investigation of the comet by NASA’s “Deep Impact” space probe in 2013… allowed an even closer look at the water composition, and led researchers to a startling conclusion: “We have evidence of two different kinds of ice in the core”… a comet following an orbit eerily similar to Nibiru’s path when it collided with Tiamat (Earth), contains ice water that is a match to the water of Earth’s oceans, and a second different type of water.*

…the Sumerians… described Uranus and Neptune as “watery twins” with a “blue-green” colour… [in] 1986, when the Voyager satellite passed Uranus… for the first time… Uranus was watery (its surface was a kind of slushy ice) and it was coloured blue-green… [Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel. Prior to this there are at least seventeen surviving star charts complied by astronomers that show Uranus on them; but in each case it was mis-identified as a blue star]… in 1989, Voyager reached Neptune… [and] Voyager found Neptune was just as the Sumerians had claimed: a blue-green ball of slushy ice!’ 

Christian Negureanu – emphasis & bold mine: 

The real cause of climate changes, volcanoes activity, intensification of the seismic activity etc., is [that] the planet [Eris is] getting closer to our solar system, intermediary named 2003 – UB-313, and known in Antiquity under various names as: Nibiru, Marduk, Nemesis, Hercolubus, the Gods Planet, the Planet of the Empire, the Planet of the Cross or the Red Planet.’

I do not necessarily concur with assigning the identity of Nibiru or Planet 9, with Eris or UB-313, due to their vast difference in size.

Negureanu: ‘First observed on October 21, 2003 using the 1.22 Oschin telescope, at Mount Palomar Observatory (California). Discovered by Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, David L. Rabinovitz, on January 5, 2005… Further observations published in October 2005 have shown a satellite named Dysnomia [(Gabriella)].

The planet Eris/ Nibiru periodically getting closer to Earth once in 3,600 years generates numerous climate changes, one being the global warming with its natural consequence – the melting of the glaciers. The effect of glaciers melting, because of their sweet water, will be the ending of the thermo – saline natural system, the “engine” that allows the Gulfstream circulation to the North and the freezing of spread areas in the North – West of Europe and North – East U.S.A [Article: Climate Change & Global Warming – Climate Crisis or a New Equilibrium?].

Briefly, here is the process that took place during the last two periods in which the Gods planet has passed between Mars and Jupiter, the nearest point to Earth: 7,200 years ago [5176 BCE], during the cataclysm known as “Noah’s flood“ [rather, the Time of Peleg; 7727 to 4737 BCE; and the Tower of Babel; 6755 to 6232 BCE according to an unconventional chronology], “sudden changes in temperature, violent storms and water avalanches from Antarctica broke off from their ‘ice prison’. Dr. John T. Hollin at Maine University (U.S.A.) considers that large pieces periodically came out of the Antarctic ice field creating a huge tide (Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet). 3,600 years ago, during the… Exodus [1446 BCE = 3,467 years ago] from Egypt in the middle of the second millennium B.C., the Earth suffered big cataclysms. “A celestial body that recently entered our solar system – a new comet – came very close to Earth (causing) the eventual disappearance of the glacier layer“ (Immanuel Velikovsky, “Worlds in Collision“) [Article: The Younger Dryas Stadial: Ending of the Earth… Beginning of the World].

The current situation – the Poles glaciers’ melting is accelerating. The climate and geological changes will increase because the planet Eris/Nibiru has not even been close to Pluto, its nearest point to Earth. This is supposed to happen between 2012-2014… identical phenomena [is] also tak[ing] place on other planets from our solar system because of Eris/ Nibiru. Here are few examples: The Neptune’s moon, Triton is warming (BBC Science & Technology News, July 25, 1999). Pluto experiences an extraordinary heating (Massachusetts Institute of Technology News, October 9, 2002). Volcanic eruption on Jupiter’s satellite Io (Icarus Astronomy, November 2002). The warming of Mars (ABC News, December 7, 2002). The warming of Saturn (January 28, 2007, Interstars).

[Scientists] of the UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) – physics and astronomy department and those at the University of Boston have noticed that the temperature of the superior atmosphere of Saturn is higher that estimated. Thus, professor Allan Aylward at UCLA considers necessary the reexamination of the main hypotheses regarding the planetary atmosphere and establishing the cause of the respective heating. He also noticed a similar process on Mars, concluding: “Studying the aspects within other planetary atmospheres will help us to find out clues of the Terra’s future.”

The Sumerian writings say that a satellite of the Nibiru planet hit another planet, Tiamat, creating the “Sky” (The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter) and the Earth in the beginning of our solar system. Professor M. Brown has recently proved in the journal Nature that the planet 2003 – EL 61 [Haumea a dwarf planet the size of Pluto in the Kuiper Belt] suffered a terrible collision with another celestial body at the beginning of our solar system.

Eris‘s area, 2,400 km +/- 97 km, measured by using images from the Hubble telescope, was made public at the end of April 2006. In… 1991, based on the data from the Apocalypse/ Revelation, I had given the dimensions of a possible planetary station: it was 2,400 km. The last book of the Bible contains details… [in] ([Revelation] chapter 21: 2,12,16) called the NEW JERUSALEM. a) diameter: 12,000 x 200 m (1 stadium) = 2,400 km. b) area: 2,400 km (length) x 2,400 km (width) x 12 (levels or floors) = 69,120,000 km2 [Article: The Ark of God].’

The final paragraph is of interest if accurate. The diameter of Eris also known as Xena, is 2,326 km, comparable to re-categorised Pluto, now a controversial dwarf planet at 2,376 km. Eris is two thirds the Moon’s diameter and one third its volume. Small planet Eris has a tiny moon called Dysnomia, nick named Gabriella. Eris was the Greek goddess of discord and Dysnomia a demon goddess of lawlessness and fittingly the daughter of Eris.

Stewart Swerdlow a researcher in the field of alternative world history, presents a different scenario, in that Venus was not present in the early formation of our Solar System. One that I would concur with. The hypothesis of Venus being a later addition to our solar system is supported by world renowned alternative historian and author, Immanuel Velikovsky. Most experts blind to their own folly, wrongfully viewed pioneering Velikovsky as a ‘pseudohistorical’ quack. 

Swerdlow proposes that humanoid aliens [Cherubim] from the Lyran star cluster fled after a Draco-Orion alliance of reptilian aliens [Seraphim] had destroyed three of their fourteen home planets. Lyrans entered our Solar System and colonised two planets, Mars and Maldek. With no Venus and an Earth which was second from the Sun, Mars third and Maldek positioned fourth. Maldek was a large planet and had a highly ‘livable’ atmosphere as did Mars at the time. Mars had oceans like earth and seasons; thus displaying an axis tilt comparable to earth today. 

I would disagree in that Mercury was either a later addition as Venus, or a larger planet which had been demolished, with its residual core hurled to a new orbit – again like Venus – and the planet Maldek, was not fourth from the Sun. But rather the actual following sequence, quoted from the article, Thoth and the second book of The Divine Pymander, called Poimandres, or The Vision:

“In this manner it was accomplished, O Hermes: The Word moving like a breath through space called forth the Fire by the friction of its motion. Therefore, the Fire is called the Son of Striving. The Workman passed as a whirlwind through the universe, causing the substances to vibrate and glow with its friction, The Son of Striving thus formed Seven Governors, the Spirits of the Planets [symbolised – in order of original positions – by 1. Mars, 2. Tiamat (now Earth and the Asteroid Belt), 3. Jupiter, 4. Saturn, 5. Uranus, 6. Neptune and 7. Maldek (now the Kuiper Belt)], whose orbits bounded the world; and the Seven Governors controlled the world by the mysterious power called Destiny given them by the Fiery Workman [Holy Spirit].”

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, pages 13-14 – emphasis & bold mine:

NASA now admits Mars once had a full atmosphere, oceans, and was similar to Earth. Mars has seasons. In the Martian springtime part of the northern polar ice cap retreats and greenery can be seen forming in the northern hemisphere. You can also see where the water used to flow; there is still life that exists on Mars.

The Moon is an artificial object and it is hollow. The Moon does not spin or rotate; it is a [mechanically] fixed object with [suspiciously] one side always facing the Earth. The Moon’s orbit… stays in the same layer of space due to mass and gravitational pull. It is a vehicle parked in space like a satellite and without a magnetic field. The Draco colonised Earth from this vehicle. They started with the land mass now referred to as :Lemuria” [Pacific Ocean].’ 

Earth at this time was completely covered by water and had a dense water vapour atmosphere which was unbreathable – Genesis 1:1-2, 9-10 [Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. 

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, page 8 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The earth does not have an iron core that spins; that is fake science. The earth has a magma globe at the centre which acts like an inner sun. The North Pole opening is 1,300 miles wide; the South Pole is around 950 miles wide. All planets have an interior surface. There are caverns and sometimes ways to get into the inner area of the planet; it is not all molten material [refer article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis]. The only exceptions are the large gas planets [Jupiter and Saturn]. Aircraft is restricted from flying directly over the North Pole, allegedly from the magnetic interference with the aircraft”. This is not true; Global Handlers do not want you to see what is down there.’

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, pages 3-6, 40:

‘In the very beginning of our galaxy there were two main types of beings that existed. One was Draco, or the Reptilian beings that existed in the Draco star system; the other was the Lyreans… beings that exist in our solar system and galaxy, 70% are humanoid, 25% are Reptilian, and 5% are other types of beings.’ 

The Bible reveals a similar ratio of approximately 66% to 33% in Revelation 12:4 NET, “Now the dragon’s tail swept away a third of the stars [angels] in heaven and hurled them to the earth…”[Article: The Ark of God]

The Draco star system looks snake-like. If you count the stars there are 16. From a space perspective Draco and Lyra are relatively close by, but in reality they are light years away from each other. When you see Reptilian images and depictions on the Earth… there are blazing sun rays in the hieroglyphs and wall reliefs. There are 16 rays of the central sun, representing the Draco star system. 

Today, advertisements [including flags and heraldic devices] and corporate logos with radiating suns are symbolic representations of the Draco star system.’

Similar to a radiating sun is the sun disk. According to some accounts the disk depicts the celestial body of Nibiru. More frequent interpretations of this symbol however, is its comparison with the sky, the sun, solar power and renewal of life or divinity, majesty, power and eternity of the spirit. The winged disk is a stylized image of eagle’s wings. In ancient Egypt, the winged sun was associated with Ra and Horus. This may be in reference to the original Sun, Saturn and not our current star, Sol. Often it is accompanied by one or two uraeus of cobras on each side, and one or two Ankhs – Egyptian crosses.

Swerdlow: ‘The Reptilians… are not from the physical universe. The androgynous Reptilian form was the initial manifestation of a being in physical reality from [God]… Reptilians have a mindset that makes them feel superior because outside of physical reality there is no male/female separation, there is only energy. Because the Reptilians are androgynous with male and female incorporated in one body, there is no differentiation of the sexes. Energetically being male and female in the same body matches [God]. They believe that any species that has to differentiate between male and female is inferior, or further removed from the origin of [God].

Reptilians feel superior because reptilian DNA does not change over eons of time; it remains stable. Their mentality is that they are already perfect Reptilian [animal] species here on earth… rarely change… since prehistoric times, the Reptilian form has not changed much; this is true of the Draco species. Mammalian genetics have to constantly adapt, change and evolve. Reptilians do not change since they are already evolved, believing that they are more representative of [God’s Mind]. Reptilians… [have]… an agenda of occupation to assimilate all such [mammalian] beings into their Empire. In their mindset, this is their holy mission neither right or wrong. This is simply how they think. The Draco Empire is part of the “Orion Confederation”.’

Further corroborating background on the Draco or in reality, rebellious Seraphim, is provided by Dee Finney, entitled, Draconians – emphasis & bold mine:

‘According to Alex Collier: “… it was decided that the human life form was to be created in the Lyran system. The orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature… the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other… the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have had this capability for 4 billion years… the Draconians came and saw Bila, with all its abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it. There was apparently a mis-communication or misunderstanding… The Lyrans wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of “assistance” was offered. 

The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal, and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system. The Lyrans were basically defenseless. The planets Bila, Teka and Merck were destroyed. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source [refer article: Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are]. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and [humanoid] races. The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere… instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies. The Andromedans consider the Draconians the “ultimate warriors,” in a negative sense.”

Moranae continues, “the Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our universe. Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate universe or reality system. When this occured, no one really knows. The Draconians themselves are not really clear on when they got here. The Draconians teach their masses that they were here in this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to the universe and should be considered royalty. They find disgust in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. 

They have conquered many star systems and have genetically altered many of the life forms they have encountered [including humankind]. The area of the galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in the Orion system, which is a huge system, and systems in Rigel and Capella. The mind set or consciousness of the majority of races in these systems is Service-to-Self [the path offered by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil], and as such they are always invading, subverting and manipulating less advanced races, and using their technology for control and domination. 

This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not exist is always being tested by these beings, who believe that fear rules, and love is weak. They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the reptilian races, wherein the mother, after giving birth, will abandon the offspring to fend for themselves. If they survive they are cared for by a warrior class that uses these children for games of combat and amusement.”

‘So, you can see that the reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means they have no boundaries in what they will do to other beings. Morenae continues, “it is engrained in them never to trust a human. They are taught the Draconian version of the history of the ‘Great Galactic War’, which teaches that humans are at fault for invading the universe, and that humans selfishly wanted the Draconian society to starve and struggle for the basic materials that would allow them to exist.” The Reptilians enjoy human flesh, and human children best, for two reasons. The first is that children don’t have the accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that adults do, and when children are put into a state of fear, their energy…field and [adrenaline] just explodes. The reptilians get a “rush” from this stuff.

The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life – which from their perspective exists as a natural resource. The Draconians look at lifeforms which they have created or altered as a natural resource. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians created the primate race, which was first brought to Mars and then to Earth [Planet of the Apes franchise]. 

The primate race was then tinkered with by many other different races – 21 other races – resulting in the primate race having been modified 22 times. This primate race eventually became Homo Sapien Sapiens. – who we are on a physical level. Yes, we used to have 12 strands of DNA. Ten strands were taken out by a group from Orion in order to control us and hold us back. Why would they want to hold us back?

The reason the Orion group wanted to hold us back was because they found out who we were on a soul level. Again, according to the Andromedans [the Andromeda Galaxy, next to the Milky Way Galaxy] we humans are part of a group of energies that they know of as the Paa Tal. The reason that the Andromedans use the word Paa Tal, which is by the way a Draconian word, is because the Draconians have legends about warring with a race that was creating human life forms that were opposed to Draconian philosophy. The Paa Tal created life forms that could evolve on their own, with free expression. The Draconians, on the other hand, created races to function as a natural resource for their pleasure. So, you have two very different philosophies.”

The Draconians are a very large reptilian race, otherwise known as “the Dracs”. There is [a] royal line of the reptilian race called the Ciakar. They range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings [as fallen, dark angels]. They’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister. They apparently were brought by someone to our time and space, our universe, in full physicality, and [abandoned] here. They were taken to Alpha Draconis because the nature of that place gave them the best chance of survival. 

So, they were kicked out of some [different] place. They are a major factor to be reckoned with. They are for the most part Service-to-Self and do not care for the human race, because when they were [cast down] here they were told that this universe was theirs to command. They still have this mind set. They were one of the first races to chart our solar system, and in fact they were the first race to state that our solar system belonged to them.

… I understand that some of them have been coming back, and that more of them will be coming back. They have had space travel for 3 billion years, and they are a remarkable race. But, they have an attitude, and a lot of human races inside and outside our galaxy have had problems with them. They look like a 22 foot tall veloci-raptor, and they’re smart, intelligent and very different from us. They apparently at one time came across human colonies in Lyrae… the human race, per se, was not created in the Lyraen system. It was brought there to survive… from what the Andromedans have told me, for some reason once they go back 427 million years, they just don’t know what else is there… although the physicality is there, there is no history of races before that. At least, that they know of, in the Lyraen system. 

… the Draconians were flying through… [and] came across these human colonies, which were agricultural in nature. Because of their talents in horticulture, these humans were making the planets better, like gardens. When the Draconians came and saw this incredible wealth of food, they basically wanted to control it. Apparently there was a misunderstanding. The Lyraens wanted to know more about the Draconian race before they gave them what they wanted, and apparently the Draconians misunderstood this request, went back and attacked the planets, blew three of them up and killed a lot of people. The Lyraens were forced to migrate and scatter into different parts of our galaxy. So, the action did facilitate colonization, although I wrestle with whether the Draconians were planted here specifically to force us to evolve, or that there is some other agenda here [refer article: Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are]. I do know that there are other reptilian races that are descendants of the Draconians, and many of them are master geneticists. I am told that most of the dinosaurs were brought here, and to Mars, where they came first. Our current human form was crafted on Mars, where the primate and human genes were combined, and then brought to earth to work as slaves in the mines.’ 

“What is it about the human mind that causes some species to want to suppress us so much? What is it that is so unique to the genetic make up? Do they have free will in the same way we do?

A: I don’t know that it is so much our minds as it is our extremes of emotions and our essence. They have always stressed that the containment of emotion in physical form is what is most attractive, because they want this due to their loss of passion, and as a result they have become more dependent on technology. Here we are, getting deeper and deeper into physicality, when in fact we have the ability to just leave all of this behind. So, we are not correctly using our power as a race. We are wasting it. 

As far as our free will as compared to the free will of other races, it is one and the same. It’s just that we don’t as a population have the realization of the power of our collective free will. We don’t totally realize the sovereignty that our free will gives us. That is why they are manipulating us through belief systems in order to try and get [us] to relinquish our free will, by coercing us to use our own free will against us and ask them to come down here and control us. It’s a choice.”

There are many races belonging to the reptilian lifestream, a group far older than that of the human. The reptoids commonly witnessed by Earthlings, come from the Draco constellation; about eight feet tall, covered in lizard scales, with ferocious talons. They are quite a self-involved race, only interested in space exploration for the purpose of conquest. Many wars have been waged between the Draconians and humanoids in the past; the latter often becoming slave races to the former. Reptoids tend to be great warriors, owing to their physical strength, natural body armour, and firey temper. The Draconians do not maintain diplomatic relations with many planets, but are in contact with several other reptilian races. They are also in contact with the Global Elite, for the prospect of using this planet as a slave and food colony attracts them here [Article: The Establishment: Who are they… What do they want?] They have no respect for humans and would have invaded long ago if we did not have such outstanding support from our benign space brothers.

With seven different types of Draco races, the leader group is a seven to eight foot tall winged reptilian-type creature. The slender four to five foot Draco similar to a lizard performs menial tasks and aids in abductions. Harsh, warlike beings who feel little emotion, the Draco have no regard for culture or other beings. Most Draco are androgynous and reproduce by parthenogenesis, or cloning. One special group that is completely male creates hybrid races that conquer others. The Earths Moon is a Draco planetoid placed in orbit aeons ago during the time of the Lemurian colonization. With the intention to divide and conquer, they are known to be brutal… The Draco have vast underground bases on Earth and colonies on Venus.’

Dee Finney explains the Draconian agenda for humanity, which consists of mind control via Religion, leading towards total enslavement.

‘The first religion on Earth was the Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria. Their religion believed in a God-Mind that contained a hierarchy, or caste system. This caste system was extrapolated to the several Reptilian species incorporated into the Draco Empire. Each species had its own place in the structure of their society. Every individual knew its functions and respected these boundaries. To violate these rules meant death. The Reptilians operate as a group mind, meaning that no single Reptilian can make a decision for itself. Only the upper caste, or winged ones, have the semblance of individuality. They were, and are, the leaders.

When this religion was brought to Sumeria, the caste system was infused into society as a religious hierarchy. Remember that the colonists of Sumeria were refugees from Lyrae/Mars/Maldek. They, like the Atlanteans, maintained the original belief system of the Lyraen culture. The Lyraen belief system encouraged individuality, as well as promoted service to others as a pathway to self-growth. The Lyraens believed that red-haired people were connectors to God-Mind, and as such, used them as oracles.

The Reptilians worshipped the transparent beings from the astral planes as their creators. The transparent beings have a mass consciousness, like an Oversoul. They are basically genderless, although in terms of physical reality, their characteristics and traits render them more masculine than feminine. When the Reptilians brought this religion to the Sumerians, they were careful to introduce it in a way that would be accepted and followed. First, they created a gender base for a gender-minded population. Then, they instilled fear to control the mind-patterns. Cleverly, they devised a religion based on a male-female, god-goddess control system. The male god was called Nimrod; the female goddess, Semiramus. They are depicted as half-human, half-Reptilian. Their appearances were designed to frighten the humans into submission.

Nimrod and Semiramis eventually became the Osiris and Isis of Egypt, and the Apollo [Azazel/Sun] and Athena [Lilith/Venus] of Greece, among many other gods. All used the male/female, god/goddess theme because it represented the original Reptilian androgyny and the separation of the human prototype into the male/female, Adam/Eve.

Because of the “masculine” tendency of the transparent people, and despite being androgynous themselves, the Reptilians prefer the powerful male over the female. They represented their androgyny in Sumer by placing three horns on the Reptilian God, Nimrod. There are many layers of symbolism to this:

  • The penis and two testicles.
  • Two energies uniting to create a third, i.e., the human prototype.
  • The three levels of existence: hyperspace, astral, and physical.
  • The three levels of awareness: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.
  • Androgyny leading to male and female sections.

Thus, the number three was an important symbol to the Reptilians on Earth. They represent this in many ways, including the lily, or fleur-de-lis with its three points. They also use the scorpion with its stinger and two piercing claws [refer article: 33].

The advanced version of the scorpion is the eagle, which represents the scorpion in its higher form. Because of this, the eagle came to represent raising from a lower form to a higher one [Chapter XXXIV Dan: The Invisible Tribe]. It represented power and globalization. Because it was a bird of prey, it was able to capture everything beneath it, especially live food [Chapter XXXIII Manasseh & Ephraim – the Birthright Tribes]. For these reasons, the Romans always used an eagle on their staffs whenever they marched into a city or country [Chapter XXVIII The True identity & Origin of Germany & Austria: Ishmael & Hagar]. Most people do not realize that all birds are descendents of Reptilian dinosaurs. Many corporate logos and superheroes of today have wings attached to them [Article: Thoth]. The wings also represent the winged Reptilian leaders in the upper echelon of the Reptilian/Illuminati flowchart.

The original pyramids, built after the destruction of Atlantis, were energy points. They were the same shapes underground as above, making them into octahedrons. At their centre is a tetrahedron. This master shape is the archetype symbol for God-Mind totality. Anything at its exact centre is absolutely protected. The octahedron is also the shape of the Delta-T antenna used at the Montauk Project. This shape, when energized in the proper color codes, causes interdimensional rifts, creating vortices and wormholes. Rituals performed at this centre point produce vast energies that can be transmitted through hyperspace to anywhere in creation.

Some researchers claim that the pyramids were pumping stations for underground Nile tributaries. This is only partially true. Because water is an electromagnetic amplifier, it was used to surround the ritual chamber located in the Delta-T to boost ritual energy. Using these methods, the ancient Egyptians controlled weather, destroyed enemies, created stargates, and boosted their Reptilian energies in ceremony. This is also why the Montauk Project was located near vast amounts of water.

The Great Pyramid is part of a protective solar system grid, linking the Moon and Mars monuments together to produce a force field to repel invaders. The Great Pyramid is also connected to other points on the Earth such as Stonehenge, a submerged Atlantean crystal, Tiahuanaco, Ayers Rock, and the White Pyramid in western China. Together, they form an energy containment field similar to an electric fence. The HAARP project in Alaska taps into this’ [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim].

Dee Finney quotes Stewart Swerdlow and his experience of possession. Included only because of the suspicion that either, Grey aliens are, a. elemental spirits; b. the offspring of fallen angels, such as the Draco or alternatively; c. they are demonic entities derived from the Nephilim. 

“That night, the session was most interesting. After I was entranced, a small white being, who looked like a typical grey, entered my body. Speaking at first in a strange language that only Duncan understood, it then spoke in English as the tone became more ominous. This being said that it had every right to take possession of my body because I was one of them! Challenging this remark, Preston said that I was a human being with a soul from God, and no one was allowed to use the body except Stewart. The entity cursed Preston and called him Pressed On. It said I worked for them and was carrying out a mission vital to the success of their program on Earth. Both Preston and Duncan saw the physical shape of my body change as if it were a grey alien body. The outline of my face similarly changed. Then, the being started to move my body. Getting up, it walked around while making nasty comments about those present. Although my eyes were closed, my body walked around the room as if it were wide awake.”

‘Identifying itself as a Draco commander, it gave its name as Gengeeko. Preston immediately understood the Draco to be powerful, reptilian warriors. The creature told Preston that an invasion force was on its way to Earth and that nothing could stop it. 

The moon orbiting the Earth was their first craft. It had arrived here aeons ago to control the planet. After creating the Lemurian civilization, they had been removed from the Earth by the Atlans and the descendents of the disbanded Lyraen Empire with the help of the Pleiadians. Now, the Draco were returning to reclaim the Earth and use it as a military base for entry into the rest of the galaxy. At this point, I realized that this was why so many races were interested in the Earth. If this planet falls, then the rest of the galaxy is in danger. 

The Draconian then stood up and rasped a warning… Claiming that humans were weak, it said that humans needed the order that an invasion would bring. This way, the invasion would benefit everyone. The Draco would receive the raw materials, workers, and food that they needed for their invasion into the rest of the galaxy. The Earth would be protected forever by the Draco Empire. Our leaders were well aware of the impending invasion, gradually preparing the world population via television shows and movies. Even rulers in some countries were humans with Draco soul-personalities. The reptilian within my body expanded upon his ideas by saying that the United Nations would be the forum for a central planetary government. United States leaders were in league with Draco allies without realizing it. 

I was given information that the USSR was in league with the Draco and allowing them to use Soviet bases for advance operations. But, the USSR would eventually break up into smaller nations and disrupt the agreement. When this happened [in 1991], I was told that this was a deception to lull the rest of the world into a false peace. The various Soviet governments were closely aligned with each other. When the opportunity was right, the Soviets would pounce on the unsuspecting countries [for example, Ukraine]. In this way, the Draco had a powerful ally on Earth to do their dirty work for them.’

Refer Chapter XX Will the Real Assyria Stand Up: Asshur & Russia and Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod.

‘The rest of the conversation involved information about the Sirian interest in Israel and the Jewish people. The Jews, he said, were created as a joint effort between the Sirians and the Draco [refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe]. The genetic stock came from the Hebrews, a race of Sirian origin. The Ohalu Council, comprised of the leaders of the Sirian civilization, provided the Torah (the first five books of Moses, i.e., the Old Testament of the Bible) with its coded information that I would learn to decipher. In fact, the Ohaluans are nonphysical beings who remain in hyperspace. The Sirians are their physical descendents. 

Ancient Hebrew is the language of this council. A holy language, it comes directly from the Mind of God. Each letter is a symbol, number, archetype, and geometric shape that is used to translate from the spiritual into the physical. In fact, each chapter of the Old Testament can be decoded to letter patterns. When recurring patterns are matched against one another, geometric shapes are formed. These include a doughnut shape, diamonds, three-dimensional triangles, etc. When all the patterns are enfolded on one another, a tetrahedron is formed in multidimensionality

That is to say, the shape can only be demonstrated on paper by drawing a three-dimensional tetrahedron. However, its actual shape goes far beyond anything that can be shown graphically with current technology. All letters of the Hebrew alphabet can be seen within the shape of the tetrahedron. In the ancient Hebrew alphabet there are four letters that have a stylized crown on top of them. No one knew why. However, if all of the other letters were somehow forgotten, except for those four special ones, by using these four, the tetrahedron could be reconstructed and all the other letters again found within the shape. Scientists in Jerusalem and New York are only now realizing the information encoded within the Old Testament as they review it by computer and research the various letter patterns. What type of mind could have created such a timeless document? Certainly not a human one.

I also learned that there were originally twelve root races on the Earth at the beginning of life on this planet. What this means is that there were twelve original alien races that agreed to genetically manipulate and seed life on this planet as part of a great experiment. The purpose was to determine if all of the man frequencies in the galaxy could live together harmoniously or if they would destroy one another. These twelve alien races monitored their contributions to the experiment over the millennia. Some lost interest while some completely altered their original ideas. In any event, the twelve races are returning to remove or aid their part of the project before invasion forces arrive on Earth and usurp all of the resources and people – Revelation 13-17. The outcome of this invasion is yet to be determined – Revelation 18-22.

Many of the original races keep bases in this solar system to watch the Earth. A Sirian base on Mars has existed for many thousands of years. The Amphibians have bases on Neptune and on Titan, a moon of Saturn. The Draco, who are the invading reptilians, have bases on Venus as well as under the Earth. The Pleiadeans have a base on a moon of Jupiter. Many others maintain platforms or stations in orbit around the Earth and other planets in this solar system. Most of them do not want to be discovered yet.’

According to Swerdlow, the Draco-Orions eventually discovered the hiding Lyrans on Mars and Maldek. The Draco were experts at hollowing out small planets, comets and asteroids for mining purposes and then later using them as either stealth space craft, or as projectile missiles. In this instance, the Dracos launched an ice comet into the solar system. As it passed Uranus, it caused the planet to flip and rotate horizontally on its side at a 98 degree axis tilt. This means that the poles are parallel to the plane of the solar system, not perpendicular like Earth. Uranus doesn’t spin left to right, it spins up to down; so that for 42 years the south pole faces the Sun and then the north pole directly faces the sun for the following 42 years.

The comet continued its trajectory, passing so close to Maldek, the electromagnetic stress caused Maldek to explode, leaving the fragmented planet behind as the asteroid belt [rather, the Kuiper Belt], with other bits being pulled by the strong magnetic pulls of Jupiter and Saturn to become moons. The passing comet stripped much of Mar’s atmosphere and vaporised its oceans, causing the planet to orbit further away from the Sun. 

The launch of the comet had been timed to perfection, so as to inflict maximum damage on the Lyran planets. This comet was actually a planet, taken by the Draco from a different constellation. The comet was Venus and like Uranus, has a retrograde spin that is clockwise rather than anti-clockwise as the other planets. Along with theorist Immanuel Velikovsky, Central American mythology supports Venus’s later entry into our Solar System.

The ice planet Venus, then formed a mutual orbit with earth, pushing it further away from the Sun where it is located today. This also caused Earth to spin faster, pulling off water and vaporising into the stratosphere above; producing a breathable atmosphere and moderate climate. Ice caps appeared at the poles, oceans levels receded and the two largest continents of Atlantis and Lemuria rose from the sea. 

Venus, second from top left and Uranus, centre of bottom have irregular axial tilts as well as rotating orbital spins compared to the other planets of the Solar System. Pluto has an irregular tilt of 120 degrees, the most similar to that of Uranus of 98 degrees. As a comparison, Neptune is 30 degrees, Saturn is 27 degrees and Jupiter is 3 degrees. Whereas Mars is 25 degrees, Earth is 23 degrees and Mercury is the most upright at 0.03 degrees. Venus, even more perplexing than Pluto is 177 degrees.

The consensus among astronomers has been that the solar system always had just four giant planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. David Nesvorny at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio Texas claims otherwise, after running 6,000 simulations of the solar system’s birth and early development. A fifth giant planet [Maldek, (Tiamat?)] is now acknowledged as once being included in our solar system. 

The computer simulations by the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, showed that it is statistically extremely unlikely that the solar system began with four giant planets. By its calculations, it only had a 2.5 per cent chance of reaching its current population and orbital layout with just four giants, but was 10 times more likely to have developed to its present state, if there was a fifth massive planetary body in the mix.

From our present position on Earth, this side of Mars, Maldek [or possibly Tiamat] on the other side of Mars, would have been bright enough to be seen in the daytime and would have dominated the night sky. Whatever the name, Maldek or Tiamat, it was a. solid, because diamond bearing carbonaceous asteroids appear as the debris of its destruction and b. it was also a water-bearing planet, since a high percentage of water is contained in the solar system’s comets.

There is a high probability that all the planets of our solar system were blue-green watery orbs and life-sustaining worlds. Satan before its fall, with many angels, populated the old Earth – so why not the other planets. Just as Venus is anomalous, appearing to be a late comer in our solar system; Earth’s moon is irregular and suspicious in composition; Uranus’s has a mysterious unorthodox spin; and ancient records document a fifth large planet in our solar system. These conundrums are answered in the two alternative origins discussed. Swerdlow’s account has much to consider and favour over interpretations of the Enuma Elish record. Perhaps, both stories contain elements of the truth, or are they accurate in part because they occurred at different times? 

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, pages 15-18 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Reptilians were the first intelligent beings to colonise Earth. This is why Reptilians consider this to be their planet. After Lemuria was colonised, Reptilians were the only ones that existed… It was a long time before humanity developed from the Lyraen refugees that came from Mars and Maldek to colonise Atlantis. The Lemurians viewed the Atlanteans as occupiers and invaders… they were here first. Mammalian and Reptilian creatures are not designed to live in the same environment… [requiring] different living conditions. The Atlanteans had a problem with the Lemurian animal food source… dinosaurs. They rampaged over landmasses and devoured the food the Atlanteans were cultivating. 

The Atlanteans… used electromagnetic pulse weapons to kill them. This is the real truth… why… [they] abruptly became extinct. There was no gigantic asteroid or comet… 60 million years ago… the planet would have been a barren wasteland forever… [the] huge trench… off the coast of Yucatan [Mexico]… is where the Atlantean continent and archipelagos rose up, leaving the trench as a result [Article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis].

… the Atlanteans and Lemurians… [waged] numerous wars between the two civilizations. They hated each other; each thought the other did not belong on the same planet. 

In an effort to create peace between the two species, a third species was created… [Homo Erectus circa 40,000 BCE] The Reptilians agreed to the plan as long as their genetics were foundational with mammalian genetics secondary… when a human foetus gestates in the womb in the first trimester, the zygote appears an androgynous Reptilian. As it develops the mammalian genetic sequences open secondarily, just as they were encoded. This is also when sexual differentiation in the fetus occurs. Every now and then… a baby [is] born with Reptilian… scaly* skin, a tail, red eyes, and webbed hands or feet. When androgyny manifests in the body the individual is referred to as a “hermaphrodite” or an “intersex”. Everything happens for a reason. [God] does not produce accidents. This is why… you are a hybrid! 

… [When] “God” took a rib from Adam and created Eve… [this] simply means an androgynous body was divided into male and female components. The agenda of the Reptilians is to occupy all cultures [Earth] and upgrade them [down-grade humanity] to Reptilian [again]. The snake offering [fruit] to Eve represents the enticement of humanity to become [less] Reptilian [more mammalian]. Eve taking the [fruit] represents humanity accepting Reptilian control as handlers of Humanity from that generation forward.’

If this is true regarding Adam, as we touched upon earlier in the chapter, it would explain why it was important enough to be explained in the Bible that Adam was alone, and why Eve was created by taking his DNA symbolised by his rib figuratively or literally and cloned. Though we will learn that they were still both sexless at this point and remember, still both spirit.

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1990, Pages 13, 22-23, 117:

‘… [the Anunnaki] required a labour force… primitive man [Homo erectus] was created… combining… native ape-man with their own saurian nature… This [man] was half human and half reptile, what can be called a Homo-saurus. It was a failed experiment for the main reason it was a “mule” and could not reproduce itself… [later] it was decided to modify [man] and give it reproductive powers… given more mammalian traits [resulting in Homo neanderthalenis]. 

… [later again] the Biblical “Fall of Man” [is] where Adam [and Eve] achieved knowingor the ability to reproduce sexually. As a result of this genetic modification, man lost most of his saurian naturehis shiny, luminous skin and scaly* hide. According to the Haggadah… “The first result was that Adam and Eve became naked… their bodies had been overlaid with a horny skin and enveloped with the cloud of glory… of Adamit was bright as daylight and covered his body like a luminous garment.” No sooner had they violated the command given them then the cloud of glory and the horny skin dropped from them, and they stood there in their nakedness and ashamed”

… a tract from a Gnostic document… states, that because of the eating of the forbidden fruit… “Then their mind opened. For when they ate, the light of knowledge shone for them. When they put on shame, they knew that they were naked with regard to knowledge. When they sobered up, they saw that they were naked, and they became enamoured of one another. When they saw their makers, they loathed them since they were beastly forms. They understood very much.” [Adam and Eve] acquired a soft flexible skin, body hair, the need to sweat [Genesis 3:19], and the ability to produce live young. It is explicit in Eve’s punishment that she is to bear the pangs of live birth like a mammal – Genesis 3:16. [They] no longer ran around naked… [and] had to wear clothing for comfort and protection… [Adam] was a Homo sapiens a hybrid mammal-saurian creature… a quantum jump in evolution… from wild ape-man [Homo erectus] to a new species known as Cro-Magnon Man [Homo sapiens].’

There may well be credence to this account, in as much Adam and Eve did lose their spirit bodies – replaced by physical ones. Whether they were initially saurian and had mammalian traits added when they were punished and became physical; or whether while spirit, they were godly with their turning physical due to a combination of saurian-mammalian components being added, is a point of conjecture. I would lean towards the latter of the two.

In support of what Swerdlow states, the Triune brain theory proposed by American physician and neuroscientist, Paul Maclean in the 1960s, posits that the human brain is composed of three parts; all constituting our consciousness, with the oldest being the reptilian complex or lizard brain [archipallium] located in the brain stem, leading from the spinal cord and the cerebellum, which controls instinct, dominance, survival [through fear] and reproduction. The fight or flight complex. One could say the reptilian component is the primitive brain and continuously runs on autopilot.

Outside of this area is the mid-brain limbic system [paleopallium] or mammalian brain. It provides our feelings, emotions, attachments, habits and memories; where we learn to seek pleasure and avoid pain. One could say the mammalian brain dictates our decisions, the same as for animals. 

The outer layer of our brain is the new brain and comprised of the neocortex [neopallium] or primate brain and is what makes us human or in the image of our Creator and not just another animal as evolutionists would have us believe. This part of our brain controls language, ideas, concepts, imagination, creativity, abstract thought and logic. One could say the human brain allows humans to rationalise and reason, to think and be aware.

Boulay: ‘… the Adam of Genesis… [was] created in the image of the serpent-god… The hybrid that was created… looked reptilian… Adam was thus created in both the image or selem and likeness or dmut of his creator. The use of both terms in the Biblical text was meant to leave no doubt that man was similar to the gods in appearance. 

As long as [Adam and Eve] remained in the Garden of Eden, [they] did not propagate… because they were [clones] and could not reproduce… [in] the HaggadahAdam was created from the four corners of the world. “The dust was of various colors – red, black, white, and green. Red was for the blood, black for the bowels, white for the bones, and green for the pale skin.” 

Had Adam [begun as] a homo sapiens, the colour of dust used for the skin would have presumably been pink or brown. Homo-saurus or reptile-man was probably much larger and taller than modern man… Rabbinical records disclose that “Adam, who had been a giant, diminished in stature to the size of an ordinary man.” The antediluvian Patriarchs and Sumerian kings, who were part saurian, were apparently very large men and stood out physically among the hordes of mankind.’

It is possible the author has inadvertently swapped the creation of the people of Day Six, an Adam, with that of the Adam on the Eighth Day. The Neanderthals were created in the Saurian image perhaps and not Adam. This is why Adam was different as a later creation. The physical Adam would have received the different colours from his new blood, organs, bones and skin. The later giant saurian humans would have been the Nephilim result of angelic-human interbreeding.

The planet Tiamat is referred to by other names in various sources. What is not commonly known, is that it is mentioned in the Bible and was the home of the Adversary and a seat of its power. The planet is called Rahab. In Hebrew it has two meanings. From the verb, it means to be or become ‘broad, large, wide’ or ‘spacious’. Associated with territory, though also including the attributes of fame, abilities, courage and trouble. The secondary meaning from the verb, means to embolden or be ‘haughty, proud’ and ‘arrogant.’ Originally, the Creator formed the early earth to be populated, a home for life.

Isaiah 45:18

New Century Version

The Lord created the heavens. He is the God who formed the earth and made it. He did not want it to be empty, but he wanted life on the earth. This is what the Lord says: “I am the Lord. There is no other God.”

Jeremiah 4:23-26

English Standard Version

23 ‘I looked on the earth, and behold, it was without form and void; and to the heavens, and they had no light. 24 I looked on the mountains, and behold, they were quaking, and all the hills moved to and fro. 25  I looked, and behold, there was no man, and all the birds of the air had fled. 26  I looked, and behold, the fruitful land was a desert, and all its cities were laid in ruins before the Lord, before his fierce anger.’

Jeremiah is referring to the state of the earth after its pre-Adamic destruction in Genesis 1:1 and prior to its re-creation in Genesis 1:2. Scholars call this the Gap Theory. The state of the severed, cut in two Earth was horrifically worse even than the devastation caused by Noah’s flood. There had been a terrible eruption of evil on Tiamat, after the angelic rebellion. We learn from Jeremiah that there was a thriving civilisation, replete with cities and inhabitants. We know these were not Homo sapiens or descendants of Adam. Who were they: Hominins, Angels? The context gleaned from other Old Testament verses, in addedition to this account implies that the inhabitants were principally angelic. The phrase, ‘there was no man’, means no created Adamic man yet. Not that there had been Homo neanderthlesis or Homo sapiens and that they had been destroyed. 

Based on the Sumerian texts and an unconventional chronology, the arrival of Angels on Tiamat occurred circa 47,690 BCE; coinciding with the beginning of the precessional age of Capricorn, or the Goat and lasting to 45,530 BCE. There is a phenomenon in astronomy which has taken hold of the interest of many researchers and writers detailing mankind’s early history – for instance Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods, 1996 – and that is the precession of the equinoxes. It must of taken captive the minds of ancient man as well, as it is evidenced by certain civilisations as a long-count calendar that marks a giant clock which the Earth rotates through vast periods of time. The big question arises, how did ancient man learn of this knowledge? Or more pointedly, who gave them this knowledge. One source as we have read in the Book of Enoch, gives the actual names of those who taught and instructed early humans. 

The spring [March 20th] and autumnal [September 22nd] equinoxes are the two days in a year whereby the sun rises exactly over the equator. It creates the same length day all over the planet. Throughout history, it has provided a way for people to delineate the change of the seasons from longer or shorter days. 


‘The precession of the equinoxes is the motion of the equinoxes along the ecliptic (the plane of Earth’s orbit) caused by the cyclic precession of Earth’s axis of rotation… [it is not] the stars that… [move] but rather the observing platform – Earth. Such a motion is called precession and consists of a cyclic wobbling in the orientation of Earth’s axis of rotation with a period of 25,772 [to 25,920] years. [However, the annual rate of precession is now thought to be speeding up, meaning the calculated length of one full cycle is getting shorter.] Precession was the third-discovered motion of Earth, after the far more obvious daily rotation and annual revolution. Precession is caused by the gravitational influence of the Sun and Moon acting on Earth’s equatorial bulge. To a much lesser extent, the planets exert influence as well. The projection onto the sky of Earth’s axis of rotation results in two notable points at opposite directions: the north and south celestial poles. Because of precession, these points trace out circles on the sky. Today the north celestial pole points to within just 1° of the arc of Polaris. It will point closest to Polaris about 2100 CE. In 12,000 years the north celestial pole will point about 5° from Vega [coincidently in the constellation Lyra]. Presently, the south celestial pole does not point in the vicinity of any bright star.’

Precession is minutely slow as it is a very gradual shift in the earth’s position relative to the stars. The rate of precession of the earth equals 1 degree every 72 years. Thus precession of the equinox is like a clock. The twelve numbers are the zodiac constellations and the hand is the eyesight of an observer looking east on the day of the spring equinox. It’s a clock that moves over a very long timespan. One period, or hour takes roughly 2160 years for the sun to move and rise again into one constellation, before shifting into the next one. This remarkable cycle is due to a synchronicity between the speed of the earth’s rotation around the sun and the speed of rotation of our galaxy. Whereas from the earth, the sun passes one zodiac constellation per month, and cycles through all twelve once a year. The paths of the moon and visible planets are also within the belt of the zodiac.

The zodiac constellations are often regarded as the domain of astrology, rather than astronomy. Exact calculations aren’t readily made with room for interpretation, for there is no firm consensus among astrologers or astronomers as to when the Age of Aquarius began for instance. Many favour 2012, the end of the Mayan long count calendar while my own computations resulted in the year 1990. Significantly, it was a landmark year as it was sandwiched between the year preceding which saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the one following when the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred. It also heralded the beginning of our world turning down a darker path, as phone, computer and internet technology advanced exponentially; impacting our information and communication driven society irrevocably – Daniel 12:4. 

For those non-constant readers or those just reading this chapter, both the nations of Germany [Chapter XXVIII The True Identity & Origin of Germany & Austria – Ishmael & Hagar] and Russia [Chapter XX Will the Real Assyria Stand Up: Asshur & Russia] figure prominently in future Bible prophecy. The King of the North, Russia and a German led European Union will become formidable allies as they first dispose of the weakened western powers of America and Britain, before ultimately defeating the King of the South – an Islamic alliance of nations, possibly fronted by Turkey and, or Iran. It is after this and very close to the end of our age, that they confront the Kings of the East, led by China [Article: Four Kings & One Queen].

What actually causes precession has never been fully explained in the lunisolar theory of the Earth’s ‘wobble’ or by the laws of Copernicus or Newton’s equations. These models use the sun as a stationary object, yet this is unlikely as it is part of a spiral galaxy. Astrophysics has revealed a large number of binary star systems where stars do not just sit in one place. They actually rotate around another star* or system. This is now established science and thus the permutations for precession means it can be calculated by the sun’s motion around another central orbiting partner. This is more accurate than by the Earth’s wobble alone.

There is a curious link between precession and the Great pyramid of Giza. It has been shown that the exterior measurements of the Pyramid of Giza are an accurate representation of the Earth’s northern hemisphere on a scale of 1:43,200. A number that proves highly significant when one considers the method of doubling or halving key numbers used frequently in ancient Egypt. 

For instance 25,920 years divided by twelve constellations equals 2,160 years; times this by two produces 4,320. The platonic year of 25,920 years produces the decimal 25.92. Doubling this number equals 51.84. Amazingly, the angle of inclination or slope of the pyramid is cited as 51.8539761 degrees. Though created with sekeds, [an ancient Egyptian unit for the measurement of the slope of an inclined surface such as the triangular faces of a pyramid] it is exactly 51.84. A pyramid based on phi, would be 51.83 degrees. This number at very least, is an extraordinary coincidence in light of the astronomical references applicable to the pyramid.

In Chapter XV The Philstines: Latino-Hispano** America, we discussed the Sun god, Bull veneration and its link with Mithras

Crystalinks – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Mithraism is recognized as having pronounced astrological elements, but the details are debated. One scholar of Mithraism, David Ulansey, has interpreted Mithras (Mithras Sol Invictus – the unconquerable sun) as a second sun or star* that is responsible for precession. He suggests the cult may have been inspired by Hipparchus’ discovery of precession. Part of his analysis is based on the tauroctony, an image of Mithras sacrificing a bull, found in most of the temples. According to Ulansey, the tauroctony is a star chart [article: taurus ac solis cultus].

Mithras is a second sun or hyper-cosmic sun and/or the constellation Perseus, and the bull is Taurus, a constellation of the zodiac. In an earlier astrological age, the vernal equinox had taken place when the Sun was in Taurus [during 4490 to 2330 BCE]. The tauroctony, by this reasoning, commemorated Mithras-Perseus ending the “Age of Taurus” (about 2000 BC based on the Vernal Equinox…

The iconography also contains two torch bearing boys (Cautes and Cautopates) [Casluh & Caphtor**] on each side of the zodiac. Ulansey, and Walter Cruttenden in his book Lost Star of Myth and Time, interpret these to mean ages of growth and decay, or enlightenment and darkness; primal elements of the cosmic progression. Thus Mithraism is thought to have something to do with the changing ages within the precession cycle or Great Year (Plato’s term for one complete precession of the equinox).’

The Bible condemns worshiping luminaries in the heavens, whether the physical orbs of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars, or the angelic beings associated with them – Deuteronomy 4:19, Ezekiel 8:15-17, Jeremiah 19:13. 

Iurii Mosenkis – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The main difference between Canaanite religion and the religion of Moses is the close relation of Canaanite deities with the astronomical and weather events. Biblical monotheism strove against the solar and the lunar deities, Astarta (Venus planet) [Akkadian: Ishtar], and Baal (Taurus constellation) [refer article: Monoliths of the Nephilim].

Perhaps, the cult of the divine pair might reflect the observation of Venus in Taurus. Taurus is the house of Venus in the Babylonian and… Greek astrology. According to Nonnus, the founder of Berit (Beirut) is Astarte who named the city after her daughter. Astarte as the founder of Berit might be similar to Dido as the founder of Carthage… Phoenician depictions of Astarte looking through the window might depict the astronomical temples.   

Despite that traces of astral cults and even God’s victory over a dragon are presented in the Bible, the images of the sun, the moon, and the dragon are prohibited in Talmud and Rabbinic literature… the Bible… include[s] much more information about the celestial events than it is traditionally considered. Isaiah (Isaiah 47:13) enumerates three astronomical / astrological professions. Abraham couldn’t calculate stars (Genesis 15:5) [and] he observed the cattle, the goat, the ram, two doves and the fire and smoke among it at… night (Genesis 15:9-10, 17), i.e. Taurus, Capricorn, Aries constellations, the Pleiades (‘doves’ in ancient Greek astronomy), and the Milky Way respectively [Chapter XXV Italy: Nahor & the Chaldeans and Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia].   

The solar and the lunar eclipses repeat after some periods, and the 18-year saros and the 54-year triple saros or exeligmos (which were already calculated in… ancient times) are significant among them. If the annual solstice is well-known then the similar event in the moon’s revolution such as lunistice (repeating every nine years) is known very little. Paranatellon (plural paranatellonta) is an ancient Greek concept (but also well-known in the Babylonian and other ancient astronomical traditions) of [a] constellation which rise[s] simultaneously with… [an]other constellation. For instance, Aquila constellation (‘eagle’) rises with Scorpio constellation (‘scorpion’), so Aquila replaced Scorpio among four constellations of the solstices and the equinoxes in the books of Ezekiel and… Revelation [Chapter XXXIV Dan: The Invisible Tribe]. Conjunction (in a broad sense) is a visible close position of two or more celestial bodies, mainly planets [Article: The Calendar Conspiracy]. The planet parade (in a broad sense) is the collection of the sun, the moon, and the planets in [the] same constellation or in adjoining constellations. 

Resheph (Phoenician ‘fire’), or Phoenician Apollo, was firstly mentioned in the Eblaite texts (3rd millennium BC) as Rasap; the god was also known to the Ugaritians. The Phoenicians called him b’l chtz ‘lord of the arrow’. The Cyprians identified him with Apollo and gave him the epithet… ‘arrow’. The name of Resheph appears in the Bible with the meaning of ‘arrow’ (as ‘lightning of the bow’, Job 5:7). Resheph like [the] Greek Apollo [aka Azazel] may be Sagittarius while his arrow may be Sagitta.

Marduk slew the sea monster [Leviathan] Tiamat [Earth] and her [female] servant Kingu [the Moon], divided her body into many pieces and invented the zodiac. The dismemberment of Tiamat’s body by Marduk may be interpreted astronomically as an identification of 1) particular constellations near Hydra = Tiamat, or 2) particular stars in Hydra (with [the] division of Osiris’ body as a possible identification of stars in [the] Orion constellation), or 3) the division of the ecliptic: 

Marduk-Jupiter divided the way of the sun into twelve parts (‘Ram Zodiac’, i.e. zodiac with the vernal equinox in Aries which began from about 2000 BCE) with the subdivision of each part by three stars into three ‘decans’; Marduk also ‘founded the station of Nibur’ (Nibur or Nibiru is the same [as] Jupiter in some positions).

The name of Tiamat (Akkadian ti’amtum) is an earlier form of Akkadian tamtu ‘sea’; these words are also related to [the] Greek… name of the sea goddess and Titaness. The New Year cosmological battle of Marduk (Jupiter) and Nabu (Mercury [Article: Thoth]) against Tiamat and Kingu closely resembles the battle of Heracles and Iolaus against Lernean Hydra (Hydra constellation) and his assistant crawfish (Cancer constellation). Then Marduk and Heracles are Jupiter, Nabu and Iolaus are Mercury, Tiamat and Hydra are [the] Hydra constellation while [or Earth] Kingu and crawfish are [the] Cancer constellation [or the Moon]. Marduk pierced the belly of Tiamat with an arrow: the arrow might be arrow-shaped Cancer near Hydra. Tiamat with her eleven assistants (old zodiac?) fights Marduk with his eleven assistants (new zodiac). This battle resembles the Greek Titanomachia regarded as a change of the zodiacal epoch [Article: Thoth].

If the names of the Mesopotamian zodiacal constellations are of… Sumerian origin, then the zodiac was created by the Sumerians. “The Sumerian zodiac, from which our own was derived via later Mesopotamian and Greek astrologists, is of early and unknown origin, having like Athena appeared full-grow[n].” The Sumerians identified the Morning Star and the Evening Star as the same planet Venus in the early 3rd millennium BCE and listed constellations (regarded as deities) in the late 3rd millennium BCE.

The Greek Orion myth is closely related to the Egyptian myth of Horus who was killed by a scorpion sent by the god Seth. The ancient Greeks identified Horus with Orion. We can also compare the myth of Osiris: his first death in the coffin floating down the Nile represented the set[ting] of [the] Orion constellation (Osiris) after the rising of the Pegasus Square constellation (coffin) and Aquarius constellation (the Nile). The second death of Osiris, caused by Seth, symbolized the set[ting] of [the] Orion constellation during the rising of Scorpio or/and Ophiuchos constellations (Seth). Red Seth is red star Antares in [the] Scorpio constellation. 

Swallow-shaped Isis is [the] Pisces constellation (‘Swallow’ in the Sumero-Babylonian astronomy), and hawk-shaped Isis is Aquila constellation (whereas the main astronomical embodiment of Isis was Sirius). The winter solstice as the birthday of Osiris was related to the winter (evening) rising of [the] Orion constellation. The birth of Horus is the new ris[ing] of Orion which coincides with the appearance of the ‘new-born’ sun in Aquarius (the constellations of the winter solstice during the 4th – 3rd millennia BCE). The snake slain by Horus is the set[ting] of [the] Serpens constellation, and his victory over Seth is the set[ting] of Scorpio or/and Sagittarius. 

Cow-shaped Hathor (the name literally means ‘home of Horus’) is Taurus as the constellation where the Sun (Horus) was located at the vernal equinox during the 4th – 3rd millennia BCE. Thus, Osiris is Orion and Horus is both Orion and the sun (the sun in Orion?). Seven Hathors (as in the Tale of Two Brothers) symbolized the seven stars Pleiades in Taurus. Nut the cow as a goddess of the sky, related to the Milky Way, symbolized Taurus (near the Milky Way) as the vernal equinox constellation during the 4th – 3rd millennia BCE. Imkhotep resurrected pharaoh-Osiris (Orion) like Asklepius (Ophiuchus), identified with Imkhotep, resurrected Orion: Ophiuchus was located in the zenith in the evening when Orion rose in the morning. 

The dead were cut in pre-Dynastic Egypt, the phallus was separated from the other parts of the body, and the fact might be related to Osiris’ myth. So, archaeological, astronomical, and written evidence are correlated. Osiris is also sometimes regarded as the lunar god: 28 years of his reign stand for the days of the lunar month, and 14 [body] parts he was cut into by Seth signify the days of the moon decreas[ing, or waning – and also the number of stars in the constellation of Orion]. Nephilim are the offspring of [the] Orion constellation (which is named Niyphelah) in the Aramaic tradition, whereas Orion is the giant constellation and the David-Goliath duel might be astronomically interpreted as the set[ting] of Orion during the rise of Sagittarius.’   

The Nephilim association with Orion is a clue to the origin of the rebellious Watchers and is in all probability, the home world of the fallen angels who came to Earth in the antediluvian age.

Crystalinks defines the Age of Aquarius – emphasis & bold mine:

‘[The age of Aquarius according to astrological mysticism, symbolises] unusual harmony and understanding in the world [yet to be evidenced… though the seeds are being sown]. Those who follow that belief system see it as a turning point in human consciousness in which balance is restored by consciously moving beyond the physical body. The Aquarius symbol is metaphoric in content, meaning ‘closure in water’. Water [or spirit] represents the collective unconsciousness or consciousness hologram [the matrix] which creates the grid programs of our physical reality. Many connect the Age of Aquarius with the return of the goddess, priestess, or feminine energies [Asherah & Lilith] – those that vibrate above/faster than physical frequency.’

Chief of which are the supremely powerful and influential spirit entities, Asherah and Lilith, of which we will have more to say. ‘This is the return to higher consciousness, the awakening of higher mind and thought in the alchemy of time.’ This is all rather ominous indeed when transposed or layered against the mark of the Beast and the Man of Lawlessness [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod].

Based on an unconventional chronology, key periods of the precessional equinox periods lasting 2,160 years include… the one we are currently in, the Age of Aquarius from 1990 to 4150. This is the final age of humanity as we know it, during which the final uprising of the dark Angels and the Nephilim will occur; the victorious return of the Son of Man; and the millennial rule of the Kingdom of God. For those interested, the twelve sons of Jacob equate to a sign of the zodiac and their symbols include those of the zodiac constellations. For example, the water bearer Aquarius is associated with Jacob’s eldest son, Reuben. Genesis 49:4, Douay Rheims: ‘[Reuben] art poured out as water, grow thou not…’ [Chapter XXXI Reuben, Simeon, Levi & Gad – the Celtic Tribes]. 

The precessional age prior to Aquarius was that of Pisces the Fish, from 170 BCE to 1990 CE. As others have highlighted, the Messiah is equated with fish numerous times in scripture – Mark 6:38-44. Three intertwined fish, a symbol of the false Trinity is a prominent symbol of the Universal Church. Aries the Ram began in 2330 BCE lasting until 170 BCE. It typified the age of Abraham and most famously the ram provided as a substitute for the life of Isaac – Genesis 22:13. The preceding age from 4490 till 2330 was that of Taurus the bull. A time which was heavily influenced by Sun worship and veneration of its symbol, the bull, lasting well into the next age of the ram.

The time preceding the flood, its devastation and aftermath occurred during the precessional age of Leo the lion, from 10,970 to 8810 BCE. By strange coincidence the Angels who rebelled producing Nephilim offspring began their evil crusade during the fourth age of Aquarius from 23,930 to 21,770 BCE, just as it will be set to rekindle during our current fifth age of Aquarius. The first age of Aquarius coincides with the possible beginning of the physical universe in approximately 101,690 BCE – according to an unconventional chronology.

There is much confusion amongst commentators regarding which tribes display what zodiac attributes or of which zodiacal house they are represented by. There are many interpretations which jumble the tribes, even the best answer of them being in groups of air, fire, earth and water is incorrect. Whereas the answer is explained in Numbers 2:1-33, where the camp layout is explained for the sons of Jacob. It is four groupings of three tribes on a north-south by east-west axis [Article: The Ark of God]. The order listing gives a hint of prominence and a descending order by degree. Plus the three tribes of each group are in a zodiac sequential order.

The first camp was the eastern camp and this comprised in zodiacal order, Zebulun as Cancer, Judah as appropriately Leo the Lion and Issachar as Virgo. Judah is the leader with a fire sign [Chapter XXX Judah & Benjamin – the Regal Tribes]. Virgo is earth and Cancer the crab is unsurprisingly, water – which is applicable to Zebulun and his location today [Chapter XXXII Issachar, Zebulun, Asher & Naphtali – the Antipodean Tribes]. Issachar like the Messiah who was born in the sign of Virgo, have been hard pressed [refer article: Chronology of Christ]. All three are blood brothers, sharing Leah as their mother.

The second encampment was positioned in the west and in order, comprised Benjamin as Aries, Ephraim as Taurus and Manasseh as Gemini. Again all three are fully related, having Rachel as their mother. Ephraim is the leader with an earth sign. Gemini is air and Aries is fire. Ephraim with the symbol of a Bull with horns is specifically applicable. Aries the ram also possesses horns and the god of war is applicable to the fearsome clan of Benjamin. The twins of Gemini are remarkably applicable to the tribe of Manasseh, split into two half tribes [Chapter XXXIII Manasseh & Ephraim – the Birthright Tribes].   

The third camp was towards the north and comprised Naphtali as Libra, Dan as Scorpio and Asher as Sagittarius. All three are handmaid wives children, with Dan and Naphtali being full brothers. Dan is the leader and the sign of scorpio can also be rendered as a serpent or an eagle, with each being applicable to the tribe of Dan [Chapter XXXIV Dan: The Invisible Tribe]. The scales of justice are applicable to the freedom loving tribe of Naphtali. Asher are a very blessed tribe in the image of Ephraim. Having a symbol of a centaur is not far removed from the bull of Ephraim [Chapter XXXII Issachar, Zebulun, Asher & Naphtali – the Antipodean Tribes]. Sagittarius is a fire sign, Libra an air sign and surprisingly, Scorpio is not fire, but rather water. The Tribe of Dan had a special affinity with ships and by degree with water like Reuben – Judges 5:17.

The fourth and final camp was to the south and in order comprised Gad as Capricorn, Reuben as mentioned as Aquarius and Simeon as Pisces. Reuben and Simeon are full brothers, with Leah as their mother. Gad is the full brother of Asher. Capricorn is an earth sign and its symbol is a goat and like the ram and bull, has horns. Pisces is a water sign and is represented by two fish. This is indicative of including the missing brother, Levi. Hence the two fish are Simeon and Levi. The surprise is that Aquarius is not a water sign but rather an air sign, with Reuben being the leader of this group. 

The four leader tribes all represent a different zodiacal element of fire, earth, water and air respectively: Judah, Ephraim, Dan and Reuben. Their respective symbols are the lion, a bull, an eagle or serpent and a man or woman. Each are uniquely indicative. In Ezekiel we learn that the Cherubim, an order of celestial being for they are not called angels in the Bible, have four faces [Article: The Ark of God].

Ezekiel 10:14

English Standard Version

‘And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub [Bull, Ox], and the second face was a human face, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.’

Some translations use cherub, though most use bull or ox. At a reasonable stretch it could also be translated as a unicorn. The eagle and lion are self explanatory and the human face would equate to Reuben. What is very interesting about Ephraim is that we will discover that they were the main body of a group of tribes known as Saxons. This leading tribe were the Angles and they gave their name to East Anglia and Eng-land, from Angl-land. A symbol of Ephraim is a bull, though the word Angle has been proposed as really a transliteration of the word angel. The original Angles were described by contemporaries as angels or blonds because of the very high percentage of fair haired and handsome looking people amongst the Angles. It is recorded that those that weren’t, dyed their hair blond. The association with an angel is not far removed from that of a cherub and hence could be another symbol for the tribe of Ephraim.

Hominids, Hominins, the dinosaurs and other experimentation took place on Earth during this golden age of Angels until the angels rebelled, by about 35,000 BCE based on proportional timing given in the Sumerian Texts. Though more recently during the antediluvian age cannot be ruled out. There is scientific evidence that Hominids and Dinosaurs lived on the earth at the same time. There have been archeological finds, such as Paluxy River, near Glen Rose, Texas in which Dinosaur and early man fossil footprints are seen side-by-side in the same sedimentary rock. The re-creation of the Earth began in approximately 34,397 BCE coinciding with the age of Cancer the Crab, lasting seven thousand years, with the introduction of a sun’s rays emitting through the new Earth’s atmosphere. This time from the star Sol, instead of perhaps Saturn. The re-creation would have been far shorter, with the benefit of hindsight and experience from about 13,000 years of experimentation. 

The Adversary was responsible for what we call and perceive as the physical creation. They are the Architect of it, though not the original Creator. All seemed to be an enormous success. News of the Ancient of Day’s plan to create a being in His own image with the potential of life inherent as well as adoption as a son or daughter of God unlike the angels – but rather alike unto the Son of Man within an inner family circle, as the first fruits of a unique harvest of souls – was highly probably the trigger which fired the Old Serpent into planning a usurpation of the throne of Heaven.

The very slowly growing, seeping realisation that Satan was having within, of its superiority over all others in the cosmos – the rationalisation that they and they alone were destined to govern all and depose the Eternal One who was losing the plot – now catapulted the Serpent’s mind to reasoning it had to seize control of the spiritual realm and the physical universe in having any hope of preserving, or bettering its status in the Almighty’s creation. This required supplanting the Creator and ruling all that there was. It then meant when the staged coup was found out, that the Adversary had to sabotage the Creator at every stage of the evolution of mankind towards that end.  

2 Corinthians 6:18

English Standard Version

… and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”

John 1:11-14

English Standard Version

11 He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Galatians 4:3-7

English Standard Version

3 In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved [to the Adversary] to the elementary principles of the world. 4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons

6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave [to Satan], but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Isaiah 14:12-14

English Standard Version

12 ‘How you are fallen from heaven [the abode of God], O Day [Venus] Star [H1966 – heylel: light-bearer, shining one], son of Dawn [‘morning, early, light’]! How you are cut down to the ground [to the physical universe], you who laid the nations low! [‘which didst weaken the nations’] 13 You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven [the spiritual dimension]; above the stars [Angels] of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly [the Government of the Creator] in the far reaches of the north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds [Angelic realm]; I will make myself like the Most High [the Ancient of Days].’

This passage is seen as straight forward. Even so, it provokes two schools of thought. One is that the personality described here, is the Devil or Satan and their rebellion against the Most High. The other view is that this being described as heylel in Hebrew and lucifer in Latin, is a different person. As Satan is apparently not called these descriptions anywhere else in scripture, there is cause to entertain two different entities. In addition, the Son of Man is also described as a morning star – Revelation 2:28; 22:16. For some, this is inexplicable and leads to differentiating ‘Lucifer’ and Satan as two separate beings. The alternative is to propose that these are two personas of a pre-insurgent and a post-insurrection, Satan. 

Others fail to recognise the duality of Isaiah Chapter fourteen and therefore think the description of Lucifer as solely referring to a human King of Babylon. An important factor, is the point that both this personality and Christ are known as or called ‘morning stars, light bearers’ and ‘bringers of light.’ They are descriptive terms of what they are and not names. Thus heylel or the misleading translation lucifer, could be delineating a different person from Satan. Similarly, Christ and ‘Heylel’ are not the same person. 

We have discussed how Samael, also known as Samyaza, is a light bringer or one who shines brightly. This would lend weight to Heylel not being a reference to Satan and rather Samael. Yet Satan is similarly described in 2 Corinthians 11:14, CJB: “… for the Adversary… masquerades as an angel of light…” Perhaps a persuasive argument for it being Satan spoken about in Isaiah chapter fourteen is the reference to ‘falling from Heaven’. For it is seemingly only the Devil who is remarked of in this way. Christ said in Luke 10:18, KJV: “… I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven.” And in Revelation 12:11 NIV: “The great dragon was hurled down – that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan… hurled to the earth, and [their] angels with [them].”

Isaiah chapter fourteen supports Jeremiah chapter four, in that there were nations comprising angels inhabiting the old Earth at the time the angel’s rebelled. It can be fairly reasoned that prior to Adam, civilisations of angels existed on the Earth and possibly on the other terrestrial planets at that time. 

According to Genesis 1:28, mankind of Day Six, the Neanderthals, were told to ‘replenish’ or fill the earth, meaning that the Earth had been previously inhabited with angels and early man – Homo erectus. For the Hebrew word for replenish is the same word which the Lord used when He commanded Noah to replenish the earth in Genesis 9:1. Twice, the Creator has had to oversee destruction of life on an old Earth of Tiamat and twice the repopulation of rejuvenated Earths with new life. Some have pondered the number of the world’s population when the great deluge struck. Population studies have revealed through mathematical algorithms, that the population was approximately nine billion people [refer Lambert Dolphin for a detailed explanation]. The world’s population as I write is 7.9 billion [now 8.1 billion as of April 2024] and expected to reach 9 billion by 2037 or sooner.

Ezekiel 28:1-19

English Standard Version

Prophecy Against the Prince of Tyre

The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, say to the prince [ruler, leader] of Tyre, Thus says the Lord God: “Because your heart is proud, and you have said, I am a god, I sit in the seat [assembly] of the gods, in the heart of the [roaring] seas,’ yet you are but a man [hypocrite], and no god, though you make your heart [inclination] like the heart [mind] of a god – 3 you are indeed wiser [‘shrewd, crafty, cunning, wily, subtle’ like the Serpent in Genesis 3:1] than Daniel; no secret is hidden [be held (in the) dark] from you; 4 by your wisdom and your understanding [intelligence] you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered gold and silver into your treasuries; 5 by your great wisdom in your trade  [traffic, merchandise] you have increased [multiplied, make large] your wealth [H2428 – chayil: might], and your heart has become proud [H1361 – gabahh: lofty] in your wealth – 6 therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you make your heart like the heart of a god, 7 therefore, behold, I will bring foreigners upon you, the most ruthless of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor. 8 They shall thrust you down into the pit [the Abyss], and you shall die the death of the slain in the heart of the seas. 9 Will you still say, ‘I am a god,’ in the presence of those who kill you, though you are but a man [not a literal man, less than a god], and no god [not like the Creator], in the hands of those who slay you?”

It is interesting to note the salient points regarding the Prince of Tyre: they are wise or crafty as a serpent, say like a Seraph; created incredible wealth through trade; are haughty because of it; and think of themselves as more than an angel, yea a god; and whose end is the bottomless pit. The word for proud is translated as: ‘exalt, high, above, height’ and ‘upward.’ It means ‘haughty, lofty, tall, arrogant.’ 

The connotation includes: ‘lift up, mount up, raise up [to] great height.’ The word for wealth is translated as: army [56], man of valour [37], host [29], forces [14], valiant [13], strength [12], riches [11], wealth [10], power [9], substance [8] and might [6]. The Prince of Tyre had acquired not only wealth but a. the trappings of wealth, that is, power and b. the means by which to retain power, an army of followers. For this being, it is all about the pride in their wisdom and abilities, equating themselves with the Ancient of Days.

A Lament over the ‘King of Tyre

11 Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me: 12 “Son of man, raise a lamentation [H7015 – qiynah: dirge, elegy] over the king [royal (one)] of Tyre, and say [H559 – ‘amar: speak, utter] to [them], Thus says the Lord God:

You were the signet [or seal] of perfection, full of wisdom [Proverbs 8:22-31] and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, sardius [ruby, carnelian, garnet], topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle; and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings. [Original Hebrew says: ‘the workmanship (H4399) of your tabrets or tambourines (H8596) and your pipes (H5345)’] On the day that you were created they were prepared. 14 You were an anointed [H4473 – mimshach: ‘outspread (with outstretched wings)’, root H4886: ‘consecrate’] guardian [H5526 – cakak: defend, cover, protector, join together] cherub [‘flanking God’s throne’]. 

I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked [planets of the Solar System]. 15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness [H5766 – avel: violent deeds of injustice] was found in you. 16 In the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence [H2555 – chamac: injustice] in your midst, and you sinned [H2398 – chata: ‘miss the way or path of right’]; so I cast you [threw you] as a profane^ [H2490 – chalal: polluted] thing [disgraced] from the mountain of God, and I destroyed [H6 – ‘abad: exterminate] you, O guardian [anointed] cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire [‘no more strolling among the gems of fire for you!’].

17 Your heart was proud because of your beauty [H3308 – yophiy]; you corrupted  [H7843 – shchath: to spoil, ruin] your wisdom for the sake of your splendor [brightness, shining]. I cast you to the ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on you. 18 By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade you profaned your sanctuaries; so I brought fire out from your midst; it consumed [destroyed] you, and I turned you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who saw you [cast into a lake of fire]. 19  All who know you among the peoples are appalled [astonished, desolate, devastated] at you; you have come to a dreadful [terror, calamity, destruction] end and shall be no more forever” – Revelation 20:2, 7, 10.

The salient points for the King of Tyre and they are numerous, include: they are perfect; full of wisdom; extraordinarily beautiful; trusted in the Garden of Eden; bedecked with jewels; arrayed in gold; an anointed guardian cherub by the Eternal’s throne; held the highest position of authority in the Almighty’s government; became unrighteous; turned violent; were cast out of God’s sanctuary and cast to the ground, meaning the physical plane; their headquarters on Earth was destroyed; they became proud because of how beautiful they were; their wisdom became secondary to their outward splendour; and they will be consumed by eternal fire when the Earth is destroyed. 

The King of Tyre like the Prince of Tyre, is wise and became full of pride. Yet unusually, considerable extra detail is provided for the ‘King’ of Tyre. Why split them into a prince and king if they are the same person? Chapter Twenty-Eight in Ezekiel is speaking of two very different personalities, though commentators read it as describing just one being, while then equating them with the same personality as described in Isaiah chapter Fourteen. In support of them being one person, is that a prince can either inherit or usurp the position of a king. The fact remains that a. a prince is distinct and separate from a king and b. a king is of higher rank than a prince.

The most salient point for the King of Tyre, is the first which happens to be the most profound in its permutations. The Prince of Tyre has a prophecy or prediction against them; whereas the King of Tyre is given a lament. The word for lament also means a dirge or elegy. Lament: ‘to feel or express sorrow or regret for’, ‘to mourn for or over deeply’, ‘a formal expression of sorrow or mourning, especially in verse or song; an elegy or dirge.’ Elegy: ‘a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem, especially a funeral song or a lament for the dead’. Dirge: ‘a funeral song or tune, or one expressing mourning in commemoration of the dead’. What do all three words have in common? They are expressions for a. mourning and sorrow and b. in commemoration of someone who is already, ‘dead.’ Not only are they dead, they are lamented. 

We will learn that the King of Tyre is not yet dead, but that it is also the death of the relationship being lamented by the Almighty. One does not lament someone unless they hold extreme value to the one mourning. Who could such a being be, who has turned against the Eternal yet is still worthy of remembrance by Him in memorial?

The very next point made is nearly as weighty as the first, for in verse twelve, it is not necessarily a king being addressed, but it is someone royal, someone of prestige. This personage could be feminine. Clues of the such are that they are described as a perfect creation, possessing perfect beauty – absolute beauty of face and form – every precious gem, including diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, ruby and gold was their covering, they were an anointed Cherub or protector of the Creator’s very throne, an integral member of the Celestial Assembly; but then condemned for their unjust actions and their pride over their beauty, swapping righteous wisdom for self-glorification of their own splendour and thus cast out from the mountain of God. Something akin to spontaneous combustion, means they will be destroyed, being stunningly terminated and reduced to ashes forever.

Penetrating deeper into these words and phrases, we can confirm that there is a distinct femaleness flowing from them. This entity is the sum of female beauty, rather than of masculine handsomeness – to the point of perfection, in that the Creator was proud of His work – and they are clothed in extensive jewellery and gold, walking or strutting their splendour for all to see. Precious gems and stones are adored by woman the world over. What woman does not like jewellery or ever has enough. It could be argued the same could be said of an effeminate male; or, these verses really are describing a female being. The text could just as accurately be rendered the Queen of Tyre. We will study further regarding the question of a Queen of Heaven; a Goddess in the spirit realm, who was created as a companion for the Ancient of Days. 

Article: The Ark of God:

‘Most Bible translations say king; only a couple use the correct contextual, ‘ruler.’ In the Hebrew, the word ‘him’ is not there and has been added in English translations, only misleading further regarding the true identity of this ‘ruler of Tyre.’ For the Hebrew word if it were included in the original, would be H1931 hu or hi, meaning either ‘he, she’ or ‘it’ depending on the context.’

As this king is actually a queen, ‘the difficulty is that the Hebrew word used, melek [H4428] is masculine… It stems from the same root word which can mean king or queen [H4427 – melek], literally, “to become queen or king”. The Hebrew does not have a specific word for queen, for it only recognises a queen as not a ruler in her own right, but as subsidiary to a king. Thus, there is the the feminine of melek, in malkah [H4436] which is used invariably for a queen regent or wife of a king. For example Queen Vashti, the wife of Artaxerxes I or Ahasuerus – Esther 1:9 [Chapter IV Central Asia – Madai & the Medes]. Alternatively, shegal [H7694] for a queen consort [Psalm 45:9, Daniel 5:2-3] and gebirah [H1377] for a queen mother. For example Tahpenes, wife of Pharaoh Hadad – 1 Kings 11:19. 

The one exception is the Queen of Sheba who visited King Solomon. She very obviously a female, was accorded the Hebrew word malkah – 1 Kings 10:1 [refer Chapter XIII India & Pakistan: Cush & Phut]. Otherwise there has been in Hebrew, a bias in the assumption a ruler was male and therefore a king and so in the case of typing this ruler against that of Tyre, the identity of Wisdom the once closest companion of the Ancient of Days turned His greatest Adversary [Job 1:6-12], has remained conveniently hidden for millennia…’ 

Like the resplendent personage in Isaiah chapter fourteen who fell from Heaven, the King of Tyre is similarly spectacular and cast out from the Eternal’s presence. The plot thickens and provides significant food for thought. The Hebrew word for violence in verse sixteen means: ‘cruelty, wrong, false, damage, oppressor’ and ‘unjust gain.’ Violence ‘done against’ others and ‘violent [in] dealing’ with others. The word profane translates as: ‘pollute, defile, break, wounded’ and ‘slay.’ It can also mean ‘piped’. It means: ‘to desecrate’ or ‘pollute oneself sexually’ and ‘to violate the honour of’ or ‘dishonour’ or ‘violate (a covenant).’ Further important clues, are a sexual connotation, where it can mean ‘prostitute.’ Did this creature betray the Eternal and was that betrayal sexual? Also, the Hebrew word for violence can mean to ‘wound (fatally), bore through’ and ‘pierce.’ This implies a serious injury in the least and at the worst, death. 

Additionally, Ezekiel refers to musical proficiency, in playing ‘the flute or pipe’ a ‘player on instruments.’ This being was given the gift of musical talent so they could share joy with the Eternal [Article: Na’amah]. Recall, we discussed a similar reference to Nimrod in the previous chapter. Interestingly, though some translations mention Satan, it is actually the Prince of the Power of the Air or the One who rules those in the air, who is described in Ephesians 2:2, BSB: as “… the ruler of the power of the air [waves]… the spirit who is now at work…” This being is none other than the Lord of the Fliers or Lord of those who Fly. His title, as revealed in the Bible is Beelzebub; while his personal name is perhaps a surprise for many, for it is Samael.

The word for destroyed is past tense and leaves little to the imagination. It is translated as: ‘perish, lose, fail, utterly, broken, undone’ and ‘void’. It also means: ’cause to vanish, go astray, die, be exterminated, be lost, to give up (as lost), to blot out, do away with, put to death (of divine judgement). The connotation is, ‘have no way to flee, to wander away’ or ‘lose oneself.’ There can be no doubt that this being has either died, or has a death sentence against them that makes them as good as dead. The Hebrew word for corrupted in verse seventeen can be translated as: ‘destroy, mar, waster’ and ‘battered.’ The word means: ‘go to ruin, decay, to be marred, be injured, be ruined, be rotted, to spoil, ruin, to pervert, corrupt (morally).’ 

The verses in this passage about the ‘king’ of Tyre are referring to someone else entirely. They are separate from the verses describing the Prince of Tyre. Each are also distinct from those contained in Isaiah. Aside from the connections through covering and shining; the clues reveal that this being is not Samael; but rather a creature of great Wisdom who betrayed the Creator and very possibly, has been seriously wounded. For this being, it has been about distancing themselves from the Eternal and following their own path or Way of Wisdom. We will investigate further, this mysterious and enigmatic being of perfection and wisdom. Samael, a satan but not the Satan, is not described as perfect or beautiful. Rather, as Samyaza, he desired the beauty and allure of human women on Earth.

The Serpent in Genesis chapter three is Samael and described as crafty – meaning: ‘shrewd, sly, sensible, prudent, subtle’ from the Hebrew aruwm, H6175 – though they are not described as full of wisdom. Satan is described as a Dragon, presumably of the order of Seraphim, meaning a fiery flying serpent – as well as associated with the serpentine creature known as Leviathan. The being in Ezekiel 28:14 and 16, is described as a Cherub. If Satan is the ‘King of Tyre’ in type, this would raise a conundrum. Unless Satan underwent a transformation.

The Book of Job reveals that Satan meets with the Creator to report on its activities on Earth – Job 1:6. Satan fell from Heaven metaphorically, losing its place of trust – Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:3-4. Even so, the Adversary did not lose their position of power – Revelation 12:7-9; Matthew 4:8-9. Ultimately, the Devil will be punished and lose everything, including its life – Revelation 20:10; Matthew 25:41. 

The one incorrectly called Lucifer, but rather Heylel in the Hebrew – the ‘shining one, light bearer’ and ‘morning star’ – is not the same personage as the King of Tyre in Ezekiel chapter Twenty-Eight. Ostensibly it appears so, though reference to Satan’s right hand, Samael remains plausible and probable. 

It would explain the persistent belief in which Satan’s identity and the mysterious ‘Lucifer’ are not the same person. If such is the case, then Samael as Heylel, fell from Heaven after saying in his heart that he would exalt himself above all other angels, sit in the Assembly of Celestial government, ruling as the Most High himself. This being like Satan, seeks to rule in the place of the Creator and topple the hierarchy of Heaven. For Samael, it is all about a thirst and lust for Power. This in turn raises the vital question – for clues suggest it is a legitimate one – of whether all the forces of evil are united, or torn apart by factions. 

The war for control of the spiritual realm, described in Revelation chapter Twelve has not happened; it is yet future. Once it takes place and the Archangel Michael defeats the Dragon, the Adversary is cast out literally and once for all. This time, to begin the final countdown of end time events on Earth. 

The earlier verses In Ezekiel chapter twenty-eight concerning the Prince of Tyre, on a cursory reading could appear to be about Samael. Closer scrutiny hints they are written about the other key figure in the Adversary’s hierarchy, Azazel. Azazel is integral in Satan’s plans and has undoubtedly become its second in command, after a possible rift with Samael. The verses show a different punishment for a unique being; though the sin of intellectual pride is similar and the reliance on their own wisdom. The Prince of Tyre says: I am a god. This differs subtly from what Heylel says: I will make myself like the Most High. The reference to being put in the pit, while not convincingly clinching the identity of Azazel with Abaddon and Apollyon the Beast, certainly lends weight. Azazel’s role in the sabotage mission to Earth before the flood and again in the future as the Beast who is let out of the Abyss, reveals Azazel is extremely high profile. This is why there are multiple, yet cryptic mentions of Azazel in the scriptures. 

The verses in Ezekiel speak of his amassing great wealth while on Earth and his retinue of followers who evolved into an army. Recall, Azazel taught mankind the rudiments of warfare. Azazel is known as the peacock angel and we will learn that he was a charismatic teacher and leader, with ‘beauty of wisdom’ and ‘splendour’ or ‘brightness.’ The Creator both demeans yet aptly describes Azazel, by saying he is a man and not god. As the word man in this context is for a creature – the same as used for the Man of Sin and the Son of Man. The Beast, though angelic, transforms from spirit into an earthly visitation, while manifest in our dimensions and thus the fitting label of man is used – Revelation 13:18. This is not so remarkable remember, for it was what Azazel performed prior to the flood, transforming from a spirit being to one more humanlike. After Samael, it is Azazel who is responsible in endeavouring to thwart the Creator’s plan for mankind.

It is his mark which will be devastatingly revealed in the majority of mankind – Revelation 13:16-17. In the Greek [G5480 – charagma] the word mark can be translated as ‘graven’ and means: ‘a stamp, an imprinted mark’ like a ‘mark branded upon horses’ signifying ownership. It also has the connotation of a ‘thing carved, sculpture, graven work’ and ‘of idolatrous images.’ More significantly it alludes to ‘a scratch or etching (as a badge* of servitude)’ or a ‘sculptured figure (statue).’ 

The root word of mark [G5482 – charax] means to ‘sharpen to a point, a stake’ or a ‘palisade a pale, or rampart.’ A rampart is an elevated fortification with a capped stone parapet. One can’t help but think of the Great Pyramid and its original capstone which may have been composed of gold or a crystal of some sort, possibly even diamond encrusted. The sharpened point of a palisade may even include pointing to the tip of a hypodermic needle. It is worth mentioning that via an injection, it is possible to insert by needle, a long, thin radio-frequency identification microchip, or RFID [Article: Covid 19 Injection].

The number of the Beast is 666 and in the Greek it is written as chi xi stigma [G5516]. Stigma in Greek [G4742] stems from the primary word stizo, meaning to ‘stick’ or ‘prick’ a ‘mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership)’ a ‘scar* of service.’ Strong’s adds: ‘a mark pricked [cut] in or branded upon the body.’ It was common in the past for soldiers and slaves to bear the mark of their commander or master. Refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin and Destiny of Nimrod for further information on what the mark of the Beast may entail.

Unknown source – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about a one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders [in the 1960s] to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle.’

The invention of RFID technology is credited to scientist Harry Stockman in 1948. Though a Russian physicist Leon Theremin, is commonly attributed as having created the first RFID device and its successful technological application in 1946. Even so, it has earlier roots back to the Second World War as RFID is a combination of radar and radio broadcast technology. In 1963, R F Harrington formulated new RFID ideas which included scattering data and information. The potential of RFID technology was unlocked in 1973 by Charles Walton, who patented the first RFID key card. Regarding the actual platform to administer RFID technology minutely, it was in 1959 when the actual microchip was invented by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and also Robert Noyce.

‘Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted… These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. 

The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this refers to a hypodermic needle.

Mr. Sanders asked a Boston Medical Center doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor responded that if the microchip broke inside a human body, the lithium would cause a severe and painful wound filled with pus. This is what the book of Revelation says: “And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).’

Artist depictions of Azazel as a fallen dark angel and as Abaddon or Apollyon the Beast of the Abyss

In Proverbs Chapters eight we learn of a being who is not the Word or Logos, but introduced as the Wisdom of the Eternal. As the Word is the utterance and articulation of the Creator’s mind and thoughts, Wisdom is the reasoning and motivation of the Eternal. As the Word is the verbal expression of the Ancient of Day’s will, which became a formed entity; Wisdom is the Almighty’s thought expression, which also became a distinct entity, different and separate from the Word. Adding to the puzzle of this mysterious, shadowy, hidden figure is that they are female. The Greek word for wisdom, meaning ‘clear’ or ‘clarity’ is the beautiful feminine name, Sofia.

Proverbs 9:1

English Standard Version

Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars.

Proverbs 8:1-3, 22-31

English Standard Version

Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice? 2 On the heights beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand; 3 beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud…

22 “The Lord possessed [H7069 – qanat: acquire, create] me at the beginning [‘first in time, order or rank’] of his work [journey, path], the first of his acts of old. 23 Ages ago [H5769 – olam: everlasting] I was set [H5258 – nacak: to install] up, at the first [H7218 – ro’sh: head], before [H6924 – qedem: aforetime] the beginning of the earth. 

24 When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water. 25 Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth, 26 before he had made the earth with its fields, or the first of the dust of the world. 27 When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, 28 when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, 29 when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, 30 then I was beside [H681 – ‘etsel: ‘against, close, contiguous to’] him, like a master workman [H525 – ‘amown], and I was daily his delight [enjoyment], rejoicing before him always, 31 rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man.

The word set in verse twenty-three translates as: ‘pour out, cover, melteth’ and ‘molten.’ It means: ‘to pour out, especially a libation [‘a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honour of a deity], or to cast (metal)’ and ‘to anoint a king.’ Similarly, the word for ages ago can be translated as: ‘old, perpetual, evermore, time, ancient, always’ and ‘long.’ It means: from ‘antiquity, long duration, long time (past), ancient time, indefinite or unending future, eternity’ and ‘continuous existence.’ The connotation is from the ‘beginning of the world and without end.’ 

The word for first continues the theme of being first and is the exact Hebrew word used for Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal [refer Chapter X China: Magog, Tubal & Meshech]. Its meanings include, ‘chief, top, beginning, principal, top (of a mountain), height (of stars), choicest’ and ‘best.’ The word for before also strongly impresses the vast age of Wisdom. It is translated as: ‘east, old, eastward, ancient, east side, east part, ancient time’ and ‘eternal.’ It means: the ‘past, anciently, from of old, the front, that which is before, earliest time.’ The connection with the east is that of the beginning of a new day, with the rising of the sun.

The wording for master workman is enlightening as it means: ‘one brought up’ as ‘in the sense of training.’ A skilled ‘artificer [inventor, craftsperson, clever in devising ways of making things]’ and ‘architect.’

Proverbs 8:22-23, 30-31

New Century Version

22 “I, wisdom, was with the Lord when he began his work, long before he made anything else. 23 I was created in the very beginning, even before the world began. 30 I was like a child by his side. I was delighted every day, enjoying his presence all the time, 31 enjoying the whole world, and delighted with all its people.

The Voice

The Eternal created me; it happened when His work was beginning, one of His first acts long ago. Before time He established me, before the earth saw its first sunrise. All this time I was close beside Him, a master craftsman. Every day I was His delightful companion, celebrating every minute in His presence, Elated by the world He was making and all its fine creatures; I was especially pleased with humanity.

There can be no doubt, that these verses are describing a being of very great age, though still with a beginning as part of the original spiritual creation. It is mindful of the Word and his great age, yet he too had a beginning – Colossians 1:15-17 [refer article: Arius, Alexander & Athanasius]. Even so, this passage divides opinion. Is it merely an inventive, colourful description of the Eternal’s mind and His own attribute of wisdom; or is it a cryptic revealing of a consort and companion of the Eternal, a Queen of Heaven and a Goddess. Her original loyal role, from before the beginning of the physical Creation. I appreciate for many this is astounding, yet we will discover that this might just be the best kept secret in the history of the Universe. If so, why?

There is a passage in the Book of Luke where the Messiah is castigating the Scribes and Pharisees, the equivalent of our influential lawyers, civil servants and religious heads today. The Son of Man is squarely laying the blame at the feet of those responsible for the death of all the righteous prophets from the first one Abel to the present. The officials responsible are an amalgamation of the lines of Edom and Cain [refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe]. 

Their guilt-ridden blood by association, will be required in recompense for the innocent blood spilled of the holy prophets. Christ focused on his current generation as it was this one, which would murder the most important prophet of all, Himself. In a unique New Testament context, the Messiah reveals the Wisdom of God. 

Luke 11:47-51

English Standard Version

47 ‘Woe to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets whom your fathers killed. 48 So you are witnesses and you consent to the deeds of your fathers, for they killed them, and you build their tombs. 

49 Therefore also the Wisdom [G4678 – sophia] of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,’ 50 so that the blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation, 51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, it will be required of this generation.’

As mentioned, a planet called Rahab is stated in scripture, particularly at the time of its destruction. The word Rahab is interesting for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it is an ’emblematic name’ and epithet of Egypt [refer Chapter XIV Mizra: North Africa & Arabia]; secondly, it is the name of a famous harlot from Jericho, who had her life spared because of her kindness and hospitality to the Israelite spies. So much so, that she is listed in the chapter of faith in the Book of Hebrews – Joshua 2:1-21; Hebrews 11:30-31. 

Thirdly, the word means ‘proud, strength’ and includes ‘boaster’ or ‘blusterer’ deriving from the root words H7292 and H7293. Further meanings include: ‘to behave proudly, act stormily or boisterously or arrogantly, to act insolently, storm against, beset, importune, embolden, capture, overcome, to disturb, alarm, awe, confuse’ and ‘make bold or proud.’ Fourthly and most interestingly, the word Rahab refers to a ‘mythical’ sea* monster. This piece of information is significant.

Isaiah 51:9

English Standard Version

‘Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago. Was it not you who cut [H2672 – chatsab: cleave, hew] Rahab [H7294] in pieces, who pierced^ [H2490 – chalal: the exact same word as used in Ezekiel 28:16 regarding the ‘king’ of Tyre] the dragon?’

These events occurred in ages past and long ago, as in before the Creation of Adam and Eve nearly 30,000 years ago. The planet Rahab suffered a fate remarkably similar to that of Tiamat, which was cut or cleaved in two; one half left in pieces. One of the angel’s home worlds and head quarters of the Dragon was destroyed. The Creator struck a massive blow. Rahab, was cut, while the Dragon, was pierced. The Dragon is the Devil and the one known as the Adversary. Rahab is clearly analogous with the Dragon. We will explore a similar link between Tiamat and the sea* monster, Leviathan, as well as the feminine aspect of each. 

From a planetary perspective, Tiamat was cleaved in two. In like manner, Mars either at the same time was caught up in the cosmic battle which ensued, or later at the time of the flood was again hit by a sphere such as Venus, Nibiru or one of its moons travelling though our solar system. The scaring on Mars is still visible today and is considered one of the great wonders of the solar system, defying conventional attempts to explain. It leaves progressive astronomers with one viable solution, consisting of a cosmic thunderbolt of electricity in adequately answering the massive gouging found in the Valles Marineris, which is four times deeper than the Grand Canyon and stretching for nearly three thousand miles. 

Particularly as upon investigation, flooding has been ruled out. Ralph Juergens wrote in 1974: ‘… this entire region resembles nothing so much as an area zapped by a powerful electric arc advancing unsteadily across the surface, occasionally splitting in two, and now and then-weakening, so that its traces narrow and even degrade into lines of disconnected craters.’

A quote from an unknown author: 

‘The planet of the “Covering Cherub” [Ezekiel 28:16] is still evident within the debris, asteroids and comets, which are strewn throughout our solar system. Significantly, these chunks of the rebel angel’s planet, cosmic stones, have been used to mete out God’s judgment throughout history. God’s judgment on the rebels continued, as the incomprehensibly violent and genetically unlikely dinosaurs, the very image of the dragon, “that old serpent”, were destroyed with another chunk of the rebel cherub’s planet.”

Isaiah 30:7

New English Translation

Egypt is totally incapable of helping. For this reason I call her “Proud one who is silenced.”

The English word Egypt is used here, though the Hebrew Rahab is used by the NIV, NRSV, NAB and others. Some translations say: ‘a helpless monster’ CEV, or ‘the harmless Dragon’ NLT.

Psalm 89:10

New Century Version

You crushed the sea monster [Leviathan] Rahab; by your power you scattered your enemies.

Job 26:11-13

English Standard Version

11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astounded at his rebuke. 12 By his power he stilled the sea; by his understanding he shattered [H4272 – machats: ‘dash asunder, strike through, pierce, smash’] Rahab. 13 By his wind [spirit] the heavens were made fair [garnished]; his hand pierced [forbids] the fleeing [fugitive, crooked] serpent.

Job 9:13

New English Translation

‘God does not restrain his anger; under him the helpers of Rahab lie crushed.’

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, page 35 – emphasis & bold mine:

Nibiru was an artificial world [the Annunaki] used [as] a vehicle [like a death star]. It was converted from a planet-sized asteroid, or comet. These beings created the Black Race [Homo erectus] on Earth as recorded in the Sumerian tablets. The Annunaki considered the Black Race to be their personal possession similar to how the Draco consider the rest of the world to be their possession. The beings on Nibiru have nothing to do with the Draco. They are two separate cultures and races. Each one with an agenda, even though they are [both] genetically Reptilian. The [two] are at odds with each other and were at war… something terrible happened on the Moon. There is evidence of explosion sites and debris from vehicles. The Sumerian’s and Egyptians documented wars in space with flashes of light and explosions seen on the Moon.’

Various researchers state that Nibiru, [Planet 9, formerly Planet X] – whether it is a bonafide planet or an artificial sphere-cum-space craft, – will be due back into our Solar System. Others credit it with the biblical name in the Book of Revelation of Wormwood. The word wormwood, is mentioned a number of times in the Bible.

Proverbs 5:3-5

English Standard Version

3 For the lips of a forbidden woman< drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, 4 but in the end she is bitter [H4751 – mar: angry] as wormwood [words of sorrow], sharp as a two-edged sword. 5  Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol [the grave or hell]…

Note the female< connection. The word for bitter can be translated as: ‘bitterly, chafed, discontented’ and ‘heavy.’ It means bitter ‘of water or food’, of harlot’s< end, end of wickedness, cry’ and ‘of pain.’ The Hebrew word for wormwood is la’anah [H3939] and can also be translated as hemlock. It has the connotation of, ‘to curse’ as wormwood is poisonous and thus ‘accursed.’ Hemlock is a very poisonous plant. All parts of it are toxic of which it is fatal and there is no cure. The toxins are alkaloids which cause muscular paralysis, leading to respiratory failure and death. Hemlock can grow from between three to ten feet tall. It is part of the Umbellferae with white flowerheads, that resemble those of parsnips, carrots, angelica and water hemlock and is actually part of the carrot family Apiaceae, native to Europe and North Africa.

Wormwood is associated with a sharp ‘two-edged sword’, as Nibiru may have cut through the planet Rahab. It is also associated with ‘death.’ Wormwood means ‘absence’ and ‘bitter sorrow.’ In the Bible it is associated with either bitterness, as in ‘a root of bitterness’, poison or death – Hebrews 12:14-15. Samael is also associated with poison and death. Wormwood is a bitter herb, used for medicine and for various digestion problems. Wormwood is also used to treat fever, depression, muscle pain and worm infections. It can also be used to increase sexual desire. It can be applied directly to the skin in healing wounds and insect bites as a counterirritant to reduce pain. Wormwood oil is used as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, as well as an insecticide. 

Wormwood extracts are also used in alcoholic beverages, such as Vermouth. Absinthe> is another well-known alcoholic beverage prepared from wormwood oil; being a bright emerald-green colour. It is now banned in many countries, including the United States; but it is still allowed in the European Union countries as long as the content of the chemical thujone is less than 35 mg/kg. Thujone is potentially poisonous. Distilling wormwood in alcohol increases the thujone concentration. Thujone excites the central nervous system. However, an overdose can cause seizures and other adverse effects.

In Amos 6:12, wormwood is described as poison and unrighteousness. Amos 5:7, describes the judgement and unrighteousness of wormwood. Lamentations 3.19, describes wormwood as gall; Lamentations 3:15, says ‘drunk with wormwood.’ Jeremiah 9:15 and 23:15, speak of ‘drinking wormwood as the water of gall.’ Deuteronomy 29:18, reveals ‘a root that bears gall and wormwood.’ Gall means ‘bitter’ or ‘bitterness of spirit’ though it is also a synonym for impudence, effrontery, rancour, audacity, spite, venom, malice and haughtiness.

Revelation 8:10-11

English Standard Version

‘The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star [Nibiru?] fell from heaven, blazing [consume with fire] like a torch [G2985 – lampas: ‘a lamp, the flame of which is fed with oil’], and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star [angel] is Wormwood [G894 – apsinthos*]. A third of the waters became wormwood [poisonous], and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter’ [article: 33].

The Ukrainian word for Wormwood is… Chernobyl

It was on Saturday 26th April 1986, in what was then the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, that a reactor in the nuclear power station of Chernobyl in northern Ukraine, exploded; releasing massive amounts of radiation that drifted across northern Europe, affecting the inhabitants and food grown in the entire region. The immediate area surrounding the power station has been evacuated permanently and the damaged reactor was ‘entombed in millions of tons of cement.’

Many in Ukraine and Russia, thought this augmented the beginning of a nuclear armageddon with radiation preceding it. The word chernobyl refers to Artemisia** vulgaris, whereas the word used for wormwood in Ukrainian is polyn and is the plant Artemisia absinthium.> ‘Botanically and chemically, Absinthium vulgaris (misprint for Artemisia vulgaris) is so similar to A. absinthium that A. vulgaris is also sometimes called “wormwood,” though “mugwort” is a more common English name.’ Not to be confused with St John’s wort or Tarragon, which is Artemisia dracunculus.

It is unlikely that either are being referred to in Revelation, as ‘Artemisia judaica is widely cited as the most likely candidate for the biblical wormwood. In Christian legend, when the biblical serpent was expelled from Eden, wormwood sprang in its trail to prevent its return. Indeed, the herb is a frequent biblical symbol for bitterness, calamity, and sorrow…’ 

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, pages 35-36:

‘In the year 2000, The New York Times reported that NASA had discovered a large object past Pluto that had an elliptical orbit… NASA expected the object to pass close to earth around 2003. The Illuminati used particle beam accelerator weapons [directed free energy] in pulse form to blow up Nibiru as it neared Jupiter. Nibiru was destroyed in April 2003. This is why… asteroids and meteors [have been] flooding the Earth from the gravitational pull of the Sun. Fragments of Nibiru were seen for months and years after the destruction, flying into the Sun via the NASA suncam.’ If this is accurate, then another candidate other than Nibiru is required to fulfil Wormwood or, it wasn’t the real Nibiru which was exploded.

In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Snape’s earliest words to Harry are: “Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” Asphodel is a remedy for poisonous snake bites and connected with the underworld of the dead. Wormwood is also linked with the lunar deity Artemis. Artemis** is the root word for Artemisia, or wormwood. 

This is where it becomes diabolically interesting for Artemis is the Greek goddess of the Moon, a huntress, daughter of Zeus and twin sister of Apollo. Artemis is a Mother Goddess, yet a perpetual ‘Virgin’ like her mother the Queen of Heaven, the Madonna. Her twin Apollo is none other than Apollyon or Abaddon of the abyss. The fallen dark Angel and future Beast. Lilith is the daughter of Samael and twin sister of Azazel. Her guise as the Virgin Artemis is not without irony for Lilith was the mother and wife of Demi-god Nimrod. A family tree is forming, with a grandson, sister, brother and father all mentioned in scripture; albeit not always obviously or directly. The glaring omission is the mother of this remarkable Pentahedron. What shape does a Pentahedron make? Including its base, a four sided Pyramid no less.

Some commentators presently teach that Nimrod, as the ‘spirit of Osiris-Apollo’, will be resurrected as the future Beast and Antichrist. It is worth noting their comments for what we can glean from them, even though we have already addressed the subject. For if Nimrod were to be resurrected or rather, his Nephil spirit were to re-appear and manifest in this plane to cause havoc a second time; it would be in the form of the False Prophet [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod].

Tom Horn – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Numerous scholarly and classical works identify “Apollyon” as the god “Apollo” – the Greek deity “of death and pestilence,” and Webster’s Dictionary points out that “Apollyon” was a common variant of “Apollo” until recent history… Accordingly, the name Apollo turns up in ancient literature with the verb apollymi or apollyo (destroy), and scholars including W. R. F. Browning believe the apostle Paul may have identified the god Apollo as the “spirit of Antichrist” operating behind the persecuting Roman emperor, Domitian, who wanted to be recognized as “Apollo incarnate” in his day.

Most Prophecy experts today believe the Man of Sin [not the (first) Beast, but the second beast called the False Prophet] spoken of in Scripture will soon emerge on the world scene as a saviour… the source of his profound comprehension and irresistible presence will be the result of an invisible network of thousands of years of collective knowledge stemming from his embodiment of a very old, super-intelligent spirit [such as Nimrod]. As Jesus Christ was the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15), he will be the “seed of the serpent.” And though his arrival in the form of a man was foretold by numerous Scriptures, the broad masses will not immediately recognize him for what he actually is – paganism’s ultimate incarnation… [Articles: Thoth and Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are].

This is where the very title of Peter Goodgame’s fascinating new book, The Second Coming of the Antichrist, introduces an intriguing hypothesisthat Satan’s seed was manifest once before in history and is now poised to return again in bodily form. People not familiar with biblical eschatology may find this idea fantastic, that the being[s] who [become] the [Beast, including the False Prophet were] once alive, then [were] dead, and [will return] from the grave to rule the world in the end times 

… But in identifying the ancient spirit that will be revived in the end-times Antichrist, the rabbit hole goes deeper. Convincing evidence exists farther back in time that the historical figure upon whom these myths were based was the legendary King Enmerkar of Uruk, known in the Bible as Nimrod…’

Doug Woodward – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Egyptian Book of the Dead quotes Osiris (Apollo) saying, “I am Yesterday and I am Today; and I have the power to be born a second time.”[Tom] Horn quotes [Manly P.] Hall from The Secret Teachings of the Ages, in which he says, “The Dying God shall rise again! The secret room in the House of the Hidden Places shall be rediscovered. The Pyramid [type of Tower of Babel] again shall stand as the ideal emblem of solidarity, inspiration, aspiration, resurrection and regeneration.” Interestingly, Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, predicted in the 1930’s that a secret room known as the Hall of Records would be discovered within the Egyptian Sphinx. This room would provide proof of the Antediluvian civilization of Atlantis and provide the history of the world before the Flood of Noah [Article: Antartica: Secrets of the Lost Continent of Atlantis].’

Rob Skiba – emphasis & bold mine:

‘According to Webster’s, Apollyon is a common misspelling of Apollo. In Hellenistic theology, Apollo is generally depicted as a very benevolent god, representative of poetry, music and the arts. However, he is also known as the sender and stayer of pestilence. As a son of Zeus this would certainly fitespecially if Zeus is Lucifer [that is, Samael] – a being who loves to appear as an angel of light and goodness, but in fact is the harbinger of plague, pestilence and death. Considering the fact that the Fifth Trumpet releases the plague of locusts (which is certainly a pestilence), the idea that Apollo (Apollyon) [as the Beast Antichrist] is directly referred to as “the king [that rules] over them” truly fits! 

Apollo [as in Abaddon] will have the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit and return[s] with a horde of demonic warriors who have been bound in the Abyss for centuries [millennia]. Rudolf Steiner, the author of “Egyptian Myths and Mysteries,” written in 1908, states: “The Greeks… as they became acquainted with the Egyptian mysteries they recognized that Osiris was the same as the god whom they called Apollo [as in Nimrod]. They said that the Egyptian Osiris was Apollo, and that, like Osiris, Apollo worked upon the nerves so as to achieve a soul-life within man. The Anti-Christ is the return of Apollo [Azazel]/[Osiris of Nimrod] and probably the return of other prophesied gods, such as Quetzacoatl [also Azazel] of the Mayans and Baal [meaning ‘lord’, referring to Samael/Samyaza] of the Canaanites. Both of which are sky gods like Apollo.’

Quetzacoatl is an iconic god from ancient Mesoamerica and dating even further back into antiquity. He is associated with the Sun, wind and air; with the planet Venus; the dawn; crafts; learning and knowledge. In Aztec belief, Quetzacoatl had a twin and psychopomp, Xoloti the dog-headed soul guide for the dead. This aspect is mindful of the Giza Sphinx and its once original dog head of Anubis, the Egyptian god of the afterlife [refer The Message of the Sphinx, Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval and Appendix VII: Moses, the Exodus & the Red Sea Crossing – Fabrication or Fact].

Quetzacoatl was believed to be a white-haired charismatic visitor who flew in on his sky-chariot and taught the ancient Americans the fundamentals of building a society. Quetzacoatl eventually left, though he promised to return. Azazel will one day return. Azazel was also charismatic and godly. It is interesting to compare how Azazel is the peacock angel and Quetzacoatl means the feathered serpent. His name is derived from the Nahuatl words, quetzalli referring to the quetzal – ‘the emerald plumed bird’ – and specifically ‘tail feather of the quetzal bird’ and coatl meaning ‘snake’ or serpent [refer article: Thoth]. Male Peacocks also have resplendent sapphire blue and emerald green tail feathers. In its literal sense, a seventeenth century descendant of Aztec royalty Ixtilxochitl, said the name means: ‘serpent of precious feathers’ and in its allegorical sense, ‘wisest of men.’

Animal symbols associated with Quetzacoatl include the rattlesnake, crows and macaws. The bird symbolism could well represent Azazel’s angelic identity as well as his flying capability. Whereas the reptile symbolism could be referring to the type of angel he is, a Seraph. 

Glorian, Sons of Samuel – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Samael is the name of an angel, a very important angel who unfortunately has been removed from the Christian religion and has been trampled in the mud in the Jewish tradition, but in the very scriptures it is stated that Samael is a great angel. The name Samael is Hebrew. Every Hebrew letter has meanings and numbers related to it. When we look at the components of this word Samael, we see that it ends with EL. El in Hebrew means God. In the Bible there are places where the most holy God is called EL. He is also called Elohim which is plural for “Gods” or “Gods and Goddesses.” Elohim comes from EL. In Hebrew Samael is spelled Samech, MemAleph, Lamed. Four letters. This is a four letter name of [a] God: a tetragrammaton.

The first portion of this name is Samech Mem. Sam (Samech + Mem): bitter beverage, drug, poison, toxin, medicine, potion; perfume. The name Sama-el means “the medicine of God, the perfume of God, the poison of God, the drug of God, the bitter beverage of God.” All of these are accurate translations.

The [original] serpent is the Divine Mother Kundalini [Article: 33]. She is symbolized in the first letter of the name Samael. The letter Samech looks like a circle and it represents that serpent who eats its tail. That cosmic womb, the ouroboros, the great serpent of the universe, is the ancient symbol deep in the heart of every religion: the dragon of nature, the great dragon, the great serpent. 

Samech is a circle that is constantly in motion, rotating, which represents the cosmic womb of the Divine Mother, the fire, the base of all existence, the eternal cycle of life: night and day, dark and light, two sides of the same thing, but which is always positive. This is the great mystery of the Divine Mother, hidden in the very first letter of the name Samael.’ Not that Samael is the divine mother, but that a ‘great mystery of the’ divine mother who is also a serpent, a dragon and is hidden in Samael’s name. 

Glorian: ‘In addition, the letter Samech is the fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The fifteenth letter is related to the Fifteenth Arcanum, which is Passion, the Devil. So we see here some very interesting contradictions… But… this is integral to the nature of this great angel, duality; the positive and the negative, light and dark, black and white [good and evil]. Lucifer, the tempter, serves God. It is through Lucifer that the universe can exist; nonetheless, we have to defeat Lucifer [or Samael].

The second letter in Samael is Mem. Mem is the thirteenth Hebrew letter and relates to water. The man represents the waters of life, which are within the womb, both in the microcosm and the macrocosm. Mem is the basis of the Mayim (Mem + Iod + Mem), which is Hebrew for the “waters.” You can see that the letters Samech and Mem are very deeply connected. In fact, their shapes are very similar. Mem represents the Mayim, the waters, and it is from the waters of creation that all life emerges. These waters are in the womb of the Divine Mother, Maia, Mary [as in the Queen of Heaven], related to Mar*, the sea [where Leviathan dwells]. Furthermore, Mem is the Thirteenth Arcanum, which is the Arcanum of death, Immortality, signifying great change.

Samael is said to be related with the planet Mars*… in the Zohar. Samael says: “… my entire domination is based on killing. And if I accept the Torah, there will no longer be wars. My rule is over the planet Maadim (Mars) [the red planet] that indicates spilling of [red] blood” … Mars is related with the sephirah Geburah (which means “Severity”), and is the fifth sphere from the top down on the Tree of Life. Geburah is related with Mars and the Sun [god], and it is the domain of justice, security, punishment, but from God. In other words, when God needs to send his force to render judgement or punishment, it is the force of Samael, that angel, who does it.

“There was another angel in the seventh heaven, different in appearance from all the others, and of frightful mien. His height was so great, it would have taken five hundred years to cover a distance equal to it, and from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet he was studded with glaring eyes, at the sight of which the beholder fell prostrate in awe. “This one,” said Metatron [a transfigured righteous Enoch according to certain sources], addressing Moses, “is Samael, who takes the soul away from man.” “Whither goes he now?” asked Moses, and Metatron replied, “To fetch the soul of Job the pious.” [Moses and Job lived at approximately the same time – refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe] Thereupon Moses prayed to God in these words, “O may it be Thy will, my God and the God of my fathers, not to let me fall into the hands of this angel.” 

‘When we look into the Garden of Eden, we see that Samael rides on the [old] serpent; that serpent is the first letter of his name, Samech, and that serpent is the Divine Mother Kundalini, the very energy of creation. In the Bible, the serpent comes to tempt the woman in relation with the Tree of Knowledge. This indicates a very deep relationship between divine knowledge, the knowledge of God, the Divine Mother, death, water, and the serpent… when we investigate the many traditions throughout the world, we find this tree and we always find it is related with the Goddess [of Wisdom and knowledge]. 

In the Egyptian tradition, Nut is the goddess of the Tree of Life, and we see pictures of her pouring out a liquid to sustain the life of her followers; that liquid is the beverage of God, the medicine of Samael. It is the ambrosia, amrita, or soma in Sanskrit terms. Soma gives the power of creation, the power of immortality. Immortality is the thirteen Arcanum (Mem) and emerges from the waters of the Divine Mother.

When we acquire real knowledge, for example, just hearing about this teaching, it can taste bitter, it can taste intense, it can shock us. That knowledge is the essence of this angel, Samael. It is “a bitter beverage” [bitter like wormwood] to the ego, it is poison” [poisonous like hemlock] to the ego, but it is the potion” or “perfume of Godthat illuminates [like Lucifer/Samael] the soul. Thus when we encounter gnosis or Daath (Hebrew for knowledge) we enter into a great conflict, psychologically… real knowledge, the esoteric knowledge, not just beliefs. When you experience this knowledge… you feel a great shock to the depth of our soul ; most people run away because it is intense and a poison to the ego: it terrifies the ego, because… Samael is the angel of death to the ego. The angel Samael is Mars, Aries, the God of war… 

… Samael… wages his war on behalf of God, not for selfish purposes, and not to punish indiscriminately, but to punish on behalf of God, with the permission of God, and for the good of all. Samael performs the will of God. Samael – doing his duty – appeared in the Garden to tempt the woman so that she would have the opportunity to learn… and to grow, to advance, but she did not. She gave into her desire and failed… the woman succumbs to temptation and had to bear the consequences. The first consequence was that the man and woman were cast out of Eden. Adam and Eve conceived a child. In the Bible is states that Adam knew his wife and Eve begotten Cain. 

In Kabbalah [Jewish (occult knowledge) mysticism], the story goes deeper. It states that when the serpent tempted Eve, “it injected its filth into her”… the serpent is dual, Samech is dual: light and dark. This is why the Tree of Knowledge is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and… of Evil… When Eve succumbed to temptation she… is the one who brought evil, death, because when she failed in the temptation from Samael… [a] serpent, she polarized that energy to become negative. The [old] serpent is the power of creativity through sex that tempts us to use our sexual power. When we have desire, we use that power to feed desire, to sustain our desires instead of doing the will of God. Instead of conquering our temptations and conquering our desires, we fall to our desires. 

This is that dual nature which manifests in us psychologically, energetically. This failure is because we become hypnotized by desire, and desire works through our physical senses, and primarily through sex. It tempts us with sensations that we want to experience, to sustain. Sensations are illusions. This is why the Divine Mother is called Maya,” which can be translated as illusion, and [she as] the [old] serpent utilizes that illusion in order to tempt us. Unfortunately, we do not see through the illusion. We love materialistic sensations and we become addicted to them. The result is the birth of Cain.’ 

We will investigate the parentage of Cain further; as well as the idea that Samael and a mother goddess are or were, a double act. There is an apt saying that the ‘truth is truly stranger than fiction.’ None more so than what we are about to learn.

Glorian: “After this, they gave birth to the first son. He was the son of defilement, because two had intercourse with [Eve],and she conceived from both [Samael a serpent and the man, Adam] and gave birth to two [evil Cain and righteous Abel]. Each resembled his own father and their spirits were separated, one to the side and one to the other. Each was in the appearance of his own aspect.” – Zohar. This is why the man and woman, Adam and Eve, had two children. They reflect the two sides of the Tree of Knowledge: Good and Evil, or the Pure Spirit and the Impure Spirit. These two children reflect their source. Abel is the pure one who is depicted as a shepherd and whose sacrifices God prefers; Cain is depicted as a gatherer of the fruits of the earth, but God does not prefer his sacrifices, thus Cain becomes angry and jealous. These two children represent the two potential outcomes of that Tree. The Tree of Knowledge (Daath) is within us, thus these children represent the two outcomes of how we use our energies. The power, the energy, that arrives to us from the angel Samael [a serpent] and… the Divine Mother [the Old Serpent], can be used for purity or impurity. 

Adam and Eve know the mysteries, but they succumbed to temptation and created Abel and Cain. Historically, when we look at Cain and Abel, it is from these two that humanity emerged. It says in the Zohar, “From the side of Kayin [Cain] came all the evil species, spirits, demons [Nephilim] and sorcerers [black magicians, warlocks and witches]. From the side of Hevel [Abel] came something more merciful, but still not perfect. This was left to Shet [Seth], the ancestor of all the righteous generations in the world [for example, righteous Enoch and Noah], from whom the generations of the world issued. But from Kayin issued all the ruthless people, all the sinners and wicked people of the world [such as evil Enoch and evil Lamech].” 

‘Nonetheless, what we learn in Kabbalah is that when the Serpent came upon Eve and she gave birth to Cain, that child Cain is the child of… Samael. So when we talk about the sons of Samael, the first one we need to talk about is Cain, because Cain is the outcome of the temptation. This is why the Zohar blames Samael for everything. This is why Cain is said to have split nature: half human, half angel… from Cain came all the impurities, all the evil doers, but by parentage he is half-angel [the first Nephil]. It states in the Zohar that he was different from other people, different from the rest [of] humanity. He stood out because he had half divine [spirit] heritage.

We are already children of Samael because we belong to the Aryan race. “Aryan” comes from Ares, which is the name of Mars. This entire humanity [rather the line of Cain] is the race of Ares, the race of Mars, children of Samael. The doctrine of Samael is the doctrine of the Tree of Knowledge. This is the great controversy, the great duality of the Tree in the midst of the Garden… That Tree can lead to the path of… (Goodness) or… (impurity, evil). Both are the result of the power of Samael. After Abel is killed in the Bible and Cain is banished, a mark is put on Cain because Cain is still a child of Samael. That mark is a vav, the Hebrew letter, which is the sixth letter and is related with the Arcanum of Indecision…’

The Light in the Dark Place, Sex in the Garden of Eden: The Forbidden Truth, 2017 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Let’s resolve the Garden of Eden mystery once and for all. Here’s what happened in the Garden of Eden: “And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” Genesis 3: 2-3 KJV. 

The word ‘touch‘ is the Hebrew word H5060 naga… and is defined in the Strongs Concordance as follows: touch – A primitive root; properly to touch, that is, lay the hand upon (for any purpose; euphemistically, to lie with a woman); by implication to reach (figuratively to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike (punish, defeat, destroy… beat… be able to bring (down), cast, come (nigh), draw near… get up, happen, join… plague, reach (up), smite, strike, touch… This means that… In the Garden of Eden, Eve was impregnated by the serpent with Cain and again bare Abel by Adam. 

Let’s continue a little further in the book of Genesis: “And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” Genesis 3: 11-15 KJV.’ 

In Hebrew the word for beguiled is nasha’ [H5377] and means: ‘deceive, to lead astray, to (mentally) delude or (morally) to seduce.’ In English, the word also means: ‘to influence by trickery, flattery, mislead, cheat’ and ‘to charm.’ The nachash [serpent] originates from the word nachash H5172 meaning: to hiss, that is, whisper a (magic) spell; generally to prognosticate… [an enchanter]… The ability of the nachash… to hiss and whisper a (magic) spell helps us understand how Eve was beguiled with the impregnation of Cain.

The word ‘woman‘ is the Hebrew word H802 ‘ishshah nashiym…’ and is defined in the Strongs Concordance as follows: woman – The first form is the feminine of H376 or H582; the second form is an irregular plural; a woman (used in the same wide sense as H582)… (adulter)ess… Adultery was the original sin in the Garden of Eden. Eve was impregnated by [Samael on behalf of Satan] (the serpent/nachash) with Cain (Kain) and again bare Abel (Habel) by Adam. Cain and Abel were conceived via heteropaternal superfecundation. Heteropaternal superfecundation refers to the fertilization of two separate ova by two different fathers. Cain and Abel were twins of two different fathers.’

“And Adam knew Hava his wife, who had desired the Angel; and she conceived, and bare Kain; and she said, I have acquired a man, the Angel of the Lord. And she added to bear from her husband Adam his twin, even Habel. And Habel was a shepherd of the flock, but Kain was a man working in the earth.” (from The Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel, On the Book of Genesis.)

The secret that unlocks all things biblical is the knowledge that Cain was a child of Eve and Lucifer [Samael] and not the firstborn son of Adam. Understanding that there are two bloodlines upon the planet and that these two bloodlines have been warring with one another since the inception and dawning of humanity upon this world will help one to decipher this critical theme as it plays out through the totality of all available scripture, from the fall to soon coming judgment.” (from ‘Lucifer Father of Cain’ by Zen Garcia)

Understanding that Cain was the literal child of [a] devil becomes very obvious throughout scripture and John 8 helps us put all the pieces of this mystery together. Jesus rebukes those who are opposing him: Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father [Samael] the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. (John 8:43-45 KJV). From this, we know that the devil [the Serpent in the Garden] was a murderer and a liar from the beginning. In Genesis 4, Cain murdered his brother Abel and then lied about it!

The origin of our flesh stems back to the Garden of Eden when Eve was beguiled by the serpent and all of humanity fell from our spiritual state of being into a carnal system known as the flesh. All of mankind has the ‘skin of the serpent‘ as revealed in Genesis 3 of the ancient text of The Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel : And Adam called the name of his wife Hava, because she is the mother of all the children of men. And the Lord God made Adam and to his wife vestures of honour from the skin of the serpent, which he had cast from him, upon the skin of their flesh, instead of that adornment which had been cast away; and He clothed them.’

Human skin cells magnified under an electron microscope in comparison with the scales of a snake. Modern science reveals the remarkable similarity between human skin and serpent scales. The transmutation of the skin or DNA template of the ‘serpent’ was reconstructed and given to Adam and Eve in their new physical form.

Samael is known, by numerous names, aliases, titles and descriptions: Lucifer, Heylel, Morningstar, Son of the Morning, Light Bringer, Phosphorus [morning star of Venus; (Sulphur)], Hesperus [evening star of Venus], Devil, the Power of the Air, Prince of Lies, Prince of Darkness, Prince of the East, Prince of the Seraphim, Serpent, the Dark Lord, the Evil One, Beelzebub [which means: the Lord who Flies, Lord of the Flyers and misleadingly, Lord of the Flies], Baal [meaning Lord], Samyaza and incorrectly as Mephistopheles. Whereas it is the Adversary, Satan, who is likened to a great red Dragon, an ancient Serpent, and the god of this World.

Regarding Samael’s kind, he is invariably labeled an archangel, a fallen angel or as a Seraphim. He is likely a fallen Seraph if he is a serpent as alluded in the Book of Genesis. The Angelic order is difficult to ascertain, in that it is ostensibly unclear [refer article: The Ark of God]. Different commentators place them in differing orders while adding ranks or hierarchies which though inspired from the New Testament are not stated as such in scripture; so that Archangel, Cherubim and Seraphim are all at different times placed as first. Simply, the Cherubim and Seraphim are two different orders of spiritual creatures, yet they are not stated directly as angels for angels are messengers; but for the want of a better term it is used. The Bible does not rank one above the other. Those angelic beings with specific or higher responsibilities, are deemed an Archangel. 

The Seraphim originated as a Dragon species. Those who rebelled, having transformed into a reptilian line of angels, which include a variety of beings also exhibiting Arachnid, Insect and Amphibian like features and natures. The Cherubim are an assorted collection of spiritual creatures, exhibiting either mammalian, avian or human like features and qualities. The Book of Ezekiel chapter ten, reveals four main classifications: Eagle, Ox or Bull, Lion and Anthropomorphic.

Samael’s father is the Ancient of Days and his mother, is purported to be Asherah. Samael’s siblings may well include the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Ariel [or Uriel]. Samael’s chief consorts included his own Mother the Queen of Heaven, Asherah and also his daughter by her, Lilith. Samael had additional offspring, including Lilith’s twin Azazel. Tradition assigns the Hesperides – Nymphs who were Daughters of the Morning Star, Lucifer or Samael – and a son, Mundus. Mundus was allegedly born to Samael and Lilith; though Samael and Mundus did not get on together. Mundus sought to usurp his father’s throne, unsuccessfully and was nearly killed by Samael, but a sliver of his essence escaped. Mundus may be one and the same with Marduk. The nucleus and origin of the story of Osiris, Isis, Seth and Horus may derive from these gods.

A fictional quote from Lucifer, though quite apt: 

‘Since time immemorial, you humans would always blame me for your failings. You use my name as if I spent my entire day sitting on your shoulders, forcing you to commit acts you would otherwise find repulsive. “The Devil made me do it.” I never made any one of you do anything. That is your own doing. I introduced free will yet you began to cultivate it into sin and empower it thereby becoming your own demons. A fact that I tried to prove to my Father and siblings. And yet I was cast out, stripped of my power, and to be burned in the Abyss for eternity… All because I was right.’

Samael is revered among the rebellious angels for his unsurpassed wisdom, incredible genius and majestic power. He is noted to have had originally six, colossal whitish gold wings, as a Seraph does, which were said to look as though they were made of light.

Tradition says his wings shifted into various shades of dark red during his rebellious stage; later becoming shades of black when he fully rebelled. His wings were eventually burned off during his fall; mutating into giant red chiropteran, or Bat-like wings.

Samael was one of the first of the Creator’s offspring and was chosen to lead in the administration of the spirit realm of angels tasked with the responsibilities involved with the physical universe, including the Earth and to develop life. Samael’s exalted position and power may have been an early seed contributing to his self-pride and growing delusion in over throwing the Most High. Alternatively, this may have actually been ignited by his Mother. Samael’s pride was also challenged when the Creator selected him with watching over and guiding His other creations, particularly humankind, which were perceived as beneath him. When the Ancient of Days planned to create Adam, Samael’s pride and disdain accelerated, overtaking him and he grew increasingly rebellious, towards his Father. Samael became dissatisfied with remaining loyal to the Eternal. Coupled with the realisation that his Father was favouring this new creation, the Adam; watching over these infant-like creatures like a Shepherd over a flock was intolerable for him.

Samael was heavily opposed towards the Creator’s plan of predestinating mankind; so that their destiny was ultimately, under God’s will and command. Since Samael embodies and champions free-will, this would go against his very being and purpose. One commentator says: ‘He was opposed at the idea that God would want all to follow under his guidance and rule with them having no choice nor say in the matter and having to either die or live by God’s decree. Lucifer’s paranoia made him see God as a tyrannical ruler and declared that no one should not be in control of their own lives and fate and as such, proclaimed that he would rule in God’s stead. Lucifer rebelled against God, with the support of [the leadership of Asherah and] one-third of the heavenly host.’ Samael is a being of incalculable celestial power and is among the most powerful entities in all of creation ‘with Zariel stating, that the Morningstar is powerful in ways that defy description itself…’ 

Revealing Quotes attributed to Samael:

“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.”

“You know Nothing of my family. I loved my brothers and sisters. My Father. And my Mother. But the fact that I needed to shepherd you flawed and abominable pieces of dust and clay is an insult to my very purpose and existence. The fact that my Father favoured you… over His own family is an offence towards our hearts. The fact that He has so much faith in you even after I outright proved how flawed, deceptive, and murderous you all could be and moreover had the unmitigated Gall to banish me further down in the Pit for my transgressions… Is Unforgivable”

“After eons of reigning within the Abyss I knew but only one reason that my Father would not listen… He would be the victim of senility. And no one would want the Almighty to lord over all creation in such a condition. Thus, I would appoint myself as the new lord of the cosmos and rule in His stead but as blindness and naivety would have it my siblings would not allow for it. Our ongoing disagreements over the matter eventually sparked a civil war of which I tried to avoid though what is the use when you are within the confines of pre-destination that was written by a senile old man?”

“A liar am I? Now I find that to be quite offensive. Those Biblical authors and the God-praising fools all bestowed upon me the title of ‘Prince of Lies’. Let me assure you that I am no deceiver nor trickster of any sort. If you want to make a deal then I will tell you the contents of my side of the deal. If you want to hear the truth I will tell you the truth. And I will tell you the exact literal truth. But be warned, my dear. The Devil’s truth is but a path towards damnation. After all… the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”

“The greatest lie I ever told? No, it was not convincing the world I didn’t exist, plenty of people do believe I exist. Nor was it convincing people God doesn’t exist. That would spoil the fun of our little game. It was not saying there is only Heaven or only Hell. It was not leading you to so-called ‘pagan deities’. My greatest lie was but three words: God commands it. You’d be amazed how easy it is to lead you away from Him with nothing but His name and a flimsy excuse.”

“Go and tell them that I’m coming… Go and tell them that I’m here, and show them the evidence… You’re not ready for me. No one is.” 

The Great Red Dragon, Ancient Serpent, the Devil, Satan the Adversary and Deceiver of the whole world… though this is not Samael.

In the Bible, there is a being who has feminine attributes and initially it is easy to incorrectly reconcile these with Samael. When in actuality they are the characteristics of Satan. Author Travis Yates confronts this profound hypothesis in Lucifer Revisited: She’s Not Who You Think He Is! 2012. Yates assigns the abundant female clues to Lucifer, who we have learned is in reality, Samael. Remember from his perspective, Lucifer is Satan. Prepare now to be shocked as we discover not only the truth about Satan’s gender, but also the mysterious Asherah; investigating in depth her hidden role and unravelling her secret identity as the Adversary.

Page 96 – emphasis & bold mine throughout:

‘… Satan… was the one who “beguiled” or tricked Eve… the Book of Enoch states it was actually one of the fallen angels who “led Eve astray”, one of the original angels… who rebelled with Lucifer; Gadreel… [Book of Enoch 69:6, And the third was named Gadreel: he it is who showed the children of men all the blows of death, and he led astray Eve…]. Satan… deceived Eve, but it was Gadreel who “sexually” assaulted her. It took Satan’s beautiful voice, music and smooth words to… [cause] Eve to become so “hot” with desire emotionally and sexually; it was easy to seduce her mentally.’

We noted already, the belief that the serpent in the garden was Lilith, working together with Satan in seducing Eve. Proposed here, is Gadreel as an accomplice with Satan. Neither is correct, for we are establishing by degree that it was Samael who took on the role of the serpent, seducing Eve verbally and sexually. As we have ascertained that Samael and Satan are two different personages, it has to be one or the other. As we will continue to provide evidence that it was the male impregnation of Eve which led to the conception and birth of a son with Samael called Cain; this then will effectively rule out Satan as a father in more ways than one. Though Satan is the Old Serpent and the Devil, this does not change the fact that Samael was the one who presented himself in the Garden of Eden, at the behest of Satan, as a serpent and who in turn is the one cursed in Genesis 3:15, with his seed. Samael is the devilish father and progenitor of Cain’s seed, who has been at war with Eve’s seed since her second and third sons, Abel and Seth.

Pages 114-115 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Satan is also known by another name; Samael [rather, they are two different entities]. Samael is known as the “chief of satans”, the “angel of death”, the “prince of demons”… the Blind Dragon” and the “venom of God”… He is known to have twelve wings and is the angel of death, he kills men with a drop of poison. So it is no wonder that he took the form of the serpent, it also spits or bites and kills with venomous poison… another name for Samael is “the hidden one”. As well, the nature of Cain is well known as a murderer, full of jealousy and envy. Sounds just like Lucifer’s characteristics… 

What most people don’t realise is the intent of seducing Eve was twofold: first to get her to sin against God, second to corrupt her offspring; just like [angels] did with the other women of men later on.’

Satan is the hidden one and her being hidden is a recurrent theme. Satan is linked to the planet Saturn which means hidden. Interestingly, the seventh day of the week ascribed to the Sabbath, is called Saturn’s day or Saturday [Article: The Calendar Conspiracy].

Pages 116-117 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Books of Adam and Eve talk a lot about the physical changes their bodies went through after leaving the Garden… being thirsty, needing to eat food, feeling sick after eating, growing tired, feeling cold and how fire burnt their skin… prior to leaving their bodies were more of a spiritual nature, such as the angels… The name Cain means “gotten or acquired”.’

Cain was a wanderer on the earth like we read of Satan in the Book of Job – Genesis 4:14. The apostle John says Cain was of ‘that wicked or evil one’, his father Samael – 1 John 3:12.

Pages 118-119 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The story of Samael’s castration is part of a larger story… Bacharach, ‘Emeq haMelekh, 121b: And he [the blind Dragon] is castrated so that he cannot beget, lest [his offspring] annihilate the world. (Patai 81:458).

she’s known as the “Queen of Heaven”… throughout history there has been a plethora of “Goddesses”… goddesses throughout history have demonstrated or known to illuminate a bright light.’

Was castration a punishment, for seducing Eve? Or is it a euphemism for Samael’s diminished standing in the Eternal’s presence? 

Yates discusses the feminine attributes of Satan which I have listed and paraphrased. Pages 121, 125-126:

  1. Suspicious by nature
  2. Fighting for control, wants to be the Boss
  3. Vain
  4. Ruthless with her greatest weapon… her Tongue 
  5. Plays mind games and loves petty power
  6. Uses seduction and Sex as a weapon 
  7. Vengeful and vicious Enemy
  8. Beautiful

‘What… would… convince a [host of heaven, a third of the angels] to defy God and leave with her?’

  1. She was someone of great authority, having a high position and held in high esteem, as chief Cherub.
  2. She was the most beautiful of all angels and everyone envied her beauty
  3. She was an expert manipulator
  4. She was the mother of the angels
  5. She was God’s favourite and the wife of God

The first seven points are reflective of either sex who is vying for power through manipulation and is unfair to portray as wholly female. Point eight and the second list of characteristics from one to five are very much attributes of a woman. Such as the female described in Ezekiel chapter Twenty-eight, the mis-named king of Tyre. Yet, they are not for Samael the lucifer, described in Isaiah chapter Fourteen.

It’s not the position that gives her power, it’s the relationship; ties that aren’t just spiritual, they’re also emotional, physical and bound by blood.’

This is a penetrating and insightful statement by Yates. It conveys the immense sway and power held by a Mother over her brood and perhaps explains for the first time, just how Satan could lead one-third of the holy angels to turn away from their Father.

Pages 198-199 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Second Book of Adam and Eve: 

15 then God sent his Word unto Adam, saying, “O Adam, that figure is the one that promised thee the Godhead, and majesty; he is not favourably disposed towards thee; but shows himself to thee at one time in the form of [1] a woman; another moment, in the likeness of [2] an angel; on another occasions, in the similitude of [3] a serpent; and at another time, in the semblance of [4] a god; but he does all that only to destroy thy soul.

3:4 Then Satan, the hater of all good, when he saw Adam thus alone, fasting and praying, appeared unto him in the form of a beautiful woman, who came and stood before him… 


Then God ordered Satan to show himself to Adam in plainly, in his own hideous form [a transformed Dragon]. 2 But when Adam saw him, he feared, and trembled at the sight of him. 3 And God said to Adam, “Look at this devil, and at his hideous look, and know that he it is who made thee fall from brightness into darkness, from peace and rest to toil and misery. 

4 And look, O Adam, at him, who said of himself that he is God! Can God be black? Would God take the form of a woman? Is there any one stronger than God? And can He be overpowered? 5 “See, then, O Adam, and behold him bound in thy presence, in the air, unable to flee away! Therefore, I say unto thee, be not afraid of him; henceforth take care, and beware of him, in whatever he may do to thee.” 6 Then God drove Satan away from before Adam…’

As indicative of spirit beings, Samael can take on different chimeras, including that of a woman. Yet, Samael is not a woman, a female or femininely inclined. Samael can assume the role of a woman and may impersonate the form of his own Mother. Satan on the other hand is female and can easily take on a masculine role, such as when transformed as an angel of light – 2 Corinthians 11:14. 

The Ancient of Days clearly reveals that He is not female or black. Thus, the being manifesting to Adam was not the Almighty. The Eternal is angered by the thought of Satan. The issue is not one of her being female or black, it’s that it was a reminder of Asherah, which wasn’t welcome. For the truth is, Asherah is female and is the original Wisdom who was previously the Most High’s companion. Separated, divorced, she became His Nemesis.

We have read scripture showing the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man are white like snow [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla and article: The Ark of God]. The Creator is not disparaging being black or being a woman. It would seem to this writer that the Ancient of Days deliberately created a companion opposite to Himself, in sex and colour. It was obviously what He was attracted to. The story of Solomon who was white and the Queen of Sheba who was black, is a type of the original celestial love story, regrettably gone bad [refer Chapter XIII India & Pakistan: Cush & Phut]. 

Pages 211-213 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘There are numerous Biblical references to the “Queen of heaven”… Ashtoreth*, an idol of the Philistines, Zidonians and Phoenicians… Astarte*, a Semetic goddess of fertility and sexual love… Isis, Diana [of Ephesus], and Tammuz… Ishtar [Easter*], Aphrodite, Venus [the Morning Star] and Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin.’

Some of these goddesses names and titles are attributable to Lilith, some with Asherah; while others are interchangeable.

‘A new Age writer, China Galland, a practicing Buddhist… wrote a book entitled “Longing For Darkness”. Galland explores the commonality between the Virgin Mary and other Pagan goddesses. “… St. Ignatius gave his sword to the Black Madonna of Montserrat in Spain… and founded the Jesuit Order…” 

It is believed by some that Mary has already begun being transformed into the Black Madonna which is prevalent in many religions todayKali, the death-dealer and life-giver, the end and beginning of time [Samael is likened to Kronos – ‘Father Time’]… Kali is dark and femaleSome say she is black because black is the colour in which all distinctions are dissolved, others say she is black because she is eternal night.

There is obviously something more to thisblackthat I haven’t figured out yet. The fact God emphatically points out that He isn’t and would never be black or present Himself as a woman is important. It may be a blackness reference to “emptiness” or something of that nature. I’m just not sure yet. But I do find it interesting that a “Black Madonna” is appearing who some claim will “heal the rifts of materialism and racism” seems all too close to being or “telling” its timeliness of now.’

Travis Yates has grappled with the same conundrum I faced. The truth, is that Samael is neither female nor black. Who is? It is his Mother, Asherah. Again, the Father is not castigating these characteristics, rather, He is reinforcing that He is not to be confused with the Black Goddess who is the Queen of Heaven. It may well include a reference to a ‘black heart’, but significantly, it implies a black skin and countenance; this is what identifies Asherah. And who is Asherah? She is none other than the Adversary, Satan the Devil.

In Alien World Order, 2017, Len Kasten on page twenty-one, describes the early Reptilian angels from the Draco Constellation – emphasis & bold mine:

“Empires and Kingdoms rose and fell. But in time, one race of reptilian people surfaced as the dominant people of the [Green World] planet. They were known as the NEKH [most powerful of the Kheb species], or fearsome Black Ones.’ Through the victories of the Black Warriors and the political manipulations of the Black Kings, the world of the reptiles was eventually united under one King and one Kingdom [of the Dracos, (Dragons, Serpents, Seraphs)].”

The Black Madonna and Child above – The Indian Goddess Kali below

The following verse shows how translations can shade meaning. We will see more blatant examples of this as we investigate Asherah more fully.

1 Samuel 4:8

English Standard Version

‘Woe to us! Who can deliver us from the power of these mighty [H117 – ‘addiyr: ‘majestic ones, of waters of (the) sea’] gods? These are the gods who struck [‘smite, strike, slay’ and ‘slaughter’] the Egyptians with every sort of plague in the wilderness.’ 

One commentator suggests this verse should read:

‘Woe unto us! Who shall deliver us out of the hand of this mighty Sea Goddess, the Goddess that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness.’

In Job Chapter forty-one we learn of Leviathan. Commonly described as a Sea Monster. The creature described here, whether land or sea based, is clearly a fire-breathing Dragon. As dragons are mentioned in the Bible, originating from the Seraphim order of beings, including serpents, it is worth reading this chapter in full. Particularly, if one is a Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons aficionado. 

Job 41:1-34

New Century Version

“Can you catch Leviathan [H3882 – livyathan] on a fishhook or tie its tongue down with a rope? 2 Can you put a cord through its nose or a hook in its jaw? 3 Will it keep begging you for mercy and speak to you with gentle words? 4 Will it make an agreement with you and let you take it as your slave for life? 

Can you make a pet of Leviathan as you would a bird or put it on a leash for your girls? 6 Will traders try to bargain with you for it? Will they divide it up among the merchants? 7 Can you stick darts all over its skin or fill its head with fishing spears? 8  If you put one hand on it, you will never forget the battle, and you will never do it again! 9 There is no hope of defeating it; just seeing it overwhelms people

10 No one is brave enough to make it angry, so who would be able to stand up against me? 11 No one has ever given me anything that I must pay back, because everything under the sky belongs to me.’  

The almighty created the almost indestructible Leviathan. The Eternal then reminds Job, how much more powerful the Lord is than the awe inspiring creature he created.

12 “I will speak about Leviathan’s arms and legs, its great strength and well-formed body. 13 No one can tear off its outer hide or poke through its double armor. 14 No one can force open its great jaws; they are filled with frightening teeth. 15 It has rows of shields on its back that are tightly sealed together [like scales]. 16 Each shield is so close to the next one that no air can go between them. 17 They are joined strongly to one another; they hold on to each other and cannot be separated. 

18 When it snorts, flashes of light are thrown out, and its eyes look like the light at dawn. 19 Flames blaze from its mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. 20 Smoke pours out of its nose, as if coming from a large pot over a hot fire. 21 Its breath sets coals on fire, and flames come out of its mouth.’ 

The word leviathan can mean ‘mourning.’ The creature itself is described as a ‘sea monster’ or ‘dragon.’ Strong’s says it is a ‘large aquatic animal’ that is a ‘fire breathing animal’ and not a ‘crocodile.’ This ‘great sea dragon may have an explosive producing mechanism to enable it to be a real fire breathing dragon.’ From the root H3867, lavah meaning ‘joined’ a ‘wreathed animal’ like a ‘snake’ and ‘figuratively, the constellation of the dragon [Draco].’ The Morning Star Venus, appears to rise out of the eastern sea at dawn prior to resurrecting the Sun and is also equated as a sea monster.

22 ‘There is great strength in its neck. People are afraid and run away. 23 The folds of its skin are tightly joined; they are set and cannot be moved. 24 Its chest is as hard as a rock, even as hard as a grinding stone. 25 The powerful fear its terrible looks and draw back in fear as it moves. 26 The sword that hits it does not hurt it, nor the arrows, darts, and spears. 27 It treats iron as if it were straw and bronze metal as if it were rotten wood. 28 It does not run away from arrows; stones from slings are like chaff to it. 29 Clubs feel like pieces of straw to it, and it laughs when they shake a spear at it. 30 The underside of its body is like broken pieces of pottery. It leaves a trail in the mud like a threshing board. 31 It makes the deep sea bubble like a boiling pot; it stirs up the sea like a pot of oil. 32 When it swims, it leaves a shining path in the water that makes the sea look as if it had white hair [a wake]. 33 Nothing else on earth is equal to it; it is a creature without fear. 34 It looks down on all those who are too proud… [Queen] over all proud creatures.”

As discussed, the word for king is melek [H4428 & root H4427], which can be translated as royal or more tellingly, as a queen. The Leviathan is a sea monster, linked to a Goddess who has no equal and is over all those who are proud. This is the same being described in Ezekiel chapter Twenty-Eight. Asherah as the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of all Living would also be the original Mother of Dragons

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, page 28:

‘In China… [there are] plaques describing the birth of China from a Reptilian Yellow Dragon King. The First Dynasty was the offspring of this Reptilian king; who was considered a very “Holy Being”’ [refer Chapter X China: Magog, Tubal & Meshech].

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1997 & 1999, Pages 12, 15, 21, 51-52 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… in the west we have created god in our image and not the other way around [an insightful and true statement]. Many… world [civilisations] take pride in the fact that they were descended from “dragons” or “flying serpents.” … the… [Chinese] Yih King, claims that the first humans were formed by the ancient [dragon] goddess Nu Kua Early Chinese emperors boasted of being descendants of this dragon goddess… Dragons have permeated world consciousness to the extent that they can be found in the mythology and literature of all world [civilisations]. A catalogue of all the appearances of dragons in the [cultures of the world]… would be an enormous task in itself. In many places it is a substratum to historical traditions. In England, for example, there are over 70 towns and villages which have dragons in their folklore… [in] the [Jewish Talmud]… Pictures of all planets are permissible except that of the Sun and Moon, and that of the Dragon. There is a common thread that runs through… stories of flying serpents with a fiery breath [dragons]. They were:

Winged [and had] ability to fly

[Upright on legs]

Had a flaming breath

Coexisted with man

Obsession with gems

[Co-creators of] man

Held secret to immortality

Lived underground

Fought each other in the sky

Reptilian origin’

In Ezekiel Chapter sixteen, we read an enlightening passage about the Creator’s Bride. As with the Kings of Tyre and Babylon, the descriptions are dual or intertwined. It is obvious that this chapter is speaking primarily of an original wife, not the later wife as portrayed by the people of ancient Israel. In verse eight, the Creator loved his bride, Wisdom.

Ezekiel 16:6-22, 30-34, 38, 44-45

English Standard Version

The Lord’s Faithless Bride

6 “And when I passed by you and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ 7 I made you flourish like a plant of the field. And you grew up and became tall and arrived at full adornment. Your breasts were formed, and your hair had grown; yet you were naked and bare. 8 “When I passed by you again and saw you, behold, you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness [sexual relationship]; I made my vow [engaged] to you and entered into a covenant [betrothed] with you, declares the Lord God, and you became mine [marriage]. 

9 Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil [Holy Spirit]. 10 I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk. 11 And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. 12 And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. 13 Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour and honey and oil [refer article: The Manna Mystery]. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. 14 And your renown went forth among the [angelic] nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect [Ezekiel 28:11], through the splendor [Ezekiel 28:17] that I had bestowed on you [Ezekiel 28:13], declares the Lord God.

15 “But you trusted in your beauty [Ezekiel 28:17] and played the whore because of your renown and lavished your whorings on any passerby; your beauty became his. 16 You took some of your garments and made for yourself colorful shrines, and on them played the whore. The like has never been, nor ever shall be.  17 You also took your beautiful jewels of my gold and of my silver [Ezekiel 28:13], which I had given you, and made for yourself images of men, and with them played the whore. 18 And you took your embroidered garments to cover them, and set my oil and my incense before them. 

19 Also my bread that I gave you – I fed you with fine flour and oil and honey – you set before them for a pleasing aroma; and so it was, declares the Lord God. 20 And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your whorings so small a matter 21 that you slaughtered my children and delivered them up as an offering by fire to them? 22 And in all your abominations and your whorings you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, wallowing in your blood -Proverbs 8:22-30.

30 “How sick is your heart, declares the Lord God, because you did all these things, the deeds of a brazen prostitute, 31 building your vaulted chamber at the head of every street, and making your lofty place in every square. Yet you were not like a prostitute, because you scorned payment. 32 Adulterous wife, who receives strangers instead of her husband! 33 Men give gifts to all prostitutes, but you gave your gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from every side with your whorings. 34 So you were different from other women in your whorings. No one solicited you to play the whore, and you gave payment, while no payment was given to you; therefore you were different. 38 And I will judge you as women who commit adultery and shed blood are judged, and bring upon you the blood of wrath and jealousy. 44 “Behold, everyone who uses proverbs will use this proverb about you: ‘Like mother [Asherah], like daughter [Lilith].’ 45 You are the daughter [Lilith] of your mother [Asherah], who loathed her husband [the Ancient of Days] and her children [angels]…’

The preceding verses are extraordinary in their implications. They have been there all along, yet why has this astonishing revelation not been expounded on. The Bible, the Creator’s plan, Christianity, Satanism, Paganism, the Duality exhibited in nature and just about everything obscure – which has been darkened in the Occult and clouded within Esotericism – cloaked in mystery, has new meaning once this light of understanding is cast amongst the shadows. So that we see the Creator and Asherah as they truly are: male and female, husband and wife and co-creators of all that is living and alive.

The worship of the Goddess Asherah, who was linked with ritual temple prostitution and fertility rites was endemic in the land of Canaan and a serious heresy practised by the sons of Jacob. The resident Nephilim and Elioud giants would obviously favour and encourage, worship of their spiritual Mother. 

An online commentator remarks: 

‘In Ashtoreth’s worship services, male worshipers (committed sodomy) with priests and priestesses of the goddess. The priests and male prostitutes, who were consecrated to her cult were called qadesh, qedishim or sodomites. (In addition, physical relations)… between male and male worshipers and male and female worshipers was viewed as an offering to the goddess.’

The Creator’s anger is stirred up as no other, when Asherah is involved or mentioned. 

Could this be because of their shared, intimate history. Nothing gets under the skin, like a failed relationship turned ugly. It would seem readily plausible when connecting the love story turned to vengeance, revealed in Proverbs chapter eight and Ezekiel chapter sixteen. It mirrors many relationships which become sour; reflecting the paradoxical love and hate from both sides of the same coin. The love affair between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba is a fascinating parallel, in light of Asherah also being dark skinned.

The personal name of Wisdom is Asherah, from the verb yasher meaning: ‘to be straight’ or ‘level’ and ‘progression.’ The adjective yasher, means: ‘right’ or ‘upright.’ The nouns ‘esher, ‘ashar and ‘osher mean: ‘happiness’ or ‘blessedness’ and ‘prosperity’ and the noun te’ashur, refers to a kind of tree. The root word is H833, ‘ashar and means; ‘to go straight, advance, to set right.’ It can be no surprise that not only has Asherah’s name been almost blotted out in the scriptures as if all memory of her is trying to be expunged; but also due to its righteous meaning, why her name has been dropped from use and replaced with the Adversary’s title, Satan.

Originally, Asherah was ordained a righteous path as a Tree of Life. At some point she changed, following an unrighteous path which led to her becoming the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is symbolically this tree which her son Samael partook and later enticed Eve, tricking her to do the same. This tree is associated with the physical creation and with sex. Asherah committed adultery with her spiritual creation which had sprung from her; heinously betraying the Eternal who had created her as His companion. Under the Almighty’s instruction, Moses forbade the worship of Asherah – Exodus 34:13.

Deuteronomy 16:21

English Standard Version

“You shall not plant [H5193 – nata’: fasten, establish, fix] any tree [H6086 – ets: wood, timber, staff, plank, stick] as an Asherah [H842: grove (for idol worship)] beside the altar of the Lord your God that you shall make.

Asherah poles – limbless tree trunks planted in or raised off the ground – were built as symbolic sacred trees. Sometimes the trunk was carved into a symbolic representation of the goddess. They are particularly sinister. The name Asherah appears forty times in the Bible, though it is routinely translated as grove, sometimes trees or even Astarte, the Canaanite goddess of ‘fortune and happiness’, the consort of Baal – otherwise known as Ishtar from which the word Easter derives. While Ishtar is actually the goddess Lilith. The carved trees, meant the places of Asherah worship were commonly called groves and so the words Asherah and grove became synonymous. It is worth noting that Asherah became Satan and Baal was originally Samael. A dual application is rendered later in the period during Israelite history, when Asherah signified the ‘moon goddess’ and was customarily presented as a consort of Baal, the ‘sun-god’ – Judges 3:7; 10:6, 1 Samuel 7:4; 12:10. The Moon goddess being none other than Lilith, also known as ‘Black Moon Lilith’ and her twin, Apollos aka Azazel, the ‘god of the sun.’

Astarte, worshipped by the Phoenicians, is one and the same as Ashteroth. She was worshipped throughout Syria, Canaan and by the Philistines – 1 Samuel 31:10. Both words are etymologically linked with Ishtar of the Assyrians. In fact, the first city Chedorlaomer and his allies defeated in the War of the Kings was Ashteroth-karnaim, the city of the Rephaim, the leading post-flood clan of the Nephilim – Genesis 14:5 [refer Chapter XIX Chedorlaamer & the War of Nine Kings].

The Vulgate in Latin provides lucus or nemus, a grove or a wood. From the Vulgate, the King James version persistently uses grove or groves instead of Asherah’s name. Therefore, non-scholarly English language readers of the Bible would not have read about the identity of Asherah for more than four hundred years. The groves in the Bible include the following: grapevines, pomegranates, walnuts, myrtles and willows.

Micah 5:14

English Standard Version

‘… and I will root out your Asherah images from among you and destroy your cities.’

This verse in Micah, is in the same chapter which reveals Nimrod was descended from Asshur and not from Cush [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]. Nimrod, or a kindred spirit of Nimrod will be instrumental as the False Prophet in popularising the worship of Asherah, the Queen of Heaven. Just as Nimrod is believed to have promulgated Mother worship and the mystery Babylon religion; it can not be a coincidence both subjects are in the same chapter, a few verses apart.

The obelisk or menhir is the outward public name and monument for an Asherah pole and can be found continuously all over the world.

In the Book of Second Kings we read about King Josiah of Judah and his massive cleansing of the kingdom; ridding it of its pagan artefacts, idols and temples rife with Asherah worship, which had begun as soon as Joshua had passed away – Judges 2:8-13 [Article: The Ark of God]. Josiah re-instituted the true worship of the Eternal, the God who David, Joshua, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac and Abraham had obeyed.

2 Kings 23:1-25

English Standard Version

Then the king [righteous Josiah]… went up to the house of the Lord, and with him all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the priests and the prophets, all the people, both small and great. And he read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant that had been found in the house of the Lord. 

3 And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people joined in the covenant.

4 And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second order and the keepers of the threshold to bring out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal, for Asherah [Satan], and for all the host of heaven [astrology and demonolatry^]… 5 And he deposed the priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to make offerings in the high places at the cities of Judah and around Jerusalem; those also who burned incense to Baal [Samael], to the sun [Azazel] and the moon [Lilith] and the constellations and all the host^ of the heavens. 

6 And he brought out the Asherah from the house of the Lord, outside Jerusalem, to the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron and beat it to dust and cast the dust of it upon the graves of the common people. 7 And he broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes who were in the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the Asherah. 

10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Molech. 11 And he removed the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the sun… 13 And the king defiled the high places that were east of Jerusalem, to the south of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites [Article: Belphegor]. 14 And he broke in pieces the pillars and cut down the Asherim [plural] and filled their places with the bones of men. 15 Moreover, the altar at Bethel, the high place erected by Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, that altar with the high place he pulled down and burned, reducing it to dust. He also burned the Asherah

24 Moreover, Josiah put away the mediums and the necromancers and the household gods and the idols and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, that he might establish the words of the law that were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the Lord. 25 Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses, nor did any like him arise after him.

2 Chronicles 15:16

English Standard Version

Even Maacah, his mother, King Asa removed from being queen mother because she had made a detestable image for Asherah. Asa cut down her image, crushed it, and burned it at the brook Kidron.

In 2 Kings 18:4, ESV: “[righteous King Hezekiah] removed the high places and broke the pillars and cut down the Asherah. And he broke in pieces the bronze serpent [Samael] that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had made offerings to it (it was called Nehushtan).” Asherah stood side by side with the ‘bronze serpent’, Hebrew word Nehushtan, ‘he who knows all.’ Gideon a judge of Israel, also destroyed an alter to Baal and its companion Asherah – Judges 6:25-32.

2 Kings 21:1-16

English Standard Version

Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hephzibah. 2 And he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the despicable practices of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel. 3 For he rebuilt the high places that Hezekiah his father had destroyed, and he erected altars for Baal and made an Asherah, as Ahab* king of Israel had done, and worshiped all the host of heaven and served them…

1 Kings 16:30-33

English Standard Version

30 And Ahab* the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him. 31 And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, he took for his wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and went and served Baal and worshiped him. 32 He erected an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he built in Samaria. 33 And Ahab made an Asherah. Ahab [and his wife Jezebel*] did more to provoke the Lord, the God of Israel, to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him.

1 Kings 18:19

English Standard Version

Now therefore send and gather all Israel to me at Mount Carmel, and the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.”

5 And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord. 6 And he burned his son as an offering and used fortune-telling and omens and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger. 7 And the carved image of Asherah that he had made he set in the house of which the Lord said to David and to Solomon his son, “In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my name forever. 

KJV: ‘… a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house…’

TLB: ‘… a shameful Asherah idol in the temple…’

MSG: ‘… the carved image of the sex goddess Asherah in the Temple of God…’

9 … and Manasseh led them astray to do more evil than the nations had done whom the Lord destroyed before the people of Israel. 10 And the Lord said by his servants the prophets, 11 “Because Manasseh king of Judah has committed these abominations and has done things more evil than all that the Amorites did… 13 And I will stretch over Jerusalem the measuring line of Samaria, and the plumb line of the house of Ahab, and I will wipe Jerusalem as one wipes a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down. 16 Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another, besides the sin that he made Judah to sin so that they did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.

Jeremiah 7:16-18

English Standard Version

16 “As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you. 17 Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes [mince pies] for the queen [H4446 – moleketh] of heaven [Asherah]

Jeremiah 44:15-25

English Standard Version

15 ‘Then all the men who knew that their wives had made offerings to other gods, and all the women who stood by… 16 “As for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not listen to you. 17 But we will do everything that we have vowed, make offerings to the queen of heaven and pour out drink offerings to herFor then we had plenty of food, and prospered, and saw no disaster. 18 But since we left off making offerings to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine.” 

19 And the women said, “When we made offerings to the queen of heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, was it without our husbands’ approval that we made cakes for her bearing her image and poured out drink offerings to her?” 25 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: You and your wives have declared with your mouths, and have fulfilled it with your hands, saying, ‘We will surely perform our vows that we have made, to make offerings to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings to her.’ Then confirm your vows and perform your vows!’

This passage corroborates a number of archaeological excavations where altar spaces were found in Hebrew homes. The household idols variously referred to in the Bible may also be linked to the hundreds of female pillar-base figurines which have been discovered in ancient Israel and confirmed in William Dever’s book, Did God Have a Wife? It also shows archaeological evidence for multiple shrines and temples in honour of Asherah, within ancient Israel and Judah. 

The temple site at Arad, has two massebot or standing stones representing the presence of deities. Yahweh and Asherah or Asherah and Baal are the strong candidates. Asherah was the wife of YHWH, the Eternal before she became the consort of her son, Samael. “The only goddess whose name is well attested in the Hebrew Bible (or in ancient Israel generally) is Asherah.”

An Asherah idol excavated at  Hazor

Jeremiah 2:20

New Century Version

Long ago you refused to obey me as an ox breaks its yoke. You broke the ropes I used to hold you and said, ‘I will not serve you!’ In fact, on every high hill and under every green tree [H7488 – ra’anan: fresh, verdant, luxuriant] you lay down [H6808 – tsa’ah: wander, wanderer, stoop, bend] as a prostitute.”

The Bible frequently and graphically associates goddess worship with prostitution. Fertility sex rites typically revolved around women of power and influence, such as Maacah, King Asa’s mother. Ugaritic amulets show a miniature ‘tree of life’ growing out of Asherah’s belly. 

Asherah and the Tree of Life, Lauren Raine, 2017 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘For many years I’ve made “tree of life” images. I’m not sure where I got the image from originally. In early lithographs there was always a woman within the tree form, or the Tree was a backdrop to everything else in the painting… and later I started making sculptural torsos, the Mother within the Tree. 

Asherah is sometimes referred to as the wife of Yahweh, whose name became something that could not be uttered, only represented as “the Lord”. The Asherah poles, and eventually the name of Asherah, were banned from worship as Judaism became monotheistic and established the sole deity as male.

Interestingly, with the early advent of Gnostic Christianity, Asherah is perhaps re-born in the form of Sophia [Wisdom], the feminine face of deity, often called the “mother” or sometimes “wife” of Yaweh. The emblem for Sophia was often a [white] dove.’ 

A relief from the palace of Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II [884-859 BCE] showing an Asherah Tree with male figures holding anointing oils.

Wisdom’s real name is Asherah. Asherah is the Queen of Heaven, once the Ancient of Day’s consort and wife. She forsook the Most High, looked to herself and focused on her creation. As an unfaithful wife, a whore, she darkened herself, figuratively and literally. In the scriptures, trees are analogous with spiritual beings. Samael sought to have Eve imbibe from his Mother, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Her Way, the path of physicality, gratification and selfishness was symbolised in becoming a carnal sexual being in contrast to and in conflict with what the Almighty intended; that of the Tree of Life, His Way, the path of spirituality, character and selflessness, symbolised in staying a pure spirit and at one with the Eternal Creator. 

Anciently, Asherah was worshipped as a tree. That tree is the same tree which millions upon millions of people every year remember, the same queen of heaven with another name, Mary. The shiny adornments and sparkly baubles of the Christmas tree, with presents scattered underneath are enticing and appear innocent to the uninitiated. The reality is that it represents the Tree of Asherah and choosing her path opposed to the Most High and the Tree of Life represented by His Son, the Word. This re-enactment every year, of humanities decision to forsake the Creator and rely on the Devil must indeed be galling and bitter like wormwood for the Creator. It is one of the greatest hoaxes, conspiracies and ironies in the history of western civilisation. 

Christmas is a Lie, The Christmas Tree – capitalisation theirs, emphasis & bold mine:

‘There is a lot more going on “spiritually” with “the Tree” than most people know. And the annual ritual of erecting one in your home synchronized with the panoply of “solstice rituals” serves a very important function within the SUN WORSHIP system. Ritual “Trees” do not come alone. They come with “spirits”. The head of demons, was a “spirit” known as “Azazel” (“spirit” of “the wilderness”). Thus why “the tree” is ritualistically “brought into the home”. The solstice tree ritual is possibly one of the oldest rituals on earth. It is the beginning point, for the Genesis story in the Bible. In fact, Genesis was actually written to serve as a “rebuttal” to it. 

“The tree” comes with a “serpent”. In almost all traditions of SUN WORSHIP, both the tree and the serpent, are described together. The serpent ranges from a variety of local breeds, such as the Egyptian Cobra, to completely mythological, such as the “feathered serpent” of the Mayas, or the “rainbow serpent” of the aborigines. But there’s always the “serpent”, with “the Tree”. That is why Moses wrote what he did in Genesis 3… When Moses described the “Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil”, he was describing what is known in the SUN WORSHIP tradition, as the “tree of enlightenment“, or as was the case in Egypt, the “tree of Life”, or the “paradise tree”. Moses reversed the values in the Egyptian tradition, by placing the label of the “tree of life” with “God” and what he “says”. And instead of the serpent bringing “enlightenment”, it brought “deception” and “death”.

One of the first things a neophyte pagan will do, is go pray to a “tree”… Because, spiritually and symbolically, it is a conduit for energy from the “under-world”. “Trees” (themselves) are also the oldest form of idolatry on earth, and play a “central” role in symbolism and ritual, in traditions of “self-deification”. When Christmas “dissidents” charge “Christmas trees” are “idols”. That would be correct. They are. In fact, they are the world’s first “idols”. They were known as “spirit-trees”. Isaiah 57:5 Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree… But “the tree” was more than the earliest form of idolatry, it evolved into the actual staging area, for the idols themselves. It was the location for the “idols”, which were placed underneath it. The practice is duplicated today, precisely as it was, thousands of years ago. 

There are myriad upon myriad of “fictions”. Most of these “fictions” were simply concocted, as “propaganda”. One such tale is that Martin Luther instituted the “Christmas tree”. That is an intentional bold faced lie. It is told to “seduce” Protestants into the practice, using deception. There is no basis for it in real “history”. The fraudulent pictures of Luther and his “Christmas tree” were fabricated by Masons in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the 1800s to promote the practice among “Protestants” (who refused to do it). They picked up the propaganda from counter-reformation Lutherans, in Germany. There was no truth to it. But that didn’t stop “Apollo-gists” from making frequent use of the deception. Your “Christmas Tree” really did come, directly from “Satan’s Tree” in the Garden of Eden, straight to your living room, for your children to “play with”.’ Deuteronomy 7:26 And you shall not bring an abominable thing into your house and become devoted to destruction like it.You shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is devoted to destruction – English Standard Version.

Jeremiah 10:1-4

English Standard Version

‘Hear the word that the Lord speaks to you, O house of Israel. 2 Thus says the Lord: “Learn not the way of the nations [or heathen], nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, 3 for the customs of the peoples are vanity. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. 4 They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move.’

‘Opponents who deny the verses about the Christmas tree in Jeremiah chapter ten use three main arguments:

A. They give a modern date for the invention for “Christmas trees” and show “Jeremiah 10” was written long before that. Thus demonstrating a reference to it in Jeremiah, would be a “logistical” impossibility. Therefore it has nothing to do with “Christmas trees”. 

B. They cite the fact that in the text, “Idols” are mentioned. Therefore the “tree” is being “cut down” in order to “carve idols”. They claim the nails and “fasteners” refer to a very large wooden idol, that was made from the tree, and thus needs to be “stabilized’ in place (from falling over), because it is so “large”. Therefore it has nothing to do with “Christmas trees”. The text is about “idolatry” only. 

C. They show that “Christians” invented “Christmas trees”, and as such, it is a “Christian” practice, therefore “Christmas trees” are not “heathen”, and is not referenced by the prohibition against the “way of the heathen”. 

  1. the modern “date” of the “Christmas tree” ritual, is not “relevant” in dismissing the “prohibition”, as being applicable against it. (Or in potentially having the ritual described in ancient texts, prior to it’s appropriation) [The origin of the ‘modern’ Christmas tree is rooted in present day Germany. ‘In 1419, a guild in Freiburg put up a tree decorated with apples wafers, tinsel and gingerbreadplays that were performed to celebrate the feast day of Adam and Eve, which fell on Christmas Eve, a tree of knowledge was represented by an evergreen fir with apples tied to its branches.’] 
  1. The “idols” are “graven” and “molten” indicating they are pressed/molded/made from materials, other than “wood” from the “tree”. In Hebrew, the artificer (v.14) is called “a refiner” [that is a worker of metals] but included the “firing” of clay pottery (or clay figurines). (The “tree” is serving another function, completely aside from the production of the associated “idols”) The tree is only cut with an “ax”. No further mention of wood-working of the tree is cited. (Only that it is “beautified” and “fixed”) not “shaped” or “carved”. 
  1. Tree ritual preceded both Christianity and Judaism. There is nothing “in” either Christianity or Judaism that involves “Tree ritual”, commands it, or provides a positive example of it, to be emulated. It is a “foreign” (Gentile) practice and concept.

When we look at what is actually known about the period in which Jeremiah was prophesying, we discover that the explanations given by “counter-reformationist” ministers do not match the facts. The “idols” were not huge “wooden” idols that needed “stabilizing”. They were “small idols” (figurines) placed “under the green tree” (precisely as is done today) and in fact, about the same size. What the archaeology of the period actually shows, is that Jeremiah was very much talking about “Trees” and “idols” (both) because (just as in our custom today), it was their “custom” to place the “idols” under the “tree”. And the “tree” was (separately) “beautified”, precisely as Jeremiah describes.’ 

Asherah: God’s Forgotten Wife, Anya Leonard, 2018 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Those raised in the Judeo-Christian tradition may be surprised to learn that the god we were told was singularly sacred once had a wife. How do we know? Asherah figures prominently as the wife of El – the supreme god – in a treasure trove of cuneiform texts found in the second millennium port city of Ugarit (in today’s Northern Syria). 

For perhaps hundreds [or thousands] of years before Abraham migrated to what would become known as Israel, Asherah was revered as Athirat, Earth Mother and Fertility Goddess

Upon entering the region, the ancient Israelites soon adopted her and gave her the Hebrew equivalent name of Asherah. The Ugarit excavation of 1928 put Asherah, the goddess, on the map again, after having lost her place for thousands of years. But who was Asherah to the ancient Israelites? And why is she often found paired with Yahweh, the Hebrew god? Historians and archaeologists have pieced together Asherah’s narrative and found large chunks of it interwoven in the artifacts from the region and in the scriptures of the Hebrew Bible itself. Evidence suggests that Asherah was observed in ancient Israel and Judah as early as the 12th century BC, to a few decades before the fall of the southern kingdom of Judah (587-588 BC), a time known as the pre-exilic period.

As much as the ruling elite tried to inhibit Asherah and Yahweh’s “marriage,” their union appears solidified in an ancient blessing seen with some regularity at a number of excavation sites in the region. The inscription reads: “I have blessed you by Yahweh… and his Asherah.” Not only was this engraving found in the 9th-8th century BC Israelite caravanserai, Kuntillet Ajrud, the same text was found in a number of sites thought to be Yahweh sanctuaries, such as in Samaria, Jerusalem, Teman, and in the Biblical kingdom of Judah, at the ancient burial site of Khirbet el-Qom, dating to 750 BC. In fact, this phrase “Yahweh and his Asherah” was so quotidian that it actually appears in the Hebrew Bible itself. The cryptic blessing is in an early rendition of Deuteronomy 33:2-3, when Asherah’s influence had not yet been fully subordinated. The full hymn reads: “YHWH came from Sinai and shone forth… at his right hand his own Asherah.”

However, as the book religion solidified, Asherah became increasingly marginalized in the scriptures to the point of being reduced to her cult object – the stylized tree or wooden pole which became known as asherah or asherim. Trees were revered as symbols of life and nourishment in arid regions and so became associated with Asherah and her cult. Many scholars believe that Asherah’s tree functioned in the Garden of Eden parable. The ruling elite propagandized against goddess worship by integrating the story of the fall of mankind to the tree which was clearly associated with Asherah. Whereas Asherah’s influence was restrained in the official religion, her presence loomed large in the rural communities, most often in the form of figurines which are prolific in the region. 

Even while idolatry is reviled in the Hebrew Bible, ample archaeological evidence suggests that those living outside the metropolis idolized statuary and cult objects as part of their religion, leading one scholar to opine: “Folk religion can be defined as everything that those who wrote the Bible condemned.” Asherah is represented many times in various forms scattered throughout the region. But the most abundant of these are her pillar figurines which were popular from the 10th through the 7th centuries BC. The term “images of Asherah” is often used in the Hebrew Bible and it is thought that these pillar figurines are what the writers of the bible had in mind. 

Because the breasts^ are exaggerated with the hands supporting them, they are thought to symbolize the nurturing aspect of the mother goddess. Predominantly, the pillar figurines were found in private homes, suggesting their domesticity. In a world beset by hardship and drought, likely a concern for fecundity was what attracted the rural Israelites and Judeans to the goddess Asherah, whom they associated with abundance.*

While there are voluminous artifacts identified as Asherah in the region, there are still pieces missing from the puzzle. Was Asherah Yahweh’s wife, as many scholars now contend? Was her worship confined to folk religion only, or was her influence felt in the book religion of the Hebrew Bible as well? Indeed, unearthing a goddess who has been buried for close to two millennia has its distinct disadvantages. Yet increasingly, Asherah’s influence in the region is becoming recognized by archaeologists and historians alike, with the expectation of further scrutiny and scholarship to come in this area.’

The feminine nurturing mother role of Asherah as the Queen of Heaven and Mother Goddess are without question. It is interesting to note that the Ancient of Days is also revealed in the Hebrew scriptures with a nurturing^ aspect, which has been hidden from Bible readers within English translations. 

Genesis 17:1

English Standard Version

‘When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty [H7706 – Shadday: most powerful]; walk before me, and be blameless…’

Jerusalem Prayer Team, Hebrew Word of the Day, The Almighty, El Shaddai – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Hebrew nouns have genders. Every noun is pre-determined to be either masculine or feminine. The sound of the noun usually discloses its gender. Feminine nouns normally end with the sound ‘ah’ or with ‘…et.’ So you can tell that ‘To-rah’… for example, [is] feminine… ‘Ki-ne-ret’ (Sea of Galilee) [is] also feminine… Rule: all body part[s] that come in pairs (or more than 2) are feminine nouns. Hands, ears, legs, shins, fingers, teeth and more are all feminine nouns. All, except for one pair – breasts! Breasts, the most feminine pair organ in the human body happens to be a masculine noun. 

Ask my why it is so. Thanks for asking this very good question. The answer is: because! Truly, I don’t know the answer and I don’t know anyone who has an educated, intelligent answer for it. This is an internal Hebrew paradox. Perhaps something with a very deep meaning [that] extends far beyond the boundaries of our limited I.Q.

El Shaddai present[s] the same unexplained challenge! Shaddai in Hebrew is the word for breasts.^ Every English Bible translates El Shaddai as The Almighty. The Almighty is a great name for God but it has nothing to do with El Shaddai. It was superimposed on innocent Bible reader[s] and that’s it!

El Shaddai appears 12 times in the Bible. 10 in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament. If you check carefully the first three references to El Shaddai in the Bible you’ll be more than surprised. The [fourth] verse below [Genesis 49:25] is even more amazing. These are the three cases when God speaks in first person. Each verse is about fertility and the name Shaddai is stressed. Here is how El Shaddai is connected with fruitfulness: 

‘May God Almighty (El Shaddai) bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers…’ Genesis 28:3

‘I am God Almighty (El Shaddai): be fruitful and increase in number’ Genesis 35:11

‘By the Almighty (El Shaddai) who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts (shadayim) [H7699 – shad: bosom] and of the womb (racham)’ Genesis 49:25

‘Yes, we all know God as the Father. Is it possible that we overlooked [an] extra dimension of nourishing, motherly manifestation? One more point to ponder upon: whereas shaddai, breasts, (the letters: Sheen, Dalet, Yood) represent human’s and other mammals nourishment, the rest of God’s creatures are nourished from the field. Guess how we spell field in Hebrew… Field is ‘sa-de’ and it is spelled with Sheen, Dalet and Hey. Almost identical to the word breast. If you take the last letter of each word (the only difference between the two), Yood and Hey, you get God’s more [well] known Name: ‘Yah.’ And if you still feel this is all just coincidence, you are welcome to resort to the safe translation: The Almighty.’

His Name is One,  Jeff A Benner, 2003 – emphasis & bold mine:

The Hebrew word (shaddai) also has the meaning of a teat.” Just as the goat provides nourishment to its kids through the milk, God nourishes his children through his milk and provides all the necessities of life. This imagery can be seen in the following passage:

“And I will come down to snatch them (Israel) from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a good and wide land to a land flowing with milk and honey.” Exodus 3:8

The word (teat) is often coupled with the  word (mighty, strong) creating the phrase (el shaddai) literally meaning the “mighty teat,” hence we can see the translator’s reluctance to literally translate this phrase in this manner and instead using the more sanitized “God Almighty.” The idea of God being characterized as having teats [nipples like a man] does not sit well in our Western culture. We are familiar with identifying with God as a father, but not as a mother.

The Hebrew word for mother is (em)… in the ancient pictographic script. The ox head meaning “strength” combined with the picture for “water” forms the word meaning “strong water.” Animal’s hides were placed in a pot of boiling water. As the hide boiled, a thick sticky substance formed at the surface of the water and was removed and used as glue, a binding liquid or “strong water.” The mother of the family is the “one who binds the family together.”

God can be seen as the glue that holds the whole universe together. This is more than a figurative statement but also very scientific. All matter is composed of atoms, which consist of protons with a positive charge and electrons with a negative charge. The protons are packed together in the nucleus, the center of the atom, while the electrons orbit the nucleus. Since each proton has a positive charge, each proton should repel the others causing the protons to fly apart, but for some unknown reason, they do not. This phenomenon is called nucleic bonding.” God literally bindsthe entire universe together

[The Bible] states that man was created as male and female and also that man was created in the image of God. God has the characteristics of both male and female and these characteristics were put in man, the male characteristics were placed in men while the feminine characteristics were placed in women. When a man and a woman come together, they unite these characteristics as one, now a perfect representation of God.’

Abarim Publications – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… the noun (shed)… describes a mythological creature, namely the Mesopotamian sedu, a kind of protecting spirit depicted as a winged bull [a Cherub?], in essence not unlike the more familiar genius and daemon. Slightly more surprising, a third identically spelled noun, (shad), describes the mammalian breast, whether human or animal. This noun is assumed to stem from an unused verb (shadeh), meaning to moisten… breast, bosom, used both in erotic scenes and the practical usage of feeding babies. A relation with the name Shaddai is not unthinkable, as this is the name by which God initiates the covenant of which Jesus is the final fulfillment. The apostle Paul compares introduction to the basics of the gospel with feeding milk to infants (1 Corinthians 3:1-2).’

Asherah is known by numerous names as: the Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility, Mother of Angels, Mother of the Gods, Supreme Goddess, Life Mother, Lady of the Divine, Great Mother and Lady of the Sea. Asherah’s kind is not clear, for is she from the Seraph order, as Satan the Dragon; or is she from the Cherubim as the anointed and covering Cherub? The answer may lay in both, in that Asherah is deemed a pre-existential being – a shadowy figure from before the creation and the beginning of time. Asherah is Primordial in that as Wisdom, she was the first creation of the Ancient of Days. Though the possibility exists she was co-equal with the Word [refer article: Thoth]. Asherah had a vast number of children; the possibilities are endless.

It goes without saying that Asherah must have been beautiful beyond compare. She may have had hair white as snow, like the Eternal and against her dark skin, she would have exuded incredible sexual appeal, becoming the object of great desire for many. So much so that this inordinate amount of attention led her to consider relations with her admiring offspring; thereby departing from the monogamous relationship with her Creator. 

As the first of the Eternal’s creation, Asherah would have undoubtedly wielded immense power and influence. Her participation in the creation of myriad spiritual offspring established her status as the revered Mother of all creation prior to her metamorphosis to sexual siren and temptress. 

An attributed quote by Asherah to the Archangel Michael:

‘Everyone fails at who they are supposed to be, Michael. The measure of a person, be it a human, an angel, a god, or demon, is how well they succeed at being who they are.’

In Akkadian sources, Asherah is known as Ashratu, in Hittite as Asherdu and in Ugaritic as Athirat. Legend says ‘Asherah settled within a Garden that is said to be the Nexus of all life and creation itself, becoming its very source while having equal share in ruling all of creation as well.’ As stated, many scholars believe that Asherah’s tree functioned in the Garden of Eden; integrating the story of the fall of mankind to her tree. And though they have assigned the incorrect tree, they have understood that this could mean that Asherah herself is a Tree [of Knowledge] given form.

Asherah became the Nemesis of the Ancient of Days, an opponent – the Satan. There was a Greek goddess named Nemesis, which means, ‘to give what is due.’ ‘It originally meant the distributor of fortune, neither good nor bad, simply in due proportion to each according to what was deserved.’* Not necessarily one and the same with Asherah, though they do share characteristics, aside from both being female. Nemesis is known as the winged balancer of life, the daughter of justice and the dark-faced goddess. She is the goddess of vengeance and divine retribution, ironically, against those who succumb to pride and arrogance and is often depicted with a sword and scales.

‘As the “Goddess of Rhamnous”, Nemesis was honoured in an archaic sanctuary in the isolated district of Rhamnous[ia] in northeastern Attica. There she was a daughter of Oceanus [a link with watery Tiamat and the sea dwelling Leviathan], the primeval river-ocean that encircles the world. Nemesis had a crown of stags [a link with Artemis (and thus Lilith)] and her cult may have originated at Smyrna [one of the seven churches – refer Appendix IV: An Unconventional Chronology].’

Observations on the Woman of Revelation 17 – Is the Harlot the Catholic Church? David Reagan – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Particularly appalling in modern history has been the increasing emphasis given to the worship of Mary. This gross idolatry was accentuated in 1978 by the selection of a Polish Pope, John Paul II. That’s because the adoration of Mary has long been a central focus of Polish Catholicism… Catholics will deny that they worship Mary. They argue, instead, that they simply give her the honor that she deserves. But, again, their actions speak louder than their words, and in this case, official words are sufficient to establish the point. 

Consider, for example, the following statement taken from an official Catholic publication: Mary is co-redemptrix of the human race because with Christ she ransomed mankind from the power of Satan. Jesus redeemed us with the blood of His body, Mary with the agonies of her heart… The church and the saints greet her thus: “You, O Mary, together with Jesus Christ, redeemed us… God has ordained that no grace will be granted to us except through Mary… No one will be saved or obtain mercy except through you, O Heavenly Lady… No one will enter heaven without passing through Mary as one would pass through a door… O Mary, our salvation is in your hands.”’

‘This is blasphemy of the worst sort. It is the ancient Babylonian mystery religion parading in new clothes, worshiping Mary as the Queen of Heaven.”’

Granted, Asherah succumbed to her own vanity, becoming consumed with pride in the process. Her son Samael meanwhile aimed to be the brightest and most powerful among the angelic realm; to ascend wherein no creature had ever dreamt about reaching. Samael’s treachery exceeded that of his Mother, in that he aimed to be the new Most High. He was rapacious and full of ingratitude. His plan, to overthrow the Ancient of Days from His throne in Heaven. 

Samael wished to destroy faith in the true Creator from within the hearts of angels and later humans. Samael with Satan, seeks to corrupt everyone, everything and to rule over all. He too turned evil, spiteful and poisonous like his mother Satan. How much of this was due to his Mother’s influence may remain unanswered. 

Indeed, Samael makes Asherah look less evil by comparison. In the very beginning, the  Ancient of Days loved Asherah and appointed her as head of all their angelic children. Asherah failed due to her desire to be equal with Him and separate herself from Him. As one who worshipped the Most High, she wanted to become not one with the Ancient of Days, but as one with Him. Samael like his Mother, brings sorrow, loss, defamation and shame to the Creator and to His abode. Samael appeared to neither respect Asherah nor fear the Eternal One. Yet, neither was he wholly evil. Samael is thus, somewhat complex, fiendishly steering humanity down his dark path. For he possesses the goodness of his Father and the darkness of his Mother. 

The name Baphomet is an occult figure who was allegedly worshiped by the Templar Knights. Many since have equated Baphomet with Lucifer, who is really Samael and with Satan, who is actually Asherah.

 Adept Initiates – capitalisation theirs, emphasis & bold mine:

‘”The Atbash Cipher is a Hebrew code which substitutes the first letter of the alphabet for the last, the second letter for the second to last, and so on. When the Hebrew letters spelling Baphomet are applied to the Atbash Cipher it generates the Greek wordSophia”. The word “Sophia” in Hebrew is שופיא, and the Atbash form is בפעמת or “baf’omet”.

If one writes the word Baphomet in Hebrew* (remember Hebrew letters read from right to left),* and you apply the Atbash Cipher, Schonfield revealed the following: The word BAPHOMET *(Bet Pe Vav Mem Taf)* with the Atbash Cipher *(Shin Vav Pe Yud Alef)* spells SOPHIA.

Although written in Hebrew it reads as the Greek word “Sophia” again, meaning wisdom. The most noteworthy translation of Baphomet comes from a Masonic source “Craft Symbolism in the Gnostic Mass” which says, “An interesting point about Baphomet is that the Greek translation of this name breaks down into the words bafe (BAPhE – baptism) and metis (METIS – wisdom): Baptism of Wisdom.”

What is pertinent is that recorded in the scriptures is an ancient being who existed at the beginning with the Eternal One. This entity was not the one known as the Word in John 1:1, but rather as Wisdom… and she was female. Gnostics teach of a demigod, a lesser god if you will, a Goddess who was responsible for maintaining the material universe. She also cultivated the ego and a sense of separateness coupled with the evolution of the flesh, rather than the spirit. 

This is in contrast with the Christ consciousness of oneness, which seeks to refine and elevate the spirit back to its source. This demigod called the Demiurge [Rex Mundi: ‘ruler of the world’] sought to turn away from the Creator and towards the material universe. Demiurge derives from the Latin, demiurgos, a common noun meaning: ‘craftsman, artisan, producer’ and ‘creator’. The Demiurge is ‘said to bring order out of substance by imitating an unchanging and eternal model.’ A being who existed alongside ‘another remote and unknowable supreme being’ who embodied goodness. The Demiurge or Queen of Heaven was a supernatural creator of the Universe, while subordinate to the Eternal.

The Demiurge was later associated withe the planet Saturn, which as discussed means ‘hidden’. And Asherah has certainly been hidden from view. One writer proposes that some schools of thought say ‘Satan was a rebellious Archon who rebelled against Saturn the original leader of the archons (planets), the great architect of the matrix, who was ignorant of a higher power, whereas Satan wasn’t and overthrew Saturn the way Zeus overthrew Cronus, whose symbol is the scythe, [a] symbol associated with Saturn, and the astrological symbol for Saturn.’ 

They continue: ‘… to my mind, Satan isn’t Saturn, perhaps Satan hijacked Saturns following and power over the material 3D universe, who portrays himself as God or Yahweh when he is in fact not, for he cannot create ex nihilo… however they are both related, being lesser “gods” who cultivate the current of chaos, the current of the ego and the flesh, which like the qlipoth of kabala, are husks which contain the sparks of light, the goodness and souls which originate from the logos, the word, the Divine spark.’

Alternatively, the truth may be that Samael or Lucifer the light bringer, sought to overthrow his mother, Asherah the Adversary who is Satan and therefore does equate with Saturn. It is agreed with the writer, where ‘Satan’ rather Samael, and ‘Saturn’ rather Asherah, are “related, lesser gods”.

An interesting comparison, is to compare the pivotal players during the tail-end of the latter days, which comprises the final seven year period before the Kingdom of God and includes the momentous three and a half year tribulation on the world, climaxing with the Day of the Lord. First and foremost there is the Ancient of Days and His Adversary: Asherah, formerly Wisdom and loyal wife and co-ruler of the Creation, now the rogue devil called Satan. Next is the Word and Son of Man, the supreme Creator’s Son; with His nemesis: fellow light bringer and Morning Star, Samael and Samyaza. 

Continuing on the adversarial side is Asherah’s and Samael’s son, Azazel. A fallen Angel of the highest rank, restrained in the bottomless Pit while awaiting his release and the receipt of immense power from the Dragon as the coming Beast. Azazel is an anti-christ in direct opposition to the true Christ and the reason why he is selected as one of the two goats, the other being the Word in the Atonement ceremony [Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and article: The Ark of God]. Nimrod part angel and Nephilim descent, is the son of Azazel’s sister, Lilith. Nimrod the ante-christ and False Prophet is a dual antagonist with his uncle against the real Son of God. Nimrod is descended from his grandfather Asshur, who shares the similarity of name with Nimrod’s grandmother, Asher-ah. 

In opposition to Azazel and Nimrod on Chris’t behalf, are the two Witnesses of Revelation Chapter eleven. Three* men have been taken from this world, not having died a normal death. In a place between here and where the Creator dwells, as ‘no man has ascended to Heaven’ yet all humans have to ‘die once’ – John 3:13, Hebrews 9:27 [Article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?].

For many seasoned Bible students, Elijah* and Moses are considered as the clear representatives in fulfilling the roles. The casting of these two men would fulfil a church and state function. Another popular pairing is Enoch* and Elijah. These men transcended an orthodox death, with the Eternal taking them both early. Enoch’s credentials are that he ministered to Nephilim, while Elijah’s ministry centred on opposing Baal worship which was rife in ancient Israel. 

This pairing is favoured because it would satisfy a representative from the antediluvian age and the post-flood world. A pairing perhaps not readily considered is Enoch and Melchizedek* as the end-time witnesses of the Most High [refer Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia]. The merit in this pairing is that it would include two individuals with immeasurable wisdom acquired from profound longevities. 

A further option I had not considered until time of writing, is Elijah and his disciple Elisha, who received a double portion of the Holy Spirit – 2 Kings 2:9-15. The witnesses are likened as light from a lamp stand, filled with over flowing oil, a euphemism for the Holy Spirit – Zechariah 4:11-14; Revelation 11:4. These two men lived at the same time, confronted the same evil, were master and student and no doubt developed a close bond of friendship and trust. This unique relationship may have occurred for a task that yet lays ahead. Finally, John the Baptist possessed similar credentials with Elijah and a status unlike any man born before or after him – Matthew 11:11, 14.

Whichever the identities of the two Witnesses, they powerfully preach the true gospel message of Christ and the Kingdom of God, and in openly opposing the False Prophet, they are murdered at the end of the Tribulation by the Beast, to then three days later, be resurrected as has been ordained for all – Hebrews 9:27. Whether Asherah purposely conjured a plan of opposition and conflict, or just simply grew resentful with her relationship with the Eternal is hard to judge. Her discontent eventually poisoned Samael who’s motive to sabotage the Creator’s plan for Adam-kind with the infiltration of the Garden of Eden was another step in his plan to attain ultimate power. 

Where was the Garden of Eden? Just as pertinent a question would be… what was the Garden of Eden? Was it even on the earth? What if Adam was created on Mars? And if for instance the Earth was one land mass prior to the deluge and Pangea split afterwards into the separate continents, how could we really know where Eden was in the first place? In investigating this subject we will study Adam and Eve further; their early progeny, Cain, Abel and Seth; the events which took place within Eden; as well as various hypotheses from different commentators regarding its potential location. It is hoped that the reader has already read Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla.

Genesis 2:8-14

New Century Version

8 ‘Then the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in a place called Eden [H5731: ‘pleasure, luxury, delight (paradise)’], and put the man he had formed into it. 9 The Lord God caused every beautiful tree and every tree that was good for food to grow out of the ground. In the middle of the garden, God put the tree that gives life and also the tree that gives the knowledge of good and evil.

10 A river flowed through Eden and watered the garden. From there the river branched out to become four rivers. 11 The first river, named Pishon [increase, diffusion, flowing], flows around the whole land of Havilah [in Lower Mesopotamia or Arabia], where there is gold. 

12 The gold of that land is excellent. Bdellium and onyx are also found there. 13 The second river, named Gihon [bursting forth], flows around the whole land of Cush [in Arabia]. 14 The third river, named Tigris [rapid], flows out of Assyria toward the east [in northern Mesopotamia. The fourth river is the Euphrates [in Mesopotamia, meaning: bountiful, fruitful].’

We learn a number of key points in Genesis chapter two. Eden was already a location, when the Eternal planted a garden within its territory. The trees of life and knowledge were placed in the centre of the garden. One river flowed through Eden and specifically its garden to then branch out into four subsidiary rivers. If we take the locations at face value and where the peoples stated finally ended up, the extent of Eden is vast. The benefit of this is that it widens the search for the right river. Most searches are concentrated within the Middle East due to the present locations of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, as well as the past locations of Cush and Asshur. It is assumed that Havilah refers to the son of Cush, though it may well be Havilah the son of Joktan, who anciently lived close to Asshur [Chapter XXIV Arphaxad & Joktan: Balts, Slavs & the Balkans].

What hasn’t occurred to researchers – refer to point two in the introduction – is that the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers may be more recent names for ancient rivers of the same name in an entirely different location. Support for this according to Abarim Publications is ‘in geographical reality, the Tigris and Euphrates are not part of a four river system, and there are no rivers that flow through a land directly east of Egypt and through Nubia that are in any way connected to the rivers of Mesopotamia. The Haddakel is said to flow east of Assyria, but Assyria’s eponymous city, namely Assur, sat on the bank of the Tigris. That means that the Tigris did not flow east of Assyria but [right] through the heart of it.’

Most biblical researchers regard ancient Dilmun as the most logical location for Eden.

Abraham of Ur, David A Snyder, 2014 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘There is also a very interesting theory by Samuel Kramer about that rib that hurt Enki in Dilmun. Let us look at what he wrote: “The Sumerian word for rib is “ti” (pronounced tee). The goddess created for the healing of Enki’s rib is called Nin-ti, ‘the lady of the rib’. But, the Sumerian word ti also means ‘to make live’. The name Nin-ti therefore means ‘the lady who makes live, as well as the lady of the rib.’ 

Eve, according to the Biblical notion means approximately ‘she who makes live’. It is Kramer’s opinion that this was the basis for the authors of Genesis choosing Adam’s rib to make Eve. If he is right, the relationship of the paradise lost stories in Dilmun and Eden is quite likely. Dilmun has yet to be found by archeologists, but most ancient references would seem to place Dilmun on the Persian Gulf near Bahrain of today. Some place it in southwest Iran. Both may be right as the Landsat space images of this area show that the whole top of the Persian Gulf of today was dry land before the de-glaciation of the last Ice Age. The satellite image also revealed the dry-bed remains of the Pison and Gihon rivers mentioned with the Tigris and Euphrates in Genesis as emptying into Eden.’ 

Author and biblical historian David Rohl has proposed an interesting location for Eden as evidenced on the map below. The most interesting point he raises in a presentation on the Garden of Eden is regarding the Land of Nod, to which Cain fled.

‘The Gihon flows to the Land of Cush. Descend the valley, the road rises up, out of the valley and goes through a pass and as it drops down the other side it goes to the town of Ardabil where all the earth quakes are. I went out there and I discovered that all over this region there are villages called Nod. In fact they are called Nod-i (belonging to Nod), like pakistani (belonging to Pakistan), inglesi (belonging to England): “i” of a belonging. The villages are all called of Nod. 

This is the Land of Nod of the Bible where Cain is exiled from the garden. So even today, the topper names of this region still reflect the biblical story. It’s [been] there for thousands of years and in the recent millennia people seem to have forgotten. At any rate, according to the written record, nobody seems to have noticed the striking correlations. And those who may have added one and one may have preferred to keep their insights for themselves. But it’s also another illustration of the forest you don’t see for reason of all the trees in front of you. 

We went to the mapping centre of the Iranian Government for this governorate and we actually looked at these maps. And there they were: Upper Nodi and Lower Nodi.’ 

Rohl’s idea is not so far removed from my own discussed in the first chapter, concerning the region of Jammu-Kashmir [refer Chapter I Noah Antecessor Nulla]. Though my own is an original hypothesis, it may appear attractive merely for being blurred with the more likely option of the Kashmir being where Noah and his family settled after disembarking from the Ark. After looking at the evidence available, the location of the Garden of Eden in northern India or northern Iran does not appear as sustainable, though I would not completely rule them out. 

Notice in red, Pishan County of China, similar to the River Pishon; as well as the four river heads of the Indus, including the Sutlej, Chenab and Jhelum.

Alternatively, the proximity of the Indus and Sutlej with the Brahmaputra and Ganges Rivers. In this scenario, Nod would have been in southern China or where the Himalayan mountain range is situated now.   

Stunning Kashmir

An alternative option for Eden’s location is the Nile delta of lower Egypt. The significance of the Pyramid and Sphinx complex being built at Giza and Jacob’s descendants dwelling in northern Egypt may have significance, if this area was the original Paradise homeland. In this case, the land of Nod would have been the Arabian Peninsula. The serpentine Nile river reminds of the Serpent in the Garden and the myriad heads of the river are reminiscent of both Medusa and the fanned hood on a Cobra.

Where was the Garden of Eden? Ken Ham, 2013 – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘Even the great theologian John Calvin struggled over the exact location of the Garden of Eden. In his commentary on Genesis he states: 

“Moses says that one river flowed to water the garden, which afterwards would divide itself into four heads. It is sufficiently agreed among all, that two of these heads are the Euphrates and the Tigris; for no one disputes that… (Hiddekel) is the Tigris. But there is a great controversy respecting the other two. Many think that Pison [or the Indus] and Gihon are the Ganges and the Nile; the error, however, of these men is abundantly refuted by the distance of the positions of these rivers.”

God’s Word makes it clear that the Garden of Eden was located where there were four rivers coming from one head. No matter how one tries to fit this location in the Middle East today, it just can’t be done. The worldwide, catastrophic Flood of Noah’s day would have destroyed the surface of the earth. If most of the sedimentary strata over the earth’s surface (many thousands of feet thick in places) is the result of this global catastrophe… then we would have no idea where the Garden of Eden was originally located – the earth’s surface totally changed as a result of the Flood.

Not only this, but underneath the region where the present Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are located, there exists hundreds of feet of sedimentary strata – a significant amount of which is fossiliferous. Such fossil-bearing strata had to be laid down at the time of the Flood. Therefore, no one can logically suggest that the area where the present Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are today is the location of the Garden of Eden, for this area is sitting on Flood strata containing billions of dead things (fossils). The perfect Garden of Eden can’t be sitting on billions of dead things before sin entered the world!’

Jewish Encyclopaedia, Garden of Eden, multiple authors – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘It is probable, however, that the story as given in the Bible is a later adaptation of an old legend, points of which were vague to the narrator himself, and hence any attempt to find the precise location of Eden must prove futile. Indeed, the original Eden was very likely in heaven… Gunkel, in his commentary on Genesis, also adopts this view, and connects the stream coming out of Eden with the Milky Way and its four branches. The “garden of God,” situated on the mountain, in [Ezekiel 28:13-14], and the tall cedar in [Ezekiel 31:3]…’

Ezekiel 28:13-14

English Standard Version

‘You were in Eden, the garden of God… You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked.’

It has to be considered that Eden is Heaven, the abode of the Eternal. Particularly as we have learned that Adam and Eve originally had spirit bodies and were subsequently transformed into physical beings. Asherah was located in the Garden as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Serpent Samael also had access to the Garden. If the Son of Man equates to the Lord God of the Garden, then the Ancient of Days must represent the Tree of life. This of itself lends heavily towards Eden and Heaven being one and the same.

The Historicity of the Bible, Iurii Mosenkis – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Searching for the astronomical images in the Biblical Eden narrative, we must recollect the Sumerian constellation of A.EDIN which was located in the place of the modern constellations of Virgo and Coma Berenice. It is the center of the Milky Way circle! Two trees of Eden (Genesis 2:17, 3:22) correspond with two ‘branches’ of the Milky Way. Therefore, Eden might be a cosmological concept, linked with another cosmological concept of the World River, from which other rivers are flowing. In the Greek sacral geography, all rivers of the world flow from the Oceanus river, the rivers are his children, and the Oceanus is the river, associated with Elysium (a paradise in the ancient Greek beliefs). 

Cherubs (Kerub-im in plural) as the guards of the Paradise (Genesis 3:24), like Greek Cerberus, are the embodiments of Canis Major and Canis Minor (‘big dog’ and ‘small dog’) or Leo and Leo Minor which guarded the border between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ parts of the year (i.e. between the season of the increasing sun and the season of the decreasing sun). 

It is probable that the water of life also formed a part of the original story, and that the river of Eden is a trace of it. In Ezekiel [47:6-12] and, with some variation, in Revelation [22:1-2] mention is made of a “river of water of life… and on either side of the river was there the tree of life,” showing that the water of life was associated with the tree of life.’

Revelation 22:1-2

English Standard Version

‘Then the angel showed me the river of the water^ of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.’

‘The cherubim placed to guard the entrance to Eden are distinctly Babylonian, and are identical with the immense winged bulls and lions [Lamassu] at the entrances to Babylonian and Assyrian temples.’ 

‘The Talmudists and Cabalists agree that there are two gardens of Eden: one, the terrestrial, of abundant fertility and luxuriant vegetation; the other, celestial, the habitation of righteous, immortal souls. These two are known as the lower” and “higherGan Eden. The location of the earthly Eden is traced by its boundaries as described in Genesis. 

A baraita fixes the dimensions of Gan and of Eden by comparisons with Egypt, Ethiopia, etc.: “Egypt is 400 parasangs square, and is one-sixtieth the size of Cush (Ethiopia). Cush is one-sixtieth of the world (inhabited earth), the Gan being one-sixtieth of Eden, and Eden one-sixtieth of Gehinnom.’ By this reckoning today, Eden would be the size of Mongolia and the Garden, the size of Albania – or twice* the size of the State of Israel.

‘The opinions of the most eminent Jewish authorities point to the location of Eden in Arabia. The “four heads” or mouths of the rivers (= seas) are probably the Persian Gulf (east), the Gulf of Aden [Eden](south), the Caspian Sea (north), and the Red Sea (west).

The first river, Pison, probably refers to the Indus, which encircles Hindustan, confirming the Targum Yerushalmi. The second river, Gihon, is the Nile in its circuitous course around Ethiopia, connecting with the Gulf of Aden. The third river, Hiddekel, is the Tigris, which has its course in the front of Assur (= Persia), speaking from the writer’s point of view in Palestine. 

The leviathan disturbs the waters of the seas, and would have destroyed the life of all human beings by the bad breath of his mouth, but for the fact that he occasionally puts his head through the opening of Gan Eden, the spicy odor issuing from which acts as an antiseptic to his bad smell. The Arabic word for Eden is “Adn,” which, according to the commentators and lexicographers, means “fixed residence,” i.e., the everlasting abode of the faithful.’ 

One theory put forward by Samatha Siegel is that the land of the State of Israel was Eden:

‘As proof of her theory, she notes the four rivers of Eden… According to her theory, the Pishon and Gihon could be the two sources of the Nile, southwest of Israel. The Tigris and Euphrates are located in what is today Iraq, northeast of modern-day Israel. She describes these four rivers as encircling Israel with the center point being the Dead Sea and Jerusalem. 

In response, Rabbi Natan Greenburg says: 

“For our purposes today, Eden was once a place but it transcended that, becoming a spiritual concept… Once it was in the physical world but now it is gone, and there is no return. That connection between the physical and spiritual is unattainable today. It’s like Valinor [Lord of the Rings, J R R Tolkien], where the elves first came from. It became a myth, a place of high spiritual transformation and something to strive towards, but there is no return.”

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman adds:

“According to Jewish tradition, the Garden of Eden is associated with the Land of Israel, according to the big borders – from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates…” 

‘The borders of Israel are described several times in the Bible. When God promised the land to Abraham, specific borders were described allotting to his descendants a piece of land significantly larger* than what was eventually conquered in the days of Joshua Ben Nun. These more expansive borders were based on the description of the Garden of Eden.’ 

In support for the land of Israel matching Eden and particularly its northern territory once known as Lebanon, which was southwards of the nation by that name today, is Ezekiel chapter thirty-one. It is addressed to the pharaoh of Egypt, yet it uncannily appears to be describing a prominent tree in Eden. Is this the same being as described in Ezekiel 28:11-19. If so, it would be Asherah and again her beauty, pride, death and destruction are the main thrust of the verses.

Ezekiel 31:2-18

English Standard Version

2 ‘Son of man, say to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his multitude:

“Whom are you like in your greatness? 3 Behold, Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches and forest shade, and of towering height, its top among the clouds. 4 The waters nourished it; the deep made it grow tall, making its rivers^ flow around the place of its planting, sending forth its streams to all the trees [angelic beings] of the field. 5 So it towered high above all the trees of the field; its boughs grew large and its branches long from abundant water in its shoots. 6 … and under its shadow lived all great nations. 

7 It was beautiful in its greatness… [Ezekiel 28:12] 8 The cedars in the garden of God could not rival it, nor the fir trees [Christmas tree] equal its boughs… no tree in the garden of God was its equal in beauty. 9 I made it beautiful in the mass of its branches, and all the trees of Eden envied it, that were in the garden of God. 10 “Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because it towered high and set its top among the clouds, and its heart was proud of its height [Ezekiel 28:17], 11 I will give it into the hand of a mighty one… He shall surely deal with it as its wickedness deserves. I have cast it out [Ezekiel 28:17]. 

14 All this is in order that no trees by the waters may grow to towering height or set their tops among the clouds, and that no trees that drink water may reach up to them in height. For they are all given over to death… 15 “Thus says the Lord God: On the day the cedar went down to Sheol I caused mourning; I closed the deep over it, and restrained its rivers, and many waters were stopped. I clothed Lebanon in gloom for it, and all the trees of the field fainted because of it. 16 … And all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink^ water, were comforted in the world below. 18 “Whom are you thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? You shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the world below…’

Verse sixteen simply states, that Eden was in Lebanon and certainly appears to be a correlating verse to Genesis 2:8-14 quoted at the beginning of this section. 

The Cedar tree figures prominently, on the flag of Lebanon

The series of maps show the area of Lebanon firstly, during the time of the judges and the separate Israelite tribes, when it was within the territory of Asher and Naphtali; secondly, during the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, when it was in Phoenicia; thirdly, the present day Arab nation of Lebanon.

The word Lebanon is etymologically linked to Jacob’s father-in-law Laban and both words mean, ‘whiteness, white, to make white, become white, purify’ to ‘be purified.’ 

Where is the Garden of Eden? Unknown author – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Along with the idea that the Garden of Eden is buried under Lebanon and Northern Israel, I believe that the description of the rivers in Genesis 2:10-14 was given as a commentary, probably by Shem or Noah shortly after the Tower of Babel incident. The inland lakes at the end of The Flood would have been full to the brim & the ocean level would have been lower by 300 feet (or more) than what it is today. The inland lakes would have included the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and smaller lakes in that part of the world. Because of this, the water table would have been much higher right after The Flood. After these lakes breached, the source of water flow for these rivers probably changed

Whoever first wrote the account given in Genesis 2:10-14 only describes the drainage system of where the rivers flowed after they left the garden, but never describes the whole drainage system of the river that flowed into the garden. That’s why I think that it’s a post-flood description, given prior to the end of Peleg and [Jok]tan’s life times. Before the Flood, everyone knew where these rivers were. (The area where the river came from before it entered God’s Garden probably [became condensed] when the mountains between the Middle East & the area North of it were formed!). One interesting discovery I have made since writing this article: The Jordan River, when said in its Hebrew pronunciation is The ‘Yarden’ River. Although it’s the Hebrew word for descend’, it sounds very much like the French & English words forgarden’, and according to my understanding of the scriptures, it’s in the right location!’

The same author discusses points which make more sense if the original Paradise was located in the environs of modern day Israel. It might just be the answer to why it was such a beautiful region on through to Abraham’s time and why it was such prized real estate, contested over more than any other region in history. Every major empire has either set foot in or conquered the area known as the holy land

The author’s reckoning logically concludes, that the Land of Nod is buried under Babylon. My own investigations regarding the sacrifice of the Lamb of God in Jerusalem, the self same spot where the original temptation occurred; Melchizedek choosing to dwell in Salem, conducting his priesthood there; and Cain murdering Abel in the same area all bear monumental significance – Matthew 23:35.

Touching on the point about the Jordan river. It is interesting to note that Christ lived and grew up in the northern region of this river system in Galilee [meaning: region, rolling, circle, circuit] and the Sea of Galilee, until the age of twelve. This area also includes Mount Hermon where the Watchers first descended – why? It is also the area where the tribe of Dan migrated and dwelt. Significance will become clearer when we study Dan [Chapter XXIV Dan: The Invisible Tribe]. It is also worth serious consideration whether instead of seeking an enlarged area with rivers having ancient names from previous rivers of the past; rather, the area for Eden was smaller and that the river system described was once condensed in the area of ‘Israel.’ A series of maps showing the four main tributary rivers branching off from the River Jordan. Of most interest is its source and network of rivers south of Galilee. 

When the Genesis account was compiled it was a very long time after the flood, let alone when Eden may have actually been on the Earth. Hence the river sources and geography would have likely been radically unrecognisable.

A different configuration that matches the Bible description may have existed in the antediluvian age of Pangea. Remember too, Asshur, Havilah and Cush did not exist prior to the flood and therefore the writer of the account is using post-flood geography to describe a pre-flood environment.

Cryptic clues to the location of the Garden of Eden are indirectly given in the Book of Jubilees, when the land inheritance for Japheth, Ham and Shem’s descendants is proclaimed by Noah. The boundaries of Eden are included for Shem and Ham, though not for Japheth’s sons as they lived far to the north of Eden’s boundaries.

Book of Jubilees 8:12-24

12 ‘And there came forth on the writing as Shem’s lot the middle of the earth which he should take as an inheritance for himself and for his sons… 14 And his portion extends along the great sea, and it extends in a straight line till it reaches the west of the tongue which looks towards the south: for this sea is named the tongue of the Egyptian Sea.

15 And it turns from here towards the south towards the mouth of the great sea on the shore of (its) waters, and it extends to the west to ‘Afra, and it extends till it reaches the waters of the river Gihon, and to the south of the waters of Gihon, to the banks of this river. 16 And it extends towards the east, till it reaches the Garden of Eden, to the south thereof, [to the south] and from the east of the whole land of Eden and of the whole east, it turns to the east and proceeds till it reaches the east of the mountain named Rafa, and it descends to the bank of the mouth of the river Tina.

17 This portion came forth by lot for Shem and his sons, that they should possess it… 19 And he knew that the Garden of Eden is the kodesh [Holy] of kodeshim [Holies], and [1] the dwelling of Yahweh, and [2] Mount Sinai the centre of the desert, and [3] Mount Zion the centre of the navel of the earth: these three were created as kodesh [Holy] places facing each other. 

21 And he knew that a blessed portion and a blessing had come to Shem and his sons… the whole land of Eden and the whole land of the Red Sea…and all the land of Bashan, and all the land of Lebanon a blessed and spacious land, and all that is in it is very good.

22 And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards the south to the right of the Garden…’

The references overall seem jumbled and confusing regarding south, east and to the ‘right’ of the garden; almost as if the map is being read upside down. The repeated references to the river Gihon are not much help, though one can’t help but think it could be the River Nile. 

The information leaves the reader none the wiser… except for verse nineteen. Here lies invaluable information. It is worth noting that there are two viable locations for Mount Sinai. I will not digress and discuss the topic here, as comprehensive research has already been conducted [refer Appendix VII: Moses, the Exodus & the Red Sea Crossing – Fabrication or Fact?]. The traditional site is Mt Horeb or Jebel Musa in the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. The other site, believed to be the mountain Moses ascended to receive the tablets of the Law is Jabal Al-Lawz, due east across the Arabian Gulf on the very western tip of the Arabian Peninsula in an area where Abraham’s son Midian’s descendants once lived. 

This region would have been where Moses fled, when he departed Egypt in haste. He met his future father-in-law Jethro the Priest of Midian and lived forty years with his family as a farmer [Chapter XXVII Abraham & Keturah – Benelux & Scandinavia]. 

Drawing a straight line from the alternative Mt Sinai through Jerusalem, amazingly brings one to the area northwest of the Sea of Galilee, in the region of Tyre – the land of the Cedars of Lebanon no less. Drawing a line from the traditional Mt Sinai through Jerusalem, fascinatingly brings one to the Sea of Galilee and continuing northeast to none other than Mount Hermon. Was this the Mountain of God in the Garden of Eden? Could Eden have encompassed the land within the triangle formed from Mount Sinai north to Lebanon and east to Bashan. Is this why Mount Hermon in Bashan was chosen by the Watcher angels for their descent? Is this why Nephilim and Elioud giants such as King Og, congregated in this area? Today, this disputed region is held by the Israelis after seizing it from Syria during the 1967 Six day War and is known as the Golan Heights, or simply Golan. 

Bashan means ‘fruitful’ or ‘smooth.’ There are two insightful verses regarding Bashan.

Jeremiah 50:19

English Standard Version

I will restore Israel [the sons of Jacob, not the state of Israel] to his pasture, and he shall feed on Carmel [H3759 & H3760 – Karmel] and in Bashan, and his desire shall be satisfied on the hills of Ephraim and in Gilead.

Nahum 1:4

English Standard Version

‘He rebukes the sea and makes it dry; he dries up all the rivers; Bashan and Carmel wither; the bloom of Lebanon withers.’

We have learned that Lebanon is described being within Eden and have seen the link between Bashan and Eden. We have a third region and name, Carmel. What now becomes startling, is that these three geographic locations form an almost horizontal line of land. Could this be the historic northern boundary line of ancient Eden? 

The Hebrew word for Carmel means: a ‘plantation, garden-land, orchard’ or ‘fruit.’ This is a vital piece of information and surely cannot be coincidence. It also means ‘a planted field’ and ‘garden produce’ in being ‘full (green) east (of corn), plentiful.’ The word is translated as: ‘fruitful field, plentiful field, full ear, green ear, full ears of corn’ and ‘plentiful.’

Bashan means fruitful, Carmel means plentiful, as well as a ‘garden’ or ‘park’ and Lebanon means pure and Eden means luxury. These names are painting a very obvious picture of a rich and blessed land, with produce. Carmel is actually Mount Carmel located on the Mediterranean coast of northern Israel, just south of the modern city of Haifa. 

Mount Carmel is famous for the showdown between Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal in the service of Jezebel and her wicked husband King Ahab, the seventh king of Israel – 1 Kings 18:19-20, 42. Mount Carmel is due west from the Sea of Galilee and half way between the two is the city of Nazareth, where Christ was raised – Matthew 2:22-23; Luke 4:34.

Mark 1:9

English Standard Version

‘In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.’

Other possibilities entertained have been the association of Adam with the colour red and whether his origins could be linked to the red planet, Mars. By extension, was Eden originally located there and hence the difficulty in locating Eden or its garden here on earth. Yet it seems plausible and logical that those commentators who have narrowed the search for Eden to the land of modern Palestine could be correct. The specific location of the Garden within another triangle formed inside the triangle of Eden; comprising Mount Zion, Mount Carmel and Mount Hermon, is supported by the Bible and the Book of Jubilees and thus difficult to ignore. The land of Nod in the region of ancient Babylon is a good fit symbolically as well as geographically. Until any new research arises to indicate otherwise, this hypothesis is the one this writer deems the most credible; if the geography of the Levant is not drastically different from that which existed prior to the great flood. 

Abraham of Ur, David A Snyder, 2014 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… there is one paragraph in the ancient Sumerian epic The Deluge reminiscent of the linear week of creation in Genesis. It refers to the pantheon of gods as creators rather than God the Father, and the order is different, but sounds familiar: “After Anu, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag had fashioned the black-headed people [Homo erectus]… vegetation luxuriated from the earth, animals, and four-legged creatures of the plain were brought artfully into existence – .” 

Within the ancient Mesopotamian myths there was no consistent creation story, but rather several different versions where the numerous gods [angels] were created from a begetter [the Eternal] and his consort [Asherah] out of a chaos of nothingness

The Sumerian god Enki is the god of fresh water and is depicted in reliefs found on temple walls with water flowing up from the ground. In the Epic Atra-Khasis, we find Enki creating man from clay in a similar manner after the gods had rebelled over all the work they had to endure on earth: “Enki opened his mouth and addressed the great gods: I will make a purifying bath. Let one god be slaughtered so that all the gods may be cleansed in a dipping. From his flesh and blood, let Nintu (Enki’s assistant) mix clay, that god and man may be thoroughly mixed in the clay… proclaim living man as its sign… Then the spirit of the god’s flesh becomes the spirit within man

This is clearly the concept of man receiving some sort of spirit from the gods, something we would call a soul… [Article: DEATH: A Dead End or a New Beginning?] In the Epic of Atra-Khasis, the gods created man so the gods would no longer have to toil on the earth. The Mesopotamian gods created man for the purpose of providing them with food, drink and shelter as we have seen when we discussed Temple Sacrifices. Man[s] purpose in life was to be the gods’ servants. Genesis 2 may be referring to a similar work related situation where it says: “there was no man to till the soil”, which would imply that up until that time someone else was tilling the soil. 

The Creation Epic of Akkad known as Enuma Elish is the most complete creation story that we have found to date, and it gives us great insight into the Mesopotamian concept of deity. This story tells of the ancient struggle between cosmic order and chaos. This itself is quite interesting as scientists today are toying with a Chaos Theory to explain the existence of the universe. This epic was of such importance to the theology of the time that it was recited by the scribes for all to hear at the beginning of each year, much as the Hebrews did with the Torah years later. There are similarities in the beginning of the Creation Epic and the first chapter of Genesis where God created all things. 

In the Creation Epic it is a begetter and his consort who bring forth all there is. Here are a few lines from the story: “When on high the heaven had not been named, Firm ground below had not been called by name, naught but primordial Apsu [the Creator], their begetter and Mummu-Tiamat [Asherah], she who bore them all, their waters commingling as a single body; … When no gods whatever had been brought into being, uncalled by name, their destinies undetermined – Then it was that the gods were formed within them. Anu begot in his image Nudimmud.” Apsu, the male spirit of life-giving fresh water and the abyss, is called the begetter, and Tiamat, the female spirit of salt water [the sea] and chaos, is his consort; they commingled to form all the gods. The gods later bring forth man. Genesis mimics the creation epics in that God made matter out of nothing – a creating God. The polytheistic version is devoid of a single creator so they manufactured a human understanding of this mystery to bring about matter from nothingness. Much like the scientists of today, who are stuck in their Big Bang Theory with the question, “who made the thing that banged?” [T]he ancients acknowledged a begetter and consort, but do not tell us from where they came. 

Like God in Genesis, who decided to destroy evil man with the flood, so do Apsu and Tiamat. After they had created the gods, they decided to kill off the first bunch and start all over. Their excuse was that the gods were a noisy bunch and therefore needed to be destroyed: “Apsu, opening his mouth, said unto resplendent [shining brilliantly, gleaming] Tiamat: “Their ways are verily loathsome unto me. By day I find no relief, nor repose by night. I will destroy, I will wreck their ways that quiet may be restored. Let us have our rest.” It seems that the god Ea (Enki in Sumer), the good father-god of the hero-god Marduk in the epic, was wise to their plans and was able to stop the slaughter of the gods: “Surpassing in wisdom, accomplished, resourceful… The all wise, saw through their scheme”. He then sought out Apsu, and poured sleep upon him. And while he was powerless: He loosened his band, tore off his tiara, removed his halo and put it on himself. Having fettered Apsu, he slew him.” 

There was to be a great battle in the heavens between the good gods and the evil gods. It will be Marduk, who will battle Tiamat and the turncoat evil gods that joined her. He will finally kill her, she who begat them all. After this turmoil, the gods created the cosmos from the remains of Tiamat with part of her being the land, and part of her being the heavens. The story also includes a reference of darkness turned to light; then the gods determined the years, the months, and the days much as God the Father does in Chapter 1 of Genesis. The main difference in the order of creation is that in the ancient Mesopotamian creation stories the gods were first created, and then they created man. In our story we see the god Marduk create man from the blood of Tiamat: “Blood I will mass and cause bones to be. I will establish a savage, man shall be his name. Verily, savage-man I will create. He shall be charged with the service of the gods that they might be at ease.”’

The pantheon of Sumerian gods

Iurii Mosenkis – emphasis & bold mine:

‘If Adam and Eve might be linked with the stars [Arcturus and Spica], we have the same possibility for Cain and Abel. If one was very bad and another was very good, we must recollect the similar ethical characteristics of the stars. First of all, we can throw a look at Antares and Aldebaran. Several millennia BCE they were not only very perceptible stars on the sky but also the points of the equinoxes. Among them, Antares had a bad reputation. Its name connects it with Ares (Mars) because both are red, whereas Mars was considered a sinister planet in ancient astrology. If Cain was a plowman* and Abel was a shepherd (Genesis 4:2-3) then their symbols might be easily found in the sky: Antares is the brightest star of the sickle-shaped* Scorpio constellation (sickle as an attribute of the plowman) whereas Aldebaran is the brightest star of the bull-shaped Taurus* (bull as an attribute of a plowman [shepherd/farmer]). These stars are in opposition: when one rises, another sets. In addition, both these stars are described among ‘four royal stars’ (linked with the solstices and the equinoxes) in ancient Iranian sacral astronomy…’

Second Book of Adam and Eve 1:6-8 

“As for Cain, when the mourning for his brother was ended, he took his sister Luluwa and married her, without leave from his father and mother; for they could not keep him from her, by reason of their heavy heart. 7 He then went down to the bottom of the mountain [Mount of Olives], away from the garden, near to the place where he had killed his brother [in Jerusalem]. 8 And in that place were many fruit trees and forest trees. His sister bare him children, who in their turn began to multiply by degrees until they filled that place.”

The Book of Adam says Cain left the Garden, though presumably he was still in Eden. If his family multiplied at a high rate, it may also explain his migrating later to the land of  Nod. According to Chabad a Jewish organisation, rabbis teach an alternative theory to that of Cain and Abel being twins, in that Cain was born first with a twin sister and Abel was born as one of a triplet; with each brother intended to marry their twin or triplet. If true, the Bible omits this information. Possibly it was there originally, as a large amount of humanities pre-flood history is glaringly missing. Biblical researcher and writer Ernest Martin, provided interesting parallels between Eden and the portable Tabernacle of the ancient Israelites [Article: The Ark of God].

There were three divisions in the Land of Eden and these are analogous with the three divisions of the Tabernacle and later, the Temple. The Garden of Eden was a separate area within the more extensive region called Eden. The garden itself was comprised of two sections. There was an inner area where the Lord God dwelt, reminisce of the Tabernacle’s Holy of Holies. The second section was the remainder of the Garden where Adam and Eve lived and tended the flora and fauna. In the Tabernacle and Temple, this area was called the Holy Place and it was where the Priests performed ceremonial duties. Outside the Garden, surrounding it, was the Land of Eden. 

When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden, they were still able to live in the Land of Eden. Just outside where the Cherubim guarded with a flaming sword, was the eastern gate of the Garden. It was here that Cain and Abel built an altar to petition the Lord God of the inner Garden. An altar at the east entrance, to offer sacrifices; whereas in the Tabernacle and Temple, this altar was analogous to the Altar of Burnt Offering, located just east of the Holy Place. 

The extended area of the Land of Eden can be identified with the broader area of the Camp of Israel, where the Israelites lived. The land to the west of Eden was called the Land of Nod, or the ‘Land of wandering’ and it was here that the people of Day Six dwelt, the Neanderthal. It was this community which Cain after he was expelled from the land of Eden, seized control of as the world’s first despot. The land of Nod equates to the Land of the Gentiles or Babylon, outside of the Camp of Israel and in the ‘midst of the world.’

Secrets of Golgotha, Ernest L Martin, 1996 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘It was this outer area east of Eden that God said Cain would be provided with an animal sacrifice that would “lie at the door” (Genesis 4:7). The Hebrew… “couching at the door”… this sin offering was to be presented alive “at the door”… an entrance [or portal]… back into the Land of Eden from the land of Nod.’

Many biblical names, especially those in Genesis, have an element of wordplay which often serves to underscore an individual figure’s role in the story they feature in. Notably, the name Adam means man, because he was the first modern man, and Eve comes from a word meaning life, because she is the source of life for all humanity. The names of Adam and Eve’s first two children, Cain and Abel though, are more obscure. 

In Genesis, it says Cain’s name – more like ‘Kayan’ in Hebrew – comes from the word kanah, meaning ‘to get,’ because Eve had gotten a baby… but, not from Adam. Abel – more like ‘Hevel’ in Hebrew – receives his name from a root, meaning ‘breath,’ and indicates something that doesn’t last long. However, Rabbi David Zaslow argues Cain’s name reflects the meaning of kanah, as ‘to build’ for Cain goes on to build a city, among other things. As a builder and architect, his name is related to a word meaning ‘smith’ as in a metalworker. Abel may also derive from a Sumerian word meaning ‘son.’ One son who works with his hands, and one son born to die.

The meaning of the mark of Cain is ambiguous as we have discussed. Cain’s mark and his curse have often been conflated. Bible Odyssey interpretations state: ‘that Cain was given leprosy, or his forehead sprouted a horn (which ultimately led to Cain’s death when his son confused him with a wild animal), or the sacred name of God was inscribed on his arm or forehead as a protective sigil. Others suggest maybe God just gave him a dog as protection, which might also have been seen as a curse, as there are no positive references to dogs in the Hebrew Bible.’ The provocative explanation, is the mark of Cain was darker skin, ‘an idea used as a justification for slavery and racism well into the 20th century.’ 

The sacred name of God inscribed on his arm or forehead as a protective sigil is of particular interest. The majority of humanity will one day receive the mark of the Beast – from the fallen dark Angel Azazel. Azazel led the corruption of humanity in Enoch’s day and is predicted to do so again, once released from the abyss. The Holy Day of Atonement, is about receiving reconciliation with the Ancient of Days, as opposed to following Azazel. 

This was achieved in the once shedding of animal blood and then later fulfilled by the Word and His sacrifice – Leviticus 16:15-16. Leviticus 17:11, ESV says: ‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.’ It is by blood we are cleansed, or by blood that we are defiled.

The mark of the Beast could still include a defiling of humanity by turning them into hybrids from a combination of mankind and angel-kind. Of course, any defilement is far greater than a mere physical contamination. The goal would be to mutate the unique spirit and soul within mankind into one more like the fallen Angels and the Nephilim. Our hands and minds, which defines us as human, would be affected; as human DNA, symbolised by the blood can be altered. In Revelation Chapter seven, the servants of the Creator in the end times, the 144,000 are sealed in their foreheads. An opposite mark from the one of the Beast. These people are given Holy Spirit protection from a hybridisation program. Their genetic material will be kept pure and fully human just like Noah. These sealed sons of Jacob will not carry any Nephilim DNA.

In Genesis 4:10-11 ESV,  the Creator speaks with Cain after he murders his brother: ‘… the voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground. And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.’ The curse on Cain is from the ground, the very place where righteous Abel’s blood flowed into. Cain receives a mark of protection, so that no one will dare kill him. We will study Cain’s origins and confirm he is in fact the very first Nephil. Already tainted, already having the mark of the Beast. Yet we learn that the Creator added a distinguishing mark. If a physical mark or sign was used, then the irony may be that Cain was not turned black, but rather white. The tradition of leprosy then would be significant. Cain would certainly stand out amongst an ante-diluvian population of darker skinned people.

There are two forms of leprosy, black and white. Alternatively, if Cain as a Nephil had been born white, then his black leprosy would have stood out equally. We saw how Moses’s sister Miriam was struck with white leprosy [Chapter XIII India & Pakistan: Cush & Phut]. In 2 Kings Chapter five, we read about Naaman a commander in the army of the king of Syria: Aram, son of Shem. In verse 27, ESV: “Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and to your descendants forever.” So he went out from his presence a leper, like snow. If Cain received leprosy, he could have easily had this mark for the rest of his life. Today, leprosy is not hereditary and has been curable since 1982. The white leprosy in the Old Testament must have been a different strain or a completely unique disease, to be passed on genetically.

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1997 & 1999, Pages 130-131, 138 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… in the Apocalypse of Adam… Adam reveals to his son Seth that “the Lord, who created us, created a son from himself and Eve, your mother.”… the Life of Adam and Eve… observes that Eve “bore a son and he was lustrous.” This is a good description of the shiny, luminous hide of the reptile gods… [also] Eve tells Adam: My Lord, I saw the blood of my son Abel, being thrust into the mouth of Cain… and he drank it mercilessly… it did not stay in his stomach but came out of his mouth. They got up to see what happened and found Abel killed by Cain. The crime of Cain was… not only to commit fracticide but also to eat the flesh and blood of his brother. This behaviour [is] more reptilian than human, for Cain… was half saurian… [and] the main reason for [Cain’s line being] superseded by that of Seth… the deity warned that “whoever kills Cain shall suffer vengeance seven fold.”… Cain was reputedly accidentally killed by [evil] Lamech [his descendant], thus fulfilling the curse of the seventh generation.’

Genesis 4:23-24

English Standard Version

23 Lamech said to his wives: “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. 24 If Cain’s revenge is sevenfold, then Lamech’s is seventy-sevenfold.”

‘… in the Haggadah… Lamech was… old and blind… when he went hunting [and] was led by his son Tubal-Cain, who would tell his father when game came into sight, so that Lamech could shoot at it with his bow and arrow… he aimed at some horned creature which Tubal-Cain thought to be a beast. In fact, it was Cain bearing the sign of Cain,” a horn in the forehead, according to the Haggadah, but more probably a set of horns on the head. Lamech killed him and in despair, he struck out inadvertently killing his son Tubal-Cain… it accounts for the killing of a man and a boy, both of which were not just ordinary people.’

After God cursed Cain, Cain left the presence of the Lord, travelled east to Nod, the land of Wandering; builds a city to exalt his evil son Enoch and his story in the Bible ends [Article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. Josephus, in his work Antiquities, expands on the further exploits of the miscreant Cain. He did not repent of his crime against Abel or live peaceably after his own life was spared from the Creator’s wrath. Cain in fact, grows exponentially wicked and the world’s foremost innovator of evil.

Josephus states, ‘Cain dedicated himself to the pursuit of pleasure and wealth at any cost… perpetrating theft and violence upon his neighbours. He built up a great amount of wealth through stealing and strong-arming [reference: Armstrong]… [also] building up a huge army… Cain is… credited with creating weights and measures… to make sure no one was accidentally being generous by innocently giving too much. He likewise invented the idea of property lines and drawing up fortifications to protect one’s belongings with violence.’

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 8-9, 12-13, 55-56 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Dowland Manuscript of the Legend of the Craft lists the Seven Liberal [Sacred] Sciences: 

“Grammere” to teach humankind to both speak and write truly; 

“Rhethoricke” to teach humankind to speak in subtle terms;

“Dialectyke” to teach humankind to discern between truth and falsehoods;

“Arithmeticke” to teach humankind to compute all manner of numbers;

“Geometrie” to teach humankind to measure the earth and all things 

(this is the science of Masonry);

“Musicke” to teach humankind song and the language of musical instruments;

“Astronomye” to teach humankind the course of the planets and stars

Jubal… specialised in music, inventing musical instruments [Jabal, Geometry and Masonry]… Tubal-Cain… exceeded all other men in strength and excelled in the martial arts… [and] inventing the art of manufacturing brass… Cain [means] “a metal worker,” thereby attributing Tubal to being his first name, and Cain denoting his expertise [Artificer], just as his forefather [Cain] must have been some form of metalworker or smith… [refer article: Na’amah]. 

Naamah the Charmer… according to Jewish legends married and copulated with Shamdon [a fallen Angel], producing the giant Asmodeous… the Cainites used the Seven Sacred Sciences for evil… Two of Cain’s descendants were fingered as particularly corrupt in the application of the Sacred Sciences: [evil] Enoch and [evil] Lamech… Enoch [was] instructed in the Seven Sacred Sciences by a people known as watchers… [Enoch introduced]… sinister sacraments… From Astronomy, he created astrology and sun worship… implemented … rituals, ceremonies, and rites with this new, repulsive religion. The knowledge could then only be passed on to initiates, the selected guardians of the knowledge that was then cloaked in mysteries and secrets.’

The Book of Adam says Cain’s wife was Luluwa. The Book of Jubilees calls his sister Awan. Abel’s wife was supposedly his sister Azura, who would later marry Seth after her husband’s death. 

Book of Jubilees 4:1, 7-8, 10

4:1… ‘[Eve] gave birth… to her daughter Awan. 7 And Adam and his wife mourned for Abel four weeks of years, [28 years] and in the fourth year of the fifth week [32 years] they became joyful, and Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a son, and he called his name Seth; for he said ‘Yahweh has raised up a second seed unto us on the earth instead of Abel; for Cain slew him.’ 8 And in the sixth week [35-42 years] he begat his daughter Azura. 10 And Adam knew Eve his wife and she bare yet nine sons. 

The descendants of Cain continued in wickedness. Josephus confirms that within Adam’s lifetime, the lineage of Cain had become a corrupt mess; each new generation of Elioud more evil than the last.

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, page 112 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… the descendants of Cain and Lulawa-Lilith [a daughter of Lilith], such as [evil] Enoch, [evil] Lamech, Tubal-Cain, and Naamah were in truth Nephilim [and], in fact, initially immortal. The Sumerian mythology appears to strongly advocate… a distinct strain of Nephilim directly connected to Cain and the people of day six [the Neanderthal], but distinct from the Nephilim created on Mount Hermon by dark angels Cain and Lulawa-Lilith [usurped] kingship over the people of day six… [infusing] a unique variety of Nephilim bloodlines [of the Royal Dragon] into [them].’

Gary Wayne provides a lot of information to digest. The likely scenario is that Cain married a sister, though Lilith keeps raising her head as the first wife of Adam prior to Eve’s birth, as well as the wife of Cain. We will consider the dark angel Lilith who is incorrectly described by many, as a demon [Article: Lilith]. Records support her role as not only being Samael’s daughter but also his consort. Lilith was likewise Nimrod’s mother and subsequently his wife. A relationship with Adam appears unlikely, though cannot be ruled out as is her role as possibly Cain’s wife. Either way, Cain strongly appears to not only be a progenitor of a Nephilim-Elioud line, but in being an original Nephil himself. 

A variant line of Nephilim from Cain as offered by Wayne, distinct from that of the dark angels does sickeningly become apparent as we progress. The sheer evil perpetrated by Cain’s line, as embodied by the evil Enoch and Lamech, as well as Naamah may have an explanation if we understand their serpentine bloodline, stemming from the Genesis 3:15 prophetic curse. The tainting of the Day Six Neanderthal human is insightful and again would explain, a. the requirement of their line dying out at the time of the flood and not existing in fulness in our age, and yet b. for Neanderthal and/or Denisovan DNA – whether tainted or not – to be identifiable in all populations in small degree [though not always identifiable in the sub-Saharan African] and in cases, very high percentages as in the East Asian and related peoples of the world. 

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1997 & 1999, Pages 16-18, 21-22, 33, 123-124 – emphasis & bold mine: 

‘…the serpent [Samael] lived in the Garden of Eden and did all the necessary work to maintain it. It was of such high stature that it unhesitatingly challenged the deity… an upright creature that stood on two feet… In appearance, the legged serpent must have been a fearsome creature… the Biblical serpent is often connected with godly knowledge, healing and immortality… nahash… usually translated as serpent… means… “he who knows all secrets.”… the Apocalypse of Abraham… clearly depicts the serpent… a dragon in form, but having hands and feet, just like a man’s, on his back six wings on the right and six on the left [similar to the Seraphim].

the original occupant of the garden was Sophia [Wisdom, Asherah, the Adversary] who gave the “breath of life” to Adam and then provided her daughter Zoe as a wife to Adam… [and] the original denizen of Eden was Lilith, and Adam was created to be her mate. She rejected Adam mainly because she would not assume a subordinate or recumbent position in sexual intercourse. She left the Garden of Eden and only then was Eve created as a mate… [from Adam’s ‘life force’ or ‘essence of life’]… a Midrash account… [says] Eve was not created from Adam’s rib but rather from his tail… the stump, now a useless coccyx, is still carried by Adam’s descendants… Adam… lost his reptilian tail… left as a reminder… of his reptilian ancestry…’ 

Book of Jubilees 3:9, 15-17 

3:9 ‘And after Adam had completed forty days in the land where he had been created, we brought him into the garden of Eden to till and keep it, but his wife they brought in on the eightieth day, and after this she entered into the garden of Eden. 15 … Adam and his wife were in the garden of Eden for seven years tilling and keeping it, and we gave him work and we instructed him to do everything that is suitable for tillage. 17 And after the completion of the seven years, which he had completed there, seven years exactly, and in the second month [Iyar, corresponding to April/May], on the seventeenth day (of the month), the serpent came and approached the woman…’

The book of Jubilees states Adam was created in one location and then brought to the Garden. Could Adam have been created somewhere entirely different, say the planet Mars first and then placed in the Garden of Eden, before expulsion seven years later. If so, Adam and Eve had seven peaceful years before Samael tempted Eve. This is a lengthy period of time and so Samael’s argument had to be even more persuasive to counter the established relationship already built with the Lord God. Either that, or there was some dissatisfaction on Eve and Adam’s part which the Serpent was able to tap into and exploit. 

Adam was possibly created on the 27th day of the 11th month [January/February] and then eighty days later on the 17th of the 2nd month [April/May] Eve was placed in the Garden exactly seven years before having to leave the garden. Boulay presses the reptilian origin of Adam and Eve, whereas though an obvious component of humankind, I do not subscribe to it being an original state.

Boulay: ‘One ancient Jewish account relates how the two trees grew out of one tree and separated or branched out at a certain height. It is only in the Old Testament that the dichotomy is made so strongly; all other societies refer to but one tree… that is the Tree of Immortality. The snake or serpent has historically been associated with immortality. It was the legged serpent in the garden… that used immortality to be taken away from man.

According to the scriptures there was no turning back for man. He had taken the decisive step and achievedknowing or sexual knowledge and could procreate and now start the mammal race known as mankind or Homo sapiens. In obtaining this mixed blessing, however, he had to give up long life or immortality. The two were apparently mutually exclusive. Man could have retained his divine reptilian form and long life but remain a mule at best, a limited homo-saurus. In terms of evolution, modern man appeared on the scene about 40,000 [30,000 according to an unconventional chronology] years ago as if by magic.’  

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and its association with the physical realm as defined in being a sexual creature is persistent and certainly seems to be a viable explanation for Adam and Eve’s transformation. 

Deuteronomy 1:39

Amplified Bible

‘Moreover, your little ones whom you said would become prey, and your sons, who today have no knowledge of good or evil [that is, have not entered puberty or reached sexual maturity], shall enter Canaan, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it.’

The notion that the Tree was once one tree appears credible, as originally there was only the Ancient of Days, the One who had always existed as the Eternal. The Tree of Life and immortality was the original or first path. With the creation and manifestation of the Creator’s Wisdom as Asherah and her subsequent deviating from the Way of this path, a new trunk and path formed. One that was limited, contradictory, the source of all ‘isms and based on the physical and ultimately, mortal.

Genesis 3:7

English Standard Version

‘Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.

After Adam and Eve ate the symbolic fruit, they covered their private parts with leaves from the tree they had eaten from. The Midrash and the Book of Adam 20:5 – ‘… when I ate… the fig, and from it I took leaves and it made me a girdle, even from the tree of which I ate.’ The Fig tree is representative of the Tree of knowledge. Four days before the Messiah was crucified when he was travelling from Bethany, he was hungry and spied a fig tree. 

Mark 11:13-14

English Standard Version

13 ‘And seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to see if he could find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.14 And he said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard it.’

Christ had recently been to Bethphage which Ernest Martin says means, ‘house of unripe figs.’ It was not the season for figs, yet Christ cursed the tree regardless for not having fruit. Martin says the leaves were a miracle as they were not due for another month. If it had leaves, it would have had fruit and being on a major thoroughfare, the tree had already been stripped of its fruit by passers by.

Mark 11:20-24

English Standard Version

20 ‘As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. 21 And Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” 22 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. 23 … whoever… does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. 24 … whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Martin adds that the symbolism of the fig tree is linked with the Tree of Knowledge, in that the tree that ‘Adam and Eve first ate which brought sin and death to them’ and all humanity, ‘was now withered and dead.’ Thus when Christ went to the tree to look for figs to eat, as Eve had symbolically done, there were none. This tree’s fruit were now removed forever from humanities temptation so that no man would eat of it again ‘and to complete his victory over sin, a short time later Jesus was going to be sacrificed for the sins of the world just a few yards away…’ It can be no coincidence that the Sanhedrin met in Bethphage, meaning house of unripe figs, for special sentencing and excommunication of the very worst infringers of the Law. They were meant to be unbiased ‘because at this place in the court there were supposed to be no ripe figs available to tempt the judges [in eating from] the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil… [as] was the case with Adam and Eve.’ 

Secrets of Golgotha, Ernest L Martin, 1996, page 385 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘…the tree of life was reckoned by the early Jews to have been the almond tree. And early Christians considered the tree on which Jesus was crucified as being the Tree of Life. Since Jesus was crucified on a literal tree, could it have been an almond?’

Some commentators subscribe to the Tree of Life being represented by an olive tree and though there is much symbolism with the Holy Spirit in the scriptures, the actual fruit of the tree cannot be eaten unless the olive is cured to remove the extremely bitter taste.

Secrets of Golgotha, Ernest L Martin, 1996, pages 389-390 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… the Tree of Life a short distance away [from the fig tree representing the Tree of Good and Evil] (probably an almond for the symbol to be carried out fully) became the very tree on which Jesus was crucified… The miracle of these two trees happened… near the… Miphkad altar which represented the altar promised to Cain and his descendants at the top of the Mount of Olives…’

The root of the Nephilim plague on earth, descending from their angelic fathers who had entered the earth plane, led by Samyaza* and Azazel prior to Enoch’s birth, originates with Samael*, Eve, Adam and their sons, Cain and Abel. In Genesis chapter four, we read that Adam and Eve were intimate, she became pregnant, gave birth to Cain and with the ‘Lord’s help, created a man.’ There are two diametrically opposed camps in the Christian world regarding Eve’s first two sons. Those who believe Cain and Abel had the same father… and those who don’t. The entire chapter of Genesis chapter three is dissected by both sides and the crucial battle ground for the argument, is in the beginning of Genesis chapter four, in verse one.

Genesis 3:1-22, 4:1-2

English Standard Version

‘Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree [root H6095 – atsah] in the garden’?” 

The Serpent homed-in on Eve, planning to manipulate her female thoughts, feminine perspective and motivations, but more importantly, if corrupted offspring were to be produced, it was Eve who would be impregnated. 

The Hebrew word Nachash for serpent, according to one commentator means a ‘beautiful shining creature.’ The word serpent or snake is unfortunate as it produces the image of a slithering, legless snake. Rather, it refers to the Seraphim, a fire breathing, flying serpent, an order of dragons, with arms, legs and wings. Impressive creatures in their size, colour and form. Fallen ones able to transform from black to white, as an angel of light – 2 Corinthians 11:3. Tree in Hebrew, means: ‘properly to fasten’ or ‘make firm’ and the root means ‘to close (the eyes)’ – in fact, not to open. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a symbolic representation of a real entity: Asherah. And likewise, the Serpent of the Garden, was Samael.

One writer on the subject states regarding the serpent – emphasis & bold mine:

Nachash, regrettably translated Serpent, was a specific Chay [the Hebrew word for beast]… There are several opinions regarding the actual nature of this seduction which cannot be clearly decided by the text alone. 

Eve knew that nachash [the serpent] was not The Lord, but just a nice looking Chay… Why then did she say that her first child, Cain, was from The Lord? (Genesis 4:1) I think it was because she had been deceived by Satan [rather Samael] into believing that he was [a] God and wanted her to thus perform for him. No question [that] Eve was thoroughly deceived.”

Matthew 23:28-35

English Standard Version

28 ‘So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness [just like Nimrod, the False Prophet]. 29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites… 30 saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 Thus you witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets… 33 You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? 34 Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, 35 so that on you [the Jewish people – refer Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe] may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel…’

Genesis: 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, 3 but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” 

The word ‘fruit’ is Periy in the original Hebrew. It can mean literal fruit from a fruit tree, or it can signify progeny or offspring, from a sexual relationship. As the tree in question is Asherah and it is her Way, a path chosen and typified by a literal Fig tree, the context is centrally pointing to the former though also includes the latter.

As we have addressed, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance says for the Hebrew word naga, that it means: ‘to touch’ that is, ‘lay the hand upon’ for any purpose and euphemistically ‘to lie with a woman’. By implication ‘to reach’ or ‘to arrive, acquire’ violently, ‘to strike, punish, defeat, destroy’. This was the Lord God’s first commandment in Genesis 2:16. A warning to Eve [and Adam] to stay away from the path of Asherah, the Tree of Good and Evil. A sexual relationship was forbidden as the result would be ‘fruit’, that is, children. If Eve did, she would die, losing her spirituality, incorruptibility, immortality; becoming instead physical, corruptible, mortal.

Matthew 7:17-20

English Standard Version

17 ‘So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.’

Genesis: 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened [rather, shut], and you will be like God [actually, like Asherah], knowing [both] good and evil.”’

The Serpent lied to Eve, saying she and Adam would be like the Creator Himself, if they utilised their own creative power to reproduce. They would in essence live forever, in that their offspring would continue to perpetuate their human line. Their eyes would be open to sin and shut to the truth. The motion picture, Eyes Wide Shut, the final film directed by Stanley Kubrick before his untimely death six days after his last edit – though not the final one, as Warner Brothers are rumoured to have re-edited the film before release – has many audible and visual whistle-blowing scenes, regarding devil worship and secret satanic sex orgies amongst the upper echelons of society’s influential elite [Article: The Establishment: Who are they… What do they want?].

John 8:37-45

English Standard Version

37 I know that you are offspring of Abraham [that is, descended from his grandson, Esau]; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. 38 I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father.” 39 They answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, 40 but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing the works your father did.” They said to him, “We were not born of sexual immorality. We have one Father – even God.” 

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me.

The unpalatable truth that we will investigate further in Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe, is that these children of Abraham had intermarried with a number of Nephilim-Elioud families, including ones descended from Cain himself. It is for this reason, that the Son of Man could shockingly accuse – both figuratively and literally – the Judean or more precisely the Idumean leaders, of being of their father… the devil, Samael.

Acts 13:6-10

English Standard Version

6… they came upon a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet named Bar-Jesus. 7… a man of intelligence, who summoned Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. 8 But Elymas the magician (for that is the meaning of his name) opposed them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. 9 But… Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10 and said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?

Isaiah 61:3

New Century Version

… and to help the sorrowing people of Jerusalem. I will give them a crown to replace their ashes, and the oil of gladness to replace their sorrow, and clothes of praise to replace their spirit of sadness. Then they will be called Trees of Goodness, trees planted by the Lord to show his greatness.

Proverbs 13:2-3

English Standard Version

From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence. 3 Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Jeremiah 24:1-2

English Standard Version

… the Lord showed [Jeremiah] this vision: behold, two baskets of figs placed before the temple of the Lord. 2 One basket had very good figs, like first-ripe figs, but the other basket had very bad figs, so bad that they could not be eaten.

Matthew 24:29-34

English Standard Version

29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 

32 “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

Matthew 13:37-40

English Standard Version

37 He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. 40 Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.”

Genesis: 6 ‘So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight** to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.’ 

The verse says Adam ate, or shared this relationship but does not say it was with the Serpent, Samael. It could quite easily be just with Eve, which fits the subject and context of the sentence.

Luke 6:43

English Standard Version

“For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit

1 John 2:16

New English Translation

… because all that is in the world (the desire of the flesh and the desire** of the eyes and the arrogance produced by material possessions) is not from the Father, but is from the world [Samael].

2 Corinthians 11:3

English Standard Version

‘… But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived [G1818 – exapatao: beguile, seduce wholly] Eve by his cunning [G3834 – panourgia: craftiness, false wisdom, trickery], your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

Genesis: 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths [to cover their modesty]. 

8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” 11 He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” 

Adam and Eve exchanged an innocent, spiritual state, an incorruptible body, vibrating at a higher frequency in a higher dimension; for a carnal, physical, corruptible denser body, vibrating at a slower rate in our present lower dimensions. Their eyes had been opened to a different life on a different plane of existence, entirely in the material world. For humanity to have ongoing physical sexual relationships and at the same time be trapped in the physical realm, they required a physical body with physical anatomy. Hence the need to cover their new sexual organs; of which Eve and then Adam had wasted no time in putting to use. Samael the Serpent had tricked Eve and thus Adam, to exchange their spiritual experience and bodies in the Garden of Eden, living with many trees that is angels, for a life with the men and woman from the Sixth Day of creation. Acquiring similar bodies with the Neanderthal and reproducing like them. 

It is apparent that the Creator had a different intention for Adam and Eve. To create beings after his own kind rather than angel-kind who had originally been born of Asherah. Asherah with Samael sabotaged His project, giving Adam and Eve, not only physical bodies and reproductive systems but also, genetically switching off ninety percent of their capabilities, while implanting the cold, objective, self-serving, survival at all costs – stemming from constant fear – component of their minds, inherited from the fallen, rebellious reptilian angels.

12 The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me [blaming the Lord God], she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent [enchanter] deceived [seduced] me, and I ate.”

1 Timothy 2:13-15

English Standard Version

13 ‘For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing…

Physical reproduction was not the intended plan for Adam and Eve. Asherah and Samael, once learning that the ultimate plan of the Ancient of Days was to create and reproduce beings just like Himself; realised these new beings would have a status different, from all other spiritual creatures. 

They may have reasoned: “We’ll give the Creator children” and perhaps Samael thought; “I’ll give Him so many, He won’t know what to do with them all and regret his decision” adding, “I will show them how to self-perpetuate by reproducing themselves.” Thereby losing their spiritual status and becoming base like other men – the Neanderthal, Homo erectus and others perhaps before them. “I’ll then kick start the whole program, so that the first-born, Cain is half-angel and thus corrupt the human genetic code” for potentially billions of human beings, thus denying them and the Creator, the new God-kind family He intends. The remaining big question: is why did Asherah and Samael seek to take over from the supreme Creator? If they had just kept the status quo, they would have perpetually remained imminently influential, after the Ancient of Days Himself. The necessity for the Word to save the sabotaged humans would not have been required and nor possibly, would the Word have been elevated above Asherah and Samael as has eventuated.

Genesis: 14 ‘The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.’ 

The Serpent including all fallen Seraph angels were then principally trapped in this solar system and the terrestrial planets. With the loss of their figurative wings and elevation in heaven and or life in higher planes, the serpent-reptilian angels were restrained even further than they had been since their initial rebellion and cosmic battle within our galaxy and beyond. 

Psalm 44:25

English Standard Version

For our soul is bowed down to the dust; our belly clings [cleaveth] to the ground.

Psalm 72:9

English Standard Version

‘May desert tribes bow down before him [abject defeat and subjugation], and his enemies lick the dust! [utter humiliation].

Genesis: 15 ‘I will put enmity between you [the serpent-reptilian angels] and the woman [physical humans], and between your offspring [the Nephilim] and her offspring; he [the Messiah] shall bruise your head [take away your crown], and you shall bruise his heel [kill Him].” 

Samael and his angels have their kind, just as humans have theirs. Samael is at war with humanity. The first shot fired was deceiving Eve and the resulting birth of Cain. This set the stage for the descent of fallen Angels led by Samael as Samyaza and his son Azazel. This was the best option available for seeking to destroy humanity; as complete destruction via a global disaster was denied to them by the Creator.

Galatians 5:14-17

New English Translation

14 ‘For the whole law can be summed up in a single commandment, namely, “You must love your neighbour as yourself.” 15 However, if you continually bite and devour one another, beware that you are not consumed by one another. 16 But I say, live by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh has desires that are opposed [contrary] to the Spirit, and the Spirit has desires that are opposed [contrary] to the flesh, for these are in opposition to each other, so that you cannot do what you want.’

The word ‘contrary’ comes from the Greek word antikeimai, also translated in the New Testament as ‘adversary’. The flesh and the spirit are adversarial, antagonistic, hostile, at enmity with one another.

Galatians 6:8

New English Translation

… because the person who sows [Greek speiro: deriving sperma or sperm] to his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.

Romans 16:20

English Standard Version

‘The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet…

Genesis: 16 ‘To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.’

This verse has the most meaning if we understand the sexual nature of the preceding fifteen verses. Animals do not experience pain at child-birth like humans. It has been assumed that Eve and subsequent women have had difficult child birth relative to animals, primarily as a punishment for what happened in the Garden of Eden. What is just as significant is that Eve was not meant to be reproducing in this way in the first place and hence pain being an indicative factor of this truth. 

Humans are not from Earth – A Scientific Evaluation of the Evidence, Ellis Silver, 2017, Pages 125-126:

‘Our babies grow way too big inside their poor mothers, who have a devil (ironic – no thanks to the Devil) of a job getting them out. The pelvic opening is barely large enough, and the baby has to rotate in complicated ways to pass through it. If anything goes wrong during this process, both the mother and her baby can suffer serious injury, permanent disability, or even death. No other truly native (non-domesticated) species has this problem, so something isn’t right here.’

17 And to Adam he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; 18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants [plant based diet] of the field [refer article: Red or Green?]. 

Romans 8:20-23

New Century Version

20 Everything God made was changed to become useless, not by its own wish but because God wanted it and because all along there was this hope: 21 that everything God made would be set free from ruin to have the freedom and glory that belong to God’s children. 22 We know that everything God made has been waiting until now in pain, like a woman ready to give birth. 23 Not only the world, but we also have been waiting with pain inside us. We have the Spirit as the first part of God’s promise. So we are waiting for God to finish making us his own children, which means our bodies will be made free. 19 By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” 20 The man called his wife’s name Eve [life], because she was the mother of all living. 21 And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them. 

Ecclesiastes 12:7

New Century Version

You will turn back into the dust of the earth again, but your spirit will return to God who gave it.

1 Corinthians 15:47-49

New Century Version

47 The first man came from the dust of the earth. The second man came from heaven. 48 People who belong to the earth are like the first man of earth. But those people who belong to heaven are like the man of heaven. 49 Just as we were made like the man of earth, so we will also be made like the man of heaven.

Genesis: 22 ‘Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil [reproducing after his own kind]. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take [not the same word as touch] also of the tree of life [the Word, the Bread from Heaven] and eat, and live forever – ” 23 therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden [into Eden, outside the garden] to work the ground from which he was taken. 24 He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.’

John 6:48-71

English Standard Version

48 I am the bread of life. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever [refer article: The Manna Mystery]. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe.” 65 And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.” 66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. “Did I not choose you, the twelve? And yet one of you is a devil [G1228 – diabolos: backbiter, calumniator (slanderer), traducer, accuser, opposer] .” 71 He spoke of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray him.

Revelation 1:16

English Standard Version

In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.

Revelation 2:7

English Standard Version

‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise [Eden] of God.’

Genesis 4:1 ‘Now Adam knew [H3045 – yada’: to know (a person carnally)] Eve his wife, and she conceived [H2029 – harah: became pregnant] and bore [brought forth] Cain, saying, “I have gotten [H7069 – qanah: acquire, create, purchased, possessed] a man [H376 – ‘iyish:  a man, not a child] with the help of the Lord.” 2 And again, she bore his brother Abel…’

Who Fathered Cain, Willie Martin – capitalisation his, emphasis & bold mine:

‘… in the ancient literature of Israel, especially the commentaries on the Hebrew Bible written in Aramaic and commonly known as Targums’… one text [Targum of Jonathan] gives this interpretation of Genesis 4:1: ‘And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by the Angel [Samael], and she conceived and bare Cain; and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly beings, and she said, I have acquired a man, the angel of the Lord.” 

In another Rabbinic work: Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer: “And she saw that his likeness was not of earthly beings, but of the heavenly beings, and she prophesied and said: I have gotten a man from the Lord.” It would appear from [these two] references that the problem with Genesis 4:1 is an omission of some of the words of the Hebrew text. 

… quoting from the King James Version and adding the potentially needed words in quotation marks from the Targum of Jonathan… “And Adam knew his wife Eve, ‘who was pregnant by [Samael],’ and she conceived and bare Cain, ‘and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like earthly beings,’ and she said, I have gotten a man from ‘the angel’ of the Lord.”

Once we become aware there is a discrepancy both in the Massoretic and Septuagint texts as opposed to the Aramaic Targums on Genesis 4:1, certain comments by various Biblical scholars start to make sense. Many of the best Hebrew scholars confirm there is a problem with Genesis 4:1! “The Interpreter’s Bible,” a twelve volume… collaborative work of 36 “consulting editors” plus 124 other “contributors” makes the following observation on this verse, volume 1, page 517:

“Cain seems originally to have been the ancestor of the Kenites… The meaning of the name is ‘metalworker’ or ‘smith;’ here, however, it is represented as a derivation of a word meaning ‘acquire,’ ‘get’ one of the popular etymologies frequent in Genesis; hence the mother’s words I HAVE GOTTEN A MAN FROM THE LORD (KJV) is a rendering, following the LXX and vulgate of ‘eth Yahweh, which is literally, ‘with Yahweh…’

Another ancient commentary gives a similar interpretation of the same passage: ‘And Adam knew his wife Eve, who had desired the Angel; and she conceived, and bare Cain; and she said, I have acquired a man, the angel of the Lord…” (Palestinian Targum). One Rabbinic source states: “Eve bore Cain from the filth of the serpent, and therefore from him were descended all the wicked generations, and from his side is the abode of spirits and demons [Nephilim].’ (Ahare Moth 76b). 

… rabbi Johanan stated, ‘When the serpent copulated with Eve, he infused her with lust.’ (Yebamoth 103b). Another rabbi states: ‘Thus I have learnt, that when the serpent had intercourse with Eve he injected defilement into her.’ (Haye Sarah 126a). Lastly, another replies: ‘You rightly said that when the serpent had carnal intercourse with Eve he injected into her defilement.’ 

(Haye Sarah 126b), (Scott Stinson, “The Serpent and Eve,” The Vision {Schell City, MO: The Church of Israel, July 1998, Volume 2 Number 8} page 28)* A similar explanation for the evil deeds of Cain’s lineage is found elsewhere. We read: ‘FOR TWO BEINGS HAD INTERCOURSE WITH EVE, AND SHE CONCEIVED FROM BOTH AND BORE TWO CHILDREN. Each followed one of the male parents, to this side and one to the other, and similarly their characters. On the side of Cain are all the haunts of the evil species, from which come evil spirit and demons.” (Bereshith 36b)*

Let’s consider 1 John 3:12… “Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.” (NIV). The New Testament in Modern English, by J.B. Phillips: “We are none of us to have the spirit of Cain, who was A SON OF THE DEVIL…” Ferror Fenton Translation: “Because this is the doctrine which you learned from the first, that we should love one another; NOT BEING IMPELLED BY THE WICKED ONE, AS CAIN WAS, WHO MURDERED HIS BROTHER. Living Bible: “We are not to be like Cain, WHO BELONGED TO SATAN…”

… please note, the word “of’ in Greek is #1537 in the Strong’s Concordance. When used implying a person, it means “a son of.” Of: Strong’s Concordance: #1537 ek (ek) or ex (ex); a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote).

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary page 1473: “HE (Cain) IS SAID TO HAVE BELONGED TO THE FAMILY OF THE WICKED ONE.” Matthew Poole’s Commentary On The Holy Bible, volume 3, page 936: “WHICH SHOWED HIM (Cain) TO BE OF THAT WICKED ONE, OF THE SERPENT’S SEED” so early was such seed sown, and so ancient THE ENMITY BETWEEN SEED AND SEED.” Matthew Henry’s Commentary, volume 6, page 1077: “IT SHOWED THAT HE (Cain) was as the firstborn of the serpent’s seed…” Seed: Strong’s Concordance: #4690 sperma (sper’-mah); from 4687; something sown, i.e. seed (including the male “sperm”); by implication, offspring; specifically, a remnant (figuratively, as if kept over for planting): KJV – issue, seed. There is medical proof that two fathers could impregnate the same woman, and the children would have two different fathers and one mother.

When the Bible was originally written, commas (and other punctuation marks) were completely unknown. Punctuation marks were invented by Aldus Manutious in the Fifteenth Century. Since the original manuscripts had no punctuation marks, the translators placed commas wherever they thought they should go; based entirely on their beliefs…” With this, you can begin to see the problem we are up against with the interpretation of Genesis 4:1. We must give the translators credit though, as they placed a semicolon (;) between, “And Adam knew Eve his wife” (;) “and she conceived and bore Cain.” A semicolon indicates the greatest degree of separation possible within a sentence before dividing it into two separate sentences. It is our opinion that the translators should have used two separate sentences in this case as Adam knowing Eve, in this particular case, had nothing to do with Eve bearing Cain. Should it have been two sentences, or one? 

Once we begin to understand that Eve was pregnant with Cain BEFORE Adam ever knew her, we can realize Adam knowing Eve didn’t have anything to do with Eve bearing Cain. It’s the old concept of cause and effect. We could say we went to a movie one evening and the sun rose the next morning. If this was said, it would be true. But, even though it was true, it does not mean that the sun rising the next morning had anything to do with our having gone to a movie.

It would appear that Eve had Twins because Genesis 4:2 says, “… she again bore his brother Abel.” The word in Hebrew for “again” is #3254 and means “to continue something or to add.” In other words, after [Eve] bore Cain, shecontinued bearing Abel.’ 

Samyaza, also known as Semjaza, having as one translation of his name, ‘infamous rebellion’, is perhaps the most powerful fallen Angel. He was the undisputed leader of the Grigori group of angels who rebelled against the Creator’s will, mating with women while also facilitating the teaching of forbidden knowledge. This sounds remarkably reminiscent of the Serpent with Eve. Rightly so, Samyaza’s wickedness has been viewed as an alter-ego of Samael. Samyaza was reputed to be one of the few angels in creation who knew the Most High’s true name. This special knowledge earned him the title of, He sees the Name, and it is little wonder that Samael would be one to have this prized knowledge.

The term Grigori means: ‘Those Who Watch’, ‘Those Who Are Awake’, or ‘The Ones Who Never Sleep.’ They originally served early humanity as the possessors of vast depositories of information regarding all aspects of civilisation. They were first called the Watchers, as it was their responsibility to observe humanity, lending assistance when necessary but not interfering in the course of human development.

When the rebel angels first congregated upon Mount Hermon to organize their secret pact with some two million members, Samyaza as their recognised ‘chieftain, initially doubts the initiates’ resolve to forswear heaven. This they had planned to achieve through a clandestine oath under penalty of death, thereby binding themselves to the treachery in which they would use their heavenly knowledge to create a counterfeit religion – a set of beliefs, a different path and Way – on earth to ‘satisfy their lusts and carnal desires’ in seducing human women.

Samyaza convinced the other Watchers to join himself in permanently entering the Earth plane, resulting in ‘great impiety and much fornication, and they went astray and all their ways became corrupt.’ The Watchers also taught and instructed humankind blasphemously, the occult dark arts, sciences and celestial ‘secrets or mysteries’ of the true heavenly gnosis – especially the wisdom possessed by Azazel, who taught men the secrets of war, magic, metallurgy and weaponry as well as instructing women, ‘on seductive ornamentation, costly stones, jewellery, cosmetics and colouring tinctures.’

Book of Enoch Chapter Nine:

1. ‘And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. 2. And they said one to another: ‘The earth made without inhabitant cries the voice of their crying up to the gates of heaven. 3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, “Bring our cause before the Most High.” “4. And they said to the Lord of the ages: ‘Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, the throne of Thy glory (standeth) unto all the generations of the ages, and Thy name holy and glorious and blessed unto all the ages! 5. Thou hast made all things, and power over all things hast Thou: and all things are naked and open in Thy sight, and Thou seest all things, and nothing can hide itself from Thee

6. Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were striving to learn: 7. And Semjaza, to whom Thou hast given authority to bear rule over his associates. 8. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. 9. And the women have borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. 10. And now, behold, the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of heaven, and their lamentations have ascended: and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are wrought on the earth. 11. And Thou knowest all things before they come to pass, and Thou seest these things and Thou dost suffer them, and Thou dost not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.

The Creator commanded the angel Gabriel to cause the Nephilim giants to wage civil war; telling Michael to bind Azazel and the Grigori for seventy generations in the bottomless pit of the abyss, until the Great Tribulation and then afterward on the Day of Judgement, they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Book of Enoch Chapter Ten:

9. ‘And to Gabriel said the Lord: ‘Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle: for length of days shall they not have. 10. And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live five hundred years.’” “11. And the Lord said unto Michael: Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 

12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is for ever and ever is consummated. 13. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations.’

The name Abaddon in Hebrew means ‘place of destruction’ and he is the head Angel of the Abyss. The Greek title for Abaddon is Apollyon which literally means The Destroyer. While many consider Abaddon to be another name for Samael, he is actually Azazel. He is the Beast who will command the monstrous horde of angelic locusts from the Abyss, who will rampage over the earth in the tribulation period, following the orders of his mother Asherah, the Dragon. In esoteric wisdom, Abaddon is apparently associated with the colours blood red, brown and green; the winter season; the month of January; the weekday, Saturday; the attributes of intuition, sacrifice and challenge; the gem, ruby; and weapon, the sword. 

Cornelius Agrippa is said to have equated Abaddon with Apollyon and calls him the ‘Monarch in the shadow of the planet* sphere of Venus.’ In most texts which speak of him, Abaddon is among the most feared of supernatural beings, with fallen angels and demons fearing his very name alone. Even Samael has reportedly admitted, that he avoids confrontation with Abaddon, implying that his son Azazel is as formidable as himself.

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 91-92 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The suffix to Shemyaza, yaza, was a Zend word for “angel, or divine being.” Azazel did not repent of his sins… while Shemyaza somehow repented from his sins but could not face God; he hung himself between heaven and earth (on Orion) [home of the Watchers]. Remember… the root for the Aramaic word Nephila [means] Orion, suggesting the Nephilim derive from [Semyaza], the one hung on Orion, and his 200 rebellious angels… Azazel persisted in leading humankind from God, and that is why two goats are sacrificed on the Day of Atonement: one for the sins of the Israelites and one for the sins of Azazel… “to send a goat… to the Ruler whose realm is in the places of desolation. From the emanation of his power come destruction and ruin… His portion among the animals is the goat. The demons [spirits of Nephilim] are part of his realm and are all called in the Bible, Seirem**[Seir is linked with Edom – Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe] (legendary he-goats fostered by Azazel).” The Goat of Mendes** and its pentagram, representing satanic cultures, are both directly associated with Azazel… Azazel was singled out… “that all the sins of the earth were written upon Azazel.” He was then judged and cast into darkness, into the abyss… to be held there until the end time when Azazel will once more be released to work his corruption on the earth… Shemyaza… produced Nephilim males named Hiwwa and Hiyya. Shemyaza provided the name of God [YHWH] to Ishtar [Lilith] for sex, and he was therefore tried and hung for eternity in the Abyss.’

Enoch & the Watchers: The Real Story of Angels & Demons, Michael Howard, 2009 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Shemyaza is seen by some modern Luciferians as either the emissary of Lumiel or one of his avatars (an incarnated divine being in human form).’

Lumiel is described as likely a cherubim or archangel, meaning ‘light of God, the reason’ or ‘hidden of God’ and ‘the God of why’s’. Lumiel’s identity is synonymous with Heylel or Lucifer and as we have deduced, Heylel is actually Samael. Critically, Samyaza is the ubiquitous Samael. 

Howard: ‘He not only fell in love with human women, but also with the Babylonian deity Ishtar, the goddess of love and war. She promised to have sex with him if he would in return reveal to her the secret name of God. When Shemyaza told her, Ishtar used this forbidden knowledge to ascend to the stars and she [Lilith] reigned over the constellation of Pleiades or the Seven Sisters. While the other Watchers were rounded up by the archangels and punished by God, Shemyaza voluntarily repented his error and sentenced himself to hang upside down in the constellation of Orion the Hunter, with whom he is sometimes identified in the Luciferian tradition. In the Qabalistic tradition, Naamah, the sister of the biblical first smith Tubal-Cain, seduced Azazel and she has been associated with Ishtar [refer article: Na’amah]. Azazel was popularly believed to have a retinue of hairy he-goat** demons known as the se’irim [Nephiim] who, like the Watchers, lusted after human women. It cannot be a total coincidence that the Church imagined the Devil or Satan in the form of a hairy half-human he-goat with a massive erect phallus who had sexual intercourse with his female worshippers at the Witches Sabbath.’

‘It is possible that Lumiel [Samael/Samyaza/Lucifer] may have originated in Canaan as Shahar, the god of the morning star (Venus). He had a twin* called Shalem, who was also symbolised by the planet Venus, but as the evening star. These divine bright and dark twins represented the solar light emerging from the darkness of night at dawn and descending into it at dusk. They were the children of the goddess Asherah, and there is archaeological evidence from the Middle East that the Hebrews adopted her worship when they settled in Canaan and practised it alongside reverence of the tribal storm god Yahweh [rather Baal, or Samael]. The Old Testament has several references to the continued worship of Asherah as “Queen of Heaven” by the allegedly monotheistic Hebrews. This took place at shrines in sacred groves on hills where they made offerings of cakes and incense to the goddess. In Canaanite mythology, Shahar, as the Lord of the Morning Star, was cast down from heaven for defying the high god El in the form of a lightning bolt. In that form he fertilised Mother Earth with his divine phallic force. 

When the first man and woman ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the astral or heavenly garden, they became consciously aware. Their first realisation was that their physical ‘cloaks of flesh’ were naked. They rushed to cover their genitals as they had become aware of the so-called ‘serpent power’ or kundalini that can be raised by sexual intercourse and non-reproductive sex acts… [refer article: 33] the primeval Dreamtime or ‘Golden Age’ of cosmic and earth[l]y harmony and primal innocence that may have existed on the material plane or on some kind of astral or pre-material plane.’

The link between the morning and evening star of Venus opens up the possibility of a new scenario to consider between Samael and Azazel in perhaps not being father and son, but of twin brothers. The close dynamic may well be explained by this relationship just as much as a father and son. Twins can be notoriously close, ‘in sync’ or at one with each other. It also lends weight to the understanding that Samyaza and Samael are the same being. Interesting too, that Howard links the twins as children of Asherah. For all we know, the two million Watchers may have been the top hierarchy of Samael’s legions. He, with his close cohorts may have infiltrated the physical plane in a supreme effort to pollute and defile humanity. As we have noted, Samyaza’s ‘take the back seat’ approach to Azazel is suspiciously similar to Satan, when she with the sons of God meet with the Eternal. 

The angel Gadreel, also known as Gadriel, means the Wall of God and the Silent Sentinel and is listed as one of the chief cadres in the Grigori of fallen Angels. He is responsible for teaching mankind about warfare – ‘every instrument of death to the children of men’ – with Azazel. Gadreel is mentioned as the third of five prominent satans who led the Watchers into copulating with human females. Gadreel is said to be the angel who originally guarded the gate to the Garden of Eden – not to be confused with the Cherubim who were installed when Adam’s family were banished – until Samael tricked Gadreel into letting him in. This forever destroyed the Garden’s stability, triggering the events which caused Adam and Eve to lose their place in Eden’s Garden. 

As punishment for his failure, Gadreel was banished from the Garden of Eden. Gadreel: “When they say my name perhaps I will be remembered, not as the one who let the serpent in but as one of the few who helped give Heaven a second chance.”

Asbeel or Asbiel, meaning ‘God has forsaken’ or ‘deserter from God’ is the Angel of Ruin, a Grigori fallen Angel who is listed second of the five satans in the Book of Enoch. While it is common for fallen angels to disrespect the supreme Creator, it is said that Asbeel, true to the meaning of his name completely abandoned himself from the Ancient of Days and His grace. Unlike many of the fallen, Asbeel apparently wished nothing from the Creator as he lost his faith in Him, as well as his faith in his brethren who remain in Heaven with Michael. 

Note the avian nature of depicted for Asbeel by Peter Mohrbacher. The image is not far removed from The Hermit of the Tarot and renditions for Thoth, the Ibis God of Egypt [refer article: Thoth]

Asbeel pondered on why the Ancient of Days would not allow His creations to fully develop themselves freely; yet he contradictorily reasons why the Creator would choose ‘destructive eternal solutions’ rather than unconditionally, completely clean away the evil and malice in their hearts. This led him to become a maltheist, believing that the Creator was a tyrant, whom would rather have worship and praise given to Him in exchange for conditionally aiding His creations, rather than just outright helping whether or not they worship Him. Therefore, Asbeel was one of Samael’s greatest supporters.

Penemue, known as the Fallen Scribe or Angel of the Written Word, was said to be the Scribe of the Creator before becoming the fourth of the five satans. Penemue descended to Earth in the form of a woman and revealed to humans secret wisdoms, the art of reading and the use of ink and paper. ‘Many of the fallen angels have taken to wandering the spheres, but some have taken it upon themselves to settle. As they are no longer welcome in the upper spheres, they looked to lower spheres for their new home. The Grigori are known to reside in Nava Siyyon, as they call their home. Of them, perhaps the strangest tale is that of Penemue.’

‘Originally one of the archivists of the higher spheres, the Scribe had no real cause to rebel against her masters. Penemue, by most accounts, was dedicated to her domain of words and writing. Her existence was marked only by her friendship with [the Watcher] Ramiel, the Hope.’ When Samael began to respond to the seeds of doubt instilled by Asherah, he went to Ramiel for advice. Ramiel brought him to Penemue, ‘in the hope that the Scribe could find the words to assuage Samael’s doubts. To everyone’s surprise, Penemue could not find them. Instead, she suggested that Samael think on the issues, and then write on them in order to help others with the same doubts. The rest, as they say, is history. Few… have ever read the words Samael wrote, but those who have insist his arguments were persuasive. Penemue, at the very least, was convinced. Against the will of the ancient gods, she taught mortal life the arts of the pen. She and the others who rebelled, were cast out. Penemue, lacking other options, joined the Fallen, and to this day acts as their chronicler… for Penemue is still the undisputed master of words [Article: Thoth].’

Azrael or Azriel meaning ‘One Whom God Helps’, ‘Help from God’ or ‘Angel of God’, is also known as the Archangel of Death and leader of the angels of death or death angels. ‘He is also known as the Pale Rider, King of Atrocity and King of Skulls. He is responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after death…’ 

In art, Azrael is often depicted wielding a sword or scythe and wearing a hood, since these symbols represent his role as the Angel of Death who is reminiscent of the Grim Reaper. In one description, Azrael has four faces, four thousand wings and seventy thousand feet. Azrael’s true form is so terrifyingly awful, it is said that the mere sight of it could not only kill a human, but can drive even an angel or demon to madness. His whole body consists of eyes and tongues whose number corresponds to the number of people inhabiting the Earth. He is constantly recording and erasing in a large book the names of men at birth and death, respectively. Azrael may then have enacted the final plague of the ten plagues that God unleashed upon Egypt, causing the deaths of the firstborn children of Egypt but sparing the lives of the Hebrews.

The Five Satans in the Book of Enoch, James Scott Trimm, 2019 – capitalisation his, emphasis & bold mine:

‘The Book of Enoch… makes a very interesting statement: ‘And I heard the fourth voice fending off the Satans and forbidding them to come before YHWH of Spirits to accuse them who dwell on the earth.’ (1 Enoch 40:7) Now to people today who have been conditioned to think of “Satan” as a name rather than a title, seeing the name Satan in the plural seems very odd indeed. 

But to the ancient Hebrew reader we are simply looking at the title “the adversary” describing more than one “adversary”.  Yes the Book of Enoch is telling us that the Fallen Angels are subject to more than one satan” (adversary).  Since the Tanak often uses the term “THE Adversary” (Ha-Satan) it is clear that there is nonetheless a unique figure who is a leader over all of the fallen angels who is called in the Hebrew “Ha-Satan” “The Satan”.

After giving the names of the twenty leaders of tens [myriads] of the fallen angels (found in 1 Enoch 6:7-8 and repeated in 1 Enoch 69:2-3) the Book of Enoch gives us a list of five leaders over forties in 69:4-12 who are five satans” or five adversaries to whom the fallen angels are subject. These appear to be the “satans” referred to in 1 Enoch 40:7. This portion of the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 69) has only survived in Ethiopic, however I will endeavor in this article to reach behind the Ethiopic, to the original Hebrew of these verses:  

4 The name of the first Yekon: that is, the one who led astray [all] the sons of Elohim, and brought them down to the earth, and led them astray through the daughters of men. The original Hebrew behind “Yekon” may have been (Yekom) “rebel; one who rises up” however in Biblical Hebrew this word (from a root meaning “to rise up”) simply means “a living thing” (Strong’s 3351). Another possibility is (Y’kam’am) (Strong’s 3360) which is a name used twice in the Tanak (1 Chr. 23:19; 24:23) meaning “he who gathers the people together”. (Or simply “Y’kam” “he who gathers”) Yekon appears to be a title for Shemikhazah [Samyaza] who in the Book of Enoch chapter 6 led the 200 fallen angels astray through the daughters of men.

5 And the second was named Asbeel: he imparted to the set-apart sons of Elohim evil counsel, and led them astray so that they defiled their bodies with the daughters of men. “Asbeel” is probably a scribal error for Kasbeel, who while they still dwelt in heaven obtained the secret of the sacred name and the secret of its numbers so that they could be used in the oath that bound them together: 13 And this is the number of Kasbeel, the chief of the oath, which he showed to the set-apart ones when he dwelt high above in glory, and its name is Biqa. 14 This (angel) requested Mikha’el [Michael] to show him the hidden name, that he might enunciate it in the oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath 15 who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men? And this is the power of this oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath Akae in the hand of Mikha’el. (1 Enoch 69:13-15) The underlying Hebrew for Kasbeel may have been (Khashevel) “thought of El.”

6 And the third was named Gadreel: he it is who showed the children of men all the blows of death, and he led astray Eve, and showed [the weapons of death to the sons of men] the shield and the coat of mail, and the sword for battle, and all the weapons of death to the children of men. 7 And from his hand they have proceeded against those who dwell on the earth from that day and for evermore. The Hebrew may have been (Gederel) “mason of El” or “wall of El”

8 And the fourth was named Penemue: he taught the children of men the bitter and the sweet, and he taught them all the secrets of their wisdom. 9 And he instructed mankind in writing with ink and paper, and thereby many sinned from eternity to eternity and until this day [Article: Thoth]. The title in Hebrew may have been (Pana Emunah) “He has turned from trust/faith” or  “inside”. Since the Book of Enoch itself refers to Enoch as “Enoch the Scribe” (1 Enoch 12:4), Enoch felt a parenthetical explanation was needed: 

10 For men were not created for such a purpose, to give confirmation to their good faith with pen and ink… writing was not originally intended for man at the time he was created (because man was created immortal), but after the fall, writing serves the purpose of allowing man to pass information from generation to generation, so that ideas are not lost when men die. 

12 And the fifth was named Kasdeya: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb,  that it may pass away, and [the smitings of the soul] the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall through the noontide heat, the son of the serpent named Taba’et. (1 Enoch 69:4-12)… The original Hebrew behind “Kasdeya” may have been (Khesedyah) “Yah has favored” (see 1 Chronicles 3:20) but Aramaic (Kash’diya) “Chaldeans” may be more likely.

The Book of Enoch tells us that the fallen angels introduced an ancient abortion procedure… Similarly the Book of Jasher (see Joshua 10:23 and 2 Samuel 1:18) tells us that during these days before the flood a “draught” was also introduced that was a permanent method of birth control for women: 17 And Lamech, the son of M’tushael, became related to Kayinan by marriage, and he took his two daughters for his wives, and Adah conceived and bare a son to Lamech, and she called his name Yaval [Jabal]. 18 And she again conceived and bare a son, and called his name Yuval [Jubal]; and Zillah, her sister, was barren in those days and had no offspring. 19 For in those days the sons of men began to trespass against Elohim, and to transgress the commandments which he had commanded to the man, to be fruitful and multiply in the earth. 20 And some of the sons of men caused their wives to drink a draught that would render them barren, in order that they might retain their figures and whereby their beautiful appearance might not fade. 21 And when the sons of men caused some of their wives to drink, Zillah drank with them. 22 And the child-bearing women appeared abominable in the eyes of their husbands as widows, while their husbands lived, for to the barren ones only they were attached. (Jasher 2:17-22)’

Secrets of the Oath That Binds the Fallen Angels, James Scott Trimm 2019 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… I want to tell you more about this “oath” they “swore” by which they bound themselves by imprecations… this portion of the Book of Enoch has survived only in Ethiopic… The “oath” was enunciated with “the hidden name” which corresponds to a “number” and revealed to us in the Book of Enoch only in hidden form with the words “biqa” and “akae”.

Enoch goes on to tell us that the power of this oath is the very Power which Created and Upholds the universe itself.  The very laws of nature, the laws of nature’s Creator are the very power of this oath: 16 And these are the secrets of this oath… And they are strong through his oath: And the heaven was suspended before the world was created, And for ever. 17 And through it the earth was founded upon the water, And from the secret recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters, From the creation of the world and unto eternity. 18 And through that oath the sea was created, And as its foundation He set for it the sand against the time of (its) anger, And it dare not pass beyond it from the creation of the world unto eternity. 19 And through that oath are the depths made fast, And abide and stir not from their place from eternity to eternity. 20 And through that oath the sun and moon complete their course, And deviate not from their ordinance from eternity to eternity. 21 And through that oath the stars complete their course, And He calls them by their names, And they answer Him from eternity to eternity. 22 [And in like manner the spirits of the water, and of the winds, and of all zephyrs [soft, gentle breeze], and (their) paths from all the quarters of the winds. 23 And there are preserved the voices of the thunder and the light of the lightnings: and there are preserved the chambers of the hail and the chambers of the hoarfrost, and the chambers of the mist, and the chambers of the rain and the dew. 24 And all these believe and give thanks before YHWH Tzva’ot, and glorify (Him) with all their power, and their food is in every act of thanksgiving: they thank and glorify and extol the name of YHWH Tzva’ot for ever and ever.] (1 Enoch 69:16-24)

Then Enoch reveals to us that the hidden name”, by which the oath was enunciated is also the name of that Son of Man.” 25 And this oath is mighty over them And through it [they are preserved and] their paths are preserved, And their course is not destroyed. 26 And there was great joy among them, And they blessed and glorified and extolled Because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed unto them. 27 And he sat on the throne of his glory, And the sum of judgment was given unto the Son of Man, And he caused the sinners to pass away and be destroyed from off the face of the earth, And those who have led the world astray. 28 With chains shall they be bound? And in their assemblage-place of destruction shall they be imprisoned, And all their works vanish from the face of the earth. 29 And from henceforth there shall be nothing corruptible; For that Son of Man has appeared, And has seated himself on the throne of his glory, And all evil shall pass away before his face, And the word of that Son of Man shall go forth And be strong before YHWH Tzva’ot. (1 Enoch 69:25-29).

But let us return to the oath itself. The “oath” was enunciated with “the hidden name” which corresponds to a “number” and revealed to us in the Book of Enoch only in hidden form with the words “biqa” and “akae”. So what is the hidden meaning of these mysterious words? In Hebrew letters and numbers are the same thing, so a series of letters can express a word but it can also express a number. When Hebrew words are converted to numbers, or vice versa, this is calledgematria”. 

The gematria of “biqa” is 117 [which adds up to 9, a mysterious and magical number of spiritual completion], which is also the gematria for “YHWH Elohim”. 

The gematria of “akae” is 91 [which adds up to 10, number of Judgement and 1, number of initiation or source], which is also the gematria for “Adonai YHWH.” (91 is also the gematria for the Hebrew words for “amen,” “angel,” and “manna.”) The hidden namewhich enunciated the oath was the name of YHWH! And the Book of Enoch also reveals to us that YHWH is the Name of the Son of Man. In my recently published… Why the Rabbis Suppressed the Book of Enoch, I demonstrated that the Rabbis suppressed the Book of Enoch because the Deity of Messiah is revealed in it.

According to the Book of Enoch the fallen angels bound their oath by imprecations, swearing by the Name of YHWH and it is the Name of YHWH which has the power to bind these fallen angels “with chains” (1 Enoch 69:28). There is power in the Name of YHWH and this is why we read in Luke: 17 And those seventy whom He had sent, returned with great joy and said to Him, Our Adon, even the shadim were subject to us by Your Name. 18 And He said to them: I saw that HaSatan fell like lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I give to you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and the power of the enemy, and nothing will hurt you. (Luke 10:17-19 HRV) And this is why we read in the Tanak: The name of YHWH is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and is set up on high. (Proverbs 18:10 HRV) Through You do we push down our adversaries; through Your name do we tread them under that rise up against us. (Psalm 44:6 (44:2) HRV) There is none like unto You, O YHWH; You are great, and Your name is great in might. (Jeremiah 10:6 HRV) The Name of YHWH is the Name of the Son of Man, the Name of the Messiah, and it is the Name which the Book of Enoch is telling us can bind the fallen angels “with chains”.’

We have discovered Asherah was the consort of the Ancient of Days and the mother of Samael. In ancient literature, she bears a remarkable similarity with the watery planet Tiamat; the original planet before the one we now call Earth. Tiamat was recognised as the Primordial Goddess, Leviathan of the Oceans and also as the Goddess of Chaos. She is considered the original Mother of Dragons, including the Seraphs and other ‘monsters’. Tiamat is also known as Nammu or Nannu. Other purported titles and names include: Draconic Corpus, Femme Fatale, Original Mother, Ocean of Void and the Sea of Dawn. Tiamat personifies anarchy, motherhood, femininity, the Earth, dragons and madness. 

Kingu the Moon, was both a consort and her offspring. ‘Tiamat was the “shining” personification of salt water who roared and smote as the chaos of original creation. She and Apsu filled the cosmic abyss with the primeval waters. She is “Ummu-Hubur who formed all things”. She [Asherah] mated with her lover Abzu, the Primordial God of Fresh Water [the Ancient of Days], to produce younger deities of the pantheon [Angels]. She is the symbol of the chaos of primordial creation, depicted as a woman, she represents the beauty of the feminine… [and] depicted as the glistening one.’

‘She is also [depicted as] an Earth Mother Goddess though her title [Rahab] has been forgotten. She is portrayed as either a sea serpent or a dragon. It is suggested that there are two parts to the mythos, the first in which Tiamat is a creator goddess [Wisdom], through a “Sacred marriage” between salt and fresh water, peacefully creating the cosmos through successive generations. In the second, Tiamat is considered the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos [Asherah].’

Tiamat’s form is unique, in that she had one head for each primary colour of the most common species of dragons: black, blue, red, green and white. Each head was able to operate independently of each other, having the powers of a member of the respective races of Dragon-kind. Her body also had traits in common with a Wyvern, including a long tail tipped with a poisonous stinger. Joseph Fontenrose concluded that “there is reason to believe that Tiamat was sometimes, not necessarily always, conceived as a dragoness.”

An online comment states – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Tiamat was originally arrogant, greedy, hateful, spiteful and vain. She never forgave any kind of slight and was focused in obtaining more power and wealth though she did adore her own children. Whether Tiamat has lost her ideals, or whether she has no reason since the beginning, it can be interpreted as either way, but one cannot surmise the reason.’

Tiamat as Wisdom, wanted to be seen by the Most High as an equal. Her arrogance led to dissatisfaction and ultimately to Asherah’s rebellion and the opposing path to life – the path of the knowledge of good and evil.

‘Although she simply birthed, raised and loved her children, which was viewed as her only meaning in life, she has set out to fight against humanity… [declaring] “you are not needed.” Her behavioural ideology when becoming a Beast is extremely simple; she runs under the extremely primitive system of “If I do not kill humanity, I will be killed.”’

Rahab is associated with the ocean and is known as the Angel of the Sea and the Angel of the Deep. ‘Rahab was the angel of insolence and pride [like Tiamat], responsible for shaking the waters and producing [huge] waves… responsible for the roaring of the sea… banished from Heaven chained into the depths of the deep sea.’ In Jewish folklore, Rahab – meaning noise, tumult, arrogance – is a mythical sea monster, a dragon of the waters like Leviathan, the ‘demonic angel of the sea’. Rahab represents the primordial abyss, the water-dragon of darkness and chaos, again, comparable to Tiamat. ‘Fallen from grace… is little more than a banished soul chained to the depths of the ocean… a tortured soul indeed. Unfavored, unloved, unwanted… Lost to the light of day…’

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 579-584 – emphasis & bold mine:

Baal, the great storm god [Samael], was alternatively known… as the bull and was called variantly a dragon, a serpent, and the celebrated slayer of the chaos monster… of the sea… the great Leviathan recorded in Job… known in Near Eastern mythology as Tiamat [Asherah]… all the gods of Babylon shrunk before Tiamat… the goddess and dragon of disorder. Marduk split Tiamat in two… and then confined half to the sky and half to the earth… Tiamat the great World Dragon or Cosmic Dragon possessing a vast serpentine bodyTogether with Apsu [the Ancient of days]… she produced the heavens, earth, and spawned the gods… [linked with the] “abyss”, “void,” or “bottomless pit.”… Leviathan… encircled [like the Ouroboros] the world in the great Abyss, or depths of the cosmic ocean… the mightest creature of creation that eventually required the slaying of the female, for two such creatures would have destroyed the earth… Lotan, the seven-headed dragon of the sea is considered to be the same monster as Tiamat and Leviathan…’

A correlation exists between Tiamat, a Leviathan; dragon; and sea serpent – split in two by Marduk – and the defeat and scattering by the storm god, Hadad-Ba’al with the help of his sister ‘Anat. Lotan or Lawtan is a seven-headed sea serpent or dragon in Ugaritic myth. It represents a ‘great stream’ in the ‘cosmic ocean’ of myth as well as the ‘mass destruction of floods’ – Genesis 7:6-7. Lotan was also a name of a son of Sier – Gensis 36:20-22. Abarim Publications says that Lotan means: ‘a covering, to envelop’ and ‘wrap closely’ like a coiled snake. It would seem that Lotan, Leviathan, Tiamat and Asherah are one. The references to seven heads, living in the sea and floods are all described in the Bible as attributes of the Dragon, the Serpent of old.

Revelation 12:3-4, 15-16

English Standard Version

3 ‘And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on [its] heads seven diadems. 4 [Her] tail swept down a third of the stars [angels] of heaven and cast them to the earth… 

15 The serpent poured water like a river out of [its] mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with a flood. 16 But the earth came to the help of the woman [true believers], and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from [her] mouth.’

Daniel Chapter seven speaks of the four beasts or kingdoms which ‘come up from the sea’ as Revelation chapter thirteen describes the first Beast with seven heads, arising from ‘the sea.’ As mentioned, the idea of coming from the sea could be a euphemism for actually originating from humanities perspective, as either space, or the spirit realm.** The book of Isaiah speaks of the Eternal eventually killing Leviathan.

Isaiah 27:1

New English Translation

At that time the Lord will punish with his destructive, great, and powerful sword Leviathan the fast-moving [piercing (Job 26:13), slippery, slithering, fleeing] serpent, Leviathan the squirming [crooked, wriggling, writhing] serpent; he will kill [destroy] the sea monster [dragon (with seven* heads)].

Psalm 74:14

English Standard Version

You crushed the [seven] heads* of Leviathan; you gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness.

Gary Wayne: ‘… the Bible describes Rahab… a sea monster… churning… the primordial seas… You rule over the surging sea… You crushed Rahab like one of the slain – Psalm 89:7, 9-10. Job 26:12-13 declares… by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces… pierced the gliding serpent… (Isaiah 51:9)… Rahab… an evil power overcome by God… signifies God’s power over the chaos of the primordial waters of creation… Rahab was the angel of the sea who rebelled at the creation of the world. On day three of the Genesis creation account, the primeval waters refused to remain separated into upper and lower waters… this is the defiance and destruction at creation that God met with, which the Bible skirts around… polytheist beliefs recall the snake-like being weaving through the cosmos known as the Evil One… Genesis only records the separation of upper and lower waters… supported in Isaiah 43:16, without noting the rebellion… details… are recorded in Psalm 18:7-15… Similarly, Psalm 104:4-9 records in detail the account of tearing the rebellious waters back apart and permanently confining them… to ensure… sky and earth, thus providing the earth with both dry land and sea… the crushing of Rahab’s skull… Psalm 74:13… is directly related to the separating the sky from the earth…

In 1908, Nicola Tesla identified ether as the water of the obscure expanse, the water above… a tenuous fluid filling all space with a spinning motion… once in motion, this water becomes matter, but when still, it reverts back to its normal state. Ether the essence of space…** the fifth element

Newton described ether as an invisible substance permeating the universe like a living spirit. Einstein concluded ether is necessary for the laws of physics to exist and that without ether, there would be no light, no space, and no time.’

Lilith was originally known as Lilitu, which meant ‘a wind spirit or a female demon’ in ancient Mesopotamian records about five thousand years ago and was synonymous with the cause of disease, illness, and death. Lilith is mentioned in Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilamesh, though this was added much later to the original texts. In a story of magic, she represents the branches of a tree. The erroneous rabbinical myths, regarding Lilith being Adam’s first wife relate to the Sumerian-Babylonian Goddess Belit-ili or Belili. To the Canaanites, Lilith was Baalat the ‘Divine Lady.’ She also appears as a nocturnal demon in Jewish lore and as the Dark Lady is the proclaimed Mother of all Demons, Incubus and Succubus spirits. She has also been called the Daughter of Hatred as well as of Satan and the Mad Queen [like Tiamat], the Demon Queen, the Mother of Deceit, the Mistress of Betrayal and the Daughter of Darkness. As Asherah is the Mother of Dragons, Lilith is the Mother of many Demons or Lilim. She is also related to the origination and first stories about vampires.

Lilith is known to be deceptive, dangerous, calculating and attracted to power. It is said that she managed to manipulate Abaddon or Azazel her twin – one of Heaven’s most devout enforcers – into betraying his comrades and becoming the Destroyer. Written in Kabbalistic literature, The Zohar, Lilith is described as an evil, immoral, demonic figure. Lilith once had a relationship with her father Samael, but upon learning of Samael’s sinful deeds, the Creator ‘castrated’ Samael – Genesis 3:15. 

Lilith then allegedly, chose fellow fallen angel Asmodeus and became his bride instead and as a result they were believed to have procreated demonic offspring or Lilim and spread chaos at every turn. Lilith has been connected with the identities of Ishtar, Astarte, Inanna, Lillake, Isis, Aphrodite and Freya. The Midrash Abkier says that after Cain’s homicide brought death to the world, Adam separates from Eve for one hundred and thirty years. When Lilith saw his beauty, she instantly desired him and took him by force by using his own sin against him. She bore him many demonic spirits known to be a plague to mankind. Ironically, this scenario contains more logic than Lilith being Adams’s supposed first wife.

Black Witchcraft: Foundations of the Luciferian Path, Micheal W Ford & Akhtya Seker Arimanius – emphasis & bold mine:

‘In ongoing ritual work, the magician begins identifying his or herself with Samael (and Lilith) within the parameters of their own life and initiation.’

“The Lord of the Earth, being a name ascribed to Samael ([a] Satan) and his fallen angels and demons, are but considered astral spirits, that which no longer take physical form, but may become manifest through the magician or witch who may make a pactwith them, being initiation and dedication to the Left Hand Path. 

Samael is the patron spirit of the Left Hand Path, as his Word is what formed our thoughts and gave us the inner fire of the Black Flame, our individual process of thought and free will [the result of taking the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil after the Serpent Samael’s deception] . The magicians who aligned their will with the Left Way, that of Samael ([a] Devil), were given powers over the earth in one way or another; all the while strengthening, defining and expanding their conscious.” Liber HVHI

‘Lilith, being the Bride of the Devil, is one part of the Adversary as being the dark instinctual side of man and woman, feminine, yet horrific and loving all within the same breath. Lilith is known by the Semitic “Layil” which [is word a] meaning Night, but also the name of the demon of the storm [like the Storm god, Ba’al]. Lilith is associated with the screech owl and other beasts of the wild, as it is where she went after she left heaven to wander the earth.

She also taught the fallen angels how to form bodies and have sexual relations to give life to other ‘dragon children’. She was said to have been reunited with her mate Samael (Ahriman) after the fall, when he would not be roused by his fellow fallen ones and demons, only the words of Az (Lilith) could rouse him. He then kissed her form and caused menstruation, which was passed on to all women as Lilith is directly connected with their fiery and dark sides. The Goddess of Luciferian Witchcraft is Lilith or Babalon…* 

She is also Hecate, the Darkened Moon Goddess of the Cunning Circle, whose blessing is both youth, imagination and death… [which] refers to Hecate or Lilith (via Diana) as being “Hell’s dark mistress, Heaven’s Queen.” This is the dual nature of the Devil and his Bride, the Adversary. 

In certain rabbinical literature, the Daughters of Cain were those who joined in sexual union with the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and gave birth to the Nephilim, the Giants who were war like and brutal. They were said to have populated the earth in plenty, and attacked the children of Seth. It is suggested also by writers Kaufmann Kohler, W.H. Bennett and Louis Ginzberg that the Children of Cain spent their days at the foot of a mountain (Eden?) [Mount Hermon or Mount Carmel] practicing in wild orgies with the music of Lucifer through that created by Jubal [refer article: Na’amah].’ 

Flying Serpents and Dragons, R A Boulay, 1997 & 1999, Pages 75-77, 184, 100 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘… the daughter of Nannar [Sin] called In-ANNA (her name is… “Lady of Heaven”). [Ishtar] certainly was the troublemaker of history par excellence… in numerous Sumerian myths… [depicting] her [attempts] to seize power. In the Western Lands she established her base in Lebanon and, along with Shamash [Samyaza/Samael] and Adad [Azazel/Apollyon], was part of the trinity of gods which dominated these lands for millennia [refer artcle: Monoliths of the Nephilim].’

Her sacred animal* was the lion… As the sacred symbol of Ishtar [Lilith], the Pleiades was sometimes represented by seven circles, later by seven starsall eight-pointed stars eventually evolved into a single eight-pointed star… The Pleiades played a strange, yet unknown, part in the ancient mythology of Mesopotamia. In astronomy the Pleiades are a cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus. Only six of the stars can presently be seen with the naked eye, but with a telescope several hundred are visible in the cluster. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades [Maia, (the mother of Mercury), Taygeta, Celaecon, Asterope, Electra and Merope]. She was well known as the goddess of love and sexual behaviour and appears to have replaced Ninhursag [Asherah?] as the fertility goddess. 

She is also a militant goddess of war, fond of battle and often pictured with a quiver of six weapons… described as mass destruction weapons… She… supported the kings of Mespotamia as they fought their battles… The “Bull of Heaven” was a euphemism often used in the Sumerian legends for one of the special weapons used by the deities [Article: taurus ac solis cultus^].

… around the Eighth Century BC… she is… associated with the planet Venus. It is strange that such a bright and visible planet as Venus had not been seized on by her or one of the other gods as their sacred planet. Venus is not mentioned or appears in the literature of Mesopotamia until the Ninth Century BC and seems to verify the theory of Velikovsky that this planet did not appear in the sky before that time… 

… the procession of the equinoxes, the great cycle by which the constellations do a full circle and lasts about 25,900 years, is also known as the “Great Year of the Pleiades.” In Mexico and South America^ these stars have a sinister meaning… Cortez, the 16th Century invader… heard a native tradition that these stars were associated with death and destruction. In Celtic practice in England the rising of the Pleiades in November marked the beginning of the festival of Samhain Halloween [October 31st], where the dead arise from their graves and pass on into their permanent residence in the underworld… the Druids… extinguished [all fires] to allow the dead to leave and pass on. Bonfires were then lit to ritually end the period of danger. In the spring the festival of Beltane marked the setting of the ominous cluster of stars in May [1st], marking the beginning of new life. Others have calculated that the Pleiades is the center point of our Sun’s orbit.’

There is misunderstanding and confusion regarding Ishtar and Lilith and the perception they are separate entities. A case in point is the Queen of the Night burney relief viewed above. Lilitu is rendered as being ‘nude, slender, well-shaped, beautiful with wings and owl like feet. A Lilitu spirit is portrayed as standing on lions who are flanked by owls.’ The Queen of the Night relief has the exact same details, yet experts claim it is a representation of Ishtar [Inana] or her underworld sister, Ereshkigal. Both Lilith and Ishtar are associated with lions and Lilith is linked with the night, wings and owls. Ishtar is a goddess of the very same attributes which Lilith is: ‘beauty, love, fertility, sex, combat, justice and power.’ Symbols for Lilith include the owl, a serpent, a tree and a dark moon. 

The Book of Leviticus reveals that Azazel is the prophesied seed of the Serpent, Samael rather than his twin, as entertained earlier. Which is why Azazel’s role in the Atonement ceremony also identifies him as the Messiah’s rival. Samael’s child according to Kabbalistic literature, is also Lilith’s son. Yet we have established that Azazel and Lilith are brother and sister. In Hebraic traditions, Azazel is presented as the one who plays the foil in Yom Kippur, the second goat and the misleadingly named scapegoat [Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod].

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, pages 651-653 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Some scholars identify Lilith as the aboriginal, evil Assyrian [link with Nimrod] and Babylonian wind spirit or a goddess… Lilith too, was likened in lore to a Serpent or Dragon. Lilith was officially known in royal genealogies as the “Beautiful Dragon queen of the Anunnaki.” Queens of the Dragon Court, the Owl Queens, were likened to lilies, lotus flowers… Hebrew tradition labeled Lilith a Lamia, a blood-sucking demon (vampire) of Greek mythology that flew at night like a screech owl… Isaiah 34:13-17… Shub-Ad, in Sumerian lore, was a matriarchal dynast descending from Lilith, known also as “Nin-Pu-Abi,” as well as… Naamah, daughter of Lamech [refer article: Na’amah]. This… confirms Naamah was part of the originating strain of the Dragon dynasty, descending directly from the devil [Cain’s father, the Serpent Samael and either Lilith herself or a daughter, Lulawa-Lilith who may have also been Cain’s wife]… Lilith was the wife of the notorious Samael, chief of the fallen angels…’

The prophet Isaiah expounds further upon the Genesis prophecy about Eve’s seed, with the returning Son of Man crushing the head of the Serpent’s child Azazel, the future Apollyon the Beast. The book of Isaiah chapter thirty-four, discusses the end time destruction of Edom and their spiritual rulers [Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe]. The chapter supports the disclosure of the slaying of the innocent goat on Atonement, would result in the spirit Lilith being cast into the desert or wilderness of Edom with the wild scapegoat, Azazel. It is the Creator’s curse upon Samael and his seed, Lilith and her brother, Azazel which becomes the basis of the symbolism of Atonement in Leviticus Chapter sixteen. A ceremony which foretells the Creator’s final judgment [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod].

In Isaiah thirty-four, Lilith is equated with an owl. In fact within a few verses, three types of owl are mentioned. Owls represent the night, darkness and wisdom.

Isaiah 34:11, 13-15

English Standard version

‘… the owl [H3244 – yanshuwph: great or eared owl] and the raven shall dwell in it… It shall be the haunt of jackals [H8577 – tanniyn: dragon, serpent, venomous snake, sea monster], an abode for ostriches. And wild animals shall meet with hyenas [howling beasts]; the wild goat [H8163 – sa’iyr: satyr, devil, hairy, rough] shall cry [H7121 – qara’: proclaim, commission, summoned, be chosen] to his fellow [H7453 – rea: intimate friend]; indeed, there the night bird [H3197 – liyliyth: screech or barn owl, a night spectre] settles and finds for herself a resting place. There the owl [H7091 – qippowz: great owl, arrow snake] nests and lays and hatches and gathers her young in her shadow; indeed, there the hawks are gathered, each one with her mate.’

The most well known of the screech owls, the Barn Owl

The Genetics of Kinds – Ravens, Owl, and Doves, Genetics and Genesis, 2013 – emphasis & bold mine:

‘There are approximately 220 varieties of owls in the world. The Bible refers to five varieties of owls: The Owl – Leviticus 11:18 KJV (Hebrew – ya’anah), the Little Owl– Leviticus 11:17 (Hebrew – kos), one type of Great Owl – Leviticus 11:17 (Hebrew – yanshuph yanshoph), another type of Great Owl – Isaiah 34:15 KJV (Hebrew – qippoz), and the Screech Owl [Barn owl]- Isaiah 34:14 KJV (Hebrew – liyliyth). 

The first three varieties of owls were mentioned… after the flood, [during] the time of Moses, and the last two were mentioned… [later] after the flood, during the life of Isaiah.’ 

The Hebrew word for goat or satyr means: ‘hairy, he goat, sacrificial animal’ or ‘a demon possessed goat like the swine of Gadara – Matthew 8:30-32. Notice the reference to a sacrificial goat, as in Azazel. 

Spectre means: ‘a menacing apparition, phantom’ or ‘ghost.’ Strongs says for the word ‘lilith’, ‘name of a female goddess known as a night demon who haunts the desolate places of Edom [Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe].’ 

Isaiah 34:14

Modern english version

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wolves, and the wild goat shall cry to its kind; the screech owl also shall rest there and find for herself a place of rest.

Orthodox Jewish Bible

The tziyyim (martens) shall also encounter iyyim (wild cats), and a sa’ir (seir, wild goat) calls to its companion, and lilit (night creature) dwells there and finds for itself a mano’ach (place of rest).

Complete Jewish Bible

Wildcats and hyenas will meet there; and billy-goats call to each other; Lilit (the night monster) will lurk there and find herself a place to rest.

Darby Translation

And there shall the beasts of the desert meet with the jackals, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; the lilith also shall settle there, and find for herself a place of rest.

Amplified Bible

The creatures of the desert will encounter jackals And the hairy goat will call to its kind; Indeed, Lilith (night demon) will settle there And find herself a place of rest.

The message

Wildcats and hyenas will hunt together, demons and devils dance through the night. The night-demon Lilith, evil and rapacious, will establish permanent quarters. Scavenging carrion birds will breed and brood, infestations of ominous evil.

The Voice

Among the howling and hissing wild creatures and demons, Lilith herself, demoness of the night, will call Edom her haunt, A place to recoup and rest between her devastating forays.

The evil spirit Lilith, mirrors Revelation’s Great Whore of Babylon.* In the Book of Zohar Isheth Zenunim, a ‘woman of whoredom’ is stated [1:5a, 1:5b]. 

‘Isheth [and Ishtar or Easter] Zenuim is called the evil Lilith. Confirmed in Hebraic legends as the ‘screech owl’ and as living ‘in the wilderness’ as described in Isaiah 34:14. Thus, this same whore is Lilith or Lilitu in Kabbalist’s legends. Her harlotry with the nations, is recorded in Nahum 3:1-4. The evil entity who is described as a woman in the wilderness and desert wasteland; drunk from the blood of those slain, from falling prey to her lies and sorceries is too close for comfort, to the end-time Woman of Mystery and Babylon the Great, which John describes in the Book of Revelation. Mother and wife Semiramis of none other than Nimrod, teaming up again as the Harlot and False Prophet.’

Nahum 3:4

English Standard Version

And all for the countless whorings of the prostitute, graceful and of deadly charms, who betrays nations with her whorings, and peoples with her charms.

Amplified Bible

All because of the many acts of prostitution of (Nineveh) [capital of Asshur] the prostitute, The charming and well-favored one, the mistress of sorceries, Who betrays nations by her acts of prostitution (idolatry) And families by her sorceries.

Darby Translation

Because of the multitude of the fornications of the well-favoured harlot, mistress of sorceries, that selleth nations through her fornications, and families through her sorceries,

New Century Version

The city was like a prostitute; she was charming and a lover of magic. She made nations slaves with her prostitution and her witchcraft.

New International Readers Version 

All of that was caused by the evil desires of the prostitute Nineveh [today Moscow, Russia]. That woman who practiced evil magic was very beautiful. She used her sinful charms to make slaves out of the nations. She worshiped evil powers in order to trap others.

The Voice

This is all because you tempted and lured the nations like a harlot, dangling the allure of immorality. You were a sorceress promising control of the spiritual world, enslaving nations to lives of immorality and families to sorcery.

Revelation 17:1-18

English Standard Version

The Great Prostitute and the Beast

… “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk.” 3 And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. 5 And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.” 6 And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Nahum 3:1-4

The Message

‘Doom to Murder City – full of lies, bursting with loot, addicted to violence! Horns blaring, wheels clattering… Dead bodies rotting in the street, corpses stacked like cordwood, Bodies in every gutter and alley, clogging every intersection! … Whore City, Fatally seductive, you’re the Witch of Seductionluring nations to their ruin with your evil spells.’

Revelation: ‘When I saw her, I marveled greatly. 7 But the angel said to me, “Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8 The beast that you saw was, and is not [Azazel], and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction [Apollyon]. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written [those with the mark of the Beast] in the book of life [Tree of Life] from the foundation of the world [Garden of Eden] will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come… “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. 16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. 18 And the woman that you saw is the great city [Jerusalem (the capital of Edom), not Rome] that has dominion over the kings of the earth.”

Revelation 18:1-24

English Standard Version

The Fall of Babylon

“… Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit [including Nephilim], a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast [Isaiah 34:14 – Lilith and Azazel]. 3 For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”… 5 for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. 6 Pay her back as she herself has paid back others, and repay her double for her deeds; mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed. 7 As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, so give her a like measure of torment and mourning, since in her heart she says,I sit as a queen, I am no widow, and mourning I shall never see.’

8 For this reason her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.” 9 And the kings of the earth, who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning. 10 They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.”… “Alas, alas, for the great city that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, with jewels, and with pearls! … for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth.”

Female Demon Lilith: Sigil & Invocation of Primal Femininity, Vishnu M – emphasis & bold mine:

‘The aspirant of the traditional Qabalah slowly traverses up the Sephiroth to reunite with God (or enlightenment, in Eastern terms). 

However, there is still another path: That of the Qliphothic left hand path. In the Left Hand Qliphothic path, the goal is… not [to] ascend the tree of life Sephiroth, but the shadowy flip side of the tree, the Qliphoth: The goal of the Qliphothic path is not only to unite with the cosmos or God [actually the god of this world the Adversary, Asherah], but to go beyond it and become a creator in your own right. For the Qliphothic magician however, the goal is to plunge into the darkness more and more until the ultimate [lie] is realized. The true [false] light is reached only after the shadowy passage through the tree of Qliphoth.’

Occult anatomy of humans, based on the work of Leonardo Da Vinci

Lilith, the shadow world is the entry point into the left hand path Qliphothic mysticism. This is where magickal practices such as sex with succubus spirits and female demon lilith herself is practiced. Such practices are to be used to enter into the Qliphothic realms and not as mere sexual indulgence. The sexual energy that we possess IS the life force of the Kundalini within us (termed ojas). It is our only connect to the impersonal divine and it originates from the Muladhara Chakra at the bottom, right around the sexual organs, where the serpent is said to coil, laying dormant [refer article: 33]. 

This is not a physical representation per say. The Chakra is placed at the genital area in the occult map to point out the correlation to sexual energy. The actual sexual center of course, exist[s] in the brain rather than in the genitals.’

‘It is a serpent because it has been repressed without allowing it to express itself wholly. If the serpent is allowed to express in it’s highest form, in the Crown Chakra, then the creative forces within the vessel become God like. This is exactly how it is described by Qliphothic magicians. In Qliphothic terms, the Muladhara Chakra is the Lilith Qliphah herself where the Kundalini serpent [or Asherah] lies dormant! The relevance of the serpent and the tree of knowledge that awakens in Abrahamic genesis story becomes very apparent.’

Lilith was not Adam’s wife as these have been sourced to spurious rabbinical origins. Lilith possibly had interaction with Adam after the Garden of Eden incident as discussed and she may even have been involved in the seduction of Eve with the Serpent Samael. Nor was Lilith a Nephil or demon spirit. Lilith was not the product of an angelic-human liaison but rather, she is a fallen Angel and her covert inclusion in scripture by name, albeit subtly; equated as the Mistress of the Beast, reveals her standing in the dark pantheon of Satan’s cohorts. 

True World History Humanity’s Saga, Stewart A Swerdlow, 2014, pages 39-40:

The progression of Reptilian religion from Sumer to modern times always involves 3, or the Trinity [refer article: 33].They had the 3-horned God which eventually became the “Fleur-de-lis”. Sumer religion consists of the Reptilian Gods “Nimrod” and “Semiramis”… [with] human shaped bodies in Reptilian form. They always have a male and female because this represents the androgyny of the reptilian body; male and female in one.’

‘This is where the shape-shifting… began, mixing Reptilian blood with human… to create a being that would look human, but would have a Reptilian agenda… hybrids that were a 50/50 genetic split between Reptilian and mammalian… a Reptilian mindset with the genetics constantly manifesting a Reptilian form, the physical body requires the ingestion of human hormones, organs, and blood, thus feeding the mammalian genetics to help hold a human appearance. The ingestion of human DNA instructs those genetics to open and manifest as such. This is the origin of the blood sacrificial rituals… explaining why humans were actually sacrificed and eaten. 

The blood rituals were originally about maintaining the human form through the harmonics of the mammalian energy. They still go on to this day in Illuminati culture or subculture… when you take communion you are told, “This is my body and this is my blood”… you are participating in the Reptilian ceremony of ingesting human hormones. Abraham was to sacrifice his son, Isaac… this shows… that in those days human ritual sacrifice was acceptable, and it still is.’

Nimrod and Semiramis, Marty A Cauley, 2017 – excluding author’s notes, emphasis & bold mine, capitalisation his: 

‘Just as male angels who left their heavenly state and estate to mate with human females became subject to death (Jude 1:6), so female angels who left their heavenly state and estate to mate with human males became subject to death. The purpose of the present inquiry is to explore the additional possibility that Nimrod’s mother (and thus wife) [Lilith] might be a historical example of such an occasion

… a quote which I had read earlier… but had forgotten: If Nimrod were a Nephilim, then his father [Cush or Kish, a son of Asshur]… would have had to consort with a fallen angel in the form of a succubus (the female form) [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]. Nimrod is called a gibbor in the Hebrew text of Genesis 10:9… specifically mighty in hunting… [a] mighty hunter. But gibbor could be used of mighty beasts (Proverbs 30:30), mighty men (Joshua 1:14), mighty God (Isaiah 10:21) or mighty angels (Psalm 103:20). Granted, the giant Goliath was called a gibbor (1 Samuel 17:51), and some… have grossly oversimplified the lexical relationship by implying, on that singular basis, that gibbor means giant. Obviously, if one looks [at] the other usages of the word just mentioned, gibbor does not mean giant. Goliath was a mighty warrior; therefore, gibbor is appropriately used of Goliath. 

This giant was a mighty warrior. Mighty (gibbor) is used of this giant, but gibbor cannot be simplistically equated with giant. 

The first biblical occurrence of gibbor is in Genesis 6:4: “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” Some… interpret Nephilim to mean fallen ones, thus referring to fallen angels who mated with human women. Others interpret Nephilim to refer to the giants who were produced because of that mating. Heiser provides lexical reasons for adopting the latter perspective… The only other use of Nephilim in the Bible is Numbers 13:33, where it refers to the giant offspring, thus confirming Heiser’s deduction. Nephilim means giants. The LXE and LXX translate it as giants (gigantes) respectively, as do some English translations (e.g., KJV, NKJ).

What about gibbor, however? We already have observed that, in and of itself, gibbor does not mean giant. Nevertheless, surprisingly, the LXE and LXX render gibbor as giants (gigantes) in Genesis 6:4: “Now the giants [Hebrew Nephilim Greek gigantes] were upon the earth in those days; and after that when the sons of God [the Watchers] were wont to go in to the daughters of men [the daughters of Cain], they bore children to them, those were the giants [Hebrew gibbon; Greek gigantes] of old, the men of renown.” 

Why would the Greek render the Hebrew gibbor as giants on this occasion? Apparently, the translators of the Septuagint believed that these particular mighty men (gibbor) were mighty because they were giants (Nephilim).

The only other occurrence of gibbor in Genesis is used of Nimrod and is dealt with in the same way by the LXX and LXE: “Cush became the father of Nimrod; he began to be a giant [Hebrew gibbor; Greek gigas] upon the earth. He was a giant [Hebrew gibbon; Greek gigas] hunter before the Lord; therefore, it is said, ‘Like Nimrod a giant [Hebrew gibbor; Greek gigas] hunter before the Lord’” (Genesis 10:8-9; TM). The LXX, and thus the LXE as well, evidently felt justified, based on the context in Genesis, in deducing that Nimrod became a gibbor like the Nephilim in Genesis 6:4. Thus, from the LXX-LXE perspective, Nimrod began to become gigantic, a giant. These Greek translations rendering it as such in harmony with contextual sensitivity. The LXX also extends that reasoning to a different word in a similar text outside of Genesis: “And Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a giant [gigas; LXX] hunter on the earth” (1 Chronicles 1:10; TM). 

The LXE, however, is content here, outside of the Genesis context, to render it as mighty hunter. In any event, the LXX has reasonably deduced: 1. In Genesis, the gibbor were giants/Nephilim. 2. Nimrod became a gibbor in Genesis. 3. Therefore, per Genesis, Nimrod became a giant/Nephilim. Nimrod began to be something he was not before a giant (i.e., a Nephilim). Pure linguistical and contextual analysis yields this result. One does not need to resort to myth and legend to make this deduction. Nimrod is linked by the word gibbor to the Nephilim of Genesis. But how did the giants (i.e., Nephilim) in Genesis 6:4 come about? By fallen angels mating with humans. By the same process of reasoning, one would deduce that the contextual inference is that if Nimrod is a giant (i.e., Nephilim) like… those in Genesis 6:4, then he became a giant/Nephilim in the same way: by the mating of fallen angels with humans. 

No contextual indicator of any different source for the giant/Nephilim is given in Genesis with one exception, which Moses supplies in the immediate context: 

Cush [from Asshur], not a fallen angel, fathered Nimrod. So if Nimrod was born as the result of a fallen angel mating with a human (as implied by the Genesis 6:4 context) and if he was a first generation giant/Nephilim (like those in Genesis 6:4), then the only logical conclusion left is that Nimrod’s mother was a fallen angel. Cush [Kish] married a fallen female angel. Nimrod was the offspring of that union…

Noah cursed Canaan, not Ham. Although Ham’s wife seduced Noah, resulting in Canaan’s birth and Noah’s curse, Ham was an innocent party… Ham’s wife had the latent Nephilim DNA. Although Cush and Canaan had the same father – Ham, they may not have had the same mother. After Ham’s wife seduced Noah (and their offspring – Canaan – was cursed by Noah because of her), Ham may not have had any further sexual relations with her. 

Ham eventually may have taken another wife who was not tainted by Nephilim DNA so that his other three sons could be born of a mother who was free of the serpent’s seed and thus not be cursed. On the other hand, even if one believes that all four of Ham’s sons were born of the same mother, the curse was only invoked on Canaan the one conceived by the illicit seduction. Regardless, the contextual implication of the curse is that Cush was not tainted by Nephilim DNA. 

Only Canaan had Nephilim DNA. Nimrod’s mother, rather than his father, is the more plausible source of Nimrod becoming a Nephilim. The biblical evidence would lead one to suspect that Nimrod’s mother was a fallen female angel a goddess. Like the Nephilim in Genesis 6:4 who were giants born of a supernatural origin, Nimrod was also a gibbor born of supernatural origin, a mighty giant born by the sexual union of a human with a fallen angel. Since this deduction is the most possible explanation of the biblical data, I will adopt it as my skeleton key in unlocking the most plausible biblical associations and legendary speculations.’ 

I concur with Cauley’s line of reasoning regarding Nimrod’s parentage [Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]. Though I would differ regarding Ham and his wife [refer Chapter XI Ham Aequator]. When studying the incident involving Canaan, Ham and Noah, we looked at different scenarios involving Canaan and Ham. There is an alternative scenario with two options, which I purposely did not discuss as I do not believe they can be supported by the Bible, only inferred. 

They are the one mentioned by Cauley, involving Ham’s wife, Na’eltama’uk committing incest with Noah and the other involves Ham having an encounter with his own mother, Emzara. Both would result in the birth of Canaan. The first, with Canaan being Noah’s fourth and youngest son [after Japheth, Ham and Shem], which does not fit with the Genesis account, though some would argue it does. The second option would mean Canaan was Ham’s son, though it doesn’t explain Noah in his tent alone; naked; inebriated; or the sexual act committed against him, part of the story. An additional hypothesis, which I did not include either, is that Canaan’s incident with Noah, may have involved transvestism on Canaan’s part; coupled with or enabling him to perform a homosexual act on Noah, which, was considered.

Nor is it clear which lines fathered Nephilim. For example Nephilim offspring, the Elioud giants are associated with Mizra’s sons Casluh and Caphtor the Philistines, yet it doesn’t prove that they were actually Philistines themselves. Conversely it was probably not just a Canaanite issue, as Cauley and others propose

Cauley: ‘According to some legends, Nimrod married his mother Semiramis… in whose land he built his tower in the land of Shinar (Hebrew). She [Lilith] became known as the Queen of Heaven [originally her mother, Asherah’s title]. Either she was a mere human mortal making herself out to be a goddess or, more likely, a fallen immortal doing the same. If the latter is correct, then she was either (1) the daughter of a goddess or (2) a goddess who became mortal to mate with human men to produce Nephilim offspring and institute goddess worship, deifying herself as Ishtar – and Nimrod (or their son) as Gilgamesh in the process. 

Another variation posits that Gilgamesh’s mother was Ninsum, a goddess (thus a fallen angel). My theory is that when this beautiful, fallen, earthbound, Nordic angel got the chance, she made herself out to be a goddess and thus became the goddess of legend. 

Nimrod was not born a Nephilim (giant); he began to be(come) a Nephilim (giant) later as he started to grow. Obviously, the Nephilim in Genesis 6:4 were not giants at the point of birth. These Nephilim offspring subsequently grew to be giants, which is why Nimrod became a giant later, as he grew. Unlike the alternate proposals, this deduction is in full harmony with the link established by Genesis between the Nephilim and Nimrod.’

Notes: As a result of the division of languages going from one to seventy, Nimrod was known by many names, as was his wife. Regardless of which goddess myth is invoked, fallen-goddess hypotheses are more likely than alternatives, which pose that Nimrod merely (1) activated dormant Nephilim genes or (2) modified his own genes or (3) opened his third eye by marrying his mother or (4) became mighty at the age of twenty by putting on the garments of skin that God created for Adam and Eve.

‘Chick masterfully summarizes Hislop’s position in three pages. Per the legend that Chick cites, “during a riot in the city of Babylon, Semiramis was spotted. She was so beautiful, the riot stopped so everyone could look at her and admire her beauty.” If this legend is to be treated as historical fact, then why not accept the fact that her exceeding beauty is attributable to her heavenly origin? Chick surmises, “Cush [Kish] married the most beautiful woman on Earth. Her name was Semiramis. 

She became the Queen of Babylon”… If she was indeed the most beautiful woman on Earth, this would make her more beautiful than any fallen female angel on Earth at the time. This proposition only makes sense if she was a fallen angel herself. Her unnatural beauty should hint at her supernatural origin. Hislop, whom Chick is citing, provides documentation that Semiramis was a blond [haired], blue eyed beauty (which would fit the description of a Nordic). Schnoebelen believes that when angels initially fall, they are exceeding[ly] handsome or beautiful Nordics.’ 

Recall that Lilith was extraordinarily beautiful, attractive and seductive. Lilith as the Queen of Babylon is later described as the Whore of Babylon. 

Cauley: ‘Over the passage of time, however, fallen angels become serpentine, reflecting the nature of their new leader – Satan. If Schnoebelen is correct, Semiramis would have been a recently fallen [post-flood] angel, and the serpentine gods and goddesses of Sumer would have been ancient [pre-flood] fallen angels who had been on earth in their earthbound state for an extended period of time.’

‘… my assessment is that the snake goddess holding a serpentine infant represents a fallen female angel who, after mating with a human male, has given birth to a genetic hybrid. To expand upon that assessment in the present discussion I call attention to the manuscript evidence cited by Putnam and Horn from the Dead Sea Scrolls that “a Watcher named Melkiresha” was “in the form of a reptilian… the Watchers are described in explicitly reptilian terms by the ancient Hebrews” (emphasis theirs). Putnam and Horn… They surmise: “Inanna, [a] ‘Queen of Heaven,’ a mother goddess who much later would be called by some, ‘Mary, the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of Jesus Christ.’”

‘Putnam and Horn list three possible explanations “regarding the origin of the early mythological gods: 1) The Euhemerus View; 2) The Ancient Astronaut Theory; and 3) the Biblical View. The Euhemerus View was based on the historical theories of the Greek scholar Euhemerus who claimed that the pagan gods originated with certain ancient kings who were later deified”. 

The second view attributes these ancient gods to ancient aliens who came to this planet in UFOs. Putnam and Horn opt for the third view – the biblical view – that these early gods are explained by fallen angels coming down and mating with human women.

Their explanation for the gods is very good, except for the fact that they showed the picture of a goddess – a female serpentine deity! Accordingly, they should have explicitly acknowledged that implication of their argument is that some of these fallen angels were goddesses. I am simply following their argument through to its logical implication. Nimrod was not merely a human king who was later deified via legends. The Euhemerus View is not sufficient to explain the biblical data. Nimrod was a demigod. This is the biblical view. Similarly, Semiramis was more than just a woman who became a queen and who was later defied as the Queen of Heaven simply by the force of legends. She was in fact a fallen goddess.’

Notes: At the point they become serpentine, they become totally given over to evil. Greys are failed genetic mistakes with limited intellect, drones, robotic clones, like mules in being unable to reproduce, doing the work of their masters. They are never leaders. Schnoebelen goes on to say that these Reptilians (Draconians) welched on their agreement with the US government. So the US government went into the underground bases and kicked them out, like the TV mini-series V. 

Schnoebelen believes that fallen female angels also came down to Earth at the time of Genesis 6 sexual incursion to mate with humans and thereby “defile the DNA of the people”. Either way, you would get FADNA (fallen angel DNA)… some people whom I respect hold Schnoebelen’s testimony to be valid, which increases my confidence in his testimony as well. Thus, I am not appealing to Schnoebelen’s testimony just because it supports my theory. 

In the interview, Schnoebelen says that he “was opening up doorways to the parallel universes” through occult magic back in his warlock days.

Cauley: ‘The Mother Goddess (Mother of God) is holding her deified infant (Tammuz), who is a hybrid that also would grow to be a giant like his father, Nimrod. Per Hislop’s documentation, Semiramis had blond hair and blue eyes. Therefore, in my opinion Semiramis was a Nordic rather than a Reptilian. In a slide discussing the Mother of Harlots, Missler says, “All occultic practices originated in Babylon.” He goes on to explain that (1) our observance of Christmas is linked with Tammuz, the son of Nimrod and his queen, Semiramis, [who] was identified with the Babylon Sun God (about December 22) and that (2) our observance of Easter is associated with the Babylonian worship of Ishtar, the Golden Egg of Astarte, and the fertility rights of spring.” These are matters that the mystery religion of Babylon is traceable back to Semiramis. She is the focus of many OT texts and possibly the principle figure in a key NT discussion dealing with mystery Babylon and the woman riding the beast (Revelation 17:1-7).’ 

Nimrod is linked with Christmas and December 25th, possibly his birthday. Easter is derived from Ishtar who is Lilith; while Lilith is entwined with Mystery Babylon the Great. Encompassing them both is the Sun god, Azazel.

Cauley: ‘The goddess mentioned in 1 Kings 11:5, 33 is Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians. She is also mentioned in other passages. Ashtaroth is the plural form of Ashtoreth. This form is also used several times in the OT. Among the Assyrians, Ashtoreth is identified as Ishtar, from which our word Easter is derived. She was the planetary goddess of Venus, the goddess of love and fertility. The Greeks would call her Aphrodite. The Israelites idolatrously worshipped her as the Queen of Heaven [actually Asherah, the first Queen of Heaven] (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19; 44:25). Posing that she is one of the fallen female angelic watchers who desired worship seems reasonable enough. She is also worshipped as Asherah [Semiramis or Lilith is to Asherah, as Azazel is to Samael – separate entities]. She and her sacred Asherah pole are mentioned nineteen times in the OT. Baal [Samael] had 450 prophets, while Asherah, his consort, had 400 prophets (1 Kings 18:19). Baal [Samael] and Asherah [Satan] were counted among the hosts of heaven by their followers (2 Kings 23:4). Asherim were cultic objects used in her worship (mentioned in twenty OT verses).’ 

Notes: [A Woman Rides the Beast, David] Hunt’s thesis is that the woman who rides the beast is the Roman Catholic Church (RCH). This may be the religious entity, but in the present discussion I am more interested in the spiritual entity worshipped by the Roman Catholic Church Semiramis – worshipped under the guise of the Madonna holding her infant. 

Cauley: ‘According to some legends, Semiramis was a virgin that sprung from the sea [or space, the cosmos similar to Leviathan and Tiamat, representing Asherah]. Semiramis is her Greek name derived from her original Assyrian name Sammuramat (gift of the sea). Her fame eventually surpassed that of Nimrod. As to Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8 he began (chalal) to become (hayah) a giant (Hebrew gibbor; Gr.eek gigas). Hayah, the verb for become, is the same verb found in Genesis 1:2: “The Earth had become formless and void” (TM). 

In conjunction with the classical gap theory, I hold that the Earth became formless and void as a result of Lucifer’s [Samael’s] fall. The action of this fallen angel resulted in the Earth becoming formless and void. By invoking PFA in conjunction with the Genesis 6 explanation, I hypothesize that Nimrod likewise became a gibbor as a result of the action of a fallen angel, namely his mother [Lilith].’

Notes: Therefore, I am not suggesting that just because the word hayah has one meaning in one context it must have that same meaning in another context. Other factors must be considered. My perception, though, is that these other factors may justify seeing a deeper association between hayah in these two verses, rather than just saying that they share the same lexical domain or that it means to become. 

Cauley: ‘Whether Semiramis was her original name is a matter of speculation. In any event, after the division of the languages at the tower of Babel, she would have had seventy names. Pinpointing her original name before that division is not necessary. For sake of argument, let us suppose that Sammuramat was one of her many names. Could another Sammuramat subsequently exhibit many of the same characteristics? Of course, she could. Would it be a mere accident? Probably not. 

Adopting the conspiratorial mindset, I pose that there was a second Sammuramat and that her appearance in the annuals of history was not accidental; rather, it was purposefully conspiratorial. My hypothesis is that Satan [who is Asherah] used Sammuramat II [who was Lilith] to confuse historians concerning Sammuramat I [who was asherah]. I disagree with Skiba’s version of the Nimrod-Semiramis thing, in which he regards Semiramis to be a mere Nephilim, I am [favourably] inclined to think that Skiba may be right in concluding that Semiramis [ostensibly Lilith, but actually Asherah] was known as Ishtar to the Mesopotamians, Isis to the Egyptians, Astarte in the Northwestern Semetic regions, and Inanna to the Sumerians. She had temples at Sidon and Tyre, and the Philistines of Ashkelon apparently venerated her as well. (See 1 Samuel 31:1-10 and Herodotus i. 105). She was everywhere! In North Africa, she was known as Tanith, which means the “Face of Baal” signifying that she was his [Samael’s] consort… And in the land of Canaan, she was known as Ashtoreth [or Asherah] and even King Solomon went after her‘ – 1 Kings 11:4-5. 

Notes: No doubt, transmogrification is possible: A person’s DNA can be modified so that he or she becomes a Nephilim. Canaan found the writings of the watchers and sought this ability. Ken Johnson, Fallen Angels (USA, 2013), 38-40. This will also happen when humans take the mark of the beast. However, Lake follows Horn in posing that this is what happened to Nimrod (p. 92). Although this is an attractive proposition, I find it more likely that Cush [Nimrod’s father] experimented with transmogrification on himself and married a fallen angel. Therefore, Nimrod was born of a transmogrified father and a fallen-angel mother. Nimrod’s father [Kish from Asshur] was a demigod and his mother [Lilith] a goddess. Therefore, Nimrod was Gilgamesh, two-thirds (66.6%) god. His number is 666 [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod and article: Monoliths of the Nephilim]. 

Cauley: ‘Hislop cites Eusebius’ Chronicle… Ninus and Semiramis ruled over Assyria and the whole of Asia.” Hislop is not unaware that a later Semiramis is also postulated: Sir H. Rawlinson having found evidence at Nineveh, of the existence of a Semiramis about six or seven centuries before the Christian era, seems inclined to regard her as the only Semiramis that ever existed. But this is subversive of all history. The fact that there was a Semiramis in the primeval ages of the world, is beyond all doubt, although some of the exploits of the latter queen have evidently been attributed to her predecessor. 

In other words, Hislop postulates two different queens by the name Semiramis – Semiramis I and Semiramis II – and he believes that some of the actions of the latter were attributed to the former. He cites Layard in support. The Illustrated Dictionary & Concordance of the Bible claims other women in history have also been called Semiramis. Could it be that the name Semiramis is like the name Candice or Cleopatra? Was the wife of Nimrod just Semiramis the first?’ [in reality, Semiramis II, even if not chronologically]

Notes: “Tradition ascribes the invention of the punishment of the cross to a woman, the queen Semiramis!”

Cauley: ‘Here, then, is the crux of the matter. Some historians place Semiramis at a time compatible with her being the wife of Nimrod, while other historians place her later. In Religion, Woodrow is assuming the former. Hislop is focused on the former but allows that two different women by that same name lived in both time periods. This proposition poses an easy reconciliation between the two groups of historians. 

Woodrow’s follow-up book, The Babylon Connection?, supplies a question mark but is still prone to overstatement. Whereas before he overstated his argument in [favour] of a Nimrod-Semiramis connection, in this book he overstates his criticism. He acknowledges: “History about Semiramis is so confused, some have supposed there were two women by this name, and that one may have lived earlier”… He immediately dismisses such a reconciliation between the historical data, giving no creditability to the possibility of such a proposal. One reason is because he finds it preposterous to think that Semiramis could have been the mother, wife, and sister of Nimrod. His short-sightedness is obvious in that Skiba poses a simple solution: Semiramis’ father took his daughter as his wife and begat Nimrod, who later took her as his wife. This postulation maintains the mother-wife-sister relation. Nevertheless, since I theorize that Semiramis was a fallen angel rather than a Nephilim, I would pose that Nimrod took his mother as his wife after his father [Kish from Asshur] died. My hypothesis maintains a mother-wife relation and would attribute the sister relation to historical confusion

Some [Nephilim researchers] believe that Nimrod was a Nephilim… [and] in that case, his mother was a fallen female angel who also became his wife… [who] instituted the Babylonian Mystery Religion… [identified]… as Semiramis… [they also] believe that Nimrod is the Assyrian beast who was and is not and will come (Revelation 17:8)… [and] that the woman carried in the ephah to the land of Shinar by the two winged female entities represent this Babylonian Mystery Religion coming back home to roost (Zechariah 5:9-11)… that the woman carried in the ephah is Semiramis. I hold these theories as well. And like Nimrod, she might return from the abyss in the future – if she has not already.’

I would concur, except that Nimrod is the second Beast of Revelation, the False Prophet and Man of Sin [refer Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin and Destiny of Nimrod].

Notes: Heiser argues that if panspermia were proven true, then intelligent theistic panspermia would harmonize with the Bible. If this were the case, then the highly-evolved extraterrestrials that God used to bring life to our planet and modify our DNA, via theistic evolution [Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis], until humanity reached the point that God conferred upon humans the status of His image bearers [Homo sapiens] on this planet, were most likely angels (Genesis 1:26-28) [the Elohim]. This postulation does not rule out His using angels to create other intelligent beings on other planets. For an opposing point of view, which basically insists that the only life on other planets would be that of fallen angels, see Jeffery W. Mardis, What Dwells Beyond: The Bible Believer’s Handbook to Understanding Life in the Universe, third edition (Crane, MO: Defender Publishing Co., 2015). Although his book is a very commendable read, there are weaknesses in his argument which I discuss elsewhere. I pose a mediating position. God created animal and plant life on other planets but not humanoid life. 

There is evidence of animal and plant life originating on other planets and being transplanted to Earth. The incredibly baffling mollusc, the Octopus is one such creature which offers the possibility.

Cauley: ‘Naturally, this proposal concerning Semiramis being a fallen female angel will be met with resistance since it postulates not only the existence of fallen female angels but that they mate with human males… Lake’s perspective… 

“It is interesting to note that all of the angels revealed in the Bible are presented as male. (I am concerned about some of today’s ministers reportedly having visitations from female angels. This does not fit the biblical norm, and I believe deception is involved.) Their stories seem to deviate from the creation of mankind. God desired a helpmeet for Adam and created Eve from Adam’s own flesh. This action not only gave Adam a companion, wife, and friend, but it enabled him to procreate. This ability corresponds with God’s command for the two to “be fruitful and multiply.” No such command was ever given to the angels. It would seem that they were all created as males, and God never intended for them to procreate. So we see, in Genesis 6, why both the concepts of sex and procreation were such an overwhelming temptation for them. This understanding allows us to correlate within our thinking: (1) Genesis 6; (2) the men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanting to have sex with the angels; and (3) what Jesus said about angels in Matthew 22:30.”

‘Lake’s assessment is fallacious for multiple reasons. The two winged female entities in Zechariah 5:9-11 appear to be some type of female angel. Some believe that they are fallen cherubim, which is generally admitted to be a class of angel, even by some of those holding Lake’s bias. In fact, Cris Putnam is even open to the possibility that these female angels are not fallen: ‘Because most of these appearances recorded in Scripture are of male messengers, it is commonly assumed that there are no female angels.

In Sense and Nonsense about Angels and Demons, Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman conclude that “angels can appear in bodily form, but they don’t come in male and female varieties.” However, the authors simply ignore or overlook contrary biblical evidence. (The same can be said of Lake.) The prophet Zechariah recorded a vision entailing two female supernatural entities with wings on a divinely appointed mission: 

“Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.” (Zechariah 5:9) 

‘A stork is an unclean bird to the Hebraic mindset. Furthermore, these winged women are carrying another woman only identified as “Wickedness” (Zechariah 5:8). On one hand, it seems likely that these women are fallen angels, but on the other hand, one could argue that because it was a divinely appointed mission, it was not indicative of their status. Either way, the idea that the immortals are exclusively male seems to be based on male-dominated tradition than on biblical exegesis.

Personally, I believe that these winged women are fallen female angels. Thus, by my count, at least four fallen female angels are described in Scripture: Lilith, Semiramis [the same being, or rather Asherah], and these two fallen cherubim (who are probably carrying Semiramis in the ephah to Babylon). God flies by means of cherubic chariots [Article: The Ark of God]. My speculative theory is that wingless Semiramis will fly by means of these fallen cherubic chariots to Babylon via a UFO. Regardless, experiential data confirms that female angels genuinely exist. Lake’s appeal to Adam and Eve self-destructs since they were created as male and female in the image of the angels as the intermediate image bearers of God. Thus, angels would presumably be male and female as well. The reason that male and female angels do not procreate is because they are immortal, not because they are all males. Lake’s argument that God made all angels male with frustrated sexual desires fails on many levels. He leaves the question unanswered: “Why would God design angels as male with attendant sexual desires but no way to fulfill those desires?” 

He practically accuses God’s poor design as placing angels in a state of “overwhelming temptation.” I would pose instead that since the earthly reality is a mirror of the heavenly reality that not only are angels created male and female, they are given the legitimate means to satisfy the functions for which they were designed. They were designed as sexual beings, so they have the legitimate means to satisfy the desires that go along with that design. 

In short, a verse like 1 Corinthians 10:13 applies to our heavenly counterparts as well: “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.” God does not place us in situations of overwhelming temptation. Nor does He do so to angels.

Genesis 6 is explained by the fact that those male angels who fell wanted more than just sex, they wanted procreation [and to defile the human line], something female angels could not give them, but also something for which they were not designed. If anything, the homosexual desires of Sodom and Gomorrah is refuted by, not explained by, the heterosexual desires of the angels in Genesis 6. In their original state, the sexual desires of the heavenly angels were heterosexual, only after their fall were their desires perverted to encompass homosexual desires. Jesus should be understood as saying that resurrected believers will not marry because they will be like angels in being immortal, not that they will be like angels in being all male, much less sexually frustrated males!

Lake practically concedes this last point on the next page where he explains Jesus’ comment: “The subject of these verses in Matthew is marriage and procreation”… The point of the passage is not that all believers will be male in the resurrected state! Rather, they will not have procreative marriages. Lake then appeals to mythology as having some historical basis when it poses that “supernatural beings” (gods) had sex with human women. Agreed. 

But some mythology also poses that “supernatural beings” (goddesses) had sex with human men – a fact he overlooks. Then, on the next page, he cites a video in which Schnoebelen says, “To be accepted into the lower branches of the Illuminati, he was required to marry a fallen angelEntrance in the Palladium is where this marriage/sexual union with a fallen angel takes place”… [Article: Principalities & Potentates: What they want… Who they are]. Lake cites Schnoebelen as an authority on the subject, which is understandable. But why not pose that the celestial beings mating with these human males were fallen female angels? Lake did not clarify whether Schnoebelen had sex with a male or female angel, so I consulted Schnoebelen for myself to see what he had to say. 

Schnoebelen describes his sexual experience as a congress (meaning sexual introitus).” Sexual introitus would be expected to refer to entrance into the vaginal tubular opening. He says that he had sexual introitus, sexual intercourse with this fallen angel. Would this not be sex with a fallen female angel? He says that, in doing so, he became one flesh with the entity, and the biblical passage to which he alludes is describing sexual relations between a male and a female: “Do you not know that the one who joins himself to a harlot is one body with her? For He says, ‘The two will become one flesh’” (1 Corinthians 6:16). Schnoebelen says, “You are becoming one with a fallen angel.” But the implications of his terms and citation are more explicit: If you are a male, you are becoming one with a fallen female angel. 

Lake gives a great deal of credibility to Schnoebelen’s testimony. Fine. So do I. But we should give equal credibility to the sexual implications of the gender of fallen female angel Schnoebelen describes, as he goes on to explain: A satanic wedding was performed, where I was married to the arch goddess Lilith. And she actually came down. And how many of you have heard of Lilith? She is a very nasty, very ancient demoness goddess, strongman type being. Maybe I should say strongwoman; I don’t want to be sexist… she is regarded as the mother of all demons. And she [Lilith] is regarded as the patron saint of crib deaths and abortions…So I got to marry this creature. I tell you that was one heck of a honeymoon…’

Schnoebelen explains that some Jewish people even today are afraid of Lilith, and he goes on to affirm the reality of male incubus and female succubus I personally do not believe Lilith was the first wife of Adam. My working theory is that she is Lucifer’s [Samael’s] fallen soulmate and that she mates with human males. I have no reason to doubt that it was Lilith herself who mated with Schnoebelen. She is not bound in the pit of Tartarus, for example. Yet one could at least allow the possibility that it might have been another fallen female angel impersonating Lilith that had sex with Schnoebelen. Regardless of these finer details, I concur with Lake in accepting Schnoebelen’s testimony as basically valid… he will go on to explain that he does not believe… Jewish legend regarding the origin of demons but rather holds to the more traditional view in which demons are the spirits of deceased Nephilim. 

Even so, the personal part of his testimony is completely believable where he relates his experience: He had vaginal intercourse with a fallen female angel. Surely, he could tell that it was a female angel rather than a male angel with whom he was having sex! I will accept that part of his testimony at face value. 

I have no reason whatsoever to believe that it was a male angel impersonating female angel or taking on a feminine form! Additionally, some abductees claim that they can sense the gender of the Greys even apart from any apparent genitalia. If Schnoebelen had the experience he claimed to have, then the mental merging would have confirmed the physical merging as to the gender of the angel with whom he was sexually engaging. Schnoebelen had sex with a genuine fallen female angel. Lake should have informed his readers that it was a female angel with whom Schnoebelen copulated. Evidently, Lake was blind by his traditional mindset so that he failed to see the full significance of Schnoebelen’s testimony regarding the fallen angel’s gender.’

Notes: One reason I am open to the possibility of fallen female angels impersonating other well-known fallen female angels is that I suspect that they would do so in order to give the illusion that these fallen female angels are omniscient, spanning history in time and space… Semiramis knew the biblical prophesies of the virgin who would give birth to the Messiah and, as the wife of Nimrod and queen of Babylon, Semiramis created a false religion in which she made herself out to be that virgin. 

Therefore, very early in human history, she imitated the blessed virgin while in her earthbound mortal form. The spirit of the mystery religion of Babylon and the worship of Our Lady (actually of Semiramis under the guise of Mary) has been kept alive and well on planet Earth… Schnoebelen… says that he would never confuse a demon with a fallen angel because he has encountered both and the difference between them is like that of a mosquito compared to a human being. “Fallen angels are awesome beings… demons are not”… If we accept his testimony as creditable, should we not accept it as reliable when he says that he had sex with a fallen female angel? Can we not trust that the difference between a male and female angel is sufficient so that he is a credible witness?

More surprisingly, even Schnoebelen seems to be inconsistent regarding angelic gender. Elsewhere, even Schnoebelen will say, “From all indications, the angels in the Scripture are male”… His assessment here is refuted by his own testimony on another occasion… in which he said that he had sex [with] the goddess Lilith and that, in doing so, he became one flesh with a fallen angel. But this fallen angel is mentioned in Scripture. One might make allowance for this inconsistency since, in that context, he is not (consistently) counting cherubim and seraphim as angels… Even so, he gives credibility to the testimony of others that Nordic angels can be female… Apparently, he must rely on the testimony of others on this matter because he has only seen angels one or two times… He places angels in the lowest level of the celestial council… So if Lilith and the stork-women were higher ranking celestial beings, they would technically not be angels if the designation angel is limited to the lowest ranking celestial council members. Even so, he is inconsistent in that he says that seraphim “are the most awesome of all angelic beings… the highest order of angels”…

Consistency dictates that one acknowledges that not all angels in the Scripture are male. He makes a number of interesting comments… He says that fallen angels must drink blood to reproduce, which is where we got our vampire stories… He offers confirmative proof of DUMBs (deep underground military bases)… wars, and tunnels in that he has had one or two encounters with the Reptilians… He says that fallen angels become mortal when they fall, which is why Reptilians can be killed. 

Cauley: ‘Lake proceeds to discuss the Mystery Religion of Babylon as the unfinished work of Nimrod, which is all fine and well, but it might be better described as the unfinished work of Semiramis [Lilith]. Historically, the Babylonian Mystery Religion was her baby. Mystery Babylon was started by a woman [ultimately, Asherah] and will end with a woman [Lilith] (Revelation 17:5). Rob Skiba argues that the antichrist (the beast who comes out of the bottomless pit a few verses later in Revelation 17:8) is Nimrod. If the beast is Nimrod, a mere demigod, why not allow the possibility that the woman in chapter 17 is Semiramis, a fallen angelic goddess? After all, she is depicted as the Queen of Heaven, spanning the pages of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Skiba even quotes Tom Horn, who perceptively implies that she was a fallen angel: 

“Nearly three decades after the Amalantrah Working, rocket scientist and cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jack Parsons and his pal L. Ron Hubbard (Church of Scientology founder) conducted a second ritual (in 1946), the “Babylon Working,” in an attempt to reopen the gateway created by Crowley. The two men were not seeking audience with Lam. Instead they wanted the spirit of Babylon, the archetype divine feminine, to pass through the portal and to incarnate itself within a human being. Many adepts of [Evil] Enochian magic and Ordo Templi Orientis believe they succeeded and that she the whore of Babylon walks the earth today. It would come as no surprise, as Babylonian and earlier “gods” have been depicted as coming through “gates” for some time.

Cauley: ‘This statement is good, as far as it goes, but Horn does not pursue the implications of his observation. Elsewhere, Horn discusses various gods and goddesses of mythology and the fallen angels behind them and postulates:

“The iconographies, myths, and rituals of each deity exhibited the specific characteristics (nature, gender, underworld authority…) of that particular deity.” 

Cauley: ‘Since Horn acknowledges that the gender of the god and goddess worshipped matches the gender of the spiritual entities behind those gods and goddesses, he should have entitled his book, The Gods and Goddesses Who Walk Among Us. In The Ahriman Gate, he graphically portrays the reality of such a goddess. In Nephilim Stargates, Horn notes that the Bible agrees with mythology in picturing such gods and goddesses imprisoned behind gates (extradimensional portals) within the Earth. What Horn is saying, therefore, is that Parsons and Hubbard were trying to open up a portal to bring back the archetype divine feminine spirit, the whore of Babylon – who is none other than the goddess Semiramis! [or in other words, Lilith] Many adepts believe that Parsons and Hubbard succeeded, and Horn leaves open the possibility that they are right. 

If this is true, then while so many nephologists are waiting for Nimrod to return, they are overlooking the fact that Semiramis already has returned! She’s back! She has been released… from her imprisonment behind an extradimensional portal. The preliminary fulfillment of Zechariah 5:9-11 already has taken place!’ 

Notes: According to some legends, Semiramis killed Nimrod and then used him to formulate her mystery religion. In the end, he [actually the Beast, Apollyon who is Azazel] may return the [favour] by using her and her mystery religion and then kill her and destroy her mystery religion (Revelation 18). 

Thomas R. Horn, Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers (Crane, MO: Anomalos Publishing House, 2007), 21-22, quoted in Rob Skiba, Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last (updated and expanded), Kindle Edition (King’s Gate Media, 2013)… In a section entitled, “Were there female Nephilim too?” Skiba correctly answers affirmatively, thus explaining why, in passages such as Deuteronomy 3:5-7 and 7:1-3, God demanded that the women and children be killed.

Rob Skiba, Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim (Kindle Edition, 2012)… In this discussion, he astutely perceives Semiramis to be a goddess worshipped under many names: Diana, Artemis, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Inanna, Tanith, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite, Juno, Venus, Caelestis, Urania, Columbia, Liberty, and Queen of Heaven. Unfortunately, though, Skiba claims that these goddesses were nothing more than demigoddesses (female Nephilim or offspring of Nephilim): “We find absolutely no evidence in Scripture for the notion of female angels, we must therefore conclude that these so-called ‘goddesses’ were in fact giants, Nephilim, and/or Elioud (i.e., offspring of Nephilim)”…’

He notes, “Some will try to use Zachariah [sic.] 5:9 as an example of female angels, but the Hebrew words used to describe these individuals do not indicate this to be true. They are simply described as women (Hebrew: ishshah – Strong’s # 802) with wings. This could either be allegorical or we could be looking at hybrids, but one thing is certain, there is no supporting evidence in Scripture that would indicate they are female angels” … He overstates his case with this circular reasoning. 

Zechariah 5:9 could readily be interpreted as supplying the supportive evidence which he denies to exist. The fact that we are created in the image of male and female elohim provides grounds for concluding that we are created in the image of male and female angels. Therefore, nothing prevents us from taking Zechariah 5:9 as collaborative evidence in Scripture for female angel. Ishshah does not necessarily mean a human woman. 

Female is the appropriate translation on various occasions, as noted by BDB: female children (Numbers 31:18); female animals (Genesis 7:2; Isaiah 34:15). One could just as easily pose that these winged women were female angels. In short, Skiba’s postulation that Semiramis rebuilt Babylon after the Tower of Babel incident is plausible… His belief that Semiramis was a Nephilim daughter of Cush… is less plausible than my proposal that she was a fallen angel who married Cush [rather Kish of Asshur]. 

Curly: ‘Fortson’s book, Beyond Flesh and Blood, is a great introductory text and excels where most books fail in explicitly acknowledging the existence of female angels. Fortson adds that, per Babylonian legend, Gilgamesh’s father was Lilu, who “was known to sexually seduce women in their sleep, which leads many to believe that he may have been an incubus”… Some pose that Lilu is the male counterpart to Lilith. Speculations regarding Gilgamesh get particularly interesting when nephologists make him out to be Nimrod – or Tammuz (who was the alleged son of Nimrod, thus Nimrod reincarnated). 

According to other legends, Gilgamesh’s father was a demigod and his mother was a goddess. If Gilgamesh’s father was the demigod Nimrod and his mother was the goddess Semiramis, then the legends that make Gilgamesh out to be the son of a demigod and goddess naturally fit.’ 

Initially I had entertained Gilgamesh as Nimrod, though his identity as Nimrod’s son is an interesting and plausible alternative.

Cauley: ‘Understandably, some nephologists therefore pose that Gilgamesh was the son of Nimrod. Some would question the computation, however. How would having a mother who is 100% goddess and a father who is 50% god result in an offspring that is 66.6% god? Would the offspring not be 75% god? On the other hand, if Cush modified his own DNA so that he was 26% (≈ 1/4) god, then the math and legend would work out. 

Nimrod would have gotten 13% [of] his alien DNA from his father, Cush, and 50% of his alien DNA from his mother, Semiramis. He would be 1/3 human and 2/3 god. Thus, Nimrod (rather than Tammuz) would be Gilgamesh. I suspect this is the case. 

My synthetic hypothesis, that Nimrod’s parents were a genetically modified father (Cush) and a fallen angelic mother (Semiramis), gives me an advantage over the simplistic hypothesis of nephologists who reject a second sexual incursion in favor of simple transmogrification to explain postflood Nephilim. First, my proposal bases its principle argument on the primary document. I am drawing my principle deductions from the context and syntax of the biblical material. The most natural deduction from the primary source material (i.e., the book of Genesis) is that Nimrod became a gibbor through the same means that the Nephilim did in Genesis 6, which is through the mating of fallen angels with humans. This is the only means supplied in the context of Genesis for becoming a gibbor. The LXX makes the proper deduction. 

Second, my rejection of the transmogrification of Nimrod is supported by the verbal syntax. In Genesis 10:8 and 1 Chronicles 1:10, chalal (plus the Lamed) is in the Hiphil tense, in which case BDB defines it as begin to. The LXX/LXE renders it accordingly: Nimrod began to become a giant. The transmogrification theory should not be misconstrued to give the impression that chalal could be translated in the verse to mean that Nimrod began to corrupt himself to become a giant. Not so! Had this reflexive meaning been intended, then a Niphal tense would have been implemented. BDB supplies a couple of examples of the reflexive meaning: to profane himself (Leviticus 21:4), she profanes herself (Leviticus 21:9). Nimrod, in contrast, did not profane himself, as is proven by the Hiphil rather than Niphal tense. The genetic corruption was passed on to him by his parents. He did not corrupt his own DNA. 

Third, those posing that Nimrod transmogrified his own DNA must leave the primary source material and run to secondary sources to import their theory of transmogrification into the Genesis text and, in doing so, supplant the contextual and syntactical implications of the primary source material. Secondary source material should be used to supplement, not supplant, primary source material. Do not treat secondary as primary. My synthesis allows for transmogrification from secondary sources to be applied to a secondary agent. Rather than apply it directly to Nimrod, my transmogrification-incursion hypothesis applies transmogrification to Nimrod indirectly through Cush (and the incursion to Semiramis). Thus, I can concur indirectly with nephologists such as Horn, Johnson, and Skiba who assert [post-flood] transmogrification in relation to Nimrod. 

Fourth, my transmogrification-incursion theory is supported by those myths which assert that Nimrod’s father was a demigod but his mother was a goddess. She was an agent of the second incursion. Accordingly, my model concurs directly with nephologists like Missler and Eastman who believe that Nimrod’s mother was a fallen angel.’

Notes: Putnam and Horn… suggest that some moral decision on Nimrod’s part may have triggered a change in his genetic code by turning on a genetic mutation which had been passed down to him by his bloodline. This mediating postulation is perhaps permissible because it places the original mutation in the DNA passed down to him by his parents. As an alternative, they pose that a retrovirus may have modified his DNA. In view of the legends and the verb tense, though, the more likely scenario is that Cush [Kish] modified his own DNA via a retrovirus and then passed that on to his son, Nimrod.

Cauley: ‘Horn and Putnam make a claim that is astonishing regarding its implications: ‘During the time of Peleg (Genesis 10:25), God descended from Heaven with the seventy angels in order to teach the people of the earth their respective languages. Later, Michael, at the behest of God, asked people to choose its patron angel, and each nation chose the angel who had taught it its language… This pantheon of divine beings or angels who were originally to administer the affairs of Heaven and earth for the benefit of each people group became corrupt and disloyal to God in their administration of those nations (Psalm 82). 

They then began soliciting worship as gods (and goddesses), and because these angels, unlike their human admirers, would continue on earth until the end of time, each spiritbehind the pagan attributes would become known at miscellaneous times in history and to various cultures by different names.This certainly agrees with the biblical definition of idolatry as the worship of fallen angels, and means the characterization of such spirits as Nimrod/Apollo, Jupiter, Zeus, Isis (i.e., Semiramis!)…

Unwittingly perhaps, Horn and Putnam put Isis/Semiramis in this pantheon of seventy angels who became corrupt! By implicitly putting Isis in this fallen pantheon, they have acknowledged that goddesses were part of the group, as I pointed out in the inserts above. Putnam opens their discussion in Immortals by affirming his belief in female angels, and elsewhere Horn states that the specific gender of the gods and goddesses of antiquity is accurately portrayed by the myths and icons of those fallen angels. Postulating that Putnam and Horn believe that female angels were part of this seventy-angel pantheon is reasonable. My surprise was that their argument would lead to the conclusion that Isis herself may have been one of these seventy angels! 

In any event, if their statement means that the very spirits that possessed Nimrod and posed as his wife, Semiramis, were part of the seventy angels who taught the seventy languages, then they are mistaken. God would not have put these fallen spirits in charge of teaching the languages. Semiramis would have fallen before the division of the nations at the Tower of Babel and thus not have been a candidate to be one of the seventy angels who descended from Heaven with God. 

Yet the male and female angels who were members of that seventy-angel group may have followed the examples of Nimrod and Semiramis, respectively, and thus contributed to the Nimrod-Isis legend. Horn and Putnam probably mean something along this line, which is entirely possible, even probable. Semiramis would not have acted alone in spreading her Babylonian Mystery Religion throughout the Earth. Surely, she would [have] had fallen accomplices who assisted her through imitation

Skiba devotes an entire book, Archon Invasion, to refuting the multiple incursion theory (MIT). Skiba believes that the initial group of Nephilim were produced by a sexual incursion of fallen male angels having sex with human females. These angels were imprisoned in Tartarus and had to watch their Nephilim offspring kill one another. Therefore, per Skiba, no other fallen angels would dare do such a thing. All subsequent Nephilim DNA contamination must be explained by: (1) DNA transference theory (DNATT) – the offspring of these original Nephilim passing on this contamination to their offspring and thus subsequent generations, (2) human DNA modification theory (HDNAMT) – humans modifying their own DNA, and (3) angelic-human DNA modification theory (AHDNAMT) – fallen angels modifying human DNA through scientific experimentation on humans without having sex with humans. Because Skiba is correct in affirming these three forms of contamination, his book is a worthy read. On the other hand, he overstates his case at various points, giving too much weight to secondary sources, and failing to address all relevant facts. 

The primary source material is the Bible, according to which [antediluvian] Nephilim were the result of a [pre-flood] sexual incursion of male fallen angels mating with human females (Genesis 6:4). The only other time the Bible uses the word Nephilim is in Numbers 13:33: “There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” Skiba insists that these [post-flood] Nephilim were not the result of a second incursion because they are the sons of Anak, not the sons of fallen angels. 

Presumably, these Anakim were a simple case of DNA transfer since Anak “was himself a son of a giant name Arba” (Joshua 15:13; 21:11). Arba was an Amorite… a descendent of Amorous (the father of the Amorites) and thus descendent of Canaan… Therefore, Skiba gives this genealogy: Ham – Canaan – Amorous/Amorites – Arba – Anak/Anakim. Skiba is correct to infer that Nephilim DNA was transferred through Ham’s wife to his descendants. Yet it must be pointed out that this is only an inference. The text does not make it explicit. Skiba is critical of MIT because the biblical text does not make it explicit that a second incursion occurred. Thus, MIT is dependent upon logical inference. What he fails to note is that his own DNATT is likewise just as dependent upon logical inference within the biblical narrative. His argument is highly dependent upon the inference that Ham’s wife, who gave birth to Canaan, was genetically tainted [interestingly, the descendants of Canaan today are the only peoples to either not carry any percentage of Neanderthal DNA, literally 0% or extremely small amounts – Chapter XII Canaan & Africa]. He makes a great case in this regard, and I concur…’

An inference can also be made that all eight people boarding the Ark, were cleared; given the green light to be the progenitors of the races and thus were nearly, racially pure as Noah. I say nearly, because Neanderthal DNA from the people of Day Six crossed over on the Ark. The likely-hood of further angelic incursions is 99% to someone carrying corrupted Nephilim DNA onto the Ark of 1%. Poor Ham’s wife, Na’eltama’uk; she gets it in the neck, both for Noah’s incident with Canaan and the Nephilim eruption in the post-diluvian world. A second irruption, after the Flood is borne out also by the fact that this was the core issue of the five cities of the Plain. The complete destruction and utter annihilation of Sodom and the other three cities is testament this scenario is accurate.  

Cauley: ‘Nevertheless, the biblical text does not make this explicit and even goes to some length to make it ambiguous as to why Canaan was cursed [refer Chapter XI Ham Aequator]. Moreover, the Bible does not clarify why some of his decedents were marked for extermination while others were only submitted [too] servitude. MIT can offer the hypothesis that those decedents who were born as a result of a second incursion were more genetically tainted than those who simply tainted by DNATT. Thus, these Nephilim were larger than other giants and marked for extermination.’ 

The difference lies in the fact that the pure physical descendants of Canaan were subject to slavery. Those descendants who had mixed with Nephilim, because both chose to live in the land allotted for Shem’s children were earmarked for elimination.

Cauley: ‘Skiba has an excellent discussion of how recessive DNA traits could show up in some offspring but not in others. Still, in my opinion, MIT has the better explanation as to why the Nephilim giants were larger and why only some Canaanites were to be exterminated. Moreover, the two theories are not mutually exclusive. Based on secondary evidence (i.e., [non-biblical] material), Johnson is correct to suspect that Canaan sought to perform further DNA modification. Consequently, in HDNAMT one would not have to invoke a second incursion to explain these [post-flood] Nephilim. Yet, once again, the two theories are complementary rather than necessarily exclusive. All four models should be deemed correct: DNATT, HDNAMT, AHDNAMT, and MIT. 

Granted, MIT is more restricted after the flood. For one thing, fallen angels would be less inclined to become mortal and thus be subject to Tartarus. Also, their entrance into the earthly dimension could have been made more difficult. Indeed, the portals between earth and the fourth dimension were apparently closed, requiring human sacrifice (etc.) to reopen them. Horn and Putnam have an excellent discussion of the reopening of these portals in which they cite Daniel Mastral’s Traces of the Occult to the effect that only seventy-two out of the ninety portals had been reopened by 2001… Moreover, ‘Mastral tell us that some human individuals are indeed empowered by changes in their DNA. This can happen in three ways: demonic sexual spirits (incubus and succubus) can transport semen among humans; a demon possessed man can fertilize a woman, or, very rarely, a couple can pass through a portal and have sex in the other side. In all cases, the higher energy affects the embryo’s DNA in a way that makes it easier for the individual to interact with spirits and be a channel for more powerful psychic powers.

According to such ex-Satanists, fallen entities are still very much engaged in sexual activity, having sex with both male and female human beings. Such accounts destroy Skiba’s argument against MIT. And he ignores it! He does not discuss incubi or succubi in Invasion. Yet these experiences are very much a part of the [post-flood] invasion. He acts as if all supernatural abduction experiences are explainable by AHDNAMT, when in fact they are not. Male and female humans are being abducted and raped by fallen male and female elohim. MIT is occurring.’

‘… the terms elohim and demons can be very broad terms… some succubi are demonesses (i.e., the deceased spirits of fallen angel-human hybrids), but at least some succubi are fallen female angels, thus goddesses. Even so, the conjecture that some succubi are merely demonesses rather than fallen angels is open to challenge. Putnam makes an interesting observation: “Not every entity labeled ‘demon’ is the same sort of being. Missler points out that holy angels seem to manifest human [bodies] at will, but demons seek to control the bodies of others. This is well supported by biblical texts.” Following this line of reasoning, one would deduce that fallen entities manifesting in physical bodies to have sex are fallen angels, not deceased spirits of Nephilim, not demons in other words. However, Putnam poses an interesting case in which it is difficult to determine if the entities in question were demons or fallen angels. 

Invisible beings were biting a girl and leaving visible teeth marks with saliva. She could see her invisible accosters, but those observing her could not. But she did grab the hair of her invisible attackers and had some of it in her hand. Putnam then reminds us of his discussion of demons taking physical form as succubi and incubi… and then proceeds to discuss fallen angels as sons of God… In my opinion, the entities tormenting the girl may have been demons rather than fallen angels. Such experiences are not isolated. 

Putnam provides an interview with Reverand Ray Boeche… in which Boeche says that it is “fascinating to speculate about (the differences between fallen [angels] and demons as their deceased Nephilim offspring), but when you’re dealing with (as I have been for the last couple of months) three women – unknown to each other – who are being sexually assaulted by invisible entities who cease their activity only at the name of Christ, how important is the distinction?” 

Pragmatically, the difference may be moot in such a case. Nevertheless, since they are invisible entities, I suspect that they are merely demons. Fallen angels could physically manifest, as Missler’s comment would lead us to deduce. Therefore, succubi and incubi taking a visible physical form are probably fallen angels rather than demons. Schnoebelen describes the experience: 

“Frequent sexual self-stimulation will often attract sexual spirits (those appearing to be men are called incubi, those looking like women are called succubi). These are spirits which will come and assume the form of impossibly perfect sexual partners. They will appear more flawless and desirable than even airbrushed centerfolds because Satan will have observed just what sort of person “turns on” his target. The spirit will exactly fulfill that fantasy. As ghastly as this idea is, it is common practice in the higher levels of Satanism. They believe these “demon lovers” will come to men and draw seed from them. Then they will steal the resulting seed and go assault a human woman in male [form] with or without her permission. Such spiritual “rape” is more common than most would think. The sick “hope” of such encounters is that the woman will conceive a child half-human and half-demon – a candidate for the anti-Christ! 

Needless to say, once a man or woman has experienced “sex” with such a creature, normal marital relations with their spouse (however attractive) will pale into boring routine. Thus, the victim returns more and more to the spirit lover, and the bondage grows ever deeper. This is not fiction from a horror novel. It is going on all the time. In high level Satanism, both of us were “married” to demons. We both had frequent “sex” with our Ascended Master spirit guides! We felt that this was the way we could gradually “evolve” into gods.”

Cauley: ‘Schnoebelen is an ex-Satanist. His wife was a Wiccan. They left the occult and came to faith in Jesus. During their time in the occult, they both had frequent sex with incubi and succubi who would assume incredibly sexy physical form. He calls them demons, evidently in the broad sense of the word, using the word demon to refer to fallen angels. Elsewhere, he says that when all else fails and Christian women are still being accosted by fallen angels, they should cover their hair because angels are very much attracted by their long hair (1 Corinthians 11:10-15). He testifies that in his ministry experience this works every time. Either Schnoebelen and those like him are being fraudulent, or Skiba is completely mistaken in thinking that there are no [post-flood] sexual incursions taking place on the part of fallen elohim. In my assessment, the latter is unquestionably the better conclusion. Skiba is wrong. Fallen angels are still having sex with human beings. 

Legends purport not only Titans but Titanesses, such as Theia, “the ancient female equivalent of Lucifer [Samael] – the female ‘light bearer’.” Perhaps some legends regarding Titanesses recall echoes of [pre-flood] fallen female angels while other legends, regarding Olympian goddesses, do the same for [post-flood] fallen female angels. In any event, Anak’s father being a Nephilim does not rule out the possibility that his mother was a goddess (a fallen female angel). Regarding Nordics, Schnoebelen states: 

“These are reported to appear just like humans, except they are unusually statuesque and blonde, almost like “Nordic gods,” hence the name. Both males and females have been reported, both equally attractive; although the males are much more common.” 

Cauley: ‘He gives three possibilities: “They may be first generation offspring of the fallen celestials that turned out very well (like the “mighty men, the men of renown”) in Genesis. Anyone who experiments with breeding whether it is plants or livestock, knows that occasionally you get a “gem” and a lot of times you get a loser. They also may be newly fallen angels that have not yet lost their original beauty. They COULD even be elect angels, except that there is no record of them ever behaving like the angels in the Bible. It is reported that they have a policy of non-interference in human affairs (like the “Prime Directive” on Star Trek) but little is actually known of them.”

Cauley: ‘Perhaps some Nordics are fallen, and some are unfallen, if we allow the third possibility of non-interference. In any case, Semiramis could not be put into the third category. She was the epidemy of interference. She would have to be placed into either the first or second category. She was either the offspring of a fallen celestial, or she was a newly fallen celestial. The latter is more probable. Perhaps her male celestial counterpart [Samyaza] was one of the 200 [myriad] watchers who fell before the flood, leaving her without a sexual mate in Heaven. If so, rather than spend an eternity in Heaven without a sexual mate, she chose to leave Heaven and mate with human males since this was the only sexual option left. Ruark links Semiramis name with the land of Shinar: 

“… Semiramis was a native of Erech (Genesis 10:10), which as evidenced by [its] name seems to have been built by a Hamitic family (Ham’s wife was said to have been descended from Cain who built the first Erech in [honour] of his son). The name Semiramis is a later, Hellenized form of the Sumerian name “Sammur-amat”, or “gift of the sea.” The initial element “sammur” when translated into Hebrew becomes “Shinar” (the biblical name for lower Mesopotamia), and is the word from which we derive “Sumeria”. This one tarnished woman then, had such a lasting impact upon world history that not only do we call by her name the land from which civilization flowed, but God himself through the sacred writer has let us know that its distinguishing characteristic was that it was “the Land of Shinar,” or Semiramis.”

Cauley: ‘If he is correct, then the Land of Shinar is the Land of Semiramis. As to the geographical location, commentators equate it with Babylonia based on Genesis 10:10 (NAC; WBC). Some say that Amraphel, the king of Shinar in Genesis 14:1, cannot be positively identified [it can and is, as Hammurabi – refer Chapter XIX Chedorlaomer & the War of Nine Kings]. Yet some speculate that this might have been another name for Nimrod. In any event, if Semiramis became the Queen of Babylonia, whose fame exceeded that of her husband, then it makes sense that the land was named after her. 

This article has interacted briefly with some of the various conjectures concerning the possible relation between Nimrod and Semiramis. Affirming such a relation practically requires that one adopt a two-Semiramis hypothesis. If so, then a reasonable case can be made that Semiramis I [in reality, Semiramis II or Lilith] was a fallen female angel who became the mother of Nimrod, thereby explaining his Nephilim DNA. Possibly, Semiramis II was also a fallen female angel (or at least a hybrid). 

The focus of this article has been on Semiramis I, simply referred to as Semiramis in this study. She and other fallen angels have been impersonating Mary, as the Queen of Heaven. Possibly, during the Tribulation, she will drink human blood and once again take a mortal earthbound form and once again rule as the Queen of Babylon.’ 

The series of photo’s depicting various statues from around the globe representing different ages, leave no doubt regarding the correlation and association with veneration or worship of Semiramis as a Queen of Heaven; a Mother of god; the Madonna and Child; and as Europa, as evidenced by the Statue of Liberty in the United States; the Flag of the European Union; and the fallen dark Angel, Lilith – ultimately in the shadow of her mother, Asherah.

Likewise, her relationship as the goddess of the Moon and Europa* with the cult of the Bull and the Sun or Zeus her original consort, Samael [Articles: taurus ac solis cultus and Monoliths of the Nephilim].

The stars representing angels and the serpents, fallen angels or Seraphs. Though of course, the first and original Queen of Heaven was Lilith’s mother, Asherah.

Iurii Mosenkis: 

‘The name of Europe may be interpreted as ‘wide-eyed, wide-faced’ (i.e. the full moon) in Greek or ‘west’ in Phoenician in comparison with Akkadian ereb samsi ‘sun set’. Two versions may be combined by astronomy: Europe may be the ‘wide-faced’ full moon* which appears in the west when the sun sets.’ 

The principle angelic beings who serve the Ancient of Days, invariably classed as archangels:

1. Michael: is the most well known Archangel and the Commander in Chief of the loyal heavenly Host; one of the pre-eminent and eldest of the Eternal’s creatures – Jude 1:9. As scripture does not refer to any other being in such a manner it is possible that Michael is the only Archangel and that it is a position of responsibility, as opposed to a category. Micheal will lead the Creator’s armies against Satan’s forces and her final assault on Heaven, defeating who maybe his very Mother – Revelation 12:7. In the Book of Daniel, Michael appears as ‘one of the chief princes’ who in Daniel’s vision comes to Gabriel’s aid in his contest with the prince of Persia – Daniel 8:16; 9:21. 

Daniel 12:1

English Standard Version

“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people [the sons of Jacob]. And there shall be a time of trouble [the Great Tribulation], such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered [the  sealed 144,000], everyone whose name shall be found written in the book [of Life].”

In Hebrew, Michael means who is like God. Michael is said to represent the South; the element of Fire; and he is linked with the Sun and its weekday, Sunday. In the Book of Thessalonians there is a reference to the archangel or an archangel. Neither the words the or are in the Greek. It is interesting to note that it is not in the plural and infers just one. So that the majority believe that it refers to Michael. 

Some then equate the returning Son of man’s descent to earth with that of the voice of the archangel, teaching that Christ and Michael are one person. This may be the case, though intuition and a lack of any other scriptural support says otherwise. In fact, the heralding of Christ’s return would be the responsibility of the chief messenger, Gabriel; so there is no reason why he isn’t the archangel in question. Particularly as he may be alluded** to in the phrase the trumpet^ of God

1 Thessalonians 4:16

New English Translation

‘For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the [or an] archangel**, and with the trumpet [or horn] of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.’

This verse could be read a number of ways, granted. The prepositions in English are not in the Hebrew. Thus it does not necessarily mean Michael. My opinion is that the Lord’s return is signalled with a command from on High, communicated by Gabriel. 

Michael is purported to have said:

“For eons I have followed my Father’s orders. Always doing what He says without question because I believed that His actions had meaning as they always have. Throughout the centuries that have passed I was so focused on being the one good son He would be proud of that I have forgotten to think for myself. And the fear of this made me believe that I will end up like my [Mother Asherah]. But now… now I understand. It is time for me to be who I am, rather than who I am supposed to be.”

2. Gabriel: is the chief messenger of the Creator, whose main weapon is considered the Horn^ of Truth. Michael is counted as his brother, with two other angels mentioned outside of scripture, Raphael and a sister Ariel. Gabriel is equated with his counterpart, the messenger Hermes or Mercury; and is said to represent the West; the element of Water; as well as being linked with the Moon and the day of the week Monday. Gabriel is not specifically called** an archangel in the Bible, though Christian theology considers him one. 

His name means warrior of God and also the following: ‘man of God’, ‘strength of God’, ‘Master who is of God’, ‘hero of God’ and ‘God has shown Himself mightily’. Gabriel is known to be the left hand of the Creator in contrast with Michael who is the right hand. Gabriel is purportedly the third oldest of the archangels after Michael and Samael. Gabriel told Elizabeth that she would bear John the Baptist and Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah – Luke 1:19, 26. Gabriel asked Mary to name her son Yeshua [Joshua/Jesus], meaning ‘Saviour.’ Gabriel announced the seventy weeks prophecy to Daniel and may have been the spirit who revealed the meaning of his dreams.

Accounted to Gabriel:

“Michael’s… fighting demons and vanquishing evil. Raphael heals the sick, the wounded, and the dying. Ariel guides the souls of the departed with her light… [and I descend] from the Heavens to pass forth messages from my Father to [His] chosen ones…”

3. Raphael: whose name means God heals or ‘One that Heals’ is a non-canonical high ranking ‘archangel’, brother to Michael, Gabriel and Ariel. Raphael is said to represent the East; the element of Air; and is linked with the planet Mercury and its weekday, Wednesday. Raphael is mentioned in the apocryphal book of Tobit. He is said to be the guardian of the Tree of Life opposite the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. If so, it would mean that Raphael is a Cherub, of the Cherubim order – Genesis 3:24.

Raphael is associated with an unnamed angel mentioned in the Gospel of John, who stirs the water at the healing pool of Bethesda – John 5:2-4. Most of Raphael’s exploits take place in the Apocrypha, where his main role has been in imprisoning Azazel. He is also thought to be one of the three angels who visited the patriarch Abraham and his wife Sarah, to help with their conception; as well as the angel who healed Abraham’s grandson Jacob’s wrestling injuries.

Catholics venerate Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, while Protestants recognise Michael as the only named Archangel. There are numerous other angels outside of Christendom who are also considered archangels.

4. Ariel: is known as the ‘archangel’ of Wisdom. She shines the light of the Creator’s truth into the darkness of confusion. Her name means: fire of God or ‘flame of God.’ Ariel is listed as one of the four main archangels, with her brothers Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Among the four she was the last to be created, making her the youngest of her siblings. She is also known as: ‘God is My Light’, ‘Archangel of Fire’, ‘Torch of God’, ‘Angel of the Divine Presence’ and the ‘Archangel of Salvation.’ Ariel is said to represent the North; the planet Earth; and she is linked with Venus and its weekday, Friday. Ariel is not mentioned explicitly by name in any of the widely accepted scriptures, though she is subtly included in Isaiah 29:1, 2, 7 as Ariel, another name for Jerusalem, the city of David.

As her name also means Flame of God for her depiction of holding a flaming sword, the Apocrypha says Ariel was the guardian Cherub to the Gates of the Garden of Eden. As with Raphael, Ariel could be considered a Cherub. She stands over both the World and Tartarus, or Hell. ‘She is said to carry the stars in the sky, and on the final day of judgement, she will oversee the resurrection and retribution of human souls.’ Her name can be rendered in the masculine, Uriel. This has wittingly or unwittingly created confusion about her sex and whether there are two different beings.


Ariel: “I know that most of my family believes that my [Mother] is lost and beyond reprieve. But I refuse to believe so. I may be the youngest of my siblings but I’m still the archangel of wisdom for a reason. I shine my Father’s light into darkness and confusion. That’s why I can’t give up on [Asherah, the first Wisdom]. And I could care less what others would say to me for daring to have faith in her, because at the end of the day she’s still my [Mother] and I love her so. We’ll be a family again.

5. Reuel: who is also known as Raguel or Sealtiel. He is the ‘archangel’ of justice and fairness. His name means: friend of God. Reuel is linked with the planet Jupiter and its weekday, Thursday; and his number is the numeral six. Reuel is considered one of the Seven Archangels whose function is to take vengeance on the world of the luminaries who have transgressed the Creator’s laws. His role includes watching the world of mankind as well as keeping fallen angels and demons in check. 

His chief role in Heaven is to oversee all of the lower Angels. Reuel ensures that the angels are working together harmoniously, according to the Divine order and will. It was allegedly Reuel, who showed righteous Enoch, the Seven Mountains and in the midst of them, the highest mountain which held the throne of the Ancient of Days. Reuel is not mentioned in the canonical writings of the Bible, however in 2 Enoch, the patriarch Enoch was carried as a mortal to and from Heaven by the angels Raguel and Sariel.

6. Sariel: also known as Suruel^ – and possibly Saraquel or Zerachiel – means: God’s command. According to the Cabala, Sariel is one of the seven angels who rule the earth; yet he is also confusingly listed as one of the chiefs of the Watchers who sinned. Perhaps there are two angelic beings called by the same name. Sariel is considered one of the Seven Archangels in 1 Enoch and a primary angel in leading souls to judgement. Sariel is also typified as an angel of healing with Raphael.

Sariel is linked with the planet Mars and its weekday, Tuesday. Sariel is named as the one who retrieved the soul of Moses from Mount Sinai. He is also called a ‘prince of the presence.’ His name appears in Gnostic amulets and it is said that when he is invoked, he manifests in the form of an ox. This would be indicative of the Cherubim order. Like his namesake, he is associated with the skies and instructs others on the ‘course or motion of the Moon.’ In occult circles he is one of the nine angels of the summer equinox and can protect against the evil eye.

7. Remiel: the seventh ‘archangel’ meaning: mercy of God, ‘Compassion of God’ or ‘Thunder of God.’ Remiel is the Archangel of Hope, Visions and Dreams along with being the protector of mankind. Like Reuel, Remiel’s role is to observe humanity; helping when necessary but not interfering. Remiel was created at the same time as Reuel and is linked with the planet Saturn and its weekday, Saturday.

He is charged with leading souls to judgment with Sariel and knows which souls will be saved and which will be destroyed. Remiel is said to have been the archangel responsible for the destruction of the armies of the Assyrian King Sennacherib.

Other archangels include: Azrael: the Angel of Death and Rebirth; Chamuel; Jophiel: female; Haniel: female; Jeremiel; Nathaniel; Zadkiel; Sandalphon and Metatron: formerly righteous Enoch.

Book of Enoch 20:1-7

‘And these are names of the kodesh [‘holy, sacred, separate’] malakim [angels] who watch: Suru’el [Sariel] for he is of eternity [clamour] and of trembling. Raphael… for he is [over] the spirits of man. Raguel [Reuel]… who take[s] vengeance [inflicts punishment] for the world and for the luminaries. Michael… for he is obedient in his benevolence over the people and [commands] the nations. Saraqa’el… who is set [presides] over the spirits of mankind who sin in the spirit. Gabrielwho oversee[s] the Garden of Eden, and the serpents [seraphim], and the cherubim

The Book of Enoch speaks of four types of Spiritual Creatures: Cherub, Seraph, Ophan and Malak. Though the mysterious ophan appear to be part of the Cherubim and the mechanism for moving God’s throne [refer article: The Ark of God]’ The malakim derive from the Hebrew word mal’akh for ‘messenger’ the same as the Greek word angelos for angels. Each of these beings serve the Creator and also serve humankind either behind the scenes like Michael, on the sons of Jacob’s behalf, or openly with human interaction, as with Gabriel. Archangels, though they be angels and messengers; may also be foremost of the heavenly creatures in the angelic pantheon.

Book of Enoch 

40:1 And after that, I saw a hundred thousand times a hundred thousand [ten billion], ten million times ten million [one hundred trillion], an innumerable and uncountable multitude who stand before the Splendor of Yahweh of Hosts. 40:2 I saw them standing on the four wings of Yahweh of Hosts and saw four [Cherubim?] other faces among those who do not slumber, and I came to know their names, which the [Angel] who came with me revealed to me; and he also showed me all the hidden things.

40:3 Then I heard the voices of those four faces while they were saying praises before Yahweh of Splendor. 40:4 The first voice was blessing the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts. 40:5 The second voice I heard blessing the Elect One [the Son of man] and the elect ones [the 24 Elders – Revelation 4:4] who are clinging onto Yahweh of Hosts. 40:6 And the third voice I heard interceding and praying on behalf of those who dwell upon the earth and supplicating in the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts. 40:7 And the fourth voice I heard expelling the demons and forbidding them from coming to Yahweh of Hosts in order to accuse those who dwell upon the earth.

40:8 And after that, I asked the malak of Shalom [angel of peace], who was going with me and showed me everything that was hidden, “Who are these four faces which I have seen and whose voices I have heard and written down?” 40:9 And he said to me, “The first one is the merciful and forbearing Michael; the second one, who is set over all disease and every wound of the children of the people, is Raphael; the third, who is set over all exercise of strength, is Gabriel; and the fourth, who is set over all actions of repentance unto the hope of those who would inherit eternal life, is Phanuel [or orphiel, meaning the ‘face of God’ or ‘God has turned’] by name.”


40:10 So these are HIS four [Angels or chief messengers]: they are of Yahweh of Hosts, and the four voices which I heard in those days.

Cherubs are a fascinating order of beings, alongside the Seraphim in the spiritual hierarchy. Whether they are angels, or separate classes of heavenly beings serving the Eternal is a matter of conjecture and speculation amongst theologians. Conversely, it should be considered if all spirit beings are Angels and that there are two types of angel; the mammalian or avian Cherub and the reptilian Seraph

It can be questioned if one type takes after their Father, the Ancient of Days and if the other takes after their Mother, Asherah? Though if Asherah is an ‘anointed Cherub’ how could she also be a Seraphim styled Dragon? The answer may lay in that she was a mixture of both from the beginning and or, she became more serpentine* over time as the result of her rebellion. My current thinking is that Cherubs, Seraphs – and the Ophanim if a genuine category of their own – are types of spirit beings and not the same as the fourth category, Angels.

Ophanim is Hebrew for ‘wheels, whirlwinds, spheres’ and refers to ‘the wheels’ seen in Ezekiel’s vision of the chariot [a sky vehicle, or space craft] described in Ezekiel 1:15-21. According to Ezekiel’s narrative in the Bible, they are creatures created of interlocking gold wheels, with the exterior of each wheel covered with many eyes. They are described as being renowned for their knowledge and wisdom. It is said that the Ophanim never sleep and are constantly busy in guarding the Ancient of Days throne in Heaven. And so, Ophanim are described as thrones as well as wheels. According to Maimonides a Jewish scholar in the twelfth century, the Ophanim were the highest in a hierarchy of ‘angels’ as they were ‘tasked with guarding God’s throne’ [refer article: The Ark of God]. 

The biblical prophet Ezekiel describes the cherubim as a tetrad of living creatures, each having four faces: of a lion, an ox, an eagle and of a man. I would presume this is symbolic in that they possess the four facets described and not a literal description of four faces. More likely, each Cherub may have a predominant personality so that one may look human, one birdlike like Lilith for instance and another bovine like a minotaur; which could include Baal or Samael* the storm god. They may have shape shifting ability in exhibiting them at will. 

One is reminded of the Egyptian gods with human bodies and heads of animals, such as the highest and strongest god Horus with the head of a falcon. Apophis, the god of chaos, who had a serpents head; Anubis had the head of a jackal and likely the original head of the Sphinx in Giza [Appendix VII: Moses, the Exodus & the Red Sea Crossing – Fabrication or Fact?]. The goddess of war, Sekhmet had a lioness head; Heket the goddess of birth and fertility possessed a frogs head and her husband, Khnum had the head of a ram; Sobek, had the head of a crocodile; Thoth the head of an Ibis [Article: Thoth]; and Kehpheri, the head of a scarab beetle.

The Cherubim are reputed to have the stature and hands of a human, the feet of a calf, and four eye covered wings – Ezekiel 1:4-14, 10:1-22. Two of the wings extend upward, meeting above and sustaining the throne of God; while the other two stretch downward and cover the creatures themselves. 

The Bible indicates in Ezekiel 28:11-19 that there was an anointed Cherub who covered the Supreme Creator’s throne. There were two Cherubs given this role – Exodus 25:17-21; 37:6-9; 1 Kings 6:23-30. A mystery arises from this, in that who is the other covering Cherub? If Wisdom was one of the anointed Cherubs and Asherah is the first of the Most High’s creations as was the Word; then the Son of Man could be the other anointed Cherub. 

The Ark of God: ‘A surprise answer to who may have been the second covering Cherub with Asherah is the mysterious leader of the Watchers who rebelliously descended to Earth in the endeavour to corrupt humanity during the time of righteous Enoch. His name was Samyaza, which tellingly means ‘covering’ or ‘that which covers’.

The definition of Cherub is not clear, though the verb karabu means ‘to bless’ and the adjective form, is ‘to be mighty’ or Mighty Ones. It can also connote ‘to approach’ and to be ‘in the midst’ or ‘within.’ Hence, these mighty multi-faceted beings are blessed by attending to the Creator and are in the midst of His presence and throne.

The Cherubim: Their Role on the Ark in the Holy of Holies, Dr Rabbi Zev Farber – emphasis & bold mine:

‘Tradition has a rich history of interpreting the mythical cherubs in numerous ways. Nevertheless the extensive findings from the Ancient Near East make it clear that the Cherubs historically represented either frightening beasts used as guards, or the equivalent of flying horses drawing chariots; these images fit a number of biblical passages.’

Above: The Gate of All Nations; Persian Palace in Persepolis – Below: Assyrian Style Lamassu Guards from Nimrud, in the Louvre

‘In the Mishkan, however, they served either as God’s throne or as buffers surrounding the deity. Accordingly, the Ark of the Covenant was to be the footstool or podium of God. King David says this explicitly in 1 Chronicles 28:2, “Hear me, my brothers, my people! I wanted to build a resting-place for the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, for the footstool of our God.” Isaiah 66:1 begins: “Thus said [Yahweh]: The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool”’

Above: Apollo riding a Grypon – Below: Neptune [Poseidon] rides a chariot

Anciently karibu were depicted as colossal bulls. The Cherubs that are stationed by the Eternal’s throne-cum-transportation device appear to conduct a dual role of bodyguard, providing a protective covering with their wings and flight attendants, including piloting of said craft or chariot – Psalm 18:10, 2 Samuel 22:11, Ezekiel 9:3. Engravings and paintings of chimera type creatures abound as do sphinx, gryphons and lamassu which are all cherubim inspired.

Above: Saturn rides his Chariot of Serpents by Pietro Bonato – Below: Dionysus and the Centaurs

Farber: ‘The idea of a god or a king riding a chariot pulled by fantastic creatures exists in the Ancient Near East. Phoenician art depicts sphinx driven war chariots, for instance. The idea is most developed, and well known, in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, where many different gods and goddesses are picture[d] with their own chariots. Apollo rides a gryphon, Poseidon a pair of Hippokampi (horse-fish). Helios’ chariot is carried by winged horses, Saturn by serpents, and Dionysius by centaurs. When seen in this context, the imagery of God riding a chariot in the Bible seems in keeping with ancient conceptions and poetic norms.’

It is written that the archangel Gabriel oversees the Garden of Eden and other Cherubim. It is Cherubim who guard the Garden of Eden and other sacred places. 

Cherubim are associated with the images of Lamassu, with a human head, the body of a bull or lion and eagle wings; the Sphinx, with a female human head, the body of a lion and the wings of a falcon; and the Griffin, with the body, tail and hind legs of a lion and the head, wings and front talons of an eagle.

The word Seraph includes the meaning of the Burning or Shining Ones and they are considered by some as the highest order of creature and the ‘choir of the Heavens’, due to their close proximity to the Ancient of Days. The Seraphim are recorded in the prophet Isaiah’s vision – Isaiah 6:1-7. Seraphim are described as having six wings, with two wings covering their faces, two covering their feet, and two used for flight. Other sources claim their voices are said to be powerful enough to fatally kill a mere human and able to shatter glass. It is believed before his fall from grace, Samael was a Seraph Prince of the choir.

‘It is said that the Seraphim flew about the throne on which God was seated, singing His praises as they called special attention to God’s glory and majesty. These beings apparently also served as agents of purification. An ancient Judean seal from the  eighth century BCE depicts them as flying asps, yet having human characteristics, as encountered by Isaiah in his commissioning as a prophet. Seraphim are known to defy the laws of the universe when commanded such as when one placed a hot coal against Isaiah’s lips with the words, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” It did not burn him, but instead healed. Similar to the other types of holy angels, the seraphim are perfectly obedient to God. Similar to the Cherubim, the Seraphim are particularly focused on worshipping God.’

Isaiah 14:29

Orthodox Jewish Bible

‘Rejoice not thou, all ye of Peleshet (Philistia), because the shevet (rod) of him that struck thee is broken; for out of the shoresh nachash (snake’s root) shall spring up a viper, and its pri (fruit) [from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil] shall be a fiery flying serpent [Seraph, a dragon].

Further Bible verses regarding Seraphim include: Isaiah 30:6, Deuteronomy 8:15 and Numbers 21:4-9 [also refer article: The Ark of God]. Seraph, in Hebrew means ‘fiery serpent’ or ‘poisonous serpent.’ Recall, two of the definitions for the name Samael are poison of God and venom of God. In Egypt, the cobra was referred to as ‘the flaming one.’ Its icon was called Uraeus and adorned the Pharaoh’s headpiece.

Those Seraphs who rebelled have transformed from the beautiful creations they once were as per the prophecy in Genesis 3:15. That is, trapped in the lowest dimensions of the solar system and the Earth, losing their figurative wings and unable to reside further up the dimensional, vibrational ladder; ‘crawling on their bellies and eating dust’, living in the lesser spiritual densities such as the fourth dimension, just above our three physical dimensions. They have morphed from glorious dragons into reptilian like serpents and lizards; amphibian like frogs, Arachnid like spiders and scorpions; insectoid like locusts and Praying Mantis’ and possibly even xenomorph entities.

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, 2014, page 666 – emphasis and bold mine:

‘… elementals [the possible offspring between fallen Angels], who were obscure, distinct, spurious, subhuman beings lost to secular history… possessed a mysterious pygmy stature… [included are] the notorious elves, fairies, trolls, goblins, and… of course, the infamous, unexplained aliens… [also] gnomes, leprechauns, and the little people. Elementals are refugees from the flood utilizing Sidhes portals (with alien flying saucers) from the Otherworld and employed to serve dark angels… elementals are indeed the greys posing as aliens [if they are not biological robots]…reprobate beings serving the objectives of the rebellion and the destruction of humankind.’

Wayne raises an important point. We know there are angelic beings: the righteous and the fallen. The union with humans produced Nephilim and they in turn once deceased, became demonic entities – unclean, lying spirits. There is also a third type of spiritual being which does not answer to angel or demon. Wayne brings attention to elemental spirits and his conclusion about the Grey aliens may be correct if they are neither demonic or angelic. 

Putting the many pieces of the puzzle together, presents in conclusion, a clearer picture of the pivotal players in the early cosmos.

Asherah, began as the Ancient of Days first creation by, through and of his Wisdom. Asherah as Wisdom, steadily matured and grew from birth to womanhood; becoming the Most High’s friend, wife, lover and co-Creator. A beautiful and black ebony Cherub, in amazing contrast to Himself. Mother of the original angelic creation, a Goddess and with the Most High, the first Queen of Heaven. It would appear she was equated with Mother Earth or Gaia and the preceding old prototype Earth; Tiamat, the larger planet located on the far side of Mars. When she rebelled, Asherah’s planet and home world in this solar system was destroyed. Tiamat was pierced and cut in two; its atmosphere and surface life destroyed. Asherah morphed into an adversary and became Satan the Devil – a Leviathan and Dragon.

Why did Asherah break the status quo? It may have been simply the issue of being denied the co-equality she so craved. A level footing with the Ancient of Days was never going to be given. Even to His beloved Son, has He not given equality. This denial, perceived as a slight or betrayal, whether real or imagined, surely contributed to her actions. It was the English playwright and poet William Congreve, who wrote these lines in his play The Mourning Bride, in 1697:

‘Heav’n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn’d, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn’d.’

Which is where we have derived the saying of: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” The Ancient of Day’s plan for the full potential of humankind, was likely the trigger pulled or the button pushed in both Asherah’s and Samael’s minds. The rest is history as they say.

With regard to the temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden, the story involving Gadreel doesn’t sit right. The verse in the Book of Enoch, where Gadreel is stated as seducing Eve, appears an abrupt insertion running against the context and lacking integrity. As is the inclusion of Lilith, proven to be spurious ideology from the Kabbalah. Samael’s identity as a Serpent appears beyond question. Even so, he is not the Adversary, the Serpent of Old or the Great Red Dragon described in the Book of Revelation. 

He is though, the serpent in the garden of Eden who is cursed in Genesis 3:15. As it is Eve who has sexual relations thereby falling pregnant with Cain; the identity transgressing with her, must be that of a male. Samael posed as an angel of light, to deceive Eve in thinking she was with someone else… someone like the Lord God.

Angel of Light

Samael gained Eve’s trust by discrediting the Creator and successfully selling the Way of his mother Asherah, represented by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Serving as Samael’s introduction for sexual seduction and entrapment. To acknowledge that Eve was deceived into accepting the physical realm and sealed the deal with a sexual encounter is key. Eve then introduced Adam to sex. Adam did not have a relationship with the Serpent Samael.

1 Timothy 2:14

New English Translation

‘And Adam was not deceived, but the woman, because she was fully deceived, fell into transgression [sin].’ 

This was a massive act of sabotage, with Samael taking the lead role and the part of the perpetrator, in impregnating Eve. Eve thought she had been given Cain from the Lord, so the dupe was a good one – the most effectively sinister of all time. To be fair, Eve never ever stood a chance and this opens up a whole list of questions, as to why she was left vulnerable in the Garden, without Adam or the Lord God’s presence of protection. 

Lilith is mentioned in the Bible as is her twin brother Azazel. Anyone in the Bible, even if not mentioned often or even just once, is recorded for a reason and has more than a passing role. There are very few righteous spirit entities mentioned by name and similarly with fallen angels. Lilith as Azazel’s sister, is in turn Samael’s daughter by his own mother, Asherah. Incest appears to be the norm on the dark side of the gods family tree. Mentioned earlier, Apollyon has a sister, Artemis the huntress. The fact that Lilith is mentioned in the same chapter as Nimrod, also a mighty hunter, is a significant coincidence. Particularly in recognition of Nimrod’s association with Asshur-Russia and Lilith with Edom-Israel during end time events [refer Chapter XX Will the Real Assyria Stand Up: Asshur & Russia and Chapter XXIX Esau: The Thirteenth Tribe].

Lilith known as Semiramis, is both Nimrod’s mother and wife. If Azazel, the future Beast and an Antichrist with Nimrod his nephew, the second beast and False Prophet work together, we have a diabolically fascinating nuclear family.

More than one source, links Semiramis as the mother and wife of Ninus, the king attributed with the founding of the city of Nineveh the principal capital of Asshur and Assyria. It is Lilith and Nimrod, who are credited with the founding or continuation post-flood, of the Mystery Babylonian Religion and Mother goddess worship [Chapter XXI The Incredible Identity, Origin & Destiny of Nimrod]. 

Lilith is a spiritual harlot beginning with her incestuous relationships with her father Samael and later with her son Nimrod. Lilith continues her harlotry in the future as the Whore of Babylon, the woman who rides the scarlet red beast of false religion and deception.

The truth is truly stranger than fiction and no more so than here. 

We have covered considerable ground in this chapter. Thank you to the constant reader for sharing the journey. I appreciate that readers will not agree with everything stated, but I hope disagreement as well as affirmation can be springboards for future discussion in seeking to grow in grace and knowledge – 2 Peter 3:18. Some readers will wonder the significance of the title of the chapter, Alpha & Omega. 

They are literally the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The phrase means the ‘beginning and end’ or the ‘first and the last.’ It is specifically in reference to the Eternal God; though I have used it as a homage to the Ancient of days and the Son of Man, as no book about our beginnings, our history, our identity and our potential is complete without a chapter dedicated to them. 

Revelation 22:13

English Standard Version

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” [Revelation 21:6-7]

Revelation 1:8

The Message

The Master declares, “I’m A to Z. I’m The God Who Is, The God Who Was, and The God About to Arrive. I’m the Sovereign-Strong.” [Revelation 1:17-18]

Isaiah 44:6

Amplified Bible

‘For the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts says this, “I am the First and I am the Last; And there is no God besides Me.”‘

Exodus 3:13-14

English Standard Version

13 Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

All things began with the Father and all things have been accomplished and made manifest through his Son, who will complete all things – Acts 17:31, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Colossians 1:15-20, 2 Timothy 4:1, Revelation 3:14; 20:11-15; 22:12. 

They are, the Alpha and Omega.

Listen to me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom I called! I am he; I am the first, and I am the last.”

Isaiah 48:12 English Standard Version

“Only the bravest souls dare to participate in the most epic of journeys, such as the story of Earth.”

James Carwin

“The discovery of Earth as a nexus planet comes from the future. There are many extraterrestrial groups that come from 300 years in your future and have travelled back in time in order to prevent something unspeakable from happening. There is literally a race and a tug of war happening in space over your planet.”


© Orion Gold 2021 – All rights reserved. Permission to copy, use or distribute, if acknowledgement of the original authorship is attributed to